Train-the-Trainer Online Workshop: Transformative Learning - Global Citizenship Education


Train-the-Trainer Online Workshop: Transformative Learning - Global Citizenship Education

الجهة المنظمة
NGO Support Centre - Cyprus
Event Illustration

Education, and especially Global Citizenship Education, is commonly viewed as a key factor to promote local-global change towards a dignified and just future for all beings on the planet. But do we address the right issues? Do we already live the transformative potential of education to the fullest?

Three interactive ONLINE sessions offer impulses on transformation, decolonisation and transformative learning and invite to a space for sharing and exploring questions with fellow educators. Small activities between the online sessions invite the participants for more experiential learning and allow for a reflective transfer into their own organisational and educational practice.

Who is this training for?
This Train-the-Trainer Workshop is open for participation to CSO staff and volunteers, educators, trainers, activists, facilitators, and youth workers with experience in the GCE field and for people with curiosity for transformative learning.

Practical Information:
• To register, please complete the registration form.
• Participation Fee: 20 euro (pre-paid for the completion of the registration).
• Deadline for registration: Monday, 18th of January 2021.
• The working language of the training will be English.
• A certificate for participation to this training can be provided upon request.
Attendance to all 3 sessions is required for having consistency in the group.

Trainer: Timo Holthoff
Timo has worked in the CSO sector on Global Citizenship Education for 10 years. He is a trainer, lecturer, author and filmmaker for transformative and decolonial education and systemic change.

The online workshop is organised by the NGO Support Centre Cyprus as part of the Bridge 47 – Building Global Citizenship Project. Bridge 47 is a project of 12 European and 2 global partner organisations, co-funded by the European Union.

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