Public Opinion and Development Policy: Alignment Needed


Public Opinion and Development Policy: Alignment Needed

Public Opinion and Development Policy: Alignment Needed
Irene Paviotti
Istituto Affari Internazionali
سنة النشر
نبذة مختصرة

The article on Public Opinion and Development Policy: Alignment needed. This article discuses the need for alignment on development policy as according to the article the 5 largest donors the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and the United States of America the public each has different perceptions on what is the largest issue being faced on a global scale with the majority of countries saying that job security and wage growth being the largest issues but the may be more of a reflection of their own societies rather than on a global scale. Furthermore, on that scale the respective governments are actually decreasing their expenditure on development aid while in the majority of the countries mentioned the public would like an increase in the amount of development policy particularly in the area of climate change as according to the article that is of an increasing concern. Last but not least the public wants effective channels for development aids as they have heard horror stories about it being funnelled or directed to the wrong channels.
