Media Litracy for Women Empowerment


Media Litracy for Women Empowerment

A Focus on Greece and Tunisia
Aspasia Protogerou and Hadhami Henia
Fotoessa PC
سنة النشر
نبذة مختصرة

This paper explores the ongoing issue of gender inequality within the media of Tunisia and Greece. While acknowledging the challenges women face, it also highlights movements advocating for change. It identifies key obstacles, such as limited opportunities for women in media professions, stereotypical portrayals in media content, and restrictions on free expression. Additionally, the paper addresses the media literacy gap that hinders women's ability to critically analyze media messages.
To address these issues, the paper proposes innovative solutions through educational tools. These tools aim to equip users with critical media literacy skills, empower them to challenge stereotypes, and foster open-mindedness towards diverse viewpoints. Furthermore, the paper emphasizes the importance of empowering women through media creation.
The paper also highlights the need for intercultural dialogue between Tunisian and Greek organizations working on media and gender equality. Collaborative efforts, including sharing best practices and co-creating resources, are key to achieving a more equitable media landscape. Finally, the paper advocates for policy changes, industry action, mentorship programs, and integrating media literacy education into national curriculums. This framework aims to empower women in media and create a more inclusive environment that reflects the diverse voices of the Mediterranean region.
