Mulheres Brasileiras em Portugal e Violência de Gênero


Mulheres Brasileiras em Portugal e Violência de Gênero

Mary de Jesus Sá Dias; Natália Ramos
Universidade Lusófona
سنة النشر
نبذة مختصرة

Migration, a long-standing social phenomenon, has evolved in contemporary times, presenting diverse trends, including an increase in the number of immigrant women worldwide. This transformation is termed the "feminization of migration." In Portugal, the proportion of female immigrants has been steadily rising, and the country has become a destination for people from various backgrounds, particularly from PALOP countries, along with a growing presence of women. This study explores the challenges faced by female immigrants in Portugal, emphasizing the importance of legal, environmental, housing, economic, emotional, and psychological conditions in the integration process. Female immigrants, particularly those arriving without social networks and sometimes undocumented, are vulnerable to violence, including ethnic, sexist, and generational discrimination, intersecting with other social factors like class, nationality, and migratory status. Statistics from the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) show a consistent increase in the proportion of foreign women in Portugal since 2012. Between 1999 and 2008, the growth of female immigrants was 158%, highlighting the agency of women in migration decisions. Brazil is a prominent nationality among female immigrants in Portugal, representing a substantial portion of female residents. This reflection underscores the multifaceted challenges posed by migration and aims to examine whether immigration in a new country is a problem. It recognizes the importance of understanding the experiences and needs of female immigrants in this context.
