Albanian Forum for the Alliance of Civilizations

National Network

P.O.Box 8347
Bulv “Zogu I”, Pall.12 katesh (prane ZP)

+355 2235624
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00355 69 21 62 941
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

1. The Albanian Forum for the Alliance of Civilization has the following organizational scheme: President, Board of Directors, Executive Director, Project Manager, Coordinators. Total nr. of staff employed is 5. 2. AFLTC budget is based on different projects. The annual turnover is approximately 20.000 Euro. 3. Funds, grants, donations offered in a transparent way from domestic and foreign private entities, by Albanian local or central government, foreign counterparts. 4. Projects, Seminars, trainings, workshops, round-tables, researches, publications. 5. Robert Schuman Foundation, Sorros Foundation, Emmbassy of Kingdom of Spain in Albania, Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affaires, Albanian Ministry of Science and Education.

Mission and Objectives

A fundamental part of “AFALC”’s goal is to highlight the Albanian heritage, the harmonious co– habitation among various religious communities, the identification and presentation to the public of problems, in the global context of relations between the world of Islam and the Western worldAFALC acts in accordance with the main principles of the Alliance of Civilisation of United Nations. Emigration, Youth, Education and Media are four main priority fields of the activity. The target of AFALC activity is opinion and policy – making through the following elements: - Devising adequate scenarios and drafting policies over inter – religious and inter – cultural dialogue. - Building up/joining/formalising groups of interest, at home and abroad, aimed at respecting the human rights and fundamental fredoms, on cross-religious, cross-cultural and inter-ethnic leve, in support of secularity as well. - Exposing the stereotypes and contradictions in debates between the world of Islam and the Western world. - Creating the frames for a successful alternative co-habitation, politically desirable and practically achieveable, based on the Albanian model. - Bringing together high state leaders, experts, civil society from Albania and various foreign countries, in order to build up strategies and implementation plans to overcome the prejudices and to exchange perceptions, wherever they prove to be wrong. - Encouraging the promotion of a new generation of politicians with a cultural background, communication skills and solid international bonds, who would work on a well – informed, fair and peaceful society. - Establishment of partnerships with other similar organizations on regional and world scale, as well as with prestigious educational institutions, in terms of drafting educational programs for the youth, which should serve as catalysts for social change. - Facilitation/mediation in the “ Euroislamic” dialogue on the region and Europe. - Re-approachment of various representatives of religious communites, on the basis of the Albanian model.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects are the following: -Preparation and implementation of Albanian National Strategy in the framework of two years Plan of the “Alliance of Civilization”- in accordance with Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affaires -Historical relations between Albanian and Europe and its EU integration Perspective –Ministry of Science and Education -Identifying of Roma children minority that are not attending the obligatory education – Sorros Foundation Strengthen of managing capacity of roma business through fiscal assistance- Sorros Foundation The main activities are the following: -Seminar on Migration issues “Integration of Emigrants – A Common Challenge”- -Seminar: The Alliance of Civilization and the New Global Order

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Erjola Shaka
Head of the organisation
Ms. Erjola Shaka

Global Ecovillage Network for Europe, Middle East and Africa, (GEN-Europe)

National Network

Sieben Linden 1
38489 Beetzendorf

+49 39000 903197
Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
GEN-Europe is a non-profit membership organisation foun­ded in 1996 and open to a wide range of projects in Europe, Middle East and Africa regardless of their political, religious or cultural backgrounds. Its legal seat is in Beetzendorf, Germany where the main secretariat is located, branch offices in Italy and UK. GEN-Europe has around 5 part-time employees and an annual budget of EUR 110 000 from conference/course fees and membership fees. GEN Europe full members are fully established ecovillages and national networks (incorporating at least two ecovillages with elected representatives). Full members must be approved by the GEN-Europe council. Full members have voting rights at the General Assembly. GEN-Europe forms part of GEN International, an NGO with consultative status at the UN-Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) commission, and a partner of United Nations Institute for Training and Research, UNITAR.
Mission and Objectives

GEN-Europe is the European-African-Middle Eastern ecovillage association promoting social resilience, environmental pro­tection and restoration of nature through the concept of ecovillages as models for sustainable human settlements. We actively support the de­vel­opment of ecovillages and networks in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Main Projects / Activities

GEN-Europe participates at national and international events to represent and promote the ecovillage movement, e g COP 16 in Cancun.
GEN organises an annual conference and numerous courses and seminars with members and partners, as well as maintains email discussion groups.
Its own and member projects, initiatives and events are advertised in articles in Permaculture Magazine, the GEN database, GEN's inter-active web-site, on which you can regularly update your own pages
GEN-Europe selects and presents the European Ecovillage Excellence Award annually.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martina Grosse Burlage
Head of the organisation
Martina Grosse Burlage

Le Monde des Possibles

National Network

97 rue des Champs
4020 Liège

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
General Information
Association sans but lucratif, 20 personnes dans l'assemblée générale (rémunérées et volontaires) Ressources budgétaires moyennes de 100.000 euros. Visitez pour plus de détails financiers Sources de financement issues de la Région Wallonne, Commission européenne, Ville de Liège, Fondations privées (Roi Baudouin, Fortis...) Association de 1ière ligne qui accueille les personnes d'origine étrangère dans le cadre de cours de français, informatique, service social et actions interculturelles (projets portés par les migrantes eux-mêmes dans les écoles, centre de formation professionnelle,...) Les partenaires sont issus du quartier et de la Ville de Liège pour les actions quotidiennes d'enseignement. Pour les actions d'interpellation citoyenne, politique et juridique, les partenaires sont situés à Bruxelles (ENAR, PICUM, FAM, Lire et Ecrire...)
Mission and Objectives

Pour toute personne d'origine étrangère qui se présente au Monde des Possibles, nous tenons particulièrement à :
Un accueil sans réserve des personnes issues des migrations :
L'accueil est universel et sans réserve. Quelles que soient sa religion, sa nationalité, son appartenance à un groupe social, ses opinions politiques, toute personne qui se réclame de la Convention de Genève relative aux primo-arrivants doit pouvoir bénéficier d'un accueil dans notre pays et peut faire appel à notre association.
Une indépendance affirmée :
N'affichant aucune appartenance politique, philosophique ou religieuse, Le Monde des Possibles intervient sans relâche auprès des pouvoirs publics et des institutions parlementaires nationales et européennes, dès que l'exercice du droit d'asile est menacé.
Une action continue :
Offrir un refuge à ceux qui craignent d'être persécutés, c'est affirmer une solidarité avec les primo-arrivants qui ne doit pas dépendre des fluctuations de la politique internationale ou des variations du chômage. Nous travaillons à l’élaboration d’instruments juridiques qui soutiennent cette démarche. (collaborations avec le MRAX, La ligue des droits de l’Homme…)

Main Projects / Activities

Les actions globales sont :

Cours de français langue étrangère (FLE) et d’informatique sur 6 niveaux pour personnes primo-arrivantes – inscriptions permanentes. 700 personnes en moyenne par an - 67 nationalités différentes - toutes les orientations philosophiques sont présentes.

Cours d’informatique pour personnes inscrites au FOREM (formation professionnelle). (PMTIC)

Espace Public Logopédique – soutien logopédique aux enfants de migrants.

Service social (soutien administratif et juridique) et juridique.

Actions interculturelles initiées et portées par les personnes migrantes (jardin et cuisine communautaire, projets artistiques, narrations autobiographiques....)

Participation aux rencontres internationales, stratégies de diffusion des politiques promotrices des droits fondamentaux (2006 Conseil de l'Europe, 2007 DG Egalité des Chances, 2009 Rencontre entre prof/animateurs Anna Lindh Beyrouth)

Head of the organisation
Alexandre Destrument

Kulturos centras "In Actio"

National Network

Laisvės pr. 60-1107

+370 6 101 38 44
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Kultūros centras "IN ACTIO" is organization based in Vilnius, capital of Lithuania. Being active for more than 10 years it developed a wide network of local/international partners and supporters. Main partner is Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt). Activities and actions of “IN ACTIO” are organized based on voluntary background or by supporting of various national or international foundations, local governmental institutions. From 2011 to 2014 organization was elected as Head of Lithuanian network of Anna Lindh foundation. During this period main activities of Lithuanian network were developed as example could be taken “Arab Cultural Days” which became permanent event of Lithuanian network of ALF. In 2013 “IN ACTIO“ together with Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania and ALF has organized the annual meeting of the Heads of Network of the ALF. Event was included into official program of Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. In 2010 organization created and continuously developing official website of Lithuanian network of ALF -
Mission and Objectives

Main mission of “IN ACTIO” is to promote Social Inclusion and Intercultural Dialogue. In order to reach the mission, organization initiates and implements local and international programs and projects.  Mainly they are with a focus on Social, Cultural, Educational themes.
Through our actions we promote Human Rights education, Social Inclusion and Sustainable Development, Cross-Sectoral cooperation, Development Cooperation with African and Asian countries.

Main Projects / Activities

“IN ACTIO” unites professionals whose’ knowledge is based from working in different spheres and structures – Ministries, Business, Governmental and Non-governmental institutions. Such membership directly reflects to our activities, as it provides opportunity to overview any issue from different point of view and find best solution for it.
Seminars and training's on Intercultural Dialogue, Human Rights education, Cross Sectoral cooperation; Development Programs on National, International and Transcontinental level; promotion of Volunteerism; Integration of Refugees – this is just a small example of topics and activities on which is focusing “IN ACTIO”.
By cooperating with the wide network of the partner institutions, “IN ACTIO” implements activities by itself and also helps to find reliable partners inside Lithuania or other countries. For a moment we are cooperating with more than 50 countries. Seeking its mission "IN ACTIO" helps for Non governmental institutions or international projects runners to develop visibility strategies and different MEDIA programs, especially on topics of Intercultural Dialogue and Social Inclusion.
If You are searching for trusted partner in BALTIC COUNTRIES, we will be happy to help You!

Contact (1) Full Name
Dovilė Rupšytė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dovilė Rupšytė

Epilogi Cultural Movement

National Network

Gladstonos 99 & Antoni Loucaide Corner
Oasis Court D1
3032 Limassol

+357 25580650
+357 25580650
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information

The Cultural Movement EPILOGI is a non-profit organization, founded in November 1992 on the initiative of a number of people of culture who had a vision of contributing towards a society based on values and thus to a better World. EPILOGI was founded after mature thinking, to fulfil the need for a vibrant cultural life in the town of Limassol. The name “EPILOGI”, which in Greek means “choice” was given to the organization to express its aim of giving a choice to the audience of Limassol and Cyprus. Today, EPILOGI is the largest cultural NGO in Cyprus with over 250 members mostly under the age of 30, who are actively involved in its programs. The organization is governed by a 15-member committee that include prominent artists and activists from various fields of culture, all voluntarily working on daily basis towards a shared vision. It also has 6 members of staff that include Artistic Director, Executive Director, Chief Administration and Technical staff. EPILOGI Cultural Movement is a member of the Association of Limassol Cultural Organizations, and it is an associated member of Jeunesses Musicales International, while our Children’s and Youth Choirs are members of the European Federation of Young Choirs “EUROPA CANTAT”. Through international cultural exchanges, EPILOGI has had the opportunity to co-operate with choirs and other cultural institutions around Europe. Among our major supporters are Co-operative Savings Bank of Limassol, the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, OPAP, Cyprus Youth Board and many others.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Epilogi is youth and community development through arts that is achieving through organizing permanent cultural programs, like choirs and ad hoc ones like concerts, festivals, youth camps and exchanges, youth orchestras and bands, seminars and symposiums about arts.

Main Projects / Activities

EPILOGI has been presented in the cultural life of Cyprus through its 4 choirs (Choral Workshop, Children’s Choir, Youth Choir and Mixed Choir), other musical performances, festivals and concerts, the yearly organized art competitions for young talents and various events dedicated to literature, thus covering an audience of over 10,000 people every year. The Committee led by the Chairman Mr. Costas Constantinou, along with the Artistic Director Mrs. Angelina Nikolaidou-Spanou, one of the most distinguished Cypriot choir-leaders, has put EPILOGI choirs on the spot of the international choral life. Our choirs have visited many European Countries and won international prizes, e.g. Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals at the Grand Prix St. Petersburg 2009 - III. World Choir Festival and Slovakia Cantat 2010 in Bratislava.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tatiana Tsietti
Head of the organisation
Mrs Tatiana Tsietti

Teatro dell'Argine

National Network

c/o ITC Teatro Via Rimembranze 26
40068 San Lazzaro di Savena

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
General Information
The co-op Teatro dell'Argine is a theatre company having the artistic direction of the City Theatre of San Lazzaro, "ITC Teatro". It organises a wide range of activities, having cultural and social objectives: production and hospitality of Italian and international theatre and dance shows, music concerts and theatre festivals; workshops for professionals and non-professionals, children, adolescents, immigrants, refugees, disabled people. It has a President and a Board of Directors (8), plus about 9 workers and 20 collaborators. Budgetary resources available in a year is 600.000 euro. 20% of the funds in a year are provided by both public (Town Council of S.Lazzaro, Provincia di Bologna, Region Emilia-Romagna) and private (Fondazione Carisbo, CARISBO Bank and others) funding. 80% of the expenses is covered by Teatro dell'Argine itself, through workshops activities and box office of productions in ITC Teatro and on tour. Main non-funding partners are Bologna University, Emergency, AMREF, Caritas.
Mission and Objectives

Creating and diffusing theatre culture among people of all ages, and, above all, among the young (6-18 years old). They are actively involved in several special projects, created for them and ruled together with them.

Using theatre as a way to talk about contemporary society problems, with a particular focus on the most poor or troubled world areas (in the past, we produced projects on Palestine, Nicaragua, Brazil, Mozambique, Iran, Bolivia); on problems connected to Italian emigration abroad or to the very actual topic of foreign immigration in Italy, that has inspired the most recent work with immigrants and refugees from Africa, Central and South America, Asia and the Middle East.

Researching new forms of art expression, mixing theatre, cinema and the visual arts.

Vocational training of young professional artists (actors, playwrights, directors, set and light designers) and organisers (press office, administration, promoters and scouts).

Main Projects / Activities

Artistic Direction of ITC Teatro, staging every year several seasons: contemporary dramaturgy, children’s shows, literature and music festivals, Censimento Spettacolo and Premio Scenario (a festival and an award for young Italian theatre companies), the School Theatre Festival (the greatest festival for school theatre groups in Italy), “The Scene of the Meeting”, the newly born multicultural festival.

Italian and international production and co-production of new plays (the English-Italian production of “The March-La marcia” with Badac Theatre, the German-Italian production of “Täglich Brot-Pane Quotidiano” with Claudia Hamm, and the Palestinian-Italian production of Kafka’s Metamorphosis with Al-Harah Theatre), and hospitalities of foreign companies (German Familie Flöz, British Théâtre de l’Ange Fou, Iranian Theatre Bazi, Romanian Foundatia Parada, Spanish Alta Realitat, British Nigel Charnock).

Theatre workshops for professionals and non-professionals, children, adolescents, immigrants, refugees, disabled people.

Workshops researching new forms of art expression, mixing theatre, cinema and the visual arts.

Head of the organisation
Pietro Floridia

Galilee Foundation for Value Education

National Network

Moshav Shorashim
D. N. Misgav 20164

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
General Information
We are a registered non-profit foundation in Israel, governed by a board of 7 community leaders living the Galilee, and employing a staff of about 10 full and part time educators and one administrator. We have about 20 volunteers active in our various projects. Our annual budget is about $350,000, of which a third comes from program fees, and two thirds from foundations, communities, and individuals. All of our work is through concrete projects: We operate cultural programming for our region - lectures, festivals, film series, courses, etc. In addition we operate an encounter program for Jewish and Arab youth, a Jewish-Arab youth circus, and a Hebrew/Arabic internet newspaper. In Jewish cultural programming we work with the Jewish Agency, the ORT network, and the Hebrew University. In Jewish Arab programming we work independently.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: To bring about social change toward the goal of an open, just, and humane society in Israel - by means of direct educational encounter of the learner with persons, places, and texts - working with the entire spectrum of Israeli society.

Fostering of mutual understanding and cooperation between different ideological and religious streams in Judaism

Fostering of mutual understanding and cooperation between Jews and Arabs in the Galilee

Deepening and strengthening the links between Israel and the Diaspora

Education for the application of humane, Jewish values in Israeli society

Deepening the connection to the Jewish heritage in the Galilee

Main Projects / Activities

Arab-Jewish youth circus

Hebrew/Arabic internet newspaper

Youth leadership training program in Arab communities

Jewish-Arab youth encounter seminars

Pluralistic Jewish culture center: films, lectures, courses, festivals, holiday events

Curriculum development and teacher training projects

Value-education tourism programs in Galilee sites

Head of the organisation
Dr. Marc J. Rosenstein

Elmadina for Performing and Digital Arts

National Network

8 Talaat Harb, Downtown

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
General Information
Founded in 2000 as an independent group at Alexandria – Egypt , transformed to a company with limited liability in 2011. Elmadina created the nucleus of its division and directions in the nineties of the last century. Elmadina presents contemporary theater and digital arts. And considers theater is interactive format between artists and the recipient (audience), Seeking for developing a way of working that develop actors socially and technically to train as he lives and lives as he trains. Elmadina believes that arts have always a social, political and developing direction and targets women and youth including targeted community implies a Whole. Numbers of staff employed are 5 persons (director, executive director, coordinator, secretary, administrative assistant) Budgetary resources and main partners are (Embassy of the kingdom of Netherlands, Al Mawred Elshaqafy, Swedish institute in Alexandria, Zinc lafriche and Studio Emad Eldeen)
Mission and Objectives

Artistic and literary activities are a social necessity that demands moral and material support by all active powers in the society.

To nurture a new generation of artists Alexandria.

To stimulate dialogue among intellectuals and artists on important cultural issues.

To promote cooperation between artists and their counterparts in the developing world.

Main Projects / Activities

From the most important projects of Elmadina is
“Alexandria forum for independent theater and contemporary arts” which aims to develop the independent theater artists and groups through training, production and touring programs.
“Studio Elmadina” is the first professionally specialized in Actors creation and theater training in Alexandria. Its importance to fill the gap in training needs in acting and theater fields.
Theater and multimedia production about Migration, cultural diversity, women and mobility.

Josep Ferré

M. Ferré has more than 15 years of experience in conceptualising and leading policy-oriented research projects and an extensive background in cooperation development programmes and networks management. 

HRH Rym Ali

Her Royal Highness Princess Rym Ali founded in 2007 the Jordan Media Institute (JMI), a non-profit institution whose aim is to establish an Arab center of excellence for journalism education ( 

She has also been a member of the Board of Commissioners of the Royal Film Commission - Jordan since July 2005 ( and she is the president of the Amman International Film Festival - Awal Film ( since 2019.