Hellenic Foundation for Culture

National Network

50, Stratigou Kallari – 15442, Palaio Psychico, Athens - Greece
111 45 Athens

+30 2106776540
Telephone (other)
+30 2106725826
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Others
General Information

The Hellenic Foundation for Culture seeks to promote Greek culture and to disseminate Greek language throughout the world. Since its foundation in 1992, it has created Branches in Odessa, Alexandria and Berlin, and there are offices of representatives in London, Moscow, Vienna, Brussels, Washington and Beijing. In 2008, the plan was announced to found Hellenic Houses of Culture in Trieste, Belgrade, Bucharest, Tirana and Sofia

Mission and Objectives

The Foundation offers lessons in the Greek language, organizes cultural events, publishes books and maintains public libraries in their branch offices.

Main Projects / Activities

To be updated.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Prof. Georgios Babiniotis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Prof. Georgios Babiniotis
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Stefanos Vallianatos
Job Title (2)
(International Relation Dep. - Coordinator)

FORUM FEMMES MEDITERRANEE ( Mediterranean Women Forum)

National Network

51 rue des Dominicaines
13001 Marseille

00334919114 89
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Depuis 1998, le FFM a créé un espace de dialogue et de citoyenneté pour les femmes migrantes, quelle que soient leurs origines, milieux sociaux, leurs religions. Il a participé et organisé diverses rencontres internationales. Depuis 15 ans, nous avons créé à Marseille un groupe de recherche « Les Filles d’Abraham en dialogue » pour réfléchir sur le rôle que les femmes ont joué dans l’histoire des religions et sur les discriminations subissent. Il est composé de femmes de plusieurs religions, des croyantes et des athées, toutes attachées aux valeurs de la République dont la laïcité. De plus, le FFM a crée un réseau d’association de Femmes migrantes et a réuni à Marseille, à 8 reprises ces associations dans le cadre du réseau européen.

Mission and Objectives

Créée en novembre 1993, 3 ans avant le lancement du partenariat euro-méditerranéen de Barcelone, novembre 1995, NOS OBJECTIFS :

• Agir contre les discriminations sexistes et les violences envers les femmes,

• Faire appliquer l’égalité juridique et conquérir l’égalité des chances,

• Favoriser le co-développement et la mise en place de projets générateurs de revenus en vue de promouvoir l’autonomie financière des femmes.

Le FFM est à la fois :

• un organisme de recherche (co-rédaction d’un rapport sur la situation des femmes en méditerranée avec le FEMISE, organisation de colloques),

• une association qui soutient des projets de créations d’activités génératrices de revenus en Algérie, au Maroc et en France autour du tourisme solidaire et qui organise des sessions de formation pour aider les femmes à réunir les meilleures conditions de développement de leur entreprise,

• une association qui met en place des initiatives culturelles ponctuelles (concours international de nouvelles, édition de recueils.)

Main Projects / Activities

Le FFM participe à différences instances culturelles locales et nationales. Il est membre du groupe de travail mis en place par le Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (« Genre et Développement). Il a rédigé, en collaboration avec l’Institut de la Méditerranée, un rapport sur la situation des femmes en Méditerranée (Jordanie, Egypte, Algérie, Tunisie, Maroc) qui a été distribué aux ministres des droits des femmes lors de la réunion d’Istanbul en 2009.

Le FFM soutient la création d’Activités Génératrices de revenus en Algérie (Blida et Alger) au Maroc (Tanger, Fès, Marrackech et Rabat, à Tunis ( Sousse, Nabeul, Sfax, Monastir) dans 3 secteurs d’activités : le tourisme solidaire, l’artisanat, la confection de produits de beauté, l’entreprenariat écologique. Nous avons également participer à la création de pôles locaux de l’égalité dans plusieurs villes des pays arabes, rédigé des articles, rapports de suivi des conférences ministérielles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mme Fouchier Esther
Job Title
Head of the Organisation
Head of the organisation
Madame Esther FOUCHIER / Ms. Sandrine GILLET
Contact (2) Full Name
Mme Sandrine GILLET
Job Title (2)
Head of Network

Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI Mediterranean Studies Project)

National Network

TAPRI, Faculty of Social Sciences, FI-33014 University of Tampere
33014 Tampere

+358 40 190 1592
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI) is a multidisciplinary and international research centre, whose mission is to conduct high quality research on the causes of war, non-violent resolution of conflicts, and conditions for peace. In accordance with the present research program the focus of research is on peaceful change, to which all projects are related. TAPRI research is open and its results are published on international and national academic forums, including the Institute’s own publication series. TAPRI researchers also engage in teaching in their fields, mainly on post-graduate and post-doctoral levels. In accordance with TAPRI’s national mandate, as confirmed by the Ministry of Education, TAPRI researchers teach in several Finnish universities. TAPRI research has from the very beginning been based on an extensive international co-operation and networking. TAPRI and its researchers also bring their contribution to the debates in the Finnish society. This societal service function includes information to the media, civil society organizations, and educational institutions.
Mission and Objectives

TAPRI research is based on the Nordic, as well as on the broader European tradition of peace research. The overarching goal is to study the root causes of wars and conflicts, the processes of their emergence and development, as well as the conditions for conflict resolution and sustainable peace. TAPRI also undertakes the responsibility to further develop peace and conflict research in Finland. Its activities have from the beginning been multi-disciplinary and international, and this is the case today more than ever before.
TAPRI research domains deal with problems caused by structural violence both within and between states, as well as with conflict management and resolution, peace and reconciliation processes, and the social and political challenges of post-conflict situations.
TAPRI research themes are at least partly linked with specific geographic areas. The research on the Arctic region provides a particular perspective on global environmental politics and development, as well as on related conflicts. The institute’s European studies touches upon various themes, such as global governance, ethnic and national conflicts, border formation, and human mobility. A considerable part of the research on Europe centers on the Balkans and Russia, as well as the neighboring Eastern European and Central Asian states. Topics such as conflict management and resolution, prevention, reconciliation and mediation are particularly relevant in this context. TAPRI’s research activities on the Mediterranean and Euro-Mediterranean relations focus on international politics in the region, on their cultural and socio-economic dimensions, as well as internal development, domestic social movements, the youth, and the movement of people.
The decrease of inter-state conflicts and the increase of internal violence in recent decades have given rise to new themes of peace research. One of the most important contributions of TAPRI to the development of these new themes has to do with the role of gender relations and youth in conflict management and resolution. Much emphasis has been put on gender-based violence and the UN Resolution 1325 in this connection. One of the latest innovations is visual peace research, which approaches the traditional peace research agenda from the point of view of visual images and art. The aim is to provide a deeper understanding of the different dimensions of conflicts with the help of new kinds of representations and narratives.
In addition to continuing the existing traditions and further developing new research themes and approaches , TAPRI participates in the qualitative development of peace and conflict research regarding both theory and methods.
TAPRI’s research activities are largely comprised of individual research projects, which vary in their extent and duration.

Main Projects / Activities

Peace research, projects, seminars, conferences, teaching in Master and Doctoral level, TAPRI research grant etc

Contact (1) Full Name
Tuomo Melasuo
Job Title
Professor Emeritus
Head of the organisation
Tarja Väyrynen

NGO Mondo

National Network

Telliskivi 60a-5
10412 Tallinn Estonia

00372677 5445
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The Estonian School of Diplomacy (ESD, www.edk.edu.ee)  is a foundation/non-profit institution with an objective to promote theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of international relations, European integration, diplomacy and public administration reform. In this framework ESD organizes: •scholarship programs •management of international consultancy/training projects •advanced tailor-made training courses •scientific research and development •publishing. Over the years ESD has carried out several projects focusing on sharing Estonia’s reform experience and integration into the EU and NATO, foreign service formation, international relations, cooperation and diplomacy, international negotiations, state and democracy building, public administration reform. A number of tailor-made training projects have been launched for diplomats and civil servants from Afghanistan, Central Asia, Kosovo, Iraq, and Palestine.

Mission and Objectives

The Estonian School of Diplomacy (ESD, www.edk.edu.ee)  is a foundation/non-profit institution with an objective to promote theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of international relations, European integration, diplomacy and public administration reform. In this framework ESD organizes: •scholarship programs •management of international consultancy/training projects •advanced tailor-made training courses •scientific research and development •publishing. Over the years ESD has carried out several projects focusing on sharing Estonia’s reform experience and integration into the EU and NATO, foreign service formation, international relations, cooperation and diplomacy, international negotiations, state and democracy building, public administration reform. A number of tailor-made training projects have been launched for diplomats and civil servants from Afghanistan, Central Asia, Kosovo, Iraq, and Palestine.

Main Projects / Activities

•scholarship programs •management of international consultancy/training projects •advanced tailor-made training courses •scientific research and development •publishing.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kristi Ockba
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Head of Network Kristi Ockba
Contact (2) Full Name
Triinu Ossinovski
Job Title (2)
Board member

Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs

National Network

46 Makedonitissas Av., P.O. Box 24005
1700 Nicosia

+357-2284 1661
Telephone (other)
+357 22 84 16 56
E-Mail (2)
Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Andreas Theophanous
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Prof. Andreas Theophanous
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Anthos I. Shekeris
Job Title (2)
Senior Research Officer

National Foundation for Civil Society Development

National Network

Štrigina 1a
10000 Zagreb

+385 (0)1 23 99 100
+385 (0)1 23 99 111
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The National Foundation is the leading public institutions for the cooperation, linking and financing of civil society organisations in Croatia, which has held the internationally recognised HRN ISO 9001:2000 certificate for the management of the process of grant allocation to associations since 2006.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: The mission of the National Foundation is to promote and support civil society development in Croatia. Vision: Through its activities the National Foundation strives to achieve active citizenship in the development of a modern, democratic and inclusive society in the Republic of Croatia. Goals that the National Foundation aims to achieve through its activities are: Encouraging citizens to action, involvement and participation in community development; Building the capacities of civil society; Development of cross-sectoral cooperation and cooperation between civil society organisations; Increasing public influence and visibility of the work of civil society organisations; Development of social entrepreneurship and employment in the non-profit sector; Increasing the influence of civil society in the process of adopting public policies. The values on which the vision of the National Foundation and its goals are based are: respect for human rights, the public nature of its work, the responsibility of all participants in the development of the community, cooperation and dialogue between all participants in the development of society, availability of information, tolerance and respect for variety and non-violence.

Main Projects / Activities

By calls for expression of interest in cooperation with civil society organisations and other legal entities, the National Foundation performs a part of its operational activities through a joint implementation of research, support in the implementation of non-profit media projects, exchange of knowledge by co-financing participation of civil society organisations’ representatives in international events and the arrival of international experts to Croatia, as well as the implementation of international developmental aid by which civil society organisations from Croatia transfer their knowledge and experience to partner organisations in developing countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Cvjetana Plavša-Matić
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ms Cvjetana Plavša-Matić
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Pavle Schramadei

Association International Initiatives for Cooperation

National Network

Ekzarh Yosif Str. Razlog 2760 . P.O. Box 37
2760 Bulgaria

00359 898 522 414
00359 747 80691
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Association “International Initiatives for Cooperation” (IIC) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation established in 2003. The association is working on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, having its head office in the town of Razlog. The mission of the association is to develop and build up the capacity of the civil society in Bulgaria through designing and implementing different projects, activities and initiatives aimed at promoting the cultural, social and economic development of the country and respectively of the municipalities on its territory. In order to achieve its mission the association has directed its efforts in the following fields: YOUTH WORK: The organisation invests a lot of resources in building up the capacity and the potential of young people in various aspects of their personal and professional development. The young people that take part in the activities of the organisation and that collaborate on initiatives and projects grow up into conscious multipliers of the best practices and the philosophy of the organisation and spread the common human values in their communities. With the support of the association the volunteers develop, implement and take part in a number of projects such as seminars, training courses and youth exchanges related to different topics. They promote active citizenship and sustainable development through organising various initiatives and proposing alternative forms of behaviour and attitude towards community problems.  SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The association engages different groups in addressing and solving community issues. The members of the association provoke citizens’ critical thinking and help them elaborate tailor-made appropriate solutions to local community problems thus giving them the active role to build their own personal, social, cultural, political and economic life in the community. The organisation creates ad-hoc groups to tackle issues of concern for the local development. Also, there are voluntary teams of different age, interests and nationalities who support the local development proposing multidisciplinary, multifaceted and multicultural approaches. CULTURE Since 2007, association “International Initiatives for Cooperation” is the Head of the Bulgarian Network of “Anna Lindh – Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures”. Since then the organisation has been implementing a number of activities and initiatives aimed at promoting the intercultural dialogue among the civil society in Bulgaria and in the Euro-Med region. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Since its very beginning IIC is developing and implementing a number of activities aimed at creating equal opportunities, improving the quality of life of people with fewer opportunities, fighting discrimination and xenophobia and promoting tolerance among members of the civil society. Some of the most significant activities in this field are the construction of a sheltered home for elderly people, establishment and development of a resource center for young people, reducing juvenile delinquency, surveys and researches concerning the roots and manifestations of racism and xenophobia and methods and approaches to fight these manifestations. TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION Since 2003 IIC have been implementing a number of activities related to the improvement of the transparency and accountability of the state administration. The most significant projects in this field consist of the delivery of trainings related to good and transparent governance and the delivery of quality services to citizens by the municipal officials and people working in the judicial system. FUNDAMENTAL CIVIL RIGHTS The association has been actively involved in providing services to citizens both with the purpose of encouraging their active participation and building awareness about their rights as citizens of Bulgaria and Europe. Researches have been made, trainings have been delivered and information has been regularly provided to certain vulnerable groups. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IIC also works towards the promotion of economic development. The most significant activity in that field is a project financed by “6th Framework Programme” which aims at providing services and support to companies working in the field of renewable energy production. IIC has already made a step towards developing and implementing projects and initiatives related to alternative sustainable tourism and offering consultancy and logistic support to SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) in the process of European integration and the implementation of projects financed by the European structural funds.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the organisation is to support the sustainable social, economic and cultural development of the local communities. The main objectives of the Association are:  Development and strengthening the spiritual values and the civic society on the basis of the principles of democracy; stimulating the civic participation in the local self-government and the decision-making process and the process of establishing relationship and respect towards civic rights and responsibilities; contributing to the development of a national and local capacity that will stimulate and support the social and economic development of the country and the target region including the stimulation for developing industry, agriculture, trade, services, tourism in all its forms (cultural, historic, religious, business and congress, rural, medical, ecotourism, etc.), intellectual labour and others, also through assistance to attract funds and implement projects; supporting the family business, small and medium-sized enterprises; development and implementation of measures to fight poverty; socialization of the disabled, the poor and those that need help in their personal realization; development of education, health services and sports; enrichment of culture with European values and the culture of different ethnic, religious and social groups, living in the country and the region through activities for interethnic and intercultural integration, communication and acceptance of differences; harmonic co-existence with the different ethnos and religious tolerance; assisting the institutions, the local authorities and the non-profit making organizations to solve conflicts that arise on the basis of everyday life and age differences, social, economic and ethnic reasons; protection of the environment and the biological development; active cooperation with the other non-profit making organizations with the purpose to increase the capacity and the role of the civic sector in public life; improving the image of the country abroad as well as the image of Mesta Region and all municipalities on its territory in the country and abroad; Development and implementation of activities for youth development and application of local, national and international (European) policies and strategies.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth in Action, Action 4.4 2009-4774/4004-001 IIC youthNET 4 News Europe for Citizens 2010-1909/001-001 IIC PEACE Youth in Action 3.2 2010-3420/001-001 IIC Steps4 NGOs Youth in Action 3.1.2 BG-11-A3.1.2-296-R2 IIC Building Euromediterranean Cooperation through EVS Anna Lindh Foundation ALF-CFT/2012/01 IIC NSDS Step 5 Youth in Action 2 BG-11-A2-532-R5 IIC Make a Difference Nepal “MaD Nepal” Justice JUST/2012/FRAC/AG/2722 PAR Association, Portugal Community of Citizens: EU Youth sharing their values Justice JUST/2012/FRAC/2868 National Institute for Social Integration, Lithuania The Address of Human Rigths Journalism Europe for Citizens 2011-3875/001-001 IIC MOViE Youth in Action 3.2 2012-3239/001-001 IIC Steps In Youth in Action 2 BG11/A2/532/R5 IIC WINNEVS Operational Programme Trasnational and Interregional Cooperation BG051PO001-7.0.01-0066 IIC MOST Youth in Action 2 2012-5376/001-001 IIC Make a Difference-Mexico “MaD Mexico” Youth in Action 1.1 BG13/A1.1/101/R1 IIC Cultural MIsh-Mash Youth in Action 2 541521-2-BG-2013-R1 IIC WINNEVS2 Youth in Action 2 2013-5292/001-001 IIC Make a Difference- Vietnam “MaD Vietnam” Anna Lindh Foundation ALF-CTF/2013/17 IIC NSDS_Step 6 Erasmus + Capacity Building 2014-1124 / 001-001 IIC STEPs4LIFE

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Kostadinka Todorova
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Ms. Kostadinka Todorova
Contact (2) Full Name
David Raigal
Job Title (2)
Project coordinator

Youth Resource Centre (ORC)

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hadzi Bakirbega Tuzlica 1
75000 Tuzla
Bosnia & Herzegovina

00387 35 258 077
00357 35 258 077
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00387 61 194 304
Mobile Phone (other)
00387 61 168 929
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Omladinski Resursni Centar Tuzla (Youth Resource Centre Tuzla, ORC Tuzla) is an organization for and led by young people, focusing on peace-building, reconciliation, the prevention of violent extremism and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

In January 2004, the inaugural assembly of the ORC Tuzla took place. Prior to 2004 and since 1995, we were a part of the international organization Helsinki Citizen’s Assembly (hCa), specifically of its branch operating in Tuzla. ORC Tuzla is coordinating the Youth Network in BiH, an ongoing project since 1997, which was started in 1997 on initiative and coordination of the hCa organizations from Banja Luka and Tuzla.

Mission and Objectives

The decision to found and register this centre was made based on the neglected needs of youth. Most of the NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina had been working in cooperation with international organizations or institutions, but youth organizations were left to themselves. Most of them did not know what to do in that situation and had to close their offices. This was a common scenario for youth organizations in smaller communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which were not able to fulfill basic needs of young people without adequate help. ORC Tuzla will offer support and help to all youth organizations in need of assistance.

The lack of contacts and cooperation between the youth organizations in BiH has also motivated us to start with this initiative. Special attention was directed towards young people that live in small communities and cities in BiH, a mission that still lives on to this day. Since 2004, ORC Tuzla has continued with this project and has made it a trademark of sustainability for youth projects in BiH.

Main Projects / Activities

We are regularly publishing our monthly newsletter and sending it to over 5.000 email addresses each month. This has been an ongoing project since 1999 and we have published 248 editions of the monthly bulletin.

For the past several years, ORC Tuzla is actively working on including digital and online tools in youth work. In addition, as we are witnessing a rapid rise of violent extremism and spread of extremist narratives on social media, we have made prevention of violent extremism one of our top priorities in BiH and in the rest of Europe. We have started an online initiative, Citizens Against Terrorism (CAT BiH) as an answer to extremist narratives directed at young people in BiH. CAT BiH is now the largest youth-led internet initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our initiative promotes alternative and countering narratives, creating opportunities for young people in online and offline spaces. We currently have 6 active local teams in different communities in the country. CAT local teams are coordinated by youth leaders from the targeted communities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Miralem Tursinovic
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Mr. Miralem Tursinovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Emir Sejranic

Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip)

National Network

Währinger Straße 3/12
1090 Vienna

0043 1581110616
Telephone (other)
0043 15811106
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

The Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip) is an independent, non-profit think-tank. The oiip was the first Institute in Austria to focus on globalization, European integration, comprehensive security, and the comparative study of international affairs. Established in 1978 by the then Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, the Institute has advised on public policy, conducted primary scientific research, supported the international academic exchange and played a key role in hosting international conferences and as a venue for second track-diplomacy. Members of the Institute publish widely, are consulted by the government, and regularly feature in the national media. The Institute maintains a number of publications, and works closely with other national and international research institutions. The institute has 4 basic areas: 1.Basic Research to questions of Comprehensive Human Security in International Relations and in Comparative Regional Research (Africa, Asia, Mediterrean and Turkey, Middle East, Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe, USA, and Western Europe) 2.Applied research and scientific policy advice to government 3.Publications 4.Events •

Mission and Objectives

The oiip represents Austria in a number of international associations, and enjoys bilateral contacts with over three-dozen international research Institutes. •The supervisory board reflects the heritage of the oiip and its important role in providing advice on public policy. Past and present board members include national politicians as well as the leading figures of various ministries, public bodies, and important private institutions.  

Main Projects / Activities

The work of the oiip is based on three fields of research. The research area „Global Security Governance“ focuses on the conceptual and epistemological level of international security. The field „Power Transition and Diffusion“ concentrates on the distribution of power and the power diffusion process on various levels. The third research area, „Comparative Foreign & Security Policy Analysis“, analyzes and compares the concrete drafting of policies on a regional, state and sub-state level. The research of the oiip is based on the current debate on International Relations Theories. 1. Global Security Governance At the beginning of the 21st century, the world is going through a far-reaching transformation process. Events and developments have become increasingly interdependent. As a result, the multi-layered, and often new challenges, cannot be solved unilaterally. This leads to a transformation of the international and regional power structure power as numerous state and non-state actors gain in significance. This contains both a discourse on the theoretical approaches as well as the practical political analysis of topics, such as humanitarian intervention, nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, as well as cyber-security. The scope of topics dealt with in this subject are: •Global Strategy •International Institutions •Humanitarian Intervention/Protection of Civilians/Responsibility to Protect •Disarmament, Nuclear non-proliferation, Arms control •Internet Governance •State Building/Peace Building/Resilience 2. Power Transition and Diffusion The research area „Power Transition and Diffusion“ focuses on the analysis of process-lead shifts of power structures on various global, state and regional levels. On one side this leads to the development of new global players, as well as a diffusion of power to social movements and non-state actors via political reform and transformation processes. The scope of topics dealt with in this subject are: •The Global Role of the USA •European Security •Emerging Powers •Social Movements and Non-State Actors •Islamism •Political Reform and Transformation Processes •Negotiation Processes in Post-Conflict Situations •Changing Geography of Science, Technology and Innovation (BRICS) •Science, Technology &Innovation and International Relations 3. Comparative Foreign & Security Policy Analysis On a methodological level, the area of „Comparative Foreign and Security Policy Analysis“ focuses on the implementation of concepts in the realm of policy making. The analyses of the concrete regional, state and sub-state policies are based on and supported by a comparative approach. The scope of topics dealt with in this subject are: •Austrian Foreign, Security Policy Analysis •EU-Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy •Comparative Regional Research •Security Concepts •Comparative Research on the Causes of Wars and Conflicts •Democratization

Contact (1) Full Name
Sophie Reichelt
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Mr. Cengiz Günay

Association Nationale du patrimoine algérien « Tourath Djazairna »

National Network

Centre d'Art et de la Culture, Bastion 23 , Alger – Algérie
16000 Alger

00213 774108899
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00 213 774108899
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

Activities: The National Heritage of Our Algeria Association was created to work for the protection of Algerian cultural heritage, tangible heritage and intangible heritage.
We have carried out several activities in the service of heritage, such as cleaning archaeological sites and monuments, then we close them and prepare files to include these sites in a special classification list of archaeological sites and historical monuments.
The association has also organized events linked to civil society, in particular to raise awareness of the need to preserve cultural heritage as it is part of national identity, such as the demonstration of the heritage caravan that we organized on sites archaeological studies with different age groups of children.
We also organize educational workshops for children on the protection of archaeological sites.
In addition to youth events, including the “Ask Me” event, through which we aim to promote correct information on tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
We also organized special activities for intangible heritage, such as popular gatherings like the “Al-Bouqala” session, which represents popular oral heritage.

Mission and Objectives

Objectif : • The National Heritage of Our Algeria Association was created to work for the protection of Algerian cultural heritage, tangible heritage and intangible heritage.
We have carried out several activities in the service of heritage, such as cleaning archaeological sites and monuments, then we close them and prepare files to include these sites in a special classification list of archaeological sites and historical monuments.
The association has also organized events linked to civil society, in particular to raise awareness of the need to preserve cultural heritage as it is part of national identity, such as the demonstration of the heritage caravan that we organized on sites archaeological studies with different age groups of children.
We also organize educational workshops for children on the protection of archaeological sites.
In addition to youth events, including the “Ask Me” event, through which we aim to promote correct information on tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
We also organized special activities for intangible heritage, such as popular gatherings like the “Al-Bouqala” session, which represents popular oral heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

To promote youth activities through various fields.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In 2023, an associative leader was designated: “National Association of Algerian Heritage “Tourath Djazairna”. This same organization is also in charge of coordination functions and services for members as well as the organization of Joint Action of the Network.

The National Association of Algerian Heritage "Tourath Djazairna" aims to organize, participate, promote activities and develop young people. It ensures, through these practices, to integrate or reintegrate vulnerable young people, to support reflection on how to live together and to promote Algerian culture. the National Algerian Heritage Association "Tourath Djazairna" mainly implements cultural projects and is active in various fields related to heritage; health, the environment, education, training, youth mobility, citizenship and democracy. It collaborates with several associative and institutional partners and works, in particular, to establish better management of the problem of culture and youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mme Riache Faiza
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Mme RIACHE Faiza
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Tarik Hafid
Job Title (2)
Secrétaire Général