Centre International de Coopération Sud Nord

National Network

B.P. 96 276 Casablanca Nassim 20190
B.P. 96 276 Casablanca Nassim
20190 Casablanca

+ 212 600 980 980
Telephone (other)
+ 212 695 14 19 19
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 212 695 14 19 19
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

L’Association Agir Ensemble est une association marocaine. Qui vise à réaliser des objectifs culturels et interculturels et de coopération pour le développement en faveur des jeunes, soit : - aux activités sociales, éducatives, culturelles, et à toute activité liée au développement humain - Promouvoir les échanges interculturels, Et établir des relations de coopérations et de partenariats nationales et internationales. Pour instaurer un dialogue des civilisations susceptible de favoriser L’ouverture vers de nouveaux horizons en vue d’un Maroc Pluriel, diversifié, égalitaire et ouvert positivement sur L’environnement national, régional et international. Agir ensemble est membre du comité de pilotage du Réseau marocain de la FAL depuis 2011, membre fondateur du réseau euro-méditerranéen autonome des jeunes, et du  réseau de l’université de l’union pour la méditerranée (EMUNI network), elle s’est adhéré dans la dynamique de la coopération Euromed à travers des partenariats et projets internationales  ce qui lui a permet de participer dans plusieurs activités à l’échèle international, et organiser des activités euro-méditerranéens au niveau locale comme : L'université internationale du printemps des jeunes – le Forum interculturel des jeunes – le Forum régional de renforcement des capacités des ONG, programmes des jeunes citoyens engagés et boite à cultures ainsi qu’une série de formations continus dans tout les domaines de la jeunesse et la société civile dans un perspectif interculturel Nos activités au niveau locale : - Programmes éducatifs : insertion socio-économique des femmes à travers l’alphabétisation, la création des coopératives et des AGR- le préscolaire - Formations continus pour les associations sur les partenariats, financement, planification stratégique…. - Renforcement des capacités des acteurs associatifs Le nombre total des bénéficiaires de nos activités au cour de l’année 2017/2018 est : 2960 bénéficiaires

Mission and Objectives

Association Agir Ensemble - Réalisation des projets de développement local et humain. - Organisation des activités culturelles, interculturels et artistiques. - Organisation des journées d’études et de formation dans le domaine associatif. - Réalisation des projets pour l’amélioration de la situation de la femme et des démunis. *FORMER des jeunes à une citoyenneté active dans tous les domaines. *OUVRIR à la cohabitation avec d'autres cultures. *ENRICHIR la compétence professionnelle par la confrontation avec d'autres méthodes de travail, l'incitation à la mobilité et à l'acquisition de compétences linguistiques et culturelles de plus en plus nécessaires. *APPRENDRE À COOPÉRER avec l'autre, pour que les compétences de chacun ne s'affrontent pas mais s'additionnent. *PARTICIPER au développement par des projets socio économiques

Main Projects / Activities

université du printemps pour les jeunes Euro-Magrébins forum interculturel des jeunes Programme des jeunes citoyens engagés Techcamp  le Maroc Royaume au Mille royaume  Programme d'intégration socio-économique des femmes 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mohamed Fahmi
Job Title
Head of the Organisation
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohamed Fahmi

The Geminarie Group

National Network

122, Oats Street Attard
Attard ATD 3015

Telephone (other)
356214363 84
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
General Information
The Geminarie Group is a Non-profit, Non-Governmental Voluntary Organization, founded in July 1996. The organization started its activities in July 1996 and since then, it always aimed to promote understanding and appreciation of the global community through exposure to social, political, historical, artistic, and cultural backgrounds. The Geminarie Group is legally bound by a statute, which sets up a Committee of People who deliberate, plan, reflect and evaluate on the core values, mission statement of the organization, which sets the framework for the policy-making and service provision for the service-users. Geminarie is made up of a Committee, of seven people, that oversee the overall management of the organization. All in all, the Organization can draw upon the resources of around 15 people, all specialists within their own area – from human resources, gender issues, cultural and educations issues, health and safety, creative thinking, diplomacy and foreign affairs to integration of migrants / asylum seekers and minority groups.
Mission and Objectives

To actively promoting the review, introduction and implementation of policies in Malta and Europe,
whether public or private, and for the adoption of better, affordable, accessible and more
professional procedures and standards in all walks of life;
b. Promoting guidance and training assistance to people from all walks of life, including members of
their families in case of negative, traumatic or other similar effects arising out of events connected
to the performance of their duties;
c. Enhancing networking with similar organizations and/or institutions and/or non governmental
organizations in Malta and in other European and Mediterranean countries with the aim of
establishing collaborative initiatives;
d. Creating research and training infrastructures in various areas including but not limited to the
following fields: humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, languages, business management
and other fields of knowledge;
e. Any other ancillary objectives as the council may, from time to time decide.

Main Projects / Activities

Geminarie is mainly involved with the organization of activities related to cultural, educational and social field. The main activities, designed to meet the needs and interests of all members of the organization, include but are not limited to the following:
- The organization of outdoor cultural activities/courses mainly related to folklore and heritage;
- The organization of a series of lectures and talks, on various on-going current issues, including but not limited to EU directives and policies, which are free of charge;
- One to one consultations to discuss at length issues related to EU Funding opportunities;
- Training and talks on gender equality and gender-related discrimination in the world of work;
- the service of a drop-in centre whereby members of the organizations and the general public, who come to the centre, can request information and documentation on topics of interest (with emphasis on EU policies and practices in the field of education, training and social strategies);

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Cynthia Tomasuolo
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Dr. Cynthia Tomasuolo

Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster / Abbey of Neumünster Cultural Exchange Center

National Network

28, Rue Münster
2160 Luxembourg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The Neumünster Abbey Cultural Exchange Center (neimënster), inaugurated in May 2004 after ten years of restoration work, is located in the heart of the old quarters, on an itinerary which is classified Unesco world heritage. Located in a spectacular setting, this group of buildings, which have come through four centuries of turbulent history, is now dedicated to cultural projects and is at the same time a marvellous site for grand events. Within its 12.000 square meters, about 700 such events are organized each year on this site which is open to all and which looks to be a place of exchange by allowing “the dialogue of cultures and the culture of dialogue". The names of three buildings which make up the Centre have special significance. This was done within a context of respect for a past which is pregnant with meaning. Lucien Wercollier gave his name to the Abbey’s cloister, Robert Bruch to the criminal building and Robert Krieps to the workshop which then became Tutesall.

Mission and Objectives

To give a spiritual vocation (back) to the site, such was the goal of the founders of the Abbey of Neumünster Cultural Exchange Center when creating the program under the theme “dialogue of cultures, culture of dialogue”. The CCRN hosts concerts, ballets, live performances, seminars and expositions. It is a place of creation and reception. It is open to the general public, to a young public, to associations and to creators. And exchanges, meetings, collaborations, coproductions are the keystone to a unifying program. By associating the majestic setting of the Abbey with a sophisticated infrastructure, technical equipment and the latest multimedia, the Abbey of Neumünster Cultural Exchange Center is also a location of choice for symposia, seminars, conferences, meetings and large business gatherings.

Main Projects / Activities

With the cooperation of Luxembourgish and foreign institutions and cultural associations, the CCRN illustrates the dialogue between cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mme Ainhoa Achutegui
Job Title
Directrice générale
Head of the organisation
Ms. Ainhoa Achutegui
Contact (2) Full Name
Mme Karine Bouton
Job Title (2)
Chargée de projets culturels

Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (LNCU)

National Network

UNESCO Palace, 2nd floor
Beirut 1103

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO is a national body that liaises between the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as well as the Arab League Educational Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures (ALF) on one side, and the Lebanese government and the Lebanese civil society on the other side, in the areas of education, science, culture, communication and information.

In assuming the roles of liaison, consultation, and communication, also mobilizing and coordinating partnerships with the civil society, the Lebanese National Commission renders substantial contributions to the implementation of UNESCO, ALECSO and ALF programs and to the dissemination of their values and objectives.

Mission and Objectives

The Lebanese National Commission assumes four major tasks, which are the outcomes of its "purposes" and "functions" as specified by its statutes and as defined by UNESCO's Constitution (Article VII) and Charter of National Commissions. An advisory role, to advise the various national ministerial departments, as well as the national agencies, institutions and organizations on all matters relating to UNESCO and ALECSO and their respective programs. A liaison role, to serve as a liaison agency between the National bodies concerned with the spheres of Education, Sciences, Culture and information on one hand, and UNESCO and ALECSO on the other. An information role, to publicize the mission and work of UNESCO as well as ALECSO, disseminating their values and promoting awareness of issues that they deal with. An execution role under which it is associated, on behalf of its member state, in the formulation, execution and evaluation of UNESCO and ALECSO programs and budgets.

Main Projects / Activities

One of the major activities of the Commission is to organize and conduct conferences, seminars and workshops in the fields of education, science, culture and information. The Commission organizes ceremonial activities relevant to its area of concern and participates in the periodic book exhibitions. The Commission is the only authority responsible for coordinating of the UNESCO Associated Schools network and UNESCO Clubs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hiba Nashabe
Job Title
Secretary General and Head of the Lebanese Network
Head of the organisation
Hiba Nashabe / Zeina El-Hage
Contact (2) Full Name
Zeina El-Hage
Job Title (2)
Network Coordinator


National Network

Stazione Marittima, Autorità Portuale di Venezia, Fabbricato 255, 30135

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
General Information
The “International Federation for Sustainable Development and Fight Against Poverty in the Mediterranean-Black Sea" (Fispmed) was founded in 2004 on the basis of the positive experience acquired within the framework of the SeaM project, supported by the European Commission (DG Enlargement and DG Regional Policies) and of the Italian Ministry of Environment. The project gave birth to a network composed by 188 partners belonging to 37 different countries, and gathering cultural, social, economic private and public institutions, NGOs, associations, non-governmental agencies, research institutes and universities. At present, the association is composed by 216 members belonging to 39 different Euro-Mediterranean and Black Sea countries, by representing, then, more than 1,8 million citizens. Its main activities focus on the common historical traditions of the Mediterranean-Black Sea region, made up of political, social, economic and cultural meeting points but also clashes among different civilizations (indeed, the area gathers also the members of the 3 main monotheistic religions).


National Network

c/o CIE Via Conte Verde 9 - 10122

011 522 98 25
011 522 98 30
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
General Information
1. Paralleli is a non-profit organisation, its members are APICE-CIE-CSA-EuPolis-Fitzcarraldo Foundation-FIERI-SiTI. 2.-3.Paralleli works with the backing of: Compagnia di San Paolo. 4.-5. Conferences: 26/05/06 Family, People, Rights: legislative reforms in the Mediterranean Area (Partners: University of Turin-department of juridical studies, FIERI, OIL). 06-07/06/06 Karawan, civic carovan with Fatema Mernissi (Karawan, City of Turin, Piedmont Region, Chamber of commerce of Turin, Alma Mater). 09/06 “Dolce Istanbul” in Turin (Cities of Istanbul and Turin, Piedmont Region). International Conference on Morocco’s Equity and Reconciliation Commission (Embassy of Morocco in Italy, Consulate of Morocco, Moroccan community).
Mission and Objectives

The core mission of the Institute, in line with the three main areas of action of Euro-Mediterranean partnership (political and safety-related, economic, social and cultural) and with the needs of the territory, is represented by the objective to contribute to building a Euro-Mediterranean area of freedom, safety and economic and social development.
This mandate entails initiatives with the involvement of civil society and social participation to promote cultural and religious dialogue and economic relations focused on sustainability, with particular attention to joint-development. The organisation of the Institute and its services will be developed around these three areas (networking, research/training, projects).

Main Projects / Activities

Research on the fruition of the cultural goods of the immigrants (CSA, Holden art, Mondo Minore Piedmont Region).
30-03-06 The role and the activities of the trade union in the Mediterranean area (CGIL, CISL, UIL).
Seminar on international terrorism
Seminar on the Mediterranean role and the international scenario
Seminar on the European Neighborhood Policy

Head of the organisation
Giancarlo Chevallard

Fondazione Mediterraneo

National Network

via Depretis 130

+39 0815523033
Telephone (other)
+39 0814203273
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Fondazione Mediterraneo - network for dialogue among societies and culture - is an international non-profit Organisation of Social Utility (Onlus) planned in 1991 by Michele Capasso and established in 1994 in Naples with the aim of promoting dialogue and peace in Mediterranean areas and all around the world. It includes specialists and internationally recognised scholars on the Mediterranean, politicians with international and diplomatic experience, and who have been involved in actions to promote dialogue and peace. The Fondazione Mediterraneo began its action with an intense activity in favour of the people from ex-Yugoslavia – who suffered the biggest conflict in the heart of Europe after the Second World War - then it became a reference point to stimulate partnerships in an ever-more multicultural and globalised world, particularly among the Mediterranean, Europe and the Islamic world. It constitutes, with its partners and with its other offices (located in various countries) a Network for the dialogue among society and cultures. Further, it recognises that civil society within its member countries – including within local communities, universities, private organisations, professional orders, unions, NGOs, network associations, the media, etc. – is the key factor to progress regarding human rights, political security, culture, economy, science, sustainable development, and dissemination of information.
Mission and Objectives

The Fondazione is dedicated to the realisation of a Greater Mediterranean, a concept both historical and strategic. It works in cooperation with the countries of the Middle East, the Gulf and the Black Sea in order to promote international understanding through the promotion of awareness of the social, cultural, and self-identification realities that exist in the Greater Mediterranean, encouraging closer interaction and highlighting shared interests in respect of fundamental human rights and equality between the genders. In particular, it develops human resources and intellectual cooperation in multidisciplinary fields.
During the last twenty years the Fondazione acted as an organization that is free from bureaucracy and in which every resource is invested directly in the field: the great number of partnership accords signed, and of partnerships with civil society and with institutions active in different projects - together with the actions realized (more than 3000 events in 41 Countries) - are indications of the high impact reached and of the concrete results achieved.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Architect Michele Capasso

Collège d’éducation d’Oranim

National Network

D. N. Tivon

Tivon 3600600

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information

The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute is divided into four umbrellas: interdisciplinary research; civil society; Mediterranean culture and society; Jewish culture and identity. There are 26 full-time and 46 part-time employees and the annual budget is $4.8 million. 80% granted by the Van Leer Group Foundation; the rest through grant applications. Activities include public lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences, international conferences; dialogue and encounters; research groups; teacher training; youth leadership training; publications (books/policy papers/journals/curricula). Main partners include universities, research institutes, and, where relevant, other NPOs and NGOs.

Mission and Objectives

The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute was founded 1959 and is based on the vision of Israel as both a homeland for the Jewish people and a democratic society predicated on justice, fairness and equality for all its residents. The Institute's work today, as a leading intellectual center for the interdisciplinary study and discussion of issues related to philosophy, society, culture and education, is designed to enhance ethnic and cultural understanding, ameliorate social tensions, empower civil society players and promote democratic values. The Institute pursues its mandate by employing different methodologies: academic research, public policy analysis, advocacy and civil society projects.

Main Projects / Activities

- To advance cultural and intellectual Mediterranean regional co-operation and Israeli-Palestinian dialogue through, enriching civil society in Israel and regionally. - To promote fruitful debate on improving the education system, and to initiate and implement educational programs in Israel’s public school system to promote democratic values and human rights in Israel’s culturally diverse society. These activities are run within the Center for Tolerance Education (CTE) - To conduct interdisciplinary research projects in the social sciences and the humanities through multi-year study groups, workshops and international conferences, and the production of policy papers, academic journals and books. - To enrich contemporary Jewish thought through research, cultural programs and dialogue projects which focus on mediating between tradition and modernity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Yarden Kedar
Job Title
Head of Organisation
Head of the organisation
Mr. Yarden Kedar / Mr. Adam Klin-Oron

Palantír Film Visual and Anthropological Foundation

National Network

Katóka u. 46

+36 20 543 5639
Telephone (other)
+36 20 957 8499
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

1. Only the director is employed of the Foundation, which works with losts of volunteers and external cooperators. 2. 16 808 000 HUF – in 2007 3. 2 770 000 HUF – in 2007 4. The Foundation is to: - organize Dialektus Documentary Film Festival each year; - develop a non-profit video library in DocuArt; - search new ways of documentary-distribution. 5. Dialektus Festival has international partners every year, mainly other film festivals and organizations, for example: Jihlava Doc Film Fest, Eyes and Lenses, BuSho, Tranzit House (Cluj), Regence (Kosice)

Mission and Objectives

The Foundation aims to increase the utilization of the documentary in the society. Our organization is dedicated to the preservation of cultural diversity and interest. Our projects with the documentary use are promoting social awareness, the need and responsibility of forming an opinion. To achieve this: the development and realization of alternative film distribution strategies, organizing professional events, workshops, publishing film making publications, database management and providing information, archiving, education, fostering young talent, film making. The Foundation has also the profile to organize documentary film festivals and make film collections about the actual social questions.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation’s main projects are documentary film festivals and film collections in reference of the actual social questions, like the “Faces of Poverty” Film Festival , “Faces of Volunteering Film Festival” , the “Bouquet and a bicycle chain Ethnographic Documentary Film Festival or the „Strangers in My Garden” collection of documentary films about integration strategies. The Foundation biggest festival was the Dialëktus European Documentary and Anthropological Film Festival (2002-2010). We run Taiwan Dox, Taiwan Documentary Film Days since 2014.
Developing our film collection we realised that our film from the Strangers in my Garden filmcollection or the other documentaries in the DocuArt filmcollection have very positive feedback on the use of them. To measure the real impact of that documentaries and the work we begun 18 years before we invented a method how to measure the impact of our films.
We have 3 paid colleagues and during different projects we work with around 25 people , they all have other professions (film makers, communication experts, on-line marketing managers, project managers). We work with voluntaries also in case of bigger events like festivals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Orsolya Komlósi
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Ms. Orsolya Komlósi
Contact (2) Full Name
Orsolya Komlósi
Job Title (2)
Coordinator, Hungarian Network of the ALF