Unione Regionale AGIS del Lazio

National Network

Via Via Vicenza 5/a - 00185

+39 06/4451208
Telephone (other)
+39 06/4453721
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 320 4152406
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 348 5437579
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
1. AGIS is an organization ruled by private domestic law, dealing, within its statute, with matters about the promotion and spread of cultural activities and contents and the support of its associates in all the fields of the show (prose, music and dance). 2. The yearly budgetary resources are: a) overall amount of income: € 288.346,81; b) overall amount of patrimonial assets: € 216.920,21. These data refer to the year 2006 (31 December). 3. The main regular sources of funding are: a) Comune di Roma (Municipality of Rome); b) Provincia di Roma; c) Regione Lazio (Region); d) Private Bodies; e) Sponsorships; f) Guarantee Fund; g) Associates contributions. 4. The concrete modalities are: activities of promotion; cultural marketing; training activities; operational and financial support to its associates; management and coordination activities.
Mission and Objectives

The Regional union AGIS LAZIO, besides the field of the cinema includes performing arts with all of their different ways of expression. In particular, it is composed of: College of Reproduced Show; College of Prose and Theatre; College of Music and Dance. With organic and structural support of ANEC Lazio, it has the purpose to promote and generally coordinate the show’s activities of the Colleges. It also offers to its memberships services of vocational training to qualify professional operators of reproduced and live arts.
The Regional Union AGIS Lazio aims to promote the culture of the show involving the widest audience, especially young people, also with the support of the AGISCUOLA.
Among its institutional assignments, the Regional Union AGIS of Lazio aims to protect memberships’ collective affairs and to represent them towards the political institutions of the territory, assuming a legitimately recognized role.

Main Projects / Activities

Among our activities we remember:
Since the year 2003, the first “Last Minute” box-office of the theatres has been activated in Rome, near the centre of the DLF (20 Bari Street, Rome) realized and managed by AGIS Lazio.
From 11th of April 2006 a box-office has been activated in the two Athenaeums of Tor Vergata and Roma Tre; from this year a new box-office is available in the University of “La Sapienza”.
“The Party of the Theatres” represents a great event for the city of Rome, a whole day exclusively dedicated to the world of the theatre, realized on purpose to sensitize citizens to the culture of the Show and to re-approach roman audience with the Art of the Theatre.
Magazine of information about Roman theatres
other activities as well.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Stefanelli
Head of the organisation
Pietro Longhi
Contact (2) Full Name
Alessandro Perfetti


National Network

L'associazione ha sede presso il
telefono 0161 503298


Telephone (other)
0039/0161 503298
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
VALORI DIMENTICATI (VD) is an international human rights project with the objective of promoting human rights in those areas where severe violations have victimized a large number of population. Notwithstanding the effort of mankind to build a concrete human rights legal framework, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the associated covenants and treaties, currently, millions of people continue to live in the margins of society, lacking effective assistance from governments, humanitarian and development organizations and mass media. Our Sources of funding comes private and individuals.
Mission and Objectives

-Stimulating dialogue between youth natives and minorities on the territory of reference
-Promoting youth participation and democratic citizenship
-Fostering solidarity and tolerance among youths
-Fighting against discrimination and favoritism amongst young people
-Raising social cohesion and cooperation, developing intercultural dialogue and human rights education.

Main Projects / Activities

VALORI DIMENTICATI (VD) is aware that youth are the best listeners when it comes to global issues because they know they will be the people who will be mostly affected in the future.
Thus, the main objective of VD educational activities is to provide human rights education, and this includes activities such as seminars, debates, cultural events which are meant to stimulate the basic values of tolerance and understanding in order to eliminate the gap between minorities and host-state citizens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Abderrahman Hamrouni

University of Catania

National Network

Via Tomaselli 31, 95126 Catania

00+39 0957307974
Telephone (other)
00+39 0957307975
00+39 0957307964
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Public source of funding international projects
Mission and Objectives

The University of Catania was founded in 1434, when the king of Spain and Sicily, Alfonso of Aragon, and Pope Eugene IV gave their authorisation. Today the university buildings are spread throughout the city, with a contrast between the modern, hi-tech "University City" and numerous historical buildings in the old city centre. More than 70,000 students attend lessons given by over 1,600 professors, which in turn are staffed by over 1,500 administrative employees. The University of Catania worked on revisions and reorganizations of its study courses, to determine the ways and the thematic areas that could be more interesting for youngsters. The wish expressed by all the teaching staff is to guarantee the best achievement of the educational objectives of the students as soon as possible, and the complete realization of their hopes of professional and cultural education together with concrete job perspectives, stimulating growing experience in an ancient and warm town.

Main Projects / Activities

European projects (mobility/ stages,cooperation,)
workshops,summer schools (mediterranean area)
Bilateral agreement (EU,Usa,Asia,)

Contact (1) Full Name
Dott. Angela Galia
Head of the organisation
Prof. Antonino Recca
Contact (2) Full Name
Dott.ssa Violetta Pedalino

University of Calabria

National Network

Via Pietro Bucci 7/11 b
87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS)

0039 0984 496717
0039 0984 496817
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The University of Calabria is a public institution funded in 1968 that starts its activities in Academic year 1972/73. It has six Faculties, that are Arts, Economics, Engineering, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Pharmacy and Political Sciences. University research and teaching staff (full professors, associate professors and assistants) is composed of more than 750 units, while the administrative staff amounts to more than 750 units. As regard its modalities of action, its ever-present goals are academic excellence, internationalization, high contents teaching courses, integration of its students in other university realities, expansion and support to foreign student exchanges.
Mission and Objectives

The University of Calabria is a public entity aimed to scientific research, cultural training and civil progress of the society in which it works.Therefore it promotes collaborations with public and private entities, both at national and international level.Since the beginning of its activity in 1972, the University has worked hardly to develop research and didactics activities both at national and international level.It provides university high quality education, focused on students’ qualification. It devotes a great effort in enlarging its international relationships with other universities as well as with other institutions promoting mobility of researchers, students exchanges and joint research programs.

Main Projects / Activities

The University carries out many scientific research activities in the framework of the EU Programmes such as FP6, Leonardo, Socrates, Adapt, Horizon. Moreover it has many co-operations with public and private international organizations to realize joint research programs. Since academic year 2000/2001 there is the course of bachelor in Economic and Social Disciplines for development, cooperation and peace, that pays particular attention to the issues of national and international migrations and to projects of local development (Africa, Asian Sud-Est).

Contact (1) Full Name
Dott. Gianpiero Barbuto
Head of the organisation
Prof. Gino Mirocle Crisci (Rector)

University of Florence - DSSG - Petramedievale

National Network

10, via San Gallo

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
General Information
- Department of Historical and Geographical studies of the University of Florence - 60 academics + 5 administration - around 60.000 euro - public and private - Italian archaeological mission in Petra and Shawbak (Jordan): research, restoration, site enhancement, community development, training of local professionals, tourist master plan planning, video productions - (Petra Medievale archaeological mission) Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian Ministry of Research and University, ENPI - CIUDAD grant, Regional and Local governments, Dept of Antiquities of Jordan.
Mission and Objectives

analysis, study and valorisation of Crusader-Ayyubid archaeological sites in southern Jordan and Petra-Shawbak region.
community development projects for the Municipality of Shawbak.

Main Projects / Activities

Study, restoration and tourist enhancement of Shawbak Castle and of Medieval Petra.
Tourist Master Plan planning for the Municipality of Shawbak.
Equal opportunities support action in the frame of heritage-economy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michele Nucciotti
Head of the organisation
Bruno Vecchio
Contact (2) Full Name
Guido Vannini

Università Italo Francese

National Network

Piazza Cavalieri della SS.ma Annunziata
10098 Collegno (TORINO)


011 4159777
011 4159775
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
L’Università Italo Francese (UIF) a été instaurée par l’Accord international signé le 6 octobre 1998 lors du sommet franco-italien de Florence. L'Accord a été approuvé, en Italie, par la loi 161/2000 et ratifié par le Président de la République Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. L'UIF est un acteur important du plan stratégique d'internationalisation du système universitaire européen. Le siège de l’UIF se trouve à Turin. Son représentant est un Secrétaire, nommé par le Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca italien. L’UIF reçoit de son Ministère de tutelle, le MIUR, une subvention de financement annuelle d’environ 1 million euros dont la quasi totalité est redistribuée sous forme de subventions aux Universités, de soutiens et bourses de mobilité pour les doctorants en cotutelle et cofinancements de projets de recherche scientifiques binationaux.
Mission and Objectives

C'est une des protagonistes de la nouvelle culture de la coopération en Europe, dont le but est de susciter et accompagner toute sorte de collaboration entre la France et l'Italie dans le domaine de l'enseignement universitaire, de la recherche et de la culture.
L’UIF se propose en particulier de:
* Développer les échanges universitaires entre les deux pays,
*Rendre compatibles les deux systèmes d'enseignement supérieur et favoriser leurs synergies,
* Aider à l'émergence de projets scientifiques et pédagogiques innovants,
* Favoriser la mobilité des enseignants-chercheurs, des chercheurs et des étudiants à la fois vers les universités et vers les entreprises,
* Collaborer avec d'autres réseaux interuniversitaires euro-méditerranéens.
L'UIF n'organise directement aucune activité d'enseignement, de recherche, n'accueille pas d'étudiants et ne délivre aucun diplôme ; elle agit comme tête de réseau dans les échanges universitaires franco-italiens.

Main Projects / Activities

A travers son appel à projets Vinci, l’UIF finance:
- cursus intégrés binationaux de niveau Licence et Master
- bourses d'études triennales pour les doctorants en cotutele
- la mobilité des doctorants en cotutele et des étudiants en médecine italiens vers la France
Elle soutient par ailleurs des conférences, formations, manifestations culturelles par son Label UIF-UFI et subventionne la mobilité des chercheurs français et italiens, avec l’appel à projets Galileo, géré en collaboration avec l’agence ministériel française Egide.
Par ailleurs, l'UIF contribue à la mise à jour d'une base de données des accords universitaires bilatéraux.
En étroite collaboration avec les services des Ministères des Affaires étrangères et de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, l’UIF opère comme promoteur et médiateur privilégié de la coopération universitaire et scientifique franco-italienne. L’un de ses objectifs prioritaires, fixé par l’Accord de 1998, est la contribution au dialogue interculturel et l’intensification des échanges universitaires au sein de l’espace Euroméditerranée.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marion Sicre
Head of the organisation
Adriano Giovannelli

Young Women from Minorities - WFM

National Network

C/O Centro ALOUAN Via Reiss Romoli, 45
10137 Torino

0039 011 220 76 91
0039 011 220 69 96
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 347 74 09 462
Mobile Phone (other)
00351 9648 01744
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
WFM a network of Minority young women’s organizations, non Profit Organization based in Torino (Italy). Activities: training courses and education activities; seminars and conferences; information, educational and political support for minority young women; research and publications. WFM is composed of two categories of members: national or local associations or institutions, with the status of ”full members” and individual persons, with the status of ”individual members”. Our budget depends on the projects approved in the year. Our sources of funding are from membership fee and economical support mainly from the Council of Europe and the Youth in Action Programme.
Mission and Objectives

to promote intercultural dialogue and exchange among young women from Minorities in Europe.
- to provide information and training at European level to its members on the issues related to young minority women and foster the co-operation between them.
- to voice out the aspirations and concerns of young minority women as a way to promote their social integration’s, help fighting their discrimination and social exclusion and sensitise the European and national institutions concerned.
- to represent them in the relevant European institutions or platforms.
- to establish links and networks with other minority and women’s organisations

Main Projects / Activities

As a European organisation, WFM’s role is to organise training and education activities which can serve as example and support to the national and local projects.
These include:
- Leadership training courses;
- Seminars on specific issues of relevance to Minority women;
- Providing information about and access to the European institutions and structures of relevance for young women’s projects;
- Supporting network possibilities and contacts to local partners and encouraging to the development of youth work projects with young women.
- Research on the situation and perspectives of young women from Minorities in Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariam Yassin Hagi Yussuf
Head of the organisation
Mariam Yassin Hagi Yussuf
Contact (2) Full Name
Manuela Filipa Tavares da Cruz

Elianto Cultural Association

National Network


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Elianto Cultural association is a no-profit organisation who join different personalities studying at University with professionals working in arts. Fantasy and self-knowledge are the ingredients of our system while we organize workshops were people can also meet and exchange experiences. We work in a “no-budget situation”: all forces come from those who participate to our class. We were in cooperation with a social centre in the city of Venice creating stages and theatre events. We become partner of two groups of Brazilian and Indian dancers who also work in social contests. Nowadays a “chain” of new elements working in arts and cultural and social environments is well organized with the name of Venetia Rate VIVE and through it we are now part of a reality in the territory of the city of Venice.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Francesca Calovolo
Head of the organisation
Valentina Poli

department of sociology, University of Padova

National Network

via cesarotti 10/12

+39 0498274304
+049 657508
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The Department of Sociology at the University of Padova, Italy, is a vibrant, outward looking department that combines intensive research activity with a strong commitment to high quality undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate teaching. With 32 full-time members and 10 joint members, the department is the largest of its kind among public universities in Italy. The administrative board consist of 12 members. The Department provides a computer room, multi-media laboratory, library (located in the Faculty of Political Sciences), Lecture hall (300 seats), and 5 class rooms (25-30 seats). Concerning Mass communication, the Department has recently acquired an innovating system for digital multichannel recording, archiving and monitoring all national TV programs. The departmental research profile has been expanding quickly since 1990. The Department offers an excellent range of BA, MA and PhD programme. It provides concentrations in the fields of Sociology of Religions, Migration studies, Cultural Sociology and Social Theory. However, research in the Department cuts across sub-disciplinary and disciplinary boundaries. Since 1990 the Department of Sociology established a research unit on Migration, Identity and Diversity in Europe. The research unit runs many investigations on Religion and Migration and has achieved an excellent reputation both in academic terms and the public domain. Prof. Enzo Pace is the chair of the Department. Former president of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion and a leading international scholar of sociology of Religion, he is the author of numerous books and articles.
Mission and Objectives

Research and education

Main Projects / Activities

one of the main projects focuses on the study of the African Diaspora in the mediterranean in particualar on the West African Pentecostal Diaspora as a manifestation of spirituality but also of multivocal identity, traditions, creativity, negotiation and ethnical resistance. Particular attention will be paid to the pluriformity and contextuality of the religious and cultural practises, to the patterns of faith and spirituality which make immigrants overcome the climate of conflicts both within and around the African communities, and fight, from a socio-economic, political, spiritual and creative position the neo colonial and global condition of African migrants living in Italy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincenzo Pace
Head of the organisation
Vincenzo Pace
Contact (2) Full Name
Annalisa Butticci

Arti & Mestieri Onlus

National Network

Via C. Monteverdi, 20

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information
The association Arti&Mestieri is a non for profit organization composed by 8 members which main sources of funding are the contribution coming from European Programmes and national (Italian) funding. The association is a non political organization and has a democratic structure. It aims at promoting specific social development activities in the historic, artistic, environment, cultural promotion field. The association will last until December the 31st of 2050.
Mission and Objectives

As stated in the attached Statute of the Association “Arti&Mestieri”, its purposes are to implement social focused activities.
More specifically, the Arti&Mestieri Association operates in the following sectors: education, training, charity, promotion of artistic and historic matters, preservation of the environment, promotion of cultural and artistic heritage.
The above mentioned activities are performed in order to assist disadvantaged (for physical, psychological, economic and social reasons) target groups.
Furthermore, the Association implements cultural meetings, festivals and events.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects carried out by the Arti&Mestieri Onlus are:
- “Le chiavi della città” (Catania) Cod. 1999/IT.16.1.PO.011/2.04/7.2.4/096 which budget was 215.192,70 Euro
- “Le chiavi della città” (Enna) Cod. 1999/IT.16.1.PO.011/2.04/7.2.4/095 which budget was 159.467,89 Euro
These 2 projects were financed by the Sicilian region (POR Sicilia 2000/2006 Misura 3.17 ex 2.04).
- “Esperto in risorse idriche” (Nicosia) Cod.1999/ IT.16.1.PO.011/1.06/7.2.4/64 which budget was 283.753,51 Euro.
This project was financed by the Sicilian region (POR Sicilia 2000/2006 Misura 3.16)

Contact (1) Full Name
Giampaolo D’Angelo
Head of the organisation
Alfredo Pelaia
Contact (2) Full Name
Luca Rossi