Reporting System

National Network

via Cola Montano 28

02 6688933
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Reporting System is an interdisciplinary association for contemporary art which promotes creative processes in public space. Founded in 2004 by Gennaro Castellano, artist and project manager, and Antonella Annecchiarico, a public administrator, it has worked since 1998 under the name of progettozingonia. Reporting System proposes and experiences the involvement of artists in direct relation with the territory, concentrating our attention on the topic of migration with the aim to create a convergence of visions and attempts on problems that interest society such as the territory, interpersonal relationships, the rights of citizenship and intercultural dynamics. Partner and sponsor: Provincia di Milano – Fondazione Cariplo, Milano - Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella - Ancitel Lombardia, Milano - a.titolo, Torino - Connecting cultures, Milano - Dipartimento Educazione Castello di Rivoli - Huit Facettes Interation, Dakar – 46xp, Milano - InCulture, Amburgo – Anisa, Milano. Staff: artistic management: Gennaro Castellano coordination: Antonella Annecchiarico project assistants: Elisa Legnani, Alexander Grossklags video and media: Federica Galloppi web site: Marco Ferrante Budgetary resources: about 50.000 Euro in a year
Mission and Objectives

The aims, focusing on particular topics like territory, society and intercultural issues, are to promote relationships between art and different spheres of knowledge involving members of the general public generally not connected to the system of contemporary art in cultural processes. Reporting System collaborates with other interdisciplinary groups and significant Italian cultural institutions which propose art and culture as a platform for discussion and listening. What characterises the researching work of Reporting System is the osmosis between art and society, in which art becomes a process that articulates new visions and interpretations with regards to problems of public interest. This double perspective of action and representation gives form and substance to the artistic research, and is based on the idea that art also feeds itself and benefits from its relation to society. Reporting System participates in meetings, workshops and international exhibitions such as the biennial of Seville in 2006.

Main Projects / Activities

Zingonia: Arte Integrazione Multiculture, 1999/2002
The plan has experienced the involvement of artists in direct relation with the territory, concentrating the attention on the suburbs and the intercultural element. An occasion of encounter between the artists, the communities of immigrated citizens, the local population, the administrators. With the aim to create a convergence of vision and attempts on problems that interest the society. Participants: Stefano Arienti, Gennaro Castellano, Liliana Moro, Luca Vitone.
Voyages croisés, 2003/2005
A project in which personal relations, knowledge and cultures interrelate. It takes into consideration intercultural issues extending to sociology, human and political sciences. A partnership between Reporting system, Huit facettes interaction and other interlocutors: intellectuals, politicians, public administrators and NGO. The project intends to draw the attention on the complexity of intercultural dialogue and the role of culture, starting from some important subjects: democracy, economy, development, religion and migration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gennaro Castellano

Ricerca e Cooperazione

National Network

via Savona 13/A - 00182 Rome, Italy

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
RC has its headquarters in Rome, where the staff is composed by 3 permanent employees and about 20 consultants. RC is also legally established in Ghana, Bolivia and Lebanon and currently works also in Egypt and Turkey. RC implements development projects, lasting from 1 to 3 years. As stated in the latest 2010 financial annual report, RC registered incomes for 4.861.297,30 euro, and managed projects for a total amount of 4.704.707,11 euro. RC has been recognized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986 and implements projects also co-funded by the European Commission, as well as UN agencies and Italian Regions. RC is a founding member of the COCIS (Coordination of NGOs for the International Cooperation to Development) and of the AOI (Association of Italian NGOs); it is member of the AITR (Italian Association for Responsible Tourism) and is included in several networks in the Southern hemisphere.
Mission and Objectives

RC is an Italian NGO engaged in the field of international cooperation in the Southern Countries. It is also committed in actions of public awareness and education for development in Europe. RC is independent, secularly inspired, and based on values of solidarity and human dignity. It promotes and implements development programmes.. RC slogan is More diversities, less differences.
The mission and main objectives are:
a) the safeguard and the appreciation of diversity at risk of disappearing (biodiversity of indigenous cultures and cultural heritages);
b) the promotion of fundamental human rights (food, instruction, health, work, good governance, freedom of movement and expression);
c) the increase of civil societies’ awareness about the disparities between the North and the South of the world.

Main Projects / Activities

RC’s policies, reflected in the adopted methodology, are the following: active participation of local stakeholders from programming to final project implementation; bottom-up decision making processes; capacity building; women empowerment; focus on sustainability; responsibility and transparency in managing funds.
The main sectors of intervention are:
- social promotion and strengthening of local organizations (capacity development);
- social activities in favour of vulnerable groups (street children, orphans, Palestinian and Iraqis refugees, victims of conflict);
- sexual and reproductive health;
- integration of young women and men in the labour market;
- migrations;
- youth social inclusion;
- rural development,
- natural resources management and protection of environment;
- urban waste management;
- HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment;
- income generating activities and vocational training;
- enhancement of fishery sector;
- micro credit scheme implementation;
- cultural heritage rehabilitation and enhancement.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In Italy, RC works in Lazio, Umbria, Apulia, Sardinia Regions, and collaborates with local NGOs in Sicilia, Campania, Tuscany, Marche, Emilia Romagna, Piemonte, Liguria and Lombardia Regions.
In the framework of its awareness raising activities, RC can spread among civil society and local authorities the values and mission of the ALF Network, can include concrete ALF’s actions in local programmes and promote the participation of all sort of actors in the identification of needs and constraints to be tackled, updated and coherent to the current situation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because we share the same values and objectives of human, social and cultural dialogue among Mediterranean communities.
RC has worked in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine, Spain and France with several governmental and non-governmental partners, touching a wide range of beneficiaries.
Joining the Network, we expect to share the stakeholders and the collected best practices with the members, in order to capitalize on the results and to improve the effectiveness of our interventions and of others’ interventions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arturo Parolini
Head of the organisation
Arturo Parolini (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Emira Sghaier

San Salvo Municipality

National Network

Piazza Giovanni XXIII, No.1
(66050) San Salvo (CH)

+39(0)873.547712 / +39(0)873.548142
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The municipality includes a staff of about 200 persons. There are several partners in Italy and some partners abroad that collaborate with San Salvo in different projects. The municipality has about 17.000.000,00 euro available each yeas for its budget. Principal sources of funding: state and regional contributions, tax collection, capital income etc. Various modalities of action: regular public administration, different projects carried out in collaboration with Italian and foreign partners, international exchange and collaboration projects, participation in school exchange programmes through substantial contributions. Main partners: the University of D’Annunzio (Chieti, Italy), the association INTERFOR-SIA 2 (Amiens, France), Cnos-Fap (activities for example vocational training organization: Vasto, Italy), some Italian municipalities in the Abruzzo region.
Mission and Objectives

San Salvo carries out the common activities of a public administration body. In addition, it holds a strategic role in the local development. The municipal administration is particularly sensitive to social issues. It works hard in order to make local institutions, producers, human and material resources work in synergy. The San Salvo municipality manages innovative projects in the fields of social services, intercultural communication, integration and occupational growth.

Main Projects / Activities

Public administration; local development promotion; organization and implementation of the local socio-economic plan; management of special projects in the field of social services; regional experimentation; management of interventions that promote for example social well being of the young, occupational growth, intercultural communication and interaction, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Palmina Napolitano
Head of the organisation
Mayor Tiziana Magnacca
Contact (2) Full Name
Licia Zulli

SATTVA FILMS Production and School

National Network

Via Marsala n.31, Bologna 40126

0039 (0)51 267458
0039 (0)51 267458
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 380 5203065
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
§ Sattva is a uninominal company (srl) which employee on specific projects; 15 partners § The average budgetary resources is 85.000 euros § European Union with the programmes MEDIA Development and Civil Society Dialogue - Cultural Bridges Assessorato al Mediterraneo - Regione Puglia Gruppo Montepaschi § Documentaries and film development and production, seminars and workshops, trainings § Main partners: Süddeutscher Rundfunk Fernsehen Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Direzione Generale Promozione e Cooperazione Culturale Film Commissions of Regione Puglia, of Regione Marche and of Torino Assessorato Politiche Sociali - Regione Emilia Romagna Reggio Children; Universities of Bologna, of Milano Bicocca, of Modena e Reggio Emilia Bilgi University - Istanbul (Turkey) Meaddle East Technological University - Ankara (Turkey)
Mission and Objectives

School of cinema, fiction and documentary
Cinema and television production
Publishing activities

Main Projects / Activities

Documentary and films
§ in production:
There is only future in me Duration 85 min., digital, colour and b/w, stereo, Italy, 2010
"Dialogues": Tariq Ramadan meets Paolo Dall'Oglio
§ in development: La Signora delle Acque / The Princess of the Waters
Films and books:
Glimmer of Light. Notes for a film about a sense of place
Seth’s journey to Otranto (developed with MEDIA development contribution)
Non in un posto qualsiasi
§ Training activities
"Conceiving and Creating a Film Seminary” is a theoretical/practical training course
§ Seminar and workshops (latest)
2009 - Ankara (Turkey): presso GISAM - Meaddle East Technological University
2009 - Istanbul (Turkey): presso il Dipartimento Media and Cinema - Santralistanbul - Bilgi University
2005 - Milano: presso Pedagogia Interculturale - Facoltà Scienze della Formazione - Università Bicocca

Contact (1) Full Name
Michele Fasano
Head of the organisation
Michele Fasano


National Network


+39 0434 520074
+39 0434 520074
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Structure of the organisation, including number of staff employed and/or partners: tot. 8 people (full time), 4 partners) 2. Budgetary resources available in a year: 170.000 3. Sources of funding: public, private 4. Modalities of action concrete projects exchanges, international cooperation seminars, workshops, lessons for adults and children, for professional and non-professional people residency programmes for artists and students, scholarships lectures, conferences and debates 5. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities Municipality of Pordenone Province of Pordenone Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Italian Cultural Institutes/Embassies abroad Italian and foreign Universities, Research Centres, Theatre Schools and Academies International Festivals and Theatre/Arts Centres and Companies National and international “masters”
Mission and Objectives

The main mission is a precise research for developing a contemporary theatre, that should be popular, multi-ethnic, non-profit.

Main Projects / Activities

Studies and researches, pedagogies, production and distribution of theatrical performances in Italy and abroad, national and international travels to join pedagogical/training projects or for conferences and dissemination of studies and researches in the field of theatre history, anthropology, pedagogy, etc..
Besides we also work a lot at local and regional level: management of theatrical seasons, continuative programs of courses and workshops, special projects for disabled people, lectures and conferences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms CHIARA MUTTON (management staff)
Head of the organisation


National Network

27100 PAVIA

00 39 0382 24752
00 39 0382 306462
Mobile Phone
0039 348 9010243
Mobile Phone (other)
00 39 348 9010241-2-4
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
We have in our Incubator the agreements with all our partners. We collaborate with them and there is no a conflict of interest. Generally we plan projects together with our local partner ,in particular with the University OF Pavia,the Schools, the Chamber of Commerce and with the Municipalities and in the projects we describe the strategy, the division of labour, the communication plan. This is the economic statement of the last project with our partners and we are the chief of project. 2.607.812,17 In the past we have planned and realized a lot of Projects. The most important was Liberamente,a Now Initiative and an Equal Project Immaginazioni. In 2005 we have planned an Interreg Medocc “Terre di mezzo”, and a e Content plus project called E-MOTIONS, in evaluation.
Mission and Objectives

The incubator is a network of contacts and relationships between entrepreneurs and between incubator users throughout Europe which provides an exhaustive data base, periodical net conferences and meetings on line, and national and translational tutor ships.
Its mission:
* to promote and create new enterprises for young people and women
* to supply accompaniment action
* to stimulate constant innovation
* to enliven the territory economically - a challenge to entrepreneurial creativity, to originality, to the creation of new productive realities
* to disseminate the development of the culture of enterprise
* to legitimate and stimulate the new actors of enterprise creation, namely the weakest categories: women, young people, workers expelled from the industrial system
* to consolidate forms of social entrepreneurship

Main Projects / Activities

The incubator acts directly by:
* transforming an idea into a successful enterprise
* verifying the feasibility of a project and evaluating the market's potential receptivity
* developing an entrepreneurial spirit
* spreading the culture of enterprise
* creating the conditions for efficient firm management
* encouraging the firms' focus on quality of service and controlling their development in that direction
• teaching to deal with norms and bureaucratic procedures
Financial: provides information on work grants for start ups, reduction of interest rates, warranties for access to funds and special loans, consultancy on regional, national and EC opportunities and special conditions, assistance in writing out requests for funds, and financial statements regarding project expenses
Structural: physical space, telephone, fax, internet, photocopies, offices, meeting rooms, class rooms

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Suttvuess is composed in 2 branches, one for production and organization of events, one for postproduction of audio-video products. The partners are 6. Our budgetary resources available in a year are approximately 250.000 € coming from our works with Italian and International broadcasters. Suttvuess is active in research, organization of festivals, workshops focused on audio-video field, creation of documentaries and animation movies. In the different fields Suttvuess has different partners: Italian main broadcasters for TV production, the association “Lo sguardo di Handala” for the festivals, the University RomaTre and La Sapienza for many other cultural activities.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Suttvuess is to create spaces of communication between different subjects. To show reality from an attentively point of view. To create occasions of meeting and talk. Suttvuess is very active in the study of the new languages of mass media communication and most of all the video and audio new styles. One of its main goals is to build new bridges between Europe and Middle East.

Main Projects / Activities

In the last 2 years Suttvuess has realized 12 documentaries on the main national and international themes, giving the best attention to the issues related with immigration, work and, most of all, with the relations between Europe and Middle East.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Terre in Valigia Servizi

National Network

via De Amicis 23, 30171
Venezia Mestre

+39 041 5041573
+39 041 5056659
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Terre in Valigia is a small private cooperative company onlus established in 2003 which works in interculturals services, designing and managing concrets projects, often in partnership with local public organizations and with other private companies. The main projects are about school and training, childhood services, differents abilities, intercultural and linguistic mediation, microcredit and events.
Mission and Objectives

to design projects and work considering all the differents as a value to defend and to learn from and not as a division element

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2005: management of organizing secretariat of the Fondazione di Venezia's Social Microcredit Project
Since 2005: management of organizing secretariat of "Consulta provinciale per l'Immigrazione", Province of Venice;
2007: partner of GENERA AZIONI, a project about the 2° generation of young migrants, which LP was the Municipality of Venice Immigration Service: Terre in Valigia designed and managed a intercultural journalism laboratory for italian and migrant teenagers;
Since 2003: designing and organizing intercultural training and laboratories
Since 2003: management of Summer Children Camps of Municipality of Mestre-Carpenedo, Venezia Mestre;

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristina Spada,
Contact (2) Full Name
Marco Munari,

The Bras Group

National Network

via dello spasimo ,15

+39 (0)91 616 6480
Telephone (other)
+39 (0) 91 616 5712
+39 (0) 91 616 1257
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1.Stucure: Board of directors Board of events Events management Administrative office Press office Educational activities school of music Sicilian Jazz Orchestra Total stuff employed : 60 persons 2. Budget : 400.000,00 Euros 3. Sources : Regional bili 44/1985 and regional bill 05/2006 5. Partners : Sicilian Jazz Orchestra and the public Administration of Agrigento City
Mission and Objectives

In accordance with the law 05/2006 of the regional government ,paragraph II of the statute : " the Brass Group is a non profit music association its principal aim is the diffusion of the musical art and the contemporary music .
The association promotes and manage a Jazz Orchestra, specialized in Jazz music and contemporary music .
It promotes also a Music School wich guarantees the enlargement of the educational offer in the field of music in Sicily.
The Brass Group manages a study centre with a library ,a newspaper , a photo collection and record collection .

Main Projects / Activities

Summer concert season during whole summer in thr monumental comlex of Santa Maria dello Spasimo (XVIcent.)in Palermo and all over the island .

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Giovanna DI Girolamo
Head of the organisation
M. Iganzio Garsia


National Network

Via Parrocchia dei Tartari 22

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Ubuntu is a non profit organization managed by a group of about 30 volonteers coordinated from one responsible. The budget resource of 2007 was about 10.000 euros and it comes from municipality and ministerial founding. Our main partners are often non profit organization dealing with young and children topic such as Addiopizzo, Arciragazzi etc
Mission and Objectives

the importance of Ubuntu centre is to be the meeting point between the differnt cultures living in the area of Ballarò in Palermo. the centre is inspired to the "human respect" culture for the implementation of the quality of the community life. the volonteers have the possibility to build their sense of solidarity,participation respect and values .

Main Projects / Activities

Ubuntu is mainly a hosting centre for children from 12 months to 3 years old in the morning and youth centre in the afternoon. different activities such as workshop,excursion and training for volonteer are provided by the big number of volonteer involved in the organization

Contact (1) Full Name
Arestivo Claudio
Head of the organisation
Garito Vincenza Veronica
Contact (2) Full Name
Garito Vincenza Veronica