ProGeo - Centro di Progettazione e ricerche geografiche

National Network

Via Vittorio Emanuele 8, 95131 Catania

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
Members: 10 Sources of funding: Universities, public and private institutions Modalities of action: projects, research, conferences, workshops Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: public and private institution
Mission and Objectives

- promote interdisciplinary research in planning land use, with focus on subject such as: tourism, environment, culture and migration in the Euromediterranean area
- promote a collaboration with private and public territorial organizations, in order to prepare projects regarding economic and social development;
- promote the exchange of teachers and graduates, both at national and international level, with the aim of building a cooperation network with universities and research centres in order to promote professional advice, collaboration and the activation of conventions;
- promote synergical agreement between the North African Mediterranean Countries and the island of Sicily in order to establish and maintain mutual understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

- Realization of national and international projects on subject such as: tourism, environment, culture and migration in the Euromediterranean area
- activation of exchange and creation of networks with public and private partners and institutions
- development of research activities
- organization of seminars, workshops and conventions

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Salvo DI BELLA
Head of the organisation
Prof. Salvo DI BELLA


National Network

Via Lucullo 6 00187

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Progetto Sud has an headquarter in Rome and operating office in most of Italian regions. Progetto Sud implements projects funded by international organisations (such as EC-ECHO, ILO); the Italian bilateral cooperation (MAE-DGCS) as well as national institutions and local authorities (such as the Italian Ministry of Labour, Italian Local Entities). The number of staff is between 10 to 15 plus volunteers and consultants in specific fields. The Institute implements programs and projects of sustainable development and international cooperation, exchanges of best practices among civil society organisations, seminars in Italy and abroad. Main partners involved in the organization's projects and activities are other NGO, civil society organizations, local entities, municipalities. of Foreign Affairs in September 14th 1988 with decree n. 1988/128/4191/76D. The Institute promotes and implement programs of development, technical assistance, training, research and information in Developing Countries and in countries with transition economies. Progetto Sud is a no profit organisation with the national headquarter in Rome and operating headquarters in many Italian Regions. The Institute carries out projects with main goal the improvement of living condition of citizens and workers of South of the world, of Italian workers around the world; promotion and strengthening of national and international civil society advocacy. In order to reach these goals, the Institute sends qualified experts for the training of local staff, trainers for professional and trade unionist trainings. In order to guarantee the sustainability of projects, Progetto Sud focuses on the attention to the involvement of local actors, insuring their involvement and strengthening the local capacity building, providing services and technical assistance to the local human resource development. Moreover, the Institute organises seminars, courses and provides training equipment, focusing young people, students and workers attention on the Developing Countries matters.
Mission and Objectives

Progetto Sud statute aims are the following:
• To promote the economic, social, technical and cultural progress of workers in the Developing Countries, in the countries with transition economies and of Italian people all over the world;
• To contribute to the growth of trade union movement in Developing Countries, as promoter of economic growth and democracy;
• To go past the simple assistance in order to act as promoter of development chances for the South of the world, where could be possible a real local sustainable development;
• To promote the dialogue among different cultures and to promote peace building and peace keeping at national and international levels;
• To promote human rights and children rights;
• To make more aware the public opinion of social and economic gap between the “North” and the “South” of the world;
• To contribute to solve problems of migration flows and migration flows management;
• To realize equal opportunities for all, particularly respecting the gender issues and the mainstreaming.

Main Projects / Activities

The Cooperation activities of Progetto Sud particularly focus on the following fields:
• Social and economic field, support to the Small and Media Enterprises
• Environment field
• Valorisation of human resources
• Equal opportunities for all
• Promotion and protection of human rights and minority, promotion of democracy and support to the good governance in Developing Countries and in the countries with transition economies.
It is possible to call “Atelier “ in case of
• Professional training.
Or social and economic Atelier in case of
• Re-organization of local activities such as fishing, agriculture and so on
• activities in new fields (communication, hi-tech and so on)
• Service activities (health and so on).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Progetto Sud contribution could be organisation of seminars, supporting in best practices exchanges, seminars and research focus on the gap between the North and the South of Mediterranean countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In the last years, Progetto Sud has established officially in three Mediterranean Countries. In the last years, Progetto Sud has promoted some very important international workshops named “The Mediterranean in the Centre of Europe”. It is necessary to focus on the attention to the workshop activity promoted by Progetto Sud in the Mediterranean Countries.
In fact, the Institute has organised some International workshops “The Mediterranean in the Centre of Europe”.
The first international workshop was organised in Tunisi in 2003, the second one in Podgorica (Republic of Montenegro) in 2004 and the third in Cairo (Egypt) in 2005, in order to highlight the Institute interest for the Mediterranean area.
In 2010 Progetto Sud has obtained the official recognition in Lybia and has carried out a ENPI MED CBC project in Tunis

Contact (1) Full Name
Barbara Bugliosi
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Elisa Drago

ProgettoMondo Mlal

National Network

37138 VERONA


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
L’Assemblée est composée de tous les adhérents (environ 190), présidée par le Président et ses fonctions sont: - L’approbation du budget annuel et définitif; - La décision des lignes de programme d’intervention - L’approbation des modifications statutaires - L’élection et la révocation des charges sociales Le Président est élu à la majorité des présents de l’Assemblée, il demeure en fonction pour 4 ans et peut être élu uniquement pour 2 mandats consécutifs. Ses fonctions sont: - La représentation légale du Mouvement - La coordination et la gestion économique - La signature de conventions et de contrats - La souscription d’actes juridiques qui engagent le Mouvement - Délibérer des projets, des ressources et des engagements financiers. Le Comité: il est composé par le Président et par 6 membres élus par l’Assemblée entre les adhérents; ses membres peuvent être élus uniquement pour 2 mandats consécutifs. Il reste en fonction pour 4 ans et délibère à la majorité des présents. Ses fonctions sont: - décider l’admission et l’exclusion des adhérents - délibérer des conventions avec les autres organismes Le Comité des Commissaires aux comptes: il est nommé à la majorité de l’Assemblée et reste en fonction pour 4 ans. Il est composé par 3 membres effectifs et ses devoirs sont déterminés en référence à l’art. 2403 du Code Civil italien. La structure opérationnelle est composée par: le Président, la Direction, le Secrétariat (1 pers.), le Service administratif (5 pers.), le Bureau des projets (4 pers.), les Coordinateurs Amérique Latine et Afrique (4 pers.), le Bureau de la zone Italie (3 pers.), le Service de la Communication (1 pers.), Le Bureau de la Coopération Décentrée (1 pers.), les correspondants de pays (les personnes qui travaillent pour ProgettoMondo Mlal a l’étrangère sont 31 ). Les ressources financières du Mlal proviennent de fonds publics (Union européenne, Ministère Affaires Etrangères Italien, Régions, Provinces), fondations privées (voir donnée economique dans Annexé). Les partenaires du Mlal sont : organisations pas gouvernementales(Amnesty International, CESVI, COSPE, COOPI, ISCOS, ACRA, RETE), universités, province italiennes (Torino, Vicenza, Roma, Padova ecc..), maries (Lecco, Milano, Fossano, Genova) et étrangères
Mission and Objectives

La mission institutionnelle de ProgettoMondo Mlal, en termes généraux, se base sur la construction d’une citoyenneté globale, juste et solidaire. Au cours de son histoire cette perspective s’est traduite en actions concrètes – projets, assistance technique, présence de coopérants, échanges Nord - Sud et Sud - Sud sur différents thèmes mais avec un objectif constant: la promotion d’un développement participatif.
Nous réaffirmons par conséquent que les projets que ProgettoMondo Mlal élabore ou a élaboré dans chaque pays sont insérés dans une stratégie institutionnelle qui répond aux critères mentionnés, et qui peuvent se résumer dans le paradigme stratégique suivant: “rester dans la réalité du pays en accompagnant des processus de développement par le bas”. Le développement des thèmes (santé, éducation, environnement, etc.) naît par conséquent également de cette méthode de travail, du moment que la sélection et la priorité de thèmes et de secteurs répond à des critères de comparaison entre les priorités nationales et les initiatives locales. De plus, l'expérience nous apprend que le thème “droits de l’homme” est au premier plan dans les pays où il y a une plus grande attention de la société civile autour de ce thème (pour des raisons historiques ou autre), ou bien que le thème indigène est plus fort dans des secteurs où ces mouvements sociaux articulent de manière plus claire une question sociale et politique.

Main Projects / Activities

ProgettoMondo Mlal est présent en Amérique Latine depuis plus de 40 ans et en Afrique depuis plus de 10 ans, avec des projets de coopération qui entendent renforcer le développement des capacités collectives des groupes exclus. Nombreux sont les thèmes traités :
- Santé communautaire, par des actions de renforcement des services et de renforcement de communautés et d’organisations locales de base.
- Développement rural, par des activités concernant les thèmes du soutien à la production, au renforcement des organisations et des groupes de paysans, à la reconnaissance légale des terres, au renforcement de la participation de la femme rurale.
- Économie solidaire, par le soutien de la création et le renforcement d’expériences de production et d’organisation (artisanat, tourisme équitable, production agricole, commerce) administrées dans un but économique, et par son intégration au niveau national et international.
- Sécurité alimentaire, en réduisant le niveau de pauvreté des familles bénéficiaires, surtout les plus vulnérables, en améliorant leur nutrition et en augmentant le niveau de leurs revenus, à travers l’amélioration de leurs capacités de production, augmentant ainsi leur niveau de sécurité alimentaire. En même temps, par ses projets ProgettoMondo Mlal s’attend à ce que les bénéficiaires acquièrent des connaissances et mettent en place des pratiques de conservation des ressources naturelles.
- Droits de l’homme, par des projets de promotion du droit au nom, à l'identité, de défense des droits de la femme, de protection et de promotion des droits, de recherche et de formation de promoteurs des droits de l’homme.
- Droits des peuples indigènes, orientés principalement au renforcement des organisations de base.
- Droits de l'enfant, par des projets de soutien au mouvement national des enfants et adolescents travailleurs au niveau national, en augmentant leurs capacités organisatrices et leur intégration internationale, et par des projets d’alphabétisation et de formation, à travers également la réalisation d’activités ludiques et récréatives visant l'intégration sociale et psychologique des enfants en situation de risque.
- Gestion des ressources naturelles et de l'environnement, par des projets et une assistance technique spécifiquement basée sur le thème de la Lutte à la Désertification, orientés à renforcer les capacités nationales dans la définition de priorités nationales et d’instruments d’intervention et de contrôle. ProgettoMondo Mlal détient le statut d’observateur auprès de l'UNCCD - Secrétariat de la Convention de Lutte contre la Désertification.
- Urgences, aide humanitaire et soutien aux processus de reconstruction, à l’occasion de calamités naturelles et en aide aux populations vulnérables.
Ces thèmes ont eu des axes transversaux d’ordre méthodologique, comme le renforcement institutionnel, la perspective de genre, l'inter-culturalité, le développement durable et, à l’intérieur même de la perspective, de promouvoir des processus endogènes de développement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valentino Piazza
Head of the organisation
Mario Lonardi
Contact (2) Full Name
Luisa Casonato

Prospekt Photographers

National Network

Via Ristori 1

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
1. Photoagency. 4 people in the staff, in charge of accounting, sales, photoediting, production and facilities, web management. 14 photographers based all over Europe represented. 2. 150.000 euros 3. Sales, Awards, Private Equity and Bank Loans. 4. Production and selling of single photos, photo stories and photo reportages. Participation to awards and exhibitions. Shooting on assignment. Long term photo projects. 5. NGOs, magazines and newspapers, public and private companies, municipalities.
Mission and Objectives

Prospekt deals with local and international news and photostories. It produces and sells reportages, surveys and reports on politics, news, daily life, environment, migration, conflicts, society, history and culture.
Prospekt also works on long-term projects to deepen photographically chosen features.
Prospekt’s mission is to tell and comment the reality through the eye of the photographers, since ever witnesses of the changing reality. The agency aims to propose a new vision, through stories far away from the quick and consumer television imaginary, to open the mind to different representations of today’s world and daily life in all their variety and diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

Main long-term projects:
“Water Corp. Human right or commodity?” Photographic project on water seen as a source of life but also as a human resource. The first three reportages (Sicily, Lao PDR and Nigeria were realized in collaboration with Amnesty International and the sponsorship of UN.
“The Lowest Hanging Fruit Project” Photographic project on Tuberculosis, Malaria and Aids, named as “The Big Three”.
“Eternit” Photographic project on Asbestos dismantling in European countries as Italy, France, UK and Belgium.
“Inner Exile” Photographic project on the memory of Civil Wars in Spain, Argentina, Rwanda.
For a list of reportages, see also

Contact (1) Full Name
Eugenia Dubini
Head of the organisation
Samuele F. Pellecchia
Contact (2) Full Name
Annalisa Fumagalli Ceri

Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - Dip. di cultura italiano

National Network

Via del Ronco, 2 - 39100 Bolzano

+39 0471-411200-01
+39 0471-411209
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dott. Antonio Lampis

Provincia di Livorno – Assessorato alla Cooperazione Internazionale

National Network

Provincia di Livorno, Piazza del Municipio, 4, 57100 Livorno

+39 0586 257311
+39 0586257304
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+ 39 335 1449126
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 335 1448744
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1)The Province of Livorno is a local government Authority which represents 20 borough councils (including the city of Livorno) within the Region of Tuscany. The Province of Livorno is actually governed by the President Giorgio Kutufà and an executive council. The Provincial Authority has a general director, a general secretariat and a general accountancy. The executive work is organised by four big departments: Economic programmation, Public Infrastructures, Environment and Culture-training-employment. The cooperation unity is a part of Economic programmation department. Staff employed: 405 units 2) Budgetary resources available in a year: 95 865 988, 78 € 4) Concrete projects, exchanges and seminars. 5) Tuscany and foreign ONG, Regional Authority of Tuscany, Some Provincial Authority of Tuscany, All Provincial Municipalities.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
dott. Guido Cruschelli
Head of the organisation
Giorgio Kutufà

Provincia di Pesaro e Urbino

National Network


0039721 359373
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Domenicucci
Head of the organisation
Matteo Ricci

R.U.E. - Risorse Umane Europa

National Network

R.U.E. - Risorse Umane Europa
Via Giusti 5
33100 Udine


+ 39 0432 227547
+ 39 0432 227547
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 39 338 4626817
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
RUE – Risorse Umane Europa (Human Resources Europe) is a non profit association, established in Udine on 27 February 1992. Its aim is to intervene through training, information and research – action on intercultural themes relating to racial discrimination, active citizenship and the process of European integration. Chamber of Commerce of Udine ( Italy), registration n. 257630 date 22/07/2005. Concerning the budgetary resources, RUE is financed thanks the contribution of the local Administration (in particular the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Province of Udine). Our partners are the the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Province of Udine, local and foreign associations focused on human rights, youth and education, democracy development. Concerning the modalities of action, please see on end.
Mission and Objectives

RUE – Risorse Umane Europa (Human Resources Europe) is a non profit association, established in Udine on 27 February 1992. Its aim is to intervene through training, information and research – action on intercultural themes relating to racial discrimination, active citizenship and the process of European integration. Registration at Chamber of Commerce of Udine ( Italy) n. 257630, date on 22/07/2005.
Corporation recognized by the autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia for vocational training from 2004 to 2007. European promotion service of the autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Unit of the information Network for educational guidance in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Non-profit association enrolled in the “Immigration” Register of the Italian Social Affairs Department. Enrolment in the Ministry of Labour national Register of Associations and Bodies against Racial Discrimination. Training board recognized by Italian Ministry of Education - Department for Education, University and Research, General directorate for training and in-service courses for school staff. Member of the Intercultural Education Council of Italian Ministry of Education.
The daily activities of RUE - Risorse Umane Europa will contribute to strengthen active European citizenship through common intercultural learning experiences, to enrich and integrate services and opportunities for disadvantaged young people, to acquire from young people relevant indications to favour the understanding of intercultural communications in a European and enlarged context of equal opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

The work group of young cooperators and volunteers of RUE is involved for many years now in organizing Regional and European projects for those working in the field of socio-educational services and health, for managers, teachers, foreign minors and their families, students of the middle schools and high schools, and young people of the autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The presence of RUE into the institutional structures meets the need to offer a qualified reference for the planning and the intervention actions, with an implementation of the actions in a trans-cultural field; therefore, the civil society and the target group of young people will be able to benefit from a specialised support to interpret, with a correct methodological approach, different economic, social and cultural issues.
Each study case represents a spur to reorganise relationships and to foreshadow positive changes in the services in order to: improve the performances, have an immediate exchange with young people of the same age, experiment dialogue on topics of common interest, understand the immediate and future outlooks, also in a situation of disadvantage. Reflection workshops will be organised by RUE in the high schools of the Region. Between 2004 and 2009 the Service for Community Relations and European integration of Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia invited RUE - European Human Resources to improve relations between citizens and local and community institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Walter De Liva
Head of the organisation
Mr. Walter De Liva
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Alessandro Giardina

Regione Abruzzo

National Network

Portici S. Bernardino, 25 - 67100

0862 364215
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
La Regione Abruzzo, istituendo una delega alle relazioni con i paesi del Mediterraneo, conferma la propria attenzione al dialogo interculturale. Molte iniziative sono state avviate così come altre ne verranno organizzate. Sono stati presentati, nell'ultimo anno, due progetti sul tema della cultura, di cui uno sul dialogo interculturale con la presenza di 5 Università Europee e teatri internazionali.
Mission and Objectives

Promuovere il dialogo interculturale all'interno del territorio UE ma anche fuori dai confini europei.
Coinvolgere i giovani come veicolo principale del cambiamento e della comprensione delle altre culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Progetti europei, convegni, seminari, missioni nei paesi del mediterraneo per la promozione del dialogo interculturale.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Fiore
Head of the organisation
Gianni Chiodi

Regione Lazio – Councillorship for Environment and Cooperation among Peoples

National Network

Via del Tintoretto 432 – 00142

+ 39 06 51689338
Telephone (other)
+ 39 06 51689005
+ 39 06510779270
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. The Regional Direction for Environment and Cooperation among Peoples is the technical – administrative department implementing environmental and cooperation policies in Lazio Region. It’s organized in several offices, each with a specific competency, (forest management, renewable energy, water resources) with a permanent staff of 166 people. 2. Resources available in 2006: 1.950.000 Meuro. 3. The Lazio region is a public body. 4. As to the Cooperation among Peoples, the Lazio Region promotes EU projects and supports specific projects, in the regional territory, carried out by /regional/national associations and ONG. 5. EU member states, third countries, national and international ONG, associations and foundations.
Mission and Objectives

The Regional Direction for Environment and Cooperation among peoples has the lead responsibility to protect and improve environment (land, water and air) and implement actions for achieving sustainable development and promoting cooperation among peoples.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of the Regional Direction for Environment and Cooperation among peoples are: soil defence, safeguard of biodiversity (Natura 2000 network, Regional Protected Areas), forest management, renewable sources of energy, sustainable development, environmental education, cooperation among peoples, water resources.
It has financed numerous projects in the field of cooperation among peoples and has participated to several EU programmers such as Culture, Inti, Asia-ProEco, Asia Invest, ACP-EP Energy Facility.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Alemanni
Head of the organisation
Mr. Filiberto Zaratti – Councillor
Contact (2) Full Name
Raffaella Fomini