ONG N :EA (Napoli :Europa Africa) ONLUS

National Network

Via Michelangelo Schipa n 115

0039 081 660606
0039 081 664638
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Strucuture comprenant presidence, conseil directeur, assemblée des associés, 30 associés, n. 3 partenairs 116.325,84 euros (année 2004) Mairie de Naples, Région Campania, cotisations des associés, fonds privés Projets concrets, séminaires, échanges, campagnes de sensibilisation Université La Cambre en Belgique, Association culturelle Misola, Association culturelle Festival Trans Méditerranée en France Mairie de Naples, Régione Campania, Associations d’Immigrés en Italie, Ecoles.
Mission and Objectives

Mission : promouvoir le développemnt participatif et améliorer la qualité de la vie et les capacités fondamentales des individus.
Objectifs: rapprocher les personnes de différentes cultures
à travers l’amélioration de la connaissance réciproque et le dialogue interculturel.
Sensibiliser la société sur les problématiques du développement .
Développer les relations d’amitié entre les peuples
Favoriser les processus de paix
Combattre les prejugés sociales et les stéréotypes culturels

Main Projects / Activities

Principales activités : éducation au développement et education interculturelle, architecture soutenable, formation des enseignants, des médiateurs interculturels et des architects, soutiens aux femmes et aux enfants, coopération solidale, services aux citoyens immigrés, échanges culturels entre les étudiants

Contact (1) Full Name
Esposito Maria
Head of the organisation
Arch. Caròla Fabrizio
Contact (2) Full Name
Cammarota Lucia

Organizzazione di Volontariato "il Germoglio"

National Network

Via XXIV Giugno, 24/D 37139

+39 45 8900916
Telephone (other)
+39 45 8905342
+39 45 8905342
Mobile Phone
+39 3490907819
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
“il germoglio” is a Volunteers Organization founded in Verona in 1989. Currently there are 20 operative volunteers in organization's activities. 6 professional educators employed in two Daily Centers (children and adolescents), 1 young in Civil Service and 2 trainees. Organization's yearly budget amounts in 260.000 € Principal sources of funding are from Verona's Municipality for activities with youths committed in Centers, and from calls for funding of local administrations; we have even private contributions. Our Daily Centers are opened every day of the year, with concrete activities. Our principal partners are: for activities with youths Verona's Municipality, Local Sanitary Services, Schools, University of Verona for Dialogue projects Schools and associations in Verona, in Israel and in Palestine.
Mission and Objectives

Organization's mission is to prevent “children in distress” through activities with children, parents, school and territory.
This activity begun 20 years ago, initially with care only of volunteers, but from 2001 they are supported by professional educators. Now “il Germoglio” manages 2 Daily Centers: the first for children, the second for adolescents. Youths involved in activities are altogether 35.
From 2005 “il Germoglio” organizes a new activity, to help adolescents from Israel and Palestine to exit from war traumas: this project is named “flowers of peace”, and we hosted 5 groups of adolescents in Verona for activities of dialogue and meeting with italian schools.

Main Projects / Activities

Daily Center for children (12 youths everyday)
Daily Center for adolescents (12 youths everyday)
Open Center for children (10 youths 2 days every week)
Mami Nuiè: activity with foreign women for learning italian language and rights of cityzenship
Flowers of Peace: activity for dialogue between arab and israeli adolescents in war traumas

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Menin
Head of the organisation
Marco Menin
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Filippi

Permanent Study Centre on Emigration - Emigrant’s Museum

National Network

Contrada Omerelli, 24
47890 San Marino

Republic of San Marino

+378 (0549) 88 51 69
Telephone (other)
+378 (0549) 88 51 57
+378 (0549) 88 51 70
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Structure of the organization: the staff is composed of five persons: a director, a responsible for international relations, a responsible for the archives, a secretary and a staff member dealing with the exhibit spaces. Furthermore, competitions are regularly advertised to award research grants. Budgetary resources: they amount to about € 20.000,00 which correspond to the annual contribution made by the State for research and promotion activities.
Mission and Objectives

Sources of funding: besides the budget allocated by the State, there are other contributions for single projects from external sources of funding, such as banking foundations, public and private entities, local and international institutions. Staff expenses, expenses to purchase furniture and equipment, as well as those related to the premises being the seat of the Museum are not included in the annual budget, but they are borne by the State.
Modalities of action: courses, seminars, scholarships, educational laboratories, a literary competition, exhibitions, publications, videos, documentaries, etc.
Main partners involved in the organization’s projects/activities: the Secretariats of State for Foreign Affairs and for Culture, UNESCO, the Training Department of San Marino and Bologna University, the Consulta and the Communities of San Marino citizens abroad, local publishers, Associations of former emigrants; AEMI association, CSER, CEMLA, CISEI Study Centres, CRESCI Foundation, the Museums of Ellis Island and Gualdo Tadino, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities underway include:
- The Memory Archive
A networked system dedicated to the acquisition and management of data.
- Memory Diaries “Amarcord… Stories of Migration”
Through the cooperation with a local publisher, the Study Centre publishes stories of life and migration.
- History Book on San Marino Emigration San Marino migration periods are described in a handbook for children.
- Course on Family Genealogy
The intensive course offers the methodology to get familiar with genealogy.
- Literary Competition “The Migration Experience of San Marino Citizens”
The competition is divided into three sections: memory, fiction, search.
- Itinerary Exhibition “Un Piccolo Stato nella Grande Storia"
This exhibition has been created above all to serve as a positive model for those countries which have coped with this phenomenon up to now.
- Research on Emigration to Argentina
In cooperation with CEMLA, a research activity is being carried out on San Marino migration to Argentina between 1882 and 1956.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Noemi Ugolini
Head of the organisation
Mrs Director Noemi Ugolini
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs Chiara Cardogna

Petra University

National Network


+962 65715545
Telephone (other)
+962 65715579
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Amin Mahmoud (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Firas Al-Khalidi

Politecnico di Milano (Centro METID)

National Network

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133

0039 02 2399 2480
Telephone (other)
0039 02 2399 2439
0039 02 2399 2481
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
349 4335097
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The METID (Metodi E Tecnologie Innovative per la Didattica) Centre is a non-profit centre of the public university Politecnico di Milano. It employs 45 people, divided into different sections: Management (3), Admin and Logistics (4), Adiministration (4), Responsable Project Areas (11), Editing (6), Develop (5), Visual Design (8), Tutoring (4). The budget reosurces available in a year are estimated around 2.000.000 euros: one third of the whole amount is coming from the Politecnico di Milano, while two third from external projects financed by different institutions and "customers" (European Commission, Public Authorities, Regional Insitutions and Schools and Private Companies). All the incomes qare re-invested in the Centre's activities. METID is involved in development of numerous projects for Politecnico di Milano, public authorities, Italian and foreign companies, developing services and products in many areas of interests: the Centre works with national and international partners.
Mission and Objectives

The METID (Metodi E Tecnologie Innovative per la Didattica) Centre was created to provide support to teachers in this didactical innovation via the use of computer, multimedia and telecommunications technologies, creating collaboration agreements with internal and external bodies, and comparing its activities with other Italian and international experience. The Centre aims therefore to innovate the methodologies and technoglogies for "teaching and learning", aplying its reasearching activities to many fields of interests and targets, from the primary school to the life-long learning area. In its project, the Centre always try to experience the integration between traditional way of learning and ICT tools of last generation, focusing on the needs of the target and developing solutions that fits at its best to the context.

Main Projects / Activities

METID is involved in development of numerous projects for Politecnico di Milano, public authorities, Italian and foreign companies, dealing with different areas: International, Science and Youth, Enterprises and Lifelong Learning, Inclusion and Cooperation, Didactic and Innovation, Communication and Collaboration.
The Centre has a multimedia lab and a recording studio for the realization of video services, organizes training activities on e-learning themes and offers course on Web 2.0 tools and multimedia production techniques. It offers design, development and delivery of e-learning products, testing, monitoring and training activities, tutoring and counseling support. For further details o the projects see the file attached to this form or the website of our organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Susanna Sancassani
Head of the organisation
Alberto Colorni
Contact (2) Full Name
Nicola Padovani

Polo Euromediterraneo Jean Monnet

National Network

c/o CUM -via celso ulpiani 27-1 70121 Bari

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Polo Euromediterraneo Jean Monnet is a center of excellence specialized in the field of European integration, gathering several universities (Lecce, Bari, Foggia, Bergame, CUM) and scientific, human and documentary resources concerning European researchs and studies. Polo Euromediterraneo Jean Monnet is also : - a excellence's network of JEAN Monnet professors and other, teaching lessons on integration - centers of documentary and researchs and of exsiting third cycle - academic staff and local regional/international ressources of the civil society in the field of European integration - non academic experts of communautary affairs. Annual Budget : between 25 000/45 000 Euros Partners Financing: EU, regions, partners
Mission and Objectives

The setting up of Polo Euromediterraneo Jean Monnet as a European center of excellence responds to 3 aims:
- Make visible scientific, material available ressources about European integration inside universities or regions
- Develop synergies between all available ressources
- Have effect to regions thanks to debats'organisation about European construction with ouverture to civil society.
Polo Euromediterraneo Jean Monnet aims to give value to knowledge of European intgration's process, through : teaching, cultural dialogue, influence of socio-cultural activities between universities and the civil society including partner's support

Main Projects / Activities

Polo Euromediterraneo Jean Monnet develops these activities:
- juridic, politic socio-economic and inter-cultural teachings of the European integration process
- reflexion, debate, dialogue between universities and the civil society.
- applied research concerning the fields of culutral patrimony, tourism, sustainable development, Huma rights, multilinguism
- Partnership between local, regional and international collectivities for projects'realisation of training/research in the frame of P.I.C (Interreg-Leader-Equal-Urban)
- diffusion and evaluation of knowledge of European integration's process in the civil society (Treaty- Plan of fundamental rights)

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Cosmio Notarstefano
Head of the organisation
Prof. Cosmio Notarstefano
Contact (2) Full Name
Monique Bargibant

Polo Euromediterraneo Jean Monnet

National Network

c/o CUM -via celso ulpiani 27-1 70121 Bari

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Cosmio Notarstefano
Head of the organisation
Prof. Cosmio Notarstefano
Contact (2) Full Name
Mme Gianna Dianna


National Network

P.zza Risorgimento, 8

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1- Head, activities designer, coordinator, company director, press office (five partners) 2- According to the fundings that PratiKa receives (it is a no-profit association). On the whole about 260.000,00 € 3- Sponsorships, community funds, private funds, co-operative contributions. 4- Counseling, education and guidance for all concerning the SCHOOL; EDUCATION ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FUNDS; Counseling, education and guidance for public corporations; project of Democracy and community development 5- Provincial Administration of Tuscany, Regional Administration, Bank Foundations, Municipalities, School of any order and grade, Public corporations, educational agencies, cooperative societies, publishing house, Universities.
Mission and Objectives

* Promote and realize quality education for all those who work in the field of vocational guidance;
* Promote the spreading of the culture of the lifelong education;
* Encourage the surfacing of educational methodologies of quality and of experimental projects;
* Contribute to the research and development of education;
* Promote collaborative and additional ways among different individuals and/or similar who deal with education according to high quality levels;
* Promote guiders’ education , the spread of the attention towards the small and meaningful realities, the attention to young educators:
* Promote the democratization of the educational system and the equal distribution of the resources;
* Contribute and support the innovation of education.
* Promote the research and the surfacing of quality methodologies, the care to the person during the guidance processes;
* Promote the spread of conceptions and practices of guidance as the empowerment;
* Encourage the spread of narrative guidance methodology;

Main Projects / Activities

* Counseling, education and guidance for all concerning the SCHOOL (teachers, educational executives, students);
* EDUCATION ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FUNDS (FSE- European Social Fund, community programmes, regional provincial and ministerial funds, institutions etc...);
* Counseling, education and guidance for public corporations;
* Counseling, education and guidance for organizations and firms;
* All levels of communication (internal, external, education to, counselling for);
* Planning counseling and services for educational agencies;
* Counseling, education, services and guidance for particular fields (farm holidays, educational agency);
* Selection of staff.

Contact (1) Full Name
Federico Batini
Head of the organisation
Federico Batini

Pro Loco S. Maria di Castellabate (SA)

National Network

Via S.Andrea, 102
S.Maria di Castellabate (SA)

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
General Information
Our association works at a tourist and cultural level in one of the most beautiful area of Mediterranean Sea. Indeed our coast, one of the first Italian seaside park, has gained a lot of national appreciations, first of all the “Blue Flag” for the natural environment protection. We work together on the local authorities and some associations, such as “Cilentan House of Europe Association”. We cooperate also with the project “Pax in Maribus” about Mediterranean seaside parks. Our partners but also some volunteers work to realize our projects. We are financed by Local Authorities, National Park of Cilento, Mountain Community and some private sponsors
Mission and Objectives

Our first aim is to involve in the “Ulysses Project” the different places of Mediterranean coast, where Ulysses landed on his journey. We want to twin all these places, this year we are going to twin Djerba, in Tunisia, with our country, the land of the Mermaid Leucosia. The myth tells that the Mermaid Leucosia is buried here, on the little homonymous island and since twenty years we have connected to her name the “Leucosia Prize”. This prize is given all men who have made Cilento known in the world or which have reached great results in different fields.

Main Projects / Activities

This year the “Ulysses Project” provides for two phases: the twin with one of the places where Ulysses landed and this place’s knowledge through “the week of the nation”. In this way our society can better knows Mediterranean realities, which we considered above all for their negative aspects, and the foreign societies can better know our country. So we hope giving a little help to free people from those prejudices which do difficult the peace in the Mediterranean Sea. Another project is to twin a Syrian town, under UNESCO’s protection, with Castellabate, protected by UNESCO too.

Contact (1) Full Name
Farace Giovanni

Prodest Scarl

National Network

Via Milano 14 Busto Asizio (VA)

+39 0331324948
+39 0331625798
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Rosanna Di Nuzzo