Municipality of Albignasego

National Network

Via Milano, 7
Albignasego - 35020

+39 049 8042225
+39 049 8625188
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1. 87 staff employed in 8 sectors; 2. Around 13.500.000 euros yearly income 3. Own resources (taxes); state, regional and provincial funding; other resources (amount due from citizens for services like kindergarten, ext.) 4. Strong policy of communication with the public through a front office and newsletters; projects; seminars and various events. 5. Province of Padua; Region of Veneto; Energie-cités and AICCRE (networks); various local authorities and institutions in partner for European projects. 6. From October 2005 the Municipality has an European office to keep updated with European opportunities and develop a culture of belonging to Europe and a dialogue between cultures.
Mission and Objectives

Overall objectives: to provide services for the citizens in the fields of culture, sport, school, social assistance. The aim is to co-operate close to the associations, schools, citizens and enterprises of the territory involving them in events and initiatives.
To raise the possibility of being involved in activities fruitful for the community, the Municipality works in strict contact also with other institutions, in Italy and abroad, to develop projects taking into account innovation and exchange of experience and know how. This co-operation is a great enrichment for the administration and, as a consequence, for the entire community.

Main Projects / Activities

One of the most important activities of the Municipality is the so called “social financial statement”, an instrument to share with the community the results of the administration’s work and public spending.
Furthermore, it manages many cultural and social activities, basically through the public Library: important exhibitions, seasonal celebrations, concerts, cineforum ext.
At the moment, it is preparing and developing international projects on environment and on cultural initiatives together with European partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fabrizia Pertegato
Head of the organisation
Massimiliano Barison (Mayor)

Municipality of Bologna – Mayor’s Cabinet - International Relations, Cooperation and Projects Office

National Network

Piazza Maggiore, 6

39 051 203499
Telephone (other)
39 051 204355
39 051 227845
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The International Relations, Cooperation and Projects Office is part of the Mayor’s Cabinet and its Director is represented by the Head of the Mayor’s Cabinet.
Mission and Objectives

The International Relations Area provides a specialised advisory service for the Mayor and the Councillors mainly regarding the organisation of international bilateral and multilateral relations. Links with organisations and institutions are made and maintained and assistance is offered to directors and other employees embarking on foreign trips. Another of the services offered by this area is events organisation, and also representation of the Municipality at international city networks and association meetings. The Municipality is member of several EU networks of cities, among which: Eurocities, Telecities, Global Cities Dialogue, ASCE (Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe, Co-ordinator), ICLEI, European Coalition of Cities Against Racism and Xenofobia.

Main Projects / Activities

The International Projects Area offers specialised support to all the departments of the Municipality dealing in particular with funding applications as well as the planning and management of European projects and international cooperation projects. It is composed of experienced project and accounting managers. At the moment, the office is coordinating many EU projects in several fields: IST, culture, environment, e-government, sustainable and vocational tourism, urban development, education, immigration, unaccompanied minors, social integration etc. In 2005, the office has been involved into 30 projects, supporting different Departments of the Municipality (Social Services, Environment, Information Systems, Culture, etc.). Among these, four are co-ordinated, at EU level, by the Municipality.
Main Projects and Activities
Activities focus on European projects (social inclusion, citizenship, socio-labour integration of asylum seekers, socio-labour inclusion of unaccompanied minor migrants, sensibilization on the themes of social exclusion)

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Francesca Martinese
Head of the organisation
Mr. Berardino Cocchianella
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Lucia Fresa

Municipality of Mazara del Vallo

National Network

Via Carmine, 7-9
91026 Mazara del Vallo

+39 0923 932919
+39 0923 933177
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
347 - 5711226
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Municipality of Mazara del Vallo is a public body with 472 employees. In 1995 was created the Community Policies Bureau in which six persons has been working. Last year the Community Policies Bureau managed about € 2.000.000,00 thanks to projects which were financed by european, national and regional authorities.
Mission and Objectives

Planning, Innovation, Competiton and Community Policies

Main Projects / Activities

The Municipality of Mazara del Vallo was partner, besides Finland, Hungary, Romania and Spain in a project called “AGRINET” within the Ecos-Ouverture community programme in the years of 1996 and ’97.AGRINET was focused on rural tourism with special regard to farm tourism. Farm tourism is a non-traditional form of tourism, not addressed to the masses, but at the same time widespread, showing respect for the environmental heritage, the search for quietness and countryside traditions. In 1998 the administration was partner in the project “Propart” within the Ecos-Ouverture programme focused on the creation of a network between Administrations and industries in order to favour cooperation and industrial partnerships between Italy, Marocco and Tunisia.Within the community programme Life-Nature ’99 Mazara del Vallo got financed a project which regards the “Reclamation and Environmental Remediation of the Capo Feto Biotope”. Since the year 2000 the reserve has been proclaimed “Biotope of international interest”. The objective is to show to the public, in the future, a very interesting damp zone which contains a very rare flora and fauna but, also, to give a tourist importance. In the same year another project called “Le città del mare – Circuito dei Borghi Marinari (The cities of the sea - the circuit of the fishing suburbs)” has been financed thanks to the ERSF. The cultural tourism beginning from a specific theme "The cities of the sea – The Circuit of the fishing suburbs", the activity of exploitation of the tourist and cultural sites, is organized according to cultural and thematic criterions and of marketing of the single city and the destination in its complex, defined as whole of visit places participating to a circuit.Considering its nature, it is a planning document which defines, in specific terms, the guide lines for the development of the territory and it establishes the same concept of itinerary, fixing rules for the qualified tourist fruition of the cultural patrimony. The project will, therefore, see this area of the Mediterranean object of a careful operation of territorial marketing, aimed atdiscovering and studying in communicative terms, all the wealth inside, from those more easily visible, to those, above all, which are actually in a potential state.Thanks to a special National Fund another project called “Giardino dell’Emiro (The Emir’s garden)” has been financed. The project foresees,on the one side the environmental restoration of the Mediterranean vegetation, from the other the recovery of the ancient caves of tufo (stone) and the restoration of the paleo-christian cave, being in the past a burial. The project has a strong tourist value, considering that facilities for the reception of the tourists are foreseen.In 2003 a project of twinning called ”Euromediterranean – Culture, economy and development in the vivacity of the peoples” was financed by the European Commission and realised in Mazara del Vallo. The event was devoted to the principal themes about balanced development of the maritime cities which lean out on the Mediterranean, with the finality to create a moment of meeting to exchange best practices and to prepare a preliminary draft for future partnership in a Europe more and more widened. The partners had been Spain, Greece, Malta and Tunisia.In the same year a cooperation project with Tunisia had been financed called “Proche” and in 2005 the second part had been financed. In the year 2004/05 Mazara del Vallo was partner in a Interreg III b Medocc project called “Marimed” managed by the Region Emilia Romagna. In the year 2007 the Municipality of Mazara del Vallo took part in a project called THON.DOC within the programme Interreg IIIb Medocc managed by the prefecture of Heraklion (Greece). Besides Italy the other partners are from Portugal and Spain.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dott.ssa Maria Gabriella Marasca
Head of the organisation
Nicolò Cristaldi

Musica e Arte Associazione Culturale

National Network

Via Cosimo Giustini 9
00151 Roma

+39 06 58209051
+39 06 58209051
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
- “Musica e Arte” is a Cultural Association No-Profit. - The number of employees is 11 understood the management. - The annual budget is of around 50,000 Euro. - Sources of funding are the students that attend our Music School, and for Concerts and other events, the organizations that finance the initiatives. - The Association has organized more than 100 concerts and about ten cultural events. - The main partners involved in the projects are the Provincial of Rome and the Region Lazio institutions.
Mission and Objectives

This Association has the main target to encourage and organize cultural and musical activity. One of the objectives is to offer a special opportunity to young composers and interpreters in a totally free condition context.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association has organized more than 100 concerts and about ten cultural events. The main projects are the following:
Cantiere Musica – It’s a summer music festival that aims to reveal and broadcast the experiences and results of the work-in-progress of composers, orchestra and performers involved in the project all year long. Its first edition took place in 2003.
Composition Contest, whose purpose is to encourage new compositions. The idea finally found a fertile condition to take place. The contest is open to conservatory of music students or university students of musicology.
Piccola Orchestra ‘900, founded in 1998. Its elements are high-level performers whose average doesn’t go over the thirty year of age. Its musical tendency is contemporary music and premières of new composers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emanuela Petitti (President)
Head of the organisation
Emanuela Petitti President
Contact (2) Full Name
Simone Veccia (Musical and Artistic Director)


National Network

P.zza Risorgimento, 8

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1- Head, activities designer, coordinator, company director, press office (five partners) 2- According to the fundings that Nausika receives (it is a no-profit association). On the whole about 75.000,00 € 3- Sponsorships, community funds, private funds, co-operative contributions. 4- theater-literature, audiobooks, Festival of literature, music, theater, seminars of writing, projects financed by the Provincial Administration related to courses of writing and creative reading, projects of promotion of reading, circle of meetings with famous writers, reading events in the most different contexts. 5- Provincial Administration of Tuscany, Regional Administration, Bank Foundations,Municipalities, Bookshops, Theater, School of any order and grade, Theatrical Academies.
Mission and Objectives

Nausika is an association in which shareholders are cultural associations of different forms, linked together by the purpose to create the widest and the highest qualitatively number of cultures activities. Nausika’s activities are aimed to the education, research and the spread of culture in its widest and many-sided vest.
Nausika is an association which made of synergy, among the varieties of cultural associations its own major point of strength, in order to give birth to the creation of project of cultural nature or to support itself, creating traditional and innovative professional competences, acknowledging with projects of education and guidance according the exigencies of the territory, by the single associations, organizing cultural events, meetings, exhibitions, performances, concerts, and whatever can get near the major number of people to the cultural world in all its patterns and manifestations.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Federico Batini
Head of the organisation
Federico Batini

NEAC - Network of European Active Citizens

National Network

Via Giovanni da Procida, 20

+39 0823 342087
+39 0823 342087
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 393 7190346
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Non for profit Association whose premises is in Italy with offices in 34 European Countries and over 200 European Members. - About Euros 50,000.00 coming from EU funds, Local Authorities, Fees. - Association is member of Partnership for Soustainable Development of United Nations Organization. Organize projects, exchanges, seminar, training courses etc. - Other similar Organizations coming from European Countries.
Mission and Objectives

NEAC - Network of European Active Citizens is an international, non profit Organization whose aim is to stimulate a broader conscience in participation of people for the choices and strategies of developing a democratic culture.
The Association engages itself to act to value, spread and use any creative expressive way, and therefore will activate, at national and international level, programmes for information and training.
By means of promotional adhesions, partnerships and synergies, an infrastructure with the network has been formed, this will be able to contribute to the growing of individuals, associations and groups and give important contributions to the European citizen development
For this scope the Association: create groups to work on projects that advance proposals to competent institutions; organize channels of participation to create their own projects or those projects by orhers; organize conferences, meetings, study seminars in traditional and telematic form schools and informative courses and updating both local and distant learning, hold competitions and national and international prizes, produce material for educational innovations, books, magazines and pictures and electronic media, produce CD roms, audiovisual and applications of expert systems and virtual reality, contributes for the creative expansion of culture, of art, of science and encouraging the creativity of individuals united in their own global and conscious vision of the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Organization of Youth Meetings, Seminars, Training Courses, Workshops. Promotion of new European projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Altavilla
Head of the organisation
Enrico Scotto di Carlo

O Zoo NO

National Network

Piazza Della Repubblica 24

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
O Zoo No is a Theatre production company employing more than 20 people as actors, directors, organization staff, educators. Budgetary resources 100.000 euros from: Teatro Stabile Torino City of Turin Regione Piemonte Compagnia di San Paolo (private foundation) Cassa Di Risparmio di Torino (private Foundation) We devolop on theatre seasons in different venues hosting around 14 productions a year with around 600 spectators. We produce four/five shows a year, on contemporary issues and using a multi media approach. Our artistic partners are Italian Theatre companies and festivals as Festival Quartieri dell'Arte (Viterbo) Laboratorio Teatrale Re Nudo (San Benedetto del Tronto) Il Mutamento Zona Castalia (Turin) Teatro In Fuga (Turin)
Mission and Objectives

We concentrate our artistic and productive activity on the issues of contemporaneity and contamination in all their possible meanings.

Main Projects / Activities

We realize Theatre and Dance Productions starting from contemporary authors as Kafka, Pahlaniuk, Berkoff.
We hold a year long theatre season in three theatres hosting more than 15 performances of different companies from all over Italy.
We realize workshops in our theatre and in other spaces.
We do a constant educational job with schools and we had more than 15.000 students visiting our theatres and taking part in our activities.
Overall we work in this field in partnership with international Organization Mus-e Italia ONLUs, operating as Artists - educators for elementary schools.

Contact (1) Full Name
Massimo Giovara
Head of the organisation
Massimo Giovara
Contact (2) Full Name
Paola Chiama

Officina Creativa Interculturale

National Network

via Bergamo, n.62
90127 Palermo


0039 0918430919
Mobile Phone
0039 3297439670
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3296653514
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The association was born in 2008 in Palermo (Sicily) after many years of research and experiences in the north of Italy (Bologna, Padova) and abroad (China, Portugal, Greece). The founder members are Giuseppe Rizzuto and Maura Tripi, members of MCE (Movimento di Cooperazione Educativa) who are building up a local network about intercultural approach in educational contexts with the collaboration of several people and organizations. Because of the recent birth, budget is not high, while the main resource is the human one, with excellent competences and network relations.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the "Officina Creativa Interculturale" association is to develop and spread an intercultural approach, based on creative communication and innovative strategies, especially in educational context of schools.
The principal objectives are:
- to realize activities about intercultural education with students;
- to realize workshop about the knowledge of different languages and cultures;
- to offer training courses to teachers and school staff;
- to organize courses of italian as second language, through creative metodology;
- to create bilingual materials for schools;
- to offer documentation about intercultural themes, and intercultural advice;
- to realize activities for dialogue and reciprocal knowledge and active citizenship among native and foreign people;
- to be involved as partner in international and national projects about intercultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

Because of the recent birth, the organization has not a curriculum, but we are developing many projects with national association (like "Narramondi" in Palermo, and MCE in Rome) and we are creating international contacts with individual persons and organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maura Tripi
Contact (2) Full Name
Giuseppe Rizzuto


National Network

Via XVII Settembre s.n.c.
06049 Spoleto (PG)


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
OFFUCINA is an independent company dedicated to the creation, development and promotion of artistic and cultural projects with an international perspective. Internal and continuative staff is compose of 3 people, but with a large network of partners and collaborators in Italy and abroad. Our Budgetary resources are Public (municipality, regional, an local autorities) and private. Our budgetary resource available in a year is around 50.000,00 Euro Our activities focus mainly on the creation and production of theatrical performances, audiovisual and new media projects, workshops and seminars for young people, organization of festivals and cultural events. We have developed projects in collaboration with organizations, artists and institutions in Italy, Serbia, Bosnia, Africa, United States, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Croatia (see attached cv for complete list.) Offucina is part of ITI-Unesco network (training, educational and festival committees).
Mission and Objectives

OFFUCINA is an independent company dedicated to the creation, development and promotion of artistic and cultural projects with an international perspective. A multidisciplinary laboratory, that operates in the performing arts, in the audio-visual production and in the design of events and performances.
Develops and experiments innovative and specialized technologies, with a particular interest towards the integration of different art forms, and is constantly engaged in developing international exchanges and collaborations. Our objective is to establish links and contacts between art and society, theory and practice, to promote culture as an integral part of the global cognitive experiences.
We Creates art projects in the field of theatre, dance, video and multimedia. We offers also creative and technical experience in these areas, for the realization and organization of cultural events of various nature and is active in the diffusion of art and culture through courses of specializations, seminars, workshops and public presentations.

Main Projects / Activities

BROTHERS Theatre Performance, based on the Old Testament
AT THE END THE BEGINNING Conjectures on the entropic motion of existence
THE SERVANT OF TWO MASTER Or the comedy of double game a new adaptation from Carlo Goldoni’s original play
SUN CYCLE Dance, music, video performance based on alternative energy and sustainable Theatre.
PILADE Theatre and Media performance, by Pier Paolo Pasolini. Created in collaboration with National Theatre Uzice
THE LAST BEAT (Tam Tam Tabù) Dance, Video and Music performance
THE TEMPEST Theatre and Media performance by W. Shakespeare
AFTER THE TEMPEST Theatre and Video Performance
4m3 Theatre Performance – Finalist of Scenario Prize for theatre 2005
AS LONG AS IT LASTS Theatre/ film/dance/interactive media, freely based on Italo Calvino Cosmicomics, BAD BUGS BITE Audio-visual theatre piece from the project “The Indifferent Project”, which makes use of interactive computer tools and technology as an integral part of the live, (video channel), (photos)

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrea paciotto
Head of the organisation
Andrea Paciotto
Contact (2) Full Name
Adriana Garbagnati

Oltreillimes International Cultural Association

National Network

Viale dei Quattro Venti, 128 Zip Code 00152

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3356169211
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3392857210
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1.Structure of the organization: President, Vice President, Treasurer and the Executive Commitee. Total staff members and partners 30 2.Budgetary resources available for 2006: € 12.000 3.Sources of funding: Members and Institutional Contributions. 4.Modality of action: Master School, Courses, Seminars, Conferences and Workshops organization; Creation of International Networks. 5.Partners: Italian review of geopolitics Limes, Italian Marche Region, SIOI, SIHMED, Pap/Rac of Split, University of Ancona, University of Split, University of Naples, University of Rabat, University of El Cairo, Södertörn University of Stockholm, Humboldt University of Berlin, Copenhagen University, Center for European Policy Studies.
Mission and Objectives

The Oltreillimes Association promotes studies, researches, information and forums in the field of international policy, economy and social policy with the aim to encourage the cultural dialogue between regions and people belonging to Europe, Mediterranean and other areas of proximity. The Association places particular emphasis on the participation of young people to these activities. To pursue his aims, the Association use the online geopolitical review Two of the five subjects it deals with concerns “Islam: opponent or partner?” and “The Europe of 4 seas”.

Main Projects / Activities

• November 2005 and June 2006. In cooperation with Italian Marche Region organizes the “Baltic-Adriatic Workshop” and the Conference “Adriatic and Mediterranean: boundary of Europe”, to encourage the cooperation between Baltic and Mediterranean areas.
• December 2005-June 2006: course of geopolitics focused on cultural and political analysis of the Mediterranean area and Islam
• November 2006-Mary 2007. In cooperation with liMes and Sioi, organizes a Master with several lessons addressed on Mediterranean and his different cultures
• Aprile-June 2007: course on Arabic language
• November 2006: in cooperation with Marche Region prepared a guide on Adriatic Turistic devolopment area, entitled “Adriatic Synergism”

Contact (1) Full Name
Margherita Paolini
Head of the organisation
Margherita Paolini
Contact (2) Full Name
Marco Zaganella