Kelidon Association

National Network

Corso Sempione, 221 – 20025
Legnano – MI

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Association is composed by 8 Associates 2. In a year the budgetary resources available are about 20.000 euro 3. public and private source of funding 4. European projects, local courses, conferences, seminars.. 5. Heads Hunters, ACOF, European educational institutions
Mission and Objectives

Kelidòn Association was founded in February 2003 by 7 women.
The Association is committed to verify and to propose– environments,
models and methods of personal/professional grown- promoting the
diffusion of a lifelong learning and culture, basing on the use of
paradigms of modernity and on the respect of ethical procedures.
The Association is composed by professionals expert in different
disciplines who design and carry out both face-to-face and online
training courses as well as cultural activities and consultancy services.
The Association wishes to provide avanguard service for a positive
and deeply development of the human, social and environmental
Kelidon is a registered association and it is going to be Quality
certified ISO.
Kelidon is registered on the Female Local Association Register.

Main Projects / Activities

2004-2007 – IALL – Internet FOR Autonomous Lifelong Learning
2005-2007 – ELBA – Electronic book of philosophy and poetry for
2005-2007 – E-learning for adults –
2005-2008 – tool -
Creation of a common European tool for science teachers education.
2007-2009 – I-Afiel –
European Research on best and innovative pedagogical practices in
the field of
Other projects are related to the diffusion of the Italian culture
abroad in countries such as : Brasil, Romania, Turkey etc…

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucilla Crosta
Head of the organisation
Lucilla Crosta - President
Contact (2) Full Name
MariaGrazia Fiori

Krom srl

National Network

Via Torquato Tasso, 37
San Salvo (CHIETI)

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Ibis has been involved in a series of EU project that focus on training and development of resources to help those with poor literacy skills, including dyslexia. The company has been involved in ten such projects in the past eight years, working with 15 countries across Europe. We seek to find ways to empower those with poor literacy skills who may be in education, seeking employment or in employment, with an emphasis on utilising ICT based solutions that are user friendly, and have a proved ability to help. The company is also involved in the development of software usability metrics that ensure ICT solutions match the needs of the user.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is:
1. to implement and promote a “business-oriented culture” in specific competences related to production, commerce, industries, services.
2. to design and carry out vocational training aimed at the development of business-oriented culture in each learner and at the valorisation of one’s own natural abilities.
3. to valorise diploma-holders and graduates by training them towards a qualified professional performance in the fields of organisation, administration and finance.
4. to valorise professional figures by means of completion and up-dating of one’s own profile through a wide range of specialized training, internships and work experiences.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to meet our mission, senior consultants offer to our customers the following services:
- Education and training
- Counselling
- Project writing and management
- Special services

Contact (1) Full Name
Fabiana Rocchi

Kunsthistorisches Institute in Florenz (Max-Planck-Institute)

National Network

Via Giusti 44

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
1. The Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence is a Max-Planck-Institute, there are 43 employees (researchers and administration); 40 fellows and temporary contracts. 2. Annual budget ca. 4000 T€ 3. Max Planck Society 4. Long running research projects, library, photographic collection; organization of seminars and congresses. 5. Italian and other international partners in various projects
Mission and Objectives

The KHI is a research institute in art history founded in 1897, it studies Italian art in a Mediterranean and European context. Its library (300.000 voll.) and photographic collection (550.000 items) are among the few best in the field on a global level.

Main Projects / Activities

Recently a research laboratory for the history of Mediterranean cultural and artistic exchange has been founded in Genoa with the Museo del Mare and the University of Genoa (CantiMed). With other partners from different Mediterranean countries a project will be started in autumn 2006, regarding the history, monuments and art of harbour cities. The institute in Florence itself has various projects stimulating the encounter of scholars of Byzantine, Islamic and Western art and cultural history.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gerhard Wolf
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wolf
Contact (2) Full Name
Ester Fasino

L'accademia del Tempo

National Network

Via Sottotenente Bellia 5
San Giovanni la Punta (CT)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
association no-profit of cultural promotion and social solidarity. Four components, inclusive president; Annual Budget around 5.000 Euro. self tax. plan particular, seminars, initiatives on the territory. Assessorato to the culture comune of Catania
Mission and Objectives

To contribute to the needs of the contemporary society and to favor the change process; to intervene on the territory to improve the quality of the life, through initiatives contemplated to the exploitation of the local culture, to the intercultural exchanges, to the rediscovery of the resources of the territory.

Main Projects / Activities

Formation of operators technical underwater archaeology. Project of relationships generational between young people and old men. Project of searches of ancient Sicilian culinary traditions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silvia Aliotta
Head of the organisation
Angelica Chillemi
Contact (2) Full Name
Silvana Maniscalco

La casa del circo sull'albero

National Network

Via San Vittore 25/3
40136 Bologna


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
“La casa del circo sull'albero”-A.S.D. (The House of Circus on the Tree) is a non profit CONI-ENDAS affiliated association with 10 people employed on a demand driven basis (a director/circus artist and trainer, a communication and fund raising officer, an expert in education, a yoga trainer, a speech pathologist and a musician). It provides educational and recreational services, workshops and seminars for children and runs a camping for artists to stay, meet and exchange. Previous partners are 6 schools and 8 associations active in the fields of sport, theatre, culture and education in the metropolitan area of Bologna city. The first yearly budget amounts until now to approximately 6000 € (to be closed in November 2010) collected through service fees and donations of private citizens, associations and local authorities.
Mission and Objectives

“La casa del circo sull'albero” aims to foster solidarity and mutual understanding among people across culture, religion, physical ability, gender, class, ethnicity and citizenship, to raise their awareness about healthy and environmental friendly practices, and to support children and youth to develop comprehensive life skills at the individual, social and environmental level.
Our objectives are:
_to promote a culture of circus as a multi-cultural universal language, with its tradition of travel and cross-cultural community building, and its capacity to include different abilities and attitudes as a kaleidoscope of different forms of artistic expression.
_to develop the children's self confidence, creativity, social skills and environmental awareness through physical training, performing arts, travel, team building and cooperative work.
_to multiply contacts and exchange among artists in a "glocal" perspective.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are the “Children Summer Camp at the Circus House on the Tree” and “Camping for Artists”, in addition to out-door and in-door public performances, trainings and seminars.
The Summer Camp is organized, along with trainings in acrobatics and circus, as a comprehensive experience encompassing cooking together, collecting waste lost in public green areas, sorting and recycling, benefiting from cooperative work as a form of peer to peer education.
The Camping for Artists offers hospitality at the venue of the association, surrounded by woods, as a logistic support for artists on travel and a space of interaction and exchange.
Other activities encompass yoga for children (3-5 years) and adults, acrobatics for children (6-14 years) and aerial acrobatics for youth and adults, dance, handicraft, music, walks in areas of socio-environmental and historical interest.

Contact (1) Full Name
Erica Fierro
Head of the organisation
Erica Fierro
Contact (2) Full Name
Giulia Guadagnoli

Lelio Basso Foundation -internationale section-

National Network

VIa Dogana Vecchia 5

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
Structure of the organization: Dr.Linda Bimbi Responsible of Lelio Basso Foundation -international section- Dr.Gianni Tognoni General Secretary of Permanent People's Tribunal Dr. Maurizio Torrealta, journalist of Rai News 24 and Director of School of Journalism of Lelio Basso Foundation staff employed: 4 full time; 2 part-time; 4 volunteer Finance: founded by a network of private supporters; pubblic support for specific projects. Modalities of action:organize course in human right and rights of people; international meetings; workshop; roundtable. Run research proframmes and award research scholarship. Instrumental creating: Permanent People's Tribunal and School of Journalism. Main partners: Italian Foreing Affair; Human Right Watch; Parsec; Libera; ICEI; Cedetim
Mission and Objectives

Promote universal and effective respect for the fondamental rights of peoples by determining whether these rignts have been violated. For this objective the Basso Foundation created in 1976 the Russel Opinion Tribunal (about the violation of people's rights during the Vietnam war). Since 1979 created the Permanent Peolple's Tribunal that in 30 years of activity to be interested, call by local people and local social organization, about South America, Africa, Europe, Asia. Since 1995 Basso foundation has create two post graduate course about the people right.
Promote an indipendent and free international information like a rights of people. For this objective since 2004 created a School of Journalism.

Main Projects / Activities

Main and permanent activities and project: Permanent People's Tribunal; School of Journalism; Neapolitan School of study on the rights people; International course for peoples right.

Contact (1) Full Name
Linda Bimbi
Head of the organisation
Linda Bimbi
Contact (2) Full Name
Davide Conti

Libera Università Maria SS Assunta Roma

National Network

via di Porta Castello 44

+39 06 68422219
Telephone (other)
+39 06 68422256
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: university Budgetary Resources: students and italiana state Modalities of Action: research, teaching, international projets, international meeting, joint degree,scholarship ecc. Partners: European Universities , eumediterranea universities and south america universities.
Mission and Objectives

LUMSA strives to promote an overall education of the person and for this reason the university devotes especial care to its students and international students and their professional and human education through the employment of constant services of direction and tutoring, and of procedures designed to give full expression to their right to engage in study.

Main Projects / Activities

LUMSA operated in the international field by co-ordinating projects involving co-operation and the mobility of teachers and students, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for the Mediterranean area. Since 1993, in addition, it has activated the Erasmus programme and signed agreements with 158 European institutions, managing every year outgoing and incoming mobility for eight hundred people annually

Contact (1) Full Name
Pasqua Tamponi
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Dalla Torre

Me.Dia.T.E. (Mediterranean Dialogue Through Empowerment)

National Network

Via Giovanni Devoti 16, 00167, Rome (c/o Associazione ONG Italiane)

+39 06 66019202
Telephone (other)
+39 06 66019202
+39 06 66032774
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 338 9312415
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 347 1536280
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Me.Dia.T.E. is a non-profit organisation of social utility (Onlus). It is a network of 61 NGOs and Associations from 18 Mediterranean Countries, representing more than 1000 aggregations of civil society. Me.Dia.T.E. has an Executive Committee - composed by the President, two Vice presidents, the Treasurer, the Secretary and two Counsellors - and a Board of Directors that is composed of a National Delegate from each Mediterranean country represented in the Association. It works as network of civil society organizations and the modalities of action it follows are seminars, meetings and concrete projects too. The sources of funding are the membership fees as well as the contributions paid by each member. contributions by individuals, private entities, Public Bodies, Institutions or International entities and incomes deriving from conventions can contribute in the budgetary resources of the Association.
Mission and Objectives

The Association's aim is the promotion of social justice and solidarity, social and cultural development, human rights and democratisation, peace, non discrimination and gender equality, decentralized cooperation in the Mediterranean countries, through the dialogue and the empowerment of civil society.
In order to reach these goals, the Association implements activities which aim at:
-Promoting the dialogue and networking of civil society organisations in the Mediterranean countries through institutional capacity building, education, research and training;
-Strengthening multicultural dialogue among the populations and the institutions in the Mediterranean countries, by sharing experiences, instruments and resources;
-Facilitating participation, advocacy and lobbying towards the European and international institutions;
-Promoting strategies for democracy and peace in the Mediterranean countries at a local, national and international level;
-Promoting strategies for the developm

Main Projects / Activities

In order to reach its aims, Me.Dia.T.E. organizes and participates in meetings and seminars which main objectives are the empowerment of civil society’s role as well as the promotion of social and cultural development and the decentralized cooperation in the Mediterranean Countries. The concrete participation and involvement of all its members, due to the different specializations and field of action of each of them, can assure a wide dissemination of all the activities and the proposals concerning the association’s aims. Since it was established in December 2004, Me.Dia.T.E. has organized some meetings and seminaries at international level, involving all its associates and offering to other associations too the possibility of attending them. After the first meeting in Malta in December 2004, a series of international seminaries and thematic workshops focused on the theme “Empowering instruments for local communities in the Mediterranean Area”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Guido Barbera
Head of the organisation
Mr. Guido Barbera
Contact (2) Full Name
Cristina Sonzogni


National Network

Via Borsieri 6

+39 328 0975210
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
MEDIONAUTA is a very young organization, based on the voluntary work of it's associates. The president is responsible for the coordination of the directive board, for the supervision of all activity areas, for the project-writing and research of institutional funds and for the relations with institutional partners and funders. The activity areas, each led by one of the association's founders (all women), are: cultural production projects, cultural events, arts and media workshops, participated mediateque, opportunity desk, international projects, web-based projects. MEDIONAUTA disposes of budgetary resources for an amount of about 10.000 € per year. Sources of funding are: grants by institutional funders, grants by cultural fundations, income from institutional activities of the association. MEDIONAUTA's modalities of action are: supporting youth-led cultural and media projects by offering it's space and facilities to young artists and media-makers; hosting cultural events that give visibility to artistic and media projects by young artists and media-makers; hosting and promoting arts and media workshops; creating a participated mediateque by collecting the contributions of its associates and network; offering information about local and international funding, training and networking opportunities in the field of arts and media production.
Mission and Objectives

Main aims of MEDIONAUTA are: 1) the promotion of arts and the media as tools for creativity, education and communication; 2) supporting and promoting young artists and media-makers, especially those whose scope is researching and communicating social issues; 3) the development of a network of socially aware young artists and media-makers at a local and an international level.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities, primarly targeted to youth from 15 to 30, include: 1) the support of young individuals and groups in the development of cultural projects, especially those that involve the use of arts and the media to build campaigns of social communication; 2) cultural events presenting artistic and multimedia projects by youth, especially those aimed at a socially aware communication; 3) courses and workshops using arts and the media as expressive means; 4) the development of a participated mediateque on youth arts and media, as well as on social and geopolitical issues 5) a desk for the search of funding, training and networking opportunities for youth-led cultural projects at a local and an international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Camilla Notarbartolo

Model European Parliament Italia

National Network

Via Orazio Vecchi 26
41012 Carpi (Modena)

0039 059 69 45 90
Telephone (other)
0039 081 57 99 306 (Cirillo)
0039 059 69 45 90
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
349 58 90 596 (Casarini)
Mobile Phone (other)
333 73 36 397 (Cirillo)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
MEP ITALIA is an non profit apolitical cultural association which has been composed by young high schoolers/students and High school professors in 1996. The association is recognized on a statutory basis by Italian institutions in the legislative framework. The aim of this association is to promote a citizenship's education in an European dimension, to give value to cultural pluralism and diversity which is seen as factors of a mere human development. The association has an Administration Council of 15 members, works in partnership with academic high school establishments which have formed a " network of MEP Schools". Annual ressources are merest and come from the academic establishments' inscriptions to the association and to youth who participate to the projects. The financing's origins of the projects are basically institutionals - local and regional administrations, office of the European Parliament in Italia
Mission and Objectives

The association's aim is to promote a citizenship's education in an European dimension, to give value to cultural pluralism and diversity which is seen as factors of a mere human development.

Main Projects / Activities

The association organises at regional level or domestically and sometimes at international level, sessions of parliamentary activies' simulations, basically simulations of the European Parliament (4 or 5 annual sessions).
Moreover, the association organised training's seminar for youth who will become successively overseers of project's activities : work of the Parliamentary commission and of the General Assembly in the heart of simulation's sessions.
Consequently, during these ten years of activity, hundreds of youth matured a large awarness of their citizen responsability.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristiana Casarini
Head of the organisation
Giulio Guaitoli
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Maria Cirillo