Fondazione UT PHOENIX

National Network

Largo Amba Aradam, 11 - 00184 Roma – Italy

+44 0 2078364101
Telephone (other)
+44 0 2078364105
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Raffaele Fantetti (President)

Gàlata Produzioni Culturali

National Network

via centotrecento 11 - 40126 Bologna

0039 051 226239
Telephone (other)
skype: tatarbey1
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3405791569
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3474645878
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Gàlata Produzioni is an entreprise founded by Vincenzo Pergolizzi working with a team of 5-8 young professionists of audiovisual world. Gàlata Produzioni is working with a patrimony of 80.000 euro in structures and cameras, his budgetary resources. We work for Rai tv with several documentaries and reportages, winning international and national awards. Gàlata Produzioni works with several local, regional and national partners, and in coproduction with european audiovisual Production Companies.
Mission and Objectives

Gàlata Produzioni work about important subjects, themes, histories, metaphores for man today. Interculturals themes, histories beetwen orient and occident, cosmopolitics and ecumenical themes would reach the aim of a world peaceful, where the diversities are the richness of live. The mosaic of cultures, religions and traditions can become a richness and an opportunity for our world, in the world-village globalized today and tomorrow.
Yesterday the people lived and experimented togheter the peace for long time: today too, specially in the mediterranean world, the populations would live togheter in peace and harmony.
Gàlata Produzioni is specialised almost about the old ottoman empire old regions and the turcophones regions, in mediterranean see and in central asia republics.
Its documentaries, for tv and cinema, won international and national awards in coproduction with Rai.
Best italyan documentary on the environnement at Cinemambiente Festival in Torino. International Awards in Russia, Bulgaria, France, Montenegro.

Main Projects / Activities

-Vita da Profughi, "Refugees Life" (2000)
-La fattoria di asini (2002)
-L’ultimo fonditore di Campane (2002)
-Ladri di Organi, "Organ's Thiefs" (2002)
-Ferrara, città della bici, "Ferrara, city of bicicles"(2003)
-Nomadelfia, "Nomadelfia-living togheter" (2003)
-Andina, la giovane ciclista (2004)
-Beyoglu, dopo le esplosioni - "Istanbul, after the explosions" (2004)
-Ticinesi a Bologna (2004)
-Mamma li turchi (2004)
-Nsehlenet: sei momenti di incontro - "Nsehlenet:Six meeting moments"(2005)
-Navi avvelenate - "Poisoned Boats" (2005)
-Voci di parroci in Turchia (2006)
-Mevlevi (2006)
-Benedetto XIV, pellegrino in oriente (2007)

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincenzo Pergolizzi
Head of the organisation
Vincenzo Pergolizzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Grazia Maiorana

Giunta Regionale del Veneto- Committe for international cooperation, development and solidarity

National Network

Piazza Borghese 91 - Roma

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Committee was created by the Veneto Region to support programs of international cooperation, which has more than 400 projects around the world. Special attention is given to Med area. Projects are developed with local counterparts (especially NGOs). The support offered is either financial or institutional, when not both. Funds are public, but partners may join with own funds, as the partnership public+private is considered essencial to stimulate good projects. Universities, NGOs, SMEs associations stand in this committee The President of the Committee is Ms. Maria Luisa Coppola (politician)
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Luca Rizzardo-Gianfilippi (internationsl expert nominated by the members of the Regional Council)

Goethe-Institut Rome

National Network

Via Savoia 15, 00198 Rome

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Germany’s worldwide cultural institution seeks to promote German language learning and international cultural cooperation, while conveying a comprehensive image of Germany. In this age of new global challenges, the Goethe-Institut strives to deepen understanding between cultures and enhance Germany’s standing worldwide. At the time being, the Goethe-Institut has 136 establishments and 11 liason offices in 93 different countries and 13 in Germany itself. In addition, it operates 77 reading rooms, dialogue points and information centres, 138 bilateral cultural associations, 55 language learning centres and 181 teacher’s aid centres.
Mission and Objectives

Germany’s worldwide cultural institution seeks to promote German language learning and international cultural cooperation, while conveying a comprehensive image of Germany. In this age of new global challenges, the Goethe-Institut strives to deepen understanding between cultures and enhance Germany’s standing worldwide. At the time being, the Goethe-Institut has 136 establishments and 11 liason offices in 93 different countries and 13 in Germany itself. In addition, it operates 77 reading rooms, dialogue points and information centres, 138 bilateral cultural associations, 55 language learning centres and 181 teacher’s aid centres.

Main Projects / Activities

Germany’s worldwide cultural institution seeks to promote German language learning and international cultural cooperation, while conveying a comprehensive image of Germany. In this age of new global challenges, the Goethe-Institut strives to deepen understanding between cultures and enhance Germany’s standing worldwide. At the time being, the Goethe-Institut has 136 establishments and 11 liaison offices in 93 different countries and 13 in Germany itself. In addition, it operates 77 reading rooms, dialogue points and information centres, 138 bilateral cultural associations, 55 language learning centres and 181 teacher’s aid centres.

Contact (1) Full Name
Uwe Reissig
Head of the organisation
Goethe-Institut e.V.
Contact (2) Full Name
Susanne Höhn


National Network

Via Cristoforo Colombo N.52 90100

+39 091 327643
Telephone (other)
+39 091 6398604
+39 091 336880
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 39 335 6079369
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 328 032 39 88
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The General Assembly (all the member of the Association) The Steering Committee (including members from Italy, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Algeria, Portugal) The President (Dr. Fathi Saleh, Egypt) The General Secretary (Dr. Roberto Albergoni, Italy) The Scientific Committee The Board of auditors 2) A member’s HERIMED quota determines its maximum financial commitment to this Association. 3) EC Funded projects; 4) concrete projects 5) Euro Mediterranean Universities, Public Institutions and Research Centers for Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Heritage.
Mission and Objectives

To support information and exchange of knowledge in the Cultural Heritage field through training and research projects, with particular attention to the young people mobility, as well as through fostering synergies among Cultural Heritage experts, institutions and media.
To promote and realize some interventions aimed at improving documentation, preservation and restoration of the Euromediterranean Cultural Heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

To realize innovative actions aiming at the acquaintance, cataloguing and preservation of the Euro Mediterranean Cultural Heritage and promoting the enhancement of the Cultural Heritage as a factor of development in the Euro Mediterranean area.
To promote the development of ITCs aiming at the preservation and management of the Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Heritage.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Roberto Albergoni
Head of the organisation
Dr. Fathi Saleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Alessandro Pernice


National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. 6 staff Employed and 20 partners. 2. 800.850,00 Euro as budgetary availed in a year. 3. Sources of founding: FSE, national projects (as Foundations, etc). 4. IAL is organizing its activities though training courses for young people, immigrants and in general for people with less opportunity in the nowadays labour market. Its activities: • Vocational Training courses; • Language courses; • Need analysis; • Individual project for support the insertion in the labour market. In some of the TCs the people can be supported by scholarship. 4. The main partners are the local authorities (Municipalities, Province, 5. Region), the NGOs, the association. IAL Arona belongs to the IAL PIEMONTE networking. IAL PIEMONTE is developing European Projects as Equal.
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to support a better insertion in the labour market for the people with less opportunity and to develop innovative training tools.
IAL is developing new partnership and training strategies for answering to the new social context (out 45 courses we have 15% people coming from Morocco, Senegal, Nigeria, Albania, Perù, Moldavia, Ecuador, Ukraina).
IAL is aimed :
? to support a better intercultural communication between its students
? to increase to knowledge about the two rives of Mediterranean sea.

Main Projects / Activities

• Vocational Training courses ;
• Language courses;
• Need analysis;
• Individual project for support the insertion in the labour market;

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Iblea Servizi Territoriali Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS

National Network

Viale Italia n. 08 - 96010 Melilli (SR)

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The cooperative "Iblea Servizi Territoriali" is a no profit private company that would like to carry out social services , vocational training services and consulting services for Public Administrations and Private Companies.
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to promote the inclusion young people in the world of work, not only in the current crisis, but also established as an operational force to ensure prospective jobs and fight unemployment, even under the laws 37/38, of 18 August 1979, the L.R. 02 dicembre 1980 No 25; Law 44/86, Law 285/77, on youth employment, and any other measure regional, national and EU issued and issuing on cooperation in general and particularly those aimed at youth cooperation and the employment by the organization of work partners, including through agreements with local, territorial and non-public bodies, para-public, moral and private
aims in general to operate within service social relevance and utility, all to be taken, and as mentioned, through agreements or through contracts public and private bidding piecework trustees.
These principles are mutuality, solidarity, respect person, the democratic internal and external associations between cooperatives.

Main Projects / Activities

We are planning to carry out an "Youth infopoint" and other social services.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Fulvia Basile
Head of the organisation
Ms. Fulvia Basile
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Fabienne Fichera

IIDAC Europe

National Network

via sabbioni n. 11, 38050
Povo (TN)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
IIDAC-Europe is a social promotion association created in Italy and with primary influence in the European Community, with an international character and disposition, which works to support and assist the principle human development agencies around the world, particularly the United Nations, in the realization of their mandates globally. IIDAC Europe is the european department of the International Institute for the Development of Citizenship, established in Brazil in 1998 and that will become ECOSOC member in may 2009. IIDAC Europe has its headquarter in Italy and another office in Portugal, with a staff of 10 officers and several volunteers. In partnership with IIDAC International, AMURT Portugal, CINTEAGRO Brasil, with the support of UNV Program and UNICEF Brasil, IIDAC Europe implements projects of youth protagonism, training of volunteers, neo-huministic education, ICT4D, and research and experimentation on new life styles.
Mission and Objectives

IIDAC-Europe's mission is to promote sustainable human development and to create social technologies, transfer knowledge, and share experiences with governments, companies, the non-profit sector, universities, and strategic divisions of national and international networks in the development of democracy.
A special attention is given to education, in order to implement in the work and through the work in the communities the four pillars of the Education of the UNESCO (learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to be) for the complete and integral development of the people and the communities.
IIDAC concentrates its energies in the scope at citizen formation and the entrepreneurship of the populations, having it in the social protagonism methodology the transversal source to the different initiatives that carries through and supports in national and international level.

Main Projects / Activities

The executive operations of IIDAC-Europe take place through its programs and projects. These endeavours occur in cooperation with the technical participation of the Institute in the elaboration and implementation of solutions for the challenges in the realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), with local partners and with international cooperation entities, in particular in the UN system.
The MDG Universities Program reinforces practices of volunteerism, protagonism, and youth entrepreneurialism, investing in the development of capacities in the creation and the innovation of youth social technologies in the context of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The program “Adolescents and Citizenship” reinforces the practices of volunteerism, youth protagonism and the education peer-to-peer developed by youth between the ages of 12 and 18 for the realization of fundamental rights and responsibilities.
The Program Cooperation for Development integrates experiences, knowledge, and abilities of individuals and global social management structures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giulio Vanzan
Head of the organisation
Giulio Vanzan

Il Cerchio dell'Amicizia ONLUS

National Network

Via Emilio Nazzani 9

0039 3406934385
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3406934385
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
The association "Il cerchio Dell'Amicizia" (friendships' circle), born in 2000 to present shows of ethnical dance from all over the world. Particularly, the dances coming from the South-Eastern Mediterranean part, as Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Siria, Yemen, that inspired to the typical cultures of these nations, are very easy to keep people together in overcoming barriers Since 2000 the association Il Cerchio Dell’amicizia undertook an intense activity of promotion and dissemination of the international traditional dances. The action of the organisation has been ruled through local workshops in the schools and in the social centre of every district reached, with the aim to involve more person as possible, of every cultures and every conditions. Il Cerchio Dell’amicizia involve mainly children, their families and persons with disabilities in order to make dances really without borders! The main source of income of the association are public micro-grant and private donations and associative quotes.
Mission and Objectives

Il Cerchio Dell’amicizia involve mainly children, their families and persons with disabilities in order to make dances really without borders!
Main aims of the association are to reach people with less opportunities and to involve them in an active social life through the tools offered by the traditional dances.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2000 the association Il Cerchio Dell’amicizia undertook an intense activity of promotion and dissemination of the international traditional dances.
Every yeaar the association organize the following events:
continuative local workshops and meetings to spread the knowledge of the traditional popular dances throughout the different reached local communities;
DanzeSenzaFrontiere, International dance Festival;
RomaScuoleInFolk also in collaboration with the associations Pegaso and Agape;

Contact (1) Full Name
Luciana Battaglioni
Head of the organisation
Paola Pagliani

Il razzismo è una brutta storia

National Network

via Andegari 6

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The association has 5 Founding members that every year give an important subsciptions to the association. Furthermore we have 20 members, two persons in charge of the administration and the project management, one intern and a network of volunteers working in the publishing house Feltrinelli. The standard budget for one year is 25000 euro. Our main partner is Tita, an agency of communication, and we work in collaboration with Scuola Holden, Arci, Comune di Milano, Archivio delle memorie migranti and other social realities.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the association is to undertake every sort of activities, particularly in the cultural field, in order to fight racism and discrimination and to promote dialogue and citizenship. The initiatives are adressed mainly to children and teenager.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects nowadays are: collaboration in the organisation of the Festival del cinema Africano, d'Asia e America Latina, with a prize to the best movie that deals with anti-racism and movies' screening in schools; workshop in high schools about citizenship and rights; the elaboration of a glossary about migration and new comers for the local administration of Milan; exposition in Feltrinelli library and book presentations, e-books that collects some best practice in the field of intercultural education and we are involved in the national awareness-raising campaign L'Italia sono anch'io, for citizenship's rights, in charge of the communication.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Behind us there is an entire holding supporting us: a publishing house, a network of bookstores, contacts with libraries and with many Italian and international authors that can be involved in projects of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are sure that the only way our job can be efficient is to work in network with all the other associations/institutions working for the same objectives. We also recognize the power and the value of ALF and we believe in the mission of this Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
ludovica piccardo
Head of the organisation
Carlo Feltrinelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Giulia Maldifassi