syndicat des métiers d'art plastique

National Network

18 rue fatima ezzahra menzah 6

+216 98 359 386
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+216 98 359 386
Mobile Phone (other)
+126 98609807
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
notre syndicat fait partie de l'union general des travailleur tunisien-U G T T -
Mission and Objectives

defendre les metiers d'art plastique et ameliorer la vie artistique dans notre societe moderne

Main Projects / Activities

-formation dans le domaine des metiers d'art plastique
- colloques a propos le statut de l'artiste - le marché de l'art - droit d'auteur
-subvention et aide a la production artistique

Contact (1) Full Name
Amor Ghedamsi
Head of the organisation
Amor Ghedamsi
Contact (2) Full Name
Nabil Saouabi

Union Nationale de la Femme Tunisienne(National Union for the Tunisien woman)

National Network

56 avenue bab bnet - 1002

+216 71571 198
Telephone (other)
+216 71 560 178
+216 711567 131
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+216 98 337 295
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 98 920 444
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1- Structures : An executive board composed of 15 members including the president . -A central committee . . Regional delegations and sections, 23 abroad sections . . 14 professional Alliances , .Personnel : 562 volunteers and 123 employees . . Adherent : 2 300 actives and 150 000 contributions . 2- Budgetary resources available in a year : About 900 000 DT 3- Sources of funding : l’UNFT own resources
Mission and Objectives

. The UNFT militate for the improvement of the Tunisian woman status .
It has also worked in the enhancement of the legal asset which knew a decisive progress due to the amendments of the code, introduces in august 1992 .
- With its beginnings, the UNFT devoted its action to the public awareness campaigns which it carried out for the women intention through all the country to aware them of their rights and their roles in the economic and social development .
It works for the improvement of the women statues and the elimination of any form of discrimination against them .
- It takes care of women enhance in all the fields: economic , social , cultural , scientific .
It acts in the favour of women implication in the authority centres and the decision spaces.

Main Projects / Activities

Creation of a reception and orientation centre for the woman in distress.
Creation of an office of social action.
Creation of an assistance unit to the economic activities of women for the granting of micro credits.
Creation of a 45 kindergartens .
Organization of seminars in the actual themes .
Organization of training workshops and conferences .
Adult training : about 950 classes of elimination of illiteracy.
For more information , please visit our website:

Contact (1) Full Name
Hager Cherif, membre du BE chargée de la coopération Internationale
Head of the organisation
Aziza Htira
Contact (2) Full Name
Khira Lagha, Vice Présidente.

voix de l'enfant

National Network

Bp 202a kairouan 3100

216 98 213 507
Telephone (other)
216 77 282 030
216 77 287 101
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
11 membres Projets concrets: unité de vie pour les enfants abondonnés et les familles monoparentales,insertion socioéconomique des méres en difficutés education multidisciplinaire et ateliers de travail d'information et sensibilisation lutte contre léxcusion socaile
Mission and Objectives

Nous travaillons en réseau de:
Soutien et conseil.
Formation et valorisation des compétences.
Services de proximité.
Insertion sociale.
Insertion économique.
Nos valeurs:
 La solidarité.
 Le partage.
 L'innovation
 Le travail en groupe
 La qualité des services.
La bonne gouvernance

Main Projects / Activities

Un groupe de professionnels multidisciplinaires
Pour gérer
une structure d'accueil
Crèche et jardin d'enfants.
Espace vert et aires de jeux.
Lieu de rencontres et de communication.
Espace de reflection pour mieux servir nos enfants

Contact (1) Full Name
ammar khemili
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
amel jedidi

Association of International Studies

National Network

Rue Jean Jaques Rousseau Im babel, escalier B, 1ere Etage 1002,

00 216 71 791 663.
Telephone (other)
00 216 71 880 181.
00 216 71 796 593.
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 216 98 337 508.
Mobile Phone (other)
00 216 22 647 109.
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
NGO 100 members + 25 students. 50.000 dinars. Contributions, sales of the review, subsidies various. Seminars, course, conferences, Reviews. Euro-Mesco, Ebert Foundation, Universities of Tunisia and cooperations.
Mission and Objectives

Study of the International relations, Culture of peace.

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars, conferences, lectures, publications.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khalifa Chater.
Head of the organisation
Rachid Driss.
Contact (2) Full Name
Khalifa Chater.

Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD Tunisia)

National Network

Villa B 7 SPRIC, 2078 La marsa, Tunisia
la marsa

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
LEAD is an international non-profit organisation with a fast growing network of 2000 leaders in more than 90 countries. Our shared mission is to inspire leadership for a sustainable world. 5 membres du Comité Executif. Ateliers de Formation en Environnement et Developpment
Mission and Objectives

LEAD has a vision of a sustainable world where the leadership potential of people and communities is developed, they are able to collaborate across sectors and cultures, and they can find and deliver sustainable solutions at the local and global level.
LEAD’s mission is to inspire leadership and change for a sustainable world. We will carry out our mission by identifying outstanding people across sectors and cultures, developing their leadership potential and understanding of sustainable development, and mobilising and supporting them as a network to achieve the change required.
Formation de cadres dans les domaines de l'environnment et du developpment durable

Main Projects / Activities

We mobilise the collective talent of our network through innovative projects and programmes that help to implement sustainable development. These activities include large scale multi-stakeholder events such as recent consultations we organised for the Commission for Africa, as well as practical action on the ground, such as establishing a marine reserve in India to protect coral reefs.
Seminaires de Formation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mustapha Chouikha


National Network

Samou 7, Lefkosia 1086

22317108 (9-1 / Mon-Fri)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
AccessArts is primarily a web based organization designed to inform, promote and encourage Cyprus arts, culture & the creative industries. A small team of volunteers work on the website, currently made up of 2 writers/web editors, designer and 2 translators. Around 800 - 1,000 Cyprus pounds is sourced yearly through submissions to AccessArts’ business Directories and online Galleries, also through advertising for cultural events/projects and web design projects targeted at arts professionals & small businesses. Collaborations and reciprocal links are created between Access Arts and other arts organizations in order to advertise its services however this has so far been minimal.
Mission and Objectives

AccessArts aims to build on its continued efforts to provide an indispensable network connecting and promoting artists, cultural organisations, creative businesses and people with arts interests both at home and throughout the EU.

Main Projects / Activities

AccessArts is a non-funded and non-profiting web-based organisation offering a range of services comprising the following:
? Up-to-date info & business directories
? Full cultural events listings for Cyprus as well as Cyprus artists exhibiting/performing abroad
? Creative job/opportunity news & listings
? Arts related news features (in Greek, Turkish & English)
? Links to European arts organisations and other useful international contacts info
? Online galleries for the promotion of Cyprus based artists working in any creative media
? An online forum
? Website design and maintenance
? Translation service – Greek/Turkish/English

Contact (1) Full Name
Nema Mcmorran
Head of the organisation
Nema Mcmorran
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Arahovas 6, Strovolos,
Nicosia 2021

+357 22 438264
Telephone (other)
+357 22 325033
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+357 99 527713
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Artalk is a non-profit and non-governmental voluntary organisation. It is registered as Ltd company. In line with the conditions of regfistration it has three directors, a secertary and the core members. These are: Haris Pellapaisiotis (founding director) Pavlina Paraskevaides (Director) Maria Margaroni (Director) Tereza Spanou (Secretary) Christos Hajichristou ( Member) Ruth Keshishian (member) Panyiotis Michael (Member) Andre Zivanari (Member) Affiliated 570 +. A stable source of funding for our events is the Ministry of Education/Cultural Services with 10,000 euro anually Private sources such as the Swiss bank UBS 17,860 euro (2006) Annual budget for event varies from 15,000 - 30,000 euro Artalk is involved in the research, organisation, realisation and documentaion of the yearly Artalk seminars, workshops and art events by internationally recognized artists, philosophers, art historians, art curators and critics who are involved in the development of contemporary art practice and thought.
Mission and Objectives

In recognition of the absence of critical debate in Cyprus concerning issues of contemporary art, visual cultural practice, art education and aesthetics our organization has sought to deal with what we consider to be a serious lapse in the advancement of contemporary culture through the Artalk seminars program. Since 2004 we have brought to Cyprus over 25 internationally recognized speakers on modern and contemporary art from a broad range of countries.
Our mission is to continue with our program of seminars, art educational workshops and public art events and to establish Nicosia as an important cultural crossroads for the exchange of ideas between Europe and the surrounding regions of the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities to date have been the staging of the Artalk seminars, art workshops and public events.
We aim to produce a serious of publications from the Artalk seminars and events.
We also aim to be in a position to commision electronic site specific projects for the Net by major artists, philosophers, historians etc. One such project is creation of a virtual reference library based on the books that have influenced our invited speakers.
We also wish to explore the possibility of art residencies for the future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Haris Pellapaisiotis
Head of the organisation
Haris Pellapaisiotis
Contact (2) Full Name
Tereza Spanos

Center for the Study of Childhood and Adolescence

National Network

6, Diogenes Street, P.O.Box 2006, 1516

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Center is a registered NGO and has its own Board of Directors. Two individuals, the director of the Center and a Research/Administrative Assistant administer it on a volunteer basis. The Center is housed at Cyprus College which provides it free of charge with office space and computer facilities. The Center’s financial resources come from research grants. Its modalities of action center primarily around the coordination and carrying out of research projects and the organization of educational events such as conferences, seminars, workshops, and lectures. The Center collaborates with several other organizations both locally and internationally on a project basis.
Mission and Objectives

The Center’s mission is the improvement of children’s lives through the production of child-centered knowledge.
The Center’s main objectives are: to conduct and coordinate research on children and adolescents; to disseminate research findings to both experts and the general public; and to provide consultative services to organizations working with children and adolescents.

Main Projects / Activities

The Center is involved with a variety of projects including:
1) A European-wide research project on the integration of the perspectives of children who come from single parent families in policy making,
2) A research study of domestic violence and its impact on women and children
3) A research study on child obesity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Spyros Spyrou
Head of the organisation
Spyros Spyrou
Contact (2) Full Name
Loucas Antoniou

INDEX: A centre for Dialogue & Research

National Network

P.O.BOX 2188 1518

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Seven person board. Employment of staff and available budget from one project budget recourses to the next. Research into the Cypriot political cultural field. Training in the civil society sector Vister People College, Belfast Community Evaluation, N. Ireland
Mission and Objectives

To contribute to a just and democratic society in Cyprus through:
1. Research: Democracy
2. Culhration of the community to engage in dialogue

Main Projects / Activities

• Research
• Dialogue
• Project development on a fragmental basis

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name