National Network



+386 41 324 775
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+386 41 324 775
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 40 534 551
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Private organization for cultural activities (Zavod za kulturno dejavnost) Number of staff - employed: 1 Volunteers: 4 Sources of funding: - Ministry of culture / City of Ljubljana / Ministry for work, family and social affairs / Donations / Workshop participation fees / Others Projects: - International artistic residency for young actors and performers 2008/2009 - Sourcing within / Workshop of Gen Pin Ang, 2008 - Psychodrama workshops / Dr Vladimir Milosevic, Hedva Novich, Tomi Janezic, Sue Daniel etc. 2008-2010 / - Artistic Exchanges / En Knap Group, Slovenia, YANVII, Italy, Labperm, Italy, Volume 57, Germany, ZIVA, Croatia, Fico balet, Slovenia, Mappa mundi, France, Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, Inform Bureau, Bolgaria etc. / - Performance co-productions and collaborations: /Romeo and public, En Knap, 2008/2009 - John-Ivan-Janez, Fico balet, 2008, Streamline project, YANVII, Italy etc./ - Film workshop Close up with Geno Lechner, 2009 - Educational program Creative potentials of psychodrama, 2010 (with several educators) - Other events in Krusce, workcenter for artistic research, creation, residency and eduaction: - Improvisation in Krusce /with Tomaz Grom, Zavod Sploh, Slovenia, 2009/ - The Living Room /performative event of Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards/ - Residency and workshop of Domenico Castaldo in the frame of the Garden Project(LabPerm, Italy), 2009 - International workshops, seminars, meetings with artists from more than 20 countries - Scholarship for young performer, 2008 etc.
Mission and Objectives

Studio works as an institute for cultural activities devoted to artistic, educational, research, and residency activities in the field of acting.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1996 Studio has realized numerous international projects (theatre coproductions, research and educational programmes, artistic exchanges and residencies) and hosted a number of distinguished acting teachers and artists from all over the world.
The basic mission of the Studio is the research of creative and therapeutic potentials of acting. In this context acting is understood not only as part of performing arts and film, but is recognized as central to any artistic and non-aristic creation.
Studio is currently transposing all its activities to the workcenter in Krušče, a small village near Cerknica.
In the course of last three years since the beginning of the estate renovation, Krušče hosted internationally acclaimed artists from more than twenty countries in the field of performing arts, film, music, fine arts, and literature, beside that importance is given also to the research and educational activities in psychodrama.
Following its own particular way of dealing with the question of how to organize, finance, distribute and exchange creativity and art in the current modernity, Krušče is becoming recognised and valued as an important space for artistic investigation and reflection in Slovenia as well as in the wider international space.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network


+3861 425 60 61
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+386 31 330600
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 51 644 065
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
IDENTITY CARD: MINI TEATER was founded in 1999 by Robert Waltl and Ivica Buljan with the purpose to enhance creativity in the post drama theatre and in the theatre for the young. MINI TEATER is aesthetically directed towards texts written by authors like: Bernard-Marie Koltès, Heiner Mueller, Robert Walser, Elfriede Jelinek, Jean Genet, Hervé Guibert, Arthur Rimbaud, A. S. Pushkin, H. Ch. Andersen. Priority is given to research directing aesthetics with directors like I. Buljan, A. Anurov, P. Calvario, S. Nordey, R. Waltl, J. Ivanc... Exceptional actors (M. Zupančič, M. Mandić, V. Drolc, A. Karić, S. Bulić, P. Vetrih, J. Souček...), great visual artists (V. Fiškin, S. Tolj, B. Cain, T. Gverović, SON:da, T. Gotovac, M. Jakše...), prominent musicians (Mitja Vrhovnik Smrekar, The Beat Fleet, Jose, Ditka Haberl, Dunja Vejzović, Tamara Obrovac...) are engaged to work with MINI TEATER. The programme for the young dedicates special attention to innovative educational projects. The co-production »Thumbelina« - created by the director Robert Waltl in co-operation with Tadej Fius and Darij Kreuh - is the first virtual puppet performance in the world. MINI TEATER performs yearly about five hundred performances in Ljubljana, across Slovenia and abroad, as well as in numerous international festivals (in ten years we had 180 performances on tour on all continents). Taking part in prestigious festivals in Moscow, Naples, Havana, Warsaw, Vienna, Brussels, Sarajevo, Belgrade, Cairo, Teheran..., we assert our interest in international co-operation, while with Croatian institutions like Novo Kazalište Zagreb, ARL Dubrovnik, ZeKaeM- Zagrebško gledališče mladih, Zadar Snova, Teatar ITD, HNK Rijeka, we create a privileged partnership. MINI TEATER has won a number of awards and recognitions for its theatrical achievements in Slovenia and abroad. Mini Summer for Children is a festival offering the youngest audience the best puppet and chamber performances on tour coming from all over the world. Through its paradox goal – to be an elite theatre yet also populist, eccentric and attractive to a wide audience – MINI TEATER breaks the traditional boundaries of the theatre affirming them merely in the way of thinking. In the new premises of our theatre in Križevniška 1 in Ljubljana, MINI TEATER will follow the »concept of an enlarged theatre« offering a series of novel readings (performed by the best Slovene actors), concerts, and artistic actions. Mini teater, Križevniška 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Institute for promotion and execution of puppet and theatre performances Theatre Hall: Križevniška 1 Theatre Hall: Ljubljana castle Telephone: +386 1 42 5 60 60 Fax: +386 1 42 5 60 61 Mobile phone: +386 31 330 600, Director +386 41 314 414, Reservation/Public Relations +386 51 256 256, Information/Office +386 51 644 065, Marketing E-mail: or Internet:
Mission and Objectives

MINI TEATER was founded as a small theatre for the youngest audience in 1999 by Robert Waltl – a director, actor, puppeteer, artistic manager and recipient of a number of prestigious awards and Ivica Buljan, director, dramaturg and recipient of a number of prestigious awards . Through studying the Slovene cultural and theatre environment, MINI TEATER reshaped its structural idea and started to develop different streamlines and art practice in its theatrical activity. The company has a small theatre hall within Ljubljana Castle, where performances for children, youth and adults are played, or school and kindergarten groups are invited to visit. The theatre performs also tours across Slovenia and abroad. The programme is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic Slovenia and the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Ljubljana. A new theatre hall at Križevniška ulica within Ljubljana Old Town is currently under construction.
MINI TEATER’s basic activity is represented by the production of quality puppet and theatre performances in co-operation with artists from different artistic environments. The theatre is dedicated mainly to puppets, which does not prevent them from producing also acted performances for adults and youth. In creating the programme, the staging of Slovene texts (preferably from Slovene national heritage) is a must, yet the promotion of contemporary world drama texts for adults is also important as well as the establishment of new approaches in directing or working with Slovene and international stage directors and actors (Robert Waltl, Ivica Buljan, Philippe Calvario, etc.)
In 2005, MINI TEATER collaborated with Wax Factory New York on a multimedia production called 'She Said...' with a soundtrack by Random Logic. In 2006 and 2007, its productions included Quartet by Heiner Mueller, Jackie by Elfride Jelinek and Mad About Vincent by Herve Guibert as well as the five performances for children: Little Red Riding Hood by Brothers Grimm and Caliph Stork by Wilhelm Hauff, The Mishmash Bakery by the Slovenian poet Svetlana Makarovič, The Wishing Table by Brothers Grimm and Marek Bečka and The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen and Robert Waltl.
Every year, they take part in numerous international festivals making contacts with prominent cultural centres in Slovenia and abroad. MINI TEATER presents more than 400 performances per year in Slovenia and abroad. Many performances were performed in Italy, Austria, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Russia, Belgium, Iran, Poland, Czechia, Venezuela, Cuba, United Kingdom etc. They won numerous awards within important theatre and puppet festivals in Slovenia and abroad (only in 2003 we had two awards at the National Borštnik Festival, two awards at the Slovene Biennial of Puppet Artists, and one award from the National Association of Drama Artists).
Summer Castle Afternoons represent also one of the important activities of MINI TEATER; they take place behind the ancient walls of the Ljubljana castle, where also two festivals are organised: the Mini Summer, International Festival for children (which brings joy to the youngest visitors during the summer, offering them the best performances of Slovene and foreign production), and Festival of Medieval and Renaissance Music (taking place every year in September).

Main Projects / Activities

theatre and puppet performances , international festivals, touring, resident center

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

ŠOK - Združenje študentska organizacija Komenda / Students Association of Komenda

National Network

ŽEJE 116

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
GENERAL INFORMATION: Since our inception in 2009 (16. of June 2009), the Students association of Komenda has invested all of emerging efforts in support of more than 1. 300 students through whole area of functioning (Area: 289, 00 km2, Number of inhabitants: 34.389, Number of human settlements: 116) and in smaller area of functioning-Komenda, in which municipality, we primarily cover over 500 university and secondary school students. We are a non-profit student organization and community of students. Komenda used to be The Knights Hospitaller’s possession -Commenda, under the Kamnik’s Alps (SLO)/ Steiner Alpes (A). It is located in the vicinity of Slovenian capitol-Ljubljana (11 miles). Our president is Miss Anja PIBERNIK, student at University of Maribor. •Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: Democratic open structure NGO, with 2 staff members (semi-volunteer work) •Budgetary resources available in a year: cca. 16 000 EUR, next year cca. 8 000 EUR (50% cut) •Sources of funding: Main source is provide by Student act, minor sources are provide by sponsors. •Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Slovenian Students Union Union of Slovenian Student Clubs Youth Center Kotlovnica Kamnik NGO Platform Slovenian Hearts Slovenian Phylanthropy etc.
Mission and Objectives

Our principal activities are in primary, student related and ecology related nevertheless we are engaged in variety of rolls which make our community better-to provide invaluable support that will enable thousands of people through out the region to take practical action to clean rivers and polluted sites, organize recycling campaigns, identify and protect endangered species, fight against environmentally destructive and illegal development, create parks and green spaces, reduce energy consumption in schools and kindergartens and participate in environmental decision making. We are and have been a key factor in nurturing a strong and stable network of organizations which work for common goals through the region. Protection of biodiversity and endangered species, heritage interpretation and protection, urban and rural ecology, tree planting and forestation, waste management, land stewardship, energy alternatives, organic agriculture, public spaces and green space, greenways development, environmental advocacy and watchdog activities and NGO capacity building.

Main Projects / Activities

We have proven to be very effective in establishing NGOs Slovenian Hearts Info Point for northern part of Central Slovenia (for local goverments/ municipalitys of Komenda, Medvode; Mengeš and Trzin) and continuing so as part of http:/ project which hapents to be the bigest evioronmental project in Slovenia, we had more than 200.000 volonters on the end of the project (17. of April 2010). These projects allow us to mobilize local resources and initiate environmental reforms.

Contact (1) Full Name

Društvo Jaz Sem Otrok Vesolja

National Network

Trubarjeva 13

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
For the time being we don't have any employees, work is carried out on the voluntary basis of the representative of the association called I'm child of Universe. We do not have for the time being any available budget for year 2010, cause we have been established association in the beginning of September 2010. We plan to fund our activities and volunteers from the funds which are offered from Republic of Slovenia and EU funds. For the time being we do not have yet partners.
Mission and Objectives

To rise awareness among people in the field of environment and sustainable development, social tolerance and equality among people, sharing cultural similarities and differences among people.

Main Projects / Activities

Rising awareness among people in the field of environment and sustainable development by organizing workshops, working camps and other events where we can share experiences of good practice with people.
Rising social awareness and social tolerance and equality among people by organizing different social and cultural events where we share experiences of good practice with people. Events which we would organize: cultural festivals with social topics, Migrant film festivals.
Cultural festivals where we would present cultural and social similarities among different nations, ethnic groups as well as differences which should be seen as enrichment of social and cultural diversity of life in place where they live.

Contact (1) Full Name
Medea Meden

KUD ljud

National Network

Slovenska cesta 28, 1000 Ljubljana

+386 (0)31 533 979
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
In its foundations Ljud is an informal group of young individuals, who are creative in very different areas, but see theater and performing arts as a space to work together and enrich their individual ideas. They believe in ”live” art which is in direct contact with the present times (i.e current societal actualities, dilemmas, injustices, inequalities..). Officially our society has a president, treasurer and a three members of the control board in practice a 6 members core group work on the projects, planing and technical aspects all of their members professional time. Another 5-7 outer members are taking part in most of the practical activities. And a further 5-25 volunteers are collaborating on specific larger projects. Our members are coming from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Austria, France, Sweden and other countries. One member is currently regularly employed in Kud Ljud through the Slovenian national programme for public works. Kud Ljud is funded mostly through local and national grants, last year we successfully applied to our first EU call for submissions (with the H.O.M.E. project), we also generate some income through our street theater performances but our society could not function on its current level without many volunteers who contribute their time, knowledge and resources. In 2009 our total income was 62.965 €. In its projects Kud Ljud has collaborated with various partners, among others with Slovenian public cultural institutions (e.g. National Radio and Television,Modern Gallery, City Museum etc), IN SITU; YEPCE (Youth European Project for Cultural Exchanges);Performing Art group of Roma people Kesaj Tschave, various activist groups from Europe...The group has also presented its works in various international theater festivals.
Mission and Objectives

Mission and objectives of a group could be summed up as:
•group-based artistic creation, education and co-operation
•exploring the potential of new practices within performing arts
•actively reflecting the social and political context of our work
•international networking
•bringing high quality and challenging works of art to wider audience, in the words of the architect Berthold Lubetkin: “Nothing is to good for the common man!”
•contributing to solidarity and justice in local communities in Slovenia,partner and hosting countries

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities compose of (more about our previous project in attachment):
•devising and performing interactive and interdisciplinary performances in the public space, establishing theater performance as a game, a ritual and a social event (that opens up public spaces to questions of solidarity,common living and tolerance)
•workshops on physical and interactive theater for both professionals and the general public
•organizing and carrying out artivist actions to raise awareness on social and political topics (e.g. discrimination, inequalities and unfairness)
•collaborations with groups and artists who have similar values and fields of interest

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasa Jenull

Društvo Humanitas

National Network

Resljeva ulica 48, Ljubljana

00386 1 4300343
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00386 41 266 117
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Humanitas has 6-7 members of staff and a voluntary president. Its annual turnover is approximately 300,000 EUR. Funding comes from membership fees, donations and project funding (Europen Union and Slovene national/local government). We work mainly in the field of development cooperation and global education. We cooperate with NGOs in Central and South Europe.
Mission and Objectives

HUMANITAS, society for human rights and supportive action, strives to assert the rights of less privileged social groups in Slovenia and around the world. Through global education, intercultural dialogue and development projects it raises awareness of our mutual dependence and the importance of realising human rights, while encouraging respect for diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

Child sponsorship and community development in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Kenya. Fair trade in Slovenia and working with producers in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Egypt, Nepal. Awareness raising of development issues in Slovenia and Central Europe and the Mediterranean. Global education in Slovenia: various projects for children, young people, the general public.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tina Lazar, Secretary
Head of the organisation
David Limon, President

Humanitas, Society for Human Rights and Supportive Action

National Network

Resljeva 48

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Humanitas is non-profit and non-governmental organization. The organization is structured in the following way: president, general meeting (highest body), executive committee, supervisory committee and honorary arbitration board. Membership in the organization is voluntary and the organization has regular and honorary members. From 2011 it employs 7 people, 5 full time and 2 part time. The average annual turnover is 250.000 EUR. The organization is funded by variety of national and international actors: EU (European Commission), Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, and Municipality of Ljubljana. It also obtains financial resources from membership fees and donations. The organization implements project on national and international level in the field of development cooperation, global education and intercultural dialogue.
Mission and Objectives

Humanitas strives to assert the rights of less privileged social groups in Slovenia and around the world. Through global education, intercultural dialogue and development projects it raises awareness of our mutual dependence and the importance of realising human rights, while encouraging respect for diversity. Our mission is to raise awareness of global problems such as poverty and the gap between the developed and the "underdeveloped" world and, through education and awareness raising, to encourage social inclusion and responsibility.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization is based on two pillars: international development cooperation and global education. Within the pillar of development cooperation organization works in the field of children' sponsorship, fair trade and responsible tourism. The projects take place in Slovenia and Africa (Ghana, Burkina Faso, Kenya). Humanitas is one of the founders of the first fair trade shop in Slovenia. It work
In Slovenia, the organization also works extensively on global education, therefore raising awareness on global interdependence, global inequalities, intercultural dialogue, discrimination etc. It is involved in formal and non-formal education and works with youth as well as multipliers. It is also a member of Slovenian national platform for development cooperation and humanitarian aid and is currently coordinating platform's working group for global education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tina Lazar, general secretary
Head of the organisation
David Limon, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Vodopivec, project coordinator and PR

EMANAT, institute for affirmation and development of dance and contemporary art

National Network

Kobetova 26
1108 Ljubljana
Office:Kersnikova 4/V.
1000 Ljubljana


+ 386.1.430.57.24
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Emanat Institute is led by Maja Delak(founder and artistic director).In the field of performance and audio-visual work are executive producers Petra Hazabent and Sabina Potočki (as well program coordinator of educational program Agon and pr administrator). Publishing activities with two book series are led by Maja Delak and Karla Železnik. Nina Janež is responsible for all the office coordination. The board consisting of all named collaborators is meeting twice a month for regular coordination meeting while big planning meetings are happening maximum twice a year. Artistic focus is suggested by Maja Delak. Other collaborators (artists) are involved projects-wise. Since the institute is more and more combining different art forms we started focusing also on creation of different collaborations within already existing networks (IETM) as well as with partners with compatible artistic expression. Emanat Institute is supported both nationally and locally. Since 2010 we are receiving four years programme support from Ministry of Culture of Slovenia (=yearly 70.000€) and three years programme support from City of Ljubljana - the Department for Culture (=yearly 53.000€). Partners collaborating with Emanat Institute are national and international cultural organizations, also educational institutions(Pre-School Education and Grammar School – module contemporary dance) and artists from Slovenia and beyond (Matija Ferlin,Nadja Bedjanič,Gipo Gurrado,Zoe Vincenti,Irena Tomažin,Luka Princic, Katja Praznik, Igor Dobricic, David Zambrano, Nina Fajdiga, Jasmina Krizaj, Matej Kejzar, Marijs Boulogne... Partner organizations: Bunker Institute, Stara Elektrarna – Old Power Station Ljubljana, Festival City of Women,Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Melkweg Theatre Amsterdam, La Caldera Barcelona, Plesna Izba Maribor, En Knap - Spanish Fighters, Kapelica Gallery, Esc Galery (Graz),Association sa(n)jam knjige u Istri(BOOK FAIR(Y)in Istria Polis Adriatic Europe Festival and many more. Our collaborations with associate orgaizations are based on artistic exchange.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the institute EMANAT is to affirm contemporary dance and contemporary art as a topical, alive field of artistic creativity. Institute wants to develop this area by establishing different structures and modes of activity with which art enacts and enhances its creative structures.
The institute's production activity, developing in the area of performing arts and video, primarily focuses on art projects, which aim to develop their own specific procedures, processes and codes of work. Thus, the institute EMANAT constitutes and generates a community, interested in exchange, communication and articulation of the actuality of contemporary society and its individuals. One of the principal aims of production activity is the formation of production conditions for artists, who may, by way of exchange, form and improve their own visions of the art of dance.
Educational activities work as a platform for development and research of potentials of both the young dancers in the beginning of their creative path as well as the already formed professional dancers, who wish to develop the area of contemporary dance and their own creative procedures. The aim of the educational programmes, conceived as a dialogue exchange of creative individuals, is to give a fresh impetus to the artists, thus contributing to the development and success of the art of dance.
The publishing activity is intended to publishing domestic and translated works from the areas, which are in different, also potential, ways connected with dance and may bring and expand this activity to other areas and vice versa, and which constitute the elements of connections, which may reside also in the dance medium. The publishing programme is opening up the themes, where the chiasm of areas occurs. At the same time, it is committed to topical articulation of contents and elements, which are of pivotal significance for the development and existence of the art of dance, and to the opening up of questions, which present an impetus for further growth of the field.

Main Projects / Activities

Institute EMANAT advances the activity in three areas: stage and AV production, education, and publishing. The three part structure enacts the main vision the notion of emanation, making it concrete with a reciprocal intertwinement of individual activities. The central is the production of performances and av production, while at the same time the institute promotes education and publishing as the key elements of the development of the contemporary art.

Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Hazabent
Head of the organisation
Maja Delak - director, artistic leader, choreographer, dancer, pedagogue and chief editor of the book series Transitions
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabina Potočki

Association des Amis de Maison des Jeunes de Nabeul

National Network

maison des jeunes de nabeul
Rue taieb el mhiri, 8000 Nabeul, Tunisia


+216 72 286 689
Telephone (other)
00216 97492002
+216 72 221 401
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00216 22791600
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
nombre de membres: 152 Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles/: OUI Sources de financement: la mairie de nabeul , ministère de la jeunesse et du sport tunisien Modalités d'action: échanges avec la FFMJC, avec des MJC française Partenaires principaux associés aux projets/activités de l'organisme/ la maison des jeunes de nabeul , la federation francaise des maison des jeunes , radio neapolis fm
Mission and Objectives

- Promouvoir les activités de la maison des jeunes, en faveurs des adhérents
- Favoriser l’interaction entre les adhérents
- Nouer de liens d’amitiés et de fraternité entre les jeunes des pays frère et amis par le bais des
activités reconnues a l’échelle nationale et internationale.
- Volontariat ….

Main Projects / Activities

organisation de manifestation culturel
échanges interculturels
organisation d'action en faveur de la jeunesse
organisation de voyage de jeunes

Contact (1) Full Name
Slim Hadoussa
Head of the organisation
Slim Hadoussa
Contact (2) Full Name
kais soui