City of Women - Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture

National Network

Kersnikova 4
1000, Ljubljana

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture - City of Women was founded in 1996 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and was established with the aim of lobbying on gender issues and promoting equality. The project itself was initiated a year earlier in 1995 by the Slovenian government's former Office for Women's Policy (now The Equal Opportunities Office).The Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture - City of Women has the status of a non-governmental association, administered by an independent board of outstanding individuals drawn from various spheres of Slovenian culture, the arts and politics. Headed by its current honorary president, dr. Vesna Leskošek, the Association has a team of program collaborators and executive producers responsible for the selection, co-ordination and organisation of its program. Current art director of the festival is Mara Vujic with co-art director Predrag Pajdić. The City of Women program and activities have been facilitated through a network of partners, who have ensured financial support as well as conceptual input and feedback. The Association is engaged in ongoing collaborative projects with a variety of cultural and women's organisations, and works with external experts, international curators and selectors, for specific elements of its program. City of Women cooperates with numerous governmental and non-governmental Slovenian institutions (Cankarjev dom, Škuc Gallery, Alkatraz gallery, Glej Theatre, The museums and Galleries of the City of Ljubljana, Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Kinodvor…)and international partners as: in the frame of A Space for Live art: Antifestival (Finland), Les Subsistances (France), Acción!09MAD (Spain), New Territories (Great Britan), Trouble (Belgium), Interakcije (Poland), Kampnagel – Live Art Festival (Germany). Our activities are supported with Ministry of Culture of Republic of Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana / the Department for Culture, Hauptstadt Kulturfond, A Space for Live Art and some other foundations for particular projects or tours.
Mission and Objectives

The Association's primary objective is to produce and organise affirmative action projects in order to draw attention to the disproportionately low participation and representation of women in the field of arts and culture.
City of Women – The Association for Promotion of Women in Culture aims to raise the visibility of high-quality innovative creations by women artists, theoreticians and activists from all over the world. Since 1995, it has presented the artistic and cultural production of women in the performing arts, music, visual arts, film and video, literature and theory, and thereby aimed to provoke a debate and raise awareness as to the currently disproportionate participation and representation of women in arts and culture, as well as in society as a whole. City of Women simultaneously provides a platform that focuses upon and considers pertinent critical contemporary issues.

Main Projects / Activities

- the organisation of the annual trans-disciplinary International Festival of Contemporary Arts - City of Women
- the organisation of symposiums on a field of contemporary arts
- productions and co-productions on a field of contemporary arts

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandra Đorem

PIFF, društvo preoblikovanja komunikacij

National Network

Glavarjeva ulica 49

+386 30 368 631
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
PIFF Association for Transformation of Social Communication is promoting independent and creative artistic ways and means of communicating important political aspects of our society especially to young and also to the general public. Contextualising the content, PIFF is promoting access to multicultural realities and relations, educating on diverse film and media subjects and providing unique film and event programming.
Mission and Objectives

PIFF Association for Transformation of Social Communication is dedicated to promote active citizenship and political responsibility through film and audiovisual projects, especially focused on young people and using different media and art forms.

Main Projects / Activities

Documentaries in Maribor - DokMa International Documentary Film Festival
DokMa festival, one of our main events, was established as independent art and social project for preserving cultural heritage of the Maribor city cinemas and promoting documentary filmmaking as creative visions of our reality in Slovenia and abroad.
Dokus - Documentary Workshop for Autonomous Expression of Active Citizenship
Docs on the Sofa - Professional Documentary Masterclass
Politically Incorrect Film Festival - PI-FF
Videobox - one year educational documentary programme for high school students
Istanbul Express: Exploring Multilingualism Across Europe
Corruption is not necessary! - anticorruption youth education and film screenings project
Member of NISI MASA - European Network for Young Cinema
Member of EDN - European Documentary Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandra Goropevšek

Organisation for sports, youth, research and culture K.N.O.F.

National Network

ŠMRK društvo K.N.O.F., Ob gozdu 11, 8290 SEVNICA

00386 51 309 063
Telephone (other)
00386 7 814 11 24
00386 7 814 11 24
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Organization K.N.O.F. is a nonprofit nongovernmental organization run by volunteers from the year 2007, who are realizing different activities like youth entertainment, youth education and youth culture for people aged 16 to 30 from local areas. In the organization there are 30 active members, everyone of them is a volunteer. Besides organizing projects (2-3 per month) we gather every week per 3 hours. At the moment we don’t have any employees, but we often get help from external coworkers.
Mission and Objectives

Goals of our activities are:
- offering the means to the young people from local area so they can realize their own ideas, whether they are from the field of entertainment, education or art.
- support and encourage volunteer work and gaining experience and knowledge from autonomous organization and leadership of projects.
- encouraging personal growth of young people and mutual understanding of young people (also from different cultures)
- encourage inclusion and participation of young people in the society, from shaping public life to youth policies.

Main Projects / Activities

Our regular activities are:
- concerts: they appear on monthly basis, we mostly host young, amateur groups, from classic to alternative music.
- arts: they appear on monthly basis, we mostly organize exhibitions of young amateur artists.
- education: they appear on a weekly basis, we organize computer courses for beginners and followers
- informing: info point about European and other opportunities for young people, once a month we also publish a magazine for young people

Contact (1) Full Name
Mojca Metelko

ArtNetLab Society for Connecting Art and Science

National Network

Trubarjeva 76a
1000 Ljubljana

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
An association. No employed members. Annual budget 10000 EUR. Sponsors and government funding. We organize exhibitions, festivals, we produce new media art projects etc. We collaborate closely with the Academy of Fine Art and Design and the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, both members of the University of Ljubljana.
Mission and Objectives

Establishing the links between scientific and technological approaches and the arts and humanities. To provide a production platform for young new media artists, who have finished formal education in new media art in Slovenia. ArtNetLab also provides a permanent production environment for its members.

Main Projects / Activities

Production of the International Festival of Computer Arts, Maribor, Ljubljana, 2004-2006

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Narvika Bovcon
Head of the organisation
Aleš Vaupotič

Zavod za vzgojo, izobraževanje in kulturo Maribor

National Network

Prešernova 1

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Zavod za vzgojo, izobraževanje in kulturo Maribor is NGO with 5 employees and 10 volunteers. Our budgetary resources available in a year are estimated at 50000 euros. Sources of funding are mainly obtained from different calls for various projects. Our main modalities of action are education and culture. We are cooperating with various other partners for specific projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our main mission is to raise quality of education and persons active involvement in leisure time. We are trying to make better understanding of relations and interactions in modern family life.

Main Projects / Activities

In primary school and in kindergarten we are running innovative project-teaching children Esperanto for better foundation for learning foreign languages. We are also organizer of Festival of languages and cultures, which is held annually. Our organisation is having support service for families and individuals with family problems. We participate in various other projects(own or like partner) at that area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tine Švagelj
Head of the organisation
Vesna Obradović

Mens Mentis Centre for contemporary education and culture Murska Sobota

National Network

Kocljeva ulica 16
9000 Murska Sobota

+386 59 085 107
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Mens Mentis is a non-profit and independent organization that works in the fields of education. Our priority is to promote lifelong learning, intercultural dialogue, work in the field of integration of social groups in local and national environment, human rights, migration and gender equality.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is promoting lifelong education, supporting and implementing the aims of the learning society, promoting knowledge sharing among vulnerable target groups, enhancing intercultural communication, inclusion into non-formal trainings, networking of the non-profit institutions with educational background.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our project are: a) Promotion of intercultural among nationals of third world countries and Slovenes with workshops, communication activities, creative competition for pupils and learning conversations; b) Promotion of Intercultural Dialogue in Ljubljana among refugees with different workshops.
We implement regularly education training for computer literacy and intercultural communication.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tamara Toplak

Gledališče Laboratorij

National Network

Cesta 4.julija 62, 8270 Krško - Slovenia

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are non profit organization with major goal for future to produce big,important documentary-historial action film, own published book of drama plays and other art stuff. One one person is employed, the other are just members who have interest cooperated because of pure love for art express. The major member will study at New York academy AMDA for Studio programm of Acting. Main partners are most professional like individualist, the other organization's are government and nongovernmental.
Mission and Objectives

Mission is base like i said upper note -produce one day own film, book with quality texts, own screenscripts, made theater performing with musical note and other stuff underground line.

Main Projects / Activities

At this moment, it is education including working with step by step with small projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pavlina Keše Hratson
Contact (2) Full Name
Oleg Hratson

Gallery Simulaker

National Network

Gallery Simulaker, Vrhovčeva 1a
8000 Novo mesto

00 386 7 33 74 371
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00 386 31 384 966
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The gallery Simulaker is operating within association LokalPatriot which is nongoverment organisation established by local student organisation of Novo mesto. The gallery has one contract employee, the curator, assisted by one staff member, while the technical support is given by the staff of Multimedia centre of Dolenjska (also operating within association LokalPatriot). The gallery is financed from Ministry of culture of republic of Slovenia and local municipality with budget resources at around 45000 euros per year. The gallery program mostly consists of exhibitions of contemporary art, domestic and international, various intermedia projects and exhibitions. The gallery is also used for other cultural events, such as contemporary dance shows, presentations, performances, music events, conferences, etc. The gallery works with different domestic associations and producers such as Aksioma, Zavod Atol and others.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the gallery is to present and promote various creative positions within the field of contemporary art and photography in the local and national context. We are interested in young emerging artists as well in the established ones, giving them all support and know-how for presentation of their work. Annually we organise 10-12 solo and group exhibitions and a number of other artistic projects/events.

Main Projects / Activities

Within the corpus of the exhibitions every year is organised a group show of art students of a national education institution, while one exhibition term is given to the guest curator. One of the main project of the gallery Simulaker/Association LokalPatriot is international festival of documentary photography (workshops, presentations and exhibitions) which is running from the year 2000. The rest of the program consists of the solo and group exhibition of the selected artists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matjaž Brulc
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrej Krštinc

kulturno drustvo integrali

National Network

smartinska cesta 5, 1000 ljubljana

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
NGO, non employed, 5 people regularly working for the organization director: Simona Semenic artistic co-director: Simona Hamer producer: Zalka Grabnar Kogoj head of education program: Rok Vevar head of pubčishing: Ana Perne budgetary resources in 2010: 35.109 EUR (ministry of culture), 19.000 (City of Ljubljana) projects: Festival Preglej na glas!, international workshop projects (with nova drama Beograd, Sterijino pozorje Novi Sad and Teden Slovenske drame Kranj), ad hoc projects (with! Beograd, Student centre Zagreb,Generosity Offensive Intitative Bucarest Romania)
Mission and Objectives

Integrali’s main mission is to provide a platform for cooperation and exchange between theatre artists in Europe and around the world, which is to be realized by facilitating productions, creating long term exchange programs and initiating educational and research activities in the field of theatre and especially playwriting.The main activities of our organization are: Laboratory work in the field of contemporary playwriting, Publicizing, presenting and promoting contemporary playwriting in Slovenia, Europe and wider
International collaboration on developing artistic projects and / or projects stimulating playwriting and contemporary theatre.

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural Society / Kulturno drustvo Integrali is an NGO that was first established through a non-formal collaboration of two Slovenian theatre artists – playwright and dramaturge Simona Semenic and theatre director and dance/theatre theoretician Rok Vevar, who have made a number of contemporary theatre project together, involving many other young Slovenian theatre artists. In further development, Simona Semenic started to collaborate with American organization WaxFactory, especially with theatre director Ivan Talijancic. Integrali were formally established on the basis of the projects conceived and realized by Simona, Rok and Ivan.
By now Integrali has twenty two members, but no employees. Organs of organization are Assembly, Executive Board and Supervisory Board. Executive Board is taking care of realizing aims of the organization. It consists of 3 members (2-year mandate), elected and released by the Assembly. Members of the Executive Board elect the President and the Vice president of the Executive Board.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simona Semenic
Head of the organisation
Simona Semenic
Contact (2) Full Name
Simona Hamer

Zavod Otok

National Network

Zavod Otok; Dobrava pri Kostanjevici 2, 8311 Kostanjevica na Krki
Kostanjevica na Krki

040 377 926
Telephone (other)
040 657 015
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
- Non- Governmental Organization - Private institution - municipal funds; own resources; donations - local associations; institutions;community; Interstate cooperation with HR (Samobor; Zaprešič; Krapina; Istra)
Mission and Objectives

Intercultural cooperation
pomen dvojezičnosti in prepoznavnost

Main Projects / Activities

uskoki in čačarščina
zametek slovenščine
medkulturno sodevanje

Contact (1) Full Name
Branka Urek
Head of the organisation
Vesna Hrovat
Contact (2) Full Name
Vesna Hrovat