studiobotas d.o.o.

National Network

Studiobotas d.o.o.
Dunajska 51
SI-1000 Ljubljana


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
studiobotas is a graphic design studio. studiobotas are: Boštjan Botas Kenda, prof., graphic designer Primož Fijavž, arhitect, graphic designer Peter Rauch, MA CSM, arhitect, graphic designer, photographer To help and organize the work, studio has one enpoloyee, project manager Jerneja Omahen. Studio funds from its own source and aswell applys for national grants for special projects.
Mission and Objectives

To be able to realize and implementate actions on the field of cultural production (graphic and architecture) among different artist and countrys. And to develop a partnership between artists in different countrys and promote collaboration on meaningfull projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Studio-based activities:
- graphic design in public spaces
- editorial graphic design
- corporate identities and manuals
- exhibition designs
- organization and monitoring of workshops

Contact (1) Full Name
Jerneja Omahen
Head of the organisation
Primož Fijavž
Contact (2) Full Name
Primož Fijavž

Center EMUNI

National Network

Sončna pot 20
6320 Portorož

+386 (0)5 671 36 00
Telephone (other)
+386 (0)5 671 36 03
+386 (0)5 671 36 05
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The University Center for Euro-Mediterranean Studies (Center EMUNI) was established by the government of the Republic of Slovenia in 2007 to provide facilities for Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI University) and act as its secretariat. The idea of establishing the Euro-Mediterranean University was born in 1995, when the Euro-Mediterranean partnership EUROMED was formed. The idea has gained wide support at political and academic levels. EMUNI University was cofounded by 118 universities and other higher-education and research institutions, coming from 32 countries from European Union and Mediterranean countries.
Mission and Objectives

Center EMUNI is the Secretariat of EMUNI University.
The University will develop academic and professional human resources in the region and will contribute to the creation of a common higher education and research area in line with the developments of the Bologna Process, the Catania Declaration and the Cairo Declaration. It will also support and strengthen the existing co-operation networks among universities and institutes by promoting and organizing joint study and research programmes.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities
Euro-Mediterranean Summer School 2009 (EMUNI Summer 2009)
Short programmes and international conferences
Together with partner institutions different training courses performed at EMUNI or partner universities will be developed.
Master study programmes
• In the academic year 2008/2009, Center EMUNI is organising three pilot Master study programmes of the “EMUNI label”, accredited by partner universities:
o MBA in Energy and Sustainable Development,
o MA in European Mediterranean Cultures and Policies,
o Euro-Mediterranean MA in Culture and Tourism
Doctoral Research seminars
1st EMUNI ReS (EMUNI Research Souk) - The Euro-Mediterranean Student Research Multi-conference
• June 9th of 2009 at EMUNI in Slovenia and 17 EMUNI co-founding institutions in 13 countries.
Topic: Unity and Diversity of Euro-Mediterranean Identities.
International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies (IJEMS)
• The IJEMS will be issued in two regular numbers and one on selected topic in 2009.
Research and Development Projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Nada Trunk Širca
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Nada Trunk Širca
Contact (2) Full Name
Tina Jazbec

Klub študentov občine Koper (KŠOK) - Students' Association of Koper (SAK)

National Network

Cankarjeva 9/a
6000 Koper


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Students' Association of Koper is a non-governmental Organisation ruled only by students. We have no employed but 50 activists and 1000 members. We provide students with a possibility to easily realize their interests in their domestic environment. We work with many Slovene and international partners, mostly youth and students organisations.
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of the Students' Association of Koper is to provide students with a possibility to easily realize their interests in their domestic environment. Furthermore the Students' association of Koper daily offers many activities for students in our municipality and the range of them is spreading daily.
This year we are celebrating 15 years of our establishment.

Main Projects / Activities

We offer bus connections to and from Ljubljana, social evenings, education, concerts, cultural and entertaining evenings, many courses, trips, many sport events and activities, movie nights, traveler’s journal, literature evenings, exhibition of young artists, socio-economic help, video production and music.
We offer our members also a computer room, photocopying room, info point of SAK, study room, law information point and projects’ office.

Contact (1) Full Name
Borut Jerman
Head of the organisation
Vid Tratnik
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Šalgaj