AIESEC in Tunisia

National Network

20,Rue Baudelaire,El Omrane ,Tunis ,Tunisie

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
AIESEC: the world’s largest youth-run NGO present in 110 countries. We provide our members with an integrated development experience comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships and participation in a global learning environment
Mission and Objectives

When AIESEC was established after the World War II, the aim was to exchange youth throughout Europe to build bridges between nations.

Main Projects / Activities

AIESEC enables organizations to access Global Talents and provides students and graduates the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and work abroad through our Global Internship Program.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Henia Hnana
Contact (2) Full Name

Swedish-Iraqi Solidarity Committee (SISK)

National Network

c/o Nilsson
Hagagatan 8A, 11348 Stockholm


Telephone (other)
0+46 8 56820606
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 0704934695
Mobile Phone (other)
+46 0730251029
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
NGO with 25 members, steering committee five embers, all work on a voluntary basis. Budgetary resources for organisation: membership fees, budget resources for projects: Forum Syd and Radiohjälpen
Mission and Objectives

To support the civilian society and democratic institutions in Iraq, with special emphasis on
children's and women's rights and support the access to good children's literature and promote literacy among children

Main Projects / Activities

Our objective is to support financially and practically two children's libraries in Baghdad. The first library opened in 2005, the other in 2008.The libraries have grown to include theatre, art and music activities and computer coaching for the children and lecture activities for parents

Contact (1) Full Name
Sofia Altafi
Head of the organisation
Anita Lilburn
Contact (2) Full Name
Anita Lilburn

Association for the Development of Society in Kom Al Daba'

National Network

Kom EL Daba', Nekada, Qena

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Youth and education
General Information
اســـم الجمعية / جمعية تنمية المجتمع بكوم الضبـــع0 تاريخ ورقم إشهار الجمعية / 496 فى 19/9/1996 رقــــم التليـفــــون والفــاكــــس / 6821478/096 البريد الالكتروني / kd_cda العـنــــوان / قـنـــا – نـقـــــادة – كــــوم الضـبـــع النطاق الجغرافي لأنشطة الجمعية / محــافظـــة قـنــا ميادين عمل الجمعية :- تنمية المجتمع المحلى ورفع المستوى الاقتصادى ثقافيا وإجتماعيا ودينيا عـــــدد أعــضــــاء مجـلــس الإدارة / 11 عضـــواً عــدد أعـضـــاء الجمعية العمومية / 317 عضـواً اسم رئيس مجلس الإدارة / احمد رفعت عبدالراضي تليفون / 0102037698 جمعية تنمية المجتمع بكوم الضبع منظمة غير حكومية لا تهدف للربح مشهرة برقم 496 في 19 / 9 / 1996 والتابعة( لمركز نقـــادة - محافظة قنـــا) ونطاق عملها محافظة قنا. بدأت نشاطها فى مجال البيئة والمجال الإجتماعى والتعليمي من خلال عدة أنشطة منها :-( مجموعات فصول التقوية - وتكريم المتفوقين - والحقيبة المدرسية) . تعمل الجمعية فى كوم الضبع وتخدم مركز نقادة بقراه المختلفة وعلى الأخص قرية طوخ وتوابعها .
Mission and Objectives

رؤيـــة الجمعـيــــة
مجتمع قادر على المشاركة الصحيحة في مجالات التنمية المختلفة0
رسـالــة الجمعـيــــة
نحن جمعية تنمية المجتمع بكوم الضبع – نقادة – قنا تبنينا حث المجتمع على المشاركة فى مجالات التنمية المختلفة وذلك من خلال التوعية بأهمية المشاركة وبناء قدرات المجتمع وإقامة مشروعات منتجة وذلك بجهود وتفاعل أبنائها الذين أنجزوا مشروعات بيئية وثقافية واجتماعية على أساس مباديء إنكار ألذات والتماسك والوضوح .
الـهـــدف الــعــــام :
- تحسين قدرة المجتمع على المشاركة الفعالة في مجالات التنمية المختلفة ( بيئية - اقتصادية - اجتماعية - تعليمية وثقافية ) .
- رفع الوعي لدي منظمات المجتمع المدني الشريكة بأهمية المشروعات البيئية .
- تفعيل دور المرأة في تنمية المجتمع المحلي .
- رفع كفاءة أصحاب الحرف التراثية وشباب الخريجين في مجال تطوير و تسويق

Main Projects / Activities

ونفذت مشروعات عديدة منها :-
- مشـــروع جـمــع القمامـــة ( هيئــة كيــر الـدوليــة ).
- مشروع ردم البرك والمستنقعات ( هيئة كير الدولية ).
- تــوصيـــلات مــيـــاه الشـــرب ( هيئة كيــر الدوليـة ).
- مشـــروع التــوعيــة الشــاملـــة ( هيئة كير الدولية ).
- مشـــروع صـحـــة الأم والـطـفــــل ( جــــون سـنـــو) .
- مشــروع تنفيذ الصرف الصحـــي المتكامل بكوم الضبع ( الصندوق المصري السويسري ).
- مشــروع التطوير المؤسسي وتفعيل دور الجمعية في المجتمع ( مركز المنظمات غير الحكومية NGO ) .
- تطــويــر مشــروع جــمــــع القـمــامـــة ( صندوق حماية البيئة ) .
- مشـــروع الـحـــد مــــن الفقـــــر .
- مشروع إنشاء كوبري كوم الضبع الجديد من الناحية الشرقية .
- مشـــروع تجمـيــل مـدخــل القـريــــة الغـــربـــي .

Contact (1) Full Name
Fathi Mohamed Hamdellah
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Refa'at Abdel Radi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Selim Ahmed

Faw Gharb Community Development Association

National Network

Qena - Dishna - Faw Gharb

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Management Assembly Executive Body Committees Projects
Mission and Objectives

We are Community Development Association Pfao west of our belief in serving our community and with our experience we seek to develop community FAO through the contribution in providing opportunities for quality education, activities and programs and providing health care and environmental conservation and awareness of cultural and technology, raising the slogan We are all partners in development
- The development of the local community economically, educationally and physically and socially, religiously and environmentally
Through: 1 - raise the educational level and to help literacy
2 - social assistance
3 - Providing comprehensive health care and maternity and child care and family planning
4 - Raising the income level of poor families
5 - To facilitate the Hajj and Umrah and memorization of the Koran
6 - Protection of the environment 7 - Consumer Protection

Main Projects / Activities

Activities and projects implemented:
A) Construction of the association, consisting of three floors
B) the field of education
1 - Open a number of 10 literacy classes for girls
2 - View the status of follow-up educational programs for various levels of education
3 - get a piece of land donations to build the Institute of Azahari
C) the area of health care:
1 - Create a comprehensive health clinic equipped with the latest medical equipment
2 - Establishing a medical laboratory
3 - get a contribution from the people a piece of land to build a health unit Naga shelf
D) Economic development:
1 - project for the development of income (loans) for 22 customers the amount of 8300 pounds per month, equivalent to the amount of client 264 99 600 pounds per annum
2 - Provide social assistance in kind and cash to the poor and needy
3 - Open Player Knitting and embroidery for girls
E) environmental
1 - 202 connections to implement a number of clean drinking water, benefiting 1800 people
F) the area of services:
1 - Extract the ID cards for the 1000 men and women
G) the religious sphere:
1 - Open Office memorization of the Koran
2 - Implementation of the 5 pilgrimages
3 - Implementation of seminars and competitions religious Ramadan
H) the area of outreach:
1 - the implementation of the 1200 home visits to raise awareness of the importance of optimal use of clean drinking water
2 - implementation of a number 40 health symposium and religious importance of the use of clean drinking water
3 - Implementation of the 12 health and religious seminar about the importance of health care for women and children
4 - Implementation of 1200 home visits to raise awareness of the importance of health care
5 - Implementation of 200 home visits to raise awareness of the importance of literacy for girls
6 - Implementation of the number of 100 home visits to raise awareness of health education
Projects under implementation:
1 - Education Development Project Bdhna
2 - Center and called for information technology to serve the people of Centre inaugurated
3 - strengthening of laboratory tests medical devices, advanced
4 - Strengthening the development project, the establishment of income unit new loans
5 - Establishing a vocational training center for training and education of all trades
6 - Strengthening the Cultural Library with books and cultural means
Future projects:
1 - Create a center for early childhood to care for children from 4-6 years
2 - Strengthening the health clinic of modern medical equipment
3 - Create Hall of seminars and exercises designed and equipped
4 - complete a project of clean drinking water connections
5 - the implementation of the clean-up project and protect the environment from pollution

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr . Gamal Mohammed
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Khaled Shoukey

Egyptian Society for Migration Studies (EGYMIG)

National Network

Postal Address: PO Box 30
El-Malek El-Saleh, Cairo (11559)


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The Egyptian Society for Migration Studies (EGYMIG) was founded by Ayman Zohry and colleagues in January 2008. EGYMIG is registered in Egypt as an Independent Non-Governmental Organization. It serves as a research center and an outreach for those who are interested in Egyptian migration. It aims at promoting and enhancing research on different aspects of Egyptian migration.
Mission and Objectives

EGYMIG is the Gateway to Egyptian Migration Research

Main Projects / Activities

- Participation in local and international Conferences;
- Publications and Scientific Production;
- The Society's Digital Library and Website
- Awareness raising;
- Others

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Ayman Zohry (Chairman of Board)

The Friends of Life

National Network

28 Luxor street off Delta street, Sporting, Alexandria

03 5462752
03 5462754
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
012 755 74 75
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The friends of life is the first NGO for PLHA-people living with HIV/AIDS-representing 67% of the staff(4 of 6), with a budget 200.000 LE funded by NAMRU3-Naval American Medical Researches Unit 3, UNAIDS, WAC- World AIDS Campaign ,and UNICEF. Conducting support group meetings and home based care for PLHA. Conducting awareness campaigns among youth about HIV/AIDS fundamentals and modes of transmission. Advocacy campaigns to reduce stigma and discrimination. Main partners are- UNAIDS, UNICEF, WAC, NAMRU3
Mission and Objectives

Our mission:
Providing PLHA-people living with HIV/AIDS -with all kinds of support(psychological, social, medical,and legal)
Our objectives:
Improving the quality of life for PLHA;
Providing PLHA with care, support and alternative approaches;
Activating the role of PLHA in community as they themselves are able to improve health and care services and defend their rights as a human rights to live without stigma and discrimination, because PLHA are the most marginalized, and stigmatized populations;
Raising awareness among youth in general and MARPs - most at risk populations - in particular without any discrimination based on religion, race, gender or color;
The empowerment of PLHA in general and infected woman in particular to enable her to defend her rights and her children's rights;
Reducing stigma and discrimination by correcting misconceptions and raising right awareness among the different populations of community.

Main Projects / Activities

Home-based Care for PLHA;
Support Group Meetings for PLHA;
World AIDS Day;
Advocacy campaigns to fight stigma and discrimination.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mina Sobhy
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mina Sobhy
Contact (2) Full Name
Magid El Rabeiy

Egyptian Democratic Academy

National Network

4 Dr mohamed chahen street from nawal st , in front of the main gate of naser military academy , 7th floor flat num.19

+2 02 374 87248
+2 02 374 87248
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Hossam Eldin Ali – Chairman Bassem Samir – Executive Director Basem Fathy – Projects Director Esraa Abdelfattah – Media Director Ahmed Ghoneim: Finance Manager Ahmed Badawy – Program Director Youssef Mohamed – Elma7rosa Radio Director
Mission and Objectives

The Egyptian Democratic Academy (EDA) is a Youth non-profit Organization established by a group of Human Rights and Democracy activists working for promoting the values of Democracy, Human Rights, and political participation. In addition EDA works for promoting values of freedom of opinion and Expression, openness, political and religious tolerance. EDA focuses on using New Media tools in promoting Democracy and Human Rights values with a special interest in the participation of the groups who are most subject to marginalization as women, children, and disabled in the political and public life.
1. Promoting Democracy and Human Rights in Egypt.
2. Promoting Freedom of opinion and Expression, tolerance, and acceptance.
3. Supporting Youth Organizations in the Political Parties and Social Movements.
4. Promoting using Internet and New Media tools in Advocacy.
5. Supporting the Participation of the groups who are most subject to marginalization as women, children, and disabled.

Main Projects / Activities

• Under New Media Program EDA planned and carried out the following projects: Internet Radio: Youth Internet Radio based on article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Convenient for the Civic and Political Rights. It works for promoting Democracy, Human Rights, political and religious tolerance in an entertaining, dramatic, and news frame.
Elma7rosa Academy: Project proposal to the American National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The main idea of the project is the production of radio shows and new media materials by various groups of youth that are politically, culturally, religious different, that are going to be put in the same arena for a long time to cooperate in producing such materials.
• Under Political Participation Program EDA Planned for the following projects:
Including Disable Citizens in the Electoral Process: Project Proposal to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) about activating the disable citizens voters block through eliminating the obstacles that may face them through the election process, supplying facilities, and supporting their participation.
• Under Democracy and Human Rights Promotion Program EDA carried out the following trainings:
Training Course on Human Rights: for the young lawyers, in cooperation with lawyers youth committee in the General Lawyer Syndicate.
Training Course on Human Rights: for the members of Watany Youth Parliament, in cooperation with Watany Newspaper.
• Under Political and Civic Education for Political Parties and Social Movement Youth Program EDA carried out the following activities:
Training Course on strategic Planning for Advocacy Campaigns for the Social Movements Youth.
Training Course on strategic Planning for Advocacy Campaigns for the Political Parties Youth.
Training Course on New Strategies for Political Youth Organizations, funded by Friedrich Nauman Foundation.
• EDA is planning and preparing for a group of projects and trainings under the Electoral Campaigns Management program

Contact (1) Full Name
Bassem Samir
Head of the organisation
Hossam el Din Ali

centre de citoyenneté et de démocratie

National Network

32,Avenue de liberté

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
comité directeur de 11 membres , 30 membres ,financement par les cotisations et les dons. nos actions sont sur des projets dans le reseau OFIYA,des seminaires de formation en partenariat avec NDI.
Mission and Objectives

promotion de la démocratie : culture et bonnes pratiques
approfondissement des valeurs de la citoyenneté

Main Projects / Activities

Conferences et ateliers de travail,observation des élections,action sur terrain pour des groupes cibles éleves et etudiants.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

par la présence dans les actions du reseau , faire la propagande du reseau auprés d'autre association.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour plus d'echange,possibilité de travail commun

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Khadri Ezzeddine
Head of the organisation
Dr Gharbi Mohamed Kamel
Contact (2) Full Name
Maitre Fkih Mongi


National Network

ç rue des matyres mourouj 1 ben arous

ben arous

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
assotiation féminime crée aprés la révolution actuellement 400 adherants pas de ressources budgétaires projets sur la femme rurale pour cela on a choisi une region /balta a 100 km de tunis et ou la femme a beaucoups de problemes de pauvreté de santé.c'est une région connue par une maladie sanguine qui est la thalassémie
Mission and Objectives

-aide a créer de petits projets
-programme pédagogique pour ce type de femmes
-aide aux familles atteinte de la maladie de thalassemie

Main Projects / Activities

seminaire sur la femme qu on envisage faire au mois de MARS

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
najoua bettaib :presidente

Individual member: Moncef SLITI

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
C'est une inscription personnelle
Mission and Objectives

c'est une inscription personnelle

Main Projects / Activities

Je suis journaliste et je suis intéresse par les problématiques de culture et de développement

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

je suis entre journaliste couvrir les actions de ce groupe et j'ai un doctorat dans le developpent

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

rejoindre un réseau sérieux et participer à un espace d'échange qui une structure internationale , ce sont entre autre parmi les raisons qui me m'incitent à m'inscrire.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moncef SLITI