Voice in Need - CSDMG

National Network

Rr.Don Bosko, Vila prane shkolles "Qazim Turdiu"

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Main objectives of the centre are: • To help capacity building of marginalized groups and especially children, youth and women of these groups. • To support developments and reforms on education as a focal point for the development of these persons through awareness activities, surveys, policies, and researches. • To facilitate the collaborative relations among the community and state institutions establishing a new way of relations when community is involved in the decision-making process, • To enlarge the support from public for respecting of Human Rights of marginalized groups; to engage the public on discussions about violence, discrimination and community support. • To identify and work with children and young people at risk of becoming victims or offenders Head organs of the centre are: - The main constitutional organ of the center is the Board of Directors it is composed by three members with a definite time duration and can be nominated again in the future, - Executive Director, - Staff, four persons, - Volunteers,
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the center is to identify marginalized and vulnerable groups, to empower them, to build their capacities and to ensure that these groups will have their voices in Albanian society.
Centre “Support and development of marginalized groups – “Voices in Need” was created on 2005 by youth workers that work with pupils and students in need.

Main Projects / Activities

Summer School at “Osman Myderizi” School
This project was organized during summer 2006 and it was financed by Support the Security System Reforms, a program of UNDP in Albania. The project was attended by 50 pupils and almost half of them came from “Zyber Hallulli” Orphan House.
Friendship Camp with Street Children at Rinia Park in Tirana
The project was organized in collaboration with ARSIS Tirana and Terre des Homme Albania under TACT Program.
“Old Europe Talking” this is an Action 1 Project supported by European
The aim of the project is to represent Albania to other people in Europe, through visits and exchange activities.
Police-School Collaboration: Schools Essay Competition supported by British
Embassy in Albania
Within this project, pupils were invited to create essays, poetry, and stories about the collaboration between police, school and the community, incorporating messages against
crime, drugs, human trafficking, and promoting security, safety, and peace.
The Right to be secure - supported by Support to Security System Reforms
Program/ UNDP Program in Albania
Promoting Non-Discrimination and Equal Access to Education for
Roma/Egyptian Children”
The project is implemented in cooperation with ARSIS Association for the Social
Support of Youth Greece, a Greek NGO, and it is financed by European Commission.
Expert Organization on the testing of Child Protection Manual for Focal Point
Person in Tirana that it is prepared by Terre des Hommes in help of school psychologists

Contact (1) Full Name
Entela Kaleshi
Head of the organisation
Gentiana Mamo

Gender Alliance for Development Center

National Network

Rr. "Abdyl Frasheri", P 10/1, shk.1 , ap.3, Tirana
P.O Box 2418


00 355 4 2 25 55 14
00 355 4 2 25 55 15
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 355 68 20 59 301
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Structure: GADC is a women-issues oriented organization, that often involves men in it’s projects in order to achieve gender equality. The center has a staff of 6 women and 1 man and is lead by a woman. The Board is made of three women and two men, taking into consideration that the center is constantly trying to involve more men in the projects, in order to get better results in its efforts to achieve gender equality in Albania. The Board Chair is a woman with a long expertize in Civil Society.7 (seven) full time staff and 4 part time staffAn average of 4 to 5 interns or volunteers support the team. They are mostly students of Social Sciences and are very helpful for the staff. Budgetary resources: Vary from 250000 EUR-350000 EUR Sources of funding: Kvinna Till Kvinna, Cordaid, Austrian Development Agency, Swiss Cooperation Office in Tirana, UNDP, UNIFEM, OSFA, IWP, CCFD, Spanish Agnecy for International Coomeration, European Delegation in Albania, American Embassy etc. Modalities of action: Training, Researches, Experience Exchanges, Seminars, Conferences, summer schools, projects, publications Main Partners: Albanian Network Against Gender Violence and Trafficing, Albanian Women Empowrment Network, Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Chances, Directory of Equal Chances,Ministry of Education Faculty of Social Sciences – Gender Studies Institute,National Institute of Statistics,Journalism Department at the Faculty of History and Philology,Centers for Democratic Civil Education: Departments of Education in differnet cities of Albania.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: It aims at creating equal opportunities between the sexes through: gender sensitive information, studies, research, advocacy, lobbying, and training courses under a gender perspective.
• Collecting and processing opinions and views of groups that benefit from the planning, implementation and evaluation of different projects;
• Raising the awareness of different groups on gender issues, while providing them with a new perspective; addressing problems that Albanian women face in different areas, such as: poverty, low participation in decision-making, domestic violence, trafficking, low access for information, etc;
• Gathering, processing and distributing information on social issues;
• Consolidating the network of collaborators all over Albania;
• Studying social problems from a gender perspective;
• Promoting and supporting women participation in decision-making; increasing the beneficiaries’ number (organizations and individuals) through expanding and improving services provided. ‘

Main Projects / Activities

My new book on gender equality; Mainstreaming Gender Equality in High School Curricula
Mainstreaming Gender Equality into the School Curricula
Women's Rights as Human Rights
Domestic Violence on the focus of the Media
Respecting the labour rights of women in Albania as a means to reduce the feminisation of poverty
Increase the capacities of Service providers on offering assistance to trafficing victims
Equity in Governance

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirela Arqimandriti - Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Valdet Sala - Board Chair
Contact (2) Full Name
Eranda Ndregjoni - Project Coordinator

Regional Development Agency

National Network

Rryga" Sadik Zotaj", Pallati" CONAD", Kati6/1, Vlore

+355 43 279665
+355 33 228467
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 693834994
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 694209618
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
We have a board with 5 member , 2 ful-time staff and 3 part-time - our RESOURCES coming fron donors , our budgetary is about 30.000-40.000 EURO/year -Donors - We are working with projects. - USAID, EU, GTZ, UNDP, ITalian project, TDH etc
Mission and Objectives

"To contribute as co-leader, working alongside the local business community, international donors, and local authorities and NGOs, to improve the business climate and encourage economic development in the region through the implementation of joint-effort coordination programs, and to act as a cross-sector resources center.”

Main Projects / Activities

I.June 2006 - March2008, World Bank. The Project was implemented by Vlora RDA
Title :Social-Economic services Center for vulnerable groups .
Terre Des Hommes’s “Income generating” on Roma Community Vlore
USAID’s Small Business Credit and Assistance (SBCA) ProjectimplementedbyChamonics International.
SORROS implemented by Vlore RDA.
Title: Increasing Women’s Representation in Local Government Structure
.USAID’s –MSI, Civil Society Reduction of Corruption in Albania Project.
Activities: As a local consultant to MSI, Vlore RDA completed the following activities:
• Preparing a variety of publicity materials for the Vlore Municipality;
• Preparing information on taxes;
• Updating Vlore’s community profile; and,
, USAID’s Training on Building NGO and Local Government Cooperation.
The Project was implemented by IDRA through the USAID and South East Europe Municipal Training Program. Vlore RDA was local consultant and project coordinator
Activities: The main purpose of the Project was to helped municipal officials and NGO representatives to understand the role of the Vlore Municipality in local economic development by:
• focusing on understanding the conditions of the city;
• developing partnerships among stakeholders in the community; and,
• Involving citizens in economic development issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ylldize Brahim
Contact (2) Full Name
Ermal Xhelili

Syri Blu

National Network

Rruga Barrikada Nr 69, Tirana
P.O.BOX 8188


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure of organisation: NGO involving about 25 members, with an administrative staff about 5 people. Yearly Budget about 35,000 euro Sources of fund from diferent, Ministry of Tourism,Culture,Youth and Sports, diferent albanian municipalities, diferent foreign embassies in Tirana, sponsors from privat companies
Mission and Objectives

• promote cooperation in order to realise European cultural activities in Albania;
• promote cooperation in order to realise activities for the preservation of Albanian
cultural monuments, the landscape and the environment;
• develop relations among universities, particularly with regard to Albanians
studying in Italy and Europe;
• promote cultural tourism, promotion
• provide cultural, historical and environmental information about Albania and
European countries in printed and electronic form.
• cooperate in an institutional way , in the field of information in Network with its partners in Europe.
• implementation of the copyright in Albania

Main Projects / Activities

The main project is :International concert season KLASIK 2009-2010 is the 10 edition with participation of artists from Italy, Austria,Germany,Greece, France, Holland,Swtzerland,Israel,Croatia,Hungary, Romania, Czech,USA. During this edition We would like to invite Mediterranean countries such as Egypt,Turkey etc. The programme of KLASIK is open from music baroc to classic, to contemporary, to jazz, to tango, to ethnic music or dance theatre etc. It starts from October to the next may every year.
The second main project is European chamber choral festival of Albania . every year we develope it base on a theme or with a new topic: exemple We would like next year to invite chamber ensembel -choral representing different religious music = orthodox music, Muslim music, Bektashi music, Catholic music ( Gregorian), sefardit music etc. We would like to develop our festival to the main archeological cites
Our activity is develop also to other field such as Heritage, Youth & education, International cultural relations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Besim Petrela
Head of the organisation
Besim Petrela
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatlinda Subashi

Center Children Today

National Network

Qendra "Femijet Sot"
Rruga "Deshmoret e 4 Shkurtit"
Tirana, Albania


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The Center "Children Today" (QFS) is an Albanian non-for profit organization founded in May 2007. QFS aims to bring lasting improvements in the lives of the Albanian children & youth. Under this vision, the center is completely engaged to cooperate with local, regional and international child & youth focused actors. We believe children are the present of the Albanian future and we understand children as capable agents of development in our society. Thus we work towards their active participation in issues affecting their interests and rights. QFS works with priority with children experiencing poverty and or vulnerable situations. Our statutory objective is to work for a world where children and young people can realize their full potential. Our Values and Ethics QFS was created as a joining of the minds and hearts of people to contribute to the construction of a decent, healthy and safe environment where children can participate and develop. We merge talents and resources with respect, commitment, optimism, integrity, and joy. We rely on teamwork and cooperation as the main pillars in the realization of our mission.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission and Vision:
Our Mission is to lead Albanian society toward a conscious engagement with Children’s Rights and the value of children’s participation in constructing a sustainable and joyful future.
We envision having Albanian children recognized by adults and by themselves as active agents in history. We wish to see children in our country who live with dignity and have guaranteed rights, who are respected and live in freedom. We wish to see Albanian children living healthy and enjoying proper levels of nutrition. Our vision is to have children who have access to education, leisure, culture, and who enjoy the right of access to every sphere of life and to equitable professional opportunities that would bring sustainability to society and the planet.
- Our Objective:
Our statutory objective is to work for a world where children are capable of realizing their full potential. To reach this goal, QFS will work through:
a) contributing to the realization of children’s rights; their education, health, physical and psychological well-being, as well as their normal development
b) increasing their participation in decision making for issues concerning them and empowering their role in the family and in the community
c) raising the awareness of society toward children’s needs, rights, and their importance as the future of the country
d) pushing for the drafting and implementing of public policies that have the child at their centre

Main Projects / Activities

Children’s Rights
The center works to promote children’s rights. Such work is focused both on children who must recognize their rights and be aware of how to realize them, as well as on the society as a whole, which also must recognize and respect them. Only in this way is the complete realization of children’s rights possible. Within the framework of this program, we aim to undertake actions such as monitoring the media and governmental actions to evaluate their commitment to addressing children’s rights. Thus, we aim at improving qualitatively the media’s recognition of the social value of children and their rights in Albania, and we offer a recognition certificate called the “Visible Child Prize” yearly to constructive media exposure on topics concerning children’s rights.
Further, QFS will monitor governmental actions to assess whether children’s rights commitments are actually being delivered and pressures through positive advocacy being made so that concerns are actually addressed. In each administration we aim to pressure governmental involvement in drafting and implementing public policies serving to improve the situation of children and youth in Albania. QFS’s goal is to have an influence in drafting policy directed at vulnerable children such as those in the Roma community.
It’s my right to live with rights
Project aimed to assist isolated children as a result of blood feud phenomena, faced mostly in Shkodra district.
Quality Education for Children
Through this program, QFS contributes to the continued improvement of education, addressing problematic issues for the country such as school children enrolment and attendance (including work on statistics), access to proper infrastructure and learning methodologies, as well as suitable didactic materials. QFS works to provide school equipment and well trained teachers, at all levels of public education to children and youth. The program seeks close collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Albania in order to improve public education at the community level. The program aims to guarantee that children are heard and their input considered in this process. The program also advocates for an increased educational budget for the maintenance and improvement of schools.
Environmental education is an important part of this program. QFS promotes the creation of a clean and healthy environment for children and everyone else. Campaigns on the engagement of children into anti-pollution and recycling activities within their families, schools and society will also take place in the framework of this program.
QFS will work on increasing children’s knowledge of fields which are important to development, such as technological and computer knowledge. In this way, children are pointed towards the digitalized world (the access to and knowledge of IT and
communications). The program aims to amplify the opportunities of children for access to Information Technologies and Communications and their learning of its use, allowing the youth to seek professional skills in this field as well.
The program aims at promoting the traditional forms of Albanian arts and culture. This is considered an educational approach that guarantees the survival and appreciation of all in a cooperative, participatory and creative way.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marsida Cela
Head of the organisation
Eralda Methasani
Contact (2) Full Name
Elma Tershana

University of New York Tirana

National Network

Rruga "Komuna e Parisit"

00355 4 2273056
Telephone (other)
00355 4 2273057
00355 4 2273059
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00355 6920 70592
Mobile Phone (other)
00355 6920 90756
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
- University employing more than 70 teaching and administrative staff. - Financially dependent on tuition fees. - Offering a range of undergradta and post-graduate programmes. - SUNY/ESC, IUKB, the University of Greenwich, New York College Education Group with campuses in Athens, Thessaloniki, Prague and Belgrade.
Mission and Objectives

- To prepare tomorrow's leaders and business executives amalgamating liberal arts and business education, a cross-cultural perspective, and a competitive spirit.
- To provide students with the knowledge, skills, openness, and confidence necessary to succeed in a diverse, international environment.
- To prepare them for life as contributing, productive citizens of the global community.
- To provide an intelligence-intensive, knowledge-intensive, skills-intensive and technology-intensive Higher Education.
- To shifts efforts, intellectual assets and resources from a local to a global setting.
- To promote student-oriented educational processes.
- To utilize intelligence-based (as opposed to subject knowledge-based) curricula.
- To produce the future leadership of Albania and beyond.

Main Projects / Activities

- Delivering educational services.
- Conducting scientific research.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Kosta Giakoumis, Deputy Rector, UNYT
Head of the organisation
Mr. Elias Foutsis, President and General Manager
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Elona Garo

The Regional Environmental Center, Albania

National Network

Rr. Ismail Qemali, P.27, Ap.16

+355 4 2232928
Telephone (other)
+355 692038727
+355 4 2232928
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+355 692038727
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The multidisciplinary activities of REC Albania cover all aspects of technical assistance, including: •Public participation •NGO support •Local environmental action plans •Environmental education and information •Capacity building •Local initiatives REC Albania currently employs nine full-time members of staff and has an average annual turnover of EUR 1 million. Recent donors and partners of REC Albania include the European Union, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Soros Foundation, the World Bank and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN).
Mission and Objectives

REC Albania is an Albanian legal entity registered under the Law on Non-profit Organisations. As part of the REC country office network, REC Albania works to fulfill the REC's mission by supporting NGOs, environmental institutions at the national, regional and local levels, and various stakeholders in the field of the environment. It also promotes participatory processes and the exchange of information

Main Projects / Activities

Country office expertise
•Biodiversity and rural development
•Civil society support
•Climate change
•Environmental information
•Environmental assessment
•Health and environment
•Implementing the Aarhus Convention
•Law, enforcement and compliance
•Local initiatives

Contact (1) Full Name
Mihallaq Qirjo
Head of the organisation
Mihallaq Qirjo
Contact (2) Full Name
Genta Hoxha

Centre for Development and Democratization of Institutions

National Network

Myslym Shyri

+355 4 22 48 519
+355 4 22 48 519
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+355 69 20 95 284
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Staff: CDDI has three (3) full-time staff and seven (7) part-time consultants who work on a project-by-project basis. The CDDI staff consists of highly qualified people, experts in the field of law, development, democratization, good governance, transparency and media freedom. The activity of the CDDI is carried out by a group of Albanian experts with substantial education and experience on European issues and Public Policies. The CDDI is proud to have as collaborators a group of the young Albanians who have studied and graduated in well-known European universities. 1. Ilir ALIAJ. CDDI Executive Director. Graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculties of Philology and Geography in 1992. Graduated at University of Tirana, Faculty of Law 1998. MA European Studies at College of Europe 2002. Since November 2002 Executive Director of CDDI. He also has eight years experience of working as a journalist and editor with some of Albania’s leading newspapers. 2. Viola Plumbi. Graduated at University of Tirana, Faculty of Law 1994. She worked for nine years at Ministry of Public Works and Tourism in Tirana. In 2004 she started working as a full staff of CDDI. She holds a certificate from Oxford University in Media Law Advocates Programme, Summer School. 3.Dorina Xhaxhiu. Graduated from University of Tirana, English Language Faculty in 1997. He is currently studying Business Administration at the Faculty of Economics in Tirana. He has worked as a Project Officer for a number of international NGOs such as CARE International and CORD/ZOA. He was also a Project Officer in rural community-development projects and has experience working with community groups.
Mission and Objectives

“To contribute to the development and democratization of the Albanian institutions and the society and to promote the process of European Integration of Albania; CDDI’s highly trained staff ensures that all the service contracts are always carried out in a reliable, professional and cost-effective way.”
- Promoting democratization
- Promoting EU integration
- Promoting good governance
- Strengthening the fight against corruption
- Promoting Gender Equality
- Promoting Responsible, Professional and Independent Media

Main Projects / Activities

CDDI Project Activities:
The projects carried out by CDDI are presented here according to the type of activity:
Capacity building: CDDI has conducted trainings of civil society representatives and public officials and has trained trainers on the Right of Information as part of a project run with Article 19. CDDI has also worked with a group of 13 NGOs, mainly in the women’s rights sector, to assist them in formulating information requests as part of a project run with the Open Society Justice Initiative (2003-2004). In 2005 CDDI financed by Article 19 centered in London undertook the project “FOI a Matter of Public Concern” which included trainings to build capacity of the Albanian civil society in Lushnje, Shkoder and Laç. In 2006-2007 CDDI was financed by the Canadian Embassy in Tirana for the project “Data Protection and the Albanian Police” training 120 Albanian policemen on “Right to Information and Personal Data” Law. In 2005-2006 CDDI engaged in a major project to promote transparency of public institutions. In this project CDDI worked with the General Directorate of Roads, Municipality of Laç and Municipality of Vlora as Building Capacity of the Albanian Civil Society and stakeholders. In 2006 CDDI worked on building capacity of Albanian Media Lawyers on behalf of the project: “Workshop on Defamation for Media Lawyers” financed by Article 19 (Global Campaign for Free Expression).
Also, CDDI has undertaken the project “Building Capacity of Albanian Judiciary to Implement European Court of Human Rights Standards in Freedom of Expression Cases” in 2007 with one of the project activities being the training of trainers under Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). In 2007 CDDI was financed by the Swedish Helsinki Committee (SHC) on the project “Access to Information and Human Rights for Ethnic Minorities” based on trainings for the representatives of Minority Associations in Albania. In 2007-2008 CDDI was financed by Human Rights and Governance Grants Program (HRGGP) of Open Society Justice Initiative – Budapest, Hungary for the implementation of the project “The Right of Access to Government Held Information” building Capacity of the Albanian Civil Society in Shkoder and Tirana. During 2007-2008 CDDI has worked with OSJI for the project “Building Capacity of the Albanian Civil Society”, as well as in 2008 with the Project “The Right to Information and Investigative Journalism” under the category Building Capacity of the Albanian Media, financed by The Swiss Cooperation Office in Tirana. To implement this project CDDI trained journalists actively working for various Albanian Daily Newspapers, on “The Right to Information” Law and how to use and benefit from it in their daily job.
In 2008-2009 CDDI financed by the Rule of Law Program, USAID implemented the project “Monitoring the Level of Transparency of the Albanian Judiciary System” building capacity of Public Officials, chancellors or chairmen of 9 Courts of Albania (Tirana and Gjirokaster Appellate Courts, Tirana High Crimes Court, District Courts of Durres, Elbasan, Shkoder, Saranda, Pogradec and Vlore) on “The right to Information of the Public for Official Documents” Law. In 2010 CDDI has been implementing a project called; “Monitoring of the Supreme Court of Albania” financed by the British Embassy in Albania. This project is also important as a means to build capacity of young and new lawyers of Albania on Freedom of Information and the Judiciary.
In 2010 for a period of 12 months CDDI is implementing the project; “Building an NGO network in Albania for the ITI of the extracting industry” financed by SOROS Foundation.
Gender Issues: CDDI has also worked with a group of 13 NGOs, mainly in the women’s rights sector, to assist them in formulating information requests as part of a project run with the Open Society Justice Initiative (2003-2004). In 2006-2007 CDDI was financed by the Canadian Embassy in Tirana for the project “Data Protection and the Albanian Police” training 120 Albanian policemen on “Right to Information and Personal Data” Law. In 2007-2008 CDDI was financed by UNDP, UNIFEM on the project “Publication of two Newspaper Supplements on gender issues”.
Law Reform: CDDI has successfully engaged in advocacy and worked with parliamentary commissions for amendment of State Secrets Law (2006). The proposed law clashed with the Access to Information law and threatened seriously to curb access to information in Albania. Proposals presented by CDDI and the Justice Initiative were taken into consideration and the final amendments to the law for the state secret reflected these recommendations. Also, in 2006 with the proposal of CDDI, Justice Initiative and OSFA the proposals for law amendments regarding information on official documents were ready and discussed with the interest groups such as deputies, administration, civil society, journalists etc. CDDI collaborated with OSJI once again on the 2007-2008 project: “Reforming the Law for Access to information in Albania”.
Training of Lawyers: In August- September 2004 CDDI in collaboration with OSJI and OSFA conducted a Summer School on the principles and practices of public interest litigation and Media and Freedom of Information Law for a group of 14 lawyers in cooperation with Oxford University’s Program in Media Law and Policy. In 2006 CDDI trained the Albanian Media Lawyers on behalf of the project: “Workshop on Defamation for Media Lawyers” financed by Article 19 (Global Campaign for Free Expression).
Also, CDDI has undertaken the project “Building Capacity of Albanian Judiciary to Implement European Court of Human Rights Standards in Freedom of Expression Cases” in 2007 with one of the project activities being the training of trainers under Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR).As mentioned above CDDI has also organized a training of judges that lasted one week in 2007 as part of the project “Building Capacity of Albanian Judiciary to Implement European Court of Human Rights Standards in Freedom of Expression Cases” under Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights, as well as in 2008-2009, “Training of the Albanian Judiciary in Freedom of Expression Cases” under Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights.
Training of Public Officials: CDDI has conducted much training for the public administration and civil society in the fields of access to information and the core standards related to European integration. Under the project “Freedom of Information – A Matter of Public Interest”, which ran in 2003-2005 and financed by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Stability Pact and in partnership with Article 19, London, CDDI developed a training manual for public officials based on international standards for access to public information. In 2005 CDDI financed by Article 19 centered in London undertook the project “FOI a Matter of Public Concern” which included trainings to build capacity of the Albanian civil society in Lushnje, Shkoder and Laç. In 2005-2006 CDDI engaged in a major project to promote transparency of public institutions. In this project CDDI worked with the General Directorate of Roads, Municipality of Laç and Municipality of Vlora and as part of the project CDDI trained the public officials working under these institutions on Freedom of Information Law. In 2006-2007 CDDI was financed by the Canadian Embassy in Tirana for the project “Data Protection and the Albanian Police” training 120 Albanian policemen on “Right to Information and Personal Data” Law. In 2006 CDDI undertook the project “Training on Access to Information with Public Officials” based on trainings of 200 public officials of various Government Institutions in Tirana, financed by CASALS and Associates, USAID.
In 2007 CDDI was financed by the Swedish Helsinki Committee (SHC) on the project “Access to Information and Human Rights for Ethnic Minorities” based on trainings for the representatives of Minority Associations in Albania. In 2007-2008 CDDI was financed by Human Rights and Governance Grants Program (HRGGP) of Open Society Justice Initiative – Budapest, Hungary for the implementation of the project “The Right of Access to Government Held Information” training civil society, students, women organizations etc. in Shkoder and Tirana. In 2007-2008 CDDI conducted trainings of the public officials of two of the main Ministries of Albania, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Labour on “The Right to Information of the Public for Official Documents” Law. CDDI has organized six trainings with the public officials of these two Ministries, three trainings each Ministry.In 2008 CDDI conducted the Project “The Right to Information and Investigative Journalism”, financed by The Swiss Cooperation Office in Tirana. To implement this project CDDI trained journalists actively working for various Albanian Daily Newspapers, on “The Right to Information” Law and how to use and benefit from it in their daily job.
Monitoring of Access to Information: CDDI carried out an in-depth monitoring survey for the joint project “Freedom of Information: A Matter of Public Interest”, which ran from mid-2003 to mid-2005. The project was funded by the German Foreign Ministry and European Commission under the CARDS Regional Democratic Stabilization. The aim of the monitoring was to assess the response to information requests by public officials from a number of cities in Albania (Tirana, Shkodra, Kukes, Fier, Vlore, Lushnje, Gjirokaster and Elbasan). Ten people were recruited by CDDI to submit requests: four in Tirana and six in the other municipalities. The information requests were devised by CDDI to address the specific function of each institution. Institutions addressed included not only state bodies but also independent agencies receiving public funds for the execution of specific services. The monitors were trained by CDDI in the Freedom of Information Act and instructed to document the whole procedure of requesting information.
In January-November 2007 CDDI implemented the project “Access to Information Monitoring for Anti-Corruption 2007” financed by OSJI in Budapest. On the basis of the project “The Right to Access to Government Held Information” in 2007 CDDI also conducted the monitoring of all 10 municipalities of Tirana. CDDI sent each municipality three requests for information which included a piece of their financial report from a certain period of time, all the markets under their wings and also the administrative structures complete with names and contacts of all the employees of the municipalities.
In 2008-2009 CDDI financed by the Rule of Law Program, USAID implemented the project “Monitoring the Level of Transparency of the Albanian Judiciary System”. 9 monitors hired by CDDI monitored 9 Courts of Albania (Tirana and Gjirokaster Appellate Courts, Tirana High Crimes Court, District Courts of Durres, Elbasan, Shkoder, Saranda, Pogradec and Vlore) while sending them 9 requests for information each. Currently CDDI is implementing the project; “Monitoring of the Procurement Advocate in Albania” starting from September 2010- December 2010 financed by USAID- Millennium Challenge Corporation Program.
Research: CDDI has conducted additional research, including a survey of public officials on their awareness of the access to information law as part of a project conducted with Article 19. In 2003, CDDI ran a research and training project on “Free Trade Agreements and the Role of Business”. This project included research into Free Trade Agreements and trainings for business persons in the main cities of Albania. The project was funded by Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ).
Public Attitude Surveys: CDDI has run a series of five surveys accompanied by focus groups on EU integration. The aim of the surveys was to investigate how different social groups in Albania understand the integration process. Targeted groups were journalists, Members of Parliament, students, judges and civil servants. A summary of the reports were published in the monthly magazine of the Albanian Ministry of Integration. The project was run in 2004 with project financing by Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ).
Technical Assistance: In 2005-2006 CDDI engaged in a major project to promote transparency of public institutions. In this project CDDI worked with the General Directorate of Roads, Municipality of Laç and Municipality of Vlora. The project, being run with the Open Society Justice Initiative and with the organization Sustentia from Spain, aimed at creating a model for promoting institutional tarnsparency more widely in central and local governemnt bodies in Albania. In 2007 CDDI continued the technical assistence neccessary for the Municipalities of Laç and Vlora and also offered technical assistence to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour through evaluation reports. In 2007-2008 CDDI was financed by Human Rights and Governance Grants Program (HRGGP) of Open Society Justice Initiative – Budapest, Hungary for the implementation of the project “The Right of Access to Government Held Information” offering technical Assistance to potential requestors of information such as students, women organizations etc. in Shkoder and Tirana. In 2008-2009 CDDI financed by the Rule of Law Program, USAID implemented the project “Monitoring the Level of Transparency of the Albanian Judiciary System” After Et the end of the project CDDI organized an event inviting all representatives of the 9 monitored Courts (Tirana and Gjirokaster Appellate Courts, Tirana High Crimes Court, District Courts of Durres, Elbasan, Shkoder, Saranda, Pogradec and Vlore) such as chancellors or chairmen, offering them technical assistance in the future, for improving the quality of transparency and “Right to Information” Law enforcement in these Courts.
Promoting Professionalism: In 2004-2005, the CDDI ran a project on “Media Self-Regulation” in collaboration with Article 19. The project included training Albanian media lawyers on international standards, publication of a report on self-regulation in the SEE region and also discussion forums with Albanian journalists. In August- September 2004 CDDI in collaboration with OSJI and OSFA conducted a Summer School on the principles and practices of public interest litigation and Media and Freedom of Information Law for a group of 14 lawyers in cooperation with Oxford University’s Program in Media Law and Policy. In April 2004 CDDI implemented another project on Media Defamation and Self-Regulation financed by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The objective of the Project was to train Albanian lawyers on defamation and also journalists on ethics and other related issues. In 2005-2006 CDDI engaged in a major project to promote transparency of public institutions. In this project CDDI worked with the General Directorate of Roads, Municipality of Laç and Municipality of Vlora. In October 2006, CDDI organized the project “Workshop on Defamation for Media Law” implemented in Partnership with Article 19, financed by the German Government in the framework of the CARDS Program. Participants in the trainings were the Albanian journalists and Media Lawyers. The training concentrated in the principles of the European Convention of Human Rights and the Albanian Legal Framework in the field of Media. Trainers were international experts who introduced international cases of defamation in media and self-regulation. In 2008 CDDI conducted the Project “The Right to Information and Investigative Journalism”, financed by The Swiss Cooperation Office in Tirana. To implement this project CDDI trained journalists actively working for various Albanian Daily Newspapers, on “The Right to Information” Law and how to use and benefit from it in their daily job to promote professionalism for the Albanian journalists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilir Aliaj

Broderskapsrörelsen - Christian Social Democrats in Sweden

National Network

Sveavägen 68, 107 25 Stockholm

+46-8-545 553 30
Telephone (other)
+46-8-545 553 31
+46-8-20 42 57
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The Christian Social Democrats is a branch of the social democratic party in Sweden. We are members in the International League of Religious Socialists, which is observer at the Socialist International. We are five employed people in Stockholm, just over 3000 members in Sweden and we have 120 local branches.
Mission and Objectives

1. We, the Christian Left, are radical believers with a passion for peace, solidarity and justice. We are a progressive force for an open and democratic society; we are a bit redder, a bit green- er.
2. We strive for a world free from superiority and subordination, without class difference, without ethnic or religious chasms, without inequality because of sex or sexual orientation, where everyone is needed and everyone has a place, where everyone has the same rights and value to society. We want a world built on solidarity. We want to carry each other's burdens, but also share each other's joy and success.
3. We believe that whatever a human has gone through, whatever she is guilty of, that after she has taken responsibility for it she has the right to redemption and ever new chances.

Main Projects / Activities

Over the last 40 years we have been working politically to support International Law and its applicability in relation to the conflict over land in Palestine/Israel. We are convinced that a crucial step to a just peace in the Middle East entail an Israeli withdrawal from occupied land. We are working actively to stop Swedish Arms trade. We have been cooperating with Civitas in Gaza since 2007 in order to support civil society in Gaza. We have cooperated with a women's organization in East Congo DR, and currently we are cooperating with a Swedish folk high school which is supporting adult learning in South Africa. We are very active in the International League of Religious Socialists. which strives to unite social democratic organizations from various religious backgrounds. To find ways of cooperation across cultural and religious borders is key to a global future in peace and security.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lars G Linder, General Secretary
Head of the organisation
Peter Weiderud, Chairperson
Contact (2) Full Name
Ulf Carmesund, International secretary

Tunisie libre

National Network

17 Rue de Algerie 2eme étage appt 6

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Tunisie libre Média social d'éveil politique et citoyen Tunisie libre milite pour bâtir une patrie libre, démocratique et développée de manière égale entre toutes les régions en organisant des manifestations variées d'ordre humain, culture politique, de développement...
Mission and Objectives

Tunisie-libre est fondée sur trois principes essentiels afin d’aboutir à son but. Ces principes sont :
 La citoyenneté.
 Le bénévolat.
 Le développement.
Alors la citoyenneté c'est quoi ?
La citoyenneté ne se définit pas uniquement d'un point de vue juridique par la possession de la nationalité et de ses droits civils et politiques. Elle se définit aussi comme une participation à la vie de la cité.
Cependant, les citoyens n'ont aucun rôle obligatoire à jouer. En ce sens, le statut juridique de citoyen est un statut de liberté. Un citoyen peut choisir de participer (citoyen actif) ou non (citoyen passif) à la vie publique.
En quoi la citoyenneté est-elle la manifestation d'une identité commune ?
La citoyenneté est bien la manifestation d'une identité commune. En premier lieu, l'élément essentiel qui manifeste une identité commune entre les citoyens est la nationalité. Les citoyens ont tous la même nationalité. Ce lien juridique, qui lie une personne à un pays, est commun à l'ensemble des citoyens. Il est le signe d'une appartenance à un groupe particulier, non seulement sur le plan strictement juridique mais aussi d’une manière très pratique. Un citoyen actif a un rôle essentiel à jouer, qui prend tout son sens avec l'exercice du droit de vote. C'est à ce moment que le citoyen apporte sa contribution majeure à la société. En votant, mais aussi en se faisant élire, il fait valoir son point de vue, change ou confirme les gouvernants, ou encore décide des grandes orientations de la politique nationale.
Mais, en dehors des élections, les citoyens peuvent également, de manière quotidienne, jouer un rôle important dans la société. Par exemple, ils peuvent adhérer à une association, un syndicat ou un parti politique et tenter de faire évoluer la société dans laquelle ils vivent, de venir en aide aux autres, ou d'influencer la politique nationale.
De même, l'attitude individuelle des citoyens est importante. Les comportements de civisme (politesse, respect des biens publics...) sont pour beaucoup dans le caractère apaisé d'une société.
Quel est le statut juridique d'un citoyen ?
Juridiquement, un citoyen est une personne de nationalité tunisienne qui jouit de droits civils et politiques et qui doit aussi s'acquitter d'un certain nombre d'obligations envers la société.
Le citoyen détient donc une qualité particulière qui lui permet de prendre part à la vie publique grâce notamment au droit de vote.
Le citoyen possède donc, en vertu de son statut particulier :
- Des droits civils et des libertés essentielles : se marier, être propriétaire, droit à la sûreté, l'égalité devant la loi (notamment fiscale), devant la justice et dans l'accès aux emplois publics, liberté de pensée, d'opinion et d'expression, liberté de religion, liberté de circulation, liberté de réunion, d'association ou de manifestation ;
-Des droits politiques : droit de voter, d'être élu.
-Des droits sociaux : le droit au travail, de grève, droit à l'éducation, sécurité sociale.
Mais aussi, le citoyen doit remplir des obligations :
-Respecter les lois, participer à la dépense publique en payant ses impôts, s'informer, participer à la défense du pays.
Quelles sont les valeurs attachées à la citoyenneté ?
On peut évoquer au moins trois valeurs traditionnellement attachées à la citoyenneté :
- La civilité : il s'agit d'une attitude de respect, à la fois à l'égard des autres citoyens (ex : politesse), mais aussi à l'égard des bâtiments et lieux de l'espace public (ex : transports publics). C'est une reconnaissance partagée et tolérante des individus entre eux, au nom du respect de la dignité de la personne humaine, qui permet une plus grande harmonie dans la société.
- Le patriotisme : il consiste, à titre individuel, à respecter et à faire respecter les lois et les règles en vigueur, mais aussi à avoir conscience de ses devoirs envers la société. De façon plus générale, le patriotisme est lié à un comportement actif du citoyen dans la vie quotidienne et publique. C'est agir pour l'intérêt général l'emporte sur les intérêts particuliers.
- La solidarité : elle est importante, en effet, dès lors que les citoyens, dans une conception classique, ne sont pas de simples individus juxtaposés, mais un ensemble d'hommes et de femmes attachés à un projet commun. Elle correspond à une attitude d'ouverture aux autres qui illustre le principe républicain de fraternité. Dans ces conditions, la solidarité, qui consiste à venir en aide aux plus démunis, directement ou par le biais des politiques publiques, est très directement liée à la notion de citoyenneté.
Ces trois valeurs donnent à la citoyenneté tout son sens en ne la limitant pas à l'exercice du droit de vote.
En bref, La citoyenneté, c'est être citoyen, c'est-à-dire exercer ses droits et ses devoirs envers la collectivité
C’est de là qu’on peut parler du bénévolat.
Il résulte d’un acte volontaire qui s’appuie sur des motivations et des options personnelles. C’est une participation active à l’accomplissement de sa citoyenneté. Il contribue à :
 L’amélioration de la qualité de vie.
 L’épanouissement des personnes.
 Une solidarité plus grande.
Le bénévole s’épanouira s’il intègre un mouvement collectif. A tout instant, il y trouvera les conseils, les références ou les formations qui lui permettront de mener à bien les tâches qu’il aura volontairement accepté d’accomplir.
Et, c’est de là qu’on peut parler du développement. Le concept du Développement se résume d’une simple phrase : " un développement qui répond au besoin du présent." Pour y parvenir, les entreprises, les pouvoirs publics et la société civile devront travailler main dans la main afin de réconcilier trois mondes : l’économie, l’écologie et le social. À long terme, il n’y aura pas de développement possible s’il n’est pas économiquement efficace, socialement équitable et écologiquement tolérable.
Les 3 piliers
Le développement durable s’articule autour de 3 piliers :
- Responsabilité sociale.
- Responsabilité environnementale.
- Responsabilité économique.
Tout cela s’apprend, et combien on a besoin d’associations pareilles pour aider notre pays à avancer dans le bon sens, sur le bon chemin. Combien nos jeunes ont-ils besoin qu’on leur éclaircisse beaucoup de choses, qu’on leur apprenne à être actifs au profit de notre patrie et notre société.
C’est dans ce cadre que vient naître Association Tunisie Libre, et qui comporte des avocats, des journalistes et des hommes d’enseignement et autres … c’est juste pour le bien de notre chère Tunisie que cette association travaillera et qu’elle regroupera tout volontaire, tout Tunisien ou Tunisienne intéressé(e) par l’avenir de notre pays. Etes-vous intéressé, Monsieur ? Etes-vous intéressée Chère Dame ? Et vous jeunes ? Si oui, venez sur notre page, découvrez notre société. Soyez avec nous, nous serons à vos côtés.

Main Projects / Activities

Développer une culture de la non-violence, c’est apprendre à réguler les inévitables conflits qui surviennent, à l’école, au sein de l’entreprise, dans les quartiers, mais aussi au niveau de la societé, par des moyens excluant clairement la violence. On observe déjà, en France comme dans beaucoup de pays, le développement de pratiques de médiations dans de nombreux secteurs de la société, l’introduction de la non-violence dès l’école et l’expérimentation d’interventions civiles non armées dans des conflits locaux. Il apparaît un début de « professionnalisation » de la régulation non-violente des conflits, notamment dans le secteur de la formation.
2 - Objectifs du projet
Apprendre la non-violence dès l’école est une nécessité, une urgence. Dans un climat général qui met sans cesse la violence sur le devant de la scène médiatique, il est temps qu’une nouvelle voix se fasse entendre dans la société tunisienne : celle de la non-violence.
3 - Résultats concrets attendus
L’action non-violente : « Pour vous exprimer, revendiquer, résister, choisissez l’action non-violente »
L’action non-violente souhaite promouvoir l’utilisation de méthodes non-violentes dans les actions politiques, syndicales, associatives et citoyennes, notamment en soutenant les formations à l’action non-violente.
4 - Calendrier prévisionnel
Session de formation pour les jeunes
Ateliers de l’apprentissage
Cercle de discussion
Visite du terrain
Lancement de la compagne nationale « L’action non-violente »
Conférence sur "La culture de non-violence"

Contact (1) Full Name