Individual member: Ms. Sema Odabasi

National Network


(+90 216) 3246251
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+90 532) 4781787
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Association of Anatolian Social Services, Association of International Social Services, MARMARA University, BEYKENT University, İstanbul Municipality, Nevşehir Municipality, Ümraniye Municipality
Mission and Objectives

To help people to increase their life condition not only for gender but also women, children and elder people. And, to develop communication between different cultures by organizing some important congress and managing important both development and social projects. However, to establish both public archives and privite archives to get more knowlegde from history.

Main Projects / Activities

Archivist-project manager

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Sema Odabasi

Roots & Routes International Association

National Network

Official Address:
Pieter de Hoochweg 125
3024 BG Rotterdam
Secretariat office:
jfc Medienzentrum
Hansaring 84-86
50670 Köln


0049(0)221 - 130 56 150
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
ROOTS & ROUTES International is the umbrella organization of the international R&R network. We have 17 organizational members in 12 EU countries and 150 individual members in 17 EU countries, 7 voluntary board members (from 6 countries) and as staff a part time secretary general (located in Cologne, Germany). ROOTS & ROUTES International is in charge of coordinating the network's international structure, setting quality standards for transnational cooperation projects and sharing news and best practices. Transnational R&R projects are jointly carried out by our members and are mostly funded by the EU programs Culture and Youth in Action and Life Long Learning programs. Budget: As non-profit organization or annual budget is in balance. ROOTS & ROUTES initiatives empower creative youths by helping and coaching them to improve their singing, dancing and media skills: Arts and media as tools for their artistic career and integration in the social and cultural life.
Mission and Objectives

The ROOTS & ROUTES International Association is a non profit organisation seeking to create a platform for the promotion of cultural and social diversity in arts and media.

Main Projects / Activities

The project Art'n'Go, running from 2009 till 2011, gives young artists from across Europe the opportunity to develop sustainable productions and present and promote them in mainstream festivals between May and August 2011.
The project EUtropia is a Culture cooperation project with partners in 9 EU countries running from 2011 till 2013. The project’s aim is the collective creation of a multidisciplinary performance that journeys around Europe and collects new stimuli and widening the horizons of expressions.
National ROOTS & ROUTES Summer Courses empower creative youths in approaching their professional career: training modules in diverse urban music and dance styles, theory and practice of the creative industry and light, sound and media technique.
ROOTS & ROUTES Academy projects train young talents to become Junior Coaches. ROOTS & ROUTES Junior Coaches are young dance, music and media talents who are educated to coach other students of similar or younger age.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreas Kern

Dialogprojekt Transnational

National Network

A 1140 Wien, Utendorfgasse 7/2/3

0043 676 72 44 111
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
It is a non-profit organization, we have six partners. Financial resources per year: 12.000 euro. Sources of funding: trainings and donations. Our main partners are national and transnational partners (NGOs from the Czech republic, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Iceland, Germany).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to spread the ideas of dialogue communication in the sense of david bohm and marting buber, and to give education in this field. we also do trainings in related communicative fields as well as supervision and coaching and scientific research.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Dia-TCC: eu-project (dialogue - the creative communication)
2. Dia-FCC: eu-project (dialogue - facilitating creative communication)
3. a book about dialogue that will be published in September 2011 by an Austrian university-publisher

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Michael Benesch
Head of the organisation
Dr. Michael Benesch

Therapy and Development Foundation in Gdansk - Gdańska Fundacja Terapii i Rozwoju

National Network

ul. Ciołkowskiego 7c/3,
80-463 Gdańsk


+48 604 966 390
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Therapy and Development Foundation in Gdansk is a non-governmental organization. The staff includes the head, the secretary and a psychologist. Furthermore, all projects are supported by work of volunteers and the Foundation Council. The majority of funding sources comes from The City Council of Gdansk, the rest comes from sponsors. Main partners involved in the organization's projects are Development Support Centre (Centrum Wspomagania Rozwoju) and State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (PFRON).
Mission and Objectives

The mission of foundation is therapy, personal and artistic development in mental crisis that concern both children and adults. We intend to achieve the goal by creating an artistic-therapeutic centre in Gdansk.
The main fields of our activities are:
1.Personal development via art, prevention from computer and television addiction, prevention from aggression in schools.
2.Stating and introducing equal educational opportunities for children with disabilities.
3.Personal development of women via art
4.Psychological help in case of mental crisis

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects:
1.The school of flying – art therapy classes for the disabled children
2.The blue dress – theatre workshops for women who look for ways of personal development
3.The school for parents – psychoeducational workshop for parents, who would like to improve contact with their children and find new methods of bringing up their children

Contact (1) Full Name
Alina Joanna Wiśniewska
Head of the organisation
Alina Joanna Wiśniewska

African Regional Youth Initiative (ARYI Nigeria)

National Network

NUGALAKE, 2ND FLOOR, Olatunji House,299, Ikorodu Road, Idiroko, Maryland, P.O.Box 2965, Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria
Lagos, Nigeria

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
16 staff members we get money from our programmes donors and patrons sponsorship Modalities of action are concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.
Mission and Objectives

The African Regional Youth Initiative (ARYI) as an organization was formed in December 2003. ARYI Nigeria is an arm of the global ARYI. It works with hundreds of youth and community-based organizations across Africa addressing development issues outlined in the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals- namely, poverty and hunger eradication, HIV/AIDS and malaria, primary education, gender equity, child mortality, maternal health, and environmental sustainability. The work of ARYI is based on action plans developed by ARYI country and regional teams.
To addressing developmental issues outlined in the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals.
To empower individuals and communities in the African continent.
To nurtures the exchange of knowledge and capacity between entities through programmatic partnerships with regional organizations and networks.
To direct community engagement and support mechanisms ensuring both sustainability and quality programming set ARYI’s work apart.

Main Projects / Activities

Our focus at ARYI Nigeria are addressing major issues on youth development, and empowerment by organizing seminars, conferences, workshops, summits, expert group meetings, lectures and youth oriented programmes in an effort to better the lots of the youth in our part of the world. We also intend to network with other NGOS within the region and at the international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olusesan Olukoya
Head of the organisation
Neema Mgana
Contact (2) Full Name
Samson Afolabi

The National Center of the Mediterranean Theatre

National Network

Rr. “Qemal Stafa”; Nr. 476

+355 42 227 403
Telephone (other)
+355 42 36 41 50
+355 42 227 403
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 69 20 20 578
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 69 20 20 149
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

1. The National Center of the Mediterranian Theatre, Tirana is Private non-profit foundation with a staff of 5 permanent employed persons, and 6 partners. 2. The budgetary resources available in a year goes nearly 72.000 Euro. 3. The sources of funding are: -Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports - Municipality of Saranda - ProCredit Bank -Prohelvetia - Coca Cola 4. The sucessful organisation of ninth editions of the International Theatre Festival ”Butrinti 2000”.; Different workshops for the Theatre issues; Seminars for the cultural heritage, etc. 5. Partners: Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports, Butrinti Foundation; National Park of Butrinti; The International Institute of the Mediterranian Theatre Madrid, Spain; NETA (New European Theatre Action), The foreign Embassies etc. 6. A tour with all the artists from different countries in tourism and archaeology city, promoting the Albanian cultural values.”Butrinti 2000”.

Mission and Objectives

- Cultural integration of our country in the European cultures. - Direct contribution in developing the cultural tourism. - Confrontation of the composition with the contemporary theatre - Promoting the cultural tourism values of our country. - Exchanging different experiences in the theatre field and elsewhere. - Bring to attention of the international organizations engagement, concerning the development of the Albanian art, culture, tourism and archaeology - Showing the best traditional values of our country

Main Projects / Activities

1. The organisation of the International Theatre Festival ”Butrinti 2000”.; 2. Pictures exposition with young artists from different countries; 3. Concert with the traditional and the folk groups from Albania. 4. Participation in International festivals : Madrid Sud Festival; Bitef Festival,Belgrade; Artist’s spring Festival, Monpelie, France; Ohrid Summer Festival, MESS Festival Sarajevo; etc. The National Center of The Mediterranian Theatre, in collaboration with The Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports and the Municipality of Saranda, succeeded to create a new cultural institution with special values. From nine years and on this institution called The International Festival of Theatre “Butrinti 2000”, has presented its editions with much success. Many professional troupes, from different countries of World, England, Italy, France, Greece, USA, Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine, Spain, Hungary, Netherland, Sweden, Macedonia, Kosovo, Switzerland, Germany, have participated in this event. It is organised in one of the magnificient places of Mediterranian, in the antique theatre of Butrint, Saranda, and is aprecciated from the participiants, the invited people from the inside and outside the country. It is also aprecciated from media, too, as an activity of europian parameters. In the magic scene of Butrint have had the chance to perform nearly 1950 artist from the participating countries. The shows has been attended by nearly 37.500 Albanian and foreign spectators. Being in the touristic season, there will be many foreign tourists. Already this event has taken the integration passport, opening so a precious view to all the Albanian artists, to be in contact with the contemporary world theatre, also providing a direct help in the promotion of the cultural tourism.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Albanian Media Institute

National Network

Rr. “Gjin Bue Shpata”, No.8

+ 355 4 2229800
Telephone (other)
+ 355 4 2267084
+ 355 4 2229800
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 355 68 2023952
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 355 69 2175010
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Albanian Media Institute has the following organizational scheme: Executive Director, Training Department, Radio, TV, Internet Department, Research Department, Publication and Library Department, Financial Department. Number of staff employed is 8. 2. Average annual turnover 300.000 Euro. 3. Grants and non profit activities. 4. Projects, seminars, researches, publications etc. 5. Main partners involved in the AMI’s projects are SHC, EU, UNICEF, NED, BTD, OSI, Soros Foundation, American Embassy, etc.
Mission and Objectives

The mission and objectives of AMI are:
-to become a training center for the journalists of Albania;
-to co-ordinate and support the activities related to the training of journalists and the overall development of media in Albania;
-to undertake studies and projects in support of the development of the Albanian media;
-to establish relations with similar foreign and international organizations;
-to facilitate and make possible the increase of funds and adopt financial strategies which assure long-term sustainability;
-to participate in the legislative processes in the field of media;
-to establish strong relations with the Faculty of Journalism at the Tirana University.
-to create special units for conducting opinion polls.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects during the last year are the following:
1.Improving Professional Capacities of Albanian Media, EU
2.Improving Health Reporting for the Youth in Media, UNICEF
3.Media Briefing, Professional Debates and Open Forums, OSI
4.Improving the Skills of Journalism, NED
5.Publication of series of Textbooks on Media, American Embassy
6. Media Ethics: A newsroom Approach, an Election’s Angle, SHC
7.Increasing Media Transparency, Avoiding Media Populism, BTD
8.Improving Children Coverage in Albanian Media, UNICEF
9.Journalism Training in New Technologies, American Embassy
10. For an Ethical Media, SHC

Contact (1) Full Name
Remzi Lani
Head of the organisation
Remzi Lani
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilda Londo

“Development, Information and Gender Equality”

National Network

Blv. “Gjergj Fishta”, Str, “Marsel Kashen”, Blue Towers ,Nr 5, Kati 4, Ap.17, Pranë Ish - ekspozitës Shqipëria Sot

Office: ++355 42 22 73 88
Telephone (other)
+ 355 4 222 73 88
+355 4 222 73 88
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 69 20 94 344
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 69 28 98 94 713
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
FULL-TIME Staff Gentiana RAMADANI Executive Director Armela XHAHO Program Manager Oltiana RAMA Social Worker Bridesia ANDONI Psychologist PART-TIME Staff Mimoza HALITI Field Coordinator, Shkodër Madalena GEGA Field Coordinator, Lezhë Jonida MECO Field Coordinator, Durrës 2. YEAR 2006 $ 35 000 YEAR 2007 $ 48 800 YEAR 2008 $ 77 200 YEAR 2009 $ 45 000 in continuance 3. International donors: World Bank, Global Fund, USAID & CASALS, UNDP/SSSR, UNFPA, Schüer Helfen Lebe Private companies donors:: Yldon Bullit Energy Drink, Albtelecom, Birra Stela, Construction Association Vega, Astir, Eagle Mobile, AMC etc. 4. We offer :Psycho-social & juridical support for youth in risk, children and women, socio – cultural activities, ; education and health support, training and seminars, psychological counseling, professional trainings. 5. Tirana Municipality, Lezha, Shkodra and Durresi Municipality, and private companies & business.
Mission and Objectives

“DI & GE” is a social – cultural & training association, non-profitable, non – political, non-religious, which aims protecting the rights of women and children through lobbing, and stimulation of supporting policies for women and children and their progress.Objective:o To inspire, encourage, support, protect women, girls and children’s rights and punishing discrimination and exploitation of them as well;
o To increase awareness of the important role that women and girls have in society and family;
o To work with children and youth in need giving them opportunities to be integrated in the society;
o To provide contacts of co-operation with associations, which work in the same, filed within and abroad the country.
o To carry out cultural activities for children, women and youth;
o To publish books of social and cultural character for these target groups
o To implement the project on the objectives mentioned above in order to offer joy for women, girls, youths, and raising their awareness as well.

Main Projects / Activities

Project: “Values of women work”, 08 March 2009, Eagle Mobile
Project: “ Conducting Education and Public awareness activities on gender equality and against domestic violence” in Shkodra city, Implemented: 25.11- 10.12.2008, Financed by: UNFPA
Project: “Conducting Education and Public awareness activities on gender equality and against domestic violence” in Malesi e Madhe community. Implemented: 25.11- 10.12.2008,Financed by: UNDP ALBANIA
Project: “Support and Future for youth in Risk” (Durres city, collaboration with Durres Municipality Implementation period: 1 September 2008 – 30 August 2010 Financed by: Schüler Helfen Leben.
Project: “National Study on domestic violence gender based”. ( Not yet publish) Implemented Aprill-December 2008, Financed by: DI&GE / private Institution
Project: “Information, education, communication on HIV/AIDS”, Implemented: August 2007 – April 2009 (two stages) , Financed by: GLOBAL FUND
Project: “Support and Future for youth in Risk” (Lezha city, collaboration with Lezha Municipality
Implemented: July 2006 – March 2008, Financed by: WORLD BANK.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gentiana Ramadani
Head of the organisation
Gentiana Ramadani
Contact (2) Full Name
Armela Xhaho

Partners Albania for Change and Development

National Network

Elbasani Street, Park Gate,10th floor, App. 71 / 73,2418/1

+355 4 254881
Telephone (other)
+355 42 254883
+355 42 254883
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 684076982
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information


Partners Albania is an independent Albanian non profit organisation, established in 2001, working to support civil society and facilitate inter-sector cooperation in order to strengthen democratic institutions and advance economic development. Partners Albania is a member of Partners Network, a partnership of 19 independent, local organizations in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and the Middle East working for peaceful and democratic change. Partners Albania is also a member of several global, European and regional networks such as BCSDN, ECAS, DIESIS, ANNA LINDH, WINGS, Alliance for Peacebuilding, CHANCE – Civil Hub Against orgaNised Crime in Europe, etc. Partners Albania is a member of the Code of Standards for Civil Society Organizations and plays the role of Secretariat of the Code through the National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania.

Since its establishment in 2001, Partners Albania has served as e resource center for the civil sector consistently focused on providing support to civil society organizations and fostering collaboration within the sector to create a more favorable environment for the civil society sector through. In this regard, the main focus of PA work is:

• Development of an enabling environment for the advancement of the civil society sector, through research, monitoring, leading debate, and cross-sectoral dialogue, for the development of policies in support of the sector based on the best international standards.

• Introduction of innovative practices that affect the development of the sector, increase its sustainability, and role in bringing social change for the benefit of the public/groups in need.

• Strengthening of CSOs in developing performance standards and increasing the credibility, transparency, and public image of the sector, in strengthening democracy, development of the country, and its integration into the EU.

• Strengthening leadership of CSOs and local communities (local groups and individuals), toward a more active and sustainable civil society, with a significant impact on strengthening democracy.

Mission and Objectives

The organization's mission is to bolster civil society and inter-sector cooperation, thus enhancing democratic institutions and economic development in Albania. Since its inception, PA has dedicated itself to strengthening civil society and fostering collaboration between non-profit organizations (NPOs), state institutions, academia, and the private sector. This commitment aims to address Albania’s primary democratization challenge: enhancing the interaction between citizens and state institutions through a robust civil society.

Main Projects / Activities


Partners Albania’s activities span four key areas: 1. Creating an Enabling Environment and Sustainable Development for CSOs: This involves empowering civil society through capacity building, advocacy for a supportive legal framework, and financial assistance. The main initiatives under this programmatic area include: • Development of an enabling environment for the advancement of the civil society sector, through research, monitoring, leading debate and cross-sectoral dialogue, for the development of policies in support of the sector based on the best international standards. • Introduction of innovative practices that affect the development of the sector, increase its sustainability and role in bringing social change for the benefit of the public / groups in need. • Strengthening of CSOs in developing performance standards and increase the credibility, transparency and public image of the sector, in strengthening democracy, development of the country and its integration into the EU. • Strengthening leadership of CSOs and local communities (local groups and individuals), toward a more active and sustainable civil society, with a significant impact on strengthening democracy. 2. Promoting Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation: PA supports the entrepreneurship and social enterprise (SE) ecosystem with research, advocacy, financial mechanisms, expertise, and networking. 3. Enhancing Philanthropic Activity and Support Infrastructure: The organization focuses on developing and promoting philanthropy in Albania through research, advocacy for supportive policies, and awareness-raising activities. 4. Fostering Transparent and Accountable Participatory Governance: PA contributes to developing civil society practitioners and public administration officials, focusing on building strong institutions and transparent processes. Since its establishment, PA has been a dedicated advocate for civil society organization (CSO) issues, emphasizing cooperative strategies, engagement with decision-makers, and cross-sector partnerships. PA has successfully championed substantial reforms within the sector, strategically partnering and collaborating with state actors and CSOs. These impactful advocacy efforts have been orchestrated in tandem with other CSOs, with a primary focus on enhancing the sector's capacities to ensure equitable partnerships and drive positive, sustainable changes. PA is a primary provider of training and technical assistance for the non-profit sector. Since 2001, it has offered approximately 4,500 days of training to over 22,000 beneficiaries, both national and international. In 2019, PA established the National Resource Centre for Civil Society in Albania, offering a platform for information and services to enhance civil society's effectiveness, transparency, accountability, and independence. The capacity building programs, particularly in the last five years, have been channeled through the National Resource Center for Civil Society. PA has also facilitated various consultation processes for international organizations, contributing to significant reforms and strategic documents for Albania. PA work has been supported by a wide range of donors and international development organizations, including European Union, USAID, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, US Embassy in Albania, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, SIDA, Foreign Commonwealth Office, British Embassy in Albania, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania, OSFA, Olof Palme International Center, BTD, OSCE, UNDP, World Bank, etc. PA has diversified its revenue sources through contractual fee for services to the private sector, nonprofit organizations, and donor institutions. Partners Albania serves as an intermediary organization in provision of financial support to third parties including non-for-profit organizations and social enterprises. All projects utilizing sub-granting mechanisms have consistently incorporated elements of institutional capacity building, alongside efforts to enhance the capabilities of the beneficiaries in the realm of advocacy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Juliana Hoxha
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Juliana Hoxha