
National Network

221 Emtedad Ramsis 2
Nasr City - Cairo


Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
- Afnan has started with only 2 women in the late of 2009 - The staff grow during the year an became 5 persons and up till now I've no partners. - Budgetary resources available in a year is 10,000 US $ - Sources of funding: Self finance up til now. - Modalities of action: Scholarship, Online marketing,direct marketing, some fairs & exhibitions.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to introduce and translate the heritage art and traditions like Bedouin and Siwan motifs into unique useful products like handbags and home accessories.
and protect it to stay a life.
Our objective is to improve the quality of our products to cover the international market needs.
and to support the local community through some opportunities for additional income.

Main Projects / Activities

- Create new designs for home accessories, handbags and other handicrafts.
- Participate some fairs.
- Small deals with some companies.
- Produce an Egyptian style conferences handbags using environmental raw materials.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Rasha Lotfy
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Rasha Lotfy

United Nations Youth Association of Lebanon (UNYA Lebanon)

National Network

Lebanon, Beirut, Achrafieh, Sessine, Saydeh Church, Tabbal Street, Khederian Building, 2nd Floor.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
UNYA Lebanon, is a youth-led NGO constituted under the regulations and system of the World Federation of United Nations Associations -Youth Section and relies on 3 organs: 1. The Administrative Board 2. The General Assembly 3. The Executive Teams Financially independant from its mother organization(UN), UNYA Lebanon's budget and financial resources can be summarized as following: 1. Local, National, Regional or International funding 2. Annual membership subscriptions 3. Fundraising 4. Donations 5. Governmental patronage (to some events, activities) The expected budget for the year 2011 is app. 200 000 $. UNYA Lebanon executes its principles, goals, and missions through different modalities, mainly: 1. Mid-term projects 2. Series of one-day workshops 3. E-events and actions 4. Camps 5. Exchanges/Mobility scholarships Our main partners for the year 2011 are: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, USAID, UNYA Tunisia, What's Up Youth, International Youth Council - Lebanon' Chapter, Universite Saint Joseph, Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs.
Mission and Objectives

Operating as the official representative of the UN Youth community on the Lebanese territory UNYA Lebanon holds firmly the slogan of "Proudly Youthocrats"(Youth+Democracy). Therefore part of its objectives, as stated in its constitution, are:
• Empower young people by advocating at a governmental level for a national youth inclusion & empowerment strategy and for a Lebanese youth representatives system to the UNGA.
• Be a forum for youth-to-youth knowledge-sharing about social entrepreneurship & the MDGs.
• Act as the umbrella organization of Lebanese UN Clubs (except UNESCO Clubs*), MUNs, UN Youth Campaigns, UN Youth Volunteers.
• Create channels of cooperation with ministries and civil society actors, in order to engage more local partners in its yearly youth action plan.
*UNESCO Clubs in Lebanon work under the umbrella of the Lebanese National Committee - UNESCO Clubs Section and are not affiliated to the UNYA-Lebanon.

Main Projects / Activities

The main programs &projects of UNYA Lebanon target:
- the advocacy towards an effective Lebanese national youth policy
- the promotion of a youth-to-youth knowledge-sharing for active citizenship
- and intercultural dialogue
An example of our regular activities is "Lebanon's Open Forum on Youth Policy", a Facebook group that is part of a larger project "Inform Youth" (a research project aiming to release by October 2011 a visual data/info of the exact situation of a so-called Lebanese national youth policy. A project which will allow UNYA Lebanon and fellow youth NGOs to define priority causes to advocate for).
The Open Forum aims at defining: What is youth policy? is there in Lebanon a national youth strategy? What are the rights of the Lebanese youth? Etc.
UNYA Lebanon will award the best contributors with technical and small financial support for the implementation of their ideas into actions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Jana Al-Banna
Head of the organisation
Ms. Farah I.Abdel Sater

Social Forum

National Network

Salheya – Shamal Al Mesht Al Italy – Jada Al Moghira Bin Shooba– Banaa Ghadak

00963 11 3326616
Telephone (other)
00963 11 4424124
00963 11 4413165
Mobile Phone
00963 94 754173
Mobile Phone (other)
00963 92 451387
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
• Number of members 150 , board 7 • 150 000 Syrian lira • Memberships - donations
Mission and Objectives

Cultural, social, artistic association aims at promoting culture and social life emphasizing on issues related to the society, country, nation and issues related to women, family and youth.

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural projects: lectures, seminars, patronage of talented youth, rich library, organization of social, and cultural trips, and cinematic activities (selection of movies each Wednesday) plays and artistic exhibitions

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Sahar Said
Head of the organisation
Maamoun Al Tabaa (Lawyer)
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr Ayman Ostaz

enfin bref

National Network

10 bis rue Bisson, Paris 75020 Belleville

06 11 81 47 93
Telephone (other)
01 73 76 86 30
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Nous sommes un petite équipe passionnés des nouvelles technologies, des médias conventionnels et web, et des réseaux sociaux. Nous oeuvrons dans le domaine de la production audiovisuelle et web, avec en démarrage le site un site tranmedia et pluriculturel qui vient de recevoir l'aide du CNC au développement internet.
Mission and Objectives

Nos lignes sont : observation politique nationale et internationale, et le développement de projets pluriculturels où se rejoignent des cultures et des peuples différents.
Nous oeuvrons dans la production de films documentaires (lignes science et écologie, et ligne cultures étrangères dans le but de favoriser l'intégration des migrations humaines); Nous développons des projets commerciaux pour les sociétés.

Main Projects / Activities

Films : Don d'organe entre juifs et arabes en Israel, (docu 52 et 70 mn). Gares routières, périgrinations d'un photographe qui traverse la France en traçant la ligne Calais-Cerbère, observation des déplacements et des flux migratoires hier et aujourd'hui. (Série de 26); Le son du métro : à la rencontre des artistes du métro parisien (52mn et DVD en projet). In vino véritas : la vérité sur la fabrication du vin et ses pesticides (52mn et extraits en ligne).

Contact (1) Full Name
Agnes Azuélos
Head of the organisation
Philippe Knafo
Contact (2) Full Name
Jérémy Sahel

Mare Nostrum à Bicyclette

National Network

30, Bd. G. Clémenceau

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
I am a individuelle personne, 26 year old, engineer in electronics, and I am currently cycling around the mediterranean sea to meet people and discover more deeply the people, the culture and the heritage of the Mare Nostrum. My found are private, I have save money the last 3 year to take one sabbatical year to travel. I plan to spend 12000€ for this project. I would enjoy share my adventure in conferences or seminara during my trip. More on
Mission and Objectives

Cultural exchange, new experiencies, hear, learn, share.
I like this quote:
“For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

Main Projects / Activities

Bike around the Mare Nostrum to meet people and nice landscape!

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicolas richaud


National Network

6 avenue Pasteur Martin Luther King
Le Pecq

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Onejourney est constituée d'une consultante et d'un ensemble de partenaires professionnels du développement touristique et de la valorisation du patrimoine (consultants, techniciens, designers, etc..). Nous travaillons sur le développement de projets à l'international (actuellement en Turquie) et proposons notre expérience et nos services aux porteurs de projets externes.
Mission and Objectives

Notre mission est d'accompagner, d'aider au développement et à la gestion de projets à l'international, de l'idée à la réalisation finale du projet.
Notre mission est aussi de développer des projets internationaux en rapport avec la culture, le patrimoine et le tourisme.

Main Projects / Activities

Nous aidons les petites structures touristiques à développer leurs services en intégrant la notion de patrimoine. Nous aidons à la mise en place de politiques touristiques favorisant la conservation du patrimoine et des traditions. Nous développons des projets centrés sur la mise en relation et partenariat du monde de la recherche archéologique et du tourisme (etc...).

Contact (1) Full Name
Laetitia Barbu
Head of the organisation
Laetitia Barbu

Individual member: Caroline Hancock (Nostalgeria)

National Network

52 rue Petit
75019 Pari


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Having worked as curator in major museums in London, Dublin and Paris since 1998, I became independent curator this year. I am writing (Centre Pompidou, Editions de Femmes, Art and Australia, Presses du Reel, MAP magazine, FRAC Centre), editing and translating (Rochechouart, Chantal Pontbriand, NMNM), teaching and organising events (Parsons, Centre Culturel Irlandais), as well as planning curatorial projects. In 2008, I was awarded the Joanna Drew Travel Bursary to travel to Algeria and am building a network of contacts, public and private support (CulturesFrance, Culture Ireland, British Council, energy companies, Ministère de la Culture), for a series of long term exhibitions and exchanges. My personal resources are small at present but “Nostalgeria” is planned with the Royal Hibernian Academy in Dublin for 2012 or 2013. I hope the Musée d’art moderne in Algiers will join us, as well as venues in France and UK and maybe other European cities.
Mission and Objectives

“Nostalgeria” is an exhibition project that aims to build through residencies and exchanges. It would start as a dialogue in the broadest sense between Algerian and Irish artists and expand. The hope is to create new axis of communication and friendships as well as make extremely rich cultures more visible where they haven’t been before. It would centre mainly on the visual arts (painting, sculpture, installation, drawing, film, photography) but link through events and publications with cinema, literature, music, performance and architecture. My plan is to settle the touring partners (ideally 3 or 4 museums) in the next few months and start working together. Artists and writers would be funded to travel and collaborate to create a community spirit. I need to continue my research in order to best contribute to this enabling process. This is a key diplomatic opportunity to make positive, intelligent and profound links.

Main Projects / Activities

The artist Zineb Sedira introduced me to Algiers in April 2009. She has asked me to contribute to her forthcoming presentation at the Palais de Tokyo following the award of the SAM Art Projects prize last year by working on an interview for the publication. I am promoting both the Algerian and Irish art scenes in France and elsewhere and hope to write more and more on the subject. This is a commitment to a specialisation which will hopefully broaden to the other countries in North Africa and the Middle East. I have ongoing discussions with curator Nadira Laggoune in Algiers and visited the Panafrican festival in Summer 2009. I am helping to find funds for Algerian artists and curators to learn English to maximise their international possibilities, as well to train new curators there and translate some of the literary texts from French or Arabic to English.

Contact (1) Full Name
Caroline Hancock
Contact (2) Full Name
Patrick Murphy


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
General Directorate within the Regional Minister for Justice and Citizen Safety Staff number: between 50 - 100 public servants Focal Point in Spain for the WAVE Network Budget: Around 20.000.000 €, on the basis of Annual Budget from Murcia Regional Government Modalities of action: grants to NGO's, coordination of regional resources, traning courses and seminars, online training, scholarships,workshops,etc. International partners within the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme, the LIFELONG LEARNING Programme and the DAPHNE III Programme by the European Commission
Mission and Objectives

The General Directorate for Prevention of Violence and Juvenile Reform exercise the responsibility for domestic violence and juvenile reform, including the establishment of halfway houses and rehabilitation.

Main Projects / Activities

Regional activities:
Regional network of centres for attention to women victim of gender based violence (GBV)
Programme for Psychological Support of children from women victim of GBV
Annual grants to NGO's active in the support and shelter of women victim of GBV
Coordination point for the regional resources concerning GBV
Programme for the prevention of GBV in teenager's romantic relationships in Secondary Schools.
International projects:
COMENIUS REGIO "LA MASCARA DEL AMOR - THE MASK OF LOVE" with Macedonia Central Region (GR. 2009 - 2011.
YOUTH IN ACTION PBA "THE MASK OF LOVE" with 10 EU, EECA, SEE and MEDA countries in November 2010.
DAPHNE III PROTECT, leaded by WAVE Network and with other 9 European partners. From Dec 2009 till Dec 2010.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Association Tunisienne des Nouvelles Générations

National Network

Quai de l'Ourthe 43/73 4020

+32 496177836
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
L’ATNG se compose de :- membres actifs. - membres adhérents. Il y'a six sections répartis dans les grandes villes de la Belgique(Bruxelles, Liège, Anvers, Charleroi, Renaix,Gand)Ces section sont présidés par des administrateurs. Il y'a aussi des membres d'honneur(ministres d'état, député.) Il s'agit d'une ASBL régie par le droit belge et inscrite au Moniteur Belge. Nos activités se déroulent principalement en Belgique mais aussi exceptionnellement à l'étranger.
Mission and Objectives

L'ATNG est une association d'étudiants, de jeunes indépendants et pluralistes à vocation d'informer, sensibiliser, former, mobiliser et interpeller la jeunesse sur:
* Les valeurs et les enjeux de l'éducation à la citoyenneté,
* La sensibilisation à la démocratie participative et à la tolérance,
* La promotion d'un dévelopement durable,
* Les relations équilibrées, la coopération et la solidarité entre étudiants et autres jeunes,
* La lutte pour abolir les discriminations et pour obtenir l'égalité des chance.

Main Projects / Activities

L'association réalise son objet notamment par le développement de projets et la création de sujets d'expression, de confrontation, d'échange et de réflexion visant à stimuler l'implication des jeunes dans la vie de la cité et à impulser de nouveaux débats de sociétés, par le développement d'outils pédagogiques, et par les échanges culturels.
* Elaboration de programmes et de campagnes médiatiques et de terrain à l'intention des nouvelles générations de l'émigration pour les préserver des dangers de la marginalisation et de la délinquance.
* Intensification des conférences et manifestations à caractère culturel au profit des nouvelles générations pour les prémunir des dangers de l'extrémisme et leur inculquer les valeurs de tolérance et de modération.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mlayeh Lamia

ECOLE D’AVIGNON:Centre of formation for the rehabilitation of the architectural heritage

National Network

6, rue Grivolas – 84 000 AVIGNON - FR

+33 (0)4 90 85 59 82
Telephone (other)
+33 (0)4 32 76 04 38
+33 (0)4 90 27 05 18
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33 (0)6 18 42 16 06
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
1. The Avignon School has ten permanents and a vast network of professional trainers or associated consultants , that intervene in projects , the missions and the trainings. Three sub-directions correspond to the axes of central work : training , the technical studies and international programs . 2 and 3 annual budgets about 1 200 000 Euros, the essential comes from the actions realized on the regional, national, international plan. 4. The Avignon School intervenes by council missions and thematic and fundamental trainings in France and abroad. 5. National and international partnerships so developed (visit our website)
Mission and Objectives

Intervention field of the Avignon School, it is to rehabilitate the old built.
Its action concerns the conservation and the rehabilitation of this heritage:
architecture , materials , crafts, techniques , resources.
The Avignon School is created in 1983 with the ambition of characterizing its skills to intervene in the architectural built.
Since 20 years, it has acted in the rehabilitation , passing from a centre of training in a centre of international radiation It gathers in the same unit all specialized skills.

Main Projects / Activities

. The Avignon school has several missions :
To teach:
- Thematic and fundamental training.
- technical perfection .
To advise : Consultation and Technical studies .
Audits of the heritage
• Assistance to the projects and the execution.
. Pedagogic Engineering. International actions • Expertise • Exchange of technicality • Training • Assembly and piloting of European and International projects • Missions of expertise on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, of the PACA region and for a series of international organizations: The Council of Europe, European Union, the World Bank, UNESCO, ICOMOS (International Council for Monuments and Sites).

Contact (1) Full Name
Gilles NOURISSIER, Directeur
Head of the organisation
Jean-Louis JOSEPH
Contact (2) Full Name
Christophe GRAZ, Architecte, Projets internationaux