Meshwar Group

National Network

52 Erfan St, Moharam Bek, Alexandria - Egypt

+20 3 5181646
Mobile Phone
+20 122864073
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mohamed Morsy (President)

Misr Association for Development

National Network

1 Goda Abozhara street, nearby Kobry Oraby Shubra Elkhema, Kaliobia governorate

+202 6041513
+202 6041513
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+2012 3909721
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
General Information
- Misr Association for Development is a central NGO, working in Egypt since 1994 in Kaliobia governorate, for implementing different developmental projects, targetting disadvantaged groups. There are three main departments, Loans, Projects Development and Training Center with 12 employees. - Last funding Agencies were Alamal Program/Agfund (L.E. 200,000), and Self Help Program/USAID (L.E. 56,000) at 2006. - Concrete projects: Loans for women, Protecting Environment, Care of Street kids, Awareness seminars and workshops related to rights, and health, in addition to literacy courses.. - Partners involved were NGOs support Center, CIDA, SFD, Alamal/ Agfund, Self Help Program/USAID and local grassroots NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: is to promote the Egyptian disadvantaged groups for sustainable development.
- To provide a community based, integrated poverty reduction mechanisms.
- To enhance community participation, through different civil society.
- To empower people, specially youth and women.
- To activate the implementation of “International Conventions on Human Rights with special emphasis on women, children and handicapped and focus on sustainable Environment.
- To raise awareness of the society on the constitutional and legal rights.
- To develop policies with other partners, that helps in creating suitable environment for community participation and political reform.

Main Projects / Activities

- Work through Social Fund for Development to stablishing literacy classes, implement loan system for poor disadvantaged women.
- Work through CIDA programmes to enhance the livelyhood of street children.
- Work through NGOs Support Center to empower Environmental Law, to enure sustainable environmen.
- Work through Self Help Program/ American Embassy to continue loans [rogram.
- Work through Alamal/ Agfund program to continue loans program.
- Cooerate with industrial workshops in Shubra Elkhema to compete Environmental pollution.
- Cooperate with Youth Centers in Shubra Elkhema to empower their role for community participation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Mahmoud Elbassal
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mohamed Hassan Abdel Aal
Contact (2) Full Name
Samah Mahmoud Mohamed

Misr Learn Training Center

National Network

8 El Khalifa El Mansour St., Safeer Square

Hotline : 16426
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
MisrLearn is a not for profit, privately-owned and autonomously-managed institution of higher learning. It is one of the Egypt's Premier educations and training centers, founded in 2002 located in Cairo, Luxor and Assuit Governorates of Egypt, it is growing IT Training Institute determined to set High standards in the IT industry. We offes blended learning solutions for more than 118 technical and application courses covering 12 vendor technologies and over 50 certification tracks. Misrlearn has created strategic partnerships with key IT vendors and has provided services to hundreds of corporations and more than five thousand individuals. Misrlearn Information Technology is an authorized training center recognized by industry leaders such as IBM, UNESCO, AUC. Microsoft and Cisco.
Mission and Objectives

The vision of the center is to be a world class, internationally recognized research institute.
Our mission is to contribute to the development of the technology-driven economies in Egypt and the region through the pursuit of education and research at the highest levels of excellence.
To accomplish its mission, we :
• Recruit, develop and retain high quality faculty and staff.
• Attract, support and retain highly qualified and motivated students.
• Create an educational environment and physical facilities conducive to learning and research.
• Establish strong linkages with business, government and NGOs to enhance the capacity building in the local and regional community.
• Promote a culture for creative research and critical thinking.
• Leverage the expatriates' resources.
• Encourage collaboration with other universities.
• Harvest research output and incubate intellectual property.

Main Projects / Activities

We offer blended learning solutions for more than 118 technical and application courses covering 12 vendor technologies and over 50 certification tracks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Hoda Mansour
Head of the organisation
Mr. Hesham Ahmed Taha

Mubarak Public Library

National Network

4 El Tahaweya St, off El- Nile Street, P.O Box 218 Orman.

202- 3360291, 3360293
Telephone (other)
202- 7496928, 7616098
202- 3377996
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
2-012 7309633
Mobile Phone (other)
2-012 2350161
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
(max. 100 words) Board Directorate, Steering Committee, Library Director, Deputy Library, Manager Administration & Account, IT Manager, Heads of Technical Services , Staff No.: 50 2. Annual Budget: 2,5 Million Egyptian Pounds 3. Ministry of Culture, Library income, other donations 4. Public Service, seminars, lectures, reading programs, projects, activities with youth and children and cultural exchange 5. Partners: Ministry of Culture, Integrated Care Society, Bertelsmann Foundation as main partners, others from international and national level organizations can be involved
Mission and Objectives

- To disseminate and strengthen general knowledge and to develop reading habits among the young generation.
- Serving the library members of all ages is the essential philosophy.
- Make the library holdings (printed & electronic media) accessible to all through the use of open shelves.
- Contribute to the spread of information technology in order to make it profitable to the public at large.
- Participate in, and interact with current events.
- Act as a gathering place for children, parents and young people to communicate and interact
- Occur as a cultural enlightenment in order to fight intolerance and extremism among youth

Main Projects / Activities

- Developing reading programs and fostering reading on a regular basis,
- Conducting cultural activities and artistic workshops for children and youth
- Sharing in joint cultural programs with national & international organizations
- Conduct training programs for library users in PC-applications and English Language Learning

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of acquisition unit: Mohamed Farghaly Ahmed
Head of the organisation
Chairman: Amb. Abdel Raouf El Reedy
Contact (2) Full Name
Deputy Director : Hala Sherif

Nahdet El Mahroussa ( Revitalization of Al Mahroussa)

National Network

7 Haret Selim, off Sheikh Rihan Street, Appt. 1, 1st Floor, Abdeen

+20 (0)2 7920195
Mobile Phone
+20 (0)10 5133341
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
NM members proactively exercise a culture full of energy, talent, vigor, and great ambitions that will greatly inspire and impact the future of many generations to come. NM welcomes all Egyptians who want to contribute their thoughts, experience, knowledge, and activities towards the development of a better Egypt. On November 23rd, 2003 the officially declared NGO, Nahdet El Mahrousa was established under the registration number 5434 with 22 founding members NM is located in the heart of Cairo, in Abdeen area. Works in partnership with the Goethe Institut in Egypt and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
Mission and Objectives

NM seeks to a have a positive impact on Egypt’s development through engaging Egyptian youth in developing their country and shaping its future. This is achieved through:
• NM Project Incubator: innovative development project ideas are incubated until they are independent and successful national models.
• NM Forum: intellectual discussion forum and lecture series where NM members share resources, expertise, and opinions.
• NM Policy Arm: several partnerships aimed at informing public debate and policy in Egypt.
We will succeed in our mission when
• Egypt overcomes its greatest challenges towards development.
• Egyptian youth are active participants in public policy and decision-making.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Development Fund
Mentoring For Leadership
The program aims to promote mentoring practices in the public, private and community sectors. It will introduce the concept of mentoring, deliver mentoring resources, help in recruiting mentors, raise awareness about mentoring and enhance the quality of mentoring at organizations and companies interested in implementing mentoring programs.
Youth Book
The Youth Book will be a channel through which young people read about the trials of other youth in overcoming challenges similar to their own, and succeeding despite the circumstances.
Young Innovators Award
The program aims to impact positively on the scientific culture in Egypt, to produce more scientists in the future -- more in number and better in quality. The immediate goal is to help graduating students gain access to training, funding, information, equipment, and supplies that may better meet the needs of their research projects at Egyptian national universities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nadia El Gohary (Representative)
Head of the organisation
Ehaab Abdou (President)

Nahdet Misr

National Network

21 Orabi Street, Mohandessin

0020 (0) 2 3472864
Telephone (other)
0020 (0) 2 3461468
0020 (0) 2 3462576
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0020 (0) 10 1342546
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Nahdet Misr Group is a self-sufficient publishing, printing, and multimedia organization. We are unique in the Middle East in our ability to depend on our internal resources, giving us a significant competitive advantage. Nahdet Misr Group has been a leader in educational and children's publishing for over 65 years. We are also active in producing fiction and non-fiction books for adults. Since our foundation in 1938, we have continually collaborated with the best authors in Egypt and the Arab world. As a result of our distinguished record, the Group has been granted many awards over the past years, both on the local and Middle Eastern levels. As Egypt moves into the 21st century, we are setting new regional standards in publishing, not only through traditional media such as books and magazines, but also through electronic media like CDs and the Internet
Mission and Objectives

Publishing of highly intellectual works in the Arab World.
One of our primary focuses is on our publications for children. Since the establishment of Nahdet Misr, we have worked with the most outstanding children's authors in Egypt and the Arab world. Our goal is to help create a generation that is cultured and well-informed.

Main Projects / Activities

Printing, publishing and distribution.
Nahdet Misr products are distributed by over 4,000 retail bookshops throughout the country, and also by other companies such as Al Ahram Distribution.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ossama Mahmoud
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Sherif Fekri

Nasr Educational Culture org.

National Network

14 morcos hanna st, agouza, Giza - Egypt

Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed adel

National Council for Women - Egypt

National Network

1113 Corniche El Nil. St. Cairo, Postal Code 11625

(202) 5748708
Telephone (other)
( 202) 5748494
(202) 5745596
Mobile Phone
00 2 012 3498
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
General Information
The National Council for Women established by Presidential decree consists of thirty members, 11 standing specialized committees and 27 branches in the governorates. It has an independent budget from the government and access to other sources funding. NCW implements its strategy for the socio-economic development of women and society through programmes and projects with partner governmental, non-governmental institutions, regional and international organizations.
Mission and Objectives

NCW is mandated to:
? Propose public policy matters for society and its constitutional institutions on development and empowerment of women to integrate their efforts in comprehensive development programs.
? Draft a National Plan for the advancement of women and to solve their problems.
? Monitor and evaluate the general policies related to women and formulate its recommendations and observations to the concerned parties.
? Advise on the draft laws and decrees related to women before submission to the competent authorities and recommend their adoption.

Main Projects / Activities

NCW has adopted a holistic approach to address the socio-economic empowerment of women through the following programmes:
? Gender mainstreaming into the national socio-economic development plan
? Social empowerment (Education and Health)
? Economic empowerment (through women entrepreneurship and micro credits
? Political empowerment
? Advocacy, sensitization and training

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Farkhonda Hassan,PhD,MP, Secretary-General
Head of the organisation
H.E. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, First Lady of Egypt
Contact (2) Full Name
Ambassador Samiha Abou Steit, Adviser to the Secretary-General

National Population Council

National Network

Cornish El- Nile – El-Maadi

0020 (0) 2 5240289
Telephone (other)
0020 (0)
0020 (0) 2 5240290
Mobile Phone
0020 (0) 12 315 5286
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
1. Presidential decree no. 19 for the year 1985 was issued to establish NPC to be headed by President Hosny Mubark and the members are: the Prime Minister - Minister of Health and Population – Minister of information – Minister of Social Affairs – minister of Planning and Internal Cooperation – Minister of Education – Four experts in the field of Population. 2. Presidential decree no. 32 for year 1996 NPC headed by Prime Minster. 3. Presidential decree for year 2002 was issued to amended the NPC formulation to follow the Minister of Health and Population.
Mission and Objectives

- Prepare the studies and researches related to FP&Pop. Issues.
- Suggesting the Pop. Policy that achieve highest economic and social development rate.
- Exchanging information reports and researched with councils and organization Studding the role of ministries, organizations and governmental institutions public and private to implement the periodical programs of the population project and coordinate between them.
- Studding the best means to benefit from the funds agreements presented to Egypt by the foreign countries and organizations in the field of pop and FP.

Main Projects / Activities

- Planning and Coordination: Suggesting Plans and POP. Programs.
- Follow-up and Evaluation: the activities and achievements to reach perfect level of implementation.
- Research Studies: Distribute to different technical organization. Disseminating the research findings.
- Statistics and Information: Setting information system, planning for surveys and statistical analysis related to population & FP.
- Financial and administrative: Setting financial policies related to NPC role in preparing and implementing the financial plans, follow up the financial implementation and evaluation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Safa El-Baz
Head of the organisation
Dr. Safa El-Baz


National Network

26 A Bahgat Aly Zamalek

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Number of Stuff : 15 Employee 2000 Member 12 Partners Budgetary in a year: 100000$ Source of funding: Self Sustainable Modalities of action: concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships, workshops,Arts Main Partner : Cisco Networking Academy Sun Academic Initiative Global Youth Action Network TIG Cyber Peace Initiative Egyptian Education Initiative
Mission and Objectives

We are "Ofok ALTanmia" ("Development Horizons") , a recognized non-governmental, non-profit organization operating in Egypt
OFOK NGO has become one of the leading developmental organizations since its establishment in the field of Human Development and employment. OFOK NGO is specialized in the development of methods of research, training and development of modern phenomenon in the Africa and Arab region as characterized by professionalism, transparency and sophisticated new thinking and a lighthouse for free thinkers and decision makers.
The extension of this role in community development OFOK NGO team believe that hard work and high performance come as a center for research, training, Culture activities and development, which means to contribute to the technological development in various fields and levels. The Center has been established on a commercial basis, non-for-profit to achieve reduction in subscription fees and its activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Human Development
Learning For Life
Empowerment Youth
Youth For Africa

Contact (1) Full Name
Mmoataz Shaarawy