International Association for Creation and Training (IACT)

National Network

Rd. 48, Smouha, no.6 (Old quarter)

0020 (0)3 4297150
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0020 (0)10 1704078
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Religion
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The idea behind I-ACT was a direct result of the Creative Forum for Independent Theatre Groups (Europe- Mediterranean) that took place in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina between 28 December 2003 and 3 January 2004. The Forum, moreover, had two direct impacts on I-ACT: first, new networks and contacts have been achieved with individuals, organizations and festivals in Italy, Slovenia, Sweden, Austria, Germany and Oman; secondly, the same team that worked in the Forum will be the founders of I-ACT. Consequently, the team working on this project represents various generations and they are: Mahmoud Aboudoma (director/playwright /theatre programmer), Awatef Ibrahim (actress/ trainer/ lecturer), Nada Ramadan (pianist/ I-ACT coordinator),Khaled Rafaat(actor/administrator), AbirAly (logistics)Margo Gorgui(forum coordinator) Amira El-Masry(forum coordinator)
Mission and Objectives

The major objectives of I-ACT include: experience exchange, connecting people, through dialog, development using art as a tool of changing, enhancing the theme of independence, animating poor children, offering new chances of creation, providing artistic training for beginners ,intermediates and professionals, theatre production& publications, and activating the cultural scene

Main Projects / Activities

IACT is involved in the following projects:
- Alternative Theatre Group.
- Diaspora .
- The Creative Centre for Development & Environmental Arts.
- Creative forum for independent theatre Groups.(Europe-Mediterranean)2007
- Supporting Young Theatre Makers
- Training & Educational Programs
- The Classroom Theatre.
- German Concerts , Music Master-classes and
- Theatre Workshops

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Aboudoma
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Aboudoma
Contact (2) Full Name
Margo Gorgui Nada Ramadan

Jidar for culture and publication

National Network

47 Eskandar El Akbar st. Azareta

(+2) 0166227870
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+2) 0166227870
Mobile Phone (other)
(+2) 0104945415
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
Jidar founded in 2005 as a rostrum for culture to present an open media rostrum for writers and readers of Arabic, and then it converted to jidar for culture and publication company to be in his new version contains a daily electronic newspaper that have a special thinking , culture and human right. It have similar activities in culture , arts and training that specially goes to youth and also by translating their creativity from Arabic to several languages. jidar for culture and publication company it have 3 partners Sources of funding is the partners of the company Modalities of action (publication and distribution ,seminars ,translation, exchanges, arts, traning ,workshops ). Main partners involved in the organization's projects and activities (Elmadina Group for Performing and Digital Arts)
Mission and Objectives

We aim to spread a democratic culture, change, dialogue between the elements of the Arab culture and also between the other cultures. We seek to remove the borders of exchange and distribution and publication in the Arab reign. To increase the spaces of exchange and dialogue, supporting the new generation of writers, creators and thinkers to take place in the Cultural scene, creating Mechanisms that's support their effective presence in the Arab future and to support the importance of culture And openness to others and seeks to create a Public opinion in the Arab countries and For the dissemination of peace, dialogue and human right.

Main Projects / Activities

Translating books from Arabic literature to English language.
Holding Workshops in " online electronic media ".

Contact (1) Full Name
Khalaf Ali Elkhalaf
Head of the organisation
Khalaf Ali and Ahmed Saleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Saleh

King Mariout Inhabitants Association

National Network

Main St-King Mariout, PO Box 21, King Mariout, Alexandria - Egypt

+2012 7405881
+203 4550213
Mobile Phone
+2012 7405881
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Yehia Zahran (President)

Klaketa Árabe

National Network

13 Fahmi, St, Bab Al Loq

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Klaketa Árabe is an individual company. It has a principal partner, the Cultural Association Klaketa Iberoamericana (Spain). The funds based on the postproduction work, from a side, and the public Spanish financing in the projects we take care with our Spanish partners (Embassy of Spain in Cairo, Argentina, Bolivia and El Salvador, Institution of the Woman in Spain,...etc). Mainly we organize a video workshops and the Program “Entre Cineastas” (Among Filmmakers), it’s a program for Exchange Arab-Hispano-American Women Film. It was an initiative from Klaketa Árabe. Now it also includes the festival of Cairo with the same name of the programme.
Mission and Objectives

1 - Give audiovisual support to the young people.
2 - Present the real reality of woman through our program and film festival.
3 - Create a network to exchange experiences between women filmmakers.
4 - To have an access to the public who normally has no access to a certain kind of cinema.
5 - Exchange experiences with another non government organization that works on the gender.
6 - Give new audiovisual scales to non professional women as way to express themselves and to communicate between each others.

Main Projects / Activities

1 - Arab - Hispano-American Women Film Festival of Cairo: It’s a project that aim to show an alternative films made by women that try to present non stereotype point of view about women and about their roles in the Arab and Hispano-American societies. Through the subtitle of all of the films (from Spanish to Arabic and from Arabic to Spanish), we try to approach the public who normally has no access to this kind of works. Also we try, through this project, to create a network between Arab-Hispano-American Women filmmakers.
2 - One Minute Video Workshop for Women (Women in Correspondence): It’s a kind of workshop for non professional women, to give them the audiovisual scales, so they can make a one minute short films. This films work as a correspondence between the women in different countries. Every group of films is based on the other group of films (as a correspondence).
3 - Technical audiovisual support to the young people, so they can realize their own independent films.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amal Ramsis
Head of the organisation
Amal Ramsis
Contact (2) Full Name
Amal Ramsis

Land Center for Human Rights

National Network

76 El-Gomhuria St. 8th floor, flat no 67, beside El-Fath Mousque, El-Azbkia, Cairo

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Structure of the organization: Land Center for Human Rights is non-governmental organization established as non-profit civil company in 1996. The LCHR aims to promote and strengthen the rural groups to depend on themselves to defend their rights. Therefore, the centre promotes the law dominion and the legal and social equality, documents the conditions of the Egyptian countryside and increase the awareness the rural inhabitants. The organizational structure is consisted of: - Board of trustee (consultative committee). - Executive committee (execute the activity plan) The LCHR consists of the following units The legal unit Research and documentation unit Translation and international relations unit Administrative affairs unit Financial affairs unit Budgetary resources available in a year EP I million Sources of funding Donations from international and local organizations and individuals Modalities of action Projects, seminars, workshops, reports, lawsuits, newsletters
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the LCHR
The Land Center was established to defend the farmers and the Egyptian rural causes from the view of human rights, as none of the human rights NGOs working in Egypt tackled such cross cutting issues.
LCHR Objectives:
• Contributing to the improvement of the farmers economic and social conditions in the Egyptian countryside;
• Monitoring the violations of the human rights taking place in the Egyptian villages;
• Increasing the citizens awareness by spreading the human rights culture and encouraging the joint work and coordination between the civil society foundations, supporting their independence and reinforcing the democracy and human rights values;
• Participating in the economic agrarian reform program in Egypt, to guarantee the farmers rights to their lands safely; and
• Revealing the views and needs of the poor in Egypt and enabling them to participate in the decision and program making processes.

Main Projects / Activities

LCHR managed programmes over the past five years:
Over the past five years, LCHR undertook several projects relevant to the following:
• Study and enhancement of farmers rights in the Egyptian countryside.
• Study and enhancement of female farmers.
• Study and enhancement of the rights of the children working in the agricultural sector.
• Study and enhancement of the fishermen rights
• Studying the implications of structural adaptation on the vulnerable sectors in Egypt, particularly the inhabitants of the countryside.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Manar Ismael
Head of the organisation
Mr. Karam Saber
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Saleh Mohamed El-bakry

Life Art Group

National Network

20 gameh abu el kair st, el misaha , faisel

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
the employed staff 5 the team members are 30 and they are all volunteered the main action is shows in different places in Egypt
Mission and Objectives

The art is a real great tool and method to send messages to the society. The Egyptian society have different and many problems . one of the main real problem there is a few youth independent places which the youth can reach to talk ,to think, to know how is the start can be!
"life team" is 100% youth team and trying to speak with and to the youth by the new youth language." Life team" have been founded by 25 youth members in April 2008 . the team have a religious diversity (Muslims &Christian & Bahies) and trying to have gender equality(until now 40/60 % f/m).

Main Projects / Activities

Last August the team have shown " to the village of leprosy".
we are preparing to have more art branches such as drawing and singing and a puppets show team
life cinema club

Contact (1) Full Name
Bassem Samir
Head of the organisation
Georgina Thapet
Contact (2) Full Name
Georgina Thapet

The Linguistic Association

National Network


+20 101557843
Mobile Phone
+20 101557843
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Madiha Doos (President)

Liqua’ Association for Solidarity and Social Work

National Network

de la sale school 6 Seket El Beshneen Str., Al Zaher

Telephone (other)
25904740????? 107
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Suzie Fouad Naguib
Head of the organisation
Magdy Gerges
Contact (2) Full Name
Yousry Louise Aziz

Mahrosa for Publishing, Information, & Press Services

National Network

Plot No. 7399, 28 St., off 9 St. El-Hadba El-Olyaa- Mokattam

+202 25075917
+202 25075917
Mobile Phone
002- 0174331150
Mobile Phone (other)
002- 0122418128
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
- Structure of the organization, including number of the staff employed and/ or partners General Manager: 1 Secretary: 2 Research Unit: 4 Translation & Foreign International Relationships Unit: 2 Press Information Unit: 12 Publishing & Distribution Unit: 6 - Budgetary resources available in a year Annual budget: 2.400.000 L.E - Sources of funding: Selling products of the company as well as grants from funding agencies like Ford Foundation or support for translation & production of books like that received from & Next Page Foundation - Modalities of Action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc) The project entitled “Opening new Satellites for Civil Society in Cultural Field (under execution), it is currently discussed with some donors. - Main partners involved in the organization’s projects/ activities El-Balad Cultural Center and the Comprehensive Educational Development Aid Foundation (CEDAF) and TANIS]
Mission and Objectives

Mahrosa Center was established in 1986 as an independent center working in information and press documentation field. This, subsequently, helps it to work in research field. Then, Mahrosa works in publishing so that it has become an enlightened, cognitive, and cultural center in the Egyptian, Arabic, and Euro-Med circles. It, also, shares in pushing democratic development in Egypt and cooperates with different international institutions headed by Ford Foundation, Fredrich Neumann, & Next Page Foundation. Finally, Mahrosa issues cultural magazine in addition to its interest since 2009 in supporting new literary groups by publishing their works and hosting their activities.
1. Ensuring press documented database for research, civil society, and media professionals.
2. Conducting researches and studies increasing knowledge with local and regional fact.
3. Disseminating progressive and enlightened culture caring about individual cognitive structure and communication among countries of the region.
4. Taking part in civil society activities notably those related to supporting democracy bases and human rights.
5. Effectively participating in cultural activities at Arabic and Euro-Med levels; Mahrosa is a member in the Arab Publishers’ Union and one of the founders of Euro-Med Platform.

Main Projects / Activities

- The project of the weekly bulletin supported by Ford Foundation.
- Mahrosa cooperated with in translating some books like “Selbstdenken" published in “Peter Hammer Verlag 2004”. Also, through Goethe Institute, Mahrosa translated and published some books such as “Schreimutter” by Jutta Bauer, “Zivilgesellschaft”, “Theorie und politische Praxis”, by Frank Adloff Campus Verlag, 2005, and “DER KONIG UND DAS MEER” by Heinz Janisch in addition to other three books are currently under publishing during Kutub:na project of Goethe Institute.
- Mahrosa collaborated with Next Page Foundation under South-South Translation Grants to translate the Indian book “The Conceits of Civil Society” By Neera Chandhoki and the Turkish book “İslam Düşüncesinin Siyasal Ufku/Zerrin Kurtoğlu: The Political Horizon of Islamic Thought, 1999, İletism Publishing House. Mahrosa published a series of books entitled Liberal Publications through its collaboration with Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
- Mahrosa is a founder member in the Euro med Platform

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Farid Zahran
Head of the organisation
Mr. Farid Zahran
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Amal Yousef

Media International

National Network

West Summed, 7th region, next to Almurshid mosque, 6th October City 21155
6th October

+20238274200 Ext.: 3517
+2(02) 38274299
Mobile Phone
00 2 0166643914
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Media International is a non -governmental organization.
Mission and Objectives

Our primary objectives are;
- To promote fair, accurate, in-depth, and sympathetic media coverage of diversity-related issues as an essential step toward strengthening human rights - to promote the protection of liberty, justice, democracy, and human rights.
- To promote better understanding, cooperation and coexistence between Euro-Mediterranean people.
- To promote the protection of liberty, justice, democracy, and human rights

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects:
- Program for Sensitivity Training of Journalists toward Islam and Muslims in the Arab World (With Special Focus on Egypt)
- Program for Sensitivity Training of Journalists toward Euro-Mediterranean Multiculturalism.
- Training workshop on "the Dealing with Sexual harassment Cases in Egyptian Society".

Contact (1) Full Name
Nagwan Mohamed (Head of Cultural Programs)
Head of the organisation
Tawfik Ghanem