Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS - MENA region

National Network

21st Mohamed badr st. from Alhorya st. Hadayek el Maadi

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
GYCA is coordinated by a North Secretariat in New York and a South Secretariat in Accra, Ghana. The Secretariats act as catalysts for a decentralized network, operating through a Task Force of youth and adult allies including people living with HIV/AIDS, 12 Regional Focal Points, a growing number of National Focal Points worldwide. GYCA members represent an array of organizations, programmes, and networks focusing on youth and HIV/AIDS. youth-led, UNAIDS and UNFPA supported
Mission and Objectives

GYCA is a youth-led, UNAIDS and UNFPA supported global network of more than 5,000 young leaders and adult allies working on youth and HIV/AIDS in 150 countries world-wide. It was proposed by youth attendees of the XV International AIDS Conference in Bangkok 2004 and XIV International AIDS Conference in Barcelona 2002. GYCA's mission is to empower young leaders with the skills, knowledge, resources and opportunities they need to scale up HIV/AIDS interventions amongst their peers.
Four priorities guide GYCA's work:
1. Networking and sharing of best practices;
2. Technical assistance and capacity building;
3. Political advocacy;
4. Preparation for international conferences

Main Projects / Activities

GYCA is a tool for youth who are participants in the fight against HIV/AIDS. GYCA engages and empowers young people by adapting tools that have proven successful for previous initiatives, and complements them with a youth-created and youth-led plan of action. Such practices include:
Free E-courses: GYCA offers three online courses: Project Management, Political Advocacy, and Grant Proposal Writing and Fundraising. 20 participants are selected for each course by application, and create a final project plan through submitting weekly exercises for review by the course facilitator, participating in online discussions, and implementing the project with technical support from GYCA staff.
Local Gatherings: Regional and National focal points frequently organize events and trainings that prioritize working with marginalized youth, especially those without internet access. Gatherings assist the mapping process for our Global Directory to connect youth HIV/AIDS initiatives together, to local NGOs, their government, and the local United Nations offices.
Opportunities to participate: GYCA assists young people to participate in international events as speakers, scholarship recipients, members of national delegations, abstract presenters, and delegates. Such events are important opportunities to showcase work and network with allies and donors.
Access to resources: GYCA shares information on scholarships, training opportunities, events, campaigns, and publications with its members on a regular basis. As a member of GYCA you will connect with others working in your community, country, and region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Tammam
Head of the organisation
Rachel Jacobson

German Development Cooperation GTZ-Cairo Office

National Network

4D, El-Gezira Street, 12111 Zamalek

02-545 67 94
Telephone (other)
02-735 97 50
02-738 29 81
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
012-380 8330
Mobile Phone (other)
012-217 36 09
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
GTZ has the corporate form of a “GmbH” (closed limited company) in the private sector. It is owned by the German Federal Government. GTZ has offices in 67 countries worldwide. We are constantly expanding our external structure and transferring decision-making authority from Head Office to the field. This benefits the planning and implementation of the various projects and programs. Projects and programs have been identified by the Egyptian Government. They are mutually developed in an Egyptian-German partnership. GTZ-Egypt focuses on three priority sectors: ? Water resources and water management ? Sustainable Economic Development ? Environment Within these priority sectors GTZ conducts around 10 different projects and programs in cooperation with Egyptian counterparts with a volume of approx. 6 Million Euros and a staff of 90 employees.
Mission and Objectives

? We are a company with international operations.
? We implement commissions for the German federal government and other national and international public and private-sector clients.
? We further social, economic, ecological and political development worldwide, and so improve people’s living conditions.
? We provide services that support complex development and reform processes.

Main Projects / Activities

GTZ-Egypt focuses on and operates several projects in three priority sectors:
? Water resources and water management
? Sustainable Economic Development
? Environment

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Timur El Hadidi
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Marlis Weissenborn (GTZ-Egypt Country Director)

Hampikian-Ibrashy: Architecture and Heritage Management

National Network

29 Maydan Salah al-Din, al-Qal’a

++ 202 514 5827
++ 202 290 8248
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
++ 2 010 137 8351
Mobile Phone (other)
++ 2 010 544 2013
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Structure of Organization: Private architecture and heritage management firm, partnership between two conservation architects. Sources of funding: Fundraising from intergovernmental organizations that sponsor conservation and heritage management, consultancy work with governmental and inter-governmental organizations, Private commissions. Modalities of action: Concrete projects, seminars, training courses. Main partners: Governmental and intergovernmental agencies working in heritage management and conservation.
Mission and Objectives

Established in January 2005, our heritage management firm specializes in heritage management. The location of our studio in the heart of Islamic Cairo in a 19th century building at the foot of the Citadel is no coincidence. It reflects a hands-on approach that involves a spectrum of initiatives varying from practical conservation, to training, to public awareness and fundraising.
Scope of work: Architectural conservation - mostly in Islamic Cairo, Training of conservation professionals; Public awareness - programs especially oriented towards children and youth; Research activities - specialized publications - workshops and seminars; Adaptive re-use and rehabilitation of old buildings - on public and private historic buildings; Architectural design.

Main Projects / Activities

Examples of Activities:
- Training course: Overseeing a conservation project. 3 month full-time course in conservation for archaeologists employed by the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt. Sponsored by and held in ARCE.
- Ruqayya Dudu Conservation Project. Phase I of the Cairo Cemetery Salvage Project. Funded by the Barakat Trust, UK.
- Armenian Orthodox Church Conservation Project.
- Consultancy: Reconstruction of the temple of Snofru, Dahshur. German Institute of Archaeology.
- Architectural Consultancy: with Aswan Contracting Company. Preparation of architectural study and study for adaptive reuse for the buildings of Group 6 of Phase III of the Historic Cairo Project.
- Consultancy: CULTNAT. Responsible for the preparation of a report on the current state of Historic Cairo, to be posted on the website of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC).
-Exhibition: ‘Conservation and its role in the development of traditional building crafts’, UNESCO exhibition and semi

Contact (1) Full Name
May al-Ibrashy
Head of the organisation
Nairy Hampikian & May al-Ibrashy
Contact (2) Full Name
Nairy Hampikian

Hand in Hand for Egypt

National Network

20 El-Ebur Building - Salah Salem floor 10 ap#2

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Background Information Hand in Hand for Egypt (HHE) Foundation is a newly established Egyptian NGO advocating greater political participation and better social, political and economic life for Egypt’s historically disadvantaged groups. Hands in Hands for Egypt aims at mobilizing and empowering the disenfranchised communities of Egypt. These groups include but not limited to all unrepresented or underrepresented groups of the Egyptian society in the Egyptian parliament and political life, including Egyptian youth, Egyptian women, religious and ethnic minorities, such as the Copts and the Nubians, as well as the disabled persons. HHE was founded by virtue of the Egyptian NGOs Law. HHE has on its board Egypt’s elites and well respected members of society. The Board enjoys great connections with policy makers, political parties and the media. In addition, having such high figures and well respected members of the Egyptian society serves the credibility of the association greatly. HHE Staff Members  Ms. Marian Shawki, Board Member and Secretary (0101600772)  Ms. Madline Boktor, Executive Director (0105107328)  Ms. Amal Samir, Program Director (0125087657)  Mr. Rimon Edward, Researcher (0125766898)  Mr. Emad Khalil, Researcher (012139185)  Mr. Marco Youssef, Accountant (0117706623)  Ms. Douaa Ahmed, Office Manager (0176607136) Founding Group 1. Dr. Ossama Al-Ghazali Hareb 2. Dr. Roshdy Said 3. Dr. Samia Al-Motayam 4. Dr. Sherief Douss 5. Engineer. Salah Diab 6. Dr. Tareq Heggi 7. Engineer. Michael Meuneir 8. Mr. Mohsen Khaled 9. Dr. Negad Al-Bouraei 10. Engineer. Naguib Sawereiss 11. Dr. Hala Moustafa 12. Engineer. Youssef Sidhom Sources of funding :Voluntary contributions, membership fees and subscriptions
Mission and Objectives

HHE Vision and Mission Statement
HHE Foundation seeks to promote a free and fair society, where all the Egyptians will have the right to a decent and honorable life, and where they can actively engage in the decision making process, in a manner that influences decisions that bear on their lives. To serve this purpose, HHE pursues a wide array of approaches, including offering training and capacity building programs, enhancing cross-fertilization of experiences and efforts, fostering community dialogues, etc, to increase engagement by all the Egyptian citizenry, in general, and the male and female youth, in particular.
Why Do We Exist and Function?
We exist and continue to function for the welfare of Egypt and the wellbeing of Egypt's highbred and honorable people … We continue to function for the voice of the youth, who are the future leaders, to be heard … We continue to function to ensure fair and full engagement in the decision making process … We continue to function to give voice for all who feel excluded or left out … We continue to function to create future cadres of leadership … We continue to function because we believe there is now an unprecedented latitude of freedom in Egypt… We continue to function because we are the children of Egypt … We continue to function because we are part of Egypt's civil society.
These are our slogans, and such are the values we embrace in HHE. HHE is an Egyptian nonprofit and nonpartisan NGO, with no particular developmental orientation or political affiliation. HHE is established from the premises that Egypt is for all Egyptian citizens. HHE is launched to empower the youth, give rise to the voice of citizenship, expand and reinforce equality among all, enhance social equity, and give voice to the Egyptian voters.
Overall Goals
 Empower the patriotic Egyptian youth and enable them to assume effective roles in the developmental and/ or political decision making process;
 Realize cross-sectoral social justice and equity, across the different segments and brackets of the Egyptian Society;
 Sensitize the community members at the grassroots level to become more involved in developmental, civic and public action, and engage more steadily in the voting process;
 Create a platform of ongoing dialoguing and cross-fertilization of experiences among the young leaders, nationally and internationally, to enhance learning and dissemination of successful models; and,
 Participate in constructing a more informed civil society and enhance CSO involvement in delineating Egypt's future.

Main Projects / Activities

In pursuit of these common goals, HHE will be committed to delivering and facilitating a whole spectrum of activities, including:
1. Facilitating and organizing intellectual, political and economic symposia
2. Organizing public and civic events
3. Designing and delivering training modules and packages
4. Organizing local and international cross-visits
5. Producing and disseminating newsletters
6. Designing and launching working papers and political documents
7. Setting up talk shows and discussions between senior civil servants and the youth
8. Organizing induction and orientation programs for political, civil and developmental leadership

Contact (1) Full Name
Madline Boktor Amin
Head of the organisation
Michael Gerom Minue

Homma Group

National Network

84 Elkaser elaeny st Tahrer Cairo

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are a group of young people develop original choreography and preserve our heritage We support ourselves from self-effort And participate in international festivals Our message Advancement of popular art, preserved from extinction and oblivion Experience We participated in many international festivals in Argentina, Greece, Brazil, Italy, Jordan, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and Korea
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
amer ali
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Shafik

Houqouqi Association for the Rights of Disabled People

National Network

Nawal ahmad awad Street from Abu-Bakr al seddiq Street. maryoutia - Haram


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
عدد العاملين بشكل دائم 5 عدد العاملين بعض الوقت 4 الشركاءجمعيات كواليس وجمعية مصر للتنمية الاجتماعية ومؤسسة حقوق الطفل المصريى ا، مصادر التمويل حتالآن تبرعات الاعضاء بالاضافة لدعم عاجل من البرنامج الاورومتوسطي، الانشطة الحالية اصدار التقارير الدورية والتنظيم للندوات والحفلات ومختلف الانشطة التي يقوم بها التحالف المصري لحقوق ذوي الاعاقة والذي اسسته الجمعية
Mission and Objectives

نحو مجتمع دامج يرفض كل أشكال وصور التمييز وخاصة التمييز بسبب الإعاقة، يحصل فيه ذوي الإعاقة على حقوقهم المساوية لجميع فئات المجتمع، ويتمتعوا فيه بالمشاركة الكاملة بمختلف مجالات الحياة السياسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية والثقافية، ويحصلوا على النصيب العادل من الفرص المتاحة.
العمل على تمكين الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة من العمل الجماعي المنظم للحصول على حقوقهم والدفاع عن من يتعرضوا للانتهاكلت المختلفة، من خلال تبني النظرية الاجتماعية والمنهج الحقوقي، وعن طريق أنشطة تهدف للدمج المجتمعي بكل المجالات.الهدف العام
التصدي لقضايا الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة وأسرهم، والتأثير الإيجابي في الاتجاهات السلبية السائدة رسميا ومجتمعيا ضدهم، نحو دمجهم في المجتمع بالمساوة الكاملة مع الجميع دون تمييز.

Main Projects / Activities

التدريب على التأهيل المرتكز على المنهج الحقوقي " تم تنفيذه بمحافظة الفيوم بمصر مارس 2009
تاسيس التحالف المصري لحقوق ذوي الاعاقة بالاشتراك مع عدد من الجمعيات اللأهلية العاملة بهذا المجال
اصدار أول ورقة تحليلية لاتفاقية حقوق الأفراد ذوي الإعاقة باللغة العربية، منشورة على شبكة المعلومات تحت عنوان " نحو فهم أعمق للحقوق الخاصة "
اصدار ورقة نظرية حول " مشروع قانون ذوي الإعاقة، منشورة على شبكة المعلومات تحت عنوان " مشروع قانون ذوي الإعاقة – ماذا نريد ؟
اصدار عدد من البيانات الصحفية ردا على وقوع أي انتهاك لحقوق ذوي الاعاقة والتدخل القانوني في بعض الحالات
اصدار عدد من التقارير الحقوقية غير الدورية:
• تقرير " حق ذوي الإعاقة في العمل " منشور على شبكة المعلومات
• تقرير " حق ذوي الإعاقة في التأهيل " منشور على شبكة المعلومات.
• تقرير " ذوي الإعاقة في التعليم " منشور على شبكة المعلومات.
• تقرير " حق ذوي الإعاقة في إمكانية الوصول " معد للنشر قريبا.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Hend Nazeer
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ghareb Soliman
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Ahmad Hamdy

Institute of Cultrual Affairs Middle East & North Africa

National Network

119 Misr/Helwan Road-Borg El Karnak

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Institute of Cultural Affairs- Middle East and North Africa is a private, non-profit organization concerned with the “Human factor” in world of development. ICA-MENA affiliates with 30 ICA's worldwide federated in ICA International (ICAI), chartered by the royal decree in Belgium in 1977.
Mission and Objectives

To enable partner communities locally and regionally to achieve sustainable development investment of available resources to improve the living standards and keep pace with changes in the global environment, and we thought that we support the positive participation and the realization of justice and development to achieve the highest levels of satisfaction for all stakeholders to meet current and projected needs to devise new solutions to the outstanding development best suited to the particular characteristics of each culture and society in our geography.

Main Projects / Activities

Throughout the past 32 years, ICA-MENA integrated development interventions benefited around 200 villages, supported by 4 branch offices extending from Beni Suef, to Aswan, Fayoum and Greater Cairo governorates as well as the Cairo regional office that provides the managerial support. Today ICA’s family includes approx. 100 committed and professional full time Egyptian staff working in the 4 governorates.
Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Planning- Microsoft: project entailed a series of training workshops that are focused on SMEs.
Training for EQUIP project in seven governorates: Through this methodology and using the Technology of Participation ICA became capable of leading the working groups towards taking the right decisions on a participatory basis
Capacity Building for Manchiet Nasser Schools: project focused on the capacity building of schools in the designated urban slum area so as to create a learning environment that supports and facilitates school enrollment.
Small Grants Program: program focused on establishing a youth exchange workshop to help empower youth to serve marginalized communities in the MENA region.
Small Grants Program: program focused on establishing a youth exchange workshop to help empower youth to serve marginalized communities in the MENA region.
Children at Risk project targets the social development of working children, children with visual impairments, and children with disabilities in Cairo, Fayoum and Charkia governorates in Egypt. This project work on realizing this goal through recognizing the rights of and empower Egyptian male and female children, specifically working children and those with special needs, hence, reducing poverty among them and providing them with a chance in the social development
Me Book Program for Democracy: This program was aimed at instilling a sense of value among Egyptian children as a first step towards promoting democracy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Assem Kamal
Head of the organisation
Assem Kamal
Contact (2) Full Name
Madeleine Michel

Institute of Cultural Affairs - Middle East & North Africa (ICA-MENA)

National Network

48, Road 79; P.O.Box 23, Maadi

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Youth and education
General Information
ICA-MENA's work is centered on the human factor in development. Thanks to the enthusiasm of its 70 members and the participation of all community sectors (NGOs, GOs and the private sector), ICA operates with an annual budget of LE 5, 000, 000 with the objective to create valuable and sustainable change in collaboration with the targeted communities. ICA MENA depends on its fund raising activities to reach funds for its projects depending on funding opportunities all over the world that targets the MENA region. As donors we can mention, international donors such as MISERIOR and DANIDA (Danish Embassy), Egyptian German Technical cooperation, national such as Social fund for Development, Egyptian Swiss fund for development, and private sector such as Sawiris foundation for development.
Mission and Objectives

ICA Mission: To improve the quality of life of community groups through mobilizing their potentials in order to build a dynamic society that is aware of its assets and opportunities and capable of interacting with and affecting change.
ICA Strategic Objectives:
1-To contribute to local community development in a holistic way through the improvement of health, education and economic status.
2- To enhance the capacity of community groups with an emphasis on vulnerable groups such as women, children and youth.
3- To build partnership with stakeholders for the facilitation of effective and sustainable community development.
4-To develop ICA’s capacity as a quality Organization to be able to realize its mission.

Main Projects / Activities

ICA facilitates community development in the social, economic, and political realms through:
• Institutional and Human Capacity-Building of community groups, governments, and civil society.
• Creating partnerships and networks among the different sectors in society: community, government, private sector, and civil society.
• Education Enhancement, Combating Illiteracy, Life- Skills Education, and Art-for-Education for communities.
• Urban and Rural Development through health, education, employment, and environmental initiatives.
• Skills Enhancement, Youth Employment, and SME support.
• All projects and activities are community-driven initiatives, maintain gender equity, and are built for sustainability.

Contact (1) Full Name
Assem Kamal (Regional Director)

Integrated Care Society (ICS)

National Network

42 Abdallah Diraz st. Elgolf area, Heliopolis, Cairo

4172084 - 4172085
Telephone (other)
4172086 - 4172087
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. ICS has an administrative board, It is also supervising 10 projects & 14 libraries through 7 technical management departments chaired by general manager. 445 is the number of employees in ICS. On the other hand ICS has no partners but it has volunteers members to supervise the projects & libraries. 2. ICS depends upon donations & fund raising to support it's activities, investment returns, deposit interests, member subscriptions, UNISEF contribution and agreements grants. 3. Mainly sources of funding are; activities income, donations, grants, supports from international organizations and members subscriptions.
Mission and Objectives

ICS main objective:
To support, and coordinate all efforts on a voluntary basis, towards providing cultural, educational, and social care to the Egyptian family.
ICS strategies:
4. Encouraging children to adopt reading as a habit and emphasizing the importance of reading, as a life-long concept.
5. Participating to the development of child literature.
6. Developing the services offered at children libraries that other societies would follow.
7. Developing and implementing illiteracy programs according to available modern system.
8. Utilizing modern scientific methods to provide integrated care for the children with special needs, and their families.
9. Participating in the development of urban communities.
10. Integrate the educational, health, social, cultural and sportive services especially in deprived areas.
11. Execute a literacy program that would comprise health and environmental awareness.
12. Participate in developing of schools, institutions for children with speci

Main Projects / Activities

1. Cultural and educational services (Libraries, The cultural center, the 21st century club or information technology clubs, the green corner).
2. Working with content (Reading for all, the Egyptian board of books for young people, the Suzanne Mubarak's Award).
3. Socio-Economic and community development projects (ICS in Gabarty/ Mansheyat naser area, The cultural sportive club in Ein shams, Ein Helwan community development project, development of Ezzbet & arab Elwalda area).
4. Special programs for children with special needs (the ICS center for children with special needs in Zeitoun, ICS project for improving and developing special education school, Mergence of visually impaired and blind children in ICS librarie

Contact (1) Full Name
Farida El Wakeel – Secretary general & Board member
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Raof Ismail – General manager

International Afro-Asian Writers Organization

National Network

104 kasr el aini street cairo eygpt
POB 11461


Telephone (other)
27946519 - 27957349
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
mohamed magdy mourgan many pepol around world culural projects
Mission and Objectives

تعمل المنظمة على محاولة تحقيق التقارب بين الشعوب من اجل تحقيق الامن والسلام

Main Projects / Activities

بنائ الجسور بين شعوب المتوسط

Contact (1) Full Name
Osama Bayoumi
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Magdy Mourgan
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Magdy Mourgan