Eskenderella Association for Cultures and Arts

National Network

21 Masged El-Qady street , Souq Rateb , El-Manshya - Alexandria - Egypt

203 4851953
203 4851953
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
010 46 29 161
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Eskenderella Association for Cultures and Arts is a NGO began as a group of Alexandrian artists and those who are interested in culture, arts and development. it was founded in 2005 with the background of previous artistic and cultural cooperation between its members and other artists from Alexandria , Egypt or abroad since the early 1990s.
Mission and Objectives

Eskenderella's aim is to retrieve the cultural mood of Alexandria though minimizing the gap between artists and audience, presenting cultural services to the culturally-deprived sectors ,spreading and promoting cultural rights and freedom , activating the role of art as well as a social factor ; an archive for the collective memory and a guide for reform and illumination , consolidating the creative and tolerant soul of Alexandria as well as regaining the human values on which the city was built and by which it has survived.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Hamdy Zeidan Abd Elsalam Zeidan
Head of the organisation
Hamdy Zeidan Abd Elsalam Zeidan

Egyptian Association for Youth Athletes

National Network

10, Dr. Youssef Edris St. , Ahmed Oraby, Mohandseen

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
- The organization is non-governmental, It is controlled by four board member . all activities are handled by different committees with 2 full time employee and 10 leaders . - our have budget app. 30000 EP at last year it is raised according to national funds , supports , fees . - Action activation for the national associations in development’s fields - Social progress for junior - make chances for skills development - focus on society personality and keep its importance
Mission and Objectives

Promoting and preservation the Egyptian cultural with in the frame work of globalization. Support youth in many fields.
Organizing youth fairs. Organizing and participating in international fairs.
Training programs (cultural, sports) , co-operation with other organization .
Art activities
Encourage small projects by co-operation with all organizations.
Organizing tourist program
Art, Medicine cultural caravan….

Main Projects / Activities

Organizing of international cultural exchange programme ( Germany, Tunis , … )
Organizing of international folklore dance festivals ( Poland , Greece , Germany , Tunis , Belgium , Hungary , Slovakia , ….
Organization and participating in different projects and programs at national level

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nelly Ramzy – general secretary
Head of the organisation
Dr. Nabih El-Alkamy – president
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Soha Nabil – board member

Egyptian Centre for Culture and Art

National Network

1 Saad Zaghloul St., 11461 -El Dawaween

02 7920878
02 7920878
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
012 7950828
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
. Executive Director (Artistic and Outreach)- Ahmed El Maghraby Executive Administrative and legal representative– Walid El Shanawani Financial Administrator – Atef El Nassag Press Director – Mona Ammar Secretary – Dina Mohamed Sa'id Computer Engineer (and equipment maintenance)– Mamdouh El Qadi DVD and Computer Editor – Mohamed Hashem Sound Technicians – Mohamed Kamal, Tarek El Sayed Computer assistant - Islam Mohammed Gofer –Hamdi Abdel hafeiz Consultant – Kristina Nelson, Hosny Abdelmalek. Janitor – Azza 3. Musical cassettes, CDs and events 4. field trips to meet performers, interviews and filming and recording sessions, workshops with Egyptian and European performers, festival participation of performers, weekly musical evenings for the public. 5. Society of Ethnomusicology; Virgin EMI; Ibn El Khatib distribution.
Mission and Objectives

ECCA aims to record and present traditional music and musicians in Egypt as vibrant and renewable cultural resources that bridge Mediterranean and sub-Saharan African cultures. ECCA further encourages efforts to re-awaken the multi-layered complexity of Egyptian culture of music and arts, to return the music to the critical role it has played in the daily life and imagination of the Egyptian people, to counter the trend to isolate it from its original communities, to share this rich resource with the world community and, by presenting it in new contexts to encourage perception of this music as a resource for creativity.

Main Projects / Activities

Documentation and archiving, research, workshops, performances and events, promotion, networking, production of audio and visual materials. ECCA has worked with Nubian, Jaafra and Zar musicians in all of the above. It is currently pursuing fieldwork, documentation and research into religious vocal music traditions, vocal music of the Delta, and performers of five endangered wind instruments (arghoul, mizmar, settawiyya, kawala) and will produce audio/visual materials documenting these traditions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed El Maghraby
Head of the organisation
Ahmed El Maghraby
Contact (2) Full Name
Dina Mohamed Said

Egyptian Future Youth Foundation

National Network

52nd taha housseien streat
El minya,Egypt

El minya

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
010 23 80 311
Mobile Phone (other)
010 25 96 350
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
egyptian future youth foundation is anon governmental organization working in the field of development and youth development published in 2003 under number 1416. * staff employed (6) and partners (ANCE) its non governmental organization in greece * nearlly 50000 * sources of funding (european commission-CIDA)canadian international development Agency-save the children-USaid-hellnic aid * we or
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mostafa Ghrara
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Barakat

Egyptian Union of Liberal Youth

National Network

4 karim Eldawla St,from Mahmoud Baswne St, Downtown.

+202 – 239 - 18194
+202 – 23910425
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
EULY is a civic not-for-profit organization seeking to create a kernel for a lobbying group that promotes the principles of political, economic and social liberty in order to redefine the relationship between the individual and the State in Egypt. The Union is based organizationally on open membership to Egyptian youth without discrimination on the basis of religion or sex, and intellectually on the concept of individual liberty as established by the enlightenment literature and its applications in the modern societies. euly partners : ATLAS Economic Foundation website: Friedrich Naumann Foundation(FNF) Freedom house Ratiu Center for Democracy’s (RCD) website: The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law(ICNL)
Mission and Objectives

*Formation of an umbrella for contact and cooperation between liberal youth.
*Creation of liberal pressing group.
*Publishing liberal values and attracting supporters.
*Release of printings to establish the liberal literatures and variety culture.
*Creation of general scope for the liberal values that should be available, side by side, with liberal codes at State Authorities.
*Response to inclusive practices for the Egyptian political and social entities in accordance to the liberal values.
*Creation of general scope for the Egyptian identity, depending on the single identity in confronting religious, racial, geographical and political bases.
*Determination of Egyptians liberals situations in terms of ideological and applicable contributions for Western Liberalism.
*Strengthening the relationship between the Egyptian liberals and capitalists, as it is the complementary element of the Egyptian Liberalism Organization.

Main Projects / Activities

Life Team "Act for Human Rights"
(April until August 2008)
EULY , start “ LIFE TEAM ” project to produce “ plays – songs – music – movies etc …” to promote human rights and liberal ideas and values , team started with program “ Act for human rights” .the project is funded from freedom house.
"liberal café " ( June – August 2008 )
8 discussions meetings about different youth issues funded by (FNF)
"youth and civil society"
Media advocacy campaign about the role of the civil society and its important to the youth ( June – November 2008 )
Workshop “ What Dose Liberalism Mean ? ”
( March 2008 )
EULY held a workshop on 22 – 23 March 2008 , to 20 Youth Activist in the Egyptian community. funded by ATLAS Economic Foundation

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mahmoud Farouk (Executive Director)
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mahmoud Farouk (Executive Director)

Egypt’s ICT Trust Fund

National Network

1 Mahmoud Khalil El-Hosary ,from Ahmed Orabi St.,Mohandeseen

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Fund is managed by the UNDP in collaboration with the Ministry of communications and information technology. Structure: Two committees guide the Fund; the Steering Committee that sets the Fund's policies and approves projects submitted for funding and the Management Committee that reviews and assesses performance. Staff: 39 employees. Main Partners: Italian Cooperation and The International Development Research Centre. Other Partner: Non Government Organizations, Community Associations, IT Clubs, Cultural, Educational, and Youth Organizations Projects: 1. ICT for Illiteracy Eradication 2. Smart Schools Network 3. Community Development Portal 4. Mobile Information Technology Unit 5. ICT for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Mission and Objectives

MCIT mission is to create exportable ICT industry increase employment opportunities in the communication and information technology, UNDP mission is to support poverty eradication initiatives in Egypt through developmental policies that create jobs and protect the environment. The main objective of Egypt ICT Trust Fund is to support Egypt's socioeconomic development program through establishing public private partnerships, Using information and communication technology to further development.
Raising awareness of the developmental potential of information and communication technology.
Making ICT more accessible and affordable to all citizens.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Abdallah Diwan
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mohab Hallouda
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Reham Aly

Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights

National Network

Howd El Labn St., In front Of Arabs Laywers' Union – Garden, 1st Floor Apartment n. 11, Cairo - Egypt

+20 2 27950583
Telephone (other)
+20 2 27963683
Mobile Phone
+20 12 2183216
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Hossam Bahgat (Director)

Egyptian National Scientific and Technical Information Network

National Network

101 Kasr Al-Ainy Street,12th Floor


Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
The Egyptian National Scientific and Technical Information Network (ENSTINET) is a public information service organization affiliated to the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT). The overall goal of ENSTINET is to help Egyptian problem solvers and decision makers to access and apply quality data and relevant, current information to developmental activities. I- GENERAL FIELDS OF INTEREST • Database development • Professional Internet Service provider • Human resource development in the field of Information and Informatics. • International Cooperation in the field of Health, Food, ICT, Energy and other disciplines. • Computer science, web design, web hosting • Scientific Conferences organization III- SELECTED SCIENTIFIC LABS AND EQUIPMENT ENSTINET videoconferencing facilities: • State-of-the-art videoconferencing equipment. • Four dedicated high-speed (512Kpbs) national ISDN lines. • High speed dedicated internet connection 2Mbps for IP Based sessions. • Point-to-point (2 parties) and multipoint (up to 4 parties) conferences. • Teams can gather around the interactive white board and brainstorm - even when the participants viewing the whiteboard are thousands of miles away. • Groups can access web sites and share what they find. • Display & Share of Documents, spreadsheets, models, sketches presentations etc. from local or remote connections is available for maximum collaboration. • Sessions can be recorded using available VCR equipment. or VCD. • Luxurious meeting rooms, up to 30 persons (Theatre Shape). Central computer laboratory Facilities • Fiber Optics leased line connecting more than 45 research centres and providing unmatched Internet services relying on our partner's experience. ENSTINET International relations: ISSN/Egypt • ENSTINET is the National Center of International Standard Serial Number (ISSN/Egypt). It is an organization affliated of UNESCO. ISSN/Egypt perform the functions of ISSN assignment and the maintenance of local ISSN Databases, together with the advertisement and promotion of the system and contact with the local publishing communities WHO/CEHANET • ENSTINET is the Focal Point of World Health Orgainization/ Regional Center for Environmental Health Actrivities CEHA .CEHA is a technical centre established in 1985 in Amman, Jordan, by the World Health Organization's Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO). CEHA's mandate is to promote Environmental Health through technical support for strengthening national capabilities and programmes in the Member States of the Region National Library of Medicine • ENSTINET is the focal Point of the National Library of Medicine in Egypt. Through our wide Experience in serving the Egyptian Medical Community. The cooperation between the NLM and ENSTINET is established to serve the Egyptian Medical Community specialty in the field of information services European Commission FP/National Contact Point for Health theme • ENSTINET is the Egypt National contact point for Health under the European Commission frameworkprogramme European Commission FP/National Contact Point for People Programme • ENSTINET is the Egypt National contact point for people programme under the European Commission frameworkprogramme National relations: Ministry of Scientific Research/RDIN focal Point • ENSTINET is the Focal Point at the Research, Development and Innovation programme hosting by the Ministry of Scientific Research.
Mission and Objectives

To provide access to specialized information services specific to the needs of the Egyptian S&T community through effective management, cost effective manner by using of high advanced technical level and creating career opportunities and high skill level for our employee, , we will continue to improve the information society by respond innovatively to a rabidly environmental change

Main Projects / Activities

ENSTINET functions:
• Information Awareness
• Building and Maintaining Databases
• Rendering of Information Services
• Information Marketing
• Training
• Consultation
• Coordination at the National, Regional, and International levels
• Internet 2
• Organizing & Hosting Conferences
International Database Searching,Referral Services (if location of certain journal needed),Document Delivery Services,Alerts as special kind of SDI ,Translation and Editing,publishing (Egyptian scientific and technical abstracts and Bibliographies), library web based holding.
ENSTINET has diversified databases:
• Scientific and Technical Egyptian Bibliographic Database (STEB)
• Union Catalog of Periodicals in Egypt (Union LIST)
• Directory of Egyptian Experts (WHOS)
• Directory of Egyptian Associations (EGAS)
• Directory of Egyptian Periodicals (DEGP)
• Directory of Egyptian Organizations (EGOR)
• Directory of Egyptian Libraries (DEGL)
Internet Services:
• Full Internet Access via Leased Lines
• Website Design
• Website Development
• Web Hosting
• Streaming Service
• Special training courses on Information Technology,Library Scinece, Information services, Internet skills, searching Bio-Medical resources
Multimedia Services:
• Multimedia Creative offers multimedia and digital design services, including CD / DVD authoring, kiosk development, Presentations, 2D / 3D graphics and animation, and graphic design for print.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Amr Radwan
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Ola Laurence

Egyptian NGO Support Centre

National Network

11 Ibn Affan Square, dokki

(202) 3372690
Telephone (other)
(202) 7627365
(202) 7627354
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
012 2238024
Mobile Phone (other)
010 1176379
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Egyptian NGO Support Center is a membership-based NGO was founded by prominent figures of the civil society in Egypt, in order to carry on the legacy of the NGO Service Center funded by USAID (2000-2005). The ENGOSC, through its Board of Directors and a staff of top notch experts, pledges to continue to provide Egyptian NGOs technical support, resources and information to strengthen the Civil Society. Our funding sources come from training and consultancies, our partners: PDP, BDSSP, GTZ, North Carolina university, MEPI, Juhayna, Egyptian American Bank, Conrad Hotel, Procter & Gamble, Vodafone, Pepsi Cola, Orascom construction and Novartis.
Mission and Objectives

? CSOs empowered to effectively defend civil society interests, advocacy causes, and the interests of constituents and citizens;
? CSO standing and appreciation enhanced in the eyes of government, private sector and citizens;
? Greater generation, sharing and use of information and knowledge within civil society;
? National and governorate programs to promote and sustain greater volunteerism establishing and functioning;
? Continuous and more fruitful dialogue between civil society and both the private sector and government;
? Well-established linkages between Egyptian civil society and the civil societies of other Arab and non-Arab nations

Main Projects / Activities

The Legal Consultation and Advocacy’ Program, to provide NGOs with legal awareness and consultation.
The New Initiative for Leadership in Egypt, NILE, to build capacities of business and NGOs leaders.
The In Search of Excellence Annual Corporate Award Program that establishes a base for collaboration between national and international corporations working in Egypt.
The Donors and NGOs Consultation and Technical Support Program that provides consultations, training, technical assistance and resources (data/information and systems/tools).

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Sherif Ghoneim (Chief Executive)
Head of the organisation
Dr. Sherif Ghoneim
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Abeer El Refaee (Information Officer)

Egyptian Tourism Development Association in Fayoum (NGO)

National Network

Kiman Fares, Masaken El-Mohafza, Block No 7 B, Flat 2

002 084 63 71 131
Telephone (other)
002 084 67 11 871
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002 010 69 60 473
Mobile Phone (other)
002 010 93 69 241
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
We are NGO, the number of the staff is 5,our last budget is about 20000LE. The sources of funding are from the ministry of tourism and ministry of social affaires and from the members. Our modality of action involves tourism programs, Seminars, Handicrafts. The Main partner is CISS an Italian NGO.
Mission and Objectives

The mission is:
Developing our local community.
Our objectives are:
1- Developing the local community>
2- Enhancing the social and economic life for the local people.
3- Developing handicrafts in Fayoum.
4- Raising the Environmental and tourism awareness in Fayoum.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Handicrafts.
2- Tourism programs.
3- Tourism and environmental awareness

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud Hussein
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud Hussein
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Hanaa Mohamed Hawary