Centre for Arab-West Understanding

National Network

90 Street 14b, Maadi
90 Street 14b, Maadi

+ 20 2 359 8087
+ 20 2 359 8087
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 20 10 568 4877
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Religion
  8. Research
General Information
Egyptian NGO under construction, working with Centre for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation, an Egyptian civil company. Fluctuating number of staff depending on work and finances but around 12 persons, approx. half Egyptian and half from other countries, currently [March 2006] including British, Dutch, Czech, German, Swiss, American, Korean. Budget roughly 80,000 Euro in 2005. Sources of income: subscribers, Kerk-in-Actie (Dutch) and Missio (Germany). Focus on independency. Seeking diversity of funding. Production of weekly electronic review of Arab media (primarily Egyptian) in English, development of electronic library. Seeking cooperation with likeminded organizations, memorandum of understanding with Institute of Eastern Christianity, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands and CEDEJ, Cairo.
Mission and Objectives

Providing documentation for the sake of intercultural understanding between the Arab and non-Arab world and the Islamic and non-Islamic worlds. Understanding that fosters mutual respect and cooperation. The Centre developed standards for reporting and created a media critique for articles/reports not meeting those criteria. The centre believes that there should be one standard in evaluating both Western and Arab media.

Main Projects / Activities

Weekly electronic magazine with review Arab media and special reports explaining context of things reported in various media.
Development of Electronic Documentation Centre for easy web-based access of over 10,000 reviews of Arab media and special reports covering the period 1997-today.
Internships for students

Contact (1) Full Name
Drs. Cornelis Hulsman
Head of the organisation
Drs. Cornelis Hulsman, director
Contact (2) Full Name
Inas Philip

Center for Egyptian Civilization Studies

National Network

18 Saray El Guezira st, Zamalek, Cairo - Egypt

+20 22 5114095
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Nawal Hassan (President)

Centre for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance (CEWLA)

National Network

El Hegaz Tower, Mohandes Abdel Hady Rady St, Ard El Luaa, Boulaq El Dakror.

00202 7154557/7316585
Telephone (other)
00202 7154562
00202 7154557 / 7316585 / 7154562
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002 0101648588
Mobile Phone (other)
002 0126210710
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The center for Egyptian women’s legal assistance was founded on November 1995 in Boulaq El-Dakrour. It was registered as an organization according to the new association law nr. 84 for the year 2003 under the registration nr. 1829. - CEWLA’s staff is 40 persons (10 men – 30 women) . - The year budget is 200 000 Dollar. - CEWLA’s partners are : NOVIB/ Oxfam ,Global Fund for Women, Ford foundation, Equality now , Open Society Institute, Finland Embassy, USA Embassy, GTZ , Participatory Development Program, CIDA.
Mission and Objectives

CEWLA’s mission :
o Incorporate women’s rights as part of human rights.
o Change cultural heritage that discriminate against women.
o Empower women economically and combat violence against women
CEWLA’s objectives :
o Provide legal and rights-based awareness necessary for women.
o Provide legal assistance through adopting personal status, civil cases and others… etc.
o Establishing literacy classes to eliminate alphabetical illiteracy and provide continues education coupled with awareness sessions such as legal, health and social awareness
o Form legal advocacy groups to draw attention of the officials and government representatives on the urge to reform oppressive and discriminative laws in respect to women’s rights.
o Build strong relations with the organization and executives and parliamentarians and enforce ways of cooperation.
o Network with NGOs to spread legal awareness for women and children in light of the constitution and international conventions.

Main Projects / Activities

CEWLA’s Units:
1. Cases unit
2. Social research and statistic Unit
3. Legal services unit
4. Media and documentation unit
5. Children’s unit
6. Literacy and continuous education unit
7. International relations and translation
Current projects:
* FGM ( Female Genital Mutilation) by holding theatre plays.
* Honor Crimes and Incest .
* Economic Empowerment of young boys and girls.
* More justice for women, Muslim and Christians, in light of the personal status law.
* Small Parliament for Children.
* Civil Status Laws … Changing for better.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Nancy Adly
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Azza Soliman Hashim
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Hadil El Khouly


National Network

50 rue Soliman Yousri, 21131 Alexandrie - Egypte

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Le Centre d’Études Alexandrines (CEAlex) est un laboratoire du CNRS. Fondé en 1999 il est devenu une Unité de Service et de Recherche (USR 3134) en 2007, ce qui lui permet d’accueillir en délégation des chercheurs venant à la fois de l’Université et du CNRS. Pour réaliser les missions qui lui sont confiées le CEAlex s'appuie sur une équipe de 60 personnes et plus de 200 missionnaires par an qui interviennent de façon complémentaire dans de nombreux domaines d'activité: archéologues, architectes, cartographes, céramologues, restaurateurs, informaticiens, photographes... Etablissement public de recherche, le CEAlex est financé par le CNRS, mais ses différentes activités de recherche et les travaux qu'il conduit bénéficient de financements publics complémentaires (en fonction des activités concernées: programmes de financement de l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche, programmes européens, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères). Le budget annuel global du CEAlex, toutes activités confondues, a été de 1,7 millions d'euros en 2009.
Mission and Objectives

Le CEAlex répond à une mission générale, l’étude de l'histoire d’Alexandrie depuis sa fondation, sous tous ses aspects. Pour cela il remplit trois missions principales.
La première consiste à réaliser des fouilles de sauvetage. Ainsi à l'occasion de travaux de construction le CEAlex est invité par le Conseil Suprême des Antiquités Égyptiennes (CSA) à fouiller: depuis 1992, plus d’une vingtaine d’interventions ont permis de dégager des maisons romaines et ptolémaïques, des rues, des tronçons de la muraille, une partie de la nécropole, les ruines submergées du Phare, etc.
Le deuxième mission est la sauvegarde et la mise en valeur du patrimoine bâti : la recherche, la restauration et la mise en valeur des citernes souterraines d'Alexandrie ou le programme de restauration des mosaïques alexandrines pour le futur Musée des mosaïques en font partie.
La troisième concerne l'étude d'Alexandrie médiévale, ottomane, khédiviale et cosmopolite au travers d'enquêtes dans les archives inédites.

Main Projects / Activities

En complément de ses missions, le CEAlex a développé une politique de coopération scientifique structurée autour de projets collaboratifs, avec une volonté d'ouverture disciplinaire et de dialogue culturel. Cette démarche s'appuie sur des dispositifs de l'Union Européenne, de l'ANR, du CNRS, du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères ou de l'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie. Le CEAlex participe ainsi au programme européen RAMSES2 (http://ramses2.mmsh.univ-aix.fr), à 5 programmes ANR et envisage d'ici 2011 la création d'un groupement de recherche thématique et l'élaboration de programmes européens.
Partager les connaissances est également une volonté centrale: le CEAlex mène ainsi des projets de formation des personnels du Conseil Suprême des Antiquités Égyptiennes (apprentissage du français, de la muséographie, bourses, stages dans les laboratoires de restauration du CEAlex) qui peuvent aller jusqu’à des doctorats. Grace à son service pédagogique, plus de 4.000 jeunes Alexandrins sont sensibilisés chaque année à la valeur exceptionnelle du patrimoine de leur ville.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincent Dumenil
Head of the organisation
Jean-Yves EMPEREUR (directeur)
Contact (2) Full Name

Centre for European Studies (CEUS)

National Network

Faculty of Economics and Political Science ( FEPS)- Cairo University(CU)

+ 202 5711678
+ 202 5711678
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+20 105376376
Mobile Phone (other)
0108168561 (Rola)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
Centre for European Studies is a Special Type Unit affiliated to Faculty of Economics and Political Science with financial and administrative independence. The Board of Administration is headed by the Dean of the faculty and consists of 13 members with different disciplines. The staff employed consists of three research assistants and the research work is done on contractual arrangements with experts and professors.* 2- / 3- CEUS depends on foreign and local donor agencies and foundations. 4- please find enclosed the list of CEUS Activities 5- EU commission, Forum Euro-Mediterraneen Des Instituts Economiques (FEMISE), EuroMesco, Ford Foundation, Konrad Adenauer, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD), Industrial Modernisation Center (IMC), DAAD.
Mission and Objectives

Due to the shortage of both the general knowledge and the specialized academic studies on Europe, the objectives of CEUS are twofold:
1- To study the economic, political, institutional, social and cultural aspects of the European societies, as well as to analyze the transformations that have taken place in the different regions of the continent.
2- To help in developing the Egyptian Foreign Policy towards Europe and managing Egyptian and Arab – European relations in a way that maximizes national and Arab interests.

Main Projects / Activities

The Center for European Studies Activities (2009/2010):
1. "The Conference Labour Markets and Migration Flows in Arab Mediterranean Countries, 11th and 12th October 2009: ", which was jointly organized with Cairo University, the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute the European Commission. This conference was the final event to present and discuss the Study on “Labour Markets Performance and Migration Flows in Arab Mediterranean Countries: Determinants and Effects”, commissioned by the European Commission to the European University Institute and carried out with the participation of 17 experts and researchers from across the region.
2. Seminar on"The EU Energy Policy between Economy and Security": by Dr. Francesca Longo. Catania University, Italy,14th October 2009: the seminar was jointly organized with Konrad Adenauer Institution.the Seminar focused on The EU’s energy policy as one of the newest common areas of the European integration process. In this perspective EU energy policy has two different and strictly connected dimensions:
• the domestic dimension affecting the economic and the environmental sectors
• the external dimension affecting the foreign and security sectors.
The analysis of these two dimensions- as they have been developed by European institutions- was the main tool used for understanding the EU common energy policy
3. Meeting with the Finnish Foreign Minister discussing "Finnish Perspectives to the European Union as a Global Power in the Making", 20th October 2009: where the Finnish Foreign Minister met with Faculty staff and students elaborating on the EU integration and the project of a common Foreign policy with its implication on the integration process.
4. "Egyptian Danish Seminar on Understanding Global Issues", 27, Sep 2009 – 1, May 2010: The Seminar consists of an activity where Danish and Egyptian students together organize four public debates on four global issues. Issues will be chosen, organized and moderated by the students’ themselves. The debates will be carried out during the two academic semesters of 2009-2010(two each semester). The dates of the debates: 10th of November 2009, 15th of December 2009, 22nd of March 2010 and 28th of April 2010.
5. "The EU's Mediterranean Policy: Continuity and Change, Success and Failures", by Dr. Ingeborg Toemmel, Osnabrueck University, 29th of March 2010.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rola Tarek
Head of the organisation
Dr. Abla El Khawaga

Community and Institutional Development (CID)

National Network

17 Maraashly Street, 7th Floor, Appt. 16, Zamalek

+20 (0)2 736 4479
+20 (0)2 736 4479
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+20 (0)1 221 27972
Mobile Phone (other)
+20 (0)1 234 77961
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives

CID IS A CONSULTING FIRM which designs and implements integrated programs and monitors their sustainability in community, communication and institutional development.
CID HELPS COMMUNITIES and institutions achieve social, economic and environmental sustainability through the creation of public private partnerships using a multi-disciplinary approach to development.

Main Projects / Activities

• Our board of directors operates within a variety of important national and international networks. We offer access to a range of international associates in addition to the in-depth and diverse experience of our in-house staff.
• We use an integrated approach to private sector development.
• We provide tailored, comprehensive, strategic business schemes that we help implement while monitoring progress.
• We understand the local cultural context as well as the international business culture, and how to relate the two.
• We promote innovative public-private sector partnerships with NGO's and community development projects.
• We are committed to enhancing grass-roots involvement in community projects using a gender-based approach.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Laila Iskandar
Head of the organisation
Dr. Laila Iskandar (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Sherif Maher

Collège Saint-Marc

National Network

Collège Saint-Marc
Chatby - Alexandrie
B.P. 21526


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Etablissement scolaire de 2700 élèves de la maternelle au bac. 200 enseignants. Les frais scolaires constituent la majeure partie du budget. Le collège travaille avec plusieurs partenaires, dont ZINC de la Friche Belle de Mai et le lycée Saint-Charles de Marseille, le COBIAC, l'association AFVP, la Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Le Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines...
Mission and Objectives

Une formation scolaire de qualité.
Une formation humaine basée sur l'ouverture, le partage et le rspect de l'autre.
Une formation culturelle par le biais de la langue française enseignée dès la maternelle.

Main Projects / Activities

Projets d'ordre sociaux pour le soutien des plus défavorisés.
Echanges culrurels avec la France.
Mise en place des BCD et CDI pour encourager à la recherche.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
M. Waguih HANNA

Community Development Association of Salah Salem St.

National Network

1 Central St. Manshieh , off Salah Salem St.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
General Information
Founded by the most prominent store owners in Salah Salem St , NGO currently has about 20 members with the following administration. They meet monthly to review organization details: • Chairman: Mr. Nabil Abu Hamda • Vice President: Mr. Maher Anis • Secretary: Mr. Yehia Thabet • Treasurer: Mohamed Abu Arab Staff employed: 1 (secretary) Annual budget about LE 10,000 yearly. Currently only source of funding through donations
Mission and Objectives

To encourage a sustainable growth and development of Salah Salem St. and areas around Salah Salem St, while creating a favourable environment for effective public participation.

Main Projects / Activities

To preserve and enhance the built and urban environment of Alexandria through setting in motion a process of renovation of its historic centre. The project focuses on the renovation of two of the most prominent streets in Alexandria, Gamal Abdel Nasser St. and Salah Salem St., formerly know as Sherif Pasha St.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ahmed Akel
Head of the organisation
Mr. Nabil Abu Hamda
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Anwar Akel

The Constitutional and Legal Egyptian Organization for Human Rights

National Network

22 Syria Street, Roushdy

0020 (0)3 5914180
0020 (0)3 5456299
Mobile Phone
0020 (0)10 1509955
Mobile Phone (other)
0020 (0)12 2948699
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Constitutional and Legal Egyptian Organization for Human Rights is the first Alexandria based human rights NGO. It was founded in 2005, under the registration number 1835. The organization has a board of members including 4 lawyers (2 women), and relies also on volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

1. Disseminate constitutional and legal culture
2. Increase awareness on basic human rights
3. provide citizens with legal assistance in social, cultural, environmental, health and economical aspects.
Work mechanisms:
1. Provide citizens with free of charge legal assistance in social, cultural, environmental, health and economical aspects
2. Organize training courses for citizens to raise their legal and constitutional awareness and basic human rights culture
3. Organize conferences, seminars and workshops
4. Prepare and publish studies, books and researches to promote citizens' awareness
5. Exert efforts to eradicate all kinds of discrimination against women according to international human rights laws and the Egyptian constitution
6. Provide children with all necessary support

Main Projects / Activities

1. The Organization raised complaints against electoral commission's rules on accepting and rejecting the nomination of candidates in Bab Sharqi's constituency
2. Monitored a case of arbitrary enforcement of a law (no.10) which was issued to impose tariffs on cleanness services, and did not comply with Egyptian human rights laws
3. Launching a popular campaign amongst Alexandrian citizens to be sent to the Governor of Alexandria and calling for the elimination of citizens' livelihood hardships
4. Observes the performance of local MPs and reports to them issues related to citizens' problems
5. Monitored, in coordination with the National Council for Human Rights, the previous Presidential and Parliamentary elections, with the help of 49 volunteers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mohamed El Tonsy
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohamed El Tonsy (Chairman)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Emad Nabawy Al Saed (Secretary General)

Contemporary Image Collective

National Network

20 Safeya Zaghloul Street, Mounira

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Contemporary Image Collective (CIC) is an independent non-profit artist initiative founded in 2004 by a collective of artists and professional photographers, focusing on the visual image and the development of contemporary visual arts and culture in Egypt.
Mission and Objectives

Our main goal is to create a platform for an active, reflective local community that supports contemporary artistic and professional practices. CIC aims to trigger a critical dialogue around current visual culture by encouraging production, organising exhibitions and initiating educational projects.
The CIC offices and studios are located on the second floor and rooftop of a charming 1920’s villa in Mounira, a once-affluent residential neighborhood near Downtown Cairo. Exhibitions, photography courses, film screenings, performances, lectures and workshops are held regularly.
CIC aims to promote the enrichment of the local visual culture by emphasizing the role of the visual image in shaping and documenting society at large.

Main Projects / Activities

Film and Video Programs
Lectures, presentations and performances
Photography Courses
Residency Program

Contact (1) Full Name
Heba Farid
Contact (2) Full Name
Aleya Hamza