association to maintain the noble values

National Network

Kafr Meet Fatek
Mansoura, Dakahlia

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
association seeks to preserve the values in all aspects of life. In the area of young people seeking understanding, dialogue and youth employment. In the area of women seeking Assembly for the operation of non-working women. In the area of the General students go to school for the dissemination of culture among students. As for the Labor association: It is a voluntary system work.
Mission and Objectives

Good dialogue between young people
Youth Employment
Operation of the women
Ethical culture among students in schools and universities

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Ibrahim Ali Mohamed
Head of the organisation
Nabila El Sayed El Tahan

Association for the Protection of the Environment (APE)

National Network

5 Hakem Atalla st, Manshit Naser

+20 202-510-2723
+20 202-510-2723
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002 (0) 127135529
Mobile Phone (other)
002 (0) 123445502
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Association for the protection of the Environment,(A.P.E), is a non-profit organization serving the communities of garbage collectors in Cairo, Hurghada, Tora and Wadi El Natruun in Egypt. A.P.E. was formed in 1984 and was officially registered as number 263 with the Ministry of Social Affairs, under Law 84 of 2002 A.P.E is managed and run by a 9-member board of trustees, a staff of over 200 people from among the garbage collectors, scores of volunteers who perform consulting services in the area of financial management, agricultural extension, designing projects, health and medical matters, sewing skills, paper recycling expertise , construction needs, sales and marketing expertise, and many more. The Board translates its policies into projects that are implemented both by paid professionals and by its own unpaid professional volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

A.P.E Objective is to improve the lives of the indigenous groups of garbage collectors as individuals and as a community, .A.P.E combines its interest in serving the poor with its interest in protecting the environment specifically with regards to man-made household waste. It seeks to support the garbage collectors in their private activities of waste collection, disposal and recycling as well as devise its own schemes within this grand scheme of things.
A.P.E improves lives through hands-on implementation of projects in the area of income generation, revolving around recycling, primary health care, literacy, leadership training, mobilization of community resources, and advocacy for women and girls, as well as networking with non-profit groups in the area of environment and development while fostering strong partnership with government and private sector.

Main Projects / Activities

A.P.E benefits the garbage collector, especially women as they are considered the primary beneficiaries of A.P.E's activities. Furthermore, the environment is the second beneficiary because the activities lead to the protection of the earth's non-renewable resources by recycling and remanufacturing solid waste.
A.P.E services and works with about 400 individual: 250 women and girls in the rag recycling project, 90 in the paper recycling project, 30 young women in primary health care team, 50 young men who participate in the composting project and the garbage separation at the source project, administrative and other related staff support activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Soheir Kamel
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Soheir Kamel (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs . Chadia Iskandar

Atelier of Alexandria Assembly of Artists and Writers (AAW)

National Network

6, Victor Bassily Street, Al Pharaana, Azarita.

002 03 486 0526
Telephone (other)
002 03 359 2656
002 03 486 0526
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002 012 3116229
Mobile Phone (other)
002 010 670 0664
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
L'Atelier d'Alexandrie is a very dynamic Egyptian NGO originally founded in 1935 as a meeting point for the Alexandrian artistic scene. It moved to its present premises in 1969, and took the name of Atelier of the Artists and Writers of the City of Alexandria. The President, Dr. Mohamed Rafik Khalil, is assisted by a Vice-President, Dr. Muhammad Salim. The in-house operations are managed by Moataz El Safty, Coordinator of the Artistic Programming, Jilal Ibrahim, Secretary, and Ahmad Saad, responsible of the technical and logistic issues. The Atelier is mostly funded by the subscriptions of its nearly 1000 members. It also rents its premises (halls and working studios), at very affordable prices, for exhibitions and artists in residence.
Mission and Objectives

L'Atelier aims at connecting artists from different horizons, at making it possible for artists from different fields and nationalities to share their experiences. The very dynamic team of this famous venue on the Egyptian artistic scene also strives to make the arts more accessible to the general public. They have organised several events including exhibitions, workshops, seminars, talks. They have been chosen to host part of the Alexandria Biennale of Arts in 2005, which was a great recognition of their cultural role.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1969, the Atelier has hosted many cultural events, both regional and international, with a wide variety of activities in the fine arts, poetry, music, history lectures as well as seminars.
The Atelier of Alexandria is one of the most vital and active resources for contemporary culture and art in Egypt; its members represent the top intellectuals and thinkers. The Atelier is active in all of the modern movements in art and culture, giving many workshops and supporting established and emerging talents.
This is an example of the most recent activities of the Atelier.
Yousry Alkewady
Origami Art Workshop
Gudran Association for arts and development's
Sculptor Ahmed Ramadan and Photography Naden Elkashef
Caritas association " Street Children drawing, painting and graphic

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mohamed Rafik Khalil (President of AAW / Atelier of Alexandria)
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mohamed Rafik Khalil (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Artist. Moataz El Safty (Coordinator of artistic programs, External Relations)

Arts and Generations

National Network

15 Mahmoud El Toriny Street - Cleopatra

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The association has 4 active employees with a BOD of 5 persons, the members consist of 20 artists in different artistic fields . Our partners are the BA's Arts Center and L'Atelier. The Budgetary resources are all provided by the founder and head of the association in addition to one of the BOD's members. The main project consists of a mobile theater presenting different types of performances: puppets, music and others.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission consists of spreading Love, Dialogue and Peace and buildng a cultural personality inside Egypt starting with children and young people.

Main Projects / Activities

We built the mobile theater and 3 performances have been produced to be presented at L'Atelier in addition to the 1001 Action Festival on 22.05.08.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mostafa Saad
Head of the organisation
Mostafa Saad
Contact (2) Full Name
Mireille Banoub

Authentic Egyptian Association

National Network

411 yousef khanem st from fisal st Giza

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
About Us NGO non-profit We are a group of young men believe in ourselves and believe that young people are the builders of the future and is capable of changing the society and capable of development We know that the government is not everything and we are helping groups of society are unable to live Working with charitable projects, and helping poor families and orphans ORC And festivals for disabled children and shop visits to hospitals for cancer children International activity Exchange of cultures between Europe and the Mediterranean countries and non-governmental organizations Active participation and effective activities in European projects through short-term and long-term projects And changing ideas about European state culture And also to know different cultures and explained to the young people in our country
Mission and Objectives

Our objectives
Youth is capable of changing and developing community
Encourage young people to create new ideas that benefit the community through exhibitions and seminars at universities, schools, social clubs
Encourage young people to volunteer charity to help others

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

17 Sobki St. Dokki

202 - 3363323
Telephone (other)
202 - 3363324
202 - 3363325
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Publishing house working in the field of children books and education material Full time staff 19 persons actually Budget coming from sales Creating and publishing of books addressed to children in different ages. Working with NGO's, schools, children clubs.
Mission and Objectives

Helping in creating a better human

Main Projects / Activities

- Publishing books about others
- Publishing books about writes and civil education
- Publishing books about art to make a link between art and children
- Publishing real literature
- Bardi club which is a cultural and artistic club for children that promote all cultural and artistic knowledge as well as tolerance and humanity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Yousry
Head of the organisation
Dina El Ghamry
Contact (2) Full Name
Hussein Abdalla

Bright Tomorrow society for Child Protection

National Network

7th Floor - Building No 9 - Buildings of University Staff Members - Smouha - in front of the Zoo - Alexandria - Egypt

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Mission of the BTCP is to support, empower and protect children of both genders from all forms of abuse, expolitation and neglect. BTCP works to achieve an integrated approach for managing the problem of child maltreatment through raising awareness, capacity building, empowerment of children, their families, professionals and the community at large. The board includes 9 members (4 males and 5 females - all are professionals in the field of medicine particularly pediatrics - community medicine - forensic medicine - psychology - media). There are curreently 65 members. the employed staff are 12. however, there are separate staff for each project of the society projects. During this year, the budgetary resources are: funds from two projects - income of a rehabilitation center for children with behavior disorders and abused children. Sources of funding include: donations - membership fees - project funds - income of the center. BTCP is concerned with three main fields of action: implementation of short term national projects on child protection (currently, there two running projects) - initiatives for rehabilitation of abused children and children having behavioral difficulties - training and capcity building for human resources. BTCP has long lasting partnerships with various national and international organizations. Among these are: Al mabarra Association in Alexandria - Save the Children UK - Participatory Development Project of CIDA and other intermediary NGOs in Alexandria during implementation of the projects.
Mission and Objectives

• Mission Of The Society:
Our mission is support, empower and protect all children of both genders from all forms of abuse, exploitation and neglect•
Objectives Of The Society:
The society is committed to several goals that collectively aim at ensuring the ideal approach for integrated care of children especially those at risk for or already exposed to maltreatment either abuse neglect. These goals are:
1. Raising public awareness of problems of child maltreatment
2. Identifying and improving strategies concerned with management of child maltreatment
3. Designing and implementing special programs for training of professional and volunteers on ways of protection against and identification of problems of child maltreatment
4. Cooperation with primary health care programs (Mother And Child Health And School Health Insurance) for implementing a unified management strategy for the problems of child maltreatment
5. Cooperation with legal authorities and decision and policy makers for implementing a single national strategy that ensures rights of the children including protection from maltreatment
6. Exchange of international experiences and following international efforts that support children's rights
7. Designing and implementing a specialized centre for counselling, prevention and treatment of problems of child maltreatment
8. Community development in cooperation with legal authorities and policy makers for child protection
9. Economical development through ensuring proper and alternative ways care children at risk of maltreatment
10. Environmental development through ensuring suitable socio-cultural circumstances that protect children from maltreatment

Main Projects / Activities

1. Bright Tomorrow Center for Rehabilitation of Children
2. Our Children at Risk of Violence; Better Tomorrow and Bright Future - funded by SCUK in Alexandria Governorate - Al Montazah District
3. Safe Environment for all children - funded by PDP of CIDA in Alexandria Governorate - Al Montazah Distirct

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Tarek Omar
Head of the organisation
Dr. Tarek Omar
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Islam Yousry

Cairo Liberal Forum

National Network

20 gameh abu el kair st, el misaha , faisel

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
CLF is a non profit organization was founded in march 2009. staff number 5 15 volunteers
Mission and Objectives

*star a discussion about liberalism in different places in Egypt ,espically upper Egypt
*Publishing liberal values and the liberal solutions for the Egyptian society problems.
*Creation of general scope for the liberal values that should be available, side by side, with liberal codes at State Authorities.
*Response to inclusive practices for the Egyptian political and social entities in accordance to the liberal values.
*Creation of general scope for the Egyptian identity, depending on the single identity in confronting religious, racial, geographical and political bases.
*Determination of Egyptians liberals situations in terms of ideological and applicable contributions for Western Liberalism.
*Strengthening the relationship between the Egyptian liberals and capitalists, as it is the complementary element of the Egyptian Liberalism Organization.

Main Projects / Activities

liberals cafe
sound of knowledge

Contact (1) Full Name
Gorgeina Thapet
Head of the organisation
Amr El Bakly
Contact (2) Full Name
bassem samir

Cairo Nile Lions Club

National Network

2. Soliman El Halabi str., Off Ramses str.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0020124217168 - 0020111214417
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
A Non Profitable Social Organization employing almost forty volunteer members. Our logo is "We Serve". We depend on Member's Annual subscriptions, plus donations to fulfill projects
Mission and Objectives

Mainly charity work for Youth - Women - Children

Main Projects / Activities

A Non Profitable Blind Youth Hospital - Establishing "A Home" For Homeless Children - Organizing Youth Song and Music Festival

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Maggi Selim-.Sec.Gen
Head of the organisation
Dr. Samir Sabry
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Hadi Abdel Aziz

Caritas Egypt –Minia Office

National Network

1 Mahmoud Sedky Street, Khouloussy, P.O. Box 43, Shubra,

+20 2 43 10 201/0862344174 in Minia
Cairo +20 2 43 10 213 / Minia : 0862344174
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Caritas Egypt was established during the Arab-Israel conflict in 1967 as an "Emergency Aid Sector" providing Egyptians, displaced by the war and others, with essential needs. The humanitarian contribution and active role of Caritas Egypt was appreciated by the Government of Egypt and enabled its registration at the Ministry of Social Affairs as a non-governmental organisation under No. 1160 of 1967. Its status allows it to collaborate with other development organisations as well as state institutions all over the Arab Republic of Egypt. It was instituted as a Public Utility Society under Decree No. 166/1975. Caritas Egypt is affiliated to the Caritas Internationalis Confederation comprising 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, in over 200 countries and territories.
Mission and Objectives

Caritas works without regard to creed, race, gender or ethnicity, and is one of the world's largest humanitarian networks. It fights poverty, exclusion, intolerance and discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

Caritas Egypt's scope of work is characterized by several programs which is involved in many corners life aspect in the modernization and help of special living level in Egypt;
• Education
• Emergency
• Development
• Health
Caritas Egypt is active in the field of functional literacy since 1972. The literacy programme is based on Paulo Freire pedagogy adapted to the context of the Egyptian culture.
Caritas Basic Education programme includes a series of components mainstreamed in the curricula which cover: health education, environmental awareness, human rights and basic life skills.
The total number of learners benefiting from this programme is about 20.000 students per year. Around 80% of those are women; the average age is 15 to 45 years old in about 1.000 classes in different Egyptian governorates

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr / Victor Fekry
Head of the organisation
Father / Nabil Gherial Al Yasouey
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr / Adel Farouk Sobhy