Arab Digital Expression Foundation

National Network

4 al-Ahram St. Upper Plateau Mokattam - Cairo

+202 25080191/2/3
+202 25080194
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Organization Committee: •Ranwa Yehia: ADEF Foundation Director and concept developer, a journalist who worked in several Arab countries. Ranwa was granted a 3-year Ashoka Fellowship ( in 2008 in recognition for her work on ADEF •Ali Shaath: ADEF concept developer, a computer engineer professional with management experience in the Middle East •Shaimaa Yehia: ADEF Program Officer, with an experience in development and working with children through different forms of arts. •Sama Al Iryan: ADEF Admin Officer, Visited many Arab countries, volunteered for the development of marginalized children in Gaza and Cairo, has her own experiment in documentary filmmaking. ADEF received start-up funding from TEAM's management & engineering consultants ( CSR program which covered its operation and development costs from 2006 to 2008. In 2009 received a grant from Naseej a Community Youth Development Initiative (CYDI) cover some of our 2009 activities Partners: 1.Jozour Association forHuman Resource Development – Wazan- Morrocco 2.UNESCO Club-ALESCO-du bardo)-Tunisia • 3.Salama Moussa Association in Minya – Egypt. 4.Ruwwad in Amman – Jordan 5.the Arab Resource Collective-Lebanon 6.Give Gaza (
Mission and Objectives

The" Arab Digital Expression Foundation"- promotes the use of ICTs by Arab Youth for digital expression and artistic creation.
The Foundation aims at offering the young Arab generation a free and constructive environment and the opportunity to produce ideas and works of art of their own using new technologies, in an attempt to improve and add creative and meaningful content to the world of media. It will enable youth from various Arab countries to meet each other and together become familiar with digital media and tools to express themselves and discover their identity in both culture and heritage.
•Design a program using open-source software for the development of youth digital expression with the collaboration of young professionals involved in the different fields covered by the project
•Build a network of youth, NGOs (or NGOs working with youth), experts and trainers at the local and regional level
•Enable Arab trainers and youngsters to meet each other and together become familiar with digital media to express themselves and their identity in both culture and heritage
•Organize summer camps as a highly effective model for learning for digital expression to teach the Arab youth how to use technological tools and to promote digital expression through image and sound
•Organize local workshops within communities of partner NGOs targeting disadvantaged youth where trainers and youngsters will learn how they can integrate or utilize the passed-on skills in their communities
•Train trainers in open-source software and alternative learning methodologies for the purpose of expression
•Develop a Linux-based live CD with open source software for the trainers and youngsters to take home and a collaborative community portal for their continued work after the summer camp (
•Develop an online open source tool kit on "how to" do a digital expression camp, licensed under creative commons for other organizations and people to use it.

Main Projects / Activities

Since it started, ADEF has trained 158 youth aged 11 to 16 from eight different Arab countries in various forms of digital expression in cinema, sound and music, graphic design, web design, animation, sports, arts and crafts and web 2.0 within a summer camp model. It also has trained 68 Arab trainers (aged 20 to 30) from Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine, Sudan and Syria in digital arts and various training methodologies for the purpose of expression. Young professionals are trained in open source software in the different audio-visual media and design and participate in enriching discussions over online sharing and collaboration and the roles of individuals and groups in this emerging worldwide trend that is proving to have tremendous empowering impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shaimaa Yehia
Head of the organisation
Ranwa Yehia
Contact (2) Full Name
Sama El Eryan

The Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR)

National Network

62 El Nozha St, Heliopolis, Cairo - Egypt

+20 2 6904285
Telephone (other)
+20 2 4185346
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mohamed Fayek (President)

The Arab Program for Human Rights Activists

National Network

25 Ibraheim Ibn El Mahdi St, 7Th District, Nasr , Cairo - Egypt

+20 222 4041185
Telephone (other)
+20 222 4039954
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Haggag Ahmed Nail (President)

Arab Society for Reform and Development

National Network

P.O. Box 138 – El Shatby
Alexandria 21526

+(203) 4839999 /1326
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The organization structure President: Dr. Ismail Serageldin Vice President: Mr. Abdel-Latif Hassan Abdel-Latif Secretary-General: Dr. Mohsen Youssef Treasurer: Mr. Mohsen El-Shafie Board Member: Dr. Said El-Dakkak Board Member: Dr. Noha Adly Board Member: Ms. Hanan Mounir
Mission and Objectives

1) Enhancing social harmony among different groups by holding social activities
2) Raising awareness about women’s rights, freedom of expression, dialogue with the other and the promotion of social and world peace;
3) Fostering knowledge and science, and protection of cultural and ecological heritage;
4) Organizing cultural and educational activities, combating poverty and enhancing youth microfinance;
5) Organizing activities concerning technologies of communication and the Internet;
6) Raising awareness about the role of civil society

Main Projects / Activities

1) Workshop for the implementation of the recommendations of the Education Reform in Egypt Conference
2) Workshop for the implementation of the recommendations of the Role of Youth in Modernization and Reform Conference
3) Workshop for the preparation of “Problems of Scientific Research in the Arab World” Conference.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eng. Nayrouz Rizk
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ismail Serageldin

Assala association for sponsoring the heritage and contemporary arts

National Network

3 mohammed abdo st – el ghory agency – el azhar st – Cairo

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
General Information
-staff employed and partners : 1 executive manager – 1 an accountant – 1 administrative – 2 secretaries. - Sources of funding : downers – the social affairs – social fund for development - Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships : "cultural Development Fund of the Ministry of Culture – sfd – the social affairs "
Mission and Objectives

Assala’s establishing documents contain the following Strategic Targets:
Maintains the artistic heritage and originality in the fields of plastic creation, both Traditional and modern.
Developing and establishing specialized productive centers in the fields of arts, professions and developing their tools. Also encouraging their employees, discovering Talented Persons and Training new generations to continue its task.
Achieving the continuity between persons work in traditional works and those work in plastic arts, to unified them and improve their conditions .
Spreading out artistic products and make them available for public through exhibitions
Spreading out culture and beauty awareness by all means such as publications and sessions
Cooperating with Arabic and international societies and bodies to achieve its Targets .
Undertaking artistic activities of economical revenue to serve the society’s targets.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its establishment, Assala society cooperated with the ministry of culture in setting up many exhibitions and workshops. It worked for developing processes of production and Training, in plastic Arts Sector.
It cooperated with the Ministry of Tourism for subsequent years to provide it with the require artistic works for its exhibitions in different countries.
It cooperated with the Ministry of Higher Education for subsequent years to provide it with the required artistic works for cultural centers in Egyptian embassies in different countries.
It cooperated of produced families, in the Nasr City Fair grounds .
It cooperated with the Social Fund for Development , Ministry of Social Affairs and some other organizations to prepare the detailed studies, Training projects and developing the Traditional professions.
The society has prepared a comprehensive project 2002 for an encyclopedia of the Egyptian Traditional professions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Magdy amin " executive manager "
Head of the organisation
Ezz el din naguib " editor en chief "

Assiut Businessmen Association ( ASBA )

National Network

El-Geish St. , El-Shark Insurance Towers , 1st floor

+2 088 2348283
Telephone (other)
+2 088 2341760
+2 088 2345405
Mobile Phone
012 76 76 720
Mobile Phone (other)
012 39 28 331
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
- Number of Branches and sub-branches is 119, with about 6000 employees in addition to the consultants. -ASBA has cooperative protocols with 13 governorates (Assiut , Minia , Sohag , New Valley , Bani-Sweef , Fayoum , Kena , Kalyoubia , Gharbia , Awan , North Sinai & Demiat )and 3 universities and a specialized training team all over upper Egypt . - ASBA Partnership, Cooperation and Financing bodies( Internationally & Regionally ) USAID-UNICEF-European Union-UNISCO-National Council for Childhood-Arab Kheir Ins.-Fredrish Ins.-CARE – Credit Guarantee Co.- INTEL Co.-Canadian Agency ( FIT,CIDA,CIDBA )- Euro Mediterranean Cooperative Network- Arab Sanabel Network- The Suzanne Mubarak Women International Peace Movement-International and National Banks
Mission and Objectives

ASBA Objectives :-
1-Accomplishing comprehensive development in all the available fields whether economic , social or cultural fields .
2-Improving the life standards of the individuals as well as of the society itself .
3-Enhancing the values of partnership and non governmental businesses .
4-Having new generation of businessmen , effecting the role of individual initiations and intellectual thinking .
5-Creating a general awareness of the importance of the civil society for all the categories of the community .

Main Projects / Activities

I: Projects funded by USAID :-
1- Small and Micro Enterprises project ( SME )
2- Women Micro Credit project ( Bashair El-Kheir )
3- Medical Development project
4- Handicapped Care program
5-The Special project ( specialized for women )
6- Information & Communication Technology program ( I.C.T.)
II: Other Programs :-
7- Agricultural Lending program
8- Animal Fattening program
9- Homeless Children Care program
10- Agricultural Development Program
11- Industrial Assemblage project
12- Poultry Project
13- Animal Opulence
14- Globalization Technology Net ( GTN )
15- Programming program
16- Institutional Technical Support Program
17-Cultural Activities Program
18- Social Activities Program
19-Human Resources Training and Development Program

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. / Mohammed Gamal Eldean Abdel Motaal
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. / Mohammed Gamal Eldean Abdel Motaal
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. / kamal Eldean Hussein

Association of Friends of the Environment in Alexandria (FOE)

National Network

22 Ahmad Bek Gharbo Street, 4th Floor, Appt. 401, Zizinia

0020 (0)3 5846051
0020 (0)3 5845759
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Friends of the Environment Association, Alexandria Founded in 1990, registered under no. 1151
Mission and Objectives

The Association’s overriding goal:
Protecting, maintaining, and improving the natural and built environment in the governorate of Alexandria.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association's activities:
•Monitoring and identifying the problems from which the natural and built environment suffers.
•Cooperating with the bodies of scientific research, the executive authorities and popular entities, as well as with the industrial institutions, to figure out suitable solutions for the problems of the environment.
•Propagating lifestyles and developmental concepts that help preserve the environmental resources from irrational consumption, and keep its components intact from pollution
Projects carried out by the Association:
1-A project on the legal education in the field of the environment: (funded by Oxfam).
2-A project on developing and relocating foundries outside the populated areas: (funded by the Social Fund for Development).
3-A project on preparing trainers in the field of the environmental education:
4-A project to establish a garden for environmental education, to be located in the premises of the International Garden of Alexandria: (funded by the Development Department at the Dutch Embassy).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Abd El Aziz El Guindy
Head of the organisation
Mr. Abd El Aziz El Guindy

Association for Protection of Historical Gardens

National Network


+20 22 7377099
Telephone (other)
+20 124404444
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Hoda El Aguizy (President)

The Association for Education Support and Development

National Network

13, Cairo University Academic Board Buildings

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
AESD is an Egyptian association founded by 15 from the civil society activists in children rights and involved in the education system because of their experience. There is 6 employed and 10 volunteers AESD is member in : Member of Egyptian collation for children rights together network for developing families merging education network
Mission and Objectives

increase the awareness and knowledge about the Egyptian educational system
being a civil society partner in planning and making the strategy of developing the educational system
mounting and stopping the violations against children rights

Main Projects / Activities

Workshop about building local group to develop the primary schools
October – December 2008
Workshop about merging disabled children’s in formal schools .
December 2008
Workshop about the draft of the children law presented by (ECCR)
January 2009
Round table about cooperation between civil society and government and building the strategy of merging the disabled children
February 2009

Contact (1) Full Name
Bassem Samir
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Abdl Aty

Association for Human Rights Communication and Development

National Network

Ma'adi Garden - Cairo - Egypt

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
We are new Organization we established on April 2007 , we are 6 employed and we have more than 25 volunteer in Cairo beside more than 50 on all Egypt.and we work with other Organization which work on same field. We present some projects for Funding Organizations but for now we have support from our border members and our members. we organize several Seminars and Conferences for our missions and Campaigns. our main partners in Egypt (National Council for Motherhood and Childhood , National Council for Human Rights , Association for Human Development).
Mission and Objectives

1- Empower Women with Society and Decision-making.
2- More Right for Children.
3- Women in Media.
4- Change Unfair Laws and Thoughts.
5- Fighting Violence activities against women and children.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Campaign for Fighting Violence activities against women and children.
2- Homeless Children and Children on street .
3- Changing law for Children.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amira Mostafa
Head of the organisation
Manal Husain
Contact (2) Full Name
Ashraf Mady