European Association for the Defence of Human Rights

National Network

Sos. Pantelimon, nr.225, bl.66, sc.6, ap.236, sector 2

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
European Association for the Defence of Human Rights - AEPADO is a youth NGO with 3 members of staff employed and all the others working as volunteers. The structure is focused on projects so that the ideas from volunteers to become part of the project management. We have more than 100 partners from all the stakeholders we work with: public authorities, companies, media, civil society and other NGOs. In 2008, our budgetary resources were about 3500 EUR and in 2009 shall be over 6000 EUR. The main sources of funding are the autofinancing from founders members and the sponsorships obtained from private companies and public authorities. Our main projects are: "Dialogue without borders" ( and "Be aware, NOT addicted!" (, the both offering an intercultural dimension to youth creativity. We generally organize contests, debates, seminars, conferences and different types of online networking.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: to defend youth rights in an European perspective
* to promote youth initiatives;
* to defend human rights;
* to promote European values in a national context;
* to promote national values in an European context;

Main Projects / Activities

"Be aware, NOT addicted!" is the most important project of AEPADO. It was an international project for preventing and reducing drug abuse among highschool students.
Components: an international contest with more than 560 entries in three sections: journalistic materials, slogans and posters: "It's my life, it's MY decision!"; public debates and promoting events;
Focus on: creativity, intercultural dialogue, new media;
Period: 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2009
Results: launch of the first online guide of good practices
A project under the aegis of European Commission in the European Year of Creativity and Innovation - 2009 and Europe Action on Drugs
"Dialogue without borders" was a contest for Bucharest's youngsters from 10 to 19 years old in 12 field concerning intercultural dialogue.
Focus on: intercultural dialogue, creativity, diversity;
Period: 01.08.2008 - 28.02.2009
Results: about 200 eligible participants and 500 applicants;
A project under the aegis of European Commision in the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue - 2008

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabriel Brezoiu
Head of the organisation
Catalin Ungurasu
Contact (2) Full Name
Laurentia Mereuta

MomenTTum Association for Youth

National Network

Aleea Barajul Dunarii Nr.2A Bl.21C Sc.B Ap.47 Sect.3

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
About 3 full-time workers and about 10 volunteers. Funding from donations and CSR.
Mission and Objectives

The Momenttum Association aims to enhance the quality of the personal and professional development programs that are available for young people on the Romanian educational market, so as to build responsible adults who value a healthy, non-aggressive and ecological lifestyle.

Main Projects / Activities

The difference we make in the Romanian landscape stems from our programs being tailor-made for our public in an attempt to keep them as effective and enticing as possible. For instance, we have developed a program called ‘Communication through creative dancing which aims to enable young people to match the accuracy of their language (both verbal and non-verbal) with their inner self.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivanciu Silvia
Head of the organisation
Ivanciu Silvia
Contact (2) Full Name
Petre-Sandor Raluca


National Network

Bantenilor Street, Fetesti

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Organisation non gouvernemantale, pres des 25 membres, activite principales: education soutenir l'activite d'ecoles, des parents, ausii dans le domainenviromental, education ecologigue, sante civique, etc.
Mission and Objectives

GESSIA FETESTI est une organisation nongouvernamentale roumaine, apolitique, à but non lucratif, dont le but statutaire est de soutenir les enfants, les jeunes et les familles sans-abri, par l’intermédiaire de services intégrés d’assistance sociale, éducatif - formatifs et d’intégration socioprofessionnelle, en accord avec la Convention des Nations Unies à l’égard des Droits de l’Enfants.

Main Projects / Activities

•Mise en place d'ateliers ou clubs annuels où les enfants et adolescents seraient aidés dans l'élaboration d'une action locale culturelle, civique ou humanitaire;

Contact (1) Full Name
Anton Stella
Head of the organisation
Anton Stella
Contact (2) Full Name
Agapie Nicoleta


National Network

4 Domneasca Street

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Foundation was set up in 1998 and is an organization dedicated to conduct innovative, objective, innovative, multidisciplinary development, setting the standard for excellence in education that improves the human condition. The Foundation turns knowledge into practice in the fields of career orientation, decision support systems, education and training and on the realities of the day. Decision: Board of Administration Management: CEO Staff: 5 Volunteers: 8 Funding: Sponsorships and contributions Yearly Budget: 25000 EUR Partners: national and international NGOs, 2 national experts, 3 regional organizations Membership: 2006 Euro Med Network for Youth Trafficking Prevention, Greece 2006 United in Intercultural Action Network ,The Netherlands 2007 Cities for Youth Organizations, Greece 2008 Mediterranian Instituite for Gender Studies Belgium
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
Founded in 1998, “Leonardo da Vinci” Foundation is a fully registered Romanian non-profit, non-governmental, private voluntary organization.
Dedicated to training and consulting, the Foundation is overseen by a functioning board of program coordinators. All trainers, board members and staff are Romanian. Its mission is to strengthen democratic processes by supporting the development and sustainability of the non-profit, government and private sectors.
We strongly believe that:
- the individual is the ultimate source of creativity and action in an organization
- everyone is a manager in some way
- education is a life-long process
- one of the best way for an organization to increase its effectiveness is to develop its people
Successful organizations value their people and facilitate their professional development. Such organizations will survive in our fast-changing society and will contribute more significantly to improving society.
Our projects are about seeding cultural change in the school system thought the young generations of communities engaged in integration process.
Develop their understanding of the place of intercultural dialogue in the context of globalization and of the ways in which youth non-governmental organizations and networks can promote it;
Our Objectives:
- To strengthen the Romanian training capacity through a long term, locally designed and based training of trainers program;
- To establish a network of Romanian professional trainers involved in solving critical public problems;
- To promote a new generation of leaders and encourage them to view training as a potential career path;
- To develop partnerships between the non-governmental, private, and public sectors.
- To develop the understanding of the place of intercultural dialogue in the context of globalization and of the ways in which youth non-governmental organizations and networks can promote it.

Main Projects / Activities

The entire activity is dedicated to support the youth offering a proper conditions for education and learning, for access to science and culture, national and international values, promoting the human right and peace.
In the same time our programs are dedicated to all other age categories with the declared purpose to offer equal chances to information and education, to develop the capacity to act and react, to be involved on local, national and regional level by partnership and communication, to develop the associative behaviour and volunteer stimulation.
We did perform:
• languages training: English, French, Italian, Spanish
• management training (general management, project management, quality management, stress and time management, conflict management, team building, negotiation handling, ethics in business);
• organizational communication and intercultural education
• training in safety matters: protection of people and property, Intellectual Property Protection
• peace education, post – conflict peace building process
• arts: theatre, painting and photography
• visual arts, decorative design
• entrepreneurship education
• ecological education
• leadership, law and diplomacy
• human rights, racism, migration, youth trafficking prevention
• transforming violence
• spiritual perspectives of globalization: religion and global culture
• Enlargement of European Union, Stability Pact
• Local sustainable development
Our main projects focus on:
• Seminar on Intercultural Business Culture, 2009
• Day of Tolerance in High- schools of Galati and Bucharest, 2008
• Education in Human Rights – Malta 2007
• Information and presentation of our report on UN Session in Geneva, 2006
• Education in HR and youth trafficking prevention of students, parents, teachers, 2005-2006
• Leadership, law and diplomacy in solving conflicts, 2005
• Transforming violence, solving and mediation the conflicts, 2005
• Peace education, post – conflict peace building process in Balkans, 2005
• Assessment of entrepreneurial skills of the high – school graduates (2003-2005).
• Globalization and Regional Partners (2004)
• Professional and career orientation, education in HR and youth trafficking prevention of students, parents, teachers (2003)
• The importance of professional training to find and keep a job (2003)
• Leadership – leaders of new millennium (2003)
• Pictures on pollution themes – Special Award of the Regional Jury/2001-2002

Contact (1) Full Name
Camelia Gogoasa
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Camelia Gogoasa

NVO Foundation Atalanta

National Network

29 Novembar 1/5 , Pljevlja

067/ 502 424
Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
NGO Foundation is engaged with modeling, culture and education but also with organization of concerts, model revues, product design and literary groups.There are some theatre performances in order to achieve language routine. It also includes the education of youth and women in order to become hairdressers, cosmetic makers, dressmakers and dance groups. We also make a selection for the miss of the region. We also have the courses of English,French, Italian language on several levels.
Mission and Objectives

We want to include as much children as we can( period from the kindergarden, in school , at the university but also the women which are social cases in order to enable them for further living , for work and improvement.This organization also includes some sport events, the rules of good behaviour and the rules for a good walk.

Main Projects / Activities

Including children and youth but also women which are social cases in the organization of
1. Model revues
2. Concerts
3. Dance groups
4. The selection for the miss of the region
5. Courses for the product design and litterary groups.
6. Hairdressers and cosmetic workers
7. Dressmakers
8. Social and psychological help for Women which are social cases.
9. Some performances in the theatre.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pejovic Zorana
Head of the organisation
Pejovic Zorana
Contact (2) Full Name
Bujisic Bojana

Humanitarian Youth Organization `The Faces`

National Network

Sveti Stasije K-13

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
structure of the organization: organization makes government organizations, and members who voluntarily access the work of the organization to better achieve the objectives of the organization. currently has one person in permanent employment. financing: organizations acquire funds from membership contributions, voluntary contributions, gifts, donations, participation in the implementation of projects, using natural and legal persons and other organizations. organizations on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina carried out projects related to work with children. Organized the training of children and young people in the field of stage and media nastupa.organizovani numerous performances and putovanja.od great importance is the festval original music for children in which children participated in six municipalities of Eastern Herzegovina. in Montenegro, the organization at the beginning and conclusion of partnership relations and planning projects
Mission and Objectives

Organization, "the Faces", in Montenegro and abroad, and contributions helps to empower these young people in social, humanitarian, cultural, educational and other fields of activity, all public non-political and non-party basis.

Main Projects / Activities

Program objectives of the organization are to be made in accordance with the Constitution and laws contribute to the democratic principles:
- Educating young people from different fields;
- Assistance in Education and Youth zapošqavanju
- Economic development of the city and region;
- Help municipal and state authorities to find solutions to the problems of youth;
- Respecting and cherishing human rights;
- Better knowledge of youth media;
- Cooperation with other organizations, networking and partnership;
- Development of cultural and sporting life;
- Development of environmental awareness of young people;
Prevention of sexually-transmitted diseases and substance abuse
-Other activities
Activities of the organization is achieving these goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bojana Ignjatović Šoć
Head of the organisation
Bojana Ignjatović Šoć
Contact (2) Full Name
Marko Šoć

FASE-Berlin e.V.

National Network

Stresemannstr 25. 10963 Berlin

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
FASE-Berlin e.V. is a national branch of a European NGO with the focus on youth, education, cultural dialogue as well as lobbying for Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis living abroad. Decision making body of the Organization is a board that consists of seven board members. Chairman of the Board is leading organizations daily activities. All staff involvement and activities within the organization are based on social work. Organization implements projects by acquisition donations and grants from local as well as international institutions. FASE-Berlin e.V. focused in activities devoted to cultural dialogue, international understanding, religious tolerance etc. Form of activities are conferences, seminars, debates, cultural events such as concerts and national music presentations and other innovative ways. Main partners of the Organization are European Youth Foundation, Youth in Action of European Commission, People to People International, Institute for Foreign Relations- IFA, Foreign Affairs Office of Federal Republic of Germany.
Mission and Objectives

FASE-Berlin was established by a group of young Azerbaijanis and friends of Azerbaijan with various backgrounds, primarily residing or studying in Germany, who were united by the idea of direct contribution to the strenthening of integration of Azerbaijanis in Germany and who believed that their efforts will have better appeal and efficiency if coordinated and discussed. Simultaniously FASE-Berlin brings together German citizens of Azerbaijani-origin and aims at facilitating their successful integration to their respective communities. We successfully implemented several projects, including a project with the the support of German Bundestag. FASE-Berlin is a platform of youth/students acting as a hub for communication. Benefiting from the large network of activists and interested people, FASE-Berlin utilizes the potential of this network for raising profile of Azerbaijan in Germany, initiating cultural interchange, engaged in informal educational activities, being in course of events happening regarding Azerbaijan in Germany and lobbying for these purposes.

Main Projects / Activities

- Forum of Azerbaijani Students at European Parliament "RECONNECTING IDEAS FOR FUTURE"
- Forum at French Senate and German Bundestag
- JAZZerbaijan concert at European Parliament
- FASE Summer Camp in Athens

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ziya Gaziyev
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ziya Gaziyev
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Nargiza Abdullaeva

Individual member: Abdelaziz Khalek

National Network

B.P:98 AGADIR 80.000 MAROC

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
je suis enseignat a agadir et militant politique dans le cadre d un parti marocain mais aussi premier laureat du maroc et du maghreb d un prix de la paix de l unesco pour la jeunesse je souhaite devenir membre du reseau de la fondation anna lindh au maroc
Mission and Objectives

participer et multiplier aux diverses manifestations interculturelles au niveau national et international dans le cadre de la promotion de la culture de la paix

Main Projects / Activities

organiser desrencontres annuelles de jeunesse des pays euro mediterannens pour promouvoir l entente et le rapprochement entre les peuples des deux rives

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelaziz Khalek

OECON Business Consulting Company

National Network

7, Karatasou str., GR-54626

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners Department of European Programs, Department for Greek and local Programs, Department for Balkan Programs – Manager Tsaltampasi Lina Staff members of OECON: • Lyritis Antonis –Senior Banking Manager • Tzialla Lisa, Branch Director (Thessaly) • Agoutoglou Thanos –Senior Manager in European Projects • Kiliarakis Michael, M.Sc. –Senior Technical Manager • Founta Athina, Business Plan CoordinatorΤeam • Tsimopoulou Melina, Public Relations Consultant • Kotelis Ioannis, Balkan Aids Programmes Manager • Panagiotou Vaggelis, Environmental and Quality Standard Projects Advisor • Tsapanos Theodwros, PhD, Technical Advisor • Kostika Helen, Legal Advisor • Kopanarova Elena, Balkan Programs and Funding OECON receives grants from funding foundations and local authorities based on projects in order to develop and represent the organizations in the implemetation of the projects. S.E.G.E. is main partner involved in the organization's projects activities. The other companies OECON cooperates with are followings: • European Union-General Sector DG13 • Dubai International Financial Center • Greek Investment Center-Ajman, Arabic Emirates • Venlo, Netherlands • Findlay Investments-Zurich, Switzerland • NKG, Mumbai-India • Pyramid Projects, Pune-India • Ministry of Trade of Cyprus OECON implement activities such as training programs, conferences, campaigns, developing and managing projects for business organizations.
Mission and Objectives

OECON GROUP is the innovative solution in the Consultancy Business in Greece. Our Company meets experience through our human recourses. OECON GROUP is the new answer to problems regarding business investments and business planning. OECON and our people are the dynamic answer to issues regarding successful business in Greece and the rest of Europe. Our experienced representatives from Consultancy and Banking united their forces in 2003. Since then we have represent successfully and discreetly clients from all over Europe.
ISO is an international model of organisation and management of a company and its applicability has a target the permanent improvement of services and products. Business Development Strategy and each critical strategic point require professional and innovative solutions.
To this purpose, we provide:
• Future Planning through Financial Management, Marketing Management, Production Quality Control
• Enterprise Resources Spotting
• Market Growth Strategic Solutions
• Market Research – Marketing Plan
• Opinion Surveys

Main Projects / Activities

• Developing EU Funded Programmes since 2005
• More than 300 domestic Greek projects for the establishment of the SME
• Participation in more than 100 programmes like SEE, MED, Turkish programmes, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Competitiveness and innovation Programme, Labor Market and Entrepreneurship Overcoming Gender Stereotypes, Women Mobility Information Campaign, Mobility and Equality: Entrepreneurial Participation Towards an European Labor Market, European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors, Grundvig, Raising the awareness of companies about combating gender stereotypes: add value, Break Stereotypes

Contact (1) Full Name
Tsaltampasi Lina
Head of the organisation
Tsaltampasi Lina, M.B.A - CEO
Contact (2) Full Name
Elena Kopanarova

Europe Option Plus

National Network

15 rue des Suisses

06 11 65 21 70
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 11 65 21 70
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Société de droit privé offrant des prestations à des organismes à but non lucratif pour la conduite de projets européens en leur fournissant un accompagnement dans le montage des dossier ou des sessions de formation leur permettant de mieux appréhender les mécanismes européens.
Mission and Objectives

Au delà de ces prestations techniques, nous tentons de contribuer au travers de ces projets à développer une véritable citoyenneté européenne en favorisant le dialogue interculturel, la mobilité transnationale et faire respecter l'égalité des chances et la non discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

Nos activités s'articulent autour de deux axes: La conduite de projets surtout en matière de coopération extérieure et des actions de formation pour une meilleure connaissance de les politiques de l'Union européenne.
En ce sens, et à titre d'exemple, nous accompagnons un projet d'école pour adultes au Bénin, la création d'une maison de repos médicalisée à Madras, l'organisation d'un festival de danse porté par une association tunisienne.

Contact (1) Full Name
Philippe ORIBERT