University Of Tunis

National Network

92 boulevard du 9 Avril 1938 Tunis 1007
1007 TUNIS

+216 71 567 322
+216 71 560 633
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
  L’université de Tunis est une université pluridisciplinaire créée en 1988   elle couvre cinq grands domaines d'enseignements et de recherche Sciences économiques et de gestion Sciences humaines et sociales Arts et culture   Lettres et  langues appliquées Sciences et technologies   Les différents cursus proposés par l'université s'inscrivent dans le cadre du schéma LMD (Licence Master Doctorat).   Structuré autour du système européen de crédits (ECTS) et sur une organisation des formations en semestres et en unités d'enseignement (UE), le LMD est une architecture commune de formations proposées par les universités tunisiennes  qui repose sur trois grades universitaires, validés par trois diplômes nationaux reconnus à l'international. Exception La réforme LMD n’a pas touché aux Formations des Ingénieurs Organisées en 16 établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche scientifique : 1 faculté Faculté Sciences humaines et Sociales de Tunis 3 écoles Ecole  Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs de Tunis-ENSIT Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales de Tunis- ESSECT Ecole Normale Supérieure 11 Instituts Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis Institut Supérieur des Beaux Arts de Tunis Institut Préparatoire aux Etudes d’Ingénieurs de Tunis Institut Supérieur de l’Animation pour la Jeunesse et la Culture Institut Supérieur de Musique de Tunis Institut Supérieur d’Art Dramatique Institut Supérieur des Métiers du Patrimoine de Tunis Institut Supérieur des Etudes Littéraires et des Sciences Humaines de Tunis Institut Supérieur des Etudes Appliquées en Humanités de Tunis Institut Supérieur des Etudes Appliquées en Humanités de Zaghouan Institut supérieur des Affaires de Tunis Institut National du Patrimoine     Chiffres Clé   23489 étudiants Dont 2182 àl’ENSIT 1009 eleves ingénieurs 788 en Mastere 315 Doctorants   35 Licences (17 Licences Fondamentales, 18 licences appliquées).   69 Mastères (37 mastères professionnels,  32 mastères de recherche).   6 Cycle d’ingénieur  avec 1009 eleves ingénieurs inscrits dans les filieres suivantes : Génie civil Génie Mécanique Informatique mathématiques  appliquées et modélisation Génie électrique génie industriel    18 Doctorats dont 2 à l’ENSIT Génie Mécanique Génie Electrique 1934  Enseignants dont 1275 enseignants permanents et 15 enseignants étrangers. 30 Professeurs visiteurs dont ….pour l’ENSIT 15 Unités de Recherche. 15 Laboratoires de Recherche. 04 Ecoles doctorales. Sciences et technologie ( ENSIT ) Arts et culture Sciences de Gestion Structures, Systèmes, Modèles et Pratiques en Lettres et Sciences Humaines et Sociales   70 nouvelles  Conventions de cotutelle internationale de thèses signée chaque année   315 théses en cotutelle  en cours de préparation   3 diplômes internationaux de Mastere : Université de Nantes : Master des recherche en  Informatique de gestion Université de Nantes : Master  Professionnel en Psychologie de travail Université d'Angers : Master  Professionnel en Psychologie Clinique   1 diplôme internationl de doctorat : Université de Palerme : Doctorat de recherche pour la mise en valeur de l’héritage culturel et naturel   4 Chaires UNESCO   Chaire UNESCO de philosophie (code 259), établie en 1997 La thématique de la chaire UNESCO est centrée sur la culture scientifique et philosophique arabe et islamique .   Chaire UNESCO d'étude comparative des religions (code 468), établie en 1999 Assurer un enseignement global de haut niveau comportant une approche multidisciplinaire et comparative des religions et de leurs cultures de manière à dispenser une formation excluant toute forme de syncrétisme et tout prosélytisme. Sensibiliser à l'importance du dialogue interreligieux et de la recherche solidaire sur les thèmes religieux. Aider les religions à contribuer plus activement à une culture et à une éducation pour la paix à l'échelle internationale, à la promotion d'un développement humain durable et à l' apprentissage de la tolérance.   Chaire UNESCO en connaissance du patrimoine et développement culturel établie en 1998 en coopération avec la Fondation Catalana de Gas   Membre de La chaire UNESCO "Éducation, formation et recherche pour le développement durable avec  l’université Bordeau 3 1 Chaire OMC   Conventions avec   France Paris 1 Toulouse Montpelleir Nantes Angers Hesam Marseille   Espagne Barcelone   Italie Milano Messina   Le Canada Ottawa L’Université de Tunis  est Membre fondateur de: l’Union des Universités Arabes (AUU)   l’Union des Universités Méditerranéennes (UNIMED)   UNESCO UniTwin International Complex Systems Digital Campus    Membre de:    L’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie   L’Agence nationale pour la promotion de l’enseignement supérieur français à l’étranger Campus France   Collège académique des Universités francophones euro-maghrébin (CAUFEM) Données Utiles Président de l’Université (depuis Aout 2011) : Prof.  HMAID BEN AZIZA, Professeur de Philosophie Adresse de l’Université : 92, Boulevard du 9 Avril 1938 Tunis 1007, Tunisie Téléphone : +216 71 562 700 // Fax : +216 71 560 633 // Email : Site Web: www.
Mission and Objectives

Depuis sa création, l’Université de Tunis est portée par un grand projet de formation et de construction d’un savoir au service du progrès du pays et de son développement, de partage des valeurs de liberté, de critique et de responsabilité et de respect au fondement de toute promotion sociale pour tous.
Ce projet fondateur met l’étudiant au centre de sa stratégie en assurant la garantie d’une formation académique solide, d’un appui permanent à la recherche, à l’innovation pédagogique, à la promotion de la coopération internationale favorisant les initiatives communes (cotutelle des thèses, co-diplomation, projets de recherche communs en réseau,…)
Plus de 26.000 étudiants, 1.300 enseignants et autour de 700 administratifs et ouvriers se répartissent dans les différentes institutions, entre les Humanités et ses différentes composantes : Lettres, Langue, Sciences Humaines et Sociales ; Les Arts (Les Beaux-arts, Musique, Théâtre, Animation culturelle) ; l’Economie et la Gestion avec une innovation de taille : la mise en place depuis 2010 d’un Institut des Affaires dispensant un enseignement entièrement en anglais et selon le cursus anglo-saxon ; deux instituts préparatoires en Lettres et en Sciences préparant aux concours de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure et aux Ecoles d’ingénieurs ; la transformation de l’école supérieure des sciences et des techniques (E.S.S.T.T.) en une école nationale supérieure d’ingénieurs.
C’est notre capacité à faire vivre ensemble et à respecter toutes les spécialités dans leur singularité qui rend notre université dynamique et performante.
Nous devons amener nos étudiants à maitriser leur champ disciplinaire avec toutes les exigences des qualités requises, pour les préparer à répondre positivement au délicat rapport d’adéquation entre la formation dispensée et l’emploi disponible ou futur, et à aider nos chercheurs aux impératifs d’une carrière scientifique pour laquelle une formation se doit de donner de la visibilité.
Nous ne devons pas perdre de vue que ces deux objectifs sont liés et en tension permanente. C’est à ce prix que nous pouvons renforcer chez nos étudiants et nos chercheurs des compétences utiles aux emplois et à la recherche. L’étudiant-chercheur doit être crédible dans sa discipline d’origine mais aussi agile, créatif, apte pour aller puiser dans d’autres univers pour lesquels sa formation d’origine a fourni des clefs et surtout une autonomie d’apprentissage.
Dans un monde qui change de plus en plus vite, devant le réel phénomène de raréfaction de l’offre de travail, de l’accélération de changement de métier, l’université tunisienne, pour voir plus clair dans son avenir, se doit de porter un nouveau projet qui renoue avec le souffle d’origine. Une réforme globale bien réfléchie et en concertation avec tous les acteurs s’impose comme une urgence impérative.

Main Projects / Activities

Higher education
Reseaux Internationaux
L’Université de Tunis  est Membre fondateur de:
l’Union des Universités Arabes (AUU)

Projets TEMPUS
L’université de Tunis est partenaire dans les projets suivants :
  Développement et accompagnement d’un mastère en psychologie de travail dans des universités du Maghreb (MPTUM)
* Projet Tempus AQI-Umed, Renforcement de l’assurance qualité interne dans des  Universités de la Méditerranée (Tunisie, Algérie et Maroc)
  Program Advancing Research Education and Exploitation for the Support of  National Innovation Systems ( PARENIS ) 
REFERENCE: 510997-TEMPUS-1-2010-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES   Coordinateur : Hamburg University of Technology
  Development and Implementation of an Accredited Cross-Universities Innovation Management Master Program in Tunisia ( DICAMP )
Coordinateur :Université de  Leipzig
  Exporting Master Programme in Enterprise Systems  Engineering to Jordan, Syria, Tunisia and Egypt ( MEC.ESE  )
REFERENCE: 530260-¬tempus-¬1-¬2012-¬1-¬de-¬tempus-¬jpcr
Coordinateur :Université d’Oldenburg
  Infoboc : L’INNOVATION DANS LA FORMATION POUR LES BIENS CULTURELS : un nouveau curriculum euro-méditerranéen pour la préservation de biens culturels
Coordinateur :Université URBINHO-ITALY
  Tuning Middle East and North Africa :
REFERENCE: 543948-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-ES-TEMPUS-JPCR   Coordinateur  : University of Deusto -Espagne


Contact (1) Full Name
yassine khaled
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Higher Institute of Humanities Medenine, University of Gabes, Tunisia

National Network

Bp. 92
4144 El-Mouansa Zarzis 4144

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Born in 1964 in Tozeur in Tunisia, I am a teacher-researcher, doctor of political philosophy, a graduate of the University of Paris (mars 2007). I teach the history of political ideas to the higher Institute for Human Science Medenine, University of Gabes, Tunisia. my working languages are: French, English and Arabic. currently member of the joint research between the University of Cottbus, Germany and the University of Gabes in Tunisia, on the issue of Human Law interested in research on human rights and intercultural dialogue in order to facilitate the exchange and live together. I strongly believe that we can create a better world for future generations. Sideline: amateur painter. I just started a cooperation with Mrs. Dr. Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka/Germany Transnational Institute dialog, Chemnitz / Bonn (Eurpean Network, Dialogue Process Facilitators) and Mr. Peter Seier in the Dialog Program Facilitators
Mission and Objectives

form dialog facilitators in Tunisia and can be m $ th largest country in the Maghreb.
translate the work of the European Network for Dialogue
Facilitation ENDF Arabic
and deepen cooperation with assotions and european institutions

Main Projects / Activities

training, seminars, round tables within the university

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

forming a research group on facilitating dialogue. and disseminating literature in Arabic and French essential to make the teaching of ethical dialogue in school and university establishment. I expect this action in cooperation with the European Network for Dialogue
ENDF facilitation as well as your foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I ask this entry under Board Madame Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka to facilitate our cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Adel Mtimet
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Chokri Rhibi


National Network

10 abd el ghaffar sleam street heliopolis

+2 01008844489
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Just wanna join your activities the way u like am a pharmacist so my medical background may help
Mission and Objectives

Being a member in such a nobel aim organization

Main Projects / Activities

Fighting against terrorism ..discremination due to religion and believes...serve humanity

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By myself

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To serve humanity ... trying to raise my kids on better thoughts ... understanding other cultures and believes

Contact (1) Full Name
ghada moussa mohamed
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Adam Foundation For Human Development

National Network

338 Al Haram Giza Giza Egypt

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
study at faculty of Economics and political science (FEPS), Economics department, minor statistics. About Me simply, want to Be the most famous Economist in the world & administrate the plans of project & Be the greatest one playing in the global stock markets  
Mission and Objectives

gonna hold masters, PHD in Economics and do a several research papers and articles on economic, financial reform, privatization program in Egypt, globalization and emerging markets. love to participate in conferences and workshops in the field of economic at the local and global.
love writing articles, stories and plays, watching movies and traveling.
ultimate dream
End poverty and closing the educational gender gap and eventually, to have my business, helping others,achieve my goals and my dreams be true.

Main Projects / Activities

i'm an instructor at the Model of Egyptian House of Representatives in the huma rights committe and this year for the economics committee
Reps is not just a model, and getting certification
Reps is the knowledge about our country specially our House of Representatives, How they are working there ? What they are talking about and making in their meetings ? They are the part of the country that makes our law so is it enough to know the name of this part or to know how they make this laws to agree or disagree to have the ability to discuss it with the people specially after 25th Revolution we want all people to be aware with the law makers,...
Our Goal is to make all students know about their country more than others so be with us and make your knowledge to be concerned more on how to develop our country

Contact (1) Full Name
mona magdy gomaa abdel hady
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Huda fuad

Young Leaders Entrepreneurs

National Network

1002 Tunis

Telephone (other)
24 506 985
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Young Leaders Entrepreneurs (YLE) is a Tunisian association established by young activists from all around the country. Structure: President/ founder: Ahlem Nasraoui General secretary/ founder: Souha Werghy Treasurer/ founder: Ghada Zribi Editor in Chief: Fadia Sghayer Public relations and Media: Asma Kaouech Sources of funding: United States Agency for International Development Fund raisingModalities of Action: She organisation for women empowerment SPMUDA INTERNATIONAL International/ National and Regional Start-ups and bootcamps Inensive targetted workshops and debates.  

Mission and Objectives

YLE aims essentially to coach young Tunisians in the field of leadership and help spread the entrepreneurial spirit in schools and colleges. Motivating aspiring young Tunisian leaders and empower their abilities and their potentials through intensive workshops, scientific exhibitions and entrepreneurial businesses. Concretizing the vision of the «equitable well-being » to create a better lifestyle founded basically on the well-focused projects, that target not only improving life conditions and situations of needy people but also to give them a chance to be independent and to rebuild their lives. Empowering young people in the field of leadership and entrepreneurship. Involving youth in the democratic transition process. Bringing together youth from across Tunisia to meet, share knowledge, exchange ideas and broaden their professional network. Encouraging members to implement their own ideas, visions and projects. Supporting innovation and knowledge-sharing.

Main Projects / Activities

BUY TUNISIAN, BUY 619 NEW GENERATION INTIATIVE :LEAD THE WAY TO CAMPUS. American Corner Leadership Club Global Entrepreneurship Week The Countdown: Build Tunisia in 20 Hours ( 1st edition in Tunis) The One Billion Rising for Justice Campaign The Countdown: Build Tunisia in 20 Hours ( 2nd edition in Gafsa) Women Mentorship Program march 8th

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Young Leaders Entrepreneurs has already successfully established a solid ground for youth civic engagement and inter-cultural dialogue locally and we keep seeking the opportunity to widen our range of influence and contribution further into a global peace dialogue. Our Organization is never out of ideas for the realisation of its projects, and is never out of breath or motivation! We work day and night and we prove ourselves worthy of the title YOUNG LEADERS with each step we take and effort we make for the sake of the people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Speaking as a Young Leaders Entrepreneurs member and representative, I believe that we have set our ultimate goal so as to promote peaceful and enriching interaction between all parts and regions of Tunisia, as well as create a wholesome platform for all tunisian youth to take part in civil society and the process of their own empowerment through our projects and initiatives. Therefore joining such a trusted network only seems logical and even more enriching to our society as well as our active contribution already established within our country. The ALF Network is a great opportunity to reach that ultimate goal and expand it beyond our local or national sphere.

Contact (1) Full Name
fadia sghayer
Job Title
Editor in Chief
Head of the organisation
Ahlem Nasraoui
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahlem Nasraoui
Job Title (2)

interdisciplinary partnership for research, application and international cooperation

National Network

Fanariou 52
69100 Komotini

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Interciplinary partnership for research, application and international cooperation "ideopolis" was founded in 2013 through the initiative of young scientists from different disciplines and fields of application. It is a non-profit organization designed to function as an intermediary towards public development institutions, private companies and collective organizations and NGOs thus creating the conditions for mobilizing human resources and capital. At the same time it seeks the adoption of thematic synergies with development targeting in national and European level. It aims at international cooperation and the adoption of initiatives that will provide solutions beyond overcoming local or any kind of obstacles. "Ideopolis" associates believe in synthesis, different opinions and versatility as factors of development and social prosperity.
Mission and Objectives

Interciplinary partnership for research, application and international cooperation "ideopolis" is grappled in many different sectors, according to the area of expertise of its members and collaborators, and in accordance to the needs of partners of public and private sector and NGOs.
More specifically:

    It prepares development master plans with thematic or spatial orientation

    It creates and supports development and social partnerships

    It designs, submits and implements project proposals under calls for E.U. programmes

    It organizes promotion and information activities

    It prepares and implements social interventions in cooperation with NGOs

    It designs specialized educational material and it proceeds it the organization of training courses

    It creates master plans for viable and sustainable development

    It invests in the society of knowledge and new technologies

    It supports public and private organizations, as well as NGOs for the promotion of common purposes

    It develops partnerships in European level

Main Projects / Activities

"ideopolis" is currently actively involved in the implementation of various project fighting unemployment in the Rural region of EastMacedonia & Thrace, Greece.
It is also developing initiatives, through multiple funding opportunities, for improving human resources in the crossborder area of Rhodpe Region (Greece-Bulgrary).

Contact (1) Full Name
Ioanna Vlachogianni
Head of the organisation
Ioanna Vlachogianni


National Network

10 st souhail ben addi , palmier
22000 casablanca

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
General Information
In the construction process The Staff consists of: ceo, vice ceo, sercretary, accountant, and three assessors
Mission and Objectives

help students and scholars conduct research and study on fields of intrests.

Main Projects / Activities

Provid students the necessary tools to continue their studies

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

particpate in the cultural dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Saoudi
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Saoudi

Shobra Popular Committee

National Network

61 El Sayed Hassan street from Abol Farag street

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Shobra Popular Committee is youth initiative to activate the mechanisms of popular control and enable the people of the area of self-management of local resources
Mission and Objectives

Group of volunteers formed after the revolution of different ages in Shubra from the spectra of different community do not work orientation of political or religious, and dream in Egypt best advanced scientifically and culturally and economically, enjoy the All rights without discrimination based on religion or sexual and prevail social justice and human dignity among members of the community as a whole, as well as to educate the people of Shubra to demand their rights, through:
* Achieving effective participation of members of the community
* Support awareness of human rights and political
* The fight against corruption and nepotism in our society
* Enable people's access to community resources and participate in the management
* The production of alternative media to publish the truth just a special Shubra

Main Projects / Activities

Campaign to demand the restoration of Palace Tosson
Social Forum of the Egyptian youth - Ismailia 2013
Workshop "Know your area"
Campaign to defend the right of Egyptians to health
Workshop "sweeteners" in the street
Celebration awareness for the children of the neighborhood Farag
Iftar during Ramadan
Commemoration Day student
Ramadan evening
Workshop political education for the students and high school students
Workshop Grafite "Logica Group"
Celebration "We are all in one boat"
Grafite Aoawa forget I was Les
Sports day for the youth of the region
Celebration position rotation Shubra
Remove demolition waste
Medical convoy
Ramadan Celebration at the Palace of Culture Farag
Celebration awareness for the children of the neighborhood Coast - Garage canal
Awareness seminar on reproductive health and health rights for women
First aid session
Workshopsof filming and visual documenting

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Exchange of experiences between the activists and networking with individuals and institutions of common interest especially in field of social mouvements and other popular committees

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be member of greatest team
Being part of your ALEF Network, as we are seeking for a advanced social participation in challenging
and healthy environment where we can utilize our experience and knowledge efficiently with other community relations and networking with initiatives of mutual interest

Contact (1) Full Name
Haguer Salaheldin
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Haguer Salaheldin
Contact (2) Full Name
Mustafa zaki
Job Title (2)

association AZUL pour l'art la culture et le développepemt

National Network

69 rue de la ligue arabe nador
62000 NADOR

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
l'association azul est fondé par un groupe de femmes et d'hommes en 2008,détérminés à s"engager dans l'action culturelle et artistique et ont déterminé leur missions selon la conviction que l'action culturelle et artistique est porteuse de développement humain,social et economique;sefforçant de priviligier  la création artistique tout en soutenant les pratiques culturelles et par la suite promouvoir le patrimoine culturel local.
Mission and Objectives

l'association AZUL s'est fixée comme mission de faciliter l'accée à la connaissance et à la culture et de permettre une démocratisation de l'art,elle s"est dotée comme objectif  de promouvoir la diversité culturelle et de permettre à la population locale de s'affirmer et d'evoluer hors des chemins préparés par les préssions et les models venus de l'exterieur dans le but d'eviter  toutes forme de marginalisation ou d'uniformisation

Main Projects / Activities

Les principales activitées de la'association AZUL sont:

L'organisation du  printemps culturel ;qui est un festival qui s'articule autour de differentes disciplines ,comme le  théatre,le cinéma,la musique ,des tables rondes ,des conférence sur de differents sujets,des ateliers de formations,et fait participer des artistes d'horisons diferents ,cette année on  est à la cinquiéme éditions.

Le festival del'art des instalations qui se vaut une plate forme d'expression artistiques sur cet art et qui fait venir des artistes locaux et internationnaux,avec l'organisation d'atelier de formation en art plastique.

Une école de formation artistique vient d'etre ouverte par l'association ,destinée à l'apprentisage de la musique et de l'art plastique .

des tables rondes ,des conférences sur des thématiques variés sont fréquement organisés

Des actions de solidarité sont aussi orgnisées en faveur des demunis

Contact (1) Full Name
Mina Ahkim
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Chakib Alkhayari

birzeit university

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

My name is Ahmed Farahat male 22 years old I study law at Birzeit University The fourth year Interested in human rights and justice

Mission and Objectives

First, end the bachelor's degree Second, complete the master's degree in human rights Third, work on the realization of these rights for all human beings away from excellence

Main Projects / Activities

First, end the bachelor's degree Second, complete the master's degree in human rights Third, work on the realization of these rights for all human beings away from excellence

Contact (1) Full Name
ahmad farhat asaad mohammad
Job Title
Head of the organisation
khaleel alhndi