Association Migrations & Développement

National Network

Maison de Développement Quartier Administratif

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
M&D est une association franco-marocaine de droit français, créée en 1986, par des migrants afin de mener des actions de développement rural intégré dans les villages de leur région d'origine (région Souss Massa Drâa). Elle est composée de 19 membres constituant le Bureau et le Conseil d’Administration et de 17 salariés en France et au Maroc (5 à Marseille et 12 à Agadir et Taliouine). Les actions de M&D sont mises en œuvre grâce au soutien financier des partenaires, majoritairement français et marocains, à travers des financements publics, privés, ainsi que les dons et cotisations des adhérents. Les principaux partenaires impliqués sur les projets sont les migrant(e)s réunis ou non en associations, les élu(e)s, fonctionnaires, cadres associatifs, villageois(e)s, producteurs/trices, membres de coopératives, collectivités territoriales, institutions et adhérents à l’association, selon les thématiques d’action.
Mission and Objectives

L'association a pour objet de regrouper toute personne intéressée pour participer à des actions de développement dans les zones d'origine de l'immigration, permettant de soutenir les personnes dans le besoin, d'assurer des actions de formation et d'insertion sociale, d'enrayer l'exode rural et de mettre en valeur cette dynamique comme force de développement entre les deux rives. Les objectifs spécifiques sont : Renforcer les capacités d’auto-développement du territoire ; améliorer la quantité et la qualité des produits et services villageois (agricoles, artisanaux, touristiques) et leur mise en marché ; améliorer l’accès de la population aux services publics (eau, assainissement, santé, école) ; améliorer la gestion et la valorisation de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles ; améliorer la coordination des associations de migrants marocains et favoriser leur implication dans une démarche de solidarité internationale, en particulier des jeunes générations ; capitaliser et diffuser l’expérience de M&D.

Main Projects / Activities

Les activités principales concernent: (i) les infrastructures et l'environnement, (ii) l'économie sociale et solidaire (accompagnement et soutien aux activités économiques agricoles: filières, tourisme rural solidaire, foyers féminins…), (iii) le renforcement des capacités et la gouvernance locale et (iv) la solidarité internationale avec l'animation d'un réseau de Marocains résidant à l'Etranger, l'organisation de chantiers-échanges solidaires entre jeunes.
L’action de M&D est basée sur trois principes : encourager la participation des populations aux décisions et au financement des projets, favoriser les solidarités villageoises, et assurer un partenariat avec les autorités locales.
La formation des acteurs (élus, cadres des associations villageoises, des administrations locales, coopérateurs, membres d’association issue de la migration) est un axe majeur des interventions de l’ONG.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

M&D peut apporter son expérience de près de 30 ans sur le terrain, auprès de plusieurs acteurs sur un même territoire. En partageant ses pratiques et ses réflexions, M&D souhaite contribuer à la sensibilisation de l’opinion publique et des autorités sur le rôle des migrant(e)s ici et là-bas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

L’association a la particularité d’être ancrée sur deux territoires. Aujourd’hui, l’association renouvelle son approche afin de s’adapter à l’émergence d’acteurs tels que les Communes rurales et leurs élus. Par ailleurs, la diaspora  change son rapport avec le pays d’origine et sa pratique de la solidarité internationale.  Pour M&D, faire partie du réseau français de la FAL offrirait l’opportunité d’échanger avec d’autres organisations et de participer au dialogue interculturel, sous toutes ses dimensions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abderrazak EL HAJRI
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatima Zahra EL GRAH
Job Title (2)
Assistante Projet

You in Europe

National Network

Plateia Omonoias 27
63200 Nea Moudania, Halkidiki

+30 2373065621
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

You in Europe was founded in 2012 by Gregory Kyriakou, Vasilis Stoulos, Stavroula Pagona and Ioanna Thomopoulou (all of them having quite important previous experience on Youth in Action Program) in order to encourage the mobility of their local society and offer more opportunities in the field of life long learning. We have a great number of volunteers who support our activities, mostly youngsters. Our sources of funding are for our own resources, contibutions of our members, donations from indivinduals or institutions, sponsorships etc. Our main partners are international or national Ngos and bodies that share the same philosophy and goals. So far we have realised mostly activities for youngsters (Youth exchanges, training courses, EVS) and initiations for engouraging volunteerism and for the support of local society, but in our future plans we intent to emphasize also on adults and life long learning programs for all ages. 

Mission and Objectives

“You in Europe” is a NGO based in Greece. In the first place… Because, “You in Europe” is a space for everyone who loves living through learning… and vice versa. In fact, “You in Europe” is the formalization of the idea that each of us has the opportunity to involve in the society in a prosperous way, and foster social cohesion through personal development. And how we do that? By developing programs and actions that motivate young people and adults to involve in learning activities, support people with special needs in gaining access to education and integrate better in the society, and help volunteers to gain knowledge, help the community and obtain new skills.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Exchanges, Training Courses and Voluntary Services for youngsters Cultural Events and initiatives for the support of local society Adult Education programs for adult practical learning and professional education through Erasmus+ Program

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

During these years that we have been involved in the non formal education programs like training courses, youth exchanges etc, we have gained great experience and important knowledge, that we consider it would be really important to share with other bodies and people who have the same interests with us and share the same objectives. We believe that ideas is important to be shared and discussed, and knowledge is nothing if you can not transmit it. So we are ready to bring our enthousiasm, ideas, opinions, good practices and in order to promote mutual understanding and social cohesion in Greece, Mediterannean and consquently Europe.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have a great network of partners for the european countries and have already understood the importance of participating in a national network in order to achieve more in common in a national level. Especially in Greece where the economical crisis contribited to the augmentation of critical problems like unemployment, xenophobia, limitation of opportunities and marginalisation of the poor, we believe that is our obligation to stand united against all these phenomena and implement actions that will promote solidarity, social awareness and active citizenship.     

Contact (1) Full Name
Stavroula Pagona
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Gregoris Kyriakou, Stavroula Pagona, Vasilis Stoulos, Thomopoulou Ioanna
Contact (2) Full Name
Gregoris Kyriakou
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Egyptian Democratic Institute to raise awareness of constitutional rights and legal

National Network

80 Khatem elmorsleen st
El Omrania

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
EDI has 15 employees working on a permanent basis in addition to the Board of Trustees consists of seven people Units: - Support Unit Legal and Parliamentary - Unit  good governance and support of civil society organizations - Unit women and children. - Training Unit and the political and economic rights
Mission and Objectives

Vision: Community practice the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the law and international conventions through the rule of law and the practice of democracy
Message: Institute exceeds his work in traditional formats for the practice of democracy among groups and individuals in the framework of activating the values ??of community involvement and an emphasis on constitutional and legal rights of the masses of Egyptians.
Egyptian Democratic Institute aims to achieve several goals and are as follows:
1 - building a knowledge society.
2 - spreading the culture of human rights.
3 - spreading the culture of constitutional and legal rights.
4 - Establishing the values of citizenship and social practice.
5 - spreading the culture of tolerance and acceptance of others, and renounce violence.
6 - spreading the culture and the values of transparency, accountability and good governance.
7 - the development of legislation and laws to achieve greater legal safeguards to activate the democratic process.

Main Projects / Activities

EDI now operates two projects:
The first project to monitor the parliamentary performance with seven consecutive years (NED) and aims to develop and improve national legislation.
The second project is a campaign to educate voters participated in the elections the parliament in 2012 and also the presidential elections of 2013.
EDI Website (Parliament today), a site that specializes in the affairs of the Egyptian parliament, issued seven reports, including the report on the performance of the Commission session to amend the constitution which was passed in 2014.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EDI has experiences  and strong connections in the Egyptian parliament and its members could reach demands or recommendations on draft laws.
EDI can through a network of organizations collaborating with him in the voter education campaign which be carried out any activities in the provinces in which they operate campaign.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EDI will benefit from Anna Lindh  through a network of organizations in the common issues and can cooperate with them .
EDI believes that the institution has a lot of experience and a variety of ready to take advantage of them .

Contact (1) Full Name
Ramy Abdelrazek Hafez
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
ُُEmad Ramdan


National Network

Via Pienza, 36
85100 Potenza

+39 0971.35593
+39 178.2251216
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 339.3846546
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
ABACUS FOUNDATION - EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH, STUDY AND TRAINING. The Foundation is a private not for profit orgasnism sited in the Region Basilicata (South of Italy), it was established in 2004 as the regional headquarters of one of the most important Italian research Institutes. Since 2010, the institute has changed its name and legal form, becoming a recognized foundation (It achieved the legal status in 2011 and is registered in the Register of Legal Persons established at the Prefecture of Potenza with number 195).
Mission and Objectives

It is directed to realise researches, studies, training courses, cultural activities, qualification and valorization activities, language and specialization courses, IT activities, etc.
At the same time, it promotes and supports individual research on topics of social interest, cultural activities, scholarships, publishing initiatives, presenting as an independent centre for information and guidance of public and major decision areas that operate in our country. Among his areas of expertise there is also social inclusion. Collaborates with PRAP (Regional Superintendent of the prison administration) in the Basilicata region. He has made social inclusion efforts against prisoners or ex-prisoners in special surveillance with collaboration od educators and social workers of the Department.
It is recognised or accreditated from many different public or private organism such as MIUR, Region Basilicata, Formatemp, Fondo Professioni, Mec Center, Microsoft Office Specialist, Microsoft Certified Applications
Specialist, Microsoft Technology Associate, Adobe Certified Associate, Internet and Computing Core Certification, IC Health, IC DAC, BULATS Computer Test, PHP Developer Fundamentals on MySQL, ISO:9001 – STAR QUALITY SERVICES ITALIA S.P.A., etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Abacus Foundation, in line with the principles and objectives included in the Barcelona Declaration (November 1995), means to:
- Contribute to develop relations between the EU and Mediterranean countries by consolidating and strengthening multilateral cooperation, intensifying joint efforts among individual countries;
- Promote and support exchange programs and economic and trade relations, with the involvement of organizations and associations, public and private entities operating in the area;
- Promote conferences, seminars, events to favour public awareness and access to cultural heritage and a permanent and open dialogue among the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean basin, promoting communication, cooperation among peoples;
-  Contribute to the enhancement of the common Mediterranean identity and the affirmation of the rights of citizenship;
- Promote relations with countries of the European Community and with public and private agencies and organizations (memoranda of understanding, framework agreements, etc.) in order to develop and implement sustainable development projects;
- Establish a research and technological cultural and social innovation centre in order to develop a network of cooperation with universities, foundations, associations, agencies and institutions of the Euro-Mediterranean
basin countries and to promote cultural and scientific exchanges to carry out joint projects capable of achieving and enhancing the Euro-Mediterranean partnership;
- Promote and implement publishing initiatives, coordinate and develop the activities of committees and study groups, to print the acts of the activities the Foundation has the copyright publication and commercial use, and furthermore the publication of a periodic magazine;
- The Foundation will also organize cultural institutions and vocational training courses as well as information courses on EU policy issues, with particular attention to the problems of southern Italy and to migration and cooperation issues;
- The setting up of a socio-economic disciplines  and European Studies specialized library, according to the Foundation study and research areas;
- Protection of the Euro-Mediterranean area’s archaeological, cultural and historical heritage, promoting Mediterranean culture, encouraging cultural exchanges and cultural and environmental tourism, activating stipulations of international conventions and / or cooperation agreements with all public and private organizations having the same interests in knowing and integrating peoples bordering the Mediterranean, contributing to the
development of the same basin with development projects;
- Encourage and promote the establishment of study and research centres, seminars, workshops, schools and university courses and advanced training courses such as Masters, postgraduate courses and plans for further training and updating;
- Maintain direct relationships, even on a contractual basis with universities and research institutions, consortia and their emanations, both Italian and foreign, in order to start and develop university courses, University Masters and research / study activities;
- Promote all appropriate steps in order to develop university courses, Masters, University and non-specialist courses,  research/study or other activities, independently and / or in connection with Italian or foreign universities and research institutions, satisfying the requirements of the professional job market, marked by new training needs for both private and public sectors in terms of competent professionals;
- Develop training and education, through design and implementation of an integrated system of services and support infrastructures.
The Foundation's activities will also be implemented through the use of funds and contributions provided by local, regional, national and EU level.
The Foundation may assign to third particularly qualified parties, individual research agendas of key sectors and issues, in order to draw practical proposals to be disclosed publicly even in institutional settings.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution to the strengthening of the network starts from the point of view of economic and social development, by sharing the results of our research, our ability to build networks and relationships for Mediterranean cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network because we believe that cooperation is a value. Share and improve the stock of knowledge, and processing common assessments serving to increase the culture of law, sustainable development, strengthening of networks of welfare and governance practices between institutions and the third sector.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rosario Palese
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rosario Palese

Armenak Tokmajyan

National Network

Yrttikatu 1, G 62
33710 Tampere

00358 44 9252067
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
My interest in Anna Lindh Foundation comes from my profession as a graduate student of Social Sciences specialized in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research. My research interest covers different topics in different fields, yet my main focus is the Middle East Region.
Mission and Objectives

Despite the globalization and the advanced means of communication, there is still lack of understanding each other. Often we have lack of knowledge and experience to understand different cultures, religions, traditions and languages. Anna Lind Foundation contributes to the creation of a colourful space for interaction between people with diverse backgrounds. Dialogue is important to understand, coexist and build sustainable peace.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently, I am working on different research projects related to the conflict in the Middle East and particularly in Syria. This includes intra-state conflict, inter-communal conflicts, armed activities regional non-state armed groups and politicization of religion in the Syrian conflict.
To present my research i participate in workshops and seminars in Finland and abroad. I also contribute to the existing literature by publishing in academic journals and in daily newspapers concerned about the developments in the Middle East.
My future research plan is to study the "small" peace agreements/ceasefires in Syria, which unfortunately do not attract the attention of the international media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Armenak Tokmajyan
Head of the organisation
Armenak Tokmajyan

I am applying as an individual

National Network

Yrttikatu 1, G 62
33710 Tampere

00358 44 9252067
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
My interest in Anna Lindh Foundation comes from my profession as a graduate student of Social Sciences specialized in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research. My research interest covers different topics in different fields, yet my main focus is the Middle East Region.
Mission and Objectives

Despite the globalization and the advanced means of communication, there is still lack of understanding each other. Often we have lack of knowledge and experience to understand different cultures, religions, traditions and languages. Anna Lind Foundation contributes to the creation of a colourful space for interaction between people with diverse backgrounds. Dialogue is important to understand, coexist and build sustainable peace.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently I am working on different research projects related to the conflict in the Middle East and particularly in Syria. This includes intra-state conflict, inter-communal conflicts, armed activities regional non-state armed groups and politicization of religion in the Syrian conflict.
To present my research i participate in workshops and seminars in Finland and abroad. I also contribute to the existing literature by publishing in academic journals and in daily newspapers concerned about the developments in the Middle East.
My future research plan is to study the "small" peace agreements/ceasefires in Syria, which unfortunately do not attract the attention of the international media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Armenak Tokmajyan
Head of the organisation
I am applying as an individual

Moroccan National Debate Team

National Network

Residence Imane Apt 18 Rue Pacha
On face, Center Americaine, Gueliz
40320 Marrakech

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Soufiane Choubani came up with the idea to start up a Moroccan National Debate Team to compete at the worlds biggest debate compeition, the World School Debate Championship, WSDC. The Moroccan National High School Debate Team will be the first Moroccan Team in history to participate in the World Schools Debating Championship, the world’s biggest high school debate tournament with teams representing over 60 different countries from 5 different continents. The current team is made up of outstanding debaters who attend prestigious schools in Morocco. They all have extensive experience in debate, and two of them have represented Morocco before in an international tournament. All of them have earned the right to represent their country in Thailand.
Mission and Objectives

To form Moroccan National Teams and help form teams in our North African region.
The Moroccan National Debate Team (MNDT) is a non-profit organization that trains Moroccan students to compete at the World Schools Debating Championship. We are asking for support from sponsors and donors to fund our participation at this competition. All funds will go to our essential needs, which include travel costs and accommodations.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is to compete at the Worlds Schools Debate Championships and The World Universities Debate Championship and form a league to debates in this format throughout Morocco first and then in the regions.
We currently host debate tournaments, public speaking contests, tryouts and Model United Nation Conferences.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Debates skills are not only debate skills, they are life skills
We can help form more teams in every major city in Morocco and teach new and interested Moroccan Students, the art of debate. We can help build debate clubs in schools throughout Morocco. We can also offer our debaters, world-class coaching and trainer.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join to work together for a better future for our region's youth. We think the ALF network can only help us grow and improve and we can help spread the name of our partnership to the international debate world. Finally, we would like join because we believe that ALF and MNDT, share the same interests and have simalar objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Soufiane Choubani
Job Title
President & Coach
Head of the organisation
Soufiane Choubani
Contact (2) Full Name
Kaoutar Abd
Job Title (2)

individual artist

National Network

via degli equi 8
00185 rome

0039 3409258877
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
I'm Anahi Angela Mariotti, I'm an artist and I live and work in Rome. I've studied Fine Arts in Rome and in Spain.  I work as a visual artist making paintings, sculptures, video and audio installations, performance and every creative lenguage that I can use. I also work as a artistic teacher in schools with children. I've many pubblications en exhibitions, you can see something about my work in:
Mission and Objectives

I want to continuos in intercultural activities, reaserch and artistic projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2011 I'm working in many projects about Mediterranean.
With my artistic work I realized projects about the role of media in the arabic spring in Egypt, I also make videos about the different cultures ao Mediterranean, another about the actual situation in Lebanon and another about tunisi.
Other kind of projects are those that I bring at school for children: intercultural project of art.
Now I have the objective of realize a project about the changes in contemporary art in Tunisia since 2010.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can realized exhibitions, events or cultural excenges in Rome and others cities and I can promove intercultural educational projects in the schools.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to realize my projects and I know tha for this I need to connecting me with other people, skills and opportunities. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Anahi Angela Mariotti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Anahi Angela Mariotti


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Epi Skopon was created by 4 political science students and now a pair is left to visualize the coming. Along of course with some 40 volunteers and lot's of great partners. Or main and most of the time only sources of funding are self-financed projects on the cultural field or -fewer times- on youth and education. Sometimes cooperation with some coterminous Municipalities and for 2014 projects as part of "Thessaloniki: European Youth Capital 2014".

Mission and Objectives

"Epi Skopon" is a Cultural Organization based in Thessaloniki aiming at the enrichment of the cultural program of the surrounding region with valuable and rare events across the spectrum of culture. Bring young creators forward. Connect the youth with culture. Built structures and networks able to generate and sustain cultural development.

Main Projects / Activities

Here are some of our projects FB pages: Other activities/projects involve the Municipality of Kalamaria for "Para Thin Alos Festival" 2013 and 2014, a constant relation witht the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: Department of Fine Arts, projects with the Byzantine Museum of Thessaloniki, the visual arts festival "ANAKATA 2013", the 3rd and 4th Thessaloniki International Choir Festival, the Municipal Radio and Television (FM100 & TV100), Vlassis Art Gallery, Center for Balkan Music in Arta and the "Balkan June Festival 2013 and 2014", "Festival Mouson 2013" in Katerini, "GreenWave Festival 2013 and 2014" in Thessaloniki (focus on the enviroment" and "16th and 17th Antiracist Festival of Thessaloniki" (focus on human rights, equality etc). And of course we work with young and talented and not so young and talented artist on all cultural fields. We are also preparing connection between the cultural field in Greece and the neighboring countries. We also have concrete working groups on a variey of cultural fields such as photography, video-art etc:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Know-how on cultural development, projects, events. Expanding the network and..networking it with the networks we already work with. Bringing the civil society of North Greece closer to the counterparts on the rest of the world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking throughout the Mediterranean is inspiring. Many of ours projects involve people and artist from the Mediterranean. We can foster relations with other Organizations on our field of work and help structure a common ground for the total of our societies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Makassed Charitable Institution - Houssam Eddine Hariri High School

National Network

Saida 1600

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+ 961-3-037990
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Houssam Eddine Hariri High School (H.H.H.S.) was established in 1995 by the Makassed Charitable Islamic Association of Saida employs nearly 320 employees. The School is a day, co-educational, non-profit K-12 institution, where modern and updated educational theories and practices are implemented.It offers national and international educational programs in three languages,English,Arabic and French. The school's educational, financial and administrative policies are set by the Makassed Association’s Board of Directors. The School is registered with the Ministry of Education in Lebanon and is currently an associate member in NESA,and an IB world school authorized by IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization) to teach the PYP. It is located in the south of Lebanon in Saida city. H.H.H.S is recognized in its local area as a “Pioneer School”; it was the first school to integrate students with special needs and the first to be authorized to teach the PYP and continue to do so.  Tuition is the major source of funding and it is supplemented by the Makassed Association who relies mainly on donations sources.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Houssam Eddine Hariri High School is to raise open-minded individuals who are capable of adapting to changes, assuming responsibility at the personal, national, and international levels, and showing respect to different learning abilities and cultural backgrounds. The school seeks to equip students with knowledge, education, as well as Arabic and foreign language skills. It also works on enhancing their ability to reason logically and think critically, appreciate and use art, use technology, and understand the relationship between learning at school and its practical application in life, exhibiting positive attitudes and values to influence their local and wider global communities.

Main Projects / Activities

1-War and Conflict: This project has been done with grade 10 students for three consecutive years and this year it was done in partnership with a school in Palestine. Through it, students get the chance to read about wars that have taken place in the world, overview its causes and effects and reflect on it. Then, they get the chance to read a lot of valuable diverse primary resources about the 15-year Lebanese civil war, review the “TAEf” Treaty, and propose amendments to it and solutions the current conflicting state.
2- Culture and Identity: Is another project that student work on across various subjects to answer the following question:”How can geographic location shape people’s cultural identity?” Through this project, which was done this year with a partner school in the USA, students develop an in-depth understanding of themselves and learn to interact with people around the world through the partnership they are exposed to with schools from other cultural backgrounds.
3- Women’s Rights: is a project that was done twice. It tackles the changing role of women in the country and the challenges that Arab women face. Students had the chance to meet the female Lebanese activist Linda Mattar and discuss her path of struggle and her dreams for the future to come.
4-Rights of People with special needs: being a school that cherishes inclusion and believes it is a cornerstone for community building, the rights of people with special needs has been a very successful project implemented with grade eight students. Through the project students learn how to respect and interact with people with various physical or mental impairments.
5- MUN program: The Model United Nation is a program that allows students to role-play diplomats or delegates in a conference similar to the United Nations where they research and formulate political positions based on the actual policies of the countries they represent.
6- MAL program: The Modern Arab League program helps engage students from various religious and political backgrounds in Lebanon to discuss various social, political, and economic subjects that are affecting and shaping the Arab World.
7- Adyan/Alwan club: Alwan, the non-formal education club within Adyan, fosters the role of youth as active citizens for peace building in the framework of a comprehensive national belonging and inclusive citizenship.
8-The Big Dance: it is an activity organized annually by the British Council. It is a common chirography that takes place at the same time in Britain and all over the world. It aims at spreading cultural and artistic awareness, tolerance, and acceptance through dancing.
9- Road safety program: it is a non-formal educational club that aims at developing students’ awareness to the dangers of speed, texting and careless driving. It works with students on resolving current nearby modifications to guarantee better road safety standards in our local community and making them responsible drivers in the years to come.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I believe that our school, being an IB school, can be the first piloting school that has all what is needed to be a leading academic institution that would offer training opportunities and facilities to all surrounding schools in formal education themes that correspond to the current challenges. Moreover, our school has an innovative and flexible human resource who is easily capable of receiving necessary relevant training to be a future leading team in implementing multi-cultural themes within the school itself and training other schools to join the practices and the innovation to build a better citizen in a fragmented society. Finally, our school has also been a very active member in various non-formal youth programs that work on developing the youth’s personal, social, and global profile such as MUN, MAL, ADYAN, and ISA program, thus being a leading school in building shared values despite diversification to build a better society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Having one of our teachers participate in the third Anna lindh convention held in Alexandria last week, has opened our eyes to the common vision that both our school and the ALF have for the years to come. We found out that our major concern as an institution is to raise multicultural students who are capable of building a fixed identity yet capable of interacting with diverse cultures .Thus, empowering them with knowledge, competences, tolerance, communicative skills, problem-solving skills, and most importantly, a high level of responsibility to enhance social, cultural, and economic development is a necessity. Therefore, this vision we adopt is very similar to that of the ALF which can be our means towards achieving our goals, training our teachers, and implementing diverse topics in our school whether in formal academic programs or within non-formal clubs or social networks and training the Lebanese community as well.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Lutfieh Mazloum
Job Title
School Principal
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Lutfieh Mazloum
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Zeina Dbouk
Job Title (2)
Teacher and trainer