Economic Empowerment for Women

National Network

102 Ha'atzmaut
Haifa 31091

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Khawla - 0548011225
Mobile Phone (other)
Claudia - 0505602239
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
General Information
Economic Empowerment for women (EEW), founded in 2000 by women active in Haifa's feminist organizations, is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving women’s lives through economic empowerment. the organization is headed by Khawla Rihani and Ruti Gur and employs 8 part time staff members our courses are thought by facilitators that hve worked with EEW for many years. EEW is funded by private foundations, federations, businesses, government sources and particpants. Our yearly budget is approxomately 600,000$. EEW partmers with local municipalities and community centers in all of our programs.
Mission and Objectives

EEW's mission is to supply low-income women in Israel with the knowledge and tools to create their own small businesses as a means for gaining financial self-sufficiency and alleviating the cycle of poverty in which they live. EEW has developed model programs that have been adopted by government and non-profit organizations for their own low-income populations. In 2008 EEW was awarded the Speaker of the Knesset Prize for the Quality of Life and in 2011 the Division of Women's Affairs within the Office of the Prime Minister awarded a public tender to EEW to provide economic empowerment courses to women throughout Israel for two years.

Main Projects / Activities

EEW's program addresses the different stages of businesses' growth. The programs include: 1. Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Training Course: This intensive program includes weekly sessions focusing on empowerment, business skills, and developing business plans for the new enterprises. EEW's flag ship program is our "Business of One's Own" course. 2. Business Development Services are provided over five years to grow existing businesses and increase the personal income earned from one's business. They include advanced business training and industry related seminars; Business Incubation; intensive Marathon Business training weekends; computer trainings; regional business forums, one-on-one and small group business coaching. 3. Savings for the Future: Financial Literacy and Asset Building: This program, the first of its kind in Israel, promotes asset development strategies among low-income business owners through financial literacy courses and matched savings used for business development or specialized training. Since the onset of the program, EEW has opened over 140 business-training courses for women all over the country with approximately 4,000 participants. EEW played an active role in the establishment and growth of over 1,800 small businesses that were initiated by its graduates and loan recipients. Thirty-five percent of the women who completed the program have income

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EEW has a lot of experience in the feild of economic empowerment and finnacial oreintations. we could share our knowlege with others. we could also connect local businesswomen, graduates of our program with otherwomen worldwide for purposes of developing thier business. Running joint programs is also a possibily.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would ike to learn from other orgnzaions in the feild of economic empowerment for future programs in tearms of experience, programming and results. We would like to run joint projects whe possible, find out about possible funding opportunities and be a part of network working twards improving society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Goodich-Avram
Job Title
Resource development coordinator
Head of the organisation
Khawla Rihani

Global Network of Change (GN4C)

National Network

Molenmeers 46
8000 Brugge

+32 4 85 54 01 24
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Structure of the organization: President, Board of Advisors, Board of Directors, Executive Committee. Amount of employees: 4 Budgetary resources available in a year: € 80,000 - €120,000 Sources of funding: crowdfunding, private funding, foundations Modalities of action: dialogue projects, workshops, webinars, summer academies, debriefings Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: The Imagine Center for Conflict Transformation

Mission and Objectives

Vision   GN4C strives for peace through empowerment of human beings and their social cohesion in conflict-­‐riddled regions.   Mission   Through the organization of inclusive dialogues, GN4C creates the space and time for genuine people-­to­‐people communication and cooperation. Through the organization of capacity­‐building workshops and conflict transformation trainings, GN4C provides insight, expertise and resources to local peace-­builders and other conflict related actors according to locally determined needs and priorities. Through the support of educational and research activities, GN4C ensures a neutral flow of information contributing to the plurality of perspectives on the conflict. Through networking, partnering up with and supporting other organizations and associations, GN4C maximizes the synergetic potential among organizations that share a like-­minded vision. Through the participation in and promotion of public discussions, GN4C works towards contributing to progressive and socially constructive policy change that alleviates the debilitating effects on civil societies immersed in conflict. By engaging in these activities in an inclusive, conflict­‐sensitive, locally-­led, peaceful and respectful way, GN4C answers to local demands expressed by anyone in a conflict or post‐conflict zone who may also be member of any kind of organization, government, institution or company.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently, GN4C is working to realize three projects:   Supporting Civic Dialogue in Syria: the aim of the project is to develop a sustainable network of activists across Syria with a shared vision and action plan for initiating the transformation of the conflict in Syria. The specific objectives of the proposed project include:   • to develop an inclusive network of peace activists across Syria;   • to equip the network members with mutual trust, good working relations and conflict resolution skills;   • to create space for sustainable cross-region and cross-sectarian collaboration focused on civic dialogue and conflict transformation. Winter Academy in Armenia: Conscious Conflict Transformation: this project aims to set up a one-week program for peace builders, educators, conflict resolution professionals, students and other people interested in conscious conflict transformation. The winter academy aspires to study and practice concepts, such as awareness, energy fields, transformative mediation, yoga practices, mindfulness, nonverbal communication, etc to constructively transform conflicts. Communication for Stabilization (CoS): This project undertakes public diplomacy as a tool for conflict prevention, reconciliation and peace-building. Objective of CoS will be to develop and implement communication for stabilization in conflicted regions. Understanding the importance of strategic communications & public diplomacy in conflicted and post-conflict regions to prevent violence and help reconciliation, the project will focus on various approaches to strategically use communications tools for stabilization in the conflicted societies.   A potential peace educational project is in the pipeline in the region of Israel-Palestine but is not yet confirmed. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GN4C aims to empower local actors in conflict regions and support community building and for the moment we are active in Syria, and, potentially, Israel-Palestine. By sharing our work in these regions with the ALF Network, GN4C can contribute to the work of the Network of promoting, restoring and building of intercultural dialogue in these regions. Further, being established in Belgium, GN4C can contribute to the Belgian Network to provide an informative and educational platform to whomever is interested in the recent developments in the field of conflict resolution and transformation. In addition, as GN4C works closely with people from the field, it can bring the expertise of the field closer to analysts and decision-makers who are mainly working in Brussels through webinars, workshops, debriefings, trainings and debates. The GN4C employees furthermore often travel to conflict zones and keep in touch with the reality on the ground and, thus, ensuring the credibility of its work. GN4C believes that by adopting such close-to-the-ground approach and by sharing its expertise and experience with the other members of the Network, the Network can directly benefit from the work of GN4C.    

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

First, GN4C believes in the strengths of intercultural networks and cross-border relationship-building in order to achieve its objectives, i.e. rebuild the trust among actors in conflict zones and re-humanize conflicts to ultimately constructively transform local communities, and also in education, culture and media as important nonviolent tools to reach these goals. GN4C sees that these elements are equally valued by the ALF Network and, to that extent, GN4C is convinced that joining the ALF Network is a perfect way to put these ideas and resources together to strengthen and support its activities and those of the other members of the Network. Further, GN4C sees ALF Network as a supportive voice, tool and platform to promote and restore intercultural dialogue, whereby perceptions are shared, awareness is raised about stereotypes and misunderstanding are clarified. As these objectives are also pursued by the ALF Network, GN4C sees great value in joining ALF Network for mutual support.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sudhanshu Verma
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sudhanshu Verma
Contact (2) Full Name
Sudhanshu Verma
Job Title (2)

Me'maryoon for Development

National Network

University St.

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Me’maryoon For Development Company (MFDC) is a Non-Profit company and it’s the first company in the Middle East working on developing Architecture and Urban Planning fields. It was founded by a group of young people, aspiring to develop Architecture and Urban Planning fields in Jordan; through developing and enabling students and professionals in the fields.      
Mission and Objectives

Mission and Objectives:
Vision: Architectural society based on cultural foundation; providing innovative and creative ideas and solutions for its community serves the human and his environment.
Mission: Providing various projects and programs designed to improve architects and enabling them academically and intellectually
- Enabling Students and the workers in architecture and urban planning both academically and intellectually. Improving the culture of local architecture.
- Connecting local and international architects with young students.
- Establishing a national association for architects.
- Improving architectural resources.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects / Activities:
- Bonyan Concourse
- Bonyan Competition for Architectural Design BDAC
- Jordanian Architects Directory JAD:
The first program of MDO, The program contains registered members in MDO who plan and organize our projects. The current projects of the program are:
- Bonyan Concourse for Architecture and Urban Planning
- Bonyan Competition for Architectural Design
- Bonyan for Restoration
- Bonyan Expo
Architecture Students Association ASA:
The Second program of MDO, The program contains every Architecture and Urban Planning student in Jordan. It aims to make a community through connecting the students together to make a Peer-to-Peer education and connecting them with us and our projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Sharing the knowledge and experience with the students and community
- Helping the network organizing and sharing its programs 
- Helping the network in researches
- Sharing our knowledge about the country 
- Sharing our knowledge about Architecture and Planning
- Connecting the network to our partners and relationships

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Contributing in changing the world for better
- Gaining knowledge from creative and innovative resource
- Gaining experience from professionals and experts in varies fields
- Sharing our developmental vision 
- Sharing our culture and learning from others

Contact (1) Full Name
AbdulRahman AlZubaidi
Job Title
Chairman and CEO
Head of the organisation
AbdulRahman AlZubaidi
Contact (2) Full Name
Haitham Abdalla
Job Title (2)
Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Galeria umelcov Spisa

National Network
Slovak Republic

Zimna 46
05201 Spisska Nova Ves

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Gallery of Spis Artists is the youngest among the Slovak funds organisations. Since January 1st, 1987, when the Gallery was officially opened, it went through the hands a few founders, and since 2002 it is a contributory organisation of the Košice self-governing region. This status was changed from the beginning of 2013 for the Gallery to be a budgetary organization having the same founder, with annual budget app. € 160 000. Above, the number of projects and grants are building a budget via another resources / app. € 50 000 annualy. There are 10,5 people in permanent staff including both professional and technical. MAIN PROJECTS INCLUDE: 1. exhibitions focused on Slovak and arts from abroad; 2. educational programs such as lectures, seminars, workshops, international symposiums and special programs for different levels of schools; 3. varied cultural programs such as concerts, theatrical and music performances.

Mission and Objectives

Profiling of the Gallery is based on the Establishment Charter defining its competencies in the scope of professional fine arts with a priority focus on the art of the Spis Region. In the last decade the Gallery activities are extending from the regional to a broader national and European space. I mention the implemented projects like exhibitions, painters and sculptural symposiums with countries such as Poland, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, France, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Austria, Romania, Germany, Ukraine, the U.S.A., Hungary, Canada, Israel or the Czech Republic. Gallery of Spis Artists in figures / from 1987 till 2013: • 364 exhibitions of domestic and foreign production composed of the art-works of over 1 800 authors from home and abroad. • 50 own publications.  • 465 463 visitors at exhibitions and culture-educational events such as openings, lectures, seminars, concerts, workshops or experimental lessons of art.  • 1 898 art-works in the Gallery collection fund.

Main Projects / Activities

MAIN PROJECTS INCLUDE: 1. exhibitions focused on Slovak and arts from abroad; 2. educational programs such as lectures, seminars, workshops, international symposiums and special programs for different levels of schools; 3. varied cultural programs such as concerts, theatrical and music performances. COLLECTIONS AND PERMANENT EXHIBITIONS: During twenty-five years long activities of the Gallery its collection fund has grown by more than three times comparing to the original collection. At the end of the year 2012 it is represented with the total number of 1898 items. Artworks from the collection fund are presented in three permanent exhibitions. After the formation of the Gallery in 1987 the first permanent exhibition Spis Artists was installed (made available for public until the autumn of 2012) and in 1994 there was added a permanent exhibition of drawings and paintings of Jozef Hanula. Since 2002 there was constructed a sculpture work exhibition in the Garden of Art, and in the autumn 2012 the permanent exhibition of Spis  Artists was changed with a thematic exhibition arranged from the collections of the Gallery called Terra Gothica — Gothic route.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The membership in the Anna Lindth Foundation would bring us opportunity to work with the artists from the Middle East. The Gallery of Spis Artist should contribute with the projects such as artist-in-residencies programs, workshops, symposium as well as different exchange programme schemes linking central European with the Middle-East culture.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The membership in the Anna Lindth Foundation would bring us opportunity to work with the artists from the Middle East. The Gallery of Spis Artist should contribute with the projects such as artist-in-residencies programs, workshops, symposium as well as different exchange programme schemes linking central European with the Middle-East culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mgr. Lucia Benicka
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mgr. Lucia Benicka
Contact (2) Full Name
Mgr. Lenka Kralova
Job Title (2)
PR and project manager

Atbalss cilveka

National Network

Filozofu street 5

+371 29368746
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Organization works with human mental health, with aims to support perons in individual growth, family life. Stuff - the head of the board, 2 members of the board. All persons are voluntiers. Budget resources - projects. We had projects : youth center, family support club, seminars for citizens about conflicts, children care, work with youth; exchange programms with marocco youth in Elmers. Main partners - Jelgava city municipality, Education departmen in Jelgava municipality, Association Iguanadon in Marocco, NGO center for Zemgale, schools and kinder garden in Jelgava city
Mission and Objectives

To develope human metnal health, with tasks: to organize support work for youth, parents, families. Methods: seminars, consulting, camps, other projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth center, parent club, seminars, summer camps for youth, families, exchange programme in Marocco (2 years).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We plan to continue youth exchange project in Morocco, we had  2 years. We are interested to make new projects with aim to develope respect and empathy in different cultures - Marocco, Latvia (Europe) and other in the future. We plan to invite Youth from Marocco in Latvia, to create network from different cultures to exchange their cultures.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to know actualities, to take a part in network actions and also to apply for projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Baiba Blomniece - Jurane
Job Title
member of the board
Head of the organisation
Agita Vimba

Italian - Arab Association for Cooperation and Intercultural Mediation

National Network

Via Amm. Alberto Da Zara N.8 71121 Foggia, Italia
71100 Foggia

Mobile Phone
0039 32 80610611
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 32 97389110
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
• Identification IACM Association is a non-profit association for cooperation and cultural mediation. Headquartered is in Foggia, Italy, and its representatives in most of the Arab countries and some European countries. It strays away from the religious, political or pornographic things, and of course, all that does not fit with the laws and regulations in place it has an activity. • team work IACM team composed of several nationalities that members are from Europe and Arab countries, and because of that, the languages​that can be used to communicate with us are (Italian, Arabic, English and French). It has a functional structure is designed to provide a quick and an effective service, and with the staff division to departments or offices that are working to achieve a specific service in a specific area and also in multiple languages.
Mission and Objectives

• Objectives
IACM is a non -profit organization dedicated to the mediation of legal, cultural, commercial and sport between the two communities Arabs and Italians in several areas that are:
- The dimension of legal mediation:
Provision of legal knowledge with free legal services, and so by lawyers who are Italians and Europeans.

- The dimension of cultural mediation:
Aspiring Assembly with its office to increase the cultural and intellectual convergence of civilization between Italy and the Arab world , and in order to increase the number of Arab students in Italy , or vice versa .

- The dimension of commercial mediation:
The association aims with its trade office to increase trade cooperation between Italy and the Arab world with the provision of commercial mediation services between the parties that would like to create a commercial relationship or a joint business.

- The dimension of Sports mediation:
The association works with its office on athletic sports to transport available services between Italy and the Arab world and provided by sports institutions located in one of them.

Main Projects / Activities

Services of IACM Association are provided free, that the charge will be limited to the fees or the costs that are paid to third parties, and these services are:
1- Legal Services
- Legal advice about investing in Europe, especially Italy.
- Legal advice for migration to Europe, especially Italy.
- Providing driving licenses that are recognized in Italy and internationally, for a period of three years and with an acceptable cost.
  2- Cultural Services
  The establishment of forums, festivals and exhibitions and seminars.
Supporting any artistic work, in order to definite one of the party’s civilization to the other.
- Free Assist Arab students who are wishing to study in Italy:
3 - Economic Services
- Providing a free commercial advice and business consultancy in general .
- helping for transacting contract between parties that have a mutual interest.
- Helping in obtaining commercial services in the countries where the association has activates.
- Assisting in the establishment of investment projects in Italy or the Arab countries.
4 - Sports Services
- What is possible of sports news to the two parties, Italian and Arabic .
- Work on adding fans of some difference teams to these teams with membership cards.
- Assisting for establishing some sporting events between the two sides, Italian and Arabic.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Provision of legal knowledge by providing free legal services , and that will be provided by Italians and Europeans lawyers.
increasing the intellectual and cultural convergence between Italy and the Arab world, and increasing the number of Arab students in Italy, or vice versa.
Providing free consulting services and commercial mediation between the parties that would like to create a relationship or a joint business.
Providing the available sport services between Italy and the Arab world that are provided by sports institutions located therein.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Contribute to the development of relations between the cultures of the Euro-Mediterranean region, especially Italy and Arab countries, which will provide an ideal climate for convergence Iivavat and ideas, business and the shared values ​​of both parties.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Mourad Barmo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mourad Barmo
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr.Morhaf Barmo
Job Title (2)
vice President

Bethlehem Roots Society

National Network

86 Star Street
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Bethlehem Roots non-profit organization providing services to local individuals and groups.Licensed by the Palestinian Ministry of Interior to operate in Palestine as a non-government organization (NGO). - See more at:

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Nabil Emil Kawas
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nabil Kawas
Contact (2) Full Name
Nicola Kawas
Job Title (2)
Projects Coordinator

YMCA of Minya

National Network

12, Adnan El-Malky St., Ard Soultan

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Young Men's Christian Association  Volunteering and international movement is setting out for all men, women and youth which move across the Christianity rules to the society of justice by love and peace and that for good life for all people. Young Men's Christian associations in Minya: The association started at the southern quarter at Minya City in simple flat at the year of 1928, with a group from young youth, which believed their duties towards their society and country. And due increase in the membership and also different activities, constructed this huge building which is now the association and opened at 1966 Our Vision:  The society of Minya city is cultured and improvement. Our members: Kids section: It included (200) child from the age of 6 to 16 years old.  Youth section: It included (130) youth from the age of 16 to 21 years old.  Family section: It included (180) Families. 
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
We work to develop the person i many sides, spirituality, mentality and physically through programs and activities.
Young Men's Christian Association aim to:

Developing all classes of society, complementary humanity development for spirit , mind and body. 

Highness the slandered of youth and working towards their develop spiritually, physically, and mentally.

Building a strong kids, strong families, strong communities.

Developing the human resource of employees at association and some other associations. 

Developing the spirit of belonging to country into youth through awareness and political sharing. 

 Caring of environment by presenting some projects, which work toward improving environment. 

ًWe caring about the health of mother and child by presenting the health care.

Main Projects / Activities

The Main Projects / Activities

Childhood Projects.

Youth's Projects.

Family and women's Projects

Health Projects.

Cultural and social Projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can contribute to the Network in my country through the activities that we have, and we can make an group discussion to see what we got through that new activities we had learned

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To get a new experiences, and know a new ways of activities. also meet with new people, and learn new cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Awny Ayad
Job Title
Youth manager
Head of the organisation
Michael Fared Falts


National Network

6 quai Jules Courmont
69002 Lyon

+33 (0)4 78 27 86 04
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Arty Farty est une association loi 1901 d’ingénierie culturelle européenne, leader dans les domaines de l’innovation, de la création et de la culture, née en 1999 et implantée à Lyon, France. Elle est une structure atypique investie dans la production d’événements culturels, le management artistique, les missions de conseils ou de direction artistique pour des entreprises, collectivités, institutions culturelles ou des festivals en France et dans le monde. Arty Farty a toujours conservé ses valeurs de base : une grande exigence artistique, une volonté d’ouverture et de co-construction, particulièrement dans l’environnement urbain. Depuis 2003, elle organise le festival Nuits sonores à Lyon, un festival de cultures électroniques, indépendantes et visuelles, profondément ancré dans son territoire et à rayonnement européen et international, qui reçoit le soutien de l’Union européenne et qui rassemble plus de 100 000 personnes. En 2011, elle crée European Lab, un forum professionnel international qui a pour vocation de connecter les acteurs culturels, politiques, économiques et médiatiques qui œuvrent au quotidien pour la refonte des modèles entrepreunariaux et des politiques culturelles de demain en Europe. En 2014, Arty Farty est une équipe permanente de 17 personnes, son Conseil d’administration est composé de 8 personnes. Elle compte environ 700 adhérents dont les adhésions sont renouvelées à chaque hiver de l’année.
Pour devenir adhérent, il suffit de cotiser à l’association pour la somme symbolique de 1€. Les activités de l’association sont financées à hauteur de 20% par des subventions publiques, dont la ville de Lyon, le Grand Lyon, La Drac Rhône-Alpes et l’Union Européenne.
Mission and Objectives

L’association s’est faite pour spécialité la création, le montage, la production et la réalisation de projets dans le domaine des arts et de la culture en lien avec son temps. Elle a pour particularité de savoir intégrer un environnement et de s’adapter aux conditions géopoliques, économiques, sociales et culturelles. Arty Farty est une structure politique et sociale, sensible à son environnement global, à son époque et qui a toujours souhaité en être un acteur positif.
Les missions d’arty Farty se déclinent en deux temps ;
D’une part, la structure s’est spécialisée dans la production d’événements (Nuits sonores, European Lab…).
D’autres part, elle est sollicitée pour son expertise sur des missions de direction artistique ou de management d'artistes.

Main Projects / Activities

Nuits Sonores 

Événement annuel depuis 2003 
Lyon – France
Nuits sonores est un festival français entièrement dédié aux cultures électroniques, indépendantes et numériques où musique, design, graphisme et architecture sont intimement liés. Chaque année, le festival investit une quarantaine de lieux dans toute la ville. Plus de 250 lieux ont ainsi été utilisés et scénographiés, de la galerie d’art à la friche industrielle, du toit en terrasse à la piscine.
La volonté de Nuits sonores est d’être le décodeur des cultures innovantes, passées, présentes et futures. Un esprit pointu et défricheur qui allie têtes d’affiches et découvertes, musiques populaires et musiques pointues mais aussi scène locale, nationale et internationale. Depuis 12 ans, le festival transforme la cité lyonnaise en espace de liberté pendant 5 jours et 5 nuits, une cour de récréation géante pour ceux qui aiment et veulent partager cette culture, cet esprit : celui de la musique de qualité, de la curiosité et de la rencontre.

European Lab
Événement annuel depuis 2011
Lyon – France

European Lab est une plate-forme professionnelle dédiée aux acteurs de l’innovation culturelle en Europe et dans le monde. Organisé autour d’un forum de 4 jours qui se déroule à Lyon pendant le festival Nuits sonores, European Lab a pour vocation de connecter les acteurs culturels, politiques, économiques et médiatiques qui portent des projets ou des philosophies innovantes et indépendantes des mécanismes institutionnels et commerciaux dominants, et qui œuvrent pour une refonte des modèles entrepreneuriaux et des politiques culturelles en Europe.
 European Lab n’a pas vocation à être un réseau mais il entend être en capacité d’accueillir et de fédérer d’autres institutions européennes, notamment des réseaux.

Nuits sonores Tanger
Chaque année au mois d’octobre
 Tanger – Maroc

En 2013, Arty Farty crée Nuits sonores Tanger dont la première édition a eu lieu du 3 au 6 octobre à Tanger, au Maroc. Il garde les mêmes principes que sa version lyonnaise : un projet urbain qui investit des lieux atypiques, symboliques ou patrimoniaux, dont l’objectif est de décoder les cultures électroniques, indépendantes et innovantes avec un esprit pointu et défricheur. 
Entièrement gratuite, la première édition a renforcé la conviction d’Arty Farty : le désir d’inventer à Tanger, avec ses acteurs, sa jeunesse et ses artistes, un rendez-vous culturel annuel qui rassemble les publics, relie les artistes des deux rives de la Méditerranée et connecte les acteurs culturels d’Europe et du Maroc.
Nuits sonores Tanger est le premier événement international sur lequel European Lab s’est exporté, créant ainsi le concept de Lab session, auquel plus d’une vingtaine d’intervenants du Maroc et de France se sont rencontrés autour de 5 thématiques et 150 participants, créant ainsi un nouvel espace franco-marocain de rencontres, d’échanges et de réflexions ouvrant la voie à une collaboration prometteuse.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L’association a su créer un tissu local fort mais aussi un réseau national et international ciblé, qualitatif et compétent. Arty Farty travaille au quotidien avec plus d’une centaine de structures. Elle œuvre également depuis 15 ans à la reconnaissance de la scène lyonnaise en France et dans le monde.
Elle travaille étroitement et au quotidien avec des structures qui sont des acteurs-clés de la construction de ses projets.
Le réseau professionnel associé à Arty Farty est composé de structures nationales et internationales telles que Europe Créative, Yourope, Deconcert.
Enfin, Arty Farty est membre de réseaux européens qui l’accompagnent sur ses réflexions culturelles, sociales, politiques et économiques, notamment dans le cadre du forum European Lab.
Fort de son expérience et son réseau, Arty Farty sera un acteur dynamique du réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous partageons les valeurs défendues par la FAL, nos activités faisant écho aux champs d'action promus par la Fondation :

-Promotion de la culture

-Engagement en faveur du développement

-Mobilité internationale

- Parité

Dans ce sens, Arty Farty œuvre pour un renforcement du projet européen et pour une Europe plus sociale à travers la culture.
Par ailleurs, dès la 1ere Edition de l’European Lab, l'association HF Rhône-Alpes a été invitée à discuter de l’égalité Hommes/Femmes dans les arts et la culture et ce dans une volonté de s’engager pour la parité Homme/Femme.
Ainsi Arty Farty est un projet européen créatif, qui s’ouvre à d’autres territoires dont les pays du pourtour méditerranéen.
C’est dans cette logique que s’inscrivent les projets Echos sonores à Carthage en 2007 et le festival Nuits sonores Tanger depuis 2013.
La FAL est un acteur incontournable qui connecte et fédère les porteurs de projets nationaux et internationaux.
L’adhésion à la fondation permettrait donc de connecter Arty Farty aux porteurs de projets des deux rives de la Méditerranée afin de travailler à la construction d’un dialogue autour de la culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Production artistique, chargé des projets extérieurs et management
Head of the organisation
Damien Beguet
Contact (2) Full Name
Meryl Laurent
Job Title (2)
Assistante coordination European Lab

Macramè Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS

National Network

Via giusti 7
50013 Campi Bisenzio

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
"Macramè Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS" is a social no profit organization and works with pubblic institutions and private in the youth and community field. Its main areas of intervention are: Education; Animation; Training and Social and cultural promotion. Since 2008 it runs the Canapè Youh Centre. It has 15 employees and several more collaborators. It works in co-operation with other bodies (associations, municipalities, schools, informal groups, etc.)
Mission and Objectives

Macramè's intervention is directed especially to childhood, children, teenagers, elderly people and family.
It works on the issues of Human Rights, Anti-racism and anti-discrimination education and sensibilisation. It fosters and promotes active citizenship and community building through workshops for schools and associations, training for professionals in the youth field, cultural events for the community.

Main Projects / Activities

CANAPE' a semi-residential day care centre that can host up to 20  vulnerable pre-adolescents and adolescents
NAVIGANTI an information helpdesk intended for young people  looking for information on training and leisure activities or who wish to be supported in choosing instruction or  working opportunities. The service is mainly intended for young people who are under dropping-out of school risk  but is intended also for parents, teachers , social workers. The helpdesk aims at connecting young people with resources and opportunities (work, education, Europe, training activities) and at being a point of permanent monitoring on the perception of community among young people
MONDIVERSI an educational laboratory of activities directed mainly to schools, but also to groups of teenagers of the area, with the aim of promoting human rights, intercultural education and the idea of an active and informed citizenship.
PORTO DELLE STORIE It is a no-profit writing school, a bar and an open space for events, book presentations and workshops. It is a project of Cooperativa Sociale Macramè and Associazione Stazione 50013 in association with Istituto Degli Innocenti, ARCI Provinciale Firenze, SDS Zona Nord Ovest Fiorentina and many more associations.
MERCOLEDì DA SCRITTORI Meet the author events - 4 editions
ITACA Classes of Italian as a second language and active citizenship.
GIOVANISì INFOPOINT An information helpdesk on the opportunities of the Regione Toscana Giovansisì project

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesca Ciardi
Job Title
Social worker (youth field and education field)
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Elena Baretti