الجمعية المغربية الشبابية للتنمية(AMJD)

National Network

حي الامل شارع ابو العلاء رقم 112 الطابق الثاني ببني ملال المغرب
23000 بني ملال

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
الجمعية المغربية الشبابية للتنمية هي جمعية وطنية شبابية تنموية غير حكومية مستقلة لا تستهدف الربح تأسست في 27 نونبر 2011 ببني ملال بمقتضي الظهير 1958 المنظم لحق تأسيس الجمعيات وهي مبادرة من مجموعة من الشباب وكذللك مفتوحة في وجه جميع الشباب المغربي من كلا الجنسين لتقاسة الافكار وتبادل التجارب  
Mission and Objectives

مهام الجمعية
*المساهمة في تنمية مندمجة ومستدامة محورها الإنسان وكذلك الانخراط في مسلسل التنمية- الشاملة الذي يعرفه المغرب عن طريق المشاركة الفعلية للشباب في مختلف مجالات الحياة التي تهم الفرد و المجتمع
* المساهمة في تأسيس وإرساء مجتمع ديموقراطي وحداثي مرتكز على المبادئ الكونية
لحقوق الإنسان كما تنص عليها المواثيق الدولية

الأهداف العامة
*المساهمة في تقوية قدرات الشباب لفهم القضايا الآنية على المستوي المحلي والإقليمي و الجهوي والوطني والدولي
*مشاركة الشباب في تسير الشأن العام
*الدفاع عن الوحدة الترابية للمملكة
*المساهمة في دعم وتكوين الشباب للنهوض بالمجال البيئي والفلاحي
* المساهمة في التنمية المحلية وذلك بدعم وخلق مشاريع تنموية وأوراش و بإنجاز دراسات ميدانية
وأبحاث وبرامج تنموية وأنشطة ثقافية ‘اقتصادية ‘اجتماعية ‘ فنية ‘ رياضية و في مجال الإعلام والاتصال
* المساهمة والعمل على ضمان وصيانة الحقوق الأساسية للأطفال واليافعين في التمدرس والصحة
والتربية وذلك بتشجيع التمدرس والحد من تشغيل الأطفال وإنجاز أنشطة تربوية وترفيهية لفائدتهم
*المساهمة في تمكين المرأة من تحسين موقعها الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والثقافي وذلك بإنجاز برامج لمحو الأمية والتكوين المهني وأنشطة للتوعية، والدعم الاجتماعي والأنشطة المدرة للدخل
* العمل على تبويئ الثقافة الأمازيغية مكانتها الحقيقية كمكون أساسي وهو ياتي في الثقافة الوطنية
* المساهمة في تقوية القدرات المؤسساتية للفاعلين التنمويين بجهة تادلا ازيلال
*المساهمة في تكريس ثقافة حقوق الإنسان والمواطنة الحقيقية
*تنظيم وتأطير مهرجانات–منتديات-مؤتمرات–لقاءات-ندوات-عروض-محاضرات-دورات تكوينية مخيمات-دوريات رياضية -خرجات –رحالات-أمسيات فنية وموسيقية ومسرحية-أدبية-معارض-زيارات ميدانية
* التعاون والتنسيق والمشاركة في كل الأنشطة مع مختلف الهيئات الحكومية وغير حكومية ‘ المحلية والجهوية والوطنية والدولية، قصد تحقيق أهداف الجمعية

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع تقوية قدرات الشباب والعمل الجمعية
مشروع مشاركة الشباب في تدبير الشأن المحلي
مشروع التربية على المواطنة والديمقراطية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

وذلك بالمشاركة والتفاعل وتقاسم الخبرات والتجارب مع الشبكة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

وذلك من اجل الانخراط والاستفادة
 من برامجكم والعمل المشترك في اطار شاركات تعاون

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
رئيس الجمعية
Head of the organisation
ياسين بن عدي

Workers Advice Center- Ma’an

National Network

POB 35252
Tel Aviv 61351

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Ma’an Workers Advice Center was established in the 1990’s to educate individuals about workers’ rights and help non-unionized workers with support, advice, and legal aid. We run several workers’ advice centers throughout the country with services offered in several languages. We offer concrete projects, conduct seminars, offer employment services, and function as a trade union. Our annual budget is $450,000. Top funders include: Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging, EU E. Jerusalem, UNDP, Manof National Insurance Institute, Catholic Agency For Overseas Development. We have 11 employees, and our organization is structured as follows: Regional coordinators for the Galilee, East Jerusalem, and Triangle Region, Coordinator of youth project, Legal department, and Administration, all report to our General Director, who reports to the Executive Board, which reports to the Board of Directors, who reports to the General Assembly. Partners include: Syndianna of the Galilee, Hanitzoz Publishing House, Kav Laoved Workers’ Rights Center, Ir Amim.
Mission and Objectives

Our staff is made up of both Jewish and Arab members, allowing us to assist the neediest of Israel’s population regardless of language or ethnicity. Ma’an seeks to advance the status of workers of every ethnicity and gender and their opportunities, thus creating a basis for equality throughout society. We often function as a trade union for unrepresented workers, and have experience with labor and humanitarian projects. We educate members of society as to their rights as workers, helping to decrease exploitation and ensure fair treatment. We offer advice centers where individuals with questions and concerns can come speak with our staff and receive assistance. We also work to garner support for fair and living wages and benefits for all.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our main projects include: providing legal aid to non-unionized truck drivers and excavation workers, promoting social entrepreneurship, supporting agency workers, helping the unemployed, highlighting work immigrants’ issues, and more. We conducted a successful 2-year pilot of Youth for Social Change, a program that goes into periphery high schools and works with students, both Arab and Jewish, informing them of their rights, developing leadership skills, and creating inter-ethnic dialog as they make tough decisions about life after school. We also work with Arab women setting them up with seasonal agricultural employment. Arab women are desperate for work and currently are employed through subcontractors who exploit their vulnerability. We work directly with farmers and these women to set up relationships for direct employment thus leading to fair wages and employment conditions. We also provide one year of training to educate these women as to their rights and how to properly seek employment independently.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Every individual deserves and is entitled to fair and equal wages for their work. Unfortunately due to difficult economic conditions, many people, particularly members of minority groups, find their situation exploited, their working conditions unacceptable, and their pay and benefits illegally withheld or below the legal minimum. We offer support to all groups in Israel regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, and religion. Every individual can benefit from properly understanding their rights as workers under the law and from an organization willing and able to support them in their quest to obtain these rights.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We feel that our work is imperative in Israeli society, and will use the ALF Network to initiate contact with other network members in an effort to offer our services, raise awareness, and ensure that more organizations are providing employees with their legal dues and are on the watch for illegally activities. We provide an important service, and are keen on widening our network and meeting other like-minded organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roni Ben Efrat
Job Title
Resource Development Director
Head of the organisation
Asaf Adiv

Senator Association

National Network

61 blvd Vitosha
1000 Sofia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Senator Association (SA)has as goals preparation and promotion for the labor market of well trained, dedicated and motivated support staff for people of high and medium levels in the economy and politics - personal assistants, personal drivers, nannies. People at high positions are under increasing pressure and shortage of time and more clearly understand the need for support staff - well trained, professional and responsible who can take some of the personal care and commitment of the government. In labor market persons with high professionalism are not available. SA was established to offer comfort to people at high positions - to provide competent and motivated helpers for their busy day.
Mission and Objectives

High technology besides convenience, create a need for the involvement of people with skills to use them. It is no longer enough staff to obtain discipline and good organizational skills, be professional in what she/he does. You need to have excellent knowledge and skills working with computer, laptop, tablet, phone, camera, and any devices that are part of everyday life of the high manager; be able to quickly get the information needed to analyze and evaluate, take or propose an adequate solution; communication language skills; speech habits in the protocol and the label broad general knowledge, good physical fitness, competence in relation to the security measures which must be taken.

Main Projects / Activities

In job postings often are sought personal assistants for company managers, directors, representatives of foreign companies; demand for nannies with skills and language and personal drivers for different categories of users of this service. Demand far exceeds supply. There are candidates for these positions, but usually require compromises extremely difficult to find a suitable person - with the necessary professional training, and the personal qualities of the candidate to provide excellent support and motivation to help people in high management.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Association Senator will invite the ALF Network Bulgaria to all events we organize in the field of improvements of skills and competences of the young people and their better chances in the labour market in Bulgaria and Mediterranean Area.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Association Senator want ro join because we are interested in multicultural dialogue and all activities for youth, women, social inclusion and improvement of the employability of youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivaylo Spasov
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Snezhanka Georgieva
Contact (2) Full Name
Bistra Georgieva
Job Title (2)

Badr Association for Local Community Development in El-Tawail Elsharkya and Elgharbya.

National Network

Elmatafy street - Saqulta

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1-structure of badr organization  :- consist of:- Numbers of Association Employees: 38 permanent Employees, 7 temporary employees additional to 12 volunteers Numbers of Board Members: 7 Members Numbers of members of the General Assembly: 74 Members   Sources of funding for badr organization are a lot and multiple most important of it are  , concrete and material donations –grants from international and local parties- projects already exists and continuous  in the organization that  return with large  and continues income for the organization  There are many modalities of action in the organization  such as   development and support reproductive health services project   in the amount of 16000  pounds this return with a large income  for the organization , the organization holds  awareness,         health, political, legal ,and economic seminars  also every year the organization do more than activity most important of it is processing orphan brides ,ideal mothers and cultural and athletic competitions for youth The main partners are :- international CARE  - social box –canadian agency  (P.D.P)- The national council for childhood and motherhood GTZ - Red Crescent organization ( elhelal el ahmer organization )  - CEWLA – CULTURAL AFFAIRS AND MIDDLE EAST INSTITUTION (NDI)  
Mission and Objectives

Vision of The Association:
Towards a local community better and more aware of their rights, free from discrimination on the basis of gender or any other consideration, In terms of belief that everyone have the right enjoy a better life being able to positive participate in the development of society.
Mission of the Association:
We, Badr Association El- Tawail, in Saqulta Sohag Governorate, by the efforts of a group of young people conscious of their rights, with the participation of the community, dedicated ourselves for the development of the local community and try to access the categories of community -especially women and category of agricultural workers and their children- so as to achieve a better life and reach the target groups to learn their rights, participation and claim them, influence in policy-making and decision-making, and influence in changing of laws, by adopting thought of sharing, cooperation and transparency in the work to achieve sustainable development.     

Main Projects / Activities

Fields of  the Association:
1 - Take care of the family, childhood and motherhood.
2- Social assistance and services.
3- take care of aging.
4- Caring for special groups and the disabled.
5- Cultural, scientific and religious services.
6- Development of the local communities.
7- Environmental Services.
8- Family Planning and childbirth.
9- Field of care for prisoners.
10- Field of Family Planning.
11- Field of friendship between the peoples of A.R.E and friendly peoples.
12- Field of Pensioners.
13- Field of Consumer Protection.
14- Field of Environment Protection.
15- Humanity fields.
16- Field of Awareness with Constitutional and Legal Rights.
17- Spending on Orphans.
18- Facilitate the Hajj and Umrah.
19- Preventing of Violence Against Women.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Badr association regards one of the earlier organizations as it announced from more than 35 year it works in developing and serving society  so the organization will provide all it's  available possibilities to contribute in applying aims and messages of the network in Egypt generally and upper Egypt particularly and the organization seeks (if it was lucky and joining the network) to hold awareness seminars in the network  in upper Egypt and trying support and help more than one organization for joining in the network , moreover the organization  will executes all activities or any services the network asked from it , the organization will contribute free with       all it's possibilities like ( hall- tools – activities trainers ) in the activities of the network in Egypt

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Firstly : any one honor joining Alf network
Secondly : Anna lindh foundation regards one of the most important and best networks in this time  due to what  it offer  of services for the society and civil organizations and individuals
So me and my organization  seeks to be part and members in the team  in order to serve the society in a great rang and we are honor to work together  in any activity or project

Contact (1) Full Name
mohamed mahmoud fahmy
Job Title
executive manager
Head of the organisation
Antsar Ahmed
Contact (2) Full Name
antsar Ahmed
Job Title (2)
head of organisation

Hadatha Association

National Network

Akkar 3316

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Al Hadatha Association was founded through a national initiative led by youth. The main objective of this initiative was to 1) strengthen the role of various social groups; 2) provide opportunities that enable marginalized communities enjoy their social, humanitarian and developmental rights; 3) Develop the capacities of vulnerable groups and activate their potential in order to serve the Lebanese community on a national level.  
Mission and Objectives

We endeavor for a developed society with no gender and belief discrimination and where individuals and groups are aware of their rights and responsibilities. A society where justice and equal opportunities for all citizens prevail and the dream of better tomorrow is possible.

Al Hdatha works on achieving social and cultural development and on combatting poverty and marginalization in Akkar region and other parts of Lebanon, through the work with youth, women and children.

Main Projects / Activities

Project 1:
Activity title: Nasseej
Start and end date: From April 16,2013 to August 15, 2013
Location(s) of activity: Berkayel, Bebnine, Masheha, El Bireh, Tal Hayat,, Bhannine, Fnaydek, Mesmesh, Rahbi, Tekrit, Halba, Mhammara and Tal Abbas Gharbi
Short summary, including results: Objective:
To contribute in providing the Syrians and the Lebanese community with social well on healthy, social, cultural and economic levels.
- Establishing 13 mixed Lebanese and Syrian committees in every village.
- Developing the capacity of 80 participants (6 committees members) and enhancing their role in proposing projects alleviating the problem of Syrian refugees.
- Implementation 6 local initiatives aiming at improving the quality of life for the Syrian refugees.
- Issuing the Syrian refugee directory.
- Issuing reports on the needs of local communities affected.
Project 2
Activity title: Local Development Advocates
Start and end date: From May 20,2013 to May 20, 2014
Location(s) of activity: Berkayel, Jdedet El Qayte’e, Bzal, Hmayra and Tal Hayat village
Short summary, including results: Objective:
The project will promote youth participation in local decision-making in 5 villages in Akkar, and will mobilize open discussion and activism with municipalities to improve the quality of public services in the area.
- To build the capacity of 75 youth in mapping community needs.
- To sensitize municipalities on developmental needs from youth perspectives
- To enhance exchange and public discussion between local authorities, youth and citizens on real local needs
- To advocate concerns considered as a priority for local community and that will contribute in the advancement of the quality of their lives in their areas
Project 3
Activity title: Go Youth
Start and end date: 2 February A-2 July 2009
Location(s) of activity: 9 villages in Akkar, north Lebanon
Short summary, including results: Objective:
To provide youth with skills those enable them to create jobs and invest their capacities in the service of their future and their society away from intolerance and disputes.
Accelerated vocational trainings on photography, video editing, make-up and computer programing.
Project 4
Activity title: Our Municipalities “Baladiyatouna”
Start and end date: From 2/5/2010 until 13/6/2011
Location(s) of activity: 9 villages in Akkar, north Lebanon
Short summary, including results: Objective:
To activate the role of youth in the local governance and to enhance participation, exchange of knowledge and experience between many youth groups in different villages in north Lebanon
Creating youth groups in many villages, training them on municipal laws, selecting effective Municipal Council, preparing electoral campaigns and forming pressure groups to advocate local concerns, implementing youth related projects.
Project 5
Activity title: We are all partners
Start and end date: From 1/2/2012 till 15/9/2012
Location(s) of activity: In  17 villages in Akkar: Berkayel, Bzal, Safinat Al Kayte’e, Jedidat Al Kayte’e, Bebnine, Al Mohamara, Borj Al Arab, Wadi Al Rihan, Majdla Mar Touma, Al Homayra, ZoukHaddara, Al Abdeh, Karkaf, Mashha, Kabiit and Habshit
Short summary, including results: Objective:
To activate the role of the youth in the decision making process, to build their capacities in order to develop their communities and enjoy their rights.
Project 6
Activity title: Assessment and distribution for Akkar IT’s
Start and end date: From 16/11/2013 till 16/12/2013
Location(s) of activity: Akkar Region
Short summary, including results: Objective:
To make assessment for Akkar IT’s and distribute winterization clothes for children

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Zaher Obeid
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Zaher Obeid

UTOPIA Organization

National Network

Tabbaneh, Syria Street, Abjad socio-cultural center
Tripoli 1600

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

UTOPIA Organization relies heavily on voluntary work for achieving its mission. Our volunteers are the backbone of the organization and they come from all the walks of life. The organization is managed by a team of paid staff including: Managing Director, Program Manager, 2 Program Coordinators, 2 Field Officers, Admin & HR Officer, Financial Officer, and Logistics Officer. UTOPIA Organization relies on fundraising to cover operational and programs implementation expenses. Its sources of funding are international grant institutions (USAID, US Embassy of Beirut, UNHCR) in addition to local donations and fundraising activities. It constantly tries to reach out to potential partners that share the same startegic values as ours. Our partners are enthusiastic advocates for change and development; they are international and local organizations, civil society campaigns, the local government, and the private sector. These partners further our mission through mentorship, and financial and in-kind support. To achieve our mission, we invest in the following programs: Community Service, Youth Empowerment, Women Empowerment, Child Development, and Advocacy.

Mission and Objectives

UTOPIA Organization is a non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to abolishing all types of social discrepancies through specialized projects and programs that rely on voluntary work, in hopes of acquiring social justice among people within the same society regardless of their political or religious beliefs. The purpose of UTOPIA Organization is to inspire a culture of civic awareness and equal citizenship in the Lebanese society and in Tripoli in particular to make the change we aim at achieving.

Main Projects / Activities

1) “DEAL Project” Donor: UNICEF UTOPIA's Status: Co-applicant with OXFAM (project implemented in partnership with War Child) Project Description: 150 children of Syrian refugees and Lebanese host communities in Al Koura region participated in recreational and educational weekly activities as tools for social cohesion and peace building. 2) “Youth Environmental Clubs” Donor: US Embassy in Beirut Project Description: 300 students from four diverse public schools in Tripoli are trained on environmental conservation, resulting in the creation of four environmental clubs. The schools will launch a competition among the different clubs, resulting in one selected civic initiative that the youth implement to improve their community. 3) “Flying Gardens” Donor: Ministry of Social Affairs Small Grants Program Project Description: Gardening rooftops of buildings in the underprivileged Tabbaneh with edible plants & vegetables to make residents of the building self-sufficient. Renovation works also include a safe playing space for children of the building instead of having them spend times on the streets and in unsafe surroundings. Environment-friendly and recycled materials are used to renovate the rooftop. 4) “Protection of refugees and Lebanese communities in Northern Lebanon” Donor: Irish Aid (Project implemented in partnership with OXFAM GB) Project Description: aims to ensure protection in Bab Al Tabbaneh and Kobbeh regions through information sessions, committees, trainings and youth clubs. Activities entitle building capacity in the community, especially among women and youth, raising awareness on rights and available services in the area, and protection monitoring and advocacy to deliver the voice of the community to the concerned parties. 5) “WASH project in Jabal Mohsen” Donor: ICRC Project Description: WASH response project in Jabal Mohsen and Mallouleh areas in North Lebanon, with Mallouleh being host to Syrian refugees. 360 water reservoirs in Jabal Mohsen and 76 water reservoirs in Mallouleh were installed. 6) "Tripoli Career Expo 2014" Donor: USAID/OTI Project Description: Under the patronage of the Ministry of Economy and Trade, UTOPIA Organization organized “Tripoli Career Expo 2014”, a USAID-funded non-profit initiative that aims at shortening linkages between youth of Tripoli and job opportunities and mobilizing the employability process. The event took place on October 24 and 25,2014 in Rachid Karami International Fair, and included participation of companies that are operating in Lebanon who wish to recruit potential employees. The event also included workshops on work-readiness skills as well as youth and businessmen dialogue sessions on matters such as unemployment, and youth challenges and prospects in Lebanon. 7) “WASH” Project Donors: DFID and CIDA (Project implemented in partnership with OXFAM GB) Project Description: Protection and winterization response project in 3 areas in North Lebanon that are hosts to Syrian refugees (Tabbaneh, Al Kobbeh, & Becharre). The overall goal of the project is to reduce the suffering of those affected by the Syria Crisis in Lebanon and contribute to meet their basic needs. 8) Humanitarian Aid Distribution and Relief Campaigns Donor: Diakonie, USAID, UNHCR Project Description: Distribution of hygiene and household kits, and medical supplies and medications to Syrian refugees in North Lebanon and to the deprived Lebanese hosting community as well. These campaigns come in response to the Syrian crisis and its implications on the hosting communities in North Lebanon, and also to the recurrent conflicts in Tripoli. 9) “Dialogue and local response mechanisms to Syrian conflict in North Lebanon" Donors: UNHCR (Project implemented in partnership with Search for Common Ground) Project Description: In close partnership with the international non-governmental organization “Search for Common Ground”, UTOPIA is implementing a response project to the Syrian refugees’ crisis in Lebanon in an attempt to strengthen the capacity of Lebanese host communities as they cope with the ever-growing tensions from the daily influx of Syrian refugees in their communities. 10) “Council for Change” Project Donors: US Embassy in Beirut Project Description: A youth council of 15 Syrian refugees and Lebanese of both genders from Bab al Tabbaneh area is formed to advocate together for their rights with the municipality of Tripoli. The youth will organize activities for 200 children and conduct four community service projects in Bab al Tabbaneh to bridge the gaps between the different constituencies of the area. 11) “Your Right” Donor: PACE Lebanon/USAID Project Description: Improving government responsiveness to basic citizen needs in conflict-prone and marginalized communities in order to strengthen citizenship values, enhance citizen confidence in state institutions, and contribute to decreasing sectarian tensions. 12) Rehabilitation of Neighborhoods in Tripoli Donors: USAID, US Embassy of Beirut, UNHCR, and donations from the private sector Project Description: Activities include plumbing works and construction works followed by painting walls of the street for the purpose of beautifying a neglected street and engage Syrian refugees and Lebanese host community in a joint project and attempt to alleviate the tension between them via conflict resolution and peacebuilding tools. 13) “Coloring the Clashes: Phase 2” Project Donor: OTI Lebanon/USAID Project Description: This project aims at giving residents of regions of Tripoli, where there is armed conflict, an alternative to fighting, and all types of social problems. During the course of the project implementation, we aim at raising civic awareness and igniting a sense of belonging and ownership to their local communities and further integrate them in other areas of Tripoli which are of a relatively better standard of living through a series of activities. By the end of the project we aim at achieving sustainability of the project goals through creation of job opportunities and spirit of volunteering and community work. 14) “Tripoli Youth Empowerment” Project Donor: US Embassy in Beirut Project Description: The main objective is to involve youth of Bab Al Tabbaneh in the development of their community through workshops and implementation of community service projects. Youth groups were assembled to receive leadership and entrepreneurship workshops followed by implementation of community service projects.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an established youth-oriented NGO working in the field of community development, and a largely accepted and entrusted entity by its beneficiaries, UTOPIA Organization would bring more diversity to the Lebanese ALF Network. The rapid changes our community at large is going through create more opportunities for inter-cultural peacebuilding.  Being largely accepted and operative in the most conflict-prone, marginalized areas of Lebanon (Bab Al Tabbaneh, Jabal Mohsen, and Kobbeh), and through our established partnerships, UTOPIA Organization would give further impetus to the Lebanese ALF Network by bridging the gaps between those marginalized communities and the more privileged communities of Lebanon as a whole through peacebuilding and conflict resolution programs. The end-result would be achieving social integration of those communities into the larger Lebanese society, alleviating by this the levels of tension and aggressivness among them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

UTOPIA Organization shares the same core values and objectives of the ALF Networks: contribute to improve mutual understanding, respect and intercultural dialogue in the region, bringing people together, and empowering civil socities to be catalysts of this change. Collaboration between civil society organizations and components is much needed to advance those objectives. Therefore, joining the Lebanese ALF Network would offer more opportunities for us to establish connections, mutual understandings, and regional and national initiatives that promote the role of civil society in Lebanon and empower independent channels of dialogue and peacebuilding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shafik Abdulrahman
Head of the organisation
Dina Al Samad

Paramédicos de catástrofe Internacional -PCI

National Network

Rua pedro alvares cabral

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Saúde, Ajuda Humanitária, Cooperação Para O Desenvolvimento, Pré Hospitalar, Apoio social
Mission and Objectives

PCI e UMA ORGANIZACAO nao governamenmtal internacional com actuação na área medica e medicamentosa los Toda uma carenciadas Parte Fazer mundo.Levando Ajuda de Emergência Como Populações Mais.

Main Projects / Activities

Ajuda humanitaria
Cooperação Para O Desenvolvimento
Defeza dos Direitos, Humanos
Defeza Fazer Genero 
Apoio social,
Apoio juvenil

Contact (1) Full Name
Bruno Reis Ferreira
Job Title
Presidente de Direccao
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Alexandra Fernandes
Job Title (2)
Vise -Presidente de direccao

Coordination Eveil et Cause pour l'unité nationale et la lutte contre l'esclavage

National Network

Nouakchott, rue 210
teyarett , vers l'arret du bus

00 222 33 52 12 10
Telephone (other)
00 222 33 52 12 10
00 222 25 00 35 87
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00 222 41 83 86 90
Mobile Phone (other)
00 222 41 83 86 90
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
L'Association Eveil et cause pour l'unité nationale et la lutte contre l'esclavage est une ONG de defense des droits de l'homme. Elle est a buts non lucratifs . Elle est fondée le 22/02/2012 par un groupe de cadres mauritaniens soucieux de defendre les interets des couches defavorisées.
Mission and Objectives

-Diffusion de la culture des droits de l'homme
-Defense et soutien aux victimes des violations des droits de l'homme
-Appui et soutien aux initiatives oeuvrant pour le bien etre des populations
-Appui et soutien aux victimes de l'esclavage

Main Projects / Activities

Les Principaux projets que nous avons executé sont:
-Des conferences à Nouakchott pour appuiyer la culture de la paix
-Des conferences sur la thematique de l'esclavage
-Des campagnes de sensibilisation sur la thematique de la culture

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre coordination est prete à collaboreravec vous dans le cadre de l'achevement de vos projets dans la sous-region.En effet , nous sommes partie prenante dans tous vos projets .
Vu notre mission, nous avons les memes objectifs que votre honnorable institution.
Nous allons participer à toutes vos activités pour enraciner la culture de la paix.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La coordination Eveil et cause partage avec vous les memes objectifs , c'est pourquoi nous avons estimé qu'il est important d'adherer à cette institution.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Saloum Ethmane
Job Title
Secretaire General
Head of the organisation
Brahim Mahmoud
Contact (2) Full Name
Brahim Ould Mahmoud
Job Title (2)

Egyptian Association for Development in Farshout (EAD)

National Network

قنا - فرشوط - ش الجمهورية

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
الجمعية المصرية للتنمية بفرشوط جمعية أهليه غير هادفة للربح تم إشهارها بمحافظة لنا تحت رلم 246 فى 1980/5/27 م وهى جمعية تعمل على مستوى نطاق محافظة لنا ومركزها الرئيسى مدينة فرشوط وتهدف إلى رفع المستوى الالتصادى والثمافى والصحى والاجتماعى والسياسى للمجتمع وتدعيم الجمعيات الأخرى فنيا عن طريك التدريب وخدمة المجتمع والجمعية لديها نظم مالية وإدارية تنظم عمل الجمعية ولها ممر ملن خاص بها مساحته 525 متر مربع مبنى خمسة ادوار بالإضافة إلى سطح المبنى و المنفذ به مشروع نادى اجتماعى ثمافى بالجهود الذات ة ي و المبنى كامل التشطيبات
Mission and Objectives

أغراض الجمعية :
- 1 إن شاء الحضانات طفل ورضع ومكتبة طفل ونادى طفل .
- 2 م شاغل تريكو وحياكة ومركز كمبيوتر وسجاد وكليم .
- 3 تي سير الحج والعمرة للأعضاء .
- 4 م نح المروض الصغيرة لزيادة دخل الأسرة .
- 5 م راكز التدريب المختلفة لخلك فرص عمل جديدة .
- 6 ال توعية البيئية للحفاظ على البيئة من خلال اللماءات والندوات .
- 7 ح ماية المستهلن من خلال الندوات للتعريف بمانون حماية المستهلن .
- 8 إن شاء نادى مسنين ونادى نسائى ونادى اجتماعى ثمافى ومكتب رعاية وخدمة الأحداث.
- 9 ا لميام بعمل أنشطة أدبية مختلفة فى الشعر والثمافة والمسرح .
- 10 إنشاء مدارس المجتمع والفصل الواحد ومدارس صديمة للفتيات للحد من التسرب من التعليم.
11 - فتح فصول محو الأمية والعمل على محاربة الأمية .
12 -ألامت المشروعات والأسواق التى تعمل على حماية المستهلن .

Main Projects / Activities

-1 مشروع لروض مبادرات المجتمع للتنمية
-2 مشروع لروض صندوق تنمية الأسرة بالضمان الجماعى ) جرامين بنن (
-3 مشروع لروض الإنماء العربي 4- مشروع لروض الأسر المنتجة
-5 حضانة رضع وطفل ورياض أطفال 6- مدارس التعليم المجتمعى
-7 تأهيل ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة 8- مشروع تنمية المشاركة السياسية للمرأة بمنا
-9 فصول محو الأمية وتعليم الكبار وفصول تمويه 10 - لاعات اجتماعات مجهزة لجميع المناسبات
-11 نادى اجتماعى ثمافى بالجهود الذاتية 12 - مركز طبى تخصصي بالجهود الذاتية
-13 مركز تدريب كليم وسجاد يدوى وخياطة

Contact (1) Full Name
Abd Alaziz mahmoud abo sahli
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Abd Alaziz mahmoud abo sahli
Contact (2) Full Name
احمد عبدالفتاح عبدالستار معروف
Job Title (2)
باحث ميدانى

4-H association

National Network

rue grand maghreb
dar chaabane
8011 nabeul

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
social and sports ; education ; development ; humain rights ; environment; youth ... activities
Mission and Objectives

training and develepment youth 

Main Projects / Activities

we participate with anna lindh fou,daton in aprogram of dawrak exchange in mauritanie this year
name of participation ; aymen khalfallah

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

for cultures exchange

Contact (1) Full Name
aymen khalfallah
Job Title
Head of the organisation
mr mohamed imem