Fondazione Mondinsieme del Comune di Reggio Emilia

National Network

Via Marzabotto 3
42122 Reggio Emilia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Foundation Mondinsieme is the Intercultural Centre of the City of Reggio Emilia. With a board composed by four people, one elected by associations and individuals joining the Foundation, a staff of six professionals, including the director, the Foundation Mondinsieme is controlled and mainly supported by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia with a budget of 160.000 euro per year. Mondinsieme takes constantly part in the activities and international meetings of the Council of Europe's Intercultural Cities Program. Other sources of funding for projects comes from European Union and other organization and institution, both public or private. Mondinsieme acts with projects, exchanges, seminars, workshops, consultancy and tutoring proposals. The Intercultural Centre gathers together about 40 associations of migrants in the province of Reggio Emilia, and thousands of youngsters, with italian and foreign origins. Main partners are, among others across the world, Council of Europe, Government of Morocco, US Embassy in Italy, Region Emilia-Romagna, all the high schools of the province of Reggio Emilia.
Mission and Objectives

ondinsieme has been founded in Reggio Emilia, a city selected by the Council of Europe to take part in the Intercultural Cities programme, both for its intercultural policies and for the high presence of migrants, about the 18% of the total population.
The Centre promotes the intercultural dialogue, the reciprocal exchange, and the participation of foreigners and Italians in a process of inclusion and mutual empowerment. Mondinsieme is convinced that understanding and meeting each other prevents situation of cultural marginalization and the rise of identity radicalism, as well as fostering intercultural citizenship.
Thus, it operates for a shared integration among Italians and foreigners with the role of Institutions as values-based mediators, to enhance intercultural relations and the diversity advantage.
Mondinsieme focuses on people’s lifes and experiences and it strongly believes that the one who migrates is not only a person in need, but he/she is someone who can give something to the society. This is the reason why Mondinsieme looks at integration as a bidirectional process in a cross-cultural perspective. In this sense, mediating means fostering the construction of a new intercultural identity in the society, starting from what people already share. Consequently, following an developmental approach, the cultural diversity is perceived as a value, and mediation becomes a relationship-related necessity.
The main mission of the Centre is being a laboratory of best practices, a space of active citizenship, and a network of connections, skills, relationships at the disposals for winning the challenges of integration.
Its goals are: promoting intercultural dialogue and fostering a society based on cultural pluralism in full compliance of human rights; supporting active participation and inclusion of cultural minorities and all the people, Italians and foreigners, in cultural, economic, political, and social activities of the city; preventing and fighting any kind of racism, discrimination, and exclusion; preventing and fighting against any kind of cultural and religious extremism; advocating women initiatives and cooperation in intercultural perspective; enhancing the intercultural métissage of youngsters with Italian and foreign origins; improving intercultural management skills of decision makers, community leaders, operators, and workers of public and private bodies or companies; increasing the value and the impact of diversity and narrative capital due to migration and global mobility.

Main Projects / Activities

Our project and activies are related to a series of intervention fields  are:

Migrants and intercultural associations, with projects devoted to support active participation of migrants in the city life and to strenghten relations between country of origins and Italy. In 2013 the first representative of the associations and of the members has been elected in the governing Board of Mondinsieme: Aia Radwan, a university student of 21 years old. “For the first time – Aia said – the first generation of migrants, along with many Italians, have trusted with their vote the second generation, the youth. I believe this reveals the city is ready for new challenges”. Also, we have brought associations of migrants in the squares of the city with annual events, in the university to meet students and schools; we have involved them to improve health services. Mondinsieme supports association once they have to set up polling station for the election in the native country.

Intercultural education at school and in extra-scholastic contexts, with projects such as Spring Against Racism and annual intercultural workshops: all the high-schools of the district of Reggio Emilia signed an agreement with Mondinsieme to create a permanent board of teachers that plans education workshops, intercultural strategies, and annual public events together. Also, we have started mother tongue courses in high school: thestudents of Arabic have visited Morocco; we have brought students abroad to create theatre show with their European peers. 

Second generation youth's empowernment, that has lead us to create a regional network of intercultural youth associations, to sign an agreement with the Government of Morocco to increase exchange between second-generation moroccans and Italian youngsters; to be awarded by Federculture for the promotion of diversity and intercultural issues in the field of contemporary art for the Centre-Periphery international award for young artist. Also, we have started a tutoring service in mother tongue against scholastic failure, organized great annual events about hiphop and street-art, the Multicultural Rap Day. We have shot two documentary film bringing a second-generation daughter in the country of her family with the family, travelling in Burkina Faso and in Morocco to tell the relation and the sense of belonging between her native country (Italy) and the one of her parents.

Initiatives for women emancipation and activism in intercultural perspective: we have provided the access to the pool and to swimming courses for people previously excluded for cultural and religious causes. We have animated the museum with stories, traditions,
clothes of women with African origins.

Intercultural journalism and media diversity, collaborating with the mayor local and national newsmedia, such as Rai, Corriere della Sera, Babel Tv, Resto del Carlino, and develloping intercultural digital tools devoted to a new and interactive way of storytelling, such as the project MultiWalks: we have created Mondinsieme Reporters, a team of young media makers who decided to form an association dealing with creativity and intercultural innovation, because art and communication help to live better together: they are the soul of the Mondinsieme newsroom;

Training and consulting on intercultural communication, relationship, and diversity advantage, with enterprises: Mondinsieme has taken its diversity advantage approach to one of the biggest Italian shipping company, SDA-Express Courier. Mondinsieme
has designed with the consulting firm Inventa Language Training Brokers a project that aims to enhance the integration of workers of different origins and cultures inside the SDA network. “Our goal is to build a mood that facilitate relationships among workers of different cultural minorities involved in the production flow, thus overcoming the limit set by linguistic and cultural barriers”.

Training for administrators, leaders, operators, and workers who operate in multicultural contexts: we have listened and trained teachers of high school, bus, drivers, police officers, health service officers; we have edited a guide about safety ad work in Arabic, Chinese, Urdu, French, and English.

Training and consulting on anti-discrimination issues: the youngsters who are in touch with Mondinsieme are sensitive to episodes and stories of discrimination around the city and the country, ready to point out how hard life can be in front of the troubles of exclusion: many times their testimonies have appeared on local and national media. Mondinsieme offers support for legal consultancy and realizes multilanguage campaign such as "Don't Get Carried Away By the Wave of Discrimination"

Training and researching on intercultural policies worldwide: Mondinsieme has been invited to Mexico, Japan, and Canada to present and explain its model. In Japan, we have meet in many cities local administrator to train on intercultural education and youth policies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mondinsieme can contribute to the networkl with its local, regional, and international networks with its competences and with the people joining its activities, creating partnerships and best practices exchanges. 
For example, youngsters and students come with us to live new experience around the world, as delegates of Mondinsieme in institutional events and discovery travels: they are our new voice. Farida and Ihssan were back to visit their respective families’ country for a documentary in Burkina Faso and Morocco; Walla has been in Strasbourg at the Council of Europe Youth Assembly; Marjorie was with other European reporters in Bordeaux; Alessia, Amro, and Sara toke part at the Young Mayor Election in Lewisham, London; Katarzyna was in Dublin for an Intercultural Cities meeting; Hajare, Jessica, Mariam, and Eugenia were in New York to get the Plural + Award; Aia spoke at the European Integration Forum in Brussels; we were in Morocco with 40 students.
They might exchange their experience with the Network of ALF in Italy and in other euromediterranea countries.
Also, Mondinsieme can share their experience on international relations developed, for example, with the Government of the country of origins of migrants or others in need of knowing best practices. Agreement and projects have been developed with Morocco, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Japan, United States.
At last, Mondinsieme can promote the activies and other outcomes of the Network within the Intercultural Cities Programme, that gather together 24 cities and about 60 associated cities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mondinsieme would like to join the ALF Network for its engagement on euromediterranean relations, intercultural education, and intercultural media.
It is an opportunity to increase its networks and partners in order to develop new projects together, to exchange, and to know what other organization are doing.
ALF Network may offer also opportunities of exchange that we believe are important to increase a feeling of intercultural citizenship for all the youngsters and all the associations that are joining our activities.
For Mondinsieme, it would be great to share its experience, task and responsibilities with other organization joining the Network. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Marwa Mahmoud
Job Title
Intercultural Education Manager
Head of the organisation
Adil El Marouakhi
Contact (2) Full Name
Damiano Razzoli
Job Title (2)
Intrcultural Communication Manager

Fondazione Mondinsieme del Comune di Reggio Emilia

National Network

Via Marzabotto 3
42122 Reggio Emilia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Mondinsieme is the Intercultural Centre of the City of Reggio Emilia. With a board composed by four people, one elected by associations and individuals joining the Foundation, a staff of six professionals, including the director, the Foundation Mondinsieme is controlled and mainly supported by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia with a budget of 160.000 euro per year. Other sources of funding for projects comes from European Union and other organization and institution, both public or private. Mondinsieme acts with projects, exchanges, seminars, workshops, consultancy and tutoring proposals. The Intercultural Centre gathers together about 40 associations of migrants in the province of Reggio Emilia, and thousands of youngsters, with italian and foreign origins. Main partners are, among others across the world, Council of Europe, Government of Morocco, US Embassy in Italy, Region Emilia-Romagna, all the high schools of the province of Reggio Emilia.
Mission and Objectives

Mondinsieme has been founded in Reggio Emilia, a city selected by the Council of Europe to take part in the Intercultural Cities programme, both for its intercultural policies and for the high presence of migrants, about the 18% of the total population.
The Centre promotes the intercultural dialogue, the reciprocal exchange, and the participation of foreigners and Italians in a process of inclusion and mutual empowerment. Mondinsieme is convinced that understanding and meeting each other prevents situation of cultural marginalization and the rise of identity radicalism, as well as fostering intercultural citizenship.
Thus, it operates for a shared integration among Italians and foreigners with the role of Institutions as values-based mediators, to enhance intercultural relations and the diversity advantage.
Mondinsieme focuses on people’s lifes and experiences and it strongly believes that the one who migrates is not only a person in need, but he/she is someone who can give something to the society. This is the reason why Mondinsieme looks at integration as a bidirectional process in a cross-cultural perspective. In this sense, mediating means fostering the construction of a new intercultural identity in the society, starting from what people already share. Consequently, following an developmental approach, the cultural diversity is perceived as a value, and mediation becomes a relationship-related necessity.
The main mission of the Centre is being a laboratory of best practices, a space of active citizenship, and a network of connections, skills, relationships at the disposals for winning the challenges of integration.
Its goals are: fostering a society based on cultural pluralism; supporting foreign citizens participation and inclusion in cultural and social activities; preventing and fighting against social and cultural discriminations; developing the intercultural competences of decision makers, community leaders, public administration and private sector’s professionals; offering opportunities of intercultural trainings.

Main Projects / Activities

Our intervention fields are: migrants and intercultural associations, with projects devoted to support active participation of migrants in the city life and to strenghten relations between country of origins and Italy; intercultural education at school and in extra-scholastic contexts, with projects such as Spring Against Racism and annual intercultural workshops; second generation youth's empowernment, that has lead us to create a regional network of intercultural youth associations; intercultural journalism and media diversity, collaborating with the mayor local and national newsmedia; training and consulting on intercultural communication, relationship, and diversity advantage, with enterprises; training and consulting on anti-discrimination issues. With the experience of many people, youngsters and adult, we want to promoting intercultural dialogue and the sharing of cultural pluralism in full compliance of human rights; supporting actkive participation and inclusion of cultural minorities and all the people, Italian and foreigner

Contact (1) Full Name
Marwa Mahmoud
Job Title
Intercultural Education Manager
Head of the organisation
Adil El Marouakhi
Contact (2) Full Name
Damiano Razzoli
Job Title (2)
Intrcultural Communication Manager

Link Campus University - Branch of Catania - International Centre for Studies and Researches "Environment & Law"

National Network

Viale Kennedy, 10
95121 Catania

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Link Campus University  is an italian  private legal recognised University with an headquarter in Rome (Via Nomentana n. 335) and a branch in Catania (V.le Kennedy, 10). In the 2011, the Branch of Catania with the cooperation of the Municipality of Melilli created the International Centre for Studies and Researches "Environment & Law" , like  a department of researches specialised in international environmental law and criminal environmental law, so we organize research, study, international cooperation in sustainable development and environmental protection. The Link Campus University is an italian private legal recognised University, by the decree of the Minister of Education, University and Research (n. 374 of 21 September 2011) and approved by the National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research . Link Campus University aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the challenges of the working world, starting with the method of study: Teaching and research are one. At the end of the courses, in addition to achieving a prestigious title, students acquire a range of transferable skills. They will be able to exhibit their skills in Italian, in English and in Spanish. They will speak in public, to be aware professionals, thanks to comparisons during courses and seminars. They will have practiced assiduously interdisciplinarity and experienced the ability to choose and to decide through the use of "teaching cases" and will have enjoyed the opportunity in the summer months, to perform qualifying work experience, both in Italy and abroad. Condition for the achievement of these goals is the constant dialogue between teachers and students and the quality of the teaching. The working method is the one that has as its basis the pooling of different scientific knowledge with the aim of solving problems in the areas of knowledge economic, legal, political and communication. The comparative study aims to focus the training on both the connection between different cultures, interdependence is the public-private partnership to prepare a ruling class capable of operating in different systems and countries and within the two areas.
Mission and Objectives

Our Centre, created by the partnership of the Link Campus University with the Municipality of Melilli (Siracusa, Sicilia), is a department of researches specialised in international environmental law and criminal environmental law, so we organize research, study, international cooperation in sustainable development and environmental protection.

Main Projects / Activities

Studies and researches about environment and sustainable development;
Implementation of masters, training courses for policemen and public employees;
Counsuling for Public Authority.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our university can contribute as academic partner to strengthen the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue on sustainable development, to create an exchange of knowledge on best practices for the protection of the environment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share fully the international action of the ALF and believe in this Euro-Mediterranean network to create new relationships between private and public institutions in particular with regard to the environment and the education of new generations

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonio Fiumefreddo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Prof. Avv. Antonio Fiumefreddo
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniel Amato
Job Title (2)

Association des Jeunes pour l'Environnement et la Culture - Azails - Tlemcen- AJEC

National Network

Azails Tlemcen
13080 Tlemcen

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Association des Jeunes pour l Environement et la Culture ( A.J.E.C ) a été créée en 2013 par une dizaine de jeunes diplomés de la region des Beni Senous.l'Association AJEC fonctionne selon la loi 12/06 et elle se développe autour d’une équipe composée de 10 membres qui forment l'éxecutif et d'une dizaine d'haderents et de binivols.Nos Sources de financement viennent de nos pertenaires APC Azails et APW Tlemcen.Dans notre association on vise les élèves et les étudiants des école pour réaliser nos projets.Dans le cadre de l EUROMED nous avons rélisé un projet avec nos partenaires Francais la FNAFA ( Fédération National des Associations Franco-Africaine ) sous le theme " la compréhension du dialogue interculturel dans le contexte euro-méditerranéen "      
Mission and Objectives

l'association AJEC fonctionne selon la loi 12/06 et a pour but de:
1- Protéger l'environnement.
2- Etudier et proposer des programmes et des projets liés à  l'environnement en coordination avec l APC.
3- organiser des campagnes et des manifestations pour sensibiliser la population à l'importance de l'environnement.
4- Encourager le tourisme des jeunes en organisant des excursions.
5- Créer des activités éducatives et environnementales en coordination avec les institutions de l'éducation .
6- Encourager et contribuer à toutes les initiatives de développement, sociaux, culturels,sportives et environnementaux.
7- Participer à la préservation du patrimoine de la région.

Main Projects / Activities

Dans notre association on vise les élèves et les étudiants des école pour réaliser nos projets qui sont " compagnie de sensibilisatin, excursion écologique, compétitions culturelles, séminaires et colloques.Dans le cadre de l EUROMED nous avons rélisé un projet avec nos partenaires Francais la FNAFA ( Fédération National des Associations Franco-Africaine ) sous le theme " la compréhension du dialogue interculturel dans le contexte euro-méditerranéen "

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous sommes prets dans notre association a etre vos partenaires a réaliser vos projets et d'utiliser tous nos moyens pour atteindre nos abjectifs communs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Comme une association nouvelle et qui manque d experience nous avons l honneur de rejoindre votre reseaux qui sera pour nous un point de rencontre et d echanger les idées et les experience avec d autres associations.

Contact (1) Full Name
HAMOUDI Belkacem
Job Title
Head of the organisation
HAMOUDI Belkacem

Link Campus University - Polo di Catania - Centro Internazionale Studi e Ricerche "AMBIENTE & DIRITTO"

National Network

V.le Kennedy, 10
95121 Catania

+39 0931463897
Telephone (other)
+39 0957461398
+39 0931463897
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 3394016978
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
La Link Campus University è un'Università non statale legalmente riconosciuta dal Ministero dell'Istruzione, Università e Ricerca. Nel Luglio del 2011 il Polo Accademico di Catania e il Comune di Melilli hanno stipulato una convenzione per l'istituzione del Centro Internazionale di Studi e Ricerche "AMBIENTE & DIRITTO".  
Mission and Objectives

L'obiettivo del Centro Internazionale di Studi e Ricerche "Ambiente & Diritto" è la promozione della ricerca e dello studio del diritto dell'ambiente e del diritto penale dell'ambiente in un'ottica europea ed internazionale.
A tal riguardo, implementa annualmente una cospicua attività accademica, mediante lo studio e l'analisi delle criticità ambientali territoriali, nonché organizza numerose iniziative formative e di sensibilizzazione sulle tematiche dello sviluppo sostenibile e della legalità.

Main Projects / Activities

Corsi di Alta Formazione sul Diritto Penale dell'Ambiente e della Pubblica Amministrazione.
Collaborazione con FF.OO. e Autorità Giudiziaria.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Il Centro Internazionale di Studi e Ricerche "AMBIENTE & DIRITTO" può contrbuire a rafforzare la partnership nel settore dell' "ambiente e dello sviluppo sostenibile", assicurando un supporto accademico aggiornato e con una visione internazionale.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

L' ALF Network costituisce un'ottima vetrina e un eccellente veicolo di conoscenza tra organizzazioni euromediterranee per promuovere partnership internazionali.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Prof. Avv. Antonio FIUMEFREDDO
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniel AMATO
Job Title (2)


National Network

Dobrota, Sv. Stasije Zgrada Urbing st.15 Ulaz A
Dobrota b.b. 85330 KOTOR, MONTENEGRO
85330 Kotor

+382 69 272 115
Telephone (other)
+382 32 520 318
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+382 69 272 115
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
NGO "European democratic initiative" - NGO "EDI" was founded in 2008 as non-profit, nonparty organization that works to develop the rule of law, promotion of human rights through strengthening the practice of participatory democracy and initiating partnerships between civil society, government institutions and private sector . The importance of existence of NGO”EDI” is to contribute to the development of a culture of peace, democracy and active citizenship through the "peace-education programs," harmonizing laws, at all levels, with the highest international standards in the field of protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, advocacy for respect for universal human right, creating a socially responsible individuals who are committed to democratic principles, and their active involvement in the democratic activities and implementation of the UN Charter in domestic law.
Mission and Objectives

Promotion of active democratic citizenship and positive valuing of differences through informal-education programs, and advocacy. We want Montenegro as a society of equal and active citizens who make decisions about their lives in a democratic state of law, with full respect for human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

ABC of teaching human rights,
Sings along the road,
Rights of persons with disabilities
Education for all
Rights and responsibilities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a member of the Anna Lindh foundation network in our country we can maximize an efficient collaboration with civil and state partners by promoting our values, creativity as well experiences of other network members, to the local community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that through the Anna Lindh foundation Network we will bring closer to the partners our culture and way of our life and we will become a part of the family through effective collaboration where we will have more expert understanding for each other and possibility to work together on common issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ljiljana Jovovic
Head of the organisation
Ms. Ljiljana Jovovic

East European Film Bulletin

National Network

Rue des Envierges 22
75020 Paris

+33 (0)602301724
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
General Information
The East European Film Bulletin (EEFB) is an Association registered in France. All staff members (7 regular and 5-10 irregular contributors) currently working for EEFB are volunteers. Our editorial team consists of four members from Germany, New Zealand, Poland and the US. We have previously received funding from the French university system (through ANIMAFAC and the Sorbonne University), and currently depend on private financing. Our main activity consists in publishing and disseminating independent journalistic and academic work in the field of film criticism (reviews, interviews, essays, festival reports). Our non-editorial activities include co-hosting and animating film events (festivals, master classes), and we have entered partnerships with several regional and international film festivals such as the goEast Film Festival, À l'Est, du Nouveau and the New York Polish Film Festival and Transilvania International Film Festival.
Mission and Objectives

The East European Film Bulletin is a journalistic and literary project dedicated to the criticism of films related to Eastern Europe. The project aims to publish articles regarding the films that originate from Eastern Europe, films that address the region as subject matter or meaningful setting, and international films made by Eastern European directors. The site will be concerned with independent, experimental and documentary cinema but also with films that have been acknowledged by mainstream and mass media. With these aspects of Eastern European cinema in mind, and with guest and returning writers from within and outside the world of film, we hope to provide a representation of Eastern European film that is as complex and changing as the sector itself.
We would like to encourage critical dialogue about Eastern European cinema.  While there has been little Anglophone journalism seriously dedicated to this subject, many Eastern European films have reached broader audiences beyond what has been known as the “iron curtain” twenty years ago. The integration of Eastern European countries into the European Union over the last few years has paved the way for more cultural exchange, notably the artistic influence of Eastern European movements on their Western neighbours. Although committed to the field formed by the region, we do not intend to sacrifice negative criticism for the sake of promoting Eastern European film. In a time of radical change for the cultural identity of Europe, it is our goal to contemplate, contextualize and communicate these changes through the lens of the movie camera.

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural activism and cultural writing lie at the core of our mission and activity.
Editorial activities
- give overview of transnational and national cinematic trends in the region (Perspectives section, Editorials, Festival reports, Essay section)
reflect on political, social and economic developments as they are represented in cinema
identify and analyze current aesthetic trends
- develop fresh takes on past films and movements from the region (Retrospectives section, Essay section)
specialised and well-researched retracing of cinematic developments in the historical context
- enter dialogue and expose filmmakers (Interviews section)
- bring together academic and journalistic elements to allow casual reading for both professionals and laymen (all sections)
Cultural Activities
- promote Eastern European cinema and visual arts through articles on social media
- co-host initiatives and cultural events
- raise awareness on political and social topics

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an English-speaking outlet with an international team, a French institutional grounding, and an affinity for a vision of a united European continent, we agree with the mission and principles of the Anna Lindh Foundation. What could we bring to the network? We have a high expertise in fostering a political, social, and cultural dialogue through the arts, and are actively seeking to find material which is neglected by the mainstream and which promotes social and political awareness. In addition, we are well-connected with a variety of cultural associations and organizations in the region and beyond.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By joining the ALF Network, we hope to meet like-minded individuals and organizations and seek potential partners. If possible, we want to pave the way to take part in joint initatives and apply for funding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Konstanty Kuzma
Job Title
Editor, Co-Founder
Head of the organisation
Konstanty Kuzma, Moritz Pfeifer
Contact (2) Full Name
Moritz Pfeifer
Job Title (2)
Editor, Co-Founder

Pasi Inainte Turnu-Severin

National Network

Str. Aleea Mihai Gusita nr. 6
220055 Drobeta Turnu Severin

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
“ Pasi Inainte Turnu-Severin” Association commenced to work in summer of 2014 just a little group of 5 people. It was registered as an NGO in the same year.Pasi Inainte Turnu-Severin is a Romanian NGO legally constituded accordignly to Romanian laws. Is is represented by a President who implements the decisions taken by the General Assembly. All of our members are under 35 yers old. Currently our organization has an office fully equipped and a number of 28 young volunteers aged 15-22.Our activities that are based on a set of values developed during the time are increased by the experience of our team: multiculturalism, volunteerism, tolerance, personal development, teamwork. Accordingly with these principles, the mission that we assume is to educate the young people in the spirit of active citizenship through non-formal education tools.The partnerships that we established at local and international level offers us a favorable frame to recruit, train and place volunteers in projects with various topics.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to increase the involvement of young people in the public life. Our objectives are to promote the basic needs of Romanian young people, to educate them in the spirit of democracy, to promote the relations between youth organizations from Romania and abroad, to promote the European idea and principles contained in the United Charta in Romanian society debates.
Our aims:
• To inform the young people about civic education, health programs, community organization, community development;
• To promote the Romanian values in the country and abroad;
• To create  equal opportunities in accessing the information to all young people;
• To educate the young people in the spirit of the democracy, tolerance and diversity;
• To develop national and international youth project collaborating with local, regional, national and international youth structures;

Main Projects / Activities

Public debate – „The educational reform. What was to be done?”
This was the first events organized by us. As the educational process concerned every ones, we thought that it is to invite public representatives, teachers and students to debate about the thing that had to be done in this domain.
The debate was also an opportunity for us to become known to the public and the authorities as a new organization and to give out our objectives. It was the time we first met our future partners.Public  debate –„What chances has today`s youth?
Organized as a part of The Mehedinti Youth’s Forum, this event had to be an opportunity for interested youth from our county to expose and seek solution for their current problems. We gathered together representatives of the City Council, the County Council, universities and private companies.Training course Fundraising for youth NGO`s.
Based on our partners’ experience, we organized this course for our volunteers. Mod of life association, „SPEO ALPIN MH” Association and the “Floarea de colţ” Association shared a bit of their experience in the field of fundraising.Public campaign –„Young people in the European integration context”.
Thought as a way to inform youngsters about the opportunities offered by the E.U. integration, this media  campaign was although another way to involve more and more the target group (students, young people) in the civic activities.„The NGO` s management” training course.
This course graduated by 30 people has been developed in cooperation with the local branch of The National Youth Agency. It was an opportunity for both our and the others NGO’ volunteers to gain few things from the wide experience of the National Youth Agency’s representatives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

At local level our work is focused on offering new leisure and education opportunities to the young people, through trainnings, workshops, travels, Etc. and especially focused on promoting the active participation of youngsters, facilitating the young people the resources to organize and manage their own initiatives.
On the national and international level our work is oriented toward implementation of our national program for youth development and development of active citizenship. Also, we are creating opportunities for networking, capacity building and exchanges for youth, in the partnership with local, national and international NGOs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jujea Valentin-Florentin
Head of the organisation

association Beni ayat pour l'environnement et le developpement rural ABEDR et Association Ennour pour le developpement et la solidarité

National Network

bp 314-23000 Beni mellal
commu,e rurale beni ayat caidat beni ayat province azilal
Beni Mellal

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
ABEDR et Association ENNOUR( 10 employers et 3 partenaires à savoir Fondation de France,INDH,L'entraide Nationale et la commune Beni Ayat) Budget disponible en un an:22000 Dhs Sources de financement:la commune rurale de Beni Ayat,Fonation de France. Projet:DIR qui a pour but de garantir l'autonomie economique des jeunes en chomage et contribuer au developpement social des zones rurales
Mission and Objectives

projet mis en oeuvre DIR qui a pour missions:

Implantation des plantes aromatiques et medicinales

Formation theorique et pratique des jeunes

Transplantation des plantes et commercialisation

Main Projects / Activities

Projet proposé au titre de l'année 2014:

reboisement des quartiers du centre Beni Ayat

achat des conteneurs collzctifs pour dechets quotidiens

distribution des sacs en jute

collecte des ordures menageres de 3 Douars

transport des ordures au depotoir communal par camionette

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Echange des experiences requises par le biais d'internet et  l'organisation des visites des sites

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour beneficier du soutien;de l"experience de la fondation aisni pour solliciter des aides(financement) pour la creation et le developpement des projets

Contact (1) Full Name
brahim hasnaoui
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Brahim Hasnaoui et Karimi Ahmed
Contact (2) Full Name
karimi ahmed
Job Title (2)
rapporteur de budget

Uçan Süpürge Kadın İletişim ve Araştırma Derneği - Flying Broom

National Network

Büyükelçi Sok. 20/4 Kavaklıdere
06700 Ankara/

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
lying Broom is a women’s organization working for the improvement of democracy and civil society. Flying Broom aims to enhance gender equality consciousness, provide information and training to empower women, and contribute to the development of efficient policies for solving women’s problems stemming from inequality.   O ur main objectives are to contribute to the advancement of the women’s movement, to assure gender equality, to develop new possibilities of communication and cooperation, and to create common fields of action among women’s organizations. Flying Broom, which has been working continuously since 1996 in line with these aims and objectives, is improving and strengthening its national and international networks year after year, consequently monitoring closely and evaluating Turkey's as well as global women’s agenda.   The organization effectively utalizes the media and all means of communication for increasing women’s visibility and creating sensitivity and awareness pertaining to gender equality within the society. Additionally, Flying Broom is working for the internalization of women’s rights and the streamlining of these rights in all decisions and implementations.
Mission and Objectives

he Vision of Flying Broom
Flying Broom aims at contributing to the overall gender equality in Turkey and the institutionalization of gender equality. Within this framework, Flying Broom:
• Tries to implement the gender equality norms and principles formulated at the Beijing Conference and other international conventions in every aspect of life.
• Supports newly established women’s organizations, believing that the empowerment of women’s organizations is the first step towards the empowerment of women.
The Mission of Flying Broom
Flying Broom primarily works in three main areas to achieve its aims:
• Networking
• Communication
• Capacity building / Empowerment

Main Projects / Activities

i) Awareness on Child Brides in Turkey: We have been working on this issue since 2006.
Child Brides and forced marriages are now on the agenda of policy-makers and other NGOs. We have published an information kit consisting of booklets on the Child Brides issue (legislative, social, media etc.) We established a national platform for the prevention of Child Marriages for effective lobbying. Two short-films, one Documentary and a number of spots were prepared. As a result,we now work with one of the biggest social responsibility foundations in Turkey for social projects. We are implementing a pilot project to create an effective mechanism pertaining to child brides to prevent these incidents.
ii)  International Flying Broom Women Films Festival:
Flying Broom International Women’s Film Festival has been organized every year since 1998 with the goal of using the narrative of cinema to raise public awareness about gender issues. Flying Broom Film Festival is Turkey’s first women's film festival.Since2003the International Federation of Film Critics (FIPRESCI) awards one of the films screened in the 'Each Has a Different Color' section of the festival program. Flying Broom International Women's Film Festival is the only women's festival in the world to grant the FIPRESCI award. The festival is a platform for women directors, movie makers all over the world who emphasize gender quality and dwell on women's issues. We held different workshops and talks with our guests and provide a dialogue opportunity not only with people from the industry but also with the audience. This year around 650 films applied for screening. We showed more than 100 films. As women of the Flying Broom we are proud of being able to organize this festival with very limited staff and resources. Being a women’s festival organized by a women’s NGO, we always face difficulty in finding sponsors and logistical support for the festival.
iii) My Madam Curie Project 
Flying Broom Women's Communication and Research Association has launched a project for primary school students. A model study supported by European Union Central Finance and Contracts Unit and Ministry of National Education is being carried in schools picked by Ankara Provincial Directorate for National Education in the city's Pursaklar district.
"My Madame Curie" Project aims to steer young girls towards an education in the direction of their talents and dreams for when they are to make their career choices, instead of them succumbing to gender role influences. The members of Flying Broom state that women can work not merely as teachers, nurses, lawyers, but also in the fields of science and technology, and that in order for this to happen, obstacles of male dominance have to disappear.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since its foundation in 1996 Flying Broom is working towards the strengthening of the women’s movement in Turkey through communication, networking and research. One of the most important objectives of Flying Broom has been  to enhance the dialog between women’s organizations.Over the last twenty years, the number of women’s organisations has increased and the communication among them has become an important issue. We would like to expand our previous experiences with other CSO's in Turkey. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALP Network since it is widely accepted that networks of CSOs can be more effective than individual and İsolated organizations. For example networks may expand the individual capacities of organizations by providing increased social capital and building synergy among disconnected CSOs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ekin Keskin
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Halime Guner
Contact (2) Full Name
Selen Dogan
Job Title (2)