ibn khaldoon institute for peace

National Network

10 st nasser
244 big via

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
non governemental  budget 20000$ donate seminars, scolarships no partners
Mission and Objectives

orgnization work for peace between people in this recion
it work for definding miniority in syria
it defens human rights it contains 8 persons

Main Projects / Activities

educate women and local councils memberships

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

i don'nt now

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

for devloping our activity and participate in yor building capacity

Contact (1) Full Name
yasser barakat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
yasser barakat
Contact (2) Full Name
nour elfetrawi
Job Title (2)

cooperative d'alphabétisation Elijtihad pour l'education et la formation

National Network

avenue med hassar imm 8c app 5
11100 salé

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Elijtihad is a non profit organization , have 7 members , highly educated . our budget is about 4000 euro in the year but that can be increase in the next years. subvention and contribution of the members are our sources of finding . providing different workshops and activities for learners of all levels . My team and I do our best to cater for the learners needs academically , psychologically and professionally. yhe main partners are INDH human development initiative morocco and ministry of education .
Mission and Objectives

Elijtihad organization which is an organization that fosters education by providing different workshops and activities for learners of all levels,the fight against literacy ; social cohesion .
My team and I do our best to cater for the learners needs academically , psychologically and professionally.

Main Projects / Activities

education and formation .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by increasing the levelofeducation , erase the literacy and give opportunity to the youth to learn and develop them self for a better futur .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we'll learn from the Alf organization , share all the experience and the helping to contribute in the development of our civilisation and our country

Contact (1) Full Name
abdellah chtaoui
Job Title
Head of the organisation
president Abdellah chtaoui

Asociación para la Cooperación al Desarrollo Afric' Forum

National Network

48003 BILBAO

0034 946522519
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0034 665 700 884
Mobile Phone (other)
0034 632 928 590
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The supreme organ of the organization is the General Assembly, composed all the active members. The GA has power to take the biggest decisions that affect the life of the organization such adopting the financial report, elect the Board, aprrove or reprove any decision taken by the board. The board take cares of the every day life of the organization. Afric' Forum has three persons working. The resources of the organization come from sources such as: the Bilbao Local Authority, The Bizcaye Regional Authority, the Basque Government and the European Youth Foundation. The projects of the organization are mainly training workshops, studies on the life and the participation of immigrant collectives and awareness and education projects in Africa. Youth orgnizations, local populations in the targeted ereas, locla and regional authorities support the acitons of Afric' Forum.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the organization is to educate, train and support young people in order to make them partakers in the process of sustainable develpoment and to be able to be actors of local development. Our objectives are: -Promoting intercultural dialogue and peaceful relations - make known the african culture and contribute to the integration of the African Diaspora in the Basque Country; -Promote and defend Human Rights -Promote co developement especially with African countries - Enhace the sens of responsibility in the youth

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are: - Youth exchanges - Trainign workshops+ - Studies -Awareness activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Afric' Froum is a reference in working with youth from different backgrouds. The organization is member of and represent the African Diaspora Youth Network in Europe( ADYNE). We are promoting the No Hate Speech Campaign in the Basque Country. A part from all that the organization has built a strong netwrok of organizations locally and at the european level. Our joining the netwrok could contribute in making it stronger and presenting more its activities and what it stands for in Bilbao and in Spain.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is well know that we learn more by participation and action. We are amazed by the experience of the ALF Network and the work its members are doing. Afric' Forum when willing to join the ALF Network want to learn more and belong to a " family" where we can be help to develop our skills and be better equipped for our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Responsible Youth and Democratic Participation

Service Volontaire International

National Network

30 rue des Capucins
1000 Bruxelles

+32 2 888 67 13
+32 67 85 79 50
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+32 495 680 934
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
International Volunteering Service (SVI) is a Belgian pluralistic youth organization run by and for young people, by and for volunteers. Apolitical and non-religious, SVI is opened to all and everyone, without discrimination of nationality, philosophy, financial resources, education or sexual orientation. SVI is registered in Belgium as a non-profit organization. The association mainly works in the field of international volunteering, but also in the areas of youth exchanges and intercultural exchanges between young Europeans and the rest of the world.  
Mission and Objectives

The organization aims at generating young people interest (from 18 to 30 years old) in international volunteerism. One of its goals is also to promote citizenship, solidarity and mobility among young European as well as between young European and young people from other parts of the world. SVI tries to make international volunteering accessible to all and to raise awareness about the danger and misleading role of humanitarian tourism (voluntourism).

Main Projects / Activities

Every year, our association sends about 500 volunteers to international workcamps. We suggest them a wide range of projects  (environmental, social or cultural) located in more than 70 countries around the world. We aim at making our projects accessible to all, regardless of their age, financial resources or skills.
Volunteers who take part to those projects have the opportunity to live with a local community, to discover the association world and to get involved in a project with other volunteers coming from all over the world and to live together a rewarding experience.
Every year also, our association host about 100 volunteers on our short and long term projects in Belgium. All our hosting projects are completly free of charge for the volunteers member of a partner organization.
On our website, you may find all information you need about our association and our projects : www.servicevolontaire.org

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can organize events, volunteers projects, conference, etc

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we share the same values

Contact (1) Full Name
De Hanscutter Pierre
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Pierre De Hanscutter


National Network

rue siouen ouled attia skikda
21200 ouledattia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
ennour association leadershipdevelopement durable
Mission and Objectives

conservationdu foret de ouled attia promovoira leadership local

Main Projects / Activities

promovoir le foret  etude sue l'ardre de liege

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

etude realise 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

renforcement du capacite

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Associação Sons da Lusofonia

National Network

Rua da Rosa 145
1200-383 Lisboa

(00351) 213463244
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

A Associação Sons da Lusofonia, é uma Associação de carácter cultural sem fins lucrativos, criada em 1996. A ideia da criação desta Associação partiu da experiência musical do saxofonista português, Carlos Martins, juntando inicialmente artistas de diversas origens, nomeadamente Africanos, Brasileiros e Portugueses, em diversos agrupamentos, com destaque para a Orquestra Sons da Lusofonia.

Mission and Objectives

A Associação promove intervenções abrangentes que aliam a intervenção social e a educação global à música e à interacção entre comunidades pessoas e artes, desenvolvendo actividades nas seguintes áreas: Investigação em Etnomusicologia;
   Pedagogia / Educação Global através da música;
   Cooperação cultural e técnica;
   Concepção e produção de suportes de comunicação (livros, discos, vídeos);
   Promoção de espectáculos
   Concepção de Grandes Eventos e Festivais

Main Projects / Activities

Actualmente, a face mais visível da Associação traduz-se na concepção e organização, com periodicidade anual das seguintes intervenções: Festa do Jazz do São Luiz/ Festa do Jazz Português
   OPA (Oficina Portátil de Artes)
   Lisboa Mistura

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have years of experience producing events that criate bridges for intercultural exchanges between the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the european cultural visions of our world. We can contribute also integrating ALF cultural and comunitary policies in our event LISBOA MISTURA.  Please see our website for more info.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We can contribute to the Mediterranean network already formed by ALF bringing more events and people with a Portuguese/ Mediterranean feeling to improve mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society projects for a better world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alaíde Costa
Job Title
Assistente Direcção
Head of the organisation
Carlos Martins


National Network

28003 MADRID

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Italian Chamber of Commerce in Spain—activities in the field of business support and relevant experiences in the fields of economic affairs, enterprise and other related issues: • The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Spain helps Italian people and SMEs start/set-up businesses in Spain. These people might be new entrepreneurs or already established Italian entrepreneurs who need help getting started in Spain. • Promotes market transparency and uses market research to assist businesses with pricing strategies and products. • Informs start-ups and entrepreneurs about the formalities of starting a business in Spain (documents, legislation, activities, transportation and payments), and guides them through this process of establishing their SMEs. • Informs people and businesses about the trade rules they must comply with in Spain and Italy. • Advises SMEs and aspiring entrepreneurs on Spanish law. • Seeks and transmits products and services between Italy and Spain, and analyzes the different situations that may arise; It supports trade between both countries. • Organizes training courses for aspiring entrepreneurs, workers, students, unemployed, young people and women to develop their abilities and acquire specific knowledge essential for business. • Organizes and sponsors internships for different target groups to help them develop specific skills that will increase their employability.
Mission and Objectives

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Spain belongs to a network of 81 Italian Chambers in 55 countries all over the world. The network can count on 25,000 members and 300,000 affiliates, many of which are based in EU countries. This extensive network gives us indirect access to the target group because we can utilize its resources and databases to contact potential entrepreneurs via email and phone. its headquarter is in Madrid, it counts with 10 staff employed. the main funds that we have came from events, partners, sponsors, italian ministry contribution. Our incomes of the last year, 2013, were around 1.400.000€.
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Spain (CCIS) has practical experience in projects related to entrepreneurship mobility, entrepreneurship support, cross-border cooperation, and enhancement of business collaboration.

Main Projects / Activities

CCIS belongs to the European Chambers council, Madrid, that represents the European Chambers Of commerce in Madrid, and organizes events like European Business Drinks, or Innovation Breakfasts attended by representatives of main stakeholders interested in foster entrepreneurship and SMEs. From 2001 organize in collaboration with Madrid Chamber of Commerce a prize for Italian and Spanish entrepreneurs that have improved trade relationship between Italy and Spain. The training department organizes like intermediary organization mobility under the framework of LLP programme, Leonardo VET, and now Erasmus +, KA1, and other mobility programmes direct to young people in VET such as national or local actions in Italy or Spain, 2000 , organizing 200-300 successful exchange per year. MAIN TASKS: finding hosting enterprises in Italy and Spain, or in the countries where the networks CCIS belongs are present, organize travel and accommodation, monitor internship, organize Spanish or Italian language courses for the trainees, evaluate the exchange and prepare Europass.
• Managed and led the WEM project, a project for aspiring women entrepreneurs in Madrid. The project was a weeklong crash course intended to teach women necessary concepts and skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur. The CCIS developed and organized the material to be taught, found appropriate participants, and taught the course. The subjectstaught were: Personal Communication Skills, Leadership, Creativity, Time Management, Negotiation, Marketing, Business Plan and Development, Legal Framework, Financial Management, English, and Information and Communication Technology (ITC). At the end of the course, we had the women fill out anonymous questionnaires to assess the quality of the course and the impact it had on them. Based on the positive responses, it was evident that the women had a great time and that they had learned a lot.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to spread the network and its activities, thanks to several actions, such as training courses, seminars, conferences, informing our partners. we can count with many partners, like private and public bodies, fundations, Smes, so it will be very easy for us to boost the network and its main activities. we also have mailing list, we can exploit social networks.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we would like to join the network because we want a support to create a ground where citizens can collaborate to build suitable conditions for the social and economic growth.
we belive that the knowledge of other culture can contribute to the development of a society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
giovanni aricó

Hakunila International Organization

National Network

Kannuskuja 2
01200 Vantaa

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
- 2 centers in Vantaa - 7 full time and 7 part time workers, tens of volunteers - Funded by (STEA, Vantaa City, ESR, different ministries, and other foundations) - National and international events (projects, seminars, intercultural interreligious dialoge, concerts, youth exchange, training..etc) - partners are different organizations, city of Vantaa, Vantaa parish..)    
Mission and Objectives

We aim to promote the awareness and knowledge of the different cultures and advance multicultural activities in the Finland. We also promote tolerance in Finland by applying preventive and antiracist policies. Gradually the organisation has expanded its operations and has become the supportive organisation for immigrants.

Main Projects / Activities

- EU project (KOTO) Integrating refugee families
- Immigrant advice work
- Youth programs
- Crime prevention project
- Art exhibitions
- Art courses for children and youth
- Peace Forum (Israel-Palestine)
- Concerts, lectures, training programs, seminars..)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- promote the values that we share with Anna Lind foundation
- organize exchange programs
- organize intercultural-interreligous dialogue
- participate in Anna Lind Foundation activities and programs
- provide cultural experts
- exchange good practices with other members

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- to widen our knowledge and expertese and benefit from ALF training and programs
- to widen our network with other organizations who share with us the same values
- to exchange ideas and eperiences with other members
- to participate in ALF activities in Finland and abroad
- to be able to apply for projects that ALF supports
- Being from Middle Eastern background, activate cooperation with Arab countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Burhan Hamdon
Job Title
Executive Manager
Head of the organisation
Burhan Hamdon
Contact (2) Full Name
Eila Järvinen
Job Title (2)

Assocation VUE SUR LES DOCS - FIDMARSEILLE, Festival International de Cinéma de Marseille

National Network

14 allée Léon Gambetta

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Chaque année début juillet , le FIDMarseille, Festival International de Cinéma de Marseille, dirigé par Jean-Pierre Rehm et présidé par paul Otchakovsky-Laurens, propose un programme de 130 films à près de 23 000 spectateurs, dans des cinémas, théâtres, bibliothèques, galeries d’art, amphithéâtres en plein air, à Marseille. Le festival présente un grand nombre de films en première mondiale, de premiers films, et s’impose aujourd’hui comme un gisement de nouvelles cinématographies, productions documentaires aussi bien que fictions. Avec un budget annuel de 950 000€, l’association Vue sur les Docs, financée entre autres par la Ville de Marseille, la région PACA , le CG13 et le CNC, et comptant 6 salariés permanents, organise le FIDMarseille, le FIDLab - la plateforme de soutien à la coproduction internationale -, le FIDCampus - atelier de formation d’étudiants méditerranéens - et de nombreuses projections hors les murs pendant toute l’année.   
Mission and Objectives

Un festival pour quoi faire ? Pour partager, avec tous les publics, les cinémas d’aujourd’hui. Moment unique où des réalisateurs venus du globe entier nourrissent notre présent de tous les leurs.
Si le FIDMarseille plonge ses racines dans le documentaire, c’est pour se souvenir des réalités qui sont notre terreau, mais sans oublier que sur ce sol poussent bien des mondes et encore davantage de manières d’en témoigner. Intempestif, audacieux, pertinent, insoumis, aussi surprenant que notre monde sait l’être, voilà le genre de cinéma que  le FID se réjouit de défendre.
De nombreux cinéastes ont débuté leur carrière internationale à Marseille. A titre d’exemple, Apichatpong Weerasethakul a été découvert à Marseille avec son premier film Mysterious Object at Noon en 2001. Il a reçu la Palme d’Or au Festival de Cannes en 2010. Comme cet exemple l’illustre, l’avenir d’un
Film ou d’un cinéaste peut se jouer lors du festival.
2500 films sont soumis à la sélection. De cet ensemble, une trentaine, en première mondiale et internationale, sera retenue pour la compétition. D’autres viendront alimenter les programmations thématiques. Au total, 130 films pour tous publics, des professionnels, passionnés de cinéma, curieux au jeune public. Le FIDMarseille se présente comme une plate-forme de distribution en avance sur les circuits existants, et leur précieux complémentaire.
Plus encore qu’un festival de cinéma, un forum, dans lequel se croisent images, paroles, récits d’expérience. Tous les réalisateurs sélectionnés sont invités à rencontrer et à débattre avec le public.
Des textes critiques dans le catalogue entièrement rédigés par nos soins à l’édition d’un quotidien du festival, bilingue, en passant par l’animation de tables-rondes, le festival se veut un espace remuant de réflexion publique.
Une des spécificités du FIDMarseille est sa fidélité aux œuvres et aux cinéastes. Par ses liens durables avec les réseaux d’exploitants et de distributeurs, les choix du FIDMarseille ont vocation prescriptive pour une sortie salle en France. Par le biais de nombreuses cartes blanches et d’invitation en France et à l’étranger, le FIDMarseille s’emploie à faire vivre les films. Par le biais de l’inscription du FIDMarseille au sein de  Docalliance, agglomérat de sept festivals internationaux issus de France, du Danemark, de la Suisse, de la Pologne, de la République Tchèque, du Portugal et de l’Allemagne.
Par le biais de notre affiliation à une structure internationale de diffusion, Festivalscope, qui permet aux seuls professionnels de consulter en ligne la sélection.
Enfin, par le biais d’une lettre d’information, mensuelle et bilingue, qui donne l’actualité des films inédits sélectionnés. Cet outil est devenu une référence internationale très largement consultée avec 57 000 contacts.

Main Projects / Activities

- FIDMARSEILLE : la 26ème édition du Festival International De Cinéma de marseille aura lieu du 30 juin au 6 juillet 2015. 
- FIDLab : la 7ème édition de FIDLab, plateforme internationale de soutien à la coproduction, aura lieu les 2 et 3 juillet 2015 et proposera à 10 porteurs de projets de films à tous stades (écriture, développement, postproduction) de se présenter et de rencontrer des coproducteurs et financeurs éventuels pendant 2 jours de rencontres. Dans un contexte international foisonnant, le FIDLab souhaite renforcer des projets sélectionnés non seulement en fonction de leur qualité artistique et de leur créativité, en lien avec la ligne éditoriale du FIDMarseille, mais également de leur potentiel de circulation internationale et d’accès au marché.
- FIDCampus : financé en 2013 par Marseille-Provence 2013, et fort de deux éditions très réussies (11 écoles méditerranéennes conviées, des masterclasses prestigieuses, des ateliers de formation passionnants), FIDCampus tiendra sa 3ème édition du 29 juin au 7 juillet 2015. FIDCampus s’inscrit dans la continuité des activités mises en places depuis 2009 par le FIDMarseille pour former une plateforme méditerranéenne d’échanges et de collaborations reliée aux aspects plus largement internationaux du festival et de faire du FIDMarseille et du FIDLab un véritable moment de rencontres méditerranéennes autour des questions de production, de diffusion et de formation.Outre la dimension d’échanges méditerranéens, il répond aussi à l’objectif du FIDMarseille de composer un relai original de lancement et de formation de jeunes cinéastes. Cette volonté s’inscrit dans une tendance générale des festivals de cinéma de jouer un rôle pédagogique auprès de la jeune création, mais aussi dans une spécificité du FIDMarseille, attentif à défricher de nouveaux talents et à permettre une transmission de savoirs et de points de vue lors des agoras.Le FIDMarseille entend poursuivre cette initiative en trouvant les financements nécessaires et en développant ses partenariats avec les écoles de cinéma et d’art.
- Projections à Marseille, en France et à l'étranger pendant toute l'année : tous les mois une projection est organisée dans les locaux du FIDMarseille, qui accueillent également une vidéothèque permettant à tout adhérant de visionner plus de 1000 films sur place. 
par ailleurs, le FIDMarseille programme régulièrement dans des festivals ou institutions partenaires des cartes blanches. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Avec le développement du festival, du FIDCampus en partenariat avec des écoles méditerranéennes, et du FIDLab, le FIDMarseille a aujourd'hui un rôle de plateforme méditerranéenne liée aux questions de formation cinématographique, de production et de diffusion.
Grâce à ses partenariats avec l'ESAV Marrakech, les Béjaia Docs, l'ESAMM de Tunis, l'Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth,  ou encore plus récemment avec le cinéma Metropolis à Beyrouth dans le cadre des Berlinale Talent et des ateliers se passant à Beyrouth en septembre 2014, le FIDMarseille dispose d'un réseau méditerranéen bien établi. 
Ainsi une des missions du festival est de promouvoir le dialogue entre les cinéastes et professionnels du cinéma de France, d'Europe et de la Méditerranée, ce qui rejoint les objectifs de la fondation Anna Lindh. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Cette participation au réseau ALF permettrait au FIDMarseille : 
- de poursuivre son développement à l'échelle méditerranéenne et de développer son réseau international
- d'être plus facilement informé d'initiatives à l'échelle méditerranéenne, et pourquoi pas de se joindre à certains projets et de développer les partenariats du festival en France et en méditerranée. 
- d'accéder plus facilement à des financements, notamment pour FIDCampus, qui est depuis 2014 auto-financé par le festival, mais qui, pour être pérénnisé, a besoin de nouveaux partenaires en Europe et en Méditerranée.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Secrétaire générale
Head of the organisation
Paul Otchakovsky-Laurens
Contact (2) Full Name
Ourida Timhadjelt
Job Title (2)
responsable de la communication

We Love Tripoli

National Network

Tripoli 1301

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
We Love Tripoli (WLT) is a Lebanese youth-led organization promoting cultural, social & environmental activism in Tripoli, Lebanon with public notice 999/ad since June 19th 2009. “We trigger the collective passion to serve our community through advocacy projects, volunteer activities and social media.” We Love Tripoli page on Facebook (48,500 likes) became the largest online community for Tripoli, Lebanon and the largest non-political Lebanese community organization Facebook page (in terms of the number of likes till september 2014). The organization is structured as follows: 1.      Board of Directors: 7 members elected by the General Assembly on a yearly basis. Decisions are made by the MAJORITY of the Board of Directors. The Board members elect among themselves the following 7 positions: 1.1.    President 1.2.    Vice President 1.3.    Executive Director 1.4.    General Secretary 1.5.    Finance Officer 1.6.    Communications and PR Officer 1.7     Logistic Officer 2.      General Assembly: All We Love Tripoli members who submit their membership fees with accepted applications. The Board of Directors is required to accept all applicants regardless of their race, religion, and political attitude. The General Assembly elects 7 members of the Board of Directors. A General Assembly 3.      Committees: The Board of Directors authorizes the initiation of a committee further to a request from 2 or more members of the Assembly, and can delegate specific authorities to those committees. A Committee member is either a member of the Assembly or a volunteer. 4.      Volunteers: They are registered in the Volunteer Database, they can become members of committees but they can’t vote nor run – as a candidate – in the Board election. Funding Till September 2014, we had grants from fundraising events and the membership fees, and in 2013 we had a grant from Forum ZED a german Organization, The project was called "LabbaynanNida" its was an initiative developed by We Love Tripoli that aims at honoring “Salam w Takwa” volunteers - who contributed in the restoration works after Tripoli mosques explosions in August 2013 - and letting their voice be heard through the sincere words of an amateur operetta, contributing in the creation of a Public Opinion that adopts a moderate, positive and non violent attitude. Impact WLT is the pioneer of the worldwide “We Love” movement created in the spirit of We Love Tripoli’s mission “We volunteer for our city”.
Mission and Objectives

Our Vision :
- Towards Tripoli the Good Model, Social Environment, Culture.
Our Mission :
- We Volunteer for Our City
Objectives :
- Lobbying for our City Rights
- Strengthen the affiliation to our City
- Preserve The Cultural Heritage of our City
- Capacity building for young People
- Improve the image of our City in the media

Main Projects / Activities

- Shoot As You Walk : Since the year 2009, the group became known to regularly host weekend photo-shooting excursions called “Shoot as you walk”, where members meet to take pictures of the city’s hidden treasures and then post them online, which have encouraged more people to join.
- Cinema Club - Watch and Chat : This event is a platform for cinephiles to meet, watch and discuss movies on a regular basis. It aims to show diverse cinema art from all over the world and to lay a spotlight on foreign arts and cultures.
- Random Workshops : We have lots of Workshops, previously We did Trainings about "Recycling, Video Making, Photography, Self skills, Management "..

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our relationships and our belief in the ability of young people to change, and We are a good model as Lebanese youth-led organization.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We Love Tripoli is the pioneer of the worldwide “We Love” movement created in the spirit of We Love Tripoli’s mission “We volunteer for our city”. In order to be a bridge between our city and the outside world, both to promote dialogue between the two sides of the Mediterranean especially among the youth of our city and young Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mourad Ayyach
Job Title
Financial Manager
Head of the organisation
Ms. Noura Maasraani
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Taha Naji
Job Title (2)
Public Relations