The motherhood and Childhood union

National Network

El amary st ,building 43

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
there are (14) civil association in this union,all of them wok in serving maternal and childhood in Sohag governorate.the structure of the head organization has (3) staff members; executive director, secretary,and accountant . the sources of funding are membership subscription fees ,donation and grants. The Motherhood and Childhood union established a forum for civil associations working in the field. holding seminars and workshops to raise awareness and making events to exchange experience among unions and associations serving motherhood and childhood.
Mission and Objectives

our mission: the Motherhood and Childhood union pursuits the comprehensive development in the field of maternal and child care.
Objevtives: the union aims at raising awerness about maternal and childhood's issues.
the provision of social and and health care for the families
providing institutional support for for association serving mothers and children.
Developing the local communities economically,socialy and culturaly.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities: Holding seminars and workshops to raise awerness about maternal and childhood issues.
Activating the role assumed by civil society concerning caring mothers and children
Establishing a forum for the association working in the feild of caring motherhood and childhood.
Finding a mechanism to fund activities carried for mothers and children
Provision of health,economic,social and educational development for local communities.
Exchanging experience among unions and civil association working in the same respect .
providing civil associations with technical and institutional support .
coordinating and cooperating with governmental and non governmental organizations for the good of mothers and children in our communities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

through exchanging the training opprtunities and other opportunities to takepart in the workshops and seminars carrying out through the union with the member organizations in the national network and to exchange knowledge ,experience and best practice with other members

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To take part in the activities and events to be carried out by the national network and to get acquainted to other organizations working in the same feild and to exchange knowledge and experience with other members and to benefit from the trainings and funding opportunities announced through the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rasha Maher Hassan
Job Title
information specialist
Head of the organisation
Ebtsam Sediq Mahmoud
Contact (2) Full Name
Ebtesam Sedik Mahmoud
Job Title (2)
Executive director

Historian ja yhteiskuntaopin opettajien liitto HYOL ry

National Network

Mechelininkatu 15 B 36
00100 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Association for Teachers of History and Social Studies in Finland has approximately 1 500 members. The association is run by the Board which has 12 members. The general assembly is held twice a year. The associoation has one full-time employee, the Secretary General. Sources of funding are the yearly membership fees paid by the members and the entry fees paid by the participants of the courses organisezed by the association. The Association itself organizes pedagogical further education courses ca four times a year. Courses organized with different partners double the amount of courses a year. The association also organises several different competitions for pupils and students. The association has sevaral differents partnes both from the public and private sector. The Association for Teachers of History and Social Studies in Finland is a member of the European Association of History Educators, EUROCLIO.

Mission and Objectives

The Association for Teachers of History and Social Studies in Finland was founded in 1948 to promote the interest of history teachers as well as to support their work. The association produces material for history teachers and organizes training courses for its members. In addition, the association aims to didactically and pedagogically develop history and social studies, takes actively part in the development of the national curriculum and supports research on history teaching.

Main Projects / Activities

The association publishes a pedagogical magazine ”Kleio” four times a year. We organize yearly several training courses for teachers (both in Finland and abroad) and competitions for school kids and students. The Association is also internationally active, in 2022 we organize a course in Italy with the Finnish Institute in Rome and another one in Greece with the Finnish Institute in Athens.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

HYOL can contribute to the Network by spreading information to Finnish teachers of history and social studies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

HYOL believes the teachers of history and civics are able to implement the Anna Lindh Foundations goals among the youth. As ALF, the teaching of history and civics tries to improve mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society. HYOL, like ALF, tries to overcome the misunderstandings and stereotypes which affect relations between and within the societies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kirsi Ruhanen
Job Title
Secretary general
Head of the organisation
Eero Kitunen, chairman of the board

Fundacija za pomoč otrokom/ Foundation 4 help 2 children

National Network

Ilirska cesta 2
2211 Jesenice

00386 2 653 7000
Telephone (other)
00386 (0)599 59 000
00386 2 653 7010
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00386 51 480 535
Mobile Phone (other)
00386 40 702 209
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The foundation's main purpose is to help longterm ill, very ill or damaged children and their families on national level by every meaning of the wprd in different situations, circumstances, to bring ill child the best care, diagnostic procedure, treatement ( also abroad), the best possible edication conditiones, to achieve the equality among children, offer the family pro bono legal aid, to fight for their rights to get quality and equal care, good educational conditions, everything that they need to go on with their life in the best way possible independent of the problems the dissease causes, to get all the help possible from the side of the national institutiones and state departments. We help the families with ill children to avoid the powerty as a consequences of the illness. We are contributin to e learning developement, to help ill children get appropriat educational possibilities also in the time of treatement, not to lag behind their peers and to help them fulfil the gaps in their knowledge if they have learning problems.   In short, we are a silent angels of ill children. We are also fighting against public presentation of pesonal data of individual ill child. Every child have a right that its personal data are publicly protected and we are struggeling to achieve that no one could decide till it's age of adult by 18 years old to present the child's individual personal information to public, not eaven with the purpose of foundraising, and not eaven it's parents. Why? because it comes to abuse of ill children for the benefit of or the parents, or the nongovernmental organisationes or other third and second parties.
Mission and Objectives

Foundation is private, we have four members board and the supervosory board. Foundation is having more thousand members and mostely supporters, there is no conditions or membershep fees to become one. Our partners are our donors and sponzors. The last years is not so easy, but in previous years we were very sucssesfoul, made more 100.000,00 resources every years plus material donations. We also was supported by outside foundation such as Charity AID Foundation, the foundation of C&A,...but we newer gave the request to be supported by EU calls jet. There were more prohjects we had on national level, where also foreigne sport stars supported them. you can see them on ur internet side here: - VEČJI PROJEKTI. Our main partner, supporter is company Peugeot Slovenia, McDonalds, Amway's charity One by One.

Main Projects / Activities

I have already explained, helping ill children and families.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Very much, only in Facebook, we have as a charity almost 36.000 members involved. We work good woth different mediums and we also Twit and I have as well Linkedin.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To get involved internationaly and possible get your support.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olga Bahun Jakelj
Job Title
President of the main board
Head of the organisation
Olga Bahun Jakelj
Contact (2) Full Name
Dianno Andrej Jakelj
Job Title (2)

SLARS, o. z. - Slovensko-argentinska spolocnost, obcianske zdruzenie

National Network
Slovak Republic

Panská 8
81101 Bratislava

+421 905 77 55 02
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+421 905 77 55 02
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Civic Association Slovakia - Argentine company SLARS, o.z. was established for cooperation between Slovak Republic and Argentina. The structure of organisation is divided into 4 working groups devoted to a particular issue and in 1 common group dedicated to common issues such as administrative and promotional aspects of the functioning of organisation. in this common group are involving all members automatically.

Mission and Objectives

our goals ... 1) participatory democracy, effective civil society and public service 2) literacy 3) Self-sufficiency 4) Cultural and natural heritage, Know-how exchange and commercial exchange

Main Projects / Activities

LIST of first projects - Regular newsletter every three months in PDF form - Preparation of the initial path to Argentina with tasks that would be there to address the four goals - Preparation of the arrival of a delegation from Argentina associated with the conference and workshops with activists from different regions and introduction projects operating in the Slovak Republic, - Create offices and libraries SLARS with regular information workshops, and its grand opening - Project Hispanic world and cooperation on the basis of SLARS activities with other latino countries - Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador Goal 3: - Community garden as a pilot project of self-sufficiency in Bratislava´s city part Krasňany - The project is already in the world, we have soon area, the land and list of activities which must be done Goal 3 and 4: - Kukučín (footsteps Slovak writer in Argentina)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking for cooperation with other organisation with similar feeling as we have, because we are thinking, that in this way we can do more, than as individual. We would like to inspire with their experiences and also we would like to offer over experiences how to do some things, how to co-operate, how we can help.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roman Kovrižnych
Head of the organisation
Roman Kovrižnych

The Freedom Theatre

National Network

School Street
Jenin Refugee Camp
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The Freedom Theatre is a community-based theatre and cultural centre in Jenin Refugee Camp, occupied Palestine. Convinced that the arts have a crucial role to play in building a free and healthy society, The Freedom Theatre offers a unique programme of activities in performing arts and multimedia, including acting, psychodrama, playback theatre, filmmaking, photography and creative writing.  The Freedom Theatre employs about 20 persons from the Jenin area, wider Palestine and abroad. The theatre has an annual budget in the range of 450 000 USD. Main sources of funding are international foundations and individual donors. Main current partners are Sida, European Union, British Council, Unesco and a range of local organisations.

Mission and Objectives

The Freedom Theatre is developing a vibrant and creative artistic community in the northern part of the West Bank. While emphasizing professionalism and innovation, the aim of the theatre is also to empower youth and women in the community and to explore the potential of arts as an important catalyst for social change. Through its work, The Freedom Theatre aims to: - Raise the quality of performing and visual arts in the area. - Offer a space in which children and youth can act, create and express themselves freely and equally, imagine new realities and challenge existing social and cultural barriers. - Empower the young generation to use the arts to promote positive change in their community. - Break the cultural isolation that separates Jenin from the wider Palestinian and global communities.

Main Projects / Activities

The Freedom Theatre runs a three-year professional theatre school and produces theatre plays that are toured internationally. Applied theatre workshops and improvisational theare performances are conducted throughout the West Bank. Trainings are also given to theatre technicians and stage managers. Within Multimedia, The Freedom Theatre runs a photography training course, produces short films and a youth magazine, Voices. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Freedom Theatre is part of the Palestinian Performing Arts network, a broad coalition of cultural organisations in the West Bank and Gaza. The Freedom Theatre contributes its time, dedication, skills and resources to this network and hope to make similar connections with other Palestinian civil society networks as well as facilitate links between the cultural sector and other civil society sectors in Palestine. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand our network and be able to contribute to and benefit from the rich variety of networking, training and partnering opportunities provided by the ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonatan Stanczak
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Jonatan Stanczak
Contact (2) Full Name
Johanna WAllin
Job Title (2)
Communications Officer


National Network

343 Pl Hassan Dakhil, Ambassador, Souissi
10000 rabat

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Research
General Information
Architecte et enseignante en architecture, je m'intéresse aux domaines de l'Art, de l'Architecture, du design, de l'environnement, du développement durable et de l'approche genre.
Mission and Objectives

Architecte et enseignante en architecture, je m'intéresse aux domaines de l'Art, de l'Architecture, du design, de l'environnement, du développement durable et de l'approche genre.

Main Projects / Activities

J'effectue actuellement une recherche sur une approche genre de l'espace public de la ville.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Intégrer l'approche genre dans le développement de l'espace urbain et contribuer ainsi à l'integration de la femme, à son èmancipation et l'aider à l'acquisition de ses droits.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Je suis assez disponible en ce moment et je souhaite développer et partager mes recherches, mes interrogations et mes préoccupations avec la communauté.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hakima Iraqi


National Network
Address 266
Amman 11953

962 6 5677919
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Target : to strengthen the aspect of respect of others , regardless their belief or religion and accept them as a partner in the society to achieve peace and prosperity  to the whole community .          
Mission and Objectives

As above 

Main Projects / Activities

Still new , will start activity in the near future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khalil Haddad
Head of the organisation
Head of the society

Compagnie Graines de Soleil

National Network

7 rue de la charbonnière - PARIS

01 46 06 08 05
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Créée en 1998, la Compagnie Graines de Soleil est implantée dans le quartier de la Goutte d'Or, à Paris. Son plus grand souhait est de pouvoir, par le biais de créations artistiques, y rencontrer le public, lui faire partager des émotions, des réflexions qui puissent l'amener à considérer sa vie autrement. Par le jeu, le chant, la danse, éveiller ou réveiller en lui la beauté, la magie... Le mener le temps d'un spectacle sur des chemins nouveaux et poétiques, et lui faire découvrir la culture au sens le plus large du terme, car cela est représentatif de notre groupe de travail.  
Mission and Objectives

La Compagnie Graines de Soleil est une plateforme d'échanges et de créations artistiques entre le quartier de la Goutte d'Or à Paris 18e, l'Europe, le Maroc, et l'Afrique. Par le biais de la création artistique, nous partons à la rencontre des publics. Nous partageons des émotions, des réflexions. Nous recherchons l'universalité pour amener ces publics euros-méditerranéens, si différents, à se pencher chaque fois un peu plus sur l'humain, ses travers et ses métamorphoses. Par le jeu, le chant, la danse, éveiller ou réveiller en eux la beauté, la magie, les mener l'espace d'un instant sur des chemins nouveaux et poétiques…
Considérant l'art comme un outil vivant et d'utilité publique, la compagnie cherche à faire émerger des terrains de rencontres dans une logique de partage et d'échange entre les publics et l'art . Depuis 1998, elle mène dans le quartier de la Goutte d’Or et au Sud de la Méditerranée des formations, stages, créations, échanges, festivals. Cette capacité d’action, de création et de diffusion locale et internationale est à la fois le fruit d’un réseau de partenaires institutionnels, universitaires, artistiques, associatifs, associé à des savoirs faire, à une pédagogie des publics, de l’acteur et de la création qui nourrissent le développement de ses projets.

Main Projects / Activities

Depuis 1998, elle mène dans le quartier de la Goutte d’Or et au Sud de la Méditerranée des formations, stages, créations, échanges, festivals. Cette capacité d’action, de création et de diffusion locale et internationale est à la fois le fruit d’un réseau de partenaires institutionnels, universitaires, artistiques, associatifs, associé à des savoirs faire, à une pédagogie des publics, de l’acteur et de la création qui nourrissent le développement de ses projets.
Ateliers artistiques en direction des jeunes et des femmes en particulier (théâtre, théâtre d’improvisation), en partenariat avec ADOS, Espace Jeunes Goutte d’Or, AGO, Accueil Laghouat
Festival au féminin du 1er au 8 mars ; direction artistique de la Fête de la Goutte d’Or depuis 2 ans, en partenariat avec SSB et Gaby Sourire
Créations artistiques (Soldats Inconnus, Profils Atyiques, ..
Co-productions ( Le 7è Kafana, Terrain Vague..)
Résidences (créations GDS en partenariat avec le Lavoir Moderne Parisien, Le 7è Kakana en partenariat avec la compagnie René Loyon, A Better Me, en partenariat avec l’École du Jeu)
POIP : Parcours d’Orientation et d’Insertion Professionnelle à la Goutte d’Or, en partenariat avec l’ADCLJC

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Laëtitia Guédon

Association Thalassanté - Estaque Riaux

National Network

175 plage Estaque, 13016 MARSEILLE
13016 marseille

04 91 46 74 19
Telephone (other)
04 91 46 74 19
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 62 04 37 21
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
recherche en matière de promotion et de communication sur la santé ; mise en lien, des données culturelles, environnementales, professionnelles, économiques, artistiques, scientifiques, techniques, sportives, sociales et éducatives avec la santé dans son approche la plus transdisciplinaire.
Mission and Objectives

recherche en matière de promotion et de communication sur la santé ; mise en lien, des données culturelles, environnementales, professionnelles, économiques, artistiques, scientifiques, techniques, sportives, sociales et éducatives avec la santé dans son approche la plus transdisciplinaire.

Main Projects / Activities

recherche en matière de promotion et de communication sur la santé ; mise en lien, des données culturelles, environnementales, professionnelles, économiques, artistiques, scientifiques, techniques, sportives, sociales et éducatives avec la santé dans son approche la plus transdisciplinaire.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gisèle Deveze
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Gisèle Deveze
Contact (2) Full Name
Mathieu Decq
Job Title (2)
secrétaire general


National Network

115 RUE KABIS, SECTEUR8, Hay salam
11000 salé

(+212) 676 684 205
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The "OverBoys'  is a non-profit Association, socially and culturaly oriented, created in 2008 by Youssef Anagam, it offers educational artistic and  sport and leisure  to young people of Morocco, and especially in the region of Rabat-Salé. The association is comprised of professional members of the socio-cultural as well as several disciplines animation. the staff is made of 10 people. The association organizes festivals, various workshops, TEAM BUILDING, trips and excursions all over the year. the association cn get enaugh budget to work by organising festivals and  giving the workshops in many places. our source of founding is our work, we provide the needs by organising events and by that we make the association survive. we olso get some help frome the locale authorities when organising an events. 
Mission and Objectives

Our work is based on the fact to facilitate young people's access to the arts, sport and culture, discover and be a springboard for young talents to developed on several levels, while ensuring the changing members and managing their career within the organization.
Offer workshops to young people who do not have access to cultural activities, in partnership with youth centers, cultural centers, and orphanages, ours teams leads workshops in the context of socio-cultural partnerships with several entities to transmit and share our experience with the new generation.
Filled the gap of cultural and sporting activities dedicated to young people and support the evolution of the movement of artistic creation in Morocco.

Main Projects / Activities

Many Urbain Arts festival all over the year.
Many workshops are giving in collaboration with the youth centres and the primary schools.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

i'm already membre of the network in my contry, and i have been working in the associative field since many year and with many organism, ii juste got my master in Marketing and i think i can help with my knowlegde in communication and publicity to develope the Network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

i want to join the ALF Network, because the organisme that i work with wich is Overboys is already member of the ALF, i'm interessted to be a part and apply for the programs that ALF organise or are a part of in future, i want to developpe my skills by participating in tranings or in exchange programs. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
ANAGAM Youssef
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)