National Network


+962 79 5580879
Telephone (other)
+962 6 5520012
+962 6 5525775
Mobile Phone
00962 79 5580879
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Established in 1999 as a private company dealing with European companies, that’s why our logo (Euro Jordan)  Our team of professional sales engineers and technicians of 25 persons are covering our market of its need for automatic doors, roller shutters and door access systems.  
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to provide Jordan market with the latest German technology in the field of Automatic doors and door access systems, we succeed to be the Jordanian market leader along with our partner GEZE GmbH.. 

Main Projects / Activities

We are looking to increase our share of dealing with German and European companies as our country need quality goods.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we are looking to be an active member in the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be part of ALF network to achieve its goals in our country..

Contact (1) Full Name
Bashar Micheal Hijazin
Job Title
Head of the organisation
bashar Hijazin

France Volontaires Maroc

National Network

28 Avenue de France, Résidence Yasmine, App 7, Agdal
10090 Rabat

00 212 5 37 68 27 55
Telephone (other)
00 212 5 37 77 93 63
00 212 5 37 68 27 32
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00 212 6 66 99 86 86
Mobile Phone (other)
00 212 6 54 05 50 33
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
La plateforme France Volontaires est née le 1er octobre 2009 sur le socle de l’Association Française des Volontaires du Progrès (AFVP). Elle a pour objet de promouvoir et de développer les différentes formes d’engagements relevant des Volontariats Internationaux d’Echange et de Solidarité (VIES) et de contribuer à leur mise en œuvre. Ce projet s’exprime dans le respect des valeurs énoncées dans la charte commune à laquelle adhèrent les organismes d’envoi de volontaires et eux-mêmes. Elle est par ailleurs membre du Groupement d’Intérêt Public Agence du Service Civique et contribue au développement du Service Civique, dans le cadre de son volet international.
Mission and Objectives

France Volontaires appuie et soutient les acteurs du volontariat (candidats, volontaires, structures d’accueil ou d’envoi). Les missions de la plateforme sont spécifiées dans le Contrat d’Objectifs et de Performance signé entre France Volontaires et le Ministère francais des Affaires Etrangères et du Développement International:
- Promouvoir les différentes formes de volontariat
- Renforcer les compétences des acteurs;
- Faciliter la découverte et la compréhension par les volontaires de l'environnement social, culturel et politique;
- Informer, conseiller, orienter les acteurs tout au long des parcours de volontariat (avant, pendant & après).
Une convention de partenariat qui définit les engagements de l’Etat et des associations d’envoi de Volontaires ainsi qu’une Charte du volontariat international d’échange et de solidarité qui précise les principaux engagements qualitatifs à tenir par les associations d’envoi et par les Volontaires, ont été signées lors du lancement de France Volontaires.
France Volontaires, association régie par la Loi de 1901, s’est dotée de statuts associatifs dès fin 2009.

Main Projects / Activities

L'Espace Volontariats ouvert à Rabat depuis 2011 propose une gamme de service aux acteurs du volontariat francais au Maroc (actions de communication, formations, café-volontariats, activités de découverte,...). Il répond également aux demandes formulées par les acteurs (candidats, volontaires, structures d'accueil et structures d'envoi).
France Volontaires est par ailleurs une structure d’envoi de Volontaires de Solidarité International (VSI). Elle transfert également des demandes de missions à ses membres (33 membres associatifs en 2014).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En adhérent à la FAL, France Volontaires souhaite d'une part, revisiter et élargir ses pratiques, et d'autre part, mettre ses compétences et son réseau au service de l'ensemble des membres de la fondation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le volontariat international, coeur de métier de France Volontaires depuis 1963, est un outil par excellence de la rencontre et du dialogue interculturel. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Thierry DEBRIS
Job Title
Représentant National Maroc/Responsable Programme Afrique du Nord Moyen Orient
Head of the organisation
Thierry DEBRIS
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed JADRI
Job Title (2)
Responsable de l’Espace Volontariats France Volontaires au Maroc


National Network

c/o Zilly, Spessart Str 21, 14197 Berlin
c/o Boyer-Stanic, 2, rue veronese, 75013 Paris13
14197 Berlin

0049 15730209060
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
ORNAMENTO is an international  non-profit association founded in Paris in 2001  (Nr. 2001052) for the purpose of developing interdisciplinary cross-cultural projects in the arts and cultural sciences associated with museums, universities and other cultural institutions in Europe and neighboring countries. Founding members are Carrie Asman (Director), the late Frederic Luzy (Treasurer), Alice Morgaine (Secretary). 30 members in France and Germany. Projects such as: Louvre: Service Culturel, Lecture series on the Topic of Shame and Adornment, Art and Science in the Renaissance; Exhibition: Private Viewing of Berlin Selected Artists Main Partners: DFJW (Berlin/Paris), Bilgi University, Department of Communications (Istanbul); Goethe Institute Istanbul  
Mission and Objectives

*East-West Divan Project facilitates a cross-cultural dialogue through the arts and across the disciplines, offering opportunities for Youth (18-30) participation on all levels.
Where the performance ends, the dialogue begins

Main Projects / Activities

EWDP  East-West Divan Project/ Oriental Journey 2013-2019
Théodor Chassériau, “Toilette d’Esther”, 1842 Louvre
Some 200 years ago, during a journey down the Rhine with his muse Marianne von Wellemer in the Spring of 1814, Goethe submerges himself in the lyrics written by the Persian poet under the pen name of Hafez (1326 –1390). Inspired by his work and the lyric form known as the ghasel, the couple begin to write the first of a larger collection of poems published five years later with the title West-Eastern Divan. In the opening Book of Song, Goethe privileges sound over sign, the spoken over the written word that remains a central theme throughout the Divan. His spiritual-lyrical journey to the East is grounded in a philosophy of language that turns away from a static „classicistic“ logocentric conception of language - in the beginning was the word - in favor of a dynamic, Hebraic-Aramaic conception of language - in the beginning was the deed (dabhar), a notion that is more in keeping with the language philosophy of the biblical countries. This lingusitic turn signals a re-orientation that is already suggested by Faust as he grapples with his translation of Genesis.
In celebrating the 200th anniversary of the West-Eastern Divan, this project follows Goethe’s lead by venturing beyond the confines of the written text. In a series of events scheduled to begin in 2014 in Berlin, Istanbul and Paris a core focus of the celebration will be a concert with musicians and artists from the east and the west, accompanied by a performance including a choir, dancing dervishes and a ballet that unites both traditions. The supporting programme for this “oriental journey” includes an exhibition, readings, a lecture and a film series exploring various aspects of orientalism and neo-orientalism from a cross-cultural perspective.
Bridging the Cultures
Collecting was was one of the greatest material and inspirational resources funding all areas of Goethe’s life work. His practice of staging smaller groups of objects with specific visitors in mind enabled and often provoked a dialogue between people that was otherwise not possible. With their creation of the West- Eastern Divan Orchestra, Daniel Barenboim and Edward Said have applied
this same mediative socio-communicative function to music. In their jointly authored book Parallels and Paradoxes and other writings Barenboim and Said explore the connection between music and politics, sound and life, resonance and silence.
Between Occident and Orient
A key source and point of departure for the West-Eastern Divan Project is Edward Said's book on Orientalism. As a visiting scholar at Stanford University he regularly presented selections from the unpublished manuscript to us that was soon to revolutionize the discourse on this topic. While Foucault had promised us a new order of things, Said made this wish a reality by redefining the Orient as a cultural construct around an elusive East that was primarily a product of the Western imagination. For Said, Orient and Occident are not merely cardinal points on a compass such as North and South or East and West. The question of location gives way to one of orientation and perspective. From a historical and political standpoint perceptions of the Orient are determined largely by geographic location. Thus England, France and Germany - and after the Second World War the US as well - have divergent conceptions of the Orient. Every cultural sphere has its own Orient onto which it projects a plethora of ideas and notions, in a never-ending chain of projections that unbridles a phantasy that is not forcibly grounded in reality. Had the Orient intended to represent itself - or in fact been meant to do so - then this would have happened long ago. So Said, who quotes the 18th Brumaire here. Yet what about the Orient itself - we might ask - the question of representation and the objects of its imagination?
The three partner cities Paris-Berlin-Istanbul in which this trinational hommage to Goethe’s West- Eastern Divan and the collaborative work of Barenboim and Said is scheduled to take place, are not merely arbitrary locations for an oriental journey. Each city offers its own set of cultural artefacts and its own perspective on the Orient which is often folded into a population with its own migrational bi-cultural history, providing a wealth of material and inspiration for exhibitions, workshops, film and lecture series on this theme.
Supporting and collaborating partners: Ornamento, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Republic of Turkey, Goethe Institute, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Turkey (Berlin); Bilgi University- Istanbul, German-French Youth Works DFJW-OFAJ * (Paris/Berlin); lʼAssociation Générale des Conservateurs des Collections Publiques de France (PACA), Musée des Civilisations de lʼ Europe et de la Méditerranée (MuCEM-Marseille), Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV)
*West-Eastern Divan Project facilitates a cross-cultural dialogue through the arts and across the disciplines, offering opportunities for Youth (18-30) participation on all levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Carrie Lee Asman
Job Title
President - Director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Carrie Lee Asman
Contact (2) Full Name
Jacqueline Boyer Stanic
Job Title (2)

Quai 21

National Network

17 traverse de la roseraie
13007 Marseille

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
L'association Quai 21 a été fondée en 2009 à Marseille et a mené depuis de nombreux projets basés sur les échanges artistiques et culturels entre le territoire marseillais et d'autres régions de de la Méditerranée et de l'Europe. Les projets peuvent prendre des formes très variées : résidences, création dans tous les domaines artistiques, diffusion des œuvres créées, mise en réseau d'artistes (voir les rapports d'activités en pièce jointe).  L'association est composée de bénévoles mais souhaite recruter un salarié pour l'année à venir étant donné l'ampleur des projets mis en œuvre. Les sources de financement viennent essentiellement des collectivités territoriales de la région : ville de Marseille, région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, département des Bouches du Rhône. De nombreux partenaires ont été associés aux différents projets de l'association comme Culturesfrance, la Cité de la Musique, le GMEM, l’Institut Français d’Istanbul, le Goethe Institut etc.
Mission and Objectives

Cette association a pour objet de promouvoir et diffuser tout activité et événement artistique et/ou socioculturel (musique, danse, théâtre, cinéma, arts plastiques, littérature) visant à renforcer les liens et les échanges entre les pays méditerranéens et l'ensemble des pays européens notamment à travers la promotion des femmes et des jeunes artistes émergents.
À cette fin, l'association se donne pour but de développer tout projet et action favorisant la mobilité des artistes, la connaissance des mondes de l'art, la production et les échanges artistiques et culturels.

Main Projects / Activities

Trois projets constitueront l'activité principale de l'association en 2015 (voir le détail des projets dans la pièce jointe "programme prévisionnel d'activité") :
- "Les nouvelles Antigones de la Méditerranée" est un projet original rassemblant les blogueuses les plus influentes d'une dizaine de pays de la Méditerranée. L'objectif est de tisser des liens entre les écrits de ces blogueuses, via la création d'un espace commun en ligne, qui sera partagé entre le site internet de l'association et celui de notre média partenaire Babelmed  - basé à Rome.
La singularité de cet espace commun est qu'il croise les enjeux de citoyenneté et de recherche artistique qui s'expriment dans les écrits de ces femmes. "Les nouvelles Antigones de la Méditerranée" veut créer un espace de résonance qui s'adresse en particulier aux jeunes générations « connectées ». Au-delà de ce rôle de « média citoyen », il s'agit aussi de créer un réseau qui est appelé à se développer au fil des années et à donner une plus grande visibilité à ces voix féminines. Au sein de cette agora numérique, les blogueuses ne seront plus isolées : elles pourront découvrir d'autres voix féminines, d'autres écritures artistiques contemporaines, au-delà des frontières et des barrières de la langue.
Partenaires confirmés : Babelmed (Rome), laboratoire TELEMME de la Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme (Aix-en-Provence), Goethe Institut (Marseille)
Début du projet : février 2015
- "La Nuit d'Antigone" propose de faire découvrir les écritures contemporaines des femmes poètes, écrivains et compositrices autour du bassin méditerranéen. Il s'agit d'un projet qui a pour vocation de relier des femmes artistes et présenter leurs créations dans d'autres Cités de Méditerranée et d'Europe.
Quatre artistes/ compositrices sont la voix de ces nouvelles écritures contemporaines, qu'elles  mettront en musique, à partir de leurs relations entre Marseille, Berlin, Istanbul, Damas, Beyrouth, Caire et Barcelone.
Avec Sylvie Paz (Marseille), chant, Perrine Mansuy (Marseille), piano, Naissam Jalal (Syrie/ Egypte), flute, DJ Ipek (Turquie/ Allemagne)
Première résidence de création en mai 2014 à Marseille. Deuxième résidence de création en septembre 2014 à Marseille. 2015 : tournée et 2016 enregistrement d'un album
- "Ports invisibles" Une création sonore et visuelle entre Marseille et Istanbul de Patrick Laffont et Erdem Helvacioglu
C'est à l'initiative de Quai 21 que le plasticien marseillais Patrick Laffont et le musicien/compositeur stambouliote Erdem Helvacioglu se sont rencontrés en 2011.
Les deux artistes ont commencé à travailler autour d'une création visuelle et sonore.
"Ports Invisibles" se concentre sur la création urbaine marseillaise et stambouliote à partir de la relation entre l'art, la ville/ le port en questionnant ses contrastes et ses intensités.
Les deux artistes ont déjà eu l'occasion de travailler ensemble lors de deux résidences, dont une a eu lieu à Marseille 2011 et l'autre à Istanbul en 2012. Ils ont entamé une pièce électro-acoustique à partir des sons et d'enregistrements faites par Erdem Helvacioglu à Marseille et une partition graphique et des photos prises par Patrick Laffont à Marseille et Istanbul.
Une exposition au FRAC PACA est prévue en 2015

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Premièrement, l'association Quai 21 ayant déjà un réseau de partenaires culturels et d'artistes dans plusieurs pays du bassin méditerranéen, elle peut en faire bénéficier les membres du réseau national et international de la Fondation Anna Lindh.
Deuxièmement, les missions de l'association étant en totale concordance avec les missions de la Fondation Anna Lindh, nous possédons une expertise dans le domaine de la coopération culturelle en Méditerranée qui peut être utile à tous les membres du réseau.
Enfin, nous pouvons être un relai et un partenaire qualifié pour de nombreux projets du réseau Anna Lindh.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

L'association Quai 21 partage les valeurs défendues par la Fondation Anna Lindh : diversité culturelle et sociale, liberté d'expression et démocratie dans les champs artistique, culturel et de l'éducation. Nous mettons en place des actions artistiques avec des artistes du sud de la France et les faisons dialoguer avec d'autres artistes des pays méditerranéens et européens. Ces projets suscitent des échanges artistiques et culturels avec les pays de la Méditerranée dans un but d'enrichissement mutuel des cultures et des pratiques.
En rejoignant le réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh, nous étendons notre réseau existant et multiplions nos chances de développer des projets de coopération internationale.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nil Deniz
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nil Deniz

Egyptian Democratic Assocation

National Network

bulding 18 nahmed kattab street , fiasel

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
EDA – the association started to be a clear idea in its founders minds after the first wave of the Egyptian revolution on the 25th of January 2011 , especially after the referendum on the 19 of march 2011. The founders of EDA believe that the democracy is a style of life and is not only related to the elections and the political majority and minority , that democracy is a tool and a mechanism to choose your way while you are facing a decision
Mission and Objectives

Our vision:
Egypt need to be developed throw democratic process which will make a list of priority according to the Egyptians citizens needs when they know and feel and practice their role as an ….. active citizens , active Egyptians'
Mission :
Sharing the knowledge and experience among the youth , handicaps to give them the tools to create their own plans to reach better future

Main Projects / Activities

EDA programs :
• The barrel Arts
Produce art productions (social advertisements – plays – songs – online interactive educational games ) throw the main target groups women – handicaps – youth to make their issues and cases visible by them selves
• The alternative citizen community media (ACCM)
Using podcasting and different media outlets to present a kind of citizen media with a human rights standards , EDA have established elma7rosa community radio in 2009 and elma7rosa was developed to be a media network the community
• Bolotica online academy ( political school - Politicians' academy - Active citizenship college )
An online civil education platforms targeting : youth leaders from the universities and the civil movements ,young activists the content of the platforms is an academic content and new tactics of advocacy and campaigning .
• developing by democracy
after working for more than 3 yeas – as an academy – we reach a very important methodology which it is not really an invention , working with the people to have a list of priorities of developing according to their needs , according to their needs and their vision and with the cooperation with the local councils and the governorates
• Democracy developing
Working on the organizations of democracy to improve its capacity and improving the skills and the experience of the employee of this organizations , the main target of this program is to create staffers groups and MPs office having fresh graduated with a political , economical , mass media , social background , also targeting the citizens throw political empowering for youth, women, handicaps and working with the bedwen and the Nopa people to have leaders from them to join the process of democracy
• Egypt Transitional justice scale
A program working on Tracing and mentoring and analyzing the actions and decisions which is taken by the transitional government towards achieving the international standards of the transitional justice and the reforming of the justice organizations and national media and the future of Egypt and the acceptance of the others according to Justice and national forgiveness rules
Also this program is trying to track the progress of the handicaps role and their right to vote and participate

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we would like to share ideas of activites and projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to get more power to have our ideas throw networking

Contact (1) Full Name
bassem samir awad
Job Title
chair man of board of trustees
Head of the organisation
Bassem samir Awad

association hay ibiza for developpement

National Network

المقر الاجتماعي للجمعية : إيبيزا 2 رقم 23 الطابق الأول طنجة .
المقر الاجتماعي للجمعية : إيبيزا 2 رقم 23 الطابق الأول طنجة .
90000 tangier

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته نحن جمعية حي إبيزا للتنمية درادب طنجة المغرب . حيث أن جمعيتنا تعنى بالتنمية و رفع الهشاشة عن المجتمع .و حيث نحن ما زلنا في البداية ..نتشرف أن تكون لكم معنا شراكة قصد التنمية في المغرب و تفضلوا نمني فائق الاحترام و التقدير.. نحن جمعية حي إبيزا للتنمية بطنجة المغرب رقم الجمعية 1589 رقم الحساب 49 1646402111688740430008 البنك الشعبي مرشان طنجة المغرب..
Mission and Objectives

رفع الهاشة و الفقر عن ساكنة منطقتنا
الاهتمام بالرياضة و دعم فرق الاحياء و احياء تظاهرات اخرها دوري رمضان
الاهتمام بفضاء الحي من تشجير و نظافة
دعم مشروعات لتعليم النساء الطبخ صناعة الحلويات
نسعى لانشاء مركب حضانة اطفال و ملعب رياضي و مقر للنشاط النسوي لمختلف النشاطات و ذلك في فضاء الحي بأرض تابعة للجماعة المحلية ستفوت للجمعية إذا استطاعت الجمعية جمع الدعم اللازم لذا نحن نسعى في هذا الاتجاه

Main Projects / Activities

We got a promise from the state that we get the land district of Ibiza the Assembly was able to collect the money and support for the implementation of the project
This project is a compound Athletic loans for young people and children and facilities for projects of interest to women cooking and confectionery industry as teaching sewing

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We need to support your organization to create income-generating projects
FOR HELP CHILDREN AND WOMAN AND YOUNG IN TANGIER MOROCCOBecause the situation here difficult and severe poverty 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Good question
The world has become a small village problems became intercontinental
The problem of poverty, give us illegal immigration towards Europe
And the problem of lack of education makes young people vulnerable to stray extremist ideas which aim to not accept the other
Woman and her children and her husband is not a material income and then the children go to crime and women for prostitution
So why do not we cooperate and share our ideas will make us all close to each other
Much better than some of us goes to ignore members of the peoples of the Mediterranean Sea towards racism and terrorism

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
yassine chentof azrak
Job Title
preSIdent of association ibiza and Dealer
Head of the organisation
yassine chentof azrak
Contact (2) Full Name
alitem mohammed
Job Title (2)
tréserie of ibiza association and operative


National Network


0039 3398659954
Telephone (other)
080 4687528
080 4687528
Mobile Phone
0039 3398659954
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Our association is created by a group of young people the age 18 – 35 who lives in the region Puglia, Italy. We have participated in several European activities such as youth exchanges, trainings and seminars within the Youth in Action Programme and brand new ERASMUS + . The main aim of our association is to foster youth participation of young people in civil society, to bring social changes, development and improvement of society where we live, using different tools and mainly focused in youth field. We have been engaged in different youth activities as volunteers and during this period we have gained a lot of experience increasing our knowledge with a direct impact in our personal and social development. We have been participating and helping in facilitation of similar activities and this is what gave us the motivation to continue with our own action.   OUR WEBSITE OUR FACEBOOK GROUP
Mission and Objectives

Our  is an organization with the aim to improve the quality of life of people in our town and region and to bring their social inclusion and activism on higher level. Our goals are also to develop cultural, democratic, social and ecological conscience among youth, to encourage cooperation of young people with different interests and activities and to increase influence of young people on work of local community.
To achieve all that, we organize cultural, ecological, educational and other events, we promote humanitarian work through many actions and cooperation with other humanitarian organizations, we inform young people about important topics, encourage their inclusion in discussion and solving various problems in our community and we cooperate with other similar associations in our country and wider. We aim to educate young people in mentioned areas in order to give them opportunity to spread everything they have learned and to encourage them to become actively involved in life of their community.
I will share the achieved goals with those who are interested in promoting European
programmes as a tool for creating enterprises with an international perspective.
As well as organization and other institutions of this kind and to encourage italian youth to participate and join actively this type of programmes, also through high school infodesk and University.
In addition to this EUROSUD is also part of a larger network of NGO's all over the
European countries and all the results will be disseminated through this network as well.

Main Projects / Activities

EUROSUD is founded by a number of experts with a goal to offer a support, help, services and counseling in area of development of civil society and democratic institutions, civil values, non-formal education for all citizens, especially for young people.
EUROSUD  organizes events (round tables, debates, seminars and workshops) about activism, education, promotion and exchange regarding human rights, development of local, regional, European and international cooperation. EUROSUD especially promotes development of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable development (of civil society).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In addition to this EUROSUD is also part of a larger network of NGO's all over the
European countries and all the results will be disseminated through this network as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to join this network because it could be an added value to my organization.
Could be a lighthouse in southern Italy . A part of this we can organize event and info day to raise awareness regardding the ALF missions and goals

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Association Nahda pour la Citoyenneté et le Développement

National Network

N°212 quartier Ikhlass commune sebt gzoula Province de Safi
46150 Sebt Gzoula

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
                  L’Association Nahda pour la Citoyenneté et le Développement ( ANCD)   est une association régionale indépendante ,dont les domaines d’intervention sont : Le développement  durable, l’éducation et le social.                  Elle  opère avec  et pour  toutes les couches sociales et en particulier les jeunes.                   L’ ANCD a été créée le 18 Février 2011 en  continuité  de l’Association Nahda Gzoula  (1997-2011).  C’est une association qu’est composée Exclusivement de bénévoles, les partenaires : - commune urbaine de gzoula + conseil de la province de safi + conseil de la region Doukkala -Abda + fondation de l'OCP + collectif marocain du volontariat ( CMV ) + Entreaide nationale budjet anuelle : 80000.00 dhs Sources de financement : des subventions ( commune urbaine de gzoula + conseils de la province de Safi et la region Doukkala-Abda ) + l'adhesion des membres + les contrubitions des bénificiares de quelques services de l'ANCD    
Mission and Objectives

               L’ éducation à la citoyenneté et la  contribution  au développement durable par   la réalisation  des projets de développement, des programmes et des activités contribuant au développement humain et l‘intégration dans le domaine  socio-économique, en se basant sur Nos moyens humains : cadres bénévoles, spécialisés dans les différents domaines (environnement, sport, art, culture, développement, éducation, Technologie , le travail associatif et social ) , A travers  un accompagnement viable  et un suivi efficace.

Main Projects / Activities

Nos projets :
- Centre Nahda pour la Citoyenneté et le Développement
- Création des coopératives d’éducation et de formation 
- Caravane de sensibilisation sur l’environnement au sein des établissements sociaux de la province de Safi  
- Renaissance Verte
- Bureau du Quartier 
- volontariat
- Caravane de Citoyenneté 
- Ecole Nahda de foot ball
Nos programmes :
- Programme de renforcement des capacités des jeunes et des acteurs associatives
- Programme de l’animation culturelle, Artistique et Sportif.
Nos Activités :
- Forum  des jeunes
- Festival des Jeux des enfants
- Journées de loisirs et de sport
- Rencontre med khaireddine pour la poésie
- Tournoi  « Amitié du football »

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre association va contribuer au réseau dans notre pays le Maroc à travers :
- Le travail avec vous pour améliorer  la compréhension mutuelle dans la Méditerranée .
- le projet de Volontariat en partenariat avec le Collectif Marocain du Volontariat (échanges des volontaires)
- L'échange d'expériences entre les jeunes du Maroc et les jeunes de la Méditerranée

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous voulons rejoindre le Réseau Anna Lindh  parceque :
- les objectifs de l'ANCD et le Réseau est présque les mémes
- le travail du réseau
- on travail avec des membres de réseau
- Nous croyons que nous serons une valeur ajouter au réseau

Contact (1) Full Name
Elmostafa Essabaissi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Elmostafa Essabaissi
Contact (2) Full Name
Samir Bouri
Job Title (2)


National Network

11854 ATHENS

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Organization Earth was established in 2010 in order to promote and develop the idea of Environmental Social Intelligence in society, suggesting the adoption of a different model of sustainable development and culture, offering actions that compile environment, society and economy as the three pillars of societal growth. O.Gi is a non profit organisation that employs 8 members of staff and more than 20 external experts. Last year's turnover was appx.300.000,00 euros. Sources of funding are membership fees, donations, private funds on project basis, funds from private companies in the context of Social Corporate Responsibility. Modality actions include, trainings, seminars, conferences, researches, educational activities for youth, promotion of volunteerism, awareness campaigns, partnership building activities, social interventions and cultural activities promoting sustainable living. Partners include other non profit organizations, NGOs, schools of all levels, Institutions, Universities, private companies and all major Foundations.

Mission and Objectives

Organization Earth perceives the environmental issues as fundamentally social issues and therefore directs its actions to influencing personal and social attitudes. In that context Organization Earth also, distinguishes the importance of entrepreneurship as a keystone of innovation and societal reform and addresses enterprises in order to influence corporate attitudes and perceptions. The organization’s activities are relevant to all society, but specific major interventions are implemented aiming at socially deprived target groups such as unemployed and/or socially vulnerable groups. Also educational activities for schools at all levels are conducted in the Center of the Earth. Dissemination and awareness campaigns run regularly aiming at enterprises promoting Social Corporate Responsibility.

Main Projects / Activities

The Center of the Earth, a land situated in 25 acres, in the area of Ilion that serves as a model of experiential, non- formal education for sustainable development. Activities that run regularly include: -“Journey to the Center of the Earth”: a pilot environmental education awareness project designed for school visits but can beneficiary apply to families or other adult groups. -“Earth Sunday”: a spectrum of different activities taking place on Sundays that emphasize and promote changes on current nutritional habits through the revival of the traditional family Sunday lunch. Activities include collective food lab and collective cooking of organic produce, music and games for children, alternative therapies, presentations and workshops. - « Introduction to Agriculture»: A nine (9) week intensive seminar for unemployed that wish to return to the primary sector. Organization Earth designed and implemented the course and it was funded by Stavros Niarchos Foundation for the years 2013-2014. - Creation of , a vibrant incubator of ideas on sustainable entrepreneurship, assisting the dialogue and the creation of a network on these issues in Greece, aiming to highlight the social and environmental added value and sustaining a network of viable entrepreneurship in Greece.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organization Earth will contribute with enthusiasm to the network, actively participating to the Network’s activities, assisting, communicating and cooperating with all members sharing knowledge and know how, cultivating relations and hopefully co operations in the field of intercultural dialogue, environment and social changes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF network we aim to support eco-development, to enhance educational activities, to sustain culture and social cohesion based on our principles of respecting nature, diversity and mutual understanding through dialogue and cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vicky Stavropoulou
Job Title
Environmental Education Programs Manager
Head of the organisation


National Network

14 Ferruh Cambaz St.

+90 (392) 22 76 843
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

POST RI is a non-profit, non-political organization set up by a group of people to work for the cultural, social, and environmental betterment of Cyprus and established at 2002. POST currently has 8 core members. Members of the intended groups collaborating with POST are not required to be a member of the establishment, as members of POST are free to work with any other organization without compromising their membership. Our vision is to contribute towards achieving an alternative sustainable future, which comprises of an egalitarian Cypriot society, that recognizes the dignity of every living being.

Mission and Objectives

On the basis of social equality/justice, our mission and objectives are: To contribute for creating an open dialogue on issues of peace education and reconciliation and working actively for the unification of the island. To take action against gender discrimination based on one's sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression for achieving positive social transformation. To advance, sensitize and advocate for a multicultural and diverse society in which all differences are recognized, understood and accepted. To excel as an Institute in the execution of research and participatory action.  To strengthen research capacity in Cyprus. To strive for ecological sustainability through the prevention of environmental degradation and destruction.

Main Projects / Activities

POST RI has carried out various human rights seminars and open discussion forums about current world issues; has organized film festivals; has worked on various projects about social and environmental matters; and has organized a series of multi-cultural trips in the island. POST RI has implemented a EU-funded educational project in collaboration with the AHDR. The project included various activities addressing the overall objective of the project which is to use Education for a Culture of Peace as a vehicle to bring structural changes and transformation in the Cypriot society across the divide, in order for a Culture of Peace to be cultivated and sustained.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

POST RI not only works with organisations in Cyprus but also takes part in projects in many other countries including Germany and the UK. Therefore, POST RI’s membership enhances the international character of the network. This is particularly important for Cyprus which, at the crossroads of three continents, truly serves as a hub for the region.   Many of our projects have focused on fostering dialogue for a culture of peace and we have become experienced in bringing different cultures together. This would be an important asset for the network as well as our organisation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that the values championed by Anna Lindh are also prevalent in our work. We would like to join a network of like-minded individuals and organisations in order to contribute in our own way to the efforts being made for a fairer world but also because we believe membership would bring us many benefits, improving the efficiency and broadening the scope of our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mehves Beyidoglu
Job Title
POST RI Manager
Head of the organisation