Let`s Do It Foundation

National Network

Telliskivi 60A
10412 Tallinn

+ 372 552 6063
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+372 552 6063
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Let`s Do It Foundation is a NGO with one board member, acting as CEO. Organisation works mainly in volunteer basis and has formed several teams, like PR & marketing team, regional coordinators team, IT team. A separate branch, called Let`s Do It! Mediterranean (LDIM), was developed on 2013 as a 5-year campaign. The objective of LDIM is to stop waste inflow to the Eurafrican Mediterranean Sea so that in five years’ time the Mediterranean Sea would be a clean and biologically diverse environment where every citizen takes full responsibility for the environmental state of the area. In 2015 LDIM is planned to activate more and give a full speed start to this campaign as an independent network of organisations in Mediterranean countries. LDIM has national teams in 15 Mediterranean countries and in 2015 the number is planned to grow into 20. Main partner for this campaign so far has been Unit for the Mediterranean. As LDIF is a project-based NGO,  the funding depends on grants and applications mainly. On 2013 the budget was 102 426 EUR.
Mission and Objectives

Let`s Do It Foundation (Teeme Ära SA) is a NGO with the objective to promote and carry out projects solving social and community issues through actions directed to nature and environment protection, rising social awareness in this area by teaching and media work. The citizen initiative Teeme Ära was started in 2008, when on the 3rd of May 2008 50 000 people came together and cleaned the territory of Estonia from 10 000 tons of illegal garbage (www.teeme2008.ee). Since then the idea of one-day country clean ups has spread all over the world, became an initiative called Let´s Do It! World and in 2014 112 countries and more than 10 million people all over the world have participated in country clean ups (www.letsdoitworld.org). Day of civil actions has been organised every year since 2008 in Estonia (www.teemeara.ee), several conferences, media campaigns and other events are carried out. The foundation was officially registered in 2011, former actions were carried out under the umbrella of Estonian Fund for Nature (www.elfond.ee) and Estonian Civil Society (www.ngo.ee).

Main Projects / Activities

Let`s Do It! World clean up: by 2014 112 countries and more than 10 million volunteers have participated in country-wide clean up events.
Let`s Do It! Mediterranean: first clean up event was carried out on the 11th and 11th of May 2014, in which 15 Mediterranean countries and 77 000 volunteers took part. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

LDIM has a lot of member organisations in many Mediterranean countries, which in cooperation with other organisations in ALF network can create bigger synergy and contribute to the overal development of the region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

LDIM project is directly directed into Mediterranean region. The primary goal of LDIM is to bring about a change in attitudes and in peoples minds, and to encourage public support for international cooperation. To support the development of European public to be informed about environmental and global issues, understanding of the relevance of these issues to create a change in their own lives, and able to engage critically with global developments. Project seeks to foster attitudes of solidarity, sustainable ways of living, managing the natural resources and an understanding of one’s connection to a global community. The specific objective of the project is also to develop European citizens' awareness and critical understanding of the interdependent world and of their role, responsibility and lifestyles in relation to a globalised society. 
To encourage cooperation in Mediterranean countries the ALF network organisations can also contribute to the objectives of LDIM.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Agni Kaldma
Job Title
Head of partners team
Head of the organisation
Ms Eva Truuverk

Johanna Ospina Garnica

National Network

The Hague

Email if required
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
I am a researcher on peace education and a PhD candidate at Carlos III University in Madrid, Spain. The topic of my thesis is about `The Concept of Peace Education in Armed Conflict Situations, the Case of the Occupied Palestinian Territories´. I also hold a Master Degree on Human Rights and a Posgraduate Diploma on Culture of Peace and Conflict Resolution. I am interested in researching and working on topics such as peacebuilding, human rights, conflict management, peace education and the right to education. I like to work in multicultural work atmospheres, learn new things and know different countries and cultures.
Mission and Objectives

My mission as professional is to contribute in the promotion of peace and the respect of the human rights and the strengthening of peacebuilding capacity through education.
-To research about the role of education in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
-To research about the role of peace education and armed conflict situation.
-To share information and experiences on peace education and peacebulding policies and practices.

Main Projects / Activities

-PhD thesis on `The Concept of Peace Education in Armed Conflict Situations, the Case of the Occupied Palestinian Territories´.
-Research and professional work on peace, conflict management and the right to education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

-Sharing my experience and knowledge on human rights, peace and the right to education.
-Providing ideas and solutions to strength the work and impact of the network in the Netherlands.
-Contributing in the projects and plans of the different members of the network.
-Providing training.
-Researching in topics that are important for the network.
-Connecting the network with other organizations that share similar goals and values.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to be a member of the he network because I am interested in sharing experiences and knowledge with both Dutch and international organizations that work to contribute in promotion of peace values, dialogue, mutual understanding and social change in the Euro-Mediterranean region. This will be useful for my research and work in the Occupied Palestinians Territories.

Contact (1) Full Name
Johanna Ospina Garnica
Head of the organisation
Johanna Ospina Garnica

Association Culturelle THAFATH - Bouzekout ( ACTB)

National Network

BP 19 Souk El Had Centre Bousselam
19124 sétif

+213 554 255 010
036 98 51 16
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
05 52 28 38 01
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Club Scientifique crée en 2014, suite au besoin des jeunes de la commune de bousselam qui veulent etre engagés dans les enjeux de la société civil et de donner un plus pour les sujet de la citoyeneté vivement au milieu des jeunes
Mission and Objectives

• Travail pour le développement des capacités et les talents scientifiques et culturels, aux jeunes.
• Créer des activités culturelles et récréatives, et à envoyer l'esprit d'innovation chez les jeunes.
• Promouvoir une culture de paix et de tolérance.
• Promotion de la femme, et de s'engager dans l'action culturelle au service de la société
• Prise de conscience de l'importance du patrimoine culturel local.
• Développement personnel des jeunes, en rapport avec les exigences de la nouvelle ère.
• Aider à maintenir les traditions et les coutumes de la région, pour suivre le rythme de modernisation
L'échange d'expériences et de travaux culturels entre les associations.

Main Projects / Activities

- Tourisme Educatif et échange de jeunes
- Formation et insertion de la femme en coture et broderie
- Lute contre les fléaux sociaux
- volontariats
- Sensibilisations pour la protection de l'environement

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

by internet

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

office des etablissements de jeunes El Oued

National Network

39000 El Oued

032 21 51 04
032 21 51 04
Mobile Phone
0670 01 06 79
Mobile Phone (other)
0560 47 91 62
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
I'm 35 years old, single and I studied for five years in the Youth National Institute, I participated in several national seminars and conferences
Mission and Objectives

monitoring youth establishments and their leaders, youth programs program development, upgrade national and international cultural relations, development of the spirit of citizenship among young people

Main Projects / Activities

Prepare several seminars and subjects on youth information and the development of cultural relations

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As in the framework of the youth sector I understand young people and put their needs and their concerns through various seminars and meetings across the entire nation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It's fully compatible with my goals and my personal ambitions and specially with the field of practical

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
advise young ( conseiller de jeunes )
Head of the organisation
direction de la jeunesse et des sports El Oued

Association des Activités de Jeunes -CSP- Robbah - El-Oued

National Network

BP 213 Robbah El-Oued
39017 Robbah

032 20 64 40
032 20 64 40
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
05 58 17 41 22
Mobile Phone (other)
06 64 73 77 42
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية نشاطات الشباب الرباح تهتم بإدماج و ترقية و ترفيه و إعلام الشباب والإصغاء للشباب في جميع نواحي الحياة مع حث الشباب على التحلي بروح المحبة و السلم و التعايش بحميمية و نبذ العنف و التطرف في جميع مناحي الحياة. Association activities concerned with the integration of young Robbah and upgrade and entertain and inform young people and listening to young people in all aspects of life with young people urged to exercise the spirit of love and peace and coexistence intimately and renounce violence and extremism in all walks of life.
Mission and Objectives

- تنمية أفكار الشباب.
- ترقية المواهب الشابة .
- إدماج و مرافقة الشباب في الوسط الإجتماعي.
- المساهمة في ترقية العمل الجمعوي.
- The development of young people's ideas.
- Upgrade young talent.
- Integration and accompany young people in the social milieu.
- Contribute to the upgrade associative work.

Main Projects / Activities

- قوافل تحسيسية.
- ندوات حول البئة و المواطنة.
- تنظيم دورات تكوينية لفائدة الشباب.
- خرجات الهواء الطلق .
- تبادلات الشباب.
- مخيمات صيفية.
- تنظيم دورات رياضية و أنشطة ثقافية في المناسبات الدينية و الوطنية.
- Sensitization convoys.
- Seminars on Albih and citizenship.
- Organizing training sessions for young people.
- Outputs outdoors.
- Youth exchanges.
- Summer camps.
- Organizing sports sessions and cultural activities in the national and religious occasions.

Contact (1) Full Name
AOUINE Youssouf
Job Title
Educateur de la jeunesse
Head of the organisation
AOUINE Youssouf

Ligue des activités de Plein Air, de Loisir et d'Echanges entre Jeunes - LAPALEJ - El-Oued

National Network

BP274 Post Central El-Oued
BP144 ODEJ El-Oued
39000 LASNAM El-Oued

032 11 21 61
Telephone (other)
032 11 21 91
032 11 21 61
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
 Association activities and outdoor recreation and youth exchange Djaip and Aúah bother exchanges of young people and all movements, movements of young people from the outputs days and outdoor expeditions and camping and all the work is addressed to young people through entertainment education and to fill the leisure time of youth in order to protect them from all social ills and instill in them the spirit of love and brotherhood and coexistence and acceptance of others Sbma and renounce violence and fight extremism in all Ochkalho Altaich intimate going on between various races and make the theme of love and brotherhood and citizenship floats between people
Mission and Objectives

Provide for youth and protect them from pests and integrated into the social and accompany him to reach the young man conscious and cultured can cohabitation in life

Main Projects / Activities

- Days outdoors
- Trips and youth exchanges
- Camps
- Convoys entertainment
- Inform and activate young people

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Educateur de la jeunesse
Head of the organisation

Club scientifique de l'association thafath sétif

National Network

Bouzekout Souk El Had Centre Bousselam
19124 sétif

+213 554 255 010
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
General Information
club scientifique, crée le 31.08.2014
Mission and Objectives

• Travail pour le développement des capacités et les talents scientifiques et culturels, aux jeunes.
• Créer des activités culturelles et récréatives, et à envoyer l'esprit d'innovation chez les jeunes.
• Promouvoir une culture de paix et de tolérance.
• Promotion de la femme, et de s'engager dans l'action culturelle au service de la société
• Prise de conscience de l'importance du patrimoine culturel local.
• Développement personnel des jeunes, en rapport avec les exigences de la nouvelle ère.
• Aider à maintenir les traditions et les coutumes de la région, pour suivre le rythme de modernisation
L'échange d'expériences et de travaux culturels entre les associations.

Main Projects / Activities

- Echange de Jeunesse et Tourisme Educatif
- Promotion de la Femme en milieu Rural
- Lutte contre les fléaux sociaux
- Compagnes de sensibilisation sur la protection de l'environnement
- Défendre les droit des enfants e jeunes

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Association L'Accompagnateur - Alger

National Network

65 rue boudjmaa mougnie h-dey
b.p 155 H-dey alger

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Structure de l'organisation , y compris le nombre de personnes employées et / ou partenaires L’accompagnateur et composé conseille de 25 membre et de bureaux exécutif de 7 membre bénévole et trois permanons. Adurent 120. Les ressources budgétaires disponibles en un an     Sources de financement L’accompagnateur bénéficié d’un finissement du projet par les partenaire suivant: Direction de la jeunesse et sport. Direction de l’emploi. Direction de la formation professionnelle.  Chambre de mitiez et de l’artisanat. Modalités d'action concrètes ( projets , des échanges, des séminaires, des bourses etc ) Projet: Centre d’Appuis à l’Initiative de Création pour Jeune Projet: Assila accompagnement des femme pour création d’activité génératrice de revenir. Formation au profit de jeune artisan  Formation sur la gestion du projet Formation sur la gestion des conflits Principaux partenaires impliqués dans les projets / activités de l'organisation Direction de la jeunesse et sport. Direction de l’emploi. Direction de la formation professionnelle. Chambre de mitiez et de l’artisanat      
Mission and Objectives

- Activation de l'esprit de citoyenneté chez les jeunes et de l'enfance .
- Répandre la culture du bénévolat chez les jeunes.
- Accompagner les jeunes dans la configuration et l'intégration et l'esprit d'entreprise .
- Diffuser la culture entrepreneuriale chez les jeunes .
- Ouvrez le domaine de la créativité et de mettre en évidence les capacités des jeunes à innover .
- Développer les capacités des jeunes intellectuellement, physiquement et mentalement .
- Réalisation jeunes énergies dans différents domaines.
- Induction et la stimulation des jeunes sur la philanthropie et la solidarité humanitaire et bénévole à la catégorie nécessiteux et ceux ayant des besoins spéciaux .
- Le développement et la promotion de la jeunesse du tourisme .
- Les associations de jumelage avec les mêmes objectifs .
- Etaler la conscience environnementale chez les jeunes.
- Contribuer au développement local durable .
- Inculquer des valeurs et des constantes nationales avec les jeunes et les jeunes.

Main Projects / Activities

Projet: Centre d’Appuis à l’Initiative de Création pour Jeune
Projet: Assila accompagnement des femme pour création d’activité génératrice de revenir.
Formation au profit de jeune artisan 
Formation sur la gestion du projet
Formation sur la gestion des conflits

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Donne une Nevele vision à l’association dans la création des réseaux au jeune porteur de projet par une équipe dynamique et innovante.
Accompagne les  jeunes  à la création de la micro-entreprise de l’idée al la réalisation de projet

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Echange de savoir faire, apprendre , travailler en partenariat.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
général manager

Pal-Think for Strategic Studies

National Network

4th Floor – Dream Building – Haboush Street – Al Remal
Palestinian Territories

+972 8 28 22005
+972 8 28 22005
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Pal-Think for Strategic Studies is an independent non-profit, non-political, non-governmental and non-sectarian think and do tank that aims to stimulate and inspire rational public discussions and consensus for the well-being of the Palestinians and the Region. It gives a clear platform for constructive debate and abundant research regarding the Palestinian and regional issues. Our staff  team consist of 7 members currently: 1 Director of institution, 1 project manager, 1 project coordinator, 2 researchers,  1 Administration assistant, and 1 accountant. Estimated budget per year: USD $100,000 We are a non-governmental organization that depends on external funds from its projects and activities. Our main past funding sources included: FDFA (Switzerland), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Swiss Peace, UNDP, Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI)  
Mission and Objectives

Vision Statement: To be a leading think and do tank in Palestine and in the Middle East that contributes to the building of a free and modern Palestinian state and democratic society.

Mission Statement: To promote peace, freedom and prosperity through debate on public issues, and produce policy recommendations to the decision makers in Palestine and Middle East.  Pal-Think aims to perform constructive and facilitative roles in the rationalization of public discussions, thinking and decision processes, and improves the Palestinians’ life quality by promoting innovative development solutions that challenges mainstream thinking on politics, economics and social issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our main projects throughout the past 6 years include the followings:
2007 Engaging the community into the process of reconciliation ($35,000) 
2008 Empowering the community in the Palestinian National Reconciliation ($42,000)
2010 Influential Confidence Building between Decision Makers and the Community ($45,000)
2011 Restoring the Cooperation amongst Community Actors towards a Reconciled and Civilized Society ($52,000)
2012 Civil society’s heavy involvement to restore unity, democracy and rule of law ($65,000)
2013 Toward holding public policies accountable, respecting women rights & empowering tolerance ($85,000).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through this membership will further engage the the ALF network with orgnizations in the Gaza Strip. In the mean time, by becoming a member of the network, Pal-Think for Strategic Studies is ambitious to be:
•   Highly credible and effective scholarly research center.
•    Attractive to those who have an idea that needs further researching and exploration.
•     A place that provides a supportive incubator to the liberal, free and diversified thoughts and ideas.
•    A place that produces policy recommendations that attract the attention and the respect of the private sector, governments and civil society institutions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network provides a great opportunity for us a civil society organization to connect with other organizations the Euro-Mediterranean region. This will allow us to engage in programs and activities where expertise such as our are needed. We seek partnership and cooperation. We are a very influential institution in the Gaza Strip and would be very honored to share, exchange and plan actions with other regional organizations. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Omar Shaban
Job Title
Director of Pal-Think for Strategic Studies
Head of the organisation
Omar Shaban
Contact (2) Full Name
Bahaa AlDahoudi
Job Title (2)
Projects Coordinator

Association EL BAHDJA Pour les Activités des Jeunes -BBA

National Network

Fg la gare Rue w N°04
34000 Bordj Bou Arréridj

+213 35 73 81 48
Mobile Phone
+213 773 309 619
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Elbahdja Association pour les Activités des Jeunes - 7 Membre de Bureau, 22 Membres fondateurs. - Budget annuel approximatif 500000 DZD soit presque 4600 EUR. - Sources de financement ( Direction de la jeunesse et des sports - Wilaya de Bordj Bou Arréridj - cotisations des membres de l'association - Association El GHAITH Bordj Bou Arréridj ). -  Nos membres de bureau ont reçu des formations en ( Gestion d'administration - Comptabilité et finance - Gestion cyclique de projet .. ). - L'association El GHAITH a participé partiellement à l'un de nos projets ( BAHJAT EL Mohit ) - projet financé par cette association même -.
Mission and Objectives

- Promouvoir la mobilisation des jeunes à travers des activités culturelles, écologiques, de citoyenneté, de
formations, de sports et de loisirs.
- Réinsérer les jeunes défavorisés dans des milieux socio-économiques plus convenables.
- Soutenir le concept du bien commun et du partage équitable et genré des ressources et d’intérêts.

Main Projects / Activities

- Réalisation de fresques murales contenant des messages de sensibilisation à l’environnement  au niveau d’écoles primaires.
- Réalisation de support de sensibilisation à l’environnement destiné aux jeunes pratiquant les sports nature.
- Réalisation d’un spot radio sur le thème d’écologie.
- Création d'un club d'environnement " Club Vert ".
- Création d'un club de musique.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

On compte participer au réseau en métant en priorité le travail en partenariat avec d'autres associations semblables à la notre pour se compléter en terme d'expérince et mieux mettre en oeuvre nos copétances.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

On souhaiterais rejoindre cette fondation très intéressante par le fait que le contact soit dense entre jeunes et par sa diversité en termes thématiques, afin de faire partager nos expériences et nos ambitions pour un avenir convenable et d’apporter un esprit interculturel et commun au sujet du développement durable.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Président de l'association
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Vice-Président de l'association