psy analyse education

National Network

igli bechare
08021 IGLI

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Je suis une personne familière avec la nouvelle Je prends soin de l'océan social et humanitaire J'aime communiquer et accepter les autres Je suis une personne énergique et un moyen efficace et régulière
Mission and Objectives

Je suis une personne a un niveau de doctorat
Spécialisé dans la psychologie de l'éducation
J'aime tout dans le domaine de l'éducation, l'apprentissage et le développement humain
J'aime communiquer et échanger des informations
J'ai plusieurs s'est spécialisé dans la littérature et la psychologie

Main Projects / Activities

Société d'aide et humain
Aide et l'éducation communautaire et humanitaire
La lecture et l'apprentissage pour les personnes dans toute spécialisation

Contact (1) Full Name
bentayeb abdelkader
Job Title
Head of the organisation
psy Education

Genç Barış İnisiyatifi Derneği

National Network

Mecidiyeköy Mahallesi Dereboyu Caddesi (Şehit Er Cihan Namlı Caddesi) Alaca İş Merkezi No:39/8 Şişli

+90 (850) 302 67 95
+90 (850) 302 67 95
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+90 (537) 853 03 75
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 (532) 368 20 65
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Young Peace Initiative (GBİ) is an initiative started by youths that aims to be beneficial to mankind regardless of religion, language, race and sex in order to contribute to the provision of the world peace which is the common goal of the whole mankind. As 'the Youth in the 21st century', different from the previous generation that youths used to explain themselves by breaking things, we intend to be 'the voice of the youth that needs to be heard for peace'. We regard it as a goal for us to contribute to peace not only by complaining with our never-ending energy for peace and our souls but also with our constructive projects and events that create alternatives. We want to see that the strong and valuable voice of the youth for peace doesn't fit into squares and slogans. We disapprove of violation of fundamental human rights and freedom in any part of the world.We oppose to all minds driving  innocent people into cruel and criminal ones regardless of their religion, race and nationality.We will stand against all the ideas and systems that provides an environment for this. As YPI,we know that striving for universal peace is like the desire for mortality which is indeed tough to satisfy.Yet,as the history indicates this desire is one of the crucial factors leading to advancement of mankind as well. In this respect, we believe that any experience gained to establish universal peace will be a 'plus' for the common section.
Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to encourage everyone and every segment of the society to live in peace by showing what we have in common and, beyond societies that 'tolerate differences', to contribute to the formation of those that 'enjoy and embrace them'. Our strength comes from the voice of our global conscience that embraces people and doesn't value one person above another. This language belongs to Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi and many other world peace envoys.
Young Peace Initiative (GBİ) is an initiative that aims to contribute to the provision of the world peace, encourage everyone, initially youths to take initiative of doing best for peace and  tries to increase awareness  of society in the fields of social, cultural and educational aspects. Also, it aims to form dialogue platforms to contribute social peace and support societies development in terms of social, educational and economic sphere by providing to internalize peace culture as a whole and moreover, it targets to make a major contribution to protect fundamental human rights and freedom in any part of the world within the scope of universal rules of law
We, as the Young Peace Initiative Association which supports universal peace, believe that war has to be abondoned .We try to do our best with our heart about this situation. No matter how different or similar they are ,no matter who they are , no matter what religion or sect they have, we condemn all the people who create oppression and atrocities to the innocent people.We want all painful events to come to the conclusion. We believe that people who speak different languages ,believe in different religions but share the same sky can illuminate the common path with compassion,mercy and tolerance.

Main Projects / Activities

Young Peace Initiative Association(GBİ) had the right to be a participant of the United Nations Global Compact Network .We are delighted to be a part of this global  network and so many civil society organizations and companies are the part of it.

YPI publishes youth magazine called "A youth magazine of ideas and research". In the magazine university students, tries to express their thoughts and they try to make a research on crucial political issues.

YPI had deserved to receive a fund from Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sports with its project called "living together from individuals to societies" in 2014

YPI Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Emre AKKAS represented Turkey in UNESCO Youth General Assembly which was held in Paris.

YPI former Academy director Fatih KAFADAR held official talks with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and presented GBİ and its work fields to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. He was in Strasbourg to follow the winter session of  the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe between 27-31 January. He met the General Secretary of Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks .During the session , he mentioned YPI , its works and its ideals .

Young Peace Initiative Association (GBİ) organizes "Young Peace Initiative Free Chair "in every 3 weeks. The reasons that drag the societies into conflict and the problems that are located in the center of the society are initially a communication problem. Lack of mutual communication cause people’s understanding of each other false and mostly cause of a small issues unsolved. The most important way of the communication is talking and creates a dialogue. Only this way, people will have an opportunity to understand each other better and have a chance to develop solution strategy to society problems with the compromise of each other. Accordingly, Young Peace Initiative Academy Directory will create opinion platforms that young people can share the opinions of each other easily about the current events through free chair every 3 weeks. With this platforms, our intention is to see the young peoples’ ideas about the World problems clearly, furthermore; their offer solutions.

Fatih Kafadar, former director of the academy in Young Peace Initiative, participated 26th meeting of United Nations Human Rights Council. YPI has also its place in this international meeting where the candidate countries to UN and known NGO’S will attend. YPI remains to play crucial role at the international agenda.

YPI was also participated to Young Turkey Summit which was organized at Lütfü Kırdar Congress Center on the dates of May, 23-24 2014. The YPI stand that was remained open during the event, draw great attention of both students and speakers. YPI magazine and studies had a considerable impact on participants.

GBİ took a place in Common Reaction by Youths in Turkey Against Law on Denial of Armenian Genocide. The foundations of Young Peace Initiative were laid with a protest against the law on denial of Armenian genocide in front of French ambassy.This protest, appeared as “common reaction by youth branches of AKP (the ruling party) and CHP (the main opposition party)” in the media, was carried out along with an act by youth in Turkey which supports freedom of expression in their country and all over the world and adopt brotherhood of societies and solidarity against political interests as principle.

GBİ paid a visit to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprusand conducted a Cyprus Field Work between 6-9 February 2013,in order to hold official visits and do field work. A range of visits was held with prominent political leaders such as former President Mehmet Ali Talat, Special Foreign Affairs Envoy of Presidency Gülfem Veziroğlu Sevgili, the president of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Özkan Yorgancıoğlu and the president of the Democratic Party (DP) Serdar Denktaş. In the visits, by addressing the historical process of Cyprus Problem, ideas were exchanged about peace talks and alternative solution offers were suggested.

GBİ conducted a Panel on the Problem of Social Tensions and Reconciliation in Turkey. The panel about the social tensions and reconciliation was held in Davutpasa, Yıldız Technical University on may 18th.The panel aimed at analyzing the problem of tension and disaggrement in the country in terms of historical,sociological and political backgruonds and reveal the reasons behind the problem.More specifically,the goal of the panel was to hear the voices of different parts and make them heard by adding life experiences to these issues/problems with their human points of view.

GBİ organized a Panel on the Problem of Reconciliation and Trust in Turkey. We hosted a panel in which Suda Vidinli was moderator; columnist-writer Nazlı Ilıcak and academician-writer Ass.Prof.Ferhat Kentel were speakers. In the panel that took place at Santralİstanbul Campus of İstanbul Bilgi University, different aspects of the problem of reconciliation and trust in Turkey were discussed elaborately.

GBİ organized a panel on “From Violence to Peace in Sports” at Bahçehir University in cooperation with Bahçeşehir University’s Unit of UNESCO Culture of Peace and Human Rights. In the panel, the effect of Olympics and sports media language on youth. It was moderated by Okay Karacan- sports columnist of Zaman Newspaper and LİG TV commentator. Financial Director of Turkish Olympics Committee, Selam Somer, Fanatik Newspaper columnist, Cem Dizdar; Hürriyet Newspaper sports columnist, Bilgi Gökberk and Fanatik E-Newspaper edito-in chief, Serkan Akcan were the speakers. Mainly violence in sports, the role of media, societal change and being a candidate country for Olympics (İstanbul 2020) were discussed in the panel.

GBİ made a Conversation with journalist and activist, Aliya Turki of Syria and academician and journalist, Naveed Ahmed of Pakistan who are the winners of X-Cultural Reporting Competition Award organized by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations with their online multimedia project “Silent Heroes, Invisible Bridges

GBİ had a pleasant conversation with Tuğrul Paşaoğlu-Chairman of İletişim Publishing House and President of Turkish Publishers’ Union (YAYBİR). In this extensive and intimate conversation in which different developments from economy to technology and law were discussed, Mr. Paşaoğlu presented slices of his own life. He stated that: “Being an activist itself is not enough; if you cannot struggle to change something, to know just doesn’t make sense and he added that an activist should be dynamic, faithful and have the merit of believing in change. Finally, he emphasized that: “The power of a political movement has something crucial to do with societal imagination.

GBİ made a conversation with Telekurye Boar Member Asuman Dayı on Sunday, October 6, 2013. Sharing her own entrepreneurship story, she emphasized the necessity of individuals that are young, dynamic, modest and creative in Turkey. Mrs.Dayı drew attention to the importance of abroad experience for young people because of its crucial role in career planning and she added that every young person should go abroad and gain experience there. She also expressed that self-esteem, discipline and modesty would play a key role in maintaining a job career, making references to successful entrepreneurs in Turkey.

GBİ made a Middle East Peace panel took at Istanbul Sehir University . Lecturer Asst. Assoc. Dr. Didem Havlioğlu, Bogazici University Lecturer Assoc, Koray CALISKAN, Euronews Istanbul Representative Bora Bayraktar and General Coordinator of the Global Issues Platform Idris Kardas gave a speech in the panel . 

GBİ organized a Kurdish Issue Panel which was held with the participation of  the moderator of Assoc. Dr. Nezil Akyeşilmen ,Leader of  HAK-PAR Kemal BURKAY, Adem Seles and Asst. Assoc. Dr. Bekir Bicer in Konya Chamber of Commerce Conference Hall on Tuesday 13 May 2014

YPI Konya Office, has carried out “ interpersonal negotiation talks according to Mevlana” with the participation of  Mevlana Research Enstitute Manager of Selçuk University, Assoc. Prof. Nuri Şimşekler.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We as Young Peace Initiative (GBİ) give crucial impact on to bring different cultures, lives, thoughts and world views together and enable people to tolerate each other and live in a peaceful environment. We desire to make contributions to universal peace. Therefore, we will do our best, in order to succeed and achieve our target. As of Young Peace Assıciation, we have coordinators from 38 city and 68 Universities. We have close connections with youths in Turkey. Also people who are the member of  executive committee of Young Peace Initiative, are studying or graduated from the reputable  Universities in Turkey such as Bilkent, Galatasaray, Bahçeşehir, Bilgi, Fatih, Yıldız Teknik and Aydın University. We have enthusiasm to work with non governmental organisations who has similar goals with our initiative. We are one of the participant of the United Nations of Global Compact Network. Our project which focuses on dialogues between cultures have deserved to receive a grant from Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sports. Also YPI Chairman of the Board Directors Emre Akkaş, represented Turkey and YPI in UNESCO Youth General Assembly, which held in Paris. Moreover, former Academy Director Fatih Kafadar, held offical talks with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and he also participated 26th meeting of United Nations Human Rights Council. YPI also has its place in this international meeting where the candidate countries to UN and known NGOs attend. We always try to be objective and also care about being impartial and neutral toward all political parties and media. Therefore we believe that with our qualified member of executive committee and active University coordinators from different parts of Turkey, we contribute to have effective and peaceful dialogues between different cultures which will also lead universal peace. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We as Young Peace Initiative, would be so pleased to join the ALF Network which is an organization shared by the 44 countries of the Union for the Mediterranean. As the purpose of ALS, have similar objects such as improving mutual respect between cultures and overcoming the misunderstandings and stereotypes which affect relations between and within the societies, we want to join ALF Network. Because; we believe that GBİ(YPI) also other NGOs, become more influential by joining and working with other NGOs. Moreover; GBİ/YPI Director of Publicity and Media Fatih Kafadar, has participated Individual Fundraising For NGO's: Basic policies and methods seminer which was organized by Anna Lindh Foundation Turkey. At the meeting; Deputy Secretary General of TUSEV  suggested us to apply for being a member tu ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Merve Aksu
Job Title
Director of Foreign Relations
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Muhammet Emre Akkaş
Job Title (2)
Chairman of the Board of Directors


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Board of Directors of the 15-member Association MEMBERS total of 20 founding member Total 100 young volunteers Total staff 5 The annual budget of 100,000 pounds Sources of funding: grants projects - Ministry of Communications - UNDP United Nations Egypt - Ministry of Youth - a self-supporting - the Union of Youth - Microsoft Egypt Projects implemented: 1 project development environment and infrastructure District schools west of Minya in cooperation with the Coptic Evangelical and Egyptian-  Swiss Fund. 2 - Draft protect the environment from pollution in cooperation with the Habi Center for Environmental Rights. 3 - information technology project for the Youth of the Future in collaboration with the Union of Youth. 4 Rural Advancement Project in collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Youth.   5 - Education Development Project of civil and youth activities in youth centers in collaboration with the Directorate of Youth in Minia Governorate.   6 - Clubs volunteer development project in collaboration with the Directorate of Youth in Minia Governorate 7-  project information technology for small and medium enterprises in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications and Development Programme of the United Nations Egypt 8-  IT project for operating in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications with the UNDP and the UN Egypt 9- IT project us Gel Employment in collaboration with Micro Soft 10 - project to raise awareness of the system of public rights and freedoms in cooperation with the   NGOS Union and  Khashaba Foundation for Development  11  - Parliament for all project to train young people in youth centers on parliamentary practice sound in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth. 12- youth ambassadors dialogue" in cooperation with the Union of Youth and the Federation of Danish youth 13 - project to build the capacity of the local community "Volunteering for Development" in collaboration with the British Council 14-  learning journey in cooperation with the Goethe Institute
Mission and Objectives

Young people capable of leading their communities for success
An Egyptian non-profit organization concerned with youth as actors in the development of theircommunities Sought through the adoption of methodologies and capacity building support to involve young people in making decisions on their communities and to tackle their problems in a positive  way ، Convey the values ​​of positive participation and democratic approach.

Main Projects / Activities

1 project development environment and infrastructure District schools west of Minya in cooperation with the Coptic Evangelical and Egyptian-  Swiss Fund.
2 - Draft protect the environment from pollution in cooperation with the Habi Center for Environmental Rights.
3 - information technology project for the Youth of the Future in collaboration with the Union of Youth.
4 Rural Advancement Project in collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Youth.
  5 - Education Development Project of civil and youth activities in youth centers in collaboration with the Directorate of Youth in Minia Governorate.
  6 - Clubs volunteer development project in collaboration with the Directorate of Youth in Minia Governorate
7-  project information technology for small and medium enterprises in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications and Development Programme of the United Nations Egypt
8-  IT project for operating in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications with the UNDP and the UN Egypt
9- IT project us Gel Employment in collaboration with Micro Soft
10 - project to raise awareness of the system of public rights and freedoms in cooperation with the   NGOS Union and  Khashaba Foundation for Development
11  - Parliament for all project to train young people in youth centers on parliamentary practice sound in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth.
12- youth ambassadors dialogue" in cooperation with the Union of Youth and the Federation of Danish youth
13 - project to build the capacity of the local community "Volunteering for Development" in collaboration with the British Council
14-  learning journey in cooperation with the Goethe Institute

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I think the Assembly, including holdings of international expertise and local youth and will support the idea of ​​dialogue and joined cultures will also support some of the activities in the geographical scope as well as helping coaches and experts, volunteers and training manuals

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To strengthen world peace and communal ways of dialogue and a culture of dialogue and tolerance
And strengthen the values ​​of dialogue and culture among young people
Reject violence and recognize the serious and effective ways to communicate among youth
Giving young people real opportunities for capacity building and leadership initiatives and their communities

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Association des Activités de jeunes Maison de Jeunes - Magrane - El Oued

National Network

commune El Magrane

032 27 10 98
Telephone (other)
032 17 10 98
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية نشاطات دار الشباب جمعية شبانية تهتم بكل ما له علاقة بعالم الشباب. شريكة لعديد الهيئات : وزارة الشباب والرياضة البرنامج التشاوري المتعدد الأطراف الجزائر بلدية المقرن  ولاية الوادي
Mission and Objectives

           تهدف الجمعية أساسا إلى ما يلي:
- مساعدة دار الشباب في تسيير نشاطاتها والعناية بها .
- تنظيم التبادلات الشبانية و خرجات الهواء الطلق والرحلات والمخيمات داخل وخارج الوطن لفائدة منخرطي الجمعية .
- تنظيم والمشاركة في اللقاءات والمهرجانات والتظاهرات المحلية والوطنية والدولية التي لها علاقة بنشاط الجمعية .
- الإحتفال بالأيام والأعياد والوطنية والدينية والدولية وفقا للرزنامة الرسمية .
- تشجيع إبتكارات الشباب في جميع الميادين .

Main Projects / Activities

- تسيير المشروع الجمعوي الممول من طرف الصندوق الولائي لترقية مبادرات الشباب

- مواصلة تسيير مشروع*قافلة الشباب الموهوب – مواطنة وتطوع * ممول من طرف وزارة الشباب والرياضة .
- الإستفادة من مشاريع جمعوية اخرى من مختلف الصناديق والهيئات المانحة .
- الإحتفال بالأيام والأعياد الوطنية والدينية والعالمية المبرمجة بالتنسيق مع إدارة دار الشباب .
- تنظيم رحلات وخرجات هواء طلق لفائدة المنخرطين  .
- تنظيم مخيم صيفي لفائدة المنخرطين في ولاية ساحلية .
- تنظيم ندوات وملتقيات ومعارض متنوعة .

تسيير وتنشيط مشروع – القافلة الإعلامية لتعريف الشباب بآليات التشغيل – الممول من طرف برنامج جسور .

- إنجاز المشروع الممول من طرف وزارة الشباب والرياضة لسنة 2010 تحت عنوان * آليات الحد من ظاهرة البطالة في أوساط الشباب * 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تكون مساهمتنا في هذه الشبكة في الجزائر بكل مايتاح لنا من إمكانيات ووسائل لنجاح عملها .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لأننا رأينا فيها العمل والجدية على رهانات تهمنا 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
BEDDA Zekri Ahmed


National Network

P.O. Box 578
Kfar Vradim 25147

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Shutafut-Sharakah is a forum of civil society organizations committed to the advancement of democratic values and the promotion of an equal and shared society for all Israeli citizens - Jews and Arabs alike. The Forum was established in 2009 in response to its member organisations understanding that a united front and civil society cooperation was needed to respond to increasing racism, discrimination and deteriorating relations between Israel’s Jewish majority and the Arab minority and to promote and implement activities that strengthen the involvement, empower and provide tools for Arab and Jewish citizens to defend Israel’s democratic values and promote equality. Member organisations: Ossim Shalom-Social Workers for Peace and Welfare; Shatil; Sukkuy; Tsofen High Technology Centers; Mahapach-Taghir; Keshev; Kayan-Feminist Organisation; Kav-Mashve; Itach
Mission and Objectives

Shutafut-Sharakah was established with the vision of transforming the Israeli reality through the building of mutual respect between Israel’s Arab and Jewish political leaders, opinion influencers and communities by leveraging the forum’s members experiences and expertise and to strengthen and expand civil society organisations partnerships and cooperations to promote a shared society and combat racist and discriminative policies and acts that target Israel’s Arab citizens. Shutafut-Sharakah’s member organizations are all central players in the advancement of Jewish-Arab equality and the promotion of a shared society in Israel. Each organization approaches this goal from its own unique perspective and the resulting cooperation between the organizations allows for an optimization of human and financial resources in a holistic approach which provides an environment in which organisations can work together to advance issues of common interest and to maximize the impact of their activities. Shutafut-Sharakah mission priorities are the pursuit of equality, cooperation and an uncompromising commitment to democratic values in Israel, including the promotion of a shared society and the fight against racism and discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

The Forums’ activities include: 1) Strengthening cooperations between civil society organisations – Advancing a shared society based on equality and democratic freedoms for Israel’s Arab and Jewish citizens and communities by implementing activities the strengthening of civil society cooperations and partnerships. Activities include regular ‘exchange of information and ideas’ meetings of forum members; media campaigns; conferences; outreach to other civil society organisations to join the Shutafut-Sharakah forum and/or to be part of planning and cooperations related to specific activities and optimization of human and financial resources to meet common goals of promoting a shared society and combating racism and discrimination that targets Israel’s Arab citizens. 2) Kifaya – Interactive website where Arab and Jewish citizens report acts of racism and discrimination ‘online and in real time’; reported acts are channeled by the websites administrator to the relevant forum member (or other relevant civil society organisation, government body) for the relevant response. 3) Conference Watch – Enhancing a shared space for Israel’s Arab and Jewish academics and professionals by increasing their visibility and representation at conferences and public events (a catalyzator for this initiative is the lack of Arab speakers in the majority of conferences and events held across the country). 4) Equal Access to Public Services – Increasing the use of Arabic in addition to Hebrew in public areas, in 2015 we will continue our activities through a campaign targeting the Israeli Railways. 5) Advancing Arabs through the media – enhancing the image of Arab citizens as an intrinsic and equal part of Israel society amongst Israel’s Jewish majority through the monitoring, recording and analyzing (Media Watch) of existing multi media and proactive media campaigns on selected thematic themes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a forum of 10 organisations cooperating to build a shared society in Israel based on democratic values and equality - we are interested in expanding our cooperations, sharing our experiences, tools, expertise and including other organisations in our activties

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To increase our visibility, learn from others, share our tools and to build cooperations and partnerships that promote a shared society and combat racism and discrimination between the Arabs and Jews

Contact (1) Full Name
Dan Wollner
Job Title
Resource and Project Development
Head of the organisation
Rula Deeb
Contact (2) Full Name
Rula Deeb
Job Title (2)
Managing Director

Mae Be Productions

National Network

Herberg 44
2264KT Leidschendam

0031 70 4442881
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0031 6 16249906
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Mae Be Productions is working on challenges for the youth in the big cities: new ways of organizing education, multiculturalism, entrepreneurship; international cooperation, ensuring strategic coherence and effective delivery.
Mission and Objectives

Mae Be Productions organises projects for urban youth. It assists community groups and works with schoolboards or governments to create new opportunities for young people in the big cities. It develops practical solutions based on vision, analyses,cocreation, and experience. Local, regional and international.

Main Projects / Activities

Current projects:
Preparation of international youth exchange on enterpreneurship, with Romania-Amsterdam-west
Feasibility study Arabic Festival Amsterdam
Turkey visit women's group Gouda
Debate on Jihadism in The Hague, Gouda and Amsterdam
Moroccan women's health group Gouda
Interreligious exchange program Winwide, Organisation for high educated migrants in The Hague
Coaching of individual migrant women
In the past:
several educational projects with Moroc, cooperation with Portugal, Italy, Romania, Turkey  and western european countries

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I could contribute to  capacity building events, meetings, social events of the Dutch network by exchanging intercultural experiences, organising debates or trainings, realizing international cooperation on gender, youth, enhancing democracy and in this way cntribute to the promotion of intercultural dialogue across Europe and the Mediterranean, the improvement of mutual understanding and enhancment of trust.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To enhance my network, get inspiration for my intercultural work and learn from colleagues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marianne Beelaerts
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marianne Beelaerts

Association pour la Sensibilisation l'Intégration et le Développement - SID - Akbou

National Network

06001 AKBOU

034 33 45 75
034 33 45 78
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
05 61 77 31 15
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
SID est une association composé de 15 membres. notre principal source de financement sont les associations, les entreprises, apc, ainsi que les apports personnel des membres actif de notre association.
Mission and Objectives

promotion des droits des personnes en situation de handicap et inciter à les prendre  en consideration formellement et moralement.
travailler dans le sens d'insertion des personnes en situation de handicap dans toutes les activités.

Main Projects / Activities

participation a la féte de la citoyenneté
caravane onejam
participation aux formations suivantes: GAF,GCP, capitalisation des connaissances, travail therapeutique de reseau, 
gala musical ramadan
hommage à une personnalité de la region d'Akbou

Contact (1) Full Name
imedjdab mouloud
Head of the organisation

Association des Personnes Handicapées d'Igli - Bechar

National Network

vieux ksar igli w bechar
vieux ksar igli w bechar
08021 IGLI

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
nous somme une association des personnes handicapes siege a la daira d'igli nous travaillons dans le domaine de l'handicap par la  senssibilisation au risque des mines anti personnel partenaire avec l'handicap international et la federation des personne handicapes  
Mission and Objectives

insertion des personnes handicapes
promotion des personnes handicapes
senssibilisation au risque de mines

Main Projects / Activities

activites sociale et economiques pour les pêrsonnes handicapes
senssibilisation des familles es personnes handicapes
gestion des projets
pladoyer pour les personnes handicape
celebration des journee des personnes handicapes
membre avec joussour (voir la lettre de motivation)

Contact (1) Full Name
faradji djillali
Job Title
Head of the organisation
faradji djillali
Contact (2) Full Name
ammar belkheir
Job Title (2)

Association Parole et Action d'Akbou

National Network

centre culturelle d'akbou
06001 akbou

0773 0407 90
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
notre association est le fruit de 15 jeunes de la ville d'akbou, généré par la nécessité d'un changement pour l'amélioration du cadre de vie de notre quartier. nous proposons des activités de solidarité et des manifestations culturelle et environnemental. notre source de financement est principalement le comité du quartier, l'APC akbou, les association et nos apports personnel.      
Mission and Objectives

defendre les roits de la cité
solidarité entre habitant
encorager les jeunes vers les manifestation culturelles et sportives
tournois des echecs et pétanques
gala et soirée musicales
projections cinima
soirées theatres
premiere exhibition en body building
ceremonie des loréats
participation au festival de loisir à chelata dédié a la petite enfance 

Main Projects / Activities

participer a la premiere fete de la citoyennetée
bénévolats et netoyages
célébration de la révolution algerienne
celebration du premier de l'an berbere

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

faire partie du tissu associative en algerie

Contact (1) Full Name
fatah benamara
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Benamara Fatah


National Network

1200-383 LISBON

+351 213463244
+351 213463244
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+351 913117057
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Associação Sons da Lusofonia (ASL) is a non‐profit cultural organization based in Lisbon, Portugal, founded in 1996. ASL works on artistic innovation and cultural projects, dedicated to social and community work, based on music and performing arts. The association is acting in different fields of cultural work: ethnomusicology, music education, interdisciplinary cooperations, publishing and production of cultural events and festivals. Its activities comprise the education project "OPA", that is integrating adolescents from the outskirts of Lisbon in the cultural scene of the capital, the national jazz festival "Festa do Jazz" and "Lisboa Mistura", a worldmusic festival with focus on new cultural tendencies and innovative intercultural music projects. Currently there are 4 employees working with ASL on a permanent basis and 20 people project-related. The annual budget is around 350.000€, of which 70% come from public funds and 30% from sponsorship. One main partner is the municipality of Lisbon.
Mission and Objectives

Associação Sons da Lusofonia (ASL) is a non‐profit cultural organization working on the intersections of culture, urban life and social communities in Lisbon, Portugal.
With its attitude towards innovative artistic approaches, social issues and cultural work, ASL reflects and challenges the surrounding society.
ASL is a boundary-pushing cultural organization that is working in close cooperation with the municipality of Lisbon to create a better cultural environment for citizens in Lisbon, Portugal and Europe. In all of its activities, ASL is focusing on the interaction between communities, people and arts to promote mutual understanding and collective creation.
ASL works on cultural projects that are dedicated to social and educational community work, based on music and other performing arts like dance or theatre performances. ASL aims at promoting cultural and artistic exchanges between artists from different cultural and genre backgrounds – focussing on the lusophone world that is interconnecting three continents, but also working on innovative influences from other geo-cultural areas.
The association is interested in and dedicated to different aspects of cultural work: ethnomusicology, music education, cultural and technical cooperation, conception and production of books/ CDs/ videos, concert promotion, conception of major cultural events and festivals. With its projects ASL aspires to establish Lisbon as one of the most innovative cultural and artistic hubs where the encounter of different cultural fields creates a unique landscape.

Main Projects / Activities

ASL has different fields of action, like research and education, interdisciplinary cooperations, publishing, promoting and production of major cultural events and festivals. Currently there ASL is running three main projects, covering the association’s core activities throughout the year.

Lisboa Mistura – Músicas do Mundo (festival)
Lisboa Mistura is an annual intercultural event. The main music program “Músicas do Mundo” is based on world music and focuses mainly on the exchange between Europe and Africa, perceiving the Mediterranean area as an important bridge between the continents. Lisboa Mistura brings international acts to Lisbon during its two-weeks duration.
Additionally to the main concert program, there are various sub-programmes: “Electrónicas do Mundo” is a new concept including electronic music/ worldtronica in collaboration with local clubs, aiming at including projects that are working on the boarders of traditional rhythms and electronic music from different parts of the world.
The festival’s sub-programme “Festa Intercultural” (engl. intercultural festival) takes place during one day of Lisboa Mistura and is dedicated to the variety of sub-cultures and communities with different cultural backgrounds that live in Lisbon. For the “Festa Intercultural” amateur and semi-professional groups are invited to present their specific cultural traditions in music and dance to the audience. This sub-programme is an example of how Lisboa Mistura is joining and involving several local communities and subcultures with international roots to promote this variety of world cultures that live specifically in the area of Greater Lisbon. By inviting them, Lisboa Mistura is emphazising Lisbon’s unique intercultural spirit of a “cidade-mundo” and is promoting its beauty and rich cultural variety not only to tourists, but also to Lisbon’s own citizens.
The new sub-programme “Cozinhas do Mundo” (engl. Cuisines of the world) is organized in cooperation with a local soup kitchen – during the festival chefs from different parts of the world present their specific culinary preferences to the festival audience.
Lisboa Mistura 2014 included 7 concerts in the main program “Músicas do Mundo” in different venues, 3 club nights in the “Electronicas do Mundo” program, 6 culinary evenings in the “Cozinhas do Mundo” program, the “Festa Intercultural”, 16 presentations with adolescentes from 6 neighborhoods as part of the educational OPA program as well as round table discussions and a 6 weeks artist residency program.
According to the goals of its organizer ASL, the festival Lisboa Mistura is always aiming at pushing awareness of the influence of cultural events and institutions within the local community and wants to establish strong local connections and interactions between Lisboa Mistura and the local urban community. The virtue of cultural work lies not only in presenting innovative artistic work, but also in linking arts with everyday public life through strategies for commitment that emphasizes art's role in urban life and politics. To do so it is crucial to find ways to integrate the festival in the urban communities and adress their specific needs with socially responsive cultural practices.

Festa do Jazz (festival)
The Portuguese national jazz festival Festa do Jazz was established in 2003 and has been dedicated to the Portuguese jazz scene ever since. The festival aims to present a selection of the best established Portuguese jazz musicians on the one hand and wants to support and present Portuguese rising jazz talents on the other – for this purpose Festa do Jazz is organizing a nationwide contest of jazz music schools. Each jazz school is invited to send their best students to the contest to compete in two categories: best jazz ensemble and best instrumentalist. The winners will be chosen by a jury consisting out of jazz professionals (artistic directors, musicians, professors, producers etc.). The best jazz ensemble will be invited to perform again at the next year’s festival edition as part of the main program. This national jazz school contest is the only one of its kind in the world of jazz and it is a unique way of fostering the Portuguese jazz scene, developing its future and create sustainable conditions.
Since the last edition, Festa do Jazz has made further steps towards advanced educational training and developing an international network for Portuguese jazz musicians by establishing international artist residency programs. Two musicians of international reputation were invited to work with Portuguese jazz students. The main goal is to internationalize the Portuguese jazz scene and to bring new energies and influences to the Portuguese jazz. The international residencies has been developed out of the rising awareness to the fact that it is increasingly important to invest in people and artistic exchanges in order to stimulate the growth of the Portuguese art scene.
Festa do Jazz takes place at the São Luiz Theatre in Lisbon in 4 venues of this theatre. During 3 days (Friday to Sunday) there are more than 25 concerts, 2 masterclasses and also a national contest, which includes around 17 bands representing music schools, invited to participate with their best jazz combos. A late night jam-session (00h00 to 02h00) completes the program at the end of each day.

OPA - Oficína Portátil de Artes (education project)
The project OPA - Oficína Portátil de Artes (engl. Mobile Art Workshops) is an education project working on social integration and artistic creation throughout the year. With innovative pedagogical methods, OPA wants to work with young people from neighborhoods in Lisbon’s outskirts and periphery to develop their artistic skills and finally present the results of the artistic process to a big audience in the capital as part of the Lisboa Mistura program.
The main idea is to work on the creation and enhencement of conditions for the integration of young  people with entrepreneurial and artistic potencial that are living in neighborhoods at the margins of urban society and are therefore often excluded from opportunities. OPA intends to integrate young people with skills and ambitions in arts and culture by building and promoting a professional network that gives them access to creation and artistic practices that are usually often sealed. By working with adolescents from the outskirts of Lisbon the project aims at encouraging young people to deepen their artistic expertise as well as offering them the opportunity to perform at a big stage in the city centre as part of the festival program. Besides giving them visibility and recognition for their artistic work, OPA is working on providing professional qualification (artistic and management skills) to prepare young artists to work in the cultural sector. OPA is constantly expanding its local actions and promotes training and creation work sessions carried for young artists, together with professional and well known national guest artists. This project growth will culminate with the artistic professional qualification and the biggest possible development of the local potential.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

One of the main objectives of ASL is to support exchanges between artists and organizations specially located in the Mediterranean area and to promote the intercultural dialogue in Portugal.
We develop our projects with partners from the local community, local municipality and international organizations based in Lisbon - this creates a strong local network of knowledge that can be an advantage. Being one the most influential music institutions in Portugal, that organizes important events such as Festa do Jazz or Lisboa Mistura, but also educational programs like OPA – Oficina Portátil de Artes, ASL has a strong connection with national and international musicians and other artists that can expand the ALF Network recognition in Portugal. Also our projects aim to create solid links with artists and organization from the Mediterranean area, which is fundamental for the intercultural dialogue and the understanding of different cultures and artistic manifestations.
As a way to develop a strong jazz network ASL is working on the internationalization of the Portuguese jazz scene and intends to strengthen the national jazz scene by giving it new input through internationally successful resident artists and by inviting international jazz critics to the jazz festival Festa do Jazz. Like this the festival wants to address Portuguese, European and international communities.
Festa do Jazz is a member of the European Jazz Network. As such, promoting discussion groups and jazz values on an international level is an important goal of the festival and it aims at establishing networks and encourage the mobility of national jazz musicians. The festival wants to be present in the most important international events of jazz, promoting the Portuguese musicians and work in profitable exchanges trough jazz musicians all over the world.

With the future editions, Festa do Jazz is aiming at establishing the festival as one of Portugal’s biggest international jazz encounters and keep on working on establishing the unique national jazz school contest. One future goal concerning the school contest is to expand it to be an international music school forum by initiating and international music school exchange program (like Erasmus). One main goal will be to keep on internationalizing Festa do Jazz to open up to a global jazz scene and promote Portuguese Jazz as well as bringing international established jazz musicians to Portugal´s capital. Besides being a promotion platform for Portuguese jazz musicians and an initiator for international exchange, Festa do Jazz wants to make a difference by including innovative projects in its program that are unique in Portugal.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a Lisbon-based organization ASL has a strong awareness of its Mediterranean roots and aims at increasing its Mediterranean network. Being part of the ALF Network will allow us to increase our artistic and cultural connections specifically in the Mediterranean area by getting in touch with other ALF members.
ASL’s activities have always been dedicated to the Mediterranean area as a bridge between Europe and Africa. ASL is working on topics that are relevant to the lusophone world, which is connecting three continents, but also in projects that involve artists from the Maghreb region.
Integrating groups from the Mediterranean area has been a constant to the programmation of different events organized by ASL, a tendency that has been deepend and reinforced by the intercultural event Lisboa Mistura.
We also think that the Mediterranean community will continue to play an important role in the future process of harmonization of this large and diverse cultural region by approaching and uniting different tendencies in culture and society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alaíde Costa
Job Title
Administrative Assistant
Head of the organisation