VšĮ euroregiono "Ežerų kraštas" direktorato biuras

National Network

Vasario 16-osios g. 35
30112 Ignalina

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The founders of the organisation are 7 municipalities which are joint owners of the organisation. Organisation is one of three partners of euroregion "Country of Lakes". Partner offices are in Latvia and Byelorussia. Organisations includes 3 staff members: director, manager, accountant. The financing of the organisation depends on the joint owners. Each year joint owners pay to the budget of the organisation the fixed amount of money which varies about 10 000 litas or 2 900 euro. So the budget of the organisation is approximately 70 000 litas or 20 300 euro. The organisation is concentrated on social, economical, cultural project activity.
Mission and Objectives

The organisation acts as a model of international cooperation which promotes respect to the foreigners, principles of professionalism and constant learning. The organization seeks to ensure that the people living in the border teritories acting in the cooperation process would understand the benefits of their cooperation to environment, mode of life, safety, business, tourism and culture also would develope new ideas.
The organisation seeks to influence the process of the border region developement, also to involve border region people, organizations, municipalities into international cooperation.
The organisation seeks to cooperate with Latvian and Byelorussian partners offices and implement common projects.
The strategical goal of the organisation is to create the favorable environment for the cooperation between partners, common activity, also to promote participation of people, organisations and partners into the common projects and in the process of making decisions. 

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of the organisation includes preparing and participating in social, economical, cultural projects, organising national and international exchanges, training, festivals on those fields. The latter activities helps to create the favorable environment for the cooperation between partners, also to promote participation of people, organisations and partners into the common projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organisation could contribute to the main principles of Anna Lindh Foundation to promote variety of cultures, mutual respect between society, religion and beliefs, to seek common future by involving our partners from Latvia and Byelorussia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organisation seeks to join ALF Network because of the purpose to develope it's partners network by involving more organisations from different countries with the same principles of action. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Lina Staliauskienė
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Lina Staliauskiene

Bokra Sawa

National Network

10 cours Joseph Thierry
13001 Marseille

06 86 85 41 13
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
STRUCTURE : Bokra Sawa est une association de loi 1901 qui a été créée en avril 2013 et déclarée à la préfecture des Bouches-du-Rhône avec l’objet suivant : La mise en place et l’accompagnement de projets culturels et de coopération culturelle en partenariat avec les pays méditerranéens afin de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de la région méditerranéenne par la sensibilisation et l’éducation non-formelle.

Bokra Sawa veut dire « demain ensemble » en arabe.
 L’association Bokra Sawa est constituée d’un groupe franco-égyptien qui s’intéresse à la vulgarisation culturelle et scientifique dans un cadre d’éducation non formelle. Plusieurs bénévoles accompagne l’association dans ses activités. BUDGET : 20 000€ annuel (exercice 2013/2014) SOURCES : - subventions publiques au niveau européen , régional et départemental (CG13). - Prestations de service PROJETS : - médiation culturelle d’un projet d’archéologie expérimentale - Conception et réalisation de deux mallettes pédagogiques bilingues (Français/Arabe littéraire) entre Marseille et Alexandrie - Animation d’ateliers de sensibilisation - Organisation d’évènements internationaux et interculturels - Coordination d’événements PARTENAIRES : - laboratoires de recherche, Universités (Nice, Marseille..) - CNRS - Association Arkaéos - Association Boomerang - Association Seas à Qousseir - Centre d’Etudes d’Alexandrie - Réseau : membre du réseau « Territoire Solidaire» et du « Réseau Mer PACA ».
Mission and Objectives

Dans un monde qui souffre d’inégalités, de crises économiques et environnementales, nous prenons conscience que tout ce que l’on fait aujourd’hui a un impact sur ce que l’on vivra demain. Nous avons donc décidé de faire quelques choses aujourd’hui pour que demain, nous vivions mieux ensemble.
Nos activités tournent autour de la création d’un espace d’apprentissage dans un cadre non formel. Parce que nous croyons au rôle de l’éducation non formelle pour le développement personnel dans la société, nous souhaitons travailler sur le partage des valeurs citoyennes et le savoir faire des jeunes qui vont être les acteurs de monde de demain.
Il s’agit pour nous d’informer et de sensibiliser les jeunes à l’histoire, à la culture, à l’art et la nature de leur région à partir de méthodes pédagogiques non formelles comme l’organisation d’ateliers d’échange, de conférences et de rencontres. La jeunesse joue un rôle très important dans les pays méditerranéens puisqu’elle représente 50% de la population dans la région Moyen Orient et Afrique du Nord, et 20% dans l’Union Européenne. Cela nous laisse entrevoir l’importance de l’éducation dans l’avenir de ces pays jeunes.

Main Projects / Activities

Création de projets de sensibilisation culturelle : création d’outils pédagogiques, organisation d’évènements et production d’oeuvres artistiques.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'association pourra apporter au réseau FAL son expérience au niveau de la coopération internationale. L’association pourra aussi accompagner les structures partenaires dans la construction de leur projet de coopération avec les autres pays méditerranéens.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

L'association est intéressée pour rejoindre le réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh parce qu'elle voudrait développer son réseau de partenaires au niveau international et en particulier dans les pays du pourtour de la Méditerranée.

Contact (1) Full Name
Catherine Sabry
Job Title
Coordinatrice de projets culturels en Méditerranée
Head of the organisation
Catherine Sabry

Center for Sociology and Education Studies

National Network

Istanbul Bilgi Universitesi, Eski Silahtaraga Elektrik Santrali Kazim Karabekir Cad. No: 2/13 Eyup
34060 Istanbul/

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
In recent years, Turkey has been experiencing major transformations both in the field of education and in society at large. When it comes to explaining the reason behind these social transformations; it is worth mentioning the external and internal factors that are closely related to each other. While integrating into the global economy, Turkey has also been running negotiations with the EU since 2005. EU-Turkey relations, which get quite tense from time to time, trigger debates regarding identity and lead to new encounters as well as divisive social relations. As social groups -whose religion is not Sunni Islam and native language is not Turkish (Kurds, Armenians, Romans, Alevis etc.)- become visible in the public sphere and begin claiming equal citizenship, the established social structure is being questioned. In addition, the conservative groups have gained political and economic success which enables them to get closer to other groups, and this opens up further potential for new tensions. Questioning the established structure gives way to democratization opportunities but also causes social conflict, violence and discrimination. As a result, Turkey has been suffering from the pain of confronting its past while experiencing the trouble of establishing a socio-political framework that accommodates different groups and their specific demands. Considering the transformations in the field of education, significant mobility is observed in both the activities and works of the Ministry of National Education. The Ministry declared that the curriculum is far from preparing Turkey for the 21st century. Since 2005 the curriculum and textbooks are being reformulated. The Ministry has been trying to develop a new understanding through emphasizing an activity-based, pupil-centered, constructivist approach to education aiming to construct knowledge under the guidance of the teacher. The new understanding of education aims to raise entrepreneurial individuals who have developed the ability to think critically, who are attached to democratic values, who are open to world, and who “start out with his/her own culture and can contribute to universal values”. Despite some positive steps, the new curriculum and textbooks seem far from satisfying the needs of the current structure of the transformations in Turkey. The social groups mentioned above are either not included in the textbooks or they are referred to through discriminatory expressions. Education, which could be an element enabling social peace, seems to hold the potential to give rise to the existing conflicts. ‘Us’ and ‘them’ perceptions in the textbooks further aggravate the situation. New curriculum and textbooks not only consider global development, the liberal economy and technological advances as constant variables without questioning, but also consider students as dependent variables who need to adapt to those developments. As a result the gap between social and educational fields in Turkey has expanded. Several NGOs have been performing important studies such as monitoring-assessment, producing materials and organizing teacher-training seminars in order to fill this gap. This means there has been a considerate amount of knowledge and experience on topics like citizenship education, human rights and peace education throughout recent years in Turkey. However, a close examination reveals that many educational programs in Turkey ignore the most debated issues such as identity, ethnicity, discrimination, and modernization. The most important reason for this is the lack of educational materials and the non-proficiency of educators on the issue. A dramatic result of the widening of the gap between social and educational fields is the transformation of education into a sterile field detached from social and systematic problems, and/or the practice of a one-dimensional educational system detached from the social change in Turkey and the world. In both cases, education is far from enabling the educators or the pupils to comprehend the transformation in Turkey and the modern world. One of the ways to overcome this consequence is to bring the discipline of sociology closer to the discipline of educational sciences. Founded in November 2010, İstanbul Bilgi University, Sociology and Education Studies Division aims to deal with sociological and educational studies together and serve as a platform that brings together these two fields.
Mission and Objectives

Our Objectives

    Developing materials on how to address the topics of identity, modernization, secularization, democratization, citizenship, poverty and discrimination in education and organizing seminars relevantly

    Organizing teacher training seminars

    Setting common ground for academically produced studies to be shared with educators while materials produced by educators to be shared with academics

    Expanding the studies run by the Department of Sociology in cooperation with high-school teachers and pupils on topics like urbanization, youth, and discrimination

    Studying sociology textbooks specifically and all textbooks in general

    Providing consultancy to governmental and non-governmental organizations on bilingual education, discrimination in education, citizenship, democracy and human rights

Main Projects / Activities

* Combating Disability Discrimination in Educational Settings
* Human Rights in Textbooks III (together with the History Foundation)
* Teacher’s Workshop: “Discussing Controversial Issues in an Educational Setting” Certificate Program
* Discussing Social Issues in an Educational Setting: Teachers and Academics joint Study and Production Project (together with the Terakki Foundation)
* How to Deal with Discrimination in Education Settings: Lesson Samples and Resources for Educationalists (ASED)
* Textbook Analysis Project
* Prejudice, Stereotypes, and Discrimination: Sociological and Educational Perspectives I (ASEP)
SEÇBİR Talks are designed for broad participation, organised and hosted by the Sociology and Education Studies Division to enable its participants to improve themselves on a wide range of education related issues.
-Seminars and Workshops
* Education and teaching in changing Turkey II – 4 September 2013
* Education and teaching in changing Turkey – 19 June 2013
* Dealing with controversial issues in educational settings – 1 March 2013
* Bilingualism in education: Western Thrace and Diyarbakir experiences – 9 May 2011
* Education and social justice in the context of multilingualism – 24 June 2014
* Confronting the past and education in Turkey: Experiences – 25 May 2013
* Discrimination: Understanding, analyzing, struggling – 29 September 2012

Contact (1) Full Name
Kenan Cayir
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Kenan Cayir

Youth Club "VIJA"

National Network

Taikos str. 4-11, Vilnius
05255 Vilnius

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Youth Club “VIJA” works since 1997, it is located in the heart of Lithuania – Vilnius. Youth Club’s members are young people interested in sport‘ s activities history, ecology, human’s rights,  traditions and new ways of self- improvement, flashmobs, trades in street and others. The main purpose of the club is to prepare active citizen of Europe. Youth Club organizes seminars, prepares educational  sightseeings and performances. While traveling we share different experiences, we represent our culture and different ways of education, involvement in Youth organization life and work with young people together, helping them to choose their desire careers contributing to various social life.
Mission and Objectives

We are the representatives of young people involving them in different kinds of sports, team working, leadership and self-improvement as well as communicating a lot in English language. We have experience in various workshops, games, simulations and discussions. We will bring new perspectives in Lithuanian way of thinking and acting by representing our components of culture among young people.

Main Projects / Activities

We will contribute as much as possible and build new relationships between different organizations, we will share my experience and create new ideas, all the gained information will be useful for our people, who are thinking about Erasmus and other similar activities. We are ready to engage in future partnerships.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to contribute to the co-operation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expanded our horizons
Looking for new partners
We want to share our experiences

Contact (1) Full Name
Alfonsas Malonaitis
Job Title
Project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Alfonsas Malonaitis

Centre for multimedia Production - CEZAM

National Network

Vaka Djurovica bb, Podgorica
81000 Podgorica

+382 67 825 820
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The aims of the Centre for Multimedia Production are: • To participate through various kinds of creative activities in creating and developing a civil society in Montenegro in which diversity is respected; • To stimulate and empower young people, as well as socially responsible citizens, to be actively engaged in creating a society of equal opportunities through public and cultural activities; • To gather together socially active organisations and individuals, in order to develop ideas and to create practical policies by means of campaigns, the results of which would have an impact on the legal framework; • To publicly advocate solutions which would encourage and lead towards the creation of a system of social inclusion; • To raise awareness of current problems and present ways to solve them, using multimedia content; • To carry out promotions to strengthen the representation and participation in politics of underrepresented groups; • To research, document and analyse the practices of institutions in the areas where they are active, and on the basis of that, make practical policy proposals and recommendations, and to advocate their adoption; • To organise events, seminars and various kinds of activities, through which young talent would be encouraged to develop; • To promote the values of social activism through creative impulse, leading to better correlation between different socially active groups; • To affirm national artistic creativity and active participation in promoting and protecting the environment and culture heritage of Montenegro; • To implement creative and accessible ways of carrying out informal education.   CEZAM’s activities have the goal of organising various forms of creative, socially affirming events which encourage the development of democratic capacities through joint work and individual endeavour, both locally and on an international level, through: • Assistance in creating multimedia and cultural and art projects; • Publishing activities – printing magazines, publications, books and CDs/DVDs; • Building websites, graphics design, professional and artistic photography; • Creating the most diverse kinds of informal education for young people through youth work, by means of workshops, training sessions, seminars, courses and discussions; • Cooperation and joint projects with various formal and informal groups of similar-profile young people; • Informing young people through internet sites as well as via social networks; • Support for young people and promising staff of various profiles oriented towards building democratic capacities in society; • Organising art colonies, summer and winter schools; • Establishing the Centre’s library with print and electronic publications and audio-visual material; • Cooperation with institutions, universities, schools, professional associations and other organisations, as well as individuals who share CEZAM’s mission and goals.
Mission and Objectives

The Mission of the Centre for Multimedia Production is, through the means of modern production methods and techniques, to take an active role in the promotion of civil activism, participatory democracy and social inclusion with the aim of full participation of all citizens, young people and children in the economic, social and cultural life of Montenegro, creating accessible and recognisable artistic forms through affirming, developing and protecting all human rights and freedoms, as well as the natural and cultural heritage of Montenegro.
The Vision of the Centre for Multimedia Production is of a highly developed civil, multiethnic, multicultural and multiconfessional society in Montenegro, within which all citizens will be able to live a free and dignified life nurturing and developing universal human values with the aim of creating an environment of equal opportunities, mature civic and ecological awareness and social responsibility.

Main Projects / Activities

Centar for multimedia production - CEZAM (http://cezam.me/) is relatevily young NGO. Team of the CEZAM is consist executive director and filmmaker, graphic designes, web designers, programmer, cameramen, lawyer, economist and one geo-politician. So far organisation has been involved in several projects.
Cooperation with Montenegrin Universal Theatre: realization of the documentary film "Preserved resources of the North of Montenegro", which is in its final stage. (Post-production).
Cooperation with Association of paraplegics Podgorica: realization of the promotional video called "Taxi for the people with disabilities" within the same-name campaign that is being implemented at the national level. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpkaDdNYhxc
Within IPA projects for which the NGO Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro received financial support, which will be implemented in the following one year and half, until January 2016, Center for multimedia production have a status of partners in project activities - making of two documentaries on the two topics: accessibility (physical / architectural ) and employment of persons with disabilities in Montenegro.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Centre for multimedia production - CEZAM can contribute to the creation of various multimedia forms within a certain actions, comprehensive initiatives and campaigns for raising awarness on national level.
Whether CEZAM participates as a partner in the project or in the separate engagement, organizations can contribute to the creation of text, audio, still images, animation, video, or interactivity content forms, which can significantly help the visibility of certain problems in society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Center for multimedia production sees itself as a member of this esteemed organization. As a young organization, we think that it is very important to be part of ALF Network that gives and opens new possibilities for faster connectivity and even more better cooperation of organizations that have aim of a common operation and improvement of the various social aspects!

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr Blagota Marunovic
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Mr Blagota Marunovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Bojan Bulatovic
Job Title (2)
IT expert

Association la Voix de l'Enfant de la Wilaya de Bejaia - AVEB

National Network

Siège association Cap Stratégies, cité 600 logt , Ihaddaden Bejaia
06000 Bejaia

Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Association La Voix de L'enfant de La Wilaya de Bejaia N° de l'Agrément : 019 Attribué le : 12/06/2014 ************************************Petite description : L'association vise la promotion des droits de l'enfant, après avoir vu le laxisme général et la paradoxe de la vision des parents vis à vis de l'éducation de cet enfant qui est l'avenir de notre société. D'abord , que-ce que l'enfant ? L'enfant , ce petit être de moins de 18 ans , vulnérable, bourré de talents cachés mais marginalisé ! Est-ce que tout le monde respecte les droits de l'enfant ? La réponse est sous vos yeux, la situation est alarmante , on a beau maquillé la réalité, mais l'enfant marginalisé c'est celui qui se manifeste et s'affirme en générant les agressions, la violence, et y a des enfants qui préfèrent s'effacer jusqu'au mutisme et écrasement total de sa personnalité . De l'Etat qui a signé la convention des droits de l'enfant de 1989 en 1992 , à l'enseignant jusqu'aux parents , tous font parti de ce cercle vicieux dont grandit ce petit être vulnérable. Des manquements graves sont palpables sur le terrain, même si y a une loi en sa faveur, les structures n'appliquent que rarement ce qui peut être en sa faveur.  
Mission and Objectives

Association La Voix de L'enfant de La Wilaya de Bejaia
N° de l'Agrément : 019
Attribué le : 12/06/2014
Petite description :
L'association vise la promotion des droits de l'enfant, après avoir vu le laxisme général et la paradoxe de la vision des parents vis à vis de l'éducation de cet enfant qui est l'avenir de notre société.
D'abord , que-ce que l'enfant ?
L'enfant , ce petit être de moins de 18 ans , vulnérable, bourré de talents cachés mais marginalisé !
Est-ce que tout le monde respecte les droits de l'enfant ?
La réponse est sous vos yeux, la situation est alarmante , on a beau maquillé la réalité, mais l'enfant marginalisé c'est celui qui se manifeste et s'affirme en générant les agressions, la violence, et y a des enfants qui préfèrent s'effacer jusqu'au mutisme et écrasement total de sa personnalité .
De l'Etat qui a signé la convention des droits de l'enfant de 1989 en 1992 , à l'enseignant jusqu'aux parents , tous font parti de ce cercle vicieux dont grandit ce petit être vulnérable.
Des manquements graves sont palpables sur le terrain, même si y a une loi en sa faveur, les structures n'appliquent que rarement ce qui peut être en sa faveur.
Rôle de l'association La Voix de L'enfant :
Notre association, tel que notre statut le stipule, est tout d'abord une association qui regroupe les défenseurs des droits de l'enfant que ça soit des juristes ( côté juridique) , des psychologues ( aide au développement personnel et social) , des artistes en tout genre : comédiens, clowns, musiciens, dessinateurs ( l'évolution des capacités ) ... etc. Chaque personne est en mesure d'aider l'enfant.
Ensemble, on peut se battre pour cet enfant dont les droits ne sont que rarement reconnus, puisque le regard se porte juste sur : manger, boire, dormir.
Ensemble, on pourra prouver que l'enfant est aussi doté d'une certaine maturité et beaucoup d'intelligence.
Ensemble, on élèvera la voix de l'enfant afin que tous nous entendent.
Le rôle de l'association ne s'arrête pas là, car nous permettons aux enfants d'exprimer librement leurs idées à travers la parole; l'écriture , sport et l'art.
Ainsi l'ouverture des sections suivantes :

section sociale : dons et cours particuliers

section de l'art thérapeutique  : aider l'enfant psychologiquement en pratiquant une actvité artistique

section sport 

section religion : faire comprendre la véritable religion aux enfants, et leurs faire comprendre qu'ils ont aussi leurs droits ( loin du laxisme et l'integrisme)

Main Projects / Activities

* Sensibilisation sur les droits humains au profit des membres et adhérents 
* Collecte de dons pour les familles démunies 
* Sensibilisation sur la convention des droits de l'enfant au sein des écoles
* Mettre en oeuvre le théâtre thérapeutique pour les enfants marginalisés 
* Offrir une possibilité de se developper dans une dicipline artistique pour les enfants défavorisés.
* Sortie pédagogique et voyage dans à la découverte du grand sahara (projet)
* Séminaires et conférences sur les droits de l'enfant 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'association La Voix de L'enfant est une association qui viseà promouvoir les droits de l'enfant, notre association autantique car elle regroupe des personnes de tout âge et de tout les niveau, on les forme à être de bon défenseurs des droits de l'enfant .
Notre objectif est que l'enfant connaisse ses droits et puisse s'épanouir dans un environnement adapté à ses besoins.
Vu qu'en Algérie, les manquements sont palpables, et les droits de l'enfant ne sont pas vulgarisés. Notre association consiste à faire casser les tabous dans la wilaya de Bejaia, d'ouvrir un

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

On pense qu'on peut ajouter nos compétences dans ce réseau, on voudrai avoir la possibilité de rencontrer d'autres associations pour nous enrichir davantage côté expérience .
On est motivé ,on construit notre association de petites actvités afin d'arriver à faire entrendre la voix de cet enfant qui est marginalisé dans notre société , qui pour elle , un enfant ne peut penser correctement, il ne peut que manger jouer et dormir .
Changeons la vision de la société envers  nos enfants .

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayadi zineb
Job Title
présidente de l'association La Voix de L'enfant
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Ben khelouf Asma
Job Title (2)
vice présidente de l'association La Voix de L'enfant

Association Amis du Malade Sétif

National Network

Cité bel air 750 logement
19000 Sétif

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Association Amis du Malade de Sétif Ces membre sont de different secteur , medcin , pharmacien, infermier , professeur, retraité... ces ressource vien du bienfaiteur et cotisation des adherants en travaille en colaboration avec plusiers association et avec les autorité publique et les particuliers جمعية أصدقاء المريض لولاية سطيف تضم أعضاء من كل شرائح المجتمع: أطباء ، صيادلة، ممرضين، أساتذة، متقاعدين، نساء و رجال ...إلخ مصادر التمويل من المحسنين و اشتراكات الأعضاء شركاؤنا هم المجتمع المدني من جمعيات و السلطات العمومية و كل شرائح المجتمع  
Mission and Objectives

nos mission
ameliorer la prise en charge des malade
aider les malades neciciteux
sensibilisation de la société des different probleme de la santé
la formation continue des acteur de la santé publique...
تحسين التكفل بالمرضى
إعانة المرضى المحتاجين
تحسيس المجتمع بمختلف مشاكل الصحة العمومية
التكوين المستمر للمتدخلين في الصحة العمومية

Main Projects / Activities

nos activité
Nous avons organisé quatres caravanes medicales par ans
distibution plus de 2000 couches adultes par mois
délivrance de plus de 300 ordonace de médicaments par moi
réserver un jours par semaine pour le conseil et l'oriantation des malade
Faire des visites et soin a domicile pour les malade
organisation des journés de formation pour les acteur de la santé
Organisation de 8 colectes de sang par ans
تنظيم أربع قوافل طبية في العام
توزيع أكثر من 2000حفاظة كبار في الشهر
توزيع أكثر من 300 وصفة دواء في الشهر
تخصيص يوم توجيهي في الأسبوع للمرض في مقر الجمعية
تنظيم زيارات و علاجات منزلية للمرضى المقعدين
تنظيم أيام دراسية و تكوينة للمتدخلين في الصحة
تنظيم أكثر من 8 حملات تبرع بالدم في السنة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

by mail

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Pharmacien " Pharmacist"
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
BELA Abdelhalim
Job Title (2)

El Moltaqa

National Network

Azzam Building, Corniche El Baher street, 1st floor
Saida 1600

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Since its inception back in 2003, Development for People and Nature Association DPNA, was able to create positive relationships with the local community members, stakeholders, private sector, municipalities, local NGOs, and others who help shape the needs in the projects that DPNA implements. Moreover, DPNA believes in networking, which has supported it to become one of the leading organizations in many regional and national campaigns and networks.   Although DPNA works on the national level, its main office is based in Saida city where it was established and initiated. DPNA opened El Moltaqa, an interactive space, to create positive change in the cultural and art life of the city through youth empowerment and motivation.   4 Staff Sources of funding vary from local isntituations, donors and DPNA
Mission and Objectives

El Moltaqa reflects a model of how art, culture and education can create huge impact on youth involvement in public concern, increase their sense of belonging and explore their talents and capabilities.
El Moltaqa’s goal is contributing to the improvement of the social and cultural fabric of Saida city and its surroundings through increasing youth involvement and role in art, culture and education. 

Main Projects / Activities

El Moltaqa is equipped with an interactive culture and art center which includes public library, coffee shop, internet access, art gallery, dialogue activities, art workshops, training room, meeting room, cinema club, small theater and vocational training workshops.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

El Moltaqa can contribute to the Network in it being enriched with a number of experienced civil society activists, leading in dialogue, culture of peace, promoting reading, enhancing culture and art. The values and principles that El Moltaqa believes in and ALF Network meets it with, will be reflected in the various art and cultural events that will be organized yearly, in addition to spreading the Lebanese culture and heritage, from city to city inside Lebanon and even on a wider scale with other Mediterranean countries. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

El Moltaqa wants to join ALF network, as it sees it a great opportunity for networking with various civil society organizations across the Mediterranean. We believe the vision and goals of ALF Network meets with the vision of El Moltaqa.
Although we are newly established, but El Moltaqa is created by a number of civil society activists having a wide experience in that field. They believe that individual work does not create much effect in the society as building networks and relationships with other organizations and associations having the same vision, and thus sharing experiences, ideas and eventually creating mutual respect and exhance between cultures and countries.
El Moltaqa is excited to learn from the experiences in ALF network and its partners in spreading cultural and art life in the city.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Hassan Salha
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Hassan Salha
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Mona Hassouna
Job Title (2)
Public Relations

Community Based Psychosocial Support and Research Association

National Network

Alsancak Mah. Kibrissehitleri cad.
1440 sok. no:7 d:1 Konak
35220 izmir/

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Under the leadership of Nevin Kucuk, Community Based Psychosocial Support and Research Association is founded in September19, 2014 in Izmir,Turkey. Founding members are comprised of the experts in the fields of psychology, psychoanalysis, social psychology, social services, economics and telecommunication. A committee comprised of academicians, engineers, a legal expert, a pscychiatrist, a finance specialists and officers from local authorities contributes to the association as an advisory committee. University students, social workers and individuals from every other segments of the society also contribute to the association as volunteers.There are a total of 31 members and 27 registered volunteers. As a freshly founded NGO, Community Based Psychosocial Support and Research Association does not have any source of income yet but it is a promising organization with a great potential and has already begun its efforts to inspire social transformation with the projects called Come out and Play and Sustainable volunteerism project.
Mission and Objectives

Organization’s main goal is to create a sustainable social development and transformation by contributing both national and international policies to create a better world especially for the disadvantaged children, youth, women and people with disabilities. For this purpose the association aims to conduct and carry out viable projects, workshops, training programmes and visibility campaigns to stimulate social participation and sustainability. An other objective is to provide community based support activities. With a scientific stand point, individual and group consultancy practices will be provided for those who does not have access to main-stream psychological support and care services. An other objective is to stimulate and increase youth volunteerism for younger population to participate in various social projects and activities

Main Projects / Activities

Come Out and Play (Oyun Sokakta) is the first social awareness project of the organization. The purpose of the project is reanimate the  traditional and forgotten childhood games to bring a breath of fresh air to the urban children who are stuck indoors and overwhelmed with computers, game consoles, smartphones, tablets and other technological tools. It is obvious that the children, especially in the urban areas, are increasingly became less physchially active and so to speak have forgotten what is to be a children. We believe that the children should be running, jumping, climbing trees and spend more time playing outside than they do at home. In this way their cognitive, physical and social development will be way more healthier. From this point of view, the project aims to create social awarness especially for the families, run visibility campaigns via posters, brochures, social media and internet. For the time being the project is at the research phase.  A survey regarding most popular outdoor games is completed and a list of the games posted on our social media channels. The next steps of the project will be; publishing a booklet of most popular traditional outdoor games and  public awareness and visibilty campaigns regarding outdoor childhood games. One of the outputs of the project will be a map shaped Turkey puzzle representing traditional outdoor games of each province respectively. The project’s essence and the puzzle model can be applied to any country as a good example.  The final step of the project is to establish a mobile toy atelier. In this way specific days of the week kids will get together with their parents and under the supervision of artisans, they will desgn and make their own toys out of wood,plastic, metal and other materials. 
An other project that we are currently involved is the Sustainable Volunteerism Project. By means of  The Youth and Volunteerism project that we are going to initiate, young individuals will undertake responsibilities in foundation’s main activities and project management with respect to their qualifications and competencies. They will go trough a set of trainings, orientation programmes and monthly motivation meetings. In this way they will earn the neccessary experience and skills to take part in social projects and events. Eventually they wil form and manage their own social responsibility projects and create a chain of volunteers.
The last but not least, a work group comprised of our social and clinical psychologists, social workers, legal advisor and contact persons from local authorities is formed to work on a social project that involves with meeting the fundemental needs and prevention of the prejudice towards the Syrian refugees whom their number is rapidly increasing in Izmir area. Currently this project is at the inception phase and the first roundtable meeting is completed.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

First of all, our association focuses on social and cultural issues from a community based perspective and as far as we know none of the NGOs and/or organizations in ALF’S Turkey network are embodies proffessionals from field of clinical and social psychology. In this respect we can bring a whole new point of psychological view to the social events and can contribute to the sociological research and analysis of any given sitiuation. As a matter of fact, amongst all the psycology-oriented NGOs, our association is one of a kind that solely focuses on community based sociological issues since other psychology-oriented NGOs only occupied with related seminars, workshops, training and education of their counterparts. Furthermore we believe that we would be a valuable partner when it comes to field applications of psychology for any social project that involves with social change and making a difference. Furthermore among our psychologists, we have disaster response and crisis management specialists who were formerly worked with International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Turkey and are planning to develop social projects that involve with disaster management and disaster prevention practices. Finally, our  founder and psyhcologist Nevin Kucuk is a scholar at TUSEV’s pilanthropy and Sabancı University’s Social Invesment Programme. Needless to say these are the first  two programmes that will train the Turkey’s pioneers in this field and we believe that having one of the 10 individuals in Turkey that is trained in this specific area falls under our umbrella is an asset and we would be more than happy to bring this expertise to the field for a brighter future.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF’s vision of supporting inter-cultral transactions, harmonization of different backgrounds and belief systems and most importantly contribution of intercultural strategy development, influencing decison makers and related institutions in Europe and Mediterranian region, displays significant similarities with our association’s objectives and goals.
Furthermore, given that our association’s programmes are focusing on social dialogue, education and youth, culture and art, peace and collaboration, morality and spirituality as well as cities and immigration; it’s cruical for us to be able to find and collaborate with partners and stakeholders from ALF’s network whether/or follow up  the good examples in various social projects and actions. 
As a side note, our founding member and project officer Doruk Yucel and our Youth and Volunteerism supervisor Atakan Avci has already participated in ALF’s PCM training and Individual Resource Development for NGOs training at TUSEV in September and October 2014 respectively, without being a member of the national network. We would like to benefit more from such opportunities to contribute our capacity building and work more efficiently for social change and transformation in return.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nevin Kucuk
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nevin Kucuk
Contact (2) Full Name
Doruk Yucel
Job Title (2)

Eurozine - Gesellschaft zur Vernetzung von Kulturmedien mbH

National Network

Duerergasse 14-16
1020 Vienna

+43 1 334 29 80
+43 1 334 29 80 20
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Europe's leading cultural magazines at your fingertips Eurozine is a network of European cultural journals, linking up more than 80 partner journals and just as many associated magazines and institutions from nearly all European countries. Eurozine is also a netmagazine which publishes outstanding articles from its partner journals with additional translations into one of the major European languages. The most important articles on European culture and politics By providing a Europe-wide overview of current themes and discussions, Eurozine offers a rich source of information for an international readership and facilitates communication and exchange between the journals themselves. By presenting the best articles from its partners and their countries, as well as original texts on the most pressing issues of our times, Eurozine opens up a new space for transnational debate. Eurozine is a non-profit institution, with an editorial office based in Vienna. The Editorial Board, composed of the editors of four European cultural journals, and the Advisory Board play an important role in guiding and advising the Eurozine editors.
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of Eurozine are:
- to contribute to the creation of a common transnational European public sphere, to inform a European readership of current debates of importance and serve as a source of information for professionals such as authors, journalists, literary critics and publishers, as well as an interested general readership.
- to enhance cross-border dissemination of the best works from the European cultural and literary scene and to promote authors and their work outside their immediate language area.
- to represent and promote the "endangered species" of the cultural journal on a European level and to encourage multilingual, intercultural dialogue and exchange in a transnational environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Publication of around 300 essay-length texts and translations on diverse topics of European relevance in the netmagazine www.eurozine.com and exchange of numerous articles among partner journals; publication of hundreds of tables of contents and other current information on partner journals; dissemination of texts and information
Translation programme
Commissioning and publication of translations into English, German or French of articles from partner journals; exchange of articles via these intermediary translations; accessibility to texts for general audience on www.eurozine.com
Focal Points
Compilation of articles on currently relevant and widely debated topics in www.eurozine.com: in-depth analysis, initiation of debate, information about different perspectives across Europe. "Russia in Global Dialouge", "Ukraine in Global Dialouge" and "Law and Border" are three 2014 newly introduced focal points which will be maintained over the years to come. "Hungary", The EU: broken or just broke?", "The ends of democracy" and "The public sphere in the making" are focal points from previous years that have been kept up to date through the addition of new articles. Topics for the focal points for 2015 and 2016 will reflect the current political, social, cultural and intellectual debate.
Editorial Board meetings
Eurozine Editorial Board (representatives from partner journals: Mika Buljevic, Booksa, HR; Göran Dahlberg, Glänta, SE; Marc-Olivier Padis, Esprit, FR; Elke Rauth, dérive, AT) meets to discuss editorial strategy, topics, authors, Focal Points; plan the annual Network Meeting; select new partner journals; evaluate implementation of work programme
European Meeting of Cultural Journals
At the anual networkmeeting over a hundret editors in chief, intellectuals and authors meet to network, discuss common projects and participate at a conference featuring the main topic of the respective year. The last meeting took place in Conversano from 2 to 6 October 2014 in Conversano, Italy.
The conference etiteled "Law and Border – House Search in Fortress Europe" was hosted by Lettera internationale (IT) and the Fondazione Guiseppe di Vagno. The focal point an the programme can be found at http://www.eurozine.com/comp/focalpoints/lawborder.html
Eurozine Review
Publication of a review of current issues of partner journals in 34 European countries covering 32 language areas; highlighting of topics and authors covered by partner journals; promotion of partner journals, network activities; directly sent to around 20 000 email addresses incl. journalists, multipliers; also published in www.eurozine.com/journals_reviews.html
Eurozine Newsletter
Publication of a monthly newsletter highlighting current projects, publishing foci, articles published; promotion of activities; directly sent to around 20 000 email addresses incl. journalists, multipliers

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Eurozine itself is a Network consisting of 80 journals and associated publications from 34 different countries publishing in 32 different language areas. Therefore we link up cultural journals from all over Europe and we are not nationally organised.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Eurozine contributes a genre of publications devoted to essays and litterary texts on society, culture, politics and democracy to the ALF network. Although we are not a national network, the aims and goals of our two organisations seem to show many paralles so that a membership of Eurozine in the ALF network will me mutually benefical.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paul Stepan
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Paul Stepan