Active for Pernik

National Network

Benkovska 2/5
2300 Pernik

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information
Entered in the register of legal non-profit organisations in volume V-p. 276, vol. 731 newly established association with the following details: NAME: "ASSOCIATION ACTIVE FOR PERNIK", SEAT AND ADDRESS: Pernik Street. "Benkovski" №2 /5. TERM: The Association is established for an indefinite period. ORGANS: General Meeting, Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board governments. BOARD is elected for a term of two (2) years. Powers of the association - out of Article 17 to Article 24 of the Statute. Rules on origination and termination of membership and procedures for settling property relations in termination of membership - referred to by Article 10 to Article 14 of the Statute.Procedures for determining the amount and method of depositing material contributions referred to in Article 16, paragraph 1, item 6 of the Statute. How to distribute the remaining assets after satisfaction of creditors - Article 28, paragraph 4 of the Statute. REPRESENTATION: The Association will be represented by the President - Vihren MATEV Georgiev, PIN 6105043801, town Pernik, "Benkovska" №2 / 5.
Mission and Objectives

To contribute to the implementation of effective FORMS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN SOLVING PROBLEMS OF PRIORITY municipalities and regions, to build their capacity for citizen participation in local government; Make a significant contribution in improving the effectiveness of the implementation of legal provisions and practices in the field of social development, decentralization of local government, access to information, e-municipality, etc .; To protect and servе interests of the citizens on the formation and implementation of local and regional policy; TO PROMOTE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION, CONTROL AND MONITORING of the local authorities; To contribute to the strengthening of the role of both individual citizens and their voluntary associations to protect civil rights and interests; To assist in raising awareness of population on their rights and obligations, and the forms and methods for their protection; Initiate and coordinate the relationships between local authorities authorities and the population; To introduce to local municipalities cooperative initiatives in favor of citizens, assist in creating events:To attract citizens and business representatives participating in initiatives of public interest; To involve citizens in the exercise of civil control. To conduct citizen monitoring of the highest standards of accountability in obtaining and public spending; To be part of peer levels and civil society organizations in the preparation of regional policy; To initiate the contribution of the competent local and state authorities for regulatory changes facing the region; To support and require the establishment of local authorities and public effective practices and mechanisms for anti-corruption, conflict of interest and other similar practices that hinder regional development; Summarize opinions and recommendations of individuals and organizations and to provide the competent authorities with recommendations for changes in improper practices, to contribute to continuous improvement training of human resources in the civil sector; To promote the experience of other foreign and local organizations with similar objectives and activities addressing common challenges.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in a project, called "Summit on Sustainable Development 2020" as a partner organisation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Development of projects that are consistent with the objectives of the association.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join to ALF network in order to be able to add forces together with similar organizations in the achievement of the program objectives of the association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vihren Georgiev Matev
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vihren Matev

Oranim College of Education

National Network

D. N. Tivon
Tivon 3600600

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Oranim College of Education is the largest and leading academic college of education in the North of Israel, catering to thousands of students enrolled in bachelor's and master's degree programs in education, teaching certification courses, and advanced career training. Oranim graduates are in demand in all education related fields – in public and private schools, diverse educational institutions, local and regional governments, national ministries, youth movements, non-profits, the arts, sciences, and industry. Tens of thousands of Oranim graduates are involved in education in Israel. Oranim boasts a broad range of programs and degrees, as well as a diverse student body, with Jewish and Arab students of all ages, ethnicities, religions, and socio-economic backgrounds. Six hundred academic faculty and two hundred administrative faculty are employed by Oranim. Sources of funding include the Israeli Ministry of Education, annual study fees paid by students, funding from various special projects and donations.

Mission and Objectives

Oranim’s mission is to shape Israeli society and to improve the quality of life in Israel by training educators who are leaders in their communities. Oranim offers educators guidance and support through a wide network of connections between communities. Oranim strives to serve as a national and international center of knowledge, inquiry, and discussion, developing innovative educational ideas and methods. Through dialogue and ongoing mutual relationships, Oranim seeks to strengthen the sense of connection between the diverse cultures in Israel, and between Israel and the Jewish world, as well as the world at large. 1. Programs and Training: Developing innovative teaching and learning methods and skills; updating teacher training programs based on synergy between different disciplines; encouraging creativity, curiosity, and independent learning; integrating knowledge, emotions, and values. 2. Faculty: Nourishing a high quality faculty, both professionally and academically, outstanding in its intellectual excellence, critical thinking, and social action; encouraging a research culture; and promoting international relationships and collaborations. 3. Students: Setting high standards and clear criteria for advancing and evaluating students; creating a supportive community and welcoming environment. 4. Advanced Studies: Promoting continuing education for teachers throughout their careers; developing programs for international students in education, Israeli society, and Jewish culture.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Educating and training teachers through the faculties of education and teaching, the faculty of social sciences and humanities, the faculty of science and the faculty of graduate studies (including M.Ed. in Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, M.Ed. in Educational Counseling, M.Ed. in Language Teaching (English, Arabic and Hebrew as additional languages), M.Ed. in Youth at Risk, M.Ed. in Science Education, M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and Master Teach. 2. Oranim’s Unit for Continuing and Professional Studies for educators in the field seeking professional-career advancement or a career change. 3. International School aims to forge international collaborations and academic programs and exchanges. Through dialogue and ongoing mutual relationships with institutions and individuals abroad, Oranim seeks not only to strengthen the sense of connection between the diverse cultures in Israel, but also to enhance the links between Israel and the rest of the world. As part of this vision, Oranim's newly established international school has initiated programs for students from abroad, as well as exchanges of students and faculty in the field of education. 4. Department for Jewish Peoplehood (as part of the International School) collaborates with educators, schools, families, and communities within Israel and around the world as they seek new ways to build Jewish engagement and create meaningful Israel experiences. The staff develops initiatives to deepen Jewish identity, promote connections with Israel and Israelis, and network globally in the Jewish world. 5. Shaveh Center for Equity and Inclusion in Education is committed to advancing strategies for equity in education and to promote diversity and equal rights as guiding principles for every educator, whether working in the classroom, the school, the community, or educational policy (see attached document). 6. Hamidrasha – Educational Center for the Renewal of Jewish Life in Israel –develops pedagogical approaches and activities that facilitate the transmission of Jewish culture in a way that inspires and informs Israeli Jew’s in their quest for meaning, dialogue and voluntarism. It was established to help secular Israelis address issues of personal and collective Jewish identity and to create a more pluralistic cultural and spiritual landscape in Israel. 7. Shdemot Department for Community Building – The Department designs and runs programs to build social capital and promote social cohesion through community networks across Israel, in all sectors of Israeli society. The staff specializes in onsite community development work, educating, consulting, and working with Jewish and Arab citizen groups, schools, and educators, local governments and non-profits. 8. Michael Program trains young Ethiopian-Israelis enrolled at Oranim College to be  educational leaders. The students are mainstreamed into academic and campus life. They receive supplemental academic support, tutoring and guidance. They also plan and hold activities and events that help educate Oranim students and the campus about Ethiopian culture and heritage. 9. Program for Honor Students is for selected motivated students who have high grades and potential, and see themselves as future leaders in education. As a group, they receive additional training, special classes and leadership activities, are given tuition stipends and complete their degree in three years instead of four. 10. ‘Putting the North in the Center’ is a program run by the Shdemot Department for Community Building and supervises Oranim students to work in small teams and mentor Youth at Risk in area schools once a week. Each team takes on a class of 15 teenagers, creating a school within a school environment and motivating youths to be serious about themselves and their studies. 11. Three Art Galleries (Oranim Gallery of Israeli Art, The New Media Gallery and the Gallery for Museum Education) are operated by the Oranim Art Institute and are open to the general public. Respected artists from Israel and abroad are invited to run art workshops with students and faculty. 12. The Botanical Garden has 10 acres of land with 900 different types of plants, non-cultivated and indigenous ones – including the seven species mentioned in the Bible, and an arboretum.  Located at the crossroads of the Jezreel and Zevulun Valleys, the garden is a major stop-off point for birds. A Bird Center tracks their migration. 13. The School for Gifted Children and Honor Students is attended once a week by 350 gifted children (ranked in the top 1.5% of their age group). A parallel program with Honor students in 4th – 11th grades has 300 children who rank in the next 3.5%. The School allows talented children an opportunity to be intellectually stimulated, network and develop socially with their peers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are keen to use academic and outreach knowledge, skills and experience developed at Oranim to contribute to the various projects being initiated in Israel.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Oranim Academic College of Education identifies strongly with the mission, values and goals of the Anna Lindh Foundation. As a result of our experience in formal and informal education where we have innovated and implemented new models and initiatives that build global connections between institutions and communities taking a non-judgmental, pluralistic and respectful approach, we believe that we can contribute to and benefit from the various ALF projects both locally and globally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Director of Oranim International
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Silvana Nahmad
Job Title (2)
Administrative Coordinator

Europlatform Fundation

National Network

Bartków 68
26-050 Zagnańsk

666 640 680
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Europlatform Foundation is the organization founded on 15th February 2012. It brings together young people who believe that it is worth working for the sake of public good. 13 people are involved in the work of the Foundation, 5 of them are employed. Budgetary resources available in a year: about 100 000 PLN per year Main sources of funding:  - The European Social Fund - Swiss contribution - Polish Government Grants Modalities of action: - trainings - EU Projects - consulting        Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: - Federation of Education „Knowledge Forum” - Chamber Of Commerce „Grono Targowe Kielce” - Association Education by the Internet - Central Europe Local Foundation - Academic Enterpreneurship Incubators Foundation - Foundation of Enterpreneurship Development „Your SturtUp” - Commune Office of Zagnańsk - Foundation „Regionalis” - The Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce - Student Scientific Circle „Koncept” - Legal Office Design „Lex Superior” - Kielce Trade Fairs S. A. - Advertising Agency „Zone Web” - Accountancy „Victaurus” - Foundation „PEStka”
Mission and Objectives

The Europomost Foundation objectives include:
- Promotion of  entrepreneurship idea,
- Support of innovativeness  and social economy entities,
- Promotion of young people’s employment and vocational activation, work for the benefit of the unemployed and those threatened with dismissal,
- Dissemination of science, education and proper upbringing,
- Promotion and protection of freedom, human rights and civil liberties, including activities
to support development of democracy,
- Support of employment market entrants’ development.

Main Projects / Activities

1.  Trainings of:
-  enterprise
-  establishment non-government organizations
-  effective negotiations
-  creating a business plan
-  interpersonal communication
2. Our projects:
        - Transfer of good practices – from Bałtów to Zagnańsk
        - Business for you
        - Support for the development of NGOs
        - Civic development forum activities
        - Academy of young leaders of Radom
        - The development of competence a window to the world
3.  We also organize catering and distributing posters. All earnings we are allocating for statutory purpose.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1. We are cooperate with other organization in Poland, Ukraine and Tajikistan so we’ve got experience of international contacts.
2. Members of our organization are extensive knowledge of: enterprises, entrepreneurship incubators, consulting, social economy, EU funds, business and other.
3. We have many ideas for the development our country.
4. We want to promote intercultural dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Netwok because:
1. We want to know the customs of mediterranean regions.
2. We are new organization with young people, who wants to have establish contact with other experienced organizations.
3. We want to develop on the international arena.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina Gębska
Job Title
Specialist for projects
Head of the organisation
Szczepan Bogucki

Haapsalu Town Government

National Network

Posti 34
90504 Haapsalu

372 4725300
Telephone (other)
372 4725301
372 4725310
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

Haapsalu is a seaside city in Estonia and it has been established in 1279. The town goverment directs the town. In the town goverment work 35 employees. The Haapsalu Town Goverment has 19 subordinate establishment (educational institutions, cultural institutions and others).Budgetary resources available in a year is ca 10 000 000 EUR. The most sources of funding personal income tax. Number of inhabitants is 10811. Haapsalu carries a lot of joint projects. Partners are cultural, social, environment and other organizations.

Mission and Objectives

Mission of the town government is the development and the well-being the town of Haapsalu. All activities are related to the development and well-being.

Main Projects / Activities

Environmnet, education, culture, health, social, cooperation between nations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Haapsalu has nine twin town, which has been active international communication and cooperation. One twin town is Bethlehem in Palestinian, since 2010. Haapsalu ja Bethlehem communicate and wish to cooperate and develop cultural and other social reationships. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wants to get contacts and new possibilities to develop relations with Bethelem.

Contact (1) Full Name
Urmas Sukles
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Ülla Paras
Job Title (2)
development specialist

MOoNA - A Space for Change

National Network

Shorashim 2016400

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
MOoNA is one of the most innovative Jewish-Arab organizations in Israel. it aims to promote technological growth and social cohesion in Israel's northern periphery.  For these purposes MOoNA has 5 employees. MOONA's major partners include: Partnership 2Gether Pittsburg 60,000 USD; Israeli government-$60,000; U.S. Foundations –$65,000; Israeli corporate sponsors-$50,000; Israeli foundations-$26,000.  MOONA's major programmatic areas are:   1.Robotics First – A course preparing and mentoring Jewish and Arab high school students for their participation in the "First Israel" Robotics international contest, as the first joint Jewish-Arab regional team; 2.Shpitzim – A course about space for dozens of Arab and Jewish middle school students acquiring advanced technological knowledge, awarded the equivalent of a matriculation exam in science; 3.Maker Space – Engages, equips and enables young and talented students (50% Arab, 50% Jewish) to develop their ideas into ventures; 4.Kehila Forward – A community outreach program that invites  young adults, to create prototypes that will benefit the community.
Mission and Objectives

MOoNA serves as a physical and virtual space for the promotion of technological growth and social cohesion in Israel's northern periphery. Addressing a void in two major obstacles to growth in the Galilee – lack of technological education and a thriving Hi Tech industry, MOoNA considers the strengthening of education, entrepreneurship and innovation in space, science and technology as the most sustainable way to seed regional development among the region's Jewish and Arab residents. In order to achieve these goals, the MOoNA Science and Technology Lab is launched this November 2014 in the Arab village of Maj'd Al-Krum. It will offer various tech-oriented trainings, workshops and courses with the aim of developing the local residents' future skills, supporting entrepreneurship opportunities and creating new jobs and educational opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

Through its joint activities MOoNA supports the development of shared citizenship that is promoted vastly in multi-sector ventures that engage the private sector/Hi-tech industry,  local municipalities in the Galilee, civil society organizations and academia in Israel. These activities take place in MOoNA 's lab. MOoNA Lab was set up in 2014 in the Arab town of Majd Al-Krum. The lab serves as a “home” for regional technological, scientific and space-related programs, studies and innovative ventures. It also serves as a focal point for cross-sector collaborations between the Jewish and Arab communities of the Galilee.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MOoNA can contribute to the network in Israel by  enhancing ethnic and cultural understanding, ameliorating social tensions through Israeli-Arab cooperation. In the course of the recent war between Israel and Hamas, tensions among Arab youth and Israeli police forces in Northern Arab Cities, Jerusalem and the West Bank as well as violent attacks of right wing Israeli youth towards Arab citizens have shown that there is a rising propensity for violence in Israeli and Palestinian society. After a terrorist rammed his car into a light rail train station end of October in Jerusalem and following restrictive measurements by the Israeli security forces, clashes erupted once again between Palestinians and the Israeli police. Following a week-end of heightened turmoil Palestinian President Abbas urged the US for intervention before the violence spirals out of control (Haaretz, 27th October 2014). Both the Israeli and Palestinian public have lost hope for real prospects of peace. As Arab and Jewish youth have very little occasions to get to know each other, it is of vital importance to facilitate shared spaces where they can meet, get acquainted with each other, work on joint projects and overcome social divide.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

MOoNA is interested in being a part of a group of organizations that will act together for conflict resolution between different communities in Israel, and promote democratic values through Actual work on the ground. We hope to include more organizations in our programs. This will help us in providing concrete contribution to conflict transformation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Asaf Brimer
Head of the organisation
Mr. Asaf Brimer

Barish-2004 Community Center

National Network

ul.23-ti Septemvri, No1
9120 Dolni Chiflik

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Education for minorities

Main Projects / Activities

Folklore dances, English language education

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibram Ahmed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ibram Ahmed

Association le DEVOIR Jeunesse

National Network

Rue Boualegue bachir commune de MERAHANA
Rue Boualegue bachir Commune de MERAHANA
41004 Souk-Ahras

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
a travers de cette association qui s'occupe de la jeunesse * nous essayons tjrs de savoir faire et former des jeunes effiaces et actifs pour le présent et l'avenir. * etre les bons positifs  partenaires avec et pour  les domaines qui nous concernes la jeunesse . *proposer des nouveaux rentables projet  et des idiologies . * faire de pression positive aux divers services et des autorités pour enttendre la voix de la jeunesse dans tous les domaines .(partenariat a la decision politique ) * participer au developpement locale et national et international au nom de la jeunesse. *savoir former  les jeunes cadres pour  leurs  postes de travail  qu'il faut . *savoir dire oui et encourager un vrai responsable et Non pour un faux responsable  *participer a la protection de notre pays *participer et programmer  des échanges,des rencontres, des colloques ,des coordinations avec l'expérience des ONG étrangeres .
Mission and Objectives

nous avons la chances de participer au :
* formation sur l'approche participative .
*  formation montage d'un projet associatif .
 * formation l'outil informatique.
* formation sur la communicationavec la jeunesse en état de chaumage .
*participation au forum international social economique 2013 en tunis.
*participation au forum afro-arabe dilogue de la jeunesse le 10/11/12 novemebre 2014.
*participation au colloque de l'office nationale de lutte contre la drogue et la toxicomanie Alger 

Main Projects / Activities

nous avons réaliser quelques projets et plusieurs activités :
* organisation de 1er rencontre régioanle de la jeunesse Algérienne.
* organisastion des porte ouvertes sur la jeunesse et la nouvelles strategies d'emplois 
*oraganisation d'une journée d'information sur l'accompagnemant des jeunes qui visent d'avoir des micros etreprises a travers les micros crédit de l'état.
* organisation des journées de sensibilisation des devoirs et droits d'un jeune efficace Algérien .
*caravane de sensibilisation lutte contre la drogue et la toxicomanie .
*sortie pour les regiones ruralles a fin de faire informer et  encourager et activer les jeunes  et sur tout les filles de ces regions 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1- pour apprendre de votre experience dans le domaine de la société civile .
2- pour avoir l'occasion de contact et de la coordinnation avec les autres associations étrangeres 
3- pour savoir comment etre un vrai citoyen qui sache son vrai role dans la société .
4-pour informer et former une génération efficace sache bien leur devoirs et leurs droits .
5-pour etre une représentation de mouvement associatif dans les normes internationales .
6- pour profiter aussi de votre encouragement et soutiens pour les association de reseau Algérien.
7-pour avoir les qualités d'une  association qui reclames les droits de la jeunesse Algérienne.

Contact (1) Full Name
medouri abdelwahad
Job Title
ingénieur d'état
Head of the organisation
MEDOURI Abdelwahad

Cyprus Family Planning Association

National Network

27 Ezekia Papaioannou Street

00357 22751093
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Cyprus Family Planning Association (CFPA) was founded in 1971 and is the leading non profit, non governmental, voluntary organization on sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in Cyprus, envisioning a world where sexuality is expressed and enjoyed in freedom, equality, respect and love. CFPA is an accredited member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). The Association provides educational, informational, and counseling services in the sphere of SRHR and has a long experience and expertise in the provision of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) through non formal education and in advocacy work on SRHR. The Association’s staff (2 members) is experienced in design, implementation, evaluation and project management of numerous projects funded by the European Commission and other donors which are developed and implemented in cooperation with the CFPA’s expert volunteers and partners mainly human rights organizations and networks at national and international level.
Mission and Objectives

To promote a society in which everyone can enjoy the basic human right to choose freely, based on accurate information, on issues relating to their sexual, emotional and reproductive lives, and advocates towards the creating space for exercising this right. Assistance services and information provided by the Association are done so on the basis of the facilitating the aforementioned human right.
To protect, defend and promote every person’s sexual and reproductive rights.
To provide training and counselling services in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights, which are accessible to all, and in particular to the more vulnerable groups in society.
To take the leading role in the area of sexual and reproductive health via dedicated, skilled and qualified volunteers and staff.
To promote sexual and reproductive health rights and human rights on an international level giving emphasis to mobilizing resources for this in developing countries.

Main Projects / Activities

As previously mentioned the Association provides educational, informational, and counseling services in the sphere of SRHR and has a long experience and expertise in the provision of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) through non formal education and in advocacy work on SRHR. The Association implements and evaluates information and educational programs for youth by youth and specialists, educates parents, teachers and other professionals and publishes authoritative information and educational materials on issues of sexuality. The free helpline 1455, staffed by trained volunteers, offers information on sexuality. Finally it carries out research programs and documents needs in Cyprus and conduct programs to promote and defend Sexual Reproductive Rights. At this time period the CFPA runs also the following projects: 1) “KEEP ME SAFE”: Empowering Young People with Learning Disabilities (YPWLD) to protect themselves against sexual abuse and violence across Europe” funded by the European Commission Directorate General Justice. Programme “Daphne III: To prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk” 2) “I’M SET” – Implementing Mandatory Sexuality Education for Teens in Cyprus. This project is an 18-month bilateral cooperation between Cyprus and Norway which also involves an outstanding collaboration between civil society organizations and educational authorities in Cyprus. A project with the aim to promote the sexual rights of teens through the implementation of mandatory human rights based Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in middle schools in Cyprus. The project has been developed and is coordinated by the Cyprus Family Planning Association (CFPA), with the active participation of the Commissioner for Children's Rights, the Pedagogical Institute - Ministry of Education and Culture, the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies in Cyprus and Sex og Politikk - Association for Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights in Norway, as partners of the project. This project is funded by from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants and the Republic of Cyprus. 3) i-vee - the development of an interactive mobile application with the aim to explore the values of volunteerism using the game mechanics. This project is implemented in cooperation with the Egypt Foundation for Youth and Development (EFYD) and funded by United Nations Development Fund (UNDP)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The experience and expertise of the Association in the field of SRHR can contribute and support the main scope of ALF which is overcoming the misunderstandings and stereotypes which affect relations between and within societies of the region.  Sexuality is a natural and precious aspect of life essential and fundamental part of our humanity which very often can lead to discrimination, stigma, fear and violence; threats that are obstacles between people’s relations and at the same time creating problems also within societies.
Volunteers have been one of the main strengths of the Association. Their active involvement in the Association whether this is in the governance of CFPA or the programs and activities of the Association is mutually beneficial not only for the organization and the volunteers but also for the society as active citizens.  The Association has volunteers and especially young people who participate and are involved in decision-making. As a result, CFPA is well informed and up-to-date related to the current and changing needs of young people, therefore is able to effectively design, implement and evaluate programs and services targeted to young people but It also provides opportunities, skills and knowledge for shaping a team of future leaders and decision-makers. Many members of the Board of Directors of CFPA have been members of the ‘Youth for Youth’ group and continue to be very passionate,  active and loyal to the Association’s vision and mission and provide their support by being actively involved in the organization’s programs and activities some of them for many years. Some of them are active members in European Youth Networks such as YSAFE Network. The very active young volunteers have the skills and experience to contribute to the development of an Intercultural Strategy for the Euro-Mediterranean Region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would just love to belong to a network where its aim is to bring people together from across the Mediterranean to improve mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society working for a common future for the region. It feels like a safe environment for an NGO where can be given the opportunity to be empowered and flourish in the civil society world by sharing expertise, experiences, inspirational ideas and projects, best practices, building up relationships among people, countries, regions and together can bridge cultural differences and perceptions and can actually lead to a better understanding of humanity.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Epaminonda
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Maria Epaminonda

forum Founoun pour la création et la culture

National Network

Faculté des lettres et des Sciences humaines Agadir
39, Residence islane, appt 2 . 06 hay Mohammady
80000 Agadir

06 61061047 00
Telephone (other)
05 28 84 50 74
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure: Association Forum Founoun formé de1) Errhouni Leila 2) Elachmit Jamal 3) Hannan Bennoudi 4) Abdelfettah Nacer Idrissi 5) Lamyae Benjelloun 6) Amsidder Abderrahmane 7) Charef Mohamed budget: 400 000 à 500 000 DH sources :1) faculté des lettres et des Sciences humaines Agadir, 2) Université ibn Zohr Agadir, 3) Délégation de la culture Agadir, 4) Association Souss Massa Draa Agadir 5) Universiapolis Agadir, 6 la société Sofradis , 7) CNDH, 8) CRDH Agadir  modalités d'action :  festivals, séminaires , des journées d'études, des rencontres pétiques partenaires: Faculté des Lettres Agadir, Universités Ibn Zohr Agadir, Association Souss assa Draa
Mission and Objectives

la mission du Forum Founoun pour la création et la culture est de promouvoir et valoriser les poésies marocaines dans toutes les expression liguistiques utilisées au Maroc et dans leurs diversité stylistique, culturelles et cultuelle .  Réconcilier le public national et international avec ce riche patrimoine dans son mouvement et son évolution
favoriser les rencontres entre un public et la poésie chantée dans sa diversite multiple, : linguistique ( Arabe, Darija, Hassani, Amazigh Français , Espagnol) artistique ( le malhoun, L'Andaloussi, Le Madih, Le Soufi, Ahwach, Le Gharnati, Le Gnaw.) cultuelle ( poésie et chanson judéo-marocaine)
Défolkloriser le patrimoine poétique et artistique
promouvoir les jeunes talents dans la diversité linguistique
Faciliter les rencontres entre les poètes de différentes expressions

Main Projects / Activities

2006  Rencontres poétiques
2007 Festival Founoun des poésies Marocaines
2008 Printemps Founoun des poésies marocaines
2009 festival Founoun des Poésies Marocaines
2010 rencotres poétiques
2010 Printemps founoun
2011 Festival Founoun des poésies Marocaines
2012 journées de l'étudiant
2012  prntemps founoun agadir et printemps founoun Taroudant
2013 Festival founoun des poésies Marocaines
2014 printemps founoun, soécial Ahwach

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

nous pouvons contribuer par la promotion de la tolérance et l'ouverture des uns sur les autres, l'acceptation de la différence, se battre contre les préjugés, accepter l'autre dans sa différence linguistique culturelle et cultuelle, et ce par le biais de la poésie et l'art qui sont l'élévation et la transcendance de l Homme

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

nous voulons adhérer à ALF, parceque nous pensons partager les même valeurs qui sont des valeurs qui pronnent la paix, qui farorisent la cohabitation entre les peuples , les langues et les cultures et qui se battent contre la haine que la différence et les préjugés peuvent engendrer.

Contact (1) Full Name
Errhouni Leila
Job Title
Professeur Universitaire
Head of the organisation
Errhouni Leila
Contact (2) Full Name
Elachmit Jamal
Job Title (2)
Professeur universitaire

Institute for Contemporary History / University of Innsbruck

National Network

Innrain 52
6020 Innsbruck

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The institute was established in 1984 to introduce "contemporary history" (Zeitgeschichte) as an independent area in teaching and research at the University of Innsbruck. Currently the institute consists of five full-time faculty members and about a dozen project assistants. Its basic funding comes from the University of Innsbruck. Research activities, publications and public events are also supported by regional, national, and international institutions and foundations. The institute regularly co-operates with different regional, national, and international partners (academic institutions, public institutions, NGO's etc.).    
Mission and Objectives

In research and teaching the institute focusses on the history of the 20th and the beginning 21st century in the region (Tyrol, Vorarlberg, South Tyrol), Austria, and Europe as well as the Mediterranean and the Americas - in a global perspective and with their transnational connections.
Main areas of interest are: international (diplomatic) history, cultural history, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Jewish Studies, migration, intellectual history, Digital Humanities, cultures of memory/politics of history.

Main Projects / Activities

current research focus on the history of migration and social change in postwar Austria (including public events, conferences, exhibitions etc.)
working group "Archive of Migration"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

academic expertise in the different areas that the institute focusses on
create an awareness for the plurality / diversity of our current societies through our research and activities
plan and host events such as symposia, seminars, exhibitions etc.
partner in research projects 
extend the ALF network to Western Austria
bring the institute's own network of other institutions and individuals to ALF

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Innsbruck shares with the ALF the interest in an intercultural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Dirk Rupnow
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Dirk Rupnow