Association des Femmes Educatrices de Nouakchott

National Network

Nouakchott/Dar Naim secteur22

00222 22 38 20 73
Telephone (other)
00222 43 33 03 64
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
L'Association des Femmes Educatrices de Nouakchott / Mauritanie association Est à mais non lucratif et Milite verser la promotion du droit de l'homme D'une maniere générale et droit de la femme et de l'enfant D'une maniere particuliere. this association Entre Autre à plusieur volet Dont l'éducation des enfants en situation de difficile, le volet santé et la nutrition mal. - Elle non un centre d'encadrement des enfant sans abris et les enfant de la rues - La formation des Femmes leaderchip - La promotion de la jeunesse Dans la vie actif - L'Association du personnel de disposer de D'compétents des Nations Unies Qui Sont Les Fondateurs - S'auto-finance par les jambes, Dons et subventions
Mission and Objectives

la mission des Femmes Educatrices:
- La promotion du droit de la femme et de l'enfant
- La vulgarisation des textes nationale
- La formation des dirigeants
- Le plaidoyer 

Main Projects / Activities

- Construction d'ONU centre d'encadrement des enfants en situation difficile
- La campagne de sensibilisation sur les mutilations genitales feminines Les

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre contrubution sérums au programme relatif du reseau locale par:
- Consolidrer la societe civile
- Le Réseau ancien
- Maintenir Réseautage ONU fort et dynamique
- Faire des plaidoyer

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

il me est tres interessant Dans le cadre ous il s'interésse à la SOCIETE CIVILE, au projet de developpement à l 'information et de dialogue redingote

Contact (1) Full Name
siniya Mohamed saleck
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Siniya Mohamed saleck yarahallah
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed salem ould Bakar
Job Title (2)
charger de communication

académie sportive et éducative des sourds de Tunis

National Network

08 Rue d'Espagne, 1ère étage Tunis 1000 1000 Tunisie
2010 manouba

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information

acadeie sportive  et educative  est une association non govermentale  qui vise  a  promovoir la culture des sourds    et  favoriser   leur  inclusion  dans la société  dans tous les domaines 

Mission and Objectives

1- Présenter et développer la culture des sourds au public des entendants. 2- Améliorer le système d'enseignement et de l'éducation des sourds. 3- Favoriser l'insertion sociale et professionnelle des personnes sourdes et malentendantes.

Main Projects / Activities

1 training  deaf for political participation raising awarenss of deaf rights   in poltiical parties

Contact (1) Full Name
mona belhouane
Job Title
freelance translator
Head of the organisation
fedi bahri

MasterPeace Morocco

National Network

Local of Association, Douar Laaskar
40000 Marrakech

+212 611 613 972
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
MasterPeace  is an innovative, bottom-up global peace movement, as a result of East-West cooperation, supported by NGOs, companies, cities, artists, media and social entrepreneurs from all over the world. We are an open and inviting movement in which everyone is encouraged to use his or her talents and energy for peace building, either by starting your own initiative, supporting other`s initiatives or taking part in one or more of MasterPeace initiatives. MasterPeace develops several attractive global peace-building initiatives such as ‘MasterPeace Clubs’, ‘MasterPeace Alchemist alive’, ‘MasterPeace in Concert’ and many other local initiatives using innovative campaigning, this platform, social media, local and global events and especially art and music to promote dialogue, development and disarmament as an engaging sustainable way to prevent armed conflict. MasterPeace Morocco is founded in many cities in Morocco : Marrakech/ Ouarzazate/ Essaouira and soon we will found it in the other cities
Mission and Objectives

Our vision, mission and guidelines for all our activities are reflected in what we call our Passion Statement: “We are dedicated to put, Music above fighting, Dialogue above judgment, Bread above bombs and Creation above Destruction. That’s MasterPeace".
The objectives of Masterpeace Morocco club:
• Preparing a generation who believes in "peace"
• Sensitive people about the importance of peace.
• Enhancing the relationship between countries and working together in projects.
• Supporting the young leaders to improve their talents.
• Making impact in our society

Main Projects / Activities

MasterPeace Morocco, Is an international, non-governmental, non profit-making, non-political, non-sectarian youth association, , which is targeted to develop youth, to promote peace, tolerance and solidarity ,through helping young people to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies .
We organized many trainings about Communication, Conflicts resolution, Leadership and Entrepreneruship to promote peace;
MasterPeace Morocco e-learning platfome, its an inovative project that MasterPeace Morocco is working on that aims to create and online platforme to learn, Teach and explore, you can find more details about this project here
You can find more about MasterPeace Morocco through the Website or Facebook

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network, to share our activities, and launch more projects in partnership with members of ALF Network

Contact (1) Full Name
ELMehdi ELBadaoui
Job Title
Founder and president
Head of the organisation
EL Mehdi ELBadaoui

Tautinis aviacijos sporto žaidynių komitetas

National Network

Motorų g. 8
02190 Vilnius

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
"Tautinis aviacijos sporto žaidynių komitetas" (TASZK) - is nonpolitical, non-profit organisation established 2003. Structure of organisation is developed in the way that it could assure democratic principles, processes and social responsibility of each member of organisation. Board assures coordination and workflow through the year, members - openness, visibility and topicality of organisation. Organisation unites more than 60 members of different age, gender and religions. In order to assure topicality of TASZK, every year board organises open consultations with the members which later creates core for out next year activities, plans, projects and partnerships. Activities of TASZK are mainly supported by local authorities, local and international foundations, contributions from members. Annual budget of organisation is around 20-30 thousand euro To promote our aims TASZK cooperates with various partners such as different civil society organisations, sport institutions and organisations, local authorities. In international level TASZK seeks partnership with organisations who are interested in developing aviation sport programs with/for youth.
Mission and Objectives

Main aim of TASZK is by the help of aviation sport activities to promote active citizenship for children and youth. Seeking our aims TASZK promotes innovative methods for involving creative youth into researching, developing and prototyping modern aviation constructions and constructing modern aviation enginery; by cooperating with other civil society organisations TASZK develops common youth programs designed for children and youth empowerment; by cooperating with educational institutions, develops intersectional programs which could help to overcome problem of youth unemployment and or inactive youth. 
We believe that in order to reach creative and active society, we have to start from the most active groups of our society - children and youth. We see aviation crafting and aviation sports as a perfect method which empowers young people with knowledge of new technologies, provides with benefits of outdoor activities and recreation, and forms skills of planning, responsibility and self-confidence.

Main Projects / Activities

TASZK organised more than 30 different national/international level activities, projects and actions. Projects we are most proud of are “Annual summer schools for young aviators “Wings of Lithuania”, long term project - recreated and active "Air Scouts" movement established in1939 in cooperation with "Lithuanian Scouting" and other short term youth education programs which are organised through the scouting method.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are open for different cooperation and believe that question of our contribution will be answered by the needs of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of the main motivations for us to join the ALF network is to find local and international partners from both shores of the Mediterranean who would like to cooperate in order to promote youth interest in aviation sports activities, combined with advantages of scouting outdoor life and to infuse youth creativity into construction of aviation enginery.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vytautas Kašėta
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vytautas Kašėta

Department of Culture and Leisure of the Municipality of Simrishamn

National Network

Simrishamns kommun
272 80 Simrishamn

+46 414 819301
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Department of Culture and Leisure of the Municipality of Simrishamn has approximately 30 employees working to promote and organize cultural and leisure activities, run the public library, youth center and local museums. We work together with many local, regional and national associations and have a yearly budget of approximately 3,500,000 EURO which is part of the municipality´s budget. We and the associations we cooperate with have many projects and exchanges which involve art, music, youth and cultural heritage. We have also created an internationally acclaimed card game, More Than One Story, which is designed to build bridges between people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to create and support a wide variety of cultural and leisure activities and to promote life-long learning and  intercultural understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

Our More Than One Story project, promoting the card game More Than One Story, is an international cooperation with non-profit organizations and municipalities around the world, working to build bridges between people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures. We train youth as ambassadors for More Than One Story so they can travel to partner organizations and conferences to present the game.
Our staff  is continuously working with various projects within the area of art, literature, culture, leisure and cultural heritage which are open to international cooperation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our experiences of using and spreading the More Than One Story card game. We can describe how other organizations can use this tool for integration and inclusion during activities and events. Our staff and youth can also participate in events where the card game can be a useful tool for participants. We can also organize events focused on intercultural understanding.
We can offer knowledge and experiences focused upon the history and heritage of our region of Sweden.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to receive information about the various activities within the network and connect with various partners around intercultural activities. We would like to cooperate with organizations in the network to spread the use of the More Than One Card game and participate in youth exchanges focused on intercultural dialogue.We would like to learn about possiblities for our artists, musicians, librarians and museum staff to become involved in international exchanges and projects within the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Seth Selleck
Job Title
Youth Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Diana Olsson

Cultures Nomades Production

National Network

60, rue de Chartrouse
13200 ARLES

0033 4 90 49 89 10
Mobile Phone
0033 6 63 48 60 74
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Abdellah Oustad est né à Casablanca au Maroc. Après avoir obtenu un DEUG en littérature française et une Maîtrise en Communication et Management culturel à l’Université de Casablanca, il se consacre à des projets culturels à la croisée de la création artistique et d’actions de coopération entre la France et le Maroc. Au Maroc il participe activement au Festival international de Théâtre Universitaire (FITUC) en collaboration avec une équipe d’étudiants, dirigés par Béatrice Bertrand, puis s’occupe du développement des publics pour le festival d’Art Vidéo de Casablanca. Il travaille également comme chargé de la programmation à l’Institut Français de Tétouan, puis prend le poste d’Administrateur de production pour le Festival Rencontres Musicales de Casablanca (2000 / 2002). En France, il est chargé de la diffusion d’une création théâtrale pour la compagnie AFFRAD, puis il collabore avec la Fondation Royaumont comme chargé de production dans le cadre du temps du Maroc (1999). Il rejoint la compagnie Arcadin, pour le développement de ses activités, orientées dans des actions d’insertion par le biais du théâtre. Il rencontre Henri Agnel avec lequel il travaille pour la création du Centre des Pratiques Musicales à Arles, avant de monter sa propre structure « Cultures Nomades Production », pour continuer à initier des projets dynamiques, mêlant musiques, danses et des actions visant à favoriser les rencontres entre les publics et les pratiques artistiques. Fort d’une expérience de terrain Abdellah Oustad met au service de ses projets des compétences multiples de gestion, de communication, et sa pratique personnelle de photographe et de vidéaste.
Mission and Objectives

Le concept « In Situ » Il a été créé par l’association Cultures Nomades Production en 2006. Il constitue un véritable laboratoire dédié à la création plastique contemporaine, centré sur la recherche artistique expérimentale. Cette structure flexible, nomade, largement tourné vers la jeune création, se veut un repère attractif, face à un univers en constante évolution. Mêlant Land Art et Street art, « In Situ » présente la particularité de créer des passerelles entre environnement naturel et espace urbain. Chaque année, 6 à 10 artistes français, européens et du reste du monde, sont accueillis en résidence pour élargir leur expérience et enrichir leur pratique au contact du territoire camarguais et de ses populations.

Main Projects / Activities

Suite à un appel à projets, six à dix artistes sont sélectionnés et invités à créer une œuvre en résidence. Ces œuvres sont ensuite exposées de juin à septembre en Camargue et dans l’espace urbain d’Arles.
Un thème est proposé chaque année : ainsi pour 2010 : la lumière ; 2011 : Œuvre mobile et bioénergie ; 2012 : le son ; 2013 : les quatre éléments et 2014 : le sacré.
Autour des pratiques contemporaines de la création « In Situ », l’association met en place les conditions d’émergence favorables à des œuvres portant un regard singulier et sensible sur le lieu investi. Elle offre de cette manière une relecture du paysage camarguais aux habitants et aux visiteurs de la vaste commune d’Arles.
A partir d’interventions éphémères dans l'espace public, «In Situ» met en scène des expériences artistiques surprenantes, tour à tour invisibles, monumentales, participatives ou secrètes. La confrontation des créations de ces artistes venant de tous horizons (art urbain, danse, architecture, théâtre, poésie...) à la parole des habitants, permet de révéler une constructive interaction. Cette rencontre, témoin de nos expériences et de notre environnement, dessine de nouvelles pratiques pour un mieux vivre ensemble.
Ces propositions plastiques sont accompagnées d’événements divers :
• Performances d’artistes,
• Projections/débats en relation avec la thématique,
• Ateliers artistiques,
• Soirées musicales,
• Domino Vocal : déambulation en ville de chorales de musique classique.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdellah OUSTAD
Job Title
Directeur Artistique
Head of the organisation
IN SITU , RENCONTRE International de Création In Situ

Economic Empowerment for Women

National Network

102 Ha'atzmaut St.
Haifa 31091

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
General Information
Economic Empowerment for Women (EEW) is a non-profit organization located Haifa that run business training and support programs thoughout the country. The organization employes seven staff members and approxomately thirty freelance proffesional facilitators. Our Budget is provided mostly by foundations and federation based in the US and Europe, Israeli based businesses, and some private donors, particpants fees and governemnt agencies support. All of our programs are run in cooperation with local municipalities and community centers.
Mission and Objectives

Economic Empowerment for Women (EEW) is a non-profit organization in Israel dedicated to improving women’s lives through economic empowerment. Its mission is to supply low income women in Israel with the knowledge and tools to create and grow their own small businesses as a means for gaining self-sufficiency and alleviating the cycle of poverty in which they live.EEW's programs are all based on a feminist approach and include processes of personal empowerment fitted to suit our diverse population of women, and result in emotional welfare enabling economic growth. All of EEW programs are run in collaboration with government institutions, local authorities and social organizations throughout the country. Since its establishment, EEW has served over 4,000 women from underprivileged populations in Israel, most from the geographic and social periphery, including ultraorthodox, Arabs, new immigrants, single parents, over 45 and victims of violence. Activities have taken place in over 80 locations, and EEW has played an active role in the establishment and growth of over 1,700 small businesses in a variety of fields

Main Projects / Activities

EEW's comprehensive program addresses the different stages of businesses' growth. 1. Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Training Course: This intensive program includes weekly sessions focusing on empowerment, business skills, and developing business plans for the new enterprises. EEW's flag ship program is our yearlong "A Business of One's Own". 2. Business Development Services are provided over five years to grow existing businesses and increase the personal income earned from one's business. They include advanced business training and industry related seminars; Business Incubation; intensive Marathon Business training weekends; computer trainings; regional business forums, one-on-one and small group business coaching. 3. Savings for the Future: Financial Literacy and Asset Building: This program, the first of its kind in Israel, promotes asset development strategies among low-income business owners through financial literacy courses and matched savings used for business development or specialized training.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EEW is happy to work in cooperation with organizations serving women in Israel. Women can bee refered to us by any member orgazniation and join project can be implemented. we are happy to share our 14 years of expereince with low income women in micro business development and economic empowerment.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to develop partnership with other organiztions with semilar agendas and share and recieve inforaion on issues such as fudning opportuniies, proffesional seminars and intersitng projects being run.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Goodich-Avram
Job Title
Resource development coordinator
Head of the organisation
Khawla Rihani

Working Group "Archive of Migration"

National Network

Ybbsstrasse 25/20
1020 Wien

+43 660 4386565
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Migration is a forgotten part of Austria's postwar history, invisible in the dominating narratives. The Working Group "Archive of Migration" calls for a change and transformation: Migrants must be recognised as both, historical subjects and actors. As a basis for a new history to be written we call for the collection and preservation of relevant material and documents
Mission and Objectives

The Working Group "Archive of Migration" is an informal network of scholars and activists.
It has no staff and no budgetary ressources. Nonetheless it is connected with a wide variety of individuals and institutions in the field of migration history and is involved in a number of acitivies (workshops, conferences, seminars, public events etc.).

Main Projects / Activities

Poster Campaign "50 yrs labor migration - archive now!", 2012
Poster Campaign "50 yrs recruitment agreement Austria-Turkey", 2014
Conference "Multilingualism", Vienna 2013

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

bring new individuals, topics, and expertise to ALF
act as a co-operation partner and platform for public and academic events as well as for research projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

meet new international partners
create an awareness for the social and political significance of visibility and voice in historical narratives
co-operate in public and academic events

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Ljubomir Bratic
Head of the organisation
Mag. Ljubomir Bratic
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Dr. Dirk Rupnow

Centro em rede de Investigação em Antropologia (CRIA)

National Network

Av. Forças Armadas, Ed. ISCTE-IUL - sala 2n7, cacifo 237,

(+351) 21 790 39 17
Telephone (other)
(+351) 21 790 39 40
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
(+351) 967821338
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Founded in 2008 as a R&D unit of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (evaluated as Very Good by an international panel, within the framework of the Evaluation Process for Research Units/FCT), CRIA (Centre for Research in Anthropology) is an inter-institutional centre devoted to advanced training and research in Anthropology. CRIA is divided into 4 institutional units ISCTE-IUL (ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon), FCSH-UNL (Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities- Universidade Nova de Lisboa), FCT-UC (Faculty of Sciences and Technology-University of Coimbra), and UM (University of Minho), each unit developing its own activities and promoting joint actions with other research and/or teaching centres. Through this inter-group dialogue and cooperation, researchers contribute to a multi-vocal platform devoted to the advancement of knowledge in all major anthropological fields, whilst also sharing essential resources for management, fundraising and dissemination of research activities, teaching and knowledge transfer. The mobility of researchers among CRIA's units is also actively encouraged The centre's statutory bodies are the Executive Board, the Scientific Council, the General Assembly, and the Audit Committee.
Mission and Objectives

With 78 full-time researchers among a total of 241 affiliated members. CRIA is currently the main research institution in Portugal dedicated to Anthropology.
Research is carried out within CRIA's main research groups, headed by senior scholars responsible for coordination and scientific supervision, for the development of activities related to the groups' specific research fields and for promoting academic dialogue and debate in the public sphere. The four research groups, listed below, cover issues such as the production of identity and social differentiation, policies and practices of culture, migration and citizenship, power and knowledge:
i) Circulation and Place-Making;
ii) Practices and Politics of Culture;
iii) Governance, Policies and Livelihoods;
iv) Environment, Sustainability and Ethnography.
By facilitating relations among members of the Universities to which CRIA belongs and by promoting international cooperation with similar institutions and non-governmental organizations, CRIA has enhanced its national and transnational research networks in Anthropology. This has enabled CRIA to maximize resources and capacities that were originally dispersed, resulting in more in-depth scientific work in terms of theory, methodology and how themes are addressed.
CRIA is involved, both as a host institution and as a partner, with other national and international entities in several internationally funded projects, research programmes and scientific networks. Consequently, CRIA has extensive experience in the coordination and management of national and international R&D projects, including those from the FCT, QREN, 7th Framework Programmes (HERA, Gruntvig, ERC, ESF, COST Actions), and private funding.
CRIA is an active participant in international anthropological forums, working in close cooperation with institutions from all over the world, specifically through collaboration with academic and scientific organizations from Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, France, Germany, India, Italy, Malaysia, , Mozambique, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom, among others.

Main Projects / Activities

The centre's activities include:
a) the development of theoretical and applied research projects;
b) the promotion of events which encourage scientific debate and the dissemination of research (conferences, workshops, seminars);
c) scientific publications which disseminate the results of research projects at national and international level
d) the organization of postgraduate courses;
e) support of international network-based cooperation in research teams and in other international partnerships;
f) creating a stimulating environment for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers in order to facilitate their integration in research networks of the global scientific community:
g) reinforcing the public dimension of Anthropology, namely among the development of projects and collaborative partnerships with governmental and non-governmental agencies that have a direct impact on the definition and implementation of public policies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through CRIA' activities we are able to contribute to ALF's objective of  overcoming the misunderstandings and stereotypes which affect relations between and within the societies of the Mediterranean.
The Filme festival Olhares do Mediterraneo- Cinema no Femenino, wich we organize every year, is an excellent momet to accomplish that goal.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By being part of the portuguese Network CRIA can benefit from a vivid dialog among institutions that work with the same goals and implement Common Actions among member organisations

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Antónia Pereira de resende pedroso de Lima
Job Title
Member of Executive board
Head of the organisation
Amélia Maria Frazão Moreira
Contact (2) Full Name
Mafalda Melo e Sousa
Job Title (2)

alamal association for human development

National Network

gaza strip - omar almokhtar str. alghofri tower floor (6)
gaza strip
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Alamal-Association for Human Development is a development charity relief non-governmental originated the idea in 2010 through a sense of social and developmental responsibility towards the Palestinian society and created through a sense of duty humanitarian to alleviate the suffering of society has Assembly has carried out numerous self-activities at the field level even been expanded idea in 2012 was the founding Assembly to gain legal status under the law of charities and local bodies for the year 2000 and is working on the development of an effective Palestinian society through the implementation of projects concerned with the development of segments of society and Agatth and enable it on the principles of civil society through the implementation of many of the developmental and relief character projects.
Mission and Objectives

Development institution relief work in Palestine is seeking to improve and develop the Palestinian situation all segments of the community through relief and development projects focusing on sustainable development in an objective and a distinct and achieve cooperation and development.

Main Projects / Activities

psychological support for young people, women and children project after the recent aggression on the Gaza Strip, in partnership with the Palestinian Association for Development and Reconstruction - Baader.

 Project Relief needy families in the month of Ramadan in 2013 through the distribution of food parcels.
 Qurban Project / sacrificial Eid al-Adha in 2013 through the distribution of meat to the families.
 Project Relief needy families in collaboration with the Bible Society, based in Bethlehem to help 25 poor families in the Gaza Strip.
 program (after-school NASP).
Where is the educational center includes three basic stages of study of the stages of the third row and the fourth and fifth for the development of their ability to:
 English
 Arabic
 Mathematics
The program begins 15/02/2014 and ends on 06/30/2014
 sign a contract with the participation of the International Centre for Smart dated 02.03.2014 for a period of one year.

 project to raise awareness of domestic violence in the community under the auspices of the gender initiative Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees program.
 Relief needy families project in the month of Ramadan in 2014 through the distribution of food parcels.
 Relief needy families project in the month of Ramadan in 2014 through the distribution of food parcels.

 Project Relief needy families in the 2014 war, through the distribution of food parcels is:
 550 food baskets.
 450 expelled healthy.
 300 expel clothes.
 Project Relief needy families in the 2014 war, through the distribution of food parcels.
 Project Relief needy families in the 2014 war through food distribution is:
• 50 food parcels.
• Project aid needy families through the distribution of clothes and school bags for kids
• 200 school bag
• 300 expel clothes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the proposed project aims to provide a safe and free space to express their opinion using proper expression is far from the violence and conflicts tools which will improve the chances of the application of the principles of human rights conventions and enhances individual skills to express his opinion and active participation in decision-making and to express an opinion in Mekhlef issues different and do training of both sexes with creativity and Almanmtmin on such important issues (Allansan rights - democracy - good governance - community involvement - civil society - citizenship - extracurricular education techniques

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Proceeding from seeing our organization to achieve comprehensive development in Palestine, and given the circumstances of the moment in the Gaza Strip from the split and the problems of community we aspire to join the network to shape together a community vision in achieving and accept the other dialogue, and that there is an urgent and necessary need to raise political awareness among citizens and a culture of civil society and the promotion of tolerance and peaceful dialogue between citizens help in promoting community participation and creates a safe and free space to express their opinion

Contact (1) Full Name
ahmed hleil
Job Title
genral manger
Head of the organisation
nabel ismael ehlayel
Contact (2) Full Name
momen jehad shurab
Job Title (2)
manger director