Association Patrimoine Rupestre du Sud Marocain (A.Pa.Ru.Su.Ma)

National Network

Centre de Tinzouline
45925 Zagora

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The " Association Patrimoine Rupestre du Sud Marocain (A.Pa.Ru.Su.Ma) "is the fruit of the desire of some young Tinzouline, rock art lovers to present circuits and ecological potential, cultural and archaeological region. Preserve its wealth and develop ecotourism and geotourism specifically in rural areas and safeguard the natural and cultural heritage.
Mission and Objectives

Inventory and documentation of rock arts sites.

Awareness of the importance of rock arts.

Rehabilitation of areas that are available on the rock arts by extension, in order to preserve it.

Development of a culture of preservation of cultural heritage.

Maintaining the natural heritage of the region.

Activate the integration of cultural heritage and archeology in the field of tourism.

Re-rehabilitation of rock art.

Main Projects / Activities

Organize and coordinate workshops and training courses in the field of rock art to those involved.

Organize and coordinate the activities, festivals and scientific programs.

Version releases, research and studies, which have a scientific formative and informative nature for the benefit of those involved.

Dofield to track the status of archaeological sites.

Create partnerships with associations and governmental and non-governmental institutions.
the main activities are:
March 19, 2014: Participation in the information day organized by the Ministry of Culture at the National Library of Morocco around the theme "Rock Art: an ancestral cultural heritage between the challenges of conservation and development issues" .
From 07/05/2013 to 12/07/2013: Field work in Yagour tray (High Atlas of Marrakech) engraved Landscapes Program (LMI MEDITER / INSAP) mission ethno-archaeological surveys to assess contexts surrounding engravings at three levels: Spatial, Temporal and Patrimonialization.
from 2 to 5 December 2014: Training "Tourism and Heritage: Inventory and valuation of territories" at European Museum of Civilization and the Mediterranean in France.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Publish or broadcast in the form that suits everyone, the conclusions that the Collective will be responsible for providing them,

Stimulate debate around local information disseminated by challenging listeners or readers heritage bodies and members of civil society and local populations,

To the extent possible interest to policy makers that you would be willing to contribute to the debate.

put actors at the heart of cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

it is interesting for our association.

Contact (1) Full Name
ABIOUI Mohamed
Job Title
PhD Student
Head of the organisation
ABIOUI Mohamed

Društvo prijateljev glasbe (The Friends of Music Association)

National Network

Gallusova 2
6000 Koper

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Friends of Music Association (DPG) is a concert agency that organises classical music concert seasons in Koper and surroundings. In collaboration with the Koper music school it organizes also other musical events such as masterclasses, workshops, seminars, summer music schools for young musicians. DPG was established in 1963 and still is the most important organizer of concert activities in the Obalno-kraška region. Although it has no employees and has very low fundings (from local Municipalities, Ministry of culture, sponsors), DPG active members are highly qualified and manage to organize events at professional level with internationally acclaimed musicians.
Mission and Objectives

By organizing and producing events of high quality with an appropriate presentation, our mission is to break the stereotypes and mitigate the apprehensiveness towards artistic events with classical music, as it is an important part of our rich and common heritage. We believe we should be touched by Music, for which it is not necessary to be musical experts. Our events try to offer more than quality in the performance; there is a meaningful content beyond the music, that enriches the soul and might allow shifts in human consciousness.

Main Projects / Activities

The mail DPG activity is to organize the concert cycles "Amabile" and "Vivace". Beside this the association activities include the coproduction of the International Biennial of Contemporary Music Koper and the organization or coproduction of seminars, workshops or master classes for young musicians. The newest project, which will be extended into a summer festival "Musical rests", will include thematic artistic events featuring various arts, science and cuisine in order to join high level culture with relaxing presentation to show the audience the beauty, values and importance of our common cultural property.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have the know-how with a lot of experiencess in the field of organizing music events. We are open to collaborations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to share our ideas with related and open-minded organizations in order to realize them together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Helena Filipčič Gardina
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Helena Filipčič Gardina
Contact (2) Full Name
Borut Novaković

Associazione di promozione sociale Joint

National Network

Via Giovanola 25/c
20142 Milano

+39 02 45 47 23 64
+39 02 450 70 956
Mobile Phone
+39 327 6194633
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Associazione Joint was founded in December 2003 to promote social activities for youngsters between 14 and 30. The mission of the organization is to provide non­-formal education opportunities for young people in international contexts. The Association has the main office in Milano and volunteers spread around Italy. Currently Joint can count on five full time and three part time workers and over thirty volunteers. We organize, along with young people, many different kinds of activities for young people, involving as many as possible right from the planning stage and trying always to involve others that have never participated before. Our main activities are: Youth Exchanges, training courses and European Voluntary Service; events in local communities. Our projects are funded by Erasmus+, European Commission programme for education, training, youth and sport. Our 2013 revenue amount  is: 218.730 euros. We always run our mobility projects in partnership with other youth organizations in Europe and neighbour countries. The activities’ focus is active participation and intercultural learning. Our aim is to help youngsters develop their transversal competences (life skills) by using non­-formal learning approach. Over the last three years, thanks to the experience of our staff in project management, trainings and youth projects, we’ve started to guide local and international NGOs in the Erasmus+ field, coordinating for them EVS projects, training courses and youth exchanges. We also created some of the most known websites about international mobility and E+ opportunities in Italy and in Europe. To increase the quality of EVS projects in 2013 Joint along with other NGOs established the Italian Network of European Volunteering (RIVE – Rete Italiana Volontariato Europeo) aimed to increase the quality of EVS projects, improving the recognition of volunteering as a learning experience and promoting the advocacy of mobility projects and volunteering with local, national and European stakeholders. We are working to create similar network in other European countries and to create a network of the national networks.
Mission and Objectives

Our aim is to help youngsters in developing their transversal competences (life skills) by using non-formal learning tools. We work  to educate youngsters to a peaceful cohabitation with people coming from different cultures, countries and social conditions by giving them the opportunity to have a confrontation with other youngsters in an intercultural environment  which stimulates the development of an awareness about the complexity of our society. We have a multi-annual experience in youth international mobility, for underage people and for young people. Our mission is to involve people with fewer opportunities in our projects, to intercultural dialogue and to promote European mobility opportunities for young people with different backgrounds. Active participation is one of our main focuses: we try to enhance the participation of youngsters in civil society using the tools of youth mobility and non- formal education.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are developed within the Erasmus+ program framework. We work with European Voluntary Service, youth exchanges, training courses and other activities with a local dimension.
- European Voluntary Service
We work as EVS sending and coordinator organization. Our activities include the selection, the preparation, the tutoring and evaluation of young volunteers in Europe and all over the world.
EVS Is based on the following principles:
- increasing your own skills through the practical experience of volunteering abroad;
- encouraging the learning of another language;
- developing the ability to interact with persons of different language and culture;
- spreading tolerance among young people of the European Union;
- promoting active citizenship;
- supporting the development of local communities.
- Youth exchanges and training courses: we work as sending organization and  we host an average number of 3-4 youth exchanges per year. During 2014 our organization was partner in about 50 projects abroad and  hosted 4 projects, the exchanges “Environment4inclusion”, “Food4thought.4” and the training courses “Booster”and “SVE”. Nowadays, Joint is working to enlarge its action area to Middle East and North Africa. This strategy includes the Contact Seminar for youth workers “Get Closer!” and the development of further projects about active participation such as youth exchanges and training courses in the MENA area with local partner organziations.
- Local activities: training courses for group leaders of intercultural exchanges, non-formal education and mobility opportunities promotional university and youth centers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the Italian Network through:
- 10 years experience in youth mobility;
- know-how about  the youth field;
- IT experience and competencies (web creation, social media communication);
- attitude to create networks (f.i. “RIVE” national network of EVS organizations and “BOOSTER” international network of EVS organizations);
- final results of euromed youth project “Get closer” (Euromed seminar on youth active participation, Genova, 14-20 February 2015) and further projects
- development of youth projects with participants from MENA region and European countries;
- sharing tools for active youth participation
- sharing good practices for the development of youth projects closer to young people’s needs
- sharing news about projects for youth with focus on Euromed issues

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joint strongly believe in the values of Anna Lindh foundation such as mutual respect and understanding and promotion of peace. We work for the development of active participation, the promotion of intercultural dialogue between young people, the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, the development of citizenship awareness. Moreover, intercultural dialogue is a pillar for Anna Lindh foundation as much as one of the main objectives of Erasmus+ programme and one the basis for Associazione Joint.
We wish to involve the organizations in the italian network in our youth projects in order to: strenghten the impact of Euromed projects and raise the impact of euromed projects in Italian local communities.
Our aim is to enlarge the scope of our action from EU to Euromed and advocating for the increase of youth participation in civil society on both sides of the Mediterranean. The support of italian national network would be precious for theoretical, practical and logistic issues such as: know-how, networking, sharing of good practices, new points of view. Moreover,  the ALF Italian network could be a proper virtual space where  to share the results of our actions in youth mobility.
Last but not least, some members of Joint staff are interested and experienced in Middle East and North Africa issues and would welcome the opportunity to join the ALF network and be in contact with other organizations and institution working on Euro-mediterranean dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silvia Padrini
Job Title
project coordinator
Head of the organisation
Tommaso Pescetto Cosentino
Contact (2) Full Name
Tommaso Pescetto Cosentino
Job Title (2)


National Network

Via della Libertà 26/7 B
16129 Genova

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Y.E.A.S.T. (Youth Europe Around Sustainability Tables) was founded on the 15th of october 2012 by Poggi Monica Vanessa (President-me) Alessandro Boretti (vice president) e Stefania Marongiu (treasure). We are the only one association in our region (Liguria) to do the Youth in Action project (actions 1.1 e 4.3 ) and Erasmus+ project. We would like to inform young people from Genoa and Liguria about the great opportunities that EU can offer to them about the youth mobility. We would like also to help young people to vocalize their talents and their creativity sharing the experience of writing the European projects.We are a group of young people that knows each other from different kinds of social and political projects in Genoa, for example via the cultural and sport center UISP . We planning to create national and international young initiatives. We support the project with our experience with youngsters, especially with "special needs"or few opportunities. Also we are used to organize workshops,seminars and exibitions in Genoa and other cities or villages. We develop initiatives in groups, with young people from different cultures (we have more than 12 immigrant ngo as a partner).The leader have a lot experience as partecipant and volunterig in European programmes (YIA, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Grundtvig) and local project. Monica Vanessa Poggi comes from Genoa, she has a master degree in Philosophy from the University of Genoa and Specialization in EU Project Management, she worked as an educator for children and youngsters with special needs, Rom community children, youngsters with mental and phisical disabilities. Also she is an educator for "peace games Uisp".
Mission and Objectives

We are 3 founder Poggi, Marongiu and Boretti.
We work like volounteers, we have 80 members young people from 16 to 35. We have more than 20 NGO like partner for Youth in Action, Erasmus+ project and 10 association in Genoa, Italy.
We have about 3500 Euro in a year but we pay insurence, website, materials, promoting so usually we save just 20% of our budget.
We organize seminars, conference, events to promote Erasmus+ and mobility for youth.
We work on UNITED topic like antiracism antifascism, refugees etc.

Main Projects / Activities

- De GustiBUS about knoledge other cultures by food 
-Bikerevolution promoting using bike in a big city
-Youth in Action Erasmus+ (more than 80 youth travel by YEAST every year)
-Job promoting entrepreneur by EU found
- grant by University of Genoa 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can be a tool ti promote Anna Findh opportunity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we want to give to our youth new network, opportunity to know other people and we trust in a multiculturald world

Contact (1) Full Name
Monica Vanessa Poggi
Job Title
Teacher, Eu project manager, Educator
Head of the organisation
Poggi Monica Vanessa
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefania Marongiu
Job Title (2)

organization of backing liberal and social development - OBLSD

National Network

7 Gad Ead , ST. El-Dokki , Giza

+2 33353107
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
we have 4 employee full time and 3 person Management chairperson of board executive director and vice chairman of board General coordinator Budgetary resources available in a year 400000 LE  our sources of funding Self-financing and grants main partners  1-EED - european endowment for democracy 2- EDA - egyptian democracy institute 3- the stream secular Egyptian  
Mission and Objectives

The Organization of Backing Liberal and Social Development (OBLSD ) is an Egyptian non-governmental organization (NGO) established in 8th of July, 2009. It works according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights' Principles and the International Human Rights' legislation. The organization mission is to spread and promote the liberal though and the culture of Human Rights as well to work on the community development through the dissemination of the notion and culture of the voluntary work across Egypt.
We don't have any religious, racial, political or partial belonging, we are dealing with all groups to achieve Freedom and Liberal principles and to disseminate the human rights culture inconsistent with the Law or the national interest.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Working on spreading the legal and constitutional cultural awareness among the citizens to know their guaranteed rights and duties in the constitution and the law as well.
2. Working on providing research, reports and periodic and non-periodic studies on liberalism, human rights, tolerance and acceptance of others culture and monitoring the human rights' violations occur in Egypt through seminars, workshops and conferences with the participation of specialists from institution, organizations and individuals in all fields.
3. Working on the community participation in an assistant attempt to raise the society through the  volunteer work.
4. Working on supporting women empowerment in the society as well as fighting discrimination and violence against them through projects , programs and training aimed at empowering women's role and raising their awareness to change the inferiority perception to be treated as a human.
5. Working on providing opportunities for the marginalized sectors, ( especially " Migrant Egyptians") supporting and integrating them into the community as it is their simplest right, and  integrating the special needs in the community as well through workshops, projects and programs for them.
6. Raise the awareness of the importance of the civil society's role and its institutions in the community.
7. Establish strong relationships with local and international institution interested in working in the liberal field, human rights as well as community development to achieve the organization goals.

8. Priority interest in slums through the field and training work and establishing special programs for them to introduce the human rights 'culture and spreading the liberal principles to them.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

with our activity and advocacy and our office

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

because we want to build good network with strong partners

Contact (1) Full Name
Tamer Adel Houssien
Job Title
Vice Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Vivian Magdy
Contact (2) Full Name
vivian magdy fahmy
Job Title (2)
Chairperson of the Board

Coach Around The World

National Network

224 rue de Belleville
75019 Paris

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Coach Around The World (CATW) is a French association, composed of a board of directors, an executive manager and 30 active members. CATW’s provides coaching and training on a non-profit basis. CATW's team accompanies other NGO's and young entrepreneurs in the path towards the achievement of their objectives. CATW's beneficiaries, i.e. the organizations to which CATW provides coaching are diverse and international. CATW is this year present in France, Algeria and Niger. CATW acts in four different fields: social entrepreneurship, Mental Training, Education & Childhood and Human Rights
Mission and Objectives

“Accompany individuals and organizations to reach awareness about their resources and mobilize them, in order to empower their dreams and make them a reality.” Such is CATW’s and its members’ motto. We aim at making our working tools accessible to all, regardless of one’s resources, regardless of one’s situation.
Coach Around The World was created by a team of professional coaches and trainers who envisioned a world where coaching is not only accessible to big companies and wealthy clients.
Having observed the needs of numerous NGO’s in terms of guidance, better definition of objectives, specific trainings and good management, CATW’s was conceived. Convinced that support is often the little lacking ingredient to success, the team of coaches and trainers of CATW accompanies NGO's as well as social entrepreneurs.

Main Projects / Activities

Here are a few examples of our activities:
- Providing coaching for structural and human resources improvement to a human rights and national justice NGO's in Algiers.
- Providing coaching and training sessions in team building and self-assertion to a professional training center for the unemployed youth in Algiers.
- Providing coaching and training sessions to high schools students in order to accompany them in the life path they chose
- Providing coaching and skills transfer to a center for community development for young graduates and handicrafts men and women in Bamako.
- Mental preparation of high-level athlete to empower their performances

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CATW has a multi-disciplinary field of intervention. Coaching and training apply to all sorts of organizations and therefore CATW aims at being a key actor within the ALF French network.
CATW can contribute to the French network by supporting and accompanying its members, no matter in which field of activity they work. A substantial part of the activities of ALF’s networks is to meet and build together projects and solutions. In those activities, as well as in the own activities of each member, CATW can be a great guide and support providing its expertise to a maximum of organizations.
Moreover, coaching is a domain that originated in Anglo-Saxon countries. French organizations (may they be non-profits or companies) are slowly but surely making use of those services. A French organization providing such services is the best partner for French NGOs to carry on with this new means of management.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CATW wishes to join the ALF Network in order to broaden its activities and to participate in a wider movement aiming at civil society development in the Mediterranean region. Indeed, one of the primary objective of CATW is the development and sustainability of the civil society, goal to which the ALF Network is essential.
CATW is convinced that it can be a major partner to the ALF and its members through its expertise. In addition, itself as a member of the civil society, it will benefit from the support and teamwork of the ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Johanna Wagman
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Bertrand Millet


National Network

Rue aboua ali ben rahal imm 12 app 17 V.N
50000 Meknès

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Crée le 22 Septembre 2008, l'association Fifaw est une association à but non lucratif Interculturelle ouverte à tous, faites par les jeunes et pour les jeunes. Ses objectifs étaient uniquement la promotion de tous les arts : la littérature, le cinéma, le théâtre, la musique, la photographie, les arts plastiques et le théâtre, mais au début de la saison 2012/2013 l’association débute le social. La dénomination Fifaw est le premier prénom amazigh approuvé par les autorités marocains en 2006 (signe d’ouverture ; du pardon avec le passé.) Fifaw, qui se traduit littéralement "Ange" en amazigh, favorise l'échange interculturel et la communication entre jeunes. Le secteur d'activité de l'association s'est élargi désormais, puisqu’elle ne compte plus que le siège à Meknès, mais aussi des filiales à Fes, Rabat, El Hajeb, Azrou et une coordination en France.

Mission and Objectives

Appliquer les directives de SA MEJESTE LE ROI, en attribuant à la société civile la responsabilité de promouvoir l’image de marque du pays, et d’oeuvrer vers l’ouverture continue du Maroc vers ses partenaires stratégique, tout en cherchant de nouveaux débouchés qui peuvent se voir très fructueux en matière d’échange culturel et économique. •Promotion de la ville de Meknès, en tant que ville internationale riche culturellement et historiquement. •Refléter l’image d’un Maroc tolérant, et incruster la politique de diplomatie parallèle, dont la société civile joue un rôle important. •Donner à la ville un rendez vous annuel de célébration culturelle. •Mettre en honneur nos talents marocains résidents à l’étranger. •Incité les jeunes des quartiers défavorisé a participer dans les manifestations •La mise en valeur de nos jeunes talents

Main Projects / Activities

Planning 2012 / 2013 06 novembre2012 : porte ouverte 19 janvier : Journée littéraire avec Kamal Ahmad 23 février : Compagne de sensibilisation en faveur des enfants du collège Al Qods 08 mars : Journée culturelle pour fondation Rita Zniber 08 Mars : Diner gala à l’honneur de Mme RITA ZNIBER 09 mars : Concert « hardcore fest », en présence d’un groupe américain ( CDC ) 07 avril : Journée culturel au centre AIN CHABIK 09 Avril : Participation à l’action Meknes Ville propre. 13 Avril : Concert Rock métal au centre culturel al batha 13/14 avril : Audition pour le festival AJI TCHOUF 1er Mai : Sensibilisation avec Amnesty International. 1er mai : Première session Acoustique Fifaw au Centre Culturel Michel Jobert. 04 Mai : Visite et journée culturelle en Faveur des enfants trisaumiques de l’Amet 21. Ramadan 2013 : Sessions acoustiques chaque Lundi, Mercredi et Samedi pendant tout le mois sacré.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Culturel : Promotion culturelle et artistique, création d'ateliers d'apprentissage, encadrement des jeunes selon leurs loisirs, l’intégration des jeunes dans les manifestations locales, nationales et mondiales. •Social : Promotion des droits de la femme et de l'enfant, la motivation des jeunes sur le bénévolat, création de centre d’écoutes, d’encadrement et de formation, le travail humanitaire et caritatif, le travail parascolaire, l'aide des étudiants dans les milieux défavorisés et leur représentations juridiques. •Développement : Intégration des jeunes diplômés dans le marché du travail, compagne de sensibilisation, sondages et prises d'opinion des citoyens sur les sujet actuels. •Sport : Encadrements des jeunes talents sportifs, collaborations avec les sections sportives des écoles.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour échanger Des personnes se regroupent en association parce qu’elles partagent une passion, souhaitent donner de leur temps pour faire avancer une cause qui leur est chère ou encore apporter bénévolement leurs compétences au service d’une action d’intérêt commun. Rejoindre un regroupement d’associations, c’est saisir la chance de rencontrer un plus grand nombre de gens animés par la même passion, pour échanger, construire avec eux d’autres projets et, pourquoi pas, développer de nouvelles activités… C’est, tout en gardant son autonomie, se donner l’opportunité d’enrichir son expérience de celles des autres, de partager et faire valoir ses savoir faire pour en acquérir d’autres. Être informé Trop souvent, les associations sont isolées et méconnaissent les possibilités de se faire aider pour développer leurs projets. Être aidé Fortes de l’expérience des associations de terrain qu’elles regroupent et avec elles, ALF a développé des outils pratiques et des services destinés à leur faciliter la tâche au quotidien. Elles peuvent ainsi mettre en place des formations à destination des bénévoles souhaitant acquérir des compétences spécifiques en matière de gestion associative. Se faire connaître Que ce soit pour une association qui démarre un projet ou pour une association présente depuis longtemps sur un champ d’activité, il est important d’être visible et identifié dans le paysage local et régional. Intégrer un réseau associatif, c’est aussi se donner plus de chance de se faire connaître et pouvoir bénéficier de supports de communication diffusés à l’échelle internationale.  Se faire entendre et participer Les associations, quel que soit leur domaine d’activité ont un certain nombre de valeurs en commun : gestion démocratique, construction collective de projets à but non lucratif, engagement bénévole… C’est pour défendre ces valeurs et la spécificité de l’action associative auprès des pouvoirs publics que les associations se réunissent en coordinations. Chacune dans son secteur et ensembles lorsqu’il le faut.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arij Boussouf
Job Title
Directrice commercial
Head of the organisation
Arij Boussouf
Contact (2) Full Name
Sarah Soulimani
Job Title (2)

Malteser Lithuania (Order of Malta Relief Organisation in Lithuania)

National Network

Gedimino ave. 56b

+370 (5) 249 73 04
+370 (5) 249 74 63
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Order of Malta Relief Organisation in Lithuania (Maltos ordino pagalbos tarnyba) was established in 1991. At present, 28 MOPT groups operate in our country. Order of Malta Relief Organisation has 35 permanent employees and more than 900 volunteers.  
Mission and Objectives

Malteser mission in Lithuania, as well as around the world, is strictly humanitarian, impartial, and mostly voluntary.
The goal of the MOPT is to carry out social and charitable support activities to help the neediest citizens of Lithuania. More than 100 different social projects were implemented in Lithuania over 20 years.

Main Projects / Activities

◦ Social centers provide food, clothing and nursing measures (26 locations);
◦ Help of poor lonely old people (food and home care);
◦ Organization of Social Day care centers (8) for children from disadvantaged families;
◦ Organization of youth social activities (26 young Maltese groups);
◦ Courses of First aid and social care for volunteers (4 regions);
◦ Fundraising campaigns (campaign “Maltese soup” and charity concert on TV).
The Maltese are involving volunteers in charity campaigns and need of care projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Malteser Lithuania is part of internation olrganisation of Order of Malta working worldwide. Network and experiance are what we can contribute.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expend network. Implement few projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eitvydas Bingelis
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Secretary General Eitvydas Bingelis


National Network

rue ainne sibilia
60000 debdou

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

via dei Frentani, 81
66100 Chieti

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
"Identities" is a non-profit and private organization, established in Chieti (Italy) since the February 2014. The board is composed by the president, a vice and a treasurer.Actually the staff counts 9 units (6 males e 3 females), aged within a range of 23 and 40 years. 4 are graduated.  The association draws on economic resources for the functioning and implementation of activities from: 1. contributions from members and individuals, 2. grants from the State, public bodies and institutions or international organizations, 3. donations and legacies, 4. property revenues, 5. revenues generated by agreements or proceeds from the transfer of goods or services to members or third parties, 6. revenues generated by marginal business and productive activities or by promotional initiatives, 7. movable or immovable property howsoever received by the association. "Identities" is an international oriented structure; eager to promote projects of cooperation and educational mobility, based the priorities fixed by the European programmes Erasmus+, EuroMed, Europe for Citizens and the European Youth Foundation. Within these frameworks we also identify our partners; that are organisations that pursue the same aims.
Mission and Objectives

The projects promoted are aimed at:
- multiply competences and skills, for each individual to enhance the own employability at whatever latitude,
- improve the knowledge of languages, by mean of inclusive and flexible educational paths, based on the cooperative learning,
- promote the culture of voluntary work, 
- weld cooperative ties with organizations chasing the same objectives,
- use cooperative learning, educational mobility, photography and multilingualism as tools of information and social inclusion.
“Identities”, with the sole purpose of fostering social solidarity, is based on the firm belief that each individual must seek social welfare and development, knowing that the discovery, the understanding and the acceptance of educational values embodied by the diversity of others represent fundamental steps to improving moral development and social cohesion.

Main Projects / Activities

On the local scale we promote debates, DVD and book showcases, street and theatre performances; on topics such as human rights, environment, information freedom and legality. We also organise language (mainly Chinese, English, Spanish or Italian for foreigners) and photography courses. We also cooperate with the local civil society to support initiativessuch as demostrations, conferences etc. Within this scenario, our purpose is to incresase the use of approaches and methodologies based on the cooperative learning and the informal/non formal education.
The beneficiaries are especially youth aged between 17 and 30 years; as within this range we recognize some crucial choices of life.
Along with this activity, as applicant or partner we attend and organise youth exchanges, outdor excursions, training courses, seminars and partnership building activities; both in Italy and abroad.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide competences about:
- creation of safe didactic environments,
- development of educational materials fitting each kind of approach and attitude,
- interpersonal relationships management and participants attainments,
Moreover, a wide of net of local bodies, media, businesses and associationsin Europe and the MENA countries as well; is ready to devise practical solutions for the unexpected setbacks and for the best dissemination of the project outcomes. Finally, our activity is supervised by the local Voluntary Help Desk, that offers several opportunities and services free of charge, to all the Voluntary organisations operating in our province.
We want work in tight connection with the other members of the network to promote the basic values and policies of the Anna Lindh Foundation, in Italy and beyond its borders. With lots of enthusiasm!

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There's a constant ferment inside the Mediterranean area and several challenges shall be undertaken: to reduce the high rates of unemployment, fill the gap between the competences gained at school and those requested by the labour market, resolve the new conflicts emerging in the MENA countries and reduce migration. In order to trigger positive changes within their communities, organisations have to supply knowledges, stimulate the critical thinking, foster active citizenship as well as democracy. For this process to be successful there must be a dialogue and to be part of a network is the first step for a dialogue to be established. We have similar objectives and let's start speaking.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luca De Stefanis
Job Title
NGO director
Head of the organisation
Luca De Stefanis