Arab Thought Forum - Multaqa

National Network

9 Beit Hanina, Abu Khalf bld.
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

ATF is committed to democracy and democratic society. For ATF, democracy begins at home. It possesses an in-built democratic structures at all levels of the organization. Open advertisement of jobs and competitive selections enables it to upgrade its performance and introduce fresh blood and new ideas. The goals of the organization are set by the Board of Trustees which is composed of 25 to 40 intellectuals. An Executive Committee is formed of seven members including the President, two Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and members without portfolio. All these posts are elected by the Board of Trustees for a two-year period. The Board of Trustees consists of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Rapporteur. A Monitoring Committee is formed from the Board of Trustees to make a follow-up to the administrative and financial affairs of the organization. The overall activities of the ATF is supervised by its President.

Mission and Objectives

A progressive, pioneering thought prevailing in the Palestinian society leading to an independent, democratic and prosperous Palestinian state.

Main Projects / Activities

ATF‘s focus since 1994 may be summarized under these topics: • The Future of Jerusalem • Democratic Process and Nation Building • Promoting Development Awareness -The Peace Process ATF is committed to the goal of establishing an independent democratic state for the Palestinian people

Contact (1) Full Name
Naila Jwealis
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Nazmi Jubeh

نادي المساهمة الثقافي

National Network

مقاطعة كرو -ولاية لعصابة
مقاطعة عرفات - ولاية انواكشوط
كرو - انواكشوط

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Religion
General Information
يطيب لي أن أشعر سيادتكم  بأن جمعية نادي المساهمة الثقافي هي جمعية غير حكومية وغير سياسية وليس لها غرض منفعي أنشأت لمدة غير محددة، بموجب القانون 64/098 الصادر بتاريخ 09 يونيو 1964 تحت وصل الاعتراف رقم : 0046 الصادر بتاريخ 05/03/2013، هذه الجمعية تسعى كغيرها من هيئات المجتمع المدني إلى المساهمة الفعالة في تحسين الظروف المعيشية وتعزيز القدرات والدمج الاجتماعي لصالح السكان الأكثر  تعرضا للفقر في التجمعات الكبرى بالمدن الأهلة بالسكان وفي الأحياء الشعبية والريفية لوطننا العزيز.
Mission and Objectives

 - ورشة تفكيرية حول خطورة عدم الولادة في المستشفيات والخدمات الصحية غير الجيدة للحد من وفيات الأمهات الحوامل والأطفال  في منطقة بغداد 2 مدينة كرو ولاية لعصابة ( مكان التدخل )
- ضرورة تعليم البنات ومحاربة التسرب المدرسي للبنات
- توعية وتعليم النساء معيلات  الأسر من خلال تنظيم ورشة حول تنشيط العمل التعاوني المتمثل في تشجيع التعاونيات علة الإنتاج بنوعية الزراعي والصناعي  وفتح مركز تعليمي على بعض المهن
- مسابقة في الثقافة العامة تتكلم عن بعض الأمراض المزمنة وطرق الوقاية والعلاج منها السيدا نموذجا
- تسليط الضوء على بعض العادات والتقاليد السائدة في المنطقة  قديما حول حياة المرأة وانعكاسات حياة المدن عليها لاسيما الوافدون على جنبات المدن الآهلة بالسكان

Main Projects / Activities

الأهداف الفرعية فتتجلي في :
 تعزيز مفهوم اللامركزية والمواطنة والتنمية المحلية نموذج :
 السلوك المدني بين التصرف الأخلاقي الفردي وواجب المواطنة
 نبذ الكراهية وتقبل الأخر
 انعكاس المستوي التعليمي علي العلاقة العامة بين المجتمعات
 ضرورة تعلم حقوق الإنسان
 أهمية السلوك المدني
 إعداد مشاريع تنموية لصالح الشباب النشطين في مناطق الهدف ( تعاونيات – نساء نشيطات  - روابط – أندية ..)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

أردنا أن نطل عليكم بلمحة تعريفية عنه وأهدافه
ويتخذ النادي  كافة الوسائل القانونية لتحقيق أهدافها وعلى وجه الخصوص :
 حملات التحسيـــــــــــــــــــــــــس
 إقامة الندوات والملتقيــــــــــــــــات
 إلقاء المحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاضرات
 التكوين والتــــــــــــدريب التأطير
 فتح الورشــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــات
واقامة منديات دولية بالتعاون الوزارة وقد أضفنا :
إنعاش حركة ثقافية متعددة الأبعاد من خلال المهرجان في نسخته الثانية في المنطقة بالتعاون مع الروابط والجمعيات والتعاونيات الناشطة في المقاطعة
المساهمة في الكشف عن المواهب الشابة وتعزيز القدرات لديهم من بين الأجيال الصاعدة والمنتسبة للنسيج الجمعوي
كما أن المنتخبون سوف يساهمون في تنوير المشاركين في هذه الأيام من خلال محاضرات وورشات والعاب فكرية  تقليدية وحديثة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من المعلومة ان الدمعيات الطامحة في بلدان الثالث تلقي جملة من المعوقات منها ندرة الشركاء الفاعلون والمتفهمون الي تطلعاتك بالاضافة الي اهمية النهج الذي نرومه من خلاله  السعي قدما في تفعيل الحوار بين الثقافات والذي نتشاركه معكم بالاضافة الي الحاجة الي الشريك يدعمك في حالة وجود ضائقة مالية مثلا في سبيل تحقيق كل متطلبات الهدف المشترك

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
رئيس النادي
Head of the organisation
سيداحمد سيدمحمد حمبل
Contact (2) Full Name
الشيخ ولد محمد
Job Title (2)
المدير التنفيذي

Cooperativa Sociale CRINALI - Donne per un nuovo mondo A R.L. O.N.L.U.S

National Network

Corso di Porta Nuova 32
20121 Milano

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Social Cooperative CRINALI is a multicultural cooperation group, born in February 2002. It associates 27 women, coming from 10 different countries (Algeria, Chili, China, Ecuador, Egypt, Philippines, Italy, Morocco, Peru, Romania), and different professions (linguistic and cultural mediators, psychologists, counselors, gynecologists, midwifes, social workers). It is operating mainly by programs and services for immigrant people in the fields of health, psychology, social care and education; and for Italian professionals providing formation in intercultural approach by means of seminars, meetings and supervisions. CRINALI operates in partnership with Hospitals, Public Clinics, Schools, Social Services, Universities. It is ruled by a Board of Directors which is elected by  the Shareholders Meeting; the Board elects the President.  It has  N.17  hired employees, including one Administrator and two Secretaries, and 1 voluntary. A network is going to begin with another Social  Cooperative (ALDIA). Last year’s budget was Euro  684.957, mainly coming from public agencies (Region, Hospitals, Municipalities).
Mission and Objectives

CRINALI’s mission is to contribute in building a multicultural society, in which women and men may live together in peace, with social justice and respecting cultural and gender differences; for this purpose its work develops mainly with the aim of  realizing health and education rights.
Its objectives are:
- to spread hospitality culture and cultural and gender differences respect, among professionals working in public services, teachers and educators, Italian citizens and immigrants;
- to develop social health and educational services based on these principles, in collaboration with public authorities;
- to spread cultural linguistic mediation and trans cultural approach in the fields of health and education.
- To develop knowledge about means of preventing children and adolescents failure and marginalization in immigrant families.
-  It also has the objective to develop a multi professional approach, knowing that social and health problems with immigrant people  present great complexity to be faced.
CRINALI  finally wants  to experiment, by means of its own organization, a multicultural business experience, checking its resources and difficulties.

Main Projects / Activities

Crinali works in partnership with public authorities and social private businesses.
Its activities are:
- Two “Health and counseling clinic for immigrated women and their children” by S. Paolo Hospital and S. Carlo Borromeo Hospital in Milano
- Two services for “Trans cultural psychotherapy” for immigrant children and their families, one located in Milano and one in Pioltello (Milano’s hinterland)
- Cultural linguistic mediation in 7 Family planning services in the province of Milano, and in one private Family service named “Mother and child village” in Milano
- Cultural linguistic mediation for diagnostic and rehabilitation interventions with immigrated children and adolescents and their families, in Children Neuropsychiatric Services, by IRCCS Ca’ Granda Foundation of Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico , and S.Paolo and S.Carlo Borromeo Hospitals.
- Cultural linguistic mediation and psychological counseling for immigrant children and their families in 10 schools located in Pioltello (hinterland of Milano), and 3 in Milano.
- CRINALI organizes courses for formation, tutoring and supervision, for psychologists, doctors, midwifes, teachers, educators, nurses ,about the relation with patients, children, users, coming from other countries and cultures. In the last 3 years CRINALI has led 35 courses and seminars, for almost 864 hours of teaching, with 1630 participants.
- CRINALI organizes meetings, seminars, books presentations in order to promote discussion on the items of inter culture and prevention of maladjustment of children and families.
- CRINALI has a permanent collaboration with University Paris XIII and Paris Descartes, collaborates also with Bicocca University and Catholic University of Milano.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution to the Network  can come out of our specialization in mother and child  health and in education. This has been developed through projects and experiences oriented to integrate people coming from different cultures, with special care to gender specificity. Our experience within public services and our mediation intervention allow us to directly interface with institutions and get the right appreciation of the importance of our approach.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Over past  years our organisation is trying to develop and increase its network.
Within our work of promotion mental and physical health of migrants, intercultural dialogue and the culture of hospitality, more and more we feel that is important to get in touch with different private social network, in order both to increase knowledge and promote intercultural dialogue, and also to seek new funding to continue our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elena Gavazzi
Job Title
president of the organisation
Head of the organisation
president : Elena Gavazzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Karina Scorzelli Vergara
Job Title (2)
vice president of the organisation

CIDEAL Foundation for Cooperation and Research

National Network

Calle Guzmán el Bueno 133, Edificio Germania, planta 10
28003 Madrid

(+34) 915538488
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
CIDEAL is a foundation specialized in research, training and technical assistance in development cooperation for over thirty years. We have experience in the execution of development programmes and projects in Southern countries. Currently counts on offices and experts in Latin America (Paraguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala, Guatemala, Dominican Republic), Africa (Morocco, Tunisia), Asia (Vietnam). Structure of the organization: CIDEAL Foundation has 30 employees (2015) distributed in theses work areas: Projects, Economic-Financial, Research, Communication, IT, Technical Assistance, Researches and Publications. Budgetary resources available in a year: 3,335,998 EUR (2014) Sources of funding: Income from services rendered from own activities, public and private sector subsidies and private contributions. Modalities of action: development projects, development training (courses, seminaries and workshops), technical assistance, researches and publications. Main partners involved in the organization´s projects/activities: Development projects co-financiers (publics and privates), local partners; Public Administrations (tender projects and technical assistance) and educational institutions (universities and postgraduate centers).
Mission and Objectives

General objective:Improve life conditions in Southern countries, providing development options which would allow people directing their own lives and choosing their own future.
Mission:To contribute to human development of Southern countries through two ways of action:
• Research, specialized training, technical assistance and publications of books on international developmental cooperation.
• Promotion and implementation of development actions on the field.
Both areas have been integrated to CIDEAL Foundation’s everyday activity, enriching each other: work of thought leads to better quality projects in the South and the field experience provides theoretical analysis and specialized training based on an empirical and realistic grounds.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects implemented in the last year:
In 2014 CIDEAL Foundation has continued working with three big Conventions in:  Morocco (3,500,000 EUR), Vietnam (2,375,000 EUR) and Paraguay (3,750,000 EUR), financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID).
In Morocco, the actions aim supporting three different groups in vulnerable situation: women, unemployed young people and Sub-Saharan Africa's immigrant population.
Take into account the issues and needs identified, this agreement tries to achieve the socioeconomic and professional integration of women, young people and immigrant population by means of strengthening national and local capacities of self-employment and the associative work -technical and vocational training have a fundamental role in this proposal. The aim objective is beneficiary group’s access to decent and productive work to improve the quality and conditions of their life.
In connection with Sub-Saharan Africa immigrant population this account intends to promote their capabilities on human and technical levels, offering psychosocial services and legal access to professional training.
In Paraguay, CIDEAL Foundation aims to increase the economic and social development in vulnerable population groups, preferably in indigenous populations with special attention to women and youth in rural areas. The proposal aims to contribute to the improvement of socio-economic conditions of the people beneficiaries from a sustainable local development perspective and respect and protection of cultural identity.
In Thanh Hoa province in Vietmam, the Convention aims to improve the economic and social integration of vulnerable groups through a sustainable and productive approach that can contribute to reduce poverty levels. The actions are aimed to support vulnerable people and communities affected by poverty in rural areas, ethnic minorities and women, mainly. Economic and social situation in the neediest sectors will be strengthened through a strategy of intervention with methodologies tailored of the productive projects.
Next to these conventions, various projects funded by European Union, World Bank, Junta de Andalucía, among others have been implemented in 2014.
In 2014 CIDEAL Foundation completed the identification and formulation process for a new agreement with AECID that started at the beginning of 2015 in Dominican Republic: "Improvement of the social, economic and political conditions of thepopulation", with special attention to women too. Simultaneously, CIDEAL Foundation has carried out international cooperation projects in different countries: Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia, Egypt, Niger, Haiti, Tunisia, Guinea Bissau and Senegal.
In 2014, regarding capacity enhancement, CIDEAL Foundation has continued carrying out academic programs in collaboration with several university education institutions and specialized training in international development cooperation. In addition, a large number of courses, seminars, conferences and workshops specialized with special interest in the development cooperation field has been taught. These courses are conducted in Spain (Madrid, Málaga, Granada, Toledo, Sevilla, Jaén, Oviedo, etc.) and outside Spain, in countries such as Mexico, Argentina and Paraguay, Vietnam and the Maghreb countries. The trainings are geared to diplomats, political scientists, economists, lawyers, sociologists, project managers, international consultants, researchers and public administrations officials.
In relation to support to public and private entities in cooperation development tasks and social innovation, CIDEAL Foundation has carried out different activities regarding technical assistance in several countries.
CIDEAL Foundation has supported and offered technical assistance oriented to public administrations in several sectors associated with social advances and sustainable development such as:
- Institutional strengthening
- Managing for development results (GoRD)
- Gender and employment generation
- Capacity building
- Risk management
- Project management
- Strategic planning
Technical assistances in 2014 have been conducted in the following countries:
- Guatemala
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic
- Paraguay
- Panama
- Spain

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CIDEAL Foundation will put in practice all its knowledge and experience to promote intercultural exchange and development in Spain. This Foundation has worked in various fields, whether in areas such as development cooperation, intercultural dialog, gender equality, youth, education, immigration, the environment or means of communication. The heterogeneity of the members and the interdisciplinarity of its activities constitute an added value to the network itself and an element of richness.
Examples of projects implemented in Spain: 
2005: “Design of a Program on Governance and Institutional Strengthening for the Mediterranean Region” (co-financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID)). The program covered a wide geographical area of intervention that includes North Africa, Middle East and Mediterranean European countries not members of the European Union. The program was derived from the Director Plan of the Spanish Cooperation and was inspired by the guidelines of the Barcelona Process, to promote the political reform and the economic and trade liberalization in the area, guidelines that were renovated from an institutional perspective with the Policy of European Neighbourhood. The program identified four strategic areas of intervention, are as follows: The promotion of social participation, representative democracy and politic pluralism (strengthening of political parties and civil society organizations, judiciary, electoral systems, human rights, etc.); the promotion of a favourable environment for juridical security, socioeconomic development and wealth distribution. (Improvement of juridical and economic security, social dialogue, labour rights, fiscal policy, public income and expenditure, adoption of normative and institutional rules of UE internal market, etc.); The reform and modernization of Public Administration, according to the parameters of good governance (management of public policies, decentralization process, transparency, public ethics and fighting against corruption). The main beneficiaries of the program were: Public administrations at the central, regional and local levels; Legislative and Judiciary powers and institutions guaranteeing democracy; Social and economic agencies; Civil Society Organizations.
2007-2008: “Research in conflicts management in the international context, diffusion campaign and peace education for secondary school students in Madrid”, co-financed by Ministry of Education and Science. The Project was developed through three working phases, are as follows: First, a research was conducted about the conflicts management practices in the international context. The research was followed by a specialised publication on the subject that was widely disseminated in Spain. Second, a pedagogic adaptation of the research contents was undertaken and some didactic materials developed for its diffusion among students of the last Secondary Education course. Third, a series of educative and dissemination actions addressed to students of the last courses in Secondary Education (around 16 years old) were developed. These students were, according the opinion of schools directors and teachers involved, in very good conditions to become beneficiaries of this project, since they still are in a permeable phase to acquire values and knowledge and, at the same time, they had greater capacities of thinking and abstraction than lower levels students.

2008-2009: “Making aware on co-development: how to do it?”, co-financed by Municipality of Madrid. The project carried out an awareness campaign bound to Madrid’s civil society organisations with interest in the execution of co-development actions, as well as to immigrant people living in Madrid. Firstly, a spreading notebook on co-development and on the main practical experiences carried out in Madrid was edited and disseminated among immigrants associations, ONGs and other inserted actors. Secondly, an awareness seminary of 3 days was organised with the participation of experts from all Spain, which was how to perform all the stages of a project (identification, design, formulation, execution and monitoring) using the logic framework approach and the right adjustments.
2008-2011: “Design and editing promotional materials to strengthen the knowledge and making aware on human rights and development” (co-financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID)). This project aimed to enrich the knowledge, the education and making aware among different sector of Spanish society. The objective was to raise awareness on the risks that actually threaten the human rights and the need to defend and promote them. To that end, the following actions were planned:  phase of analysis, publication of a book directed to the specialists of this field, editing a CD-ROM including a popular version of the book, diffusion of a recommendations and good practice guide on human rights and a useful agenda for communication professionals, teachers and experts. Finally, all the documents and materials were disseminated in the sectors related to the human rights.
2009-2010: Realization of: 1. Sector-based assessment of the State General Administration aid to the sector “Government and Civil Society”; 2. Sector-based assessment on other international cooperation agencies in the sector “Government and Peace building” (co-financed by Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID)). The assessment was realised to analyze the State General Administration and other international cooperation agencies aid to Government and Civil Society Sector for the period 2005-2008 (previous to the Spanish Cooperation Master Plan). The sub-sectors were as follows: Economic and development Policy/planning, Financial Management of public sector, Public Administration, Strengthening of Civil Society, Electoral Processes, Freedom of Information, Legal and judiciary Development, Human Rights, and Management and Reform of Security Systems.

2010-2011: “Internet and the human rights: a challenge for the future of young people” (co-financed by Municipality of Madrid). Internet could influence Human Rights in a positive way, thronging their promotion and defence, or in a negative way, providing new frameworks of vulnerability to some fundamental rights. None protection and control system of the human right was developed in this new virtual space to tackle the behaviours that could affect in the human right field. Once that the lacks were detected, an intervention was carried out in order to enrich the knowledge and the education in Madrid society, with special attention towards young people and teenagers, in order to make them aware of the risks of human right in the Internet world, especially the rights to the development and the need to defend and to promote this rights.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CIDEAL is a foundation that has been working for over thirty years in research, training and technical assistance in development cooperation.
In the Centre of our activities is promote the respect for diversity and dialogue among people of different cultures, backgrounds and religious beliefs. In addition, CIDEAL promotes regional initiatives and supports local activities through civil society organizations (CSOs).  The main purpose of these actions is promoted respect for cultural diversity, the dignity of human rights, the defence of peace and democracy.
The Foundation has high experience working in several Euro-Mediterranean countries, mainly in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Spain. The main lines of work are as follow: Gender (equal opportunities, legal literacy, women's rights strengthening, etc.); Improvement of young people and women's employability and vocational training; Support to cooperatives, micro-enterprises and micro-projects; Economic development; Child protection; Migrations.
Field cooperation
• Productive programs and projects that promote the economical and social tissues.
• Education, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), programs and projects.
• Institutional strengthening projects, capacity building projects and management civil society organizations from Southern countries.
• Peace building and conflict prevention projects.
• Actions aiming at the democratization of the societies and at the promotion of human rights.
Transversal axis:
• Promotion of productive initiatives and of the economic context.
• Institutional promotion.
• Civil society promotion and promotion of the role of citizenship.
• Human rights promotion and defense.
• Promotion of women’s capacities and reinforcement of their autonomy.
• Environmental protection.
To contribute to human development of Southern countries through two ways of action:
• Research, specialized training, technical assistance and publication of books on international development cooperation.
• Promotion and implementation of development actions on the field.
Both areas have been integrated into CIDEAL Foundation’s everyday activity, enriching each other: prior reflection activities leads to better quality projects in the South, and the field experience provides theoretical analysis and specialized training with an empirical and realistic foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
María José García Cardena
Job Title
Development project manager
Head of the organisation
Manuel Gómez-Galán (Director General)

ANNAJAH Association For Cultural , Social and Environmental Development

National Network

Rue Chabab Touama .Biougra .Chtouka ait baha .
87200 Biougra . Chtouka Ait Baha.

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
   We are a local Association For Cultural , Social and Environmental  Development  named ANNAJAH  located Biougra  Chtouka Ait Baha . Morocco .         It is a voluntary, not-for-profit professional association which was officially formed in 2014 .  We aim at Promoting standards of excellence in the teaching of English from Early Years to University for Promoting best practice for successful learning.
Mission and Objectives

 We are five members  in our association and we aim at  giving assisstance and support to students and youngs in general in diferent subjects and issues including learning foreign languages and meantime teaching them more effectively and through a variety of means. In additition to this we also organize special actions and activities to help youngs to be creative and autonomous .

Main Projects / Activities

Education , social and environmental development .

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed El mansouri
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Association For Cultural , Social and Environmental Development

جمعية حقي للاشخاص لذوي الاعاقة

National Network

شبر االخيمة

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
جمعية حقي للاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة جمعية حقوقية مكونة من الاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة انفسهم  نعمل بالنهج الحقوقي في قضية الاعاقة من خلال التشبيك والعمل الجماعي مع المنظمات dbos وتعمل علي  دمج قضية الاعاقة في برامج التنمية الشاملة  مصادر التمويل حتي الان ذاتيا  هيكل الجمعية حاليا هو مجلس الادارة فقط لضعف الموارد المالية     
Mission and Objectives

جمعية حقي للاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة
مشهرة برقم    2267    بتاريخ 16\2\2015
مشاركة حقيقة وفعالة وعادلة في مجتمع دامج للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة الحاصلين علي حقوقهم المشاركين في إدارته وتنميته .
نسعي لتحقيق التنمية الشاملة المستدامة ولحياة كرية ومستقلة ملائمة لعيش الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة من خلال حماية حقوقهم والعمل علي تفعيل الإتفاقيات الدولية والمواد الدستورية الخاصة بهم.
وطن واحد

Main Projects / Activities

من ضمن اشطتنا ورش حول وضع مسودة قانون حقوق الاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة الحالي
مشروع تغيير مع المنظمة الدولية للمعاقين

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال خبراتنا بالعمل في مجال قضية الاعاقة
لنا خبره جيدة بالنهج الحقوقي وادارة الحملات 
التواصل الجيد مع الاعلام ومنظمات المجتمع المدني
خبرة ادارية بالمنظمات غير الحكومية
خبرة كتابه مقترحات المشاريع 
التواصل مع المنظمات الدولية 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للتشبيك والعمل والمساعدة علي دعم العمل الجماعي وادراج قضايا حقوق الاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة لديكم ودمجها في اجندة عملكم 

Contact (1) Full Name
اسامة طايع حسانين
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الادارة
Head of the organisation
اسامة طايع حسانين احمد


National Network

douar Tighmert
81000 Guelmim

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Le groupe Kel Tamasheq est composé de 6 musiciens et chanteurs Nous sommes tous Saharaouis, originaires de Guelmim dans le grand Sud marocain. Nous avons créé le groupe en 2006. Notre style est une fusion de musiques touarègues et saharaouies, avec un son électrique tradi-moderne. Ces deux cultures sont très liées et ce mélange apporte un sang neuf, sur un rythme groovy irrésistible. Les paroles ancrées dans la culture Hassanie évoquent la vie quotidienne des hommes et des femmes du désert
Mission and Objectives

Notre objectif est de presenter notre groupe dans le monde entier.....

Main Projects / Activities

- Tournées mondiales
- créer un studio d'enregistrements pour tous les groupes du sud Maroc

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Media et reseaux sociaux

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour faire connaitre notre groupe

Contact (1) Full Name
Pascal Georgette dit Saliha
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Chihab
Contact (2) Full Name
Chihab Mohamed
Job Title (2)

European Movement-Latvia

National Network

Merkela iela 13
Riga, LV-1050

+371 29626646
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

European Movement – Latvia, founded in 1997, is one of the biggest and most influential NGOs in Latvia working in the political sphere. EML works in order to to support civil society development and its participation in EU related decision-making both in Latvia and in Europe improve representation of Latvia’s and its civil society interests in the EU and cooperation with other European countries, European Neighbourhood and Developing Countries foster European awareness and values in Latvia

Mission and Objectives

The EML has approx 700 members (private persons and legal entities). The anual congress is the highest decision making body. The congress elects a board consisting of 9 persons incl. president and vice president, who are in charge for the implementation of the work programme. The work of the non-payed board is supported by office employees and volunteers. Currently 2 full time project managers, 1 full time volunteer, 1 bookkeeper, approx. 5-10 volunteers working on specific projects.  The EML finances (approx. 60 000 EUR in 2015) are based on membership fees, donations, projects and service contracts. Income sources are diverted and no specific dominance of a certain donor can be identified. Main projects 2015: EML hosts a volunteer through the Erasmus+ programme, has a 3 year project from the Socitey Integreation Foundation on administrative costs and basic activities (finishing Dec. 2015), Integration projects with the Ministry of Culture, Service contracts (Mobile express with discussions in Schools, EU information provider Forum etc.) with the European Commission in Latvia and the European Parliament. Main partners Institutional Partners: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Parliament (especially European Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Social and Education Committees), Ministry of Education and its Agencies, Ministry of Culture, Agency Jaunatnes Starptautisko programmu aģentūra. Non-institutional: NGO and Government Cooperation Council and its member organistations (EML is elected member of the Council), NGO and Parliament cooperataion Forum team (elected member), Civic Alliance Latvia (founding member), Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS) (Founding member), European Movement International ((member).

Main Projects / Activities

The EML regularly carries out greater and smaller projects, some of which are already a trademark of the organization, as well as various non-project activities. Examples are: – European of the Year in Latvia – project dating back to 1998, with a public vote for the person who has most contributed to strengthening links between Latvia and the rest of Europe. The contest has attracted wide public and media attention. Prominent people from different fields hold the title, including former President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, singers Renārs Kaupers and Marija Naumova, current EU Development Commissionner Andris Piebalgs, etc. – Europe Day. The EML started the tradition celebrating the Europe Day in Latvia back in 1998 together with youth organization Club “The House” – Youth for United Europe. The EML not only assists in preparing and takes part in the EU festivities in Vērmanes Garden (Rīga), but also organizes public events in the regions as well as high-level discussions, conferences and receptions. – European Voluntary Service (EVS) and promotion of the European Year of Volunteering in schools. Since 2008, the EML is an accredited EVS sending organization, but a hosting organization already since 2006. So far EML has hosted five international volunteers and has sent more than 25 Latvian volunteers to other European countries. The EML actively promotes the program at various youth events, and in 2010-2011 it also carried out a series of presentations on volunteerism and EVS in more than 50 regional schools. – Work with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).  A particular priority for the EML is fully implementing Article 11 of the Treaty on European Union. – Strengthening civil society in Latvia. The EML stands for strong and active civil society as well as open and democratic public governance. The EML, often in cooperation with other civil society partners, has already achieved several improvements in existing mechanisms of participation. Now a top priority is developing and implementing a new, unified model (mechanism) of civic participation which would encompass regional, national and EU/international levels. The work has been underway since 2009, with the EML being constantly involved at the highest level. The EML sustains cooperation with the Saeima (Parliament), the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Chancellery, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Science (national coordinator of the European Year of Volunteering) and other governance institutions, as well as with the European Parliament Information Office in Latvia and the Representation of the European Commission in Latvia. – Information activities. The EML regularly publishes news and updates on its webpage, as well as electronically distributes its weekly newsletter (more than 2 300 recipients). The organization cooperates with Latvian and foreign mass media, takes part in and organizes public events, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The EML has a Newsletter published every second week and reaching out to more than 2500 opinion leaders in Latvia, including NGOs, civil servants, decision makers and multipliers. The EML has strong interests in promoting democratic values and share experience with other partners incl. in less privilaged regions and countries. The EML, thourhg its work in the NGO and Government Cooperation Council and the NGO and Parliament Cooperation Forum has great cooperation with a wide NGO sector and others, which can be of use for the joint values covering EML and the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The EML has followed the work of the ALF Network for several years. Participation in ALF related events is a regular activity for the EML. With an increasing challanges for the EU, Europe and its neighbours an increased cooperation is needed to solve joint challanges and to contribute to a sustainable, peaceful and democratic continent and world which is based on human dignity. The membership in the ALF Network can be an additional tool in information exchange and joint project design for the above mentioned aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andris Gobins
Job Title
President of the European Movement-Latvia
Head of the organisation
Andris Gobins
Contact (2) Full Name
Liene Valdmane
Job Title (2)
Project manager

Kino Šiška, Centre for Urban Culture

National Network

Trg prekomorskih brigad 3
1000 Ljubljana

+386 1 500 3002
Telephone (other)
+386 1 500 3001
+386 1 500 3021
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+386 30 310 102
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 30 310 100
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture is a public institution founded by the Municipality of Ljubljana in 2009 as a project of revitalization of a former cinema into a contemporary and urban culture venue and a production brand for concerts, performing, intermedia and visual arts events. Last year we hosted more than 270 events, which were attended by around 90 thousand visitors. There are nine full-time of permanent employees, but we also cooperate with more than 30 contractual employees. Being a public institute established and co-funded by the City of Ljubljana, Kino Šiška performs public service in accordance with its constitutional documents, as well as programmes and the strategy. The sources of funding: around 50% City of Ljubljana, some specific projects advertised in national tenders, as well as the European grants, donation and sponsorships. Budget for 2015 is around 1.700.000 EUR.
Mission and Objectives

Kino Šiška is the central Slovenian institution, which is not being limited only to Ljubljana, but it is also attracts visitors from other Slovenian regions and abroad.
The Kino Šiška programme represents and combines the urban life, multiculturalism, a politically unbiased attitude and advanced technology, and besides this the architectural solutions of the place itself make Kino Šiška one of the Slovenia's friendliest venues for the physically impaired and sensory-deprived.
Main objectives:
Importance of knowledge exchange and joint co-creation
Presentation of under-represented art-related disciplines and genres
Combining theory with practice
International engagement and
Audience development

Main Projects / Activities

The main focus of Kino Šiška programme along with contemporary theatre and dance programme is on the music and visual and intermedia art programme. Of all the music events Kino Šiška has hosted so far we are most proud to single out the legends of alternative music like Laibach, Swans, My Bloody Valentine, Atari Teenage Riot, Mudhoney, Mark Lanegan, Shellac, Tricky, Tindersticks, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Lamb, Deus, The Ex, The Walkabouts, Grinderman, Editors etc; standard-bearers of the contemporary indie/pop/rock scene; the leading names of ethno and jazz; top contemporary electro dance and experimental live acts; rock, metal and punk legends, as well as the best regional and Slovenian bands.
In the field of film, visual arts and experimentations the events to be emphasised are Slovenian documentary premieres; Independent Biennale of Illustration; Exit Through the Glory Hole group exhibition of the contemporary graphic art from Belgrade and cross-boarder project Common Space and international MuralArt.
And the most prominent events from fields of dance and theatre are international collaborations and co-productions as well new performances from a series of pieces by young choreographers.
Relared to youth and education programme we produce Špil liga – competition for the best high school band and Indekš – cycle of concert events presenting new, promissing, and uprsising international musical performers.
Two of the most important annual projects of Kino Šiška are MENT and CoFestival.
MENT is an international project in two closely related sections. The first and foremost is a three-day conference and festival event MENT Ljubljana, which was premiered in February 2015 and will continue to be held each year at the beginning of February. The edition 2016 will take place between 3rd and 5th February.
The second set of project we want to specifically highlight is MENT platform, which operates within the meaning of the "Music Export Office" concept and delegates of Slovenian musical artists to similar such events abroad (EuroSonic / Netherlands, InMusic / Croatia, EXIT / Serbia, the march / Slovakia, Waves Vienna & Bratislava, Reeperbahn / Germany, Mother / France ...) and assist in the promotion, networking and production.
CoFestival 2015 with a subtittle The Art of Co-Living is annual International Festival of Contemporary Dance. In 2015 the festival again features a selection of very different artistic approaches, which intervene into our gaze, pushing us into collective reflection of imaginary figures, which constitute and produce society. We co-produce the festival with Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Being the first Slovenian public institution to be integrated in the Network, Kino Šiška will seek to promote the foundation and stimulate contacts with similar governmental and non-governmental institutions as well artistic and cultural activists, including the Slovenian organizations that are members already, as well as organizations from the other side of the (Mediterranean) Sea, particularly from non-EU-member states. Being a member, we will be introducing in Slovenia joint projects with countries that are featured only rarely in the Slovenian cultural sphere. Our projects will originate in the spheres of culture and art, as well as culture, education and media, the latter mostly focusing on the younger generation and audience development, which we have been integrating in several successful projects already, both at the national level and within European culture projects like Modul Dance, What’s the Deal and Quantum Music.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Regardless of Slovenia being a Mediterranean country, our collaborations with Mediterranean countries, particularly those outside the EU, i.e. Middle Eastern and Northern African countries are practically non-existent. Especially now that the (Mediterranean) Sea has become synonymous with Refugee flows, it is crucial to promote its other implications. Learning about and cooperating with cultures from the other side of the (Mediterranean) Sea can bring a wider, more open, possibly more liberal view of the nations and countries that are currently mostly labeled negatively. It is cultural cooperation that could render the negative connotation positive.
Strengthens and development of the Network is in international and national collaboration and integration, establishing long-term contacts with partner institutions and in joining in international projects. The integration is based on the content itself and not only on the financial side.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mitja Bravhar
Job Title
Assistant Manager for Management and Finance
Head of the organisation
Simon Kardum, manager
Contact (2) Full Name
Uroš Bonšek
Job Title (2)
Head of Public Relations


National Network

7 allée du Practice
95490 Vauréal

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Onorient is a webmagazine dedicated to the promotion of arts and culture from North Africa to the Middle-East. It is specifically adressing the renewal of this culture throught a connected platform intended for a curious and open minded readership.  The team cover events and has different press partnerships. It also provides people with a newsroom (articles about films, books and exhibits as well as portraits of the new faces of the MENA region); music library and an agenda.  It is structured as an apolitical and non-religious association (governed by the law 1901 and based in Paris), since March 2015.  
Mission and Objectives

As an alternative media website that promotes a renewal in the cultural sphere of the MENA region by showcasing the works and thoughts of younger generations, we aim at : 
- Promote the intercultural dialogue
- Diffuse and make the editorial content about arts and culture accessible thanks to digital innovation
- Promote the cultural diversity of the MENA region

Main Projects / Activities

Onorientour was the main project devoloped by the team this year. The project is focusing on culture in the Arab world. In the current global context, the dominant representations that emerge of the Orient anchor themselves in images of religious extremism and societal backwardness. These representations nourish prejudices against the Arab world and ignore the cultural contributions of this region, and the diversity of voices within the Middle East:
"To counter this dynamic, our aim is to organise a " Rihla رحلة " (both as a physical and existential journey) of 5 months in North Africa and the Middle East. Our goal is to meet contemporary artists who are participating in the revival of Arabe culture and embody the future of our region. Through this project, we would like to genuine immersion in the tormented and reconstructing Arab societies during which we will implement several initiatives (meet artists, create an interactive web platform to promote their work, participate in cultural events)."
From Morocco to Jordan, crossing Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon, the tree explorers were able to write diverse articles about their discoveris and organise several workshops . The initiative continue to have a great media coverage and you can follow their steps on : 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Invite the members of the network to the events we organize
- Contribute to lectures concerning arts and culture and media in the MENA region
- Provide the network with an important database of artists and cultural actors 
- Mobilize an important readership when needed

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- To attend interesting events
- To take the most from the possible synergies with other organizations
- To receive information about the foundation's activities
- To be able to apply for grants 

Contact (1) Full Name
Oumayma Ajarrai
Job Title
General secretary
Head of the organisation
Ghita Chilla
Contact (2) Full Name
Hajar Chokairi
Job Title (2)
Vice president