Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto

National Network

Via Baldasseroni, 25

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
La Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto nasce nel 2003 dall'impegno di Salvatore Calleri e Elisabetta Baldi Caponnetto allo scopo di promuovere la legalità e combattere tutte le mafie e sensibilizzare i giovani attraverso le campagne di sensibilzzazione nelle scuole.Viene sostenuta da fondi pubblici e privati.
Mission and Objectives

Combattere le mafie

Main Projects / Activities

Si occupa da anni di campagne di sensibilizzazione antimafia nelle scuole.

Contact (1) Full Name
Salvatore Calleri
Head of the organisation
Salvatore Calleri

Asociatia Gentlemen's Tennis Club

National Network

Calea Serban Voda Nr. 286 bl. 3A Sc. D, Et. 4, Ap. 114
040222 Bucharest

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
General Information
Gentlemen's Tennis Club is coordinated by the Board which is formed by theree members. The President is in charge of management of the association during the year. He is helped by the Development coordinator. We a partnership with National Administration Association, and together we develop 4 publications - Daily Legal Analysis Bulletin, Daily Transparency Bulletin, Southeast Europe Daily Open Sources Bulletin, Buletin Medical. The association also organised weekly tennis competitions. We have a team of 8 persons working in the organisational projects. In 2014 we cooperated with Fundatia Universitara a Marii Negre to designing the Sports Money Schemes Project fiche. Budgetary resources available during 2014 - 2970 RON. Source of funding: membership fees, member donations, redirections from taxpayers of 2% form annual income tax.
Mission and Objectives

Through tennis we wish to create the proper atmosphere for socialising and development of common projects.
Developing a specialised center focused on ethics and integrity in sports
Promoting ethical values of sports among youth and children

Main Projects / Activities

Together with National Administration Assotiation we develop the following publications:
- Daily Legal Analysis Bulletin,
- Daily Transparency Bulletin,
- SouthEast Europe Daily Open Sources Bulletin,
- Buletin Medical
We participate to developing the portal - career development portal for the public sector.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- by promoting and developing projects centered on ethics and high integrity standards in sports and sports financing in SouthEast Europe.
- we will use our organisational national expertise and our highly qualified experts in foreign affairs in order to promote the network initiatives at national level and also at regional level (SouthEast Europe)
- through our projects we actively monitor the legislative process in Romania, and we may contribute to the network mission of enhancing the transparency and accountability of public bodies and institutions. We intend to develop legislative monitoring activities in SouthEast Europe.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- we intend to extend our expertise and network of partners in SouthEast Europe
- we intend to develop partnerships in order to impement our regional projects
- we intend to contribute to promoting high integrity and ethical standards in sports and sports financing

Contact (1) Full Name
Mihai Todirica
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mihai Todirica
Contact (2) Full Name
Petre-Claudiu Platon
Job Title (2)
Development Coordinator

ARTdiela o.z.

National Network
Slovak Republic

Námestie Slobody 2,
Okulka 11/9
093 01 Vranov nad Topľou

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
Občianske združenie ARTdiela JE založené iba v r. 2.014. Združuje milovníkov umenia tradíciám v spojitosti s charitatívnymi aktivitami- Všetky jsou Aktivity realizované Ako dobrovoľníctva. Akcie nám Finančné propagačné zabezpečuje hlavne náš partnerom Brezno Galéria ART diela, Veľký partnerom JE ZOC Max Prešov- s ktoreho pomocou realizujeme vela projektov, úzky partnerom JE ozmaliček / celoslovenská organizácia združujúca predčasne narodení deti tak zdravotným znevýhodnením /, mediálne Nás podporuje sociálne Prešov oz , Rádio Prešov, Dobrovoľníci z radoví Vysokoškolákov, SKB postupiteľa Vranov nad Topľou, Chránená dielna Dúha Vranov nad Topľou, podporili náš slovenský zdravotná poisťovňa Dôvera -grant z: Nadácia pre deti Slovenska / deti Slovenska nadácie /
Mission and Objectives

• Tvorba Rozvoj duchovných kultúrnych hodnôt • Vzdelávanie, Podpora tvorivosti Rozvoj kultúry • Podpora regionálneho rozvoja zamestnanost • Poskytovanie verejnoprospešných Služieb • Rozvoj pracovných zručnosť • Rozvoj regionálnych tradíciám • Spájanie róznorodých komunity • Usporadúvanie plenérov, výstav, aukciám vernisážou • tvorivou dielne • Rozvoj umeleckého estetického cítením • Spájanie komerčných charitatívnych Aktivít • Podpora Rozvoj kultúrnych tradíciám • organizovaním spoločenských podujatí akcií

Main Projects / Activities

- Podpora XI. ročníka benefičného večera s názvom "Ružová noc" - Charitatívne podujatie Ružová noc organizovanej občianským združením OZ Orin Panacea Ivany Christovej - Podpora Charitatívnej módnej prehliadka. Výťažok venovanie Ludo trpiacim sklerózou multiplex- r. 2014 r. 2015 - spolupráca s ozmalíček - partneri - organizácia Benefičných koncertov v r. 2014 sa 2015 pri príležitosti svetového dňa predčasne narodených detí spojených s predajna výstavou umeleckých diel. - Pravidelné zapájanie sa do akcii venovaných rodinám tak zdravé deti pivo ai pre rodiny ai tak Zdravotne znevýhodneným detmi. - Podpora História a Národnej kultúry v podobe zabezpečením vystúpenia V priestoroch OC MAX Prešov Folklórnej speváckej skupiny Potoky z Nižného Hrabovca- tradičnej zvyky spojené s Vianocami- koledy, jasličkári .... - Spolupráca s ZOC MAX Prešov Podpora tradičnej akcie "valentínske Kvapky krvi". - Okolesníkom sme úzkym partnerom ozmalíček, Tak aktívne spolupracuje s ich pobočkou pre región východ a Spoločne sme zorganizovali 2 x výstava fotografiu - príbehový predčasne narodených deti v priestoroch OC Max, - V priestoroch OC Max každý mesiac ARTdiela oz organizujú tvorivej kreatívne dielne pre deti- zdravé pivo ai deti Zdravotne znevýhodnených, bolí spojené s prednáškou odborníkov rodicom tychto Deti - z Oblasti starostlivosti o predčasne narodení deti, ktore zabezpečuje ozmalíček. - Prezentácia výtvarníkov na ich tvorby - ARTdiela oz v spolupráci s predajna galériami ART diela ZOC Max usporiadalo dver Veľké akcie a až dve oddelené predajné výstavy V priestoroch OC Max: - v máji 29-30.05.2015 pri príležitosti DNA Deti sa uskutočnila Brezno výstava tradičných remesiel pod názvom Rytieri & tradíciám / časť Rytieri zabezpečilo OC Max obsadenie predajnej výstavy remesiel pod názvom tradíciám zastrešovala v spolupráci ARTdiela oz danej Brezno galéria- 25 vystavovateľov / - v Décembre 2.015 v dňoch 4-6.12.2015 - v rámci akcie Mikuláš v ZOC max - sme usporiadali predajna výstavu pod názvom Remeslo & Umenie, KDE sa prezentovali umelci remeselníci z rôznych Oblasti zo Slovenska zahraničia / 45 vystavovateľov /.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

V Naso Regione žije tvori niekolko desiatok výtvarníkov, ludovych umelcov. Máloktorému sa Však Dari prezentovať Výsledky svojej tvorby širšiemu okruhov obdivovateľov profesionálneho umenia. V pokusom o zmenu TENTO stav vznikla Myšlienka vytvoriť neziskové občianske združenie, ktoreho úlohou by bolo združiť profesionálnych umelcov uznávaných amatérov nad 18 rokov vytvára im podmienky pre prezentáciám ich tvorby rozvíjať spoluprácu s kultúrnymi umeleckými ustanovizňami v SR ai v Zahraničie cez rôzne Grantové schémy si Sponzoring hlad finančne, materiálové, vzdelávacími priestorové možnosti pre ich Rozvoj a prezentáciám.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

V Oblasti Umenie KULTÚRA spolupracovať tak zahraničným partnerom na vzájomnej výmennej prezentáciám umeleckej tvorby, tradičných remesiel, na organizovaní výstav, plenérov, sutaz, výmenných pobytov ...

Contact (1) Full Name
Bc. Helena Vožňáková
Job Title
práca s umením
Head of the organisation
Bc. Helena Vožňáková
Contact (2) Full Name
Alexander Vožňák
Job Title (2)
práca s umením

association hammam foogani pour le développement section oujda

National Network

rue boubaid oujda
rue boubaid oujda

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Domaines d'intervention : Développement rural; Gestion intégrée de l'eau douce; Gestion des déchets; oasis; Oasis; Agriculture durable; Education à l'environnement - Ecocitoyenneté: Education à l'environnement - Ecocitoyenneté: déchets; éducation à l'eau; lutte contre la désertification; Jeunes et environnement; Femmes et environnement; Types d'activités : Education; Economique; Nature d'intervention : Développement socio-culturel et économique Promotion de la coopération et de la participation associative/collective des habitants Protection de l'environnement et promotion de l'agriculture et de l'élevage Tendre à réaliser le financement des projets de développement avec l'appui d'autres ONGs Soutenir la famille par l'intégration de la femme/fille dans le développement Public : jeunes; employés; femmes; tout public; Champs géographiques d'intervention : local; Ong ou association création en 1994 ; 11 membres  ; Budget annuel
Mission and Objectives

relance de la cooperation collective et la participation de la population dans les projets!,d'auto-developpement : une serie de developpement des jeunes par des formations.   coopperation et l'echange d'idees et d'experiences avec les associations nationales et l'internationales   renforce la famille et de l'entegration des femmes et des filles dans le developpement global de la region 

Main Projects / Activities

intitule du projet: construction terrain omnisport.   porteur du projet: association hammam fougani. partenaires: ado          intitule du projet: nous sommes la.     porteur du projet: association hammam fougani.     partenaires: mjs     intitule du projet: equipement d'une biblotheque  porteur du projet: association hammam fougani   partenaires: idd

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

a tarvier des projets qui répond a les besoin des jeunes le objective c'est la participation des jeunes au  developpement. 
Formuler et mettre en œuvre les projets de manière participative avec les jeunes.   La coordination et la coopération avec les différents acteurs locaux Impliquer les jeunes dans un réseau dynamique 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La coordination des partenaires avec  le réseau annalind  Les jeunes bénéficient de programmes de réseau

Contact (1) Full Name
erradi abdelaziz
Job Title
charge de projets
Head of the organisation
omer boukha
Contact (2) Full Name
hosni mohamad
Job Title (2)
membre de la association

Partners Albania, Center for Change and Conflict Management

National Network

Street Sulejman Delvina, N.18, H.8, Ap. 12

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Partners Albania is a local nonprofit organization in Albania. PA is member of PDCI Network, Euclid Network, BSCDN and other platforms at regional and international level. PA is governed by an independent Board of Directors comprised of distinguished personalities from various fields of life. Partners Albania has 17 full time staff, about 28 external professionals. The main funding sources and partners are a range of donors and international organizations, including EU, USAID, US Embassy in Albania, British Embassy in Albania, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania, SDC, OSFA, Olof Palme International Center, RBF, BTD, OSCE, UNDP, World Bank, etc. PA has a long collaboration history with many local organizations in Albania, in Western Balkans, SEE and EU and at the global, and other relevant actors including government institutions at central and local level, academia, media, business etc. PA annual budget various from 450.000-600.000 euro.
Mission and Objectives

Partners Albania is an independent Albanian NPO, with a mission to advance civil society and a culture of change and conflict management in Albania. Partners Albania is a member of Partners Global, a partnership of 19 independent, local organizations in Europe, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East working for peaceful and democratic change. Partners Albania activity main purpose is to build the platforms for communities, civil society organizations, government and business to resolve conflict and advance constructive change. The five programmatic areas of work where the organization is focused are: Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Enabling environment for CSOs and sustainable development; Philanthropy and Social Responsibility; Women and youth employment and increased representation in decision making. The main projects implemented by PA relates to: capacity building programs for individuals and institutions; research; facilitation of participatory processes; organization of public events i.e conferences, workshops, study visits, fairs, exchanges, related to innovative and important topics for the sector and country development; seed funding; coaching and technical assistance etc.

Main Projects / Activities

• LËVIZ Albania / MOVE Albania (funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) • RISI Albania – Making the labor market working for youth (funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) • Democracy and Governance in Albania (USAID) • Philanthropy in Support of Economic Development and Social Inclusion in Albania (funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund) • Establishment of Social Enterprises: to improve the situation of unemployed in the region of Tirana, Durres and Elbasan (funded by UN Women) • Promotion and Development of Social Enterprises and Social Innovation in Albania (funded by OSFA) • IGA Project - Inter Gera Ação (funded from the EU, Europe for Citizens Programme) • Join Citizen Action for a Stronger, Citizen - Friendly Union (funded from the EU, Europe for Citizens Programme) • Balkan Civil Society Acquis – Strengthening the Advocacy and Monitoring Potential and Capacities of CSOs (funded by EU) • Enhancing transparency and accountability of e-public procurement at the local level (funded by British Embassy & Netherlands Embassy in Tirana) • “Platform Web 2.0 - Albanian NPO Community” (funded by US Embassy in Tirana) • Increase citizen participation in policy making and implementation (funded by Olof Palme International Center • Increase Representation of Women in Rural Areas in Political and Social Life (funded by EU and OSFA) • Cities without corruption – Cities with a future (funded by British Embassy in Tirana &World Bank Institute • Urban Governance/integrity building in south east Europe (funded by World Bank Group) • Promoting and Strengthening Democracy through Citizens Participation in Electoral and Participatory Processes (funded by US Embassy in Tirana) • Civil society and local self-governments in enhancing social cohesion in Albania and Montenegro (funded by EU) • Towards an alternative tourism in the cross border area of Albania and Macedonia (funded by EU) • Strengthening Democratic Practices of Active Citizens Participation in Electoral Processes (funded by US Embassy in Tirana; & Balkan Trust for Democracy) • Enhancing youth employment through training and labor market orientation (funded by OSFA) • Enhancement of Women’s Role in Governance (funded by OSCE) • Revision of Fiscal Legal Framework for the Non-Profit Sector (OSFA) • Building the capacities of civil society organizations to promote participatory consultations in policy formulation processes in Albania (Balkan Trust for Democracy) • Young Entrepreneurs of Albania (funded by US Embassy in Tirana) • Participatory Budgeting at Central Level (funded by Olof Palme International Center and OSFA) • The research project “Challenges and Opportunities for Employment of Marginalized Groups by Social Enterprise” (funded through the Regional Research Promotion Programme for the Western Balkans, which is run by the University of Fribourg upon mandate of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Partners Albania is a leading organization in the civil society sector in Albania. It is serving volunteer for many years, as a resource center for the sector, contributing to the strengthening of the civil society sector capacities, their promotion, building up bridges of communication with other relevant stakeholders, including government, media, academia and business.
Considering so, Partners Albania can contribute to the Network in our country through capacity building, process facilitation, network promotion in the country and region, initiation of project ideas, implementation, etc.
Partners Albania can contribute also in the establishment of partnerships with other similar organizations on regional and world scale. The efforts of Partners Albania have brought about numerous policy changes in Albania, fostering economic and social development. The organization is committed to improving the lives of Albanians, particularly through the creation of economic mobility for young people who have been plagued by high unemployment and a lack of opportunity. All these initiatives and the experience of Partners Albania would help a lot the network in the good governance, development of education and youth, gender initiatives, and in general in a more sustainable development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Partners Albania fits and feels part of ALF Network’s mission. PA used to be member of the network since its creation. It was one of the first organizations in Albania that was part of the national network and participated in local and international events. PA can contribute to the promotion of the Network values, networking, and undertaking of various initiatives within ALF focus and mission, at the national, regional and international level, and initiation and implementation of joint projects. The fact that ALF is a large and diverse Network is an opportunity for promoting exchanges and field missions with organizations part of the network with the purpose of learning from good practices. Another reason is to increase its visibility worldwide and to cooperate and contribute with its capacities in different projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ariola Agolli
Job Title
Director of Programs
Head of the organisation
Juliana Hoxha
Contact (2) Full Name
Elona Kapexhiu
Job Title (2)
Communication Manager

Associazione Futuridea

National Network

Contrada Piano Cappelle

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Futuridea is a non profit organization that deals with sustainable development, the environment and technological innovation. Its president, Carmine Nardone, has held numerous positions on the issues of sustainable agriculture and development. His staff is consists of researchers, professionals and citizens interested in the topics of reference. Main parters are the National Research Center, the University of Naples Federico II, the Second University of Naples, Sviluppo Campania SpA, a lot of private companies and many Italian GAL. Its main activities are related to sustainable design, the organization of conferences and events specialist, communication to the dissemination of research.
Mission and Objectives

Futuridea is a non profit organization that deals with sustainable development, the environment and technological innovation.
Its president, Carmine Nardone, has held numerous positions on the issues of sustainable agriculture and development.
His staff is consists of researchers, professionals and citizens interested in the topics of reference.
Main parters are the National Research Center, the University of Naples Federico II, the Second University of Naples, Sviluppo Campania SpA, a lot of private companies and many Italian GAL.
Its main activities are related to sustainable design, the organization of conferences and events specialist, communication to the dissemination of research.

Main Projects / Activities

2011 - 2015: Progetto PSR Campania Colture Orticole Protette Zero CO2
2015: Progetto PSR Campania IAAS Influenza delle condizioni pedoambientali e delle tecniche agronomiche per la coltivazione di Stevia in Campania
2015: Progetto PSR Campania CEREAMICO
2014: Progetto VISAS
2012 - 2015: Progetto PSR Campania GAL Cilsi 
2009: Progetto Terra Felix
2009: Progetto TG della Innovazione 

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Nardone
Head of the organisation

Future Makers Center مركز صنّاع المسبتقبل

National Network

Maan City center Wasat Al Balad
Palestine Street, Opposite of Minsitry of Education
Ma'an, POBox 262

962 3 2136902
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
962 777302344
Mobile Phone (other)
962 776652274
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information

مركز صناع المستقبل - معان مؤسسة ثقافية تعمل على تفعيل دور الشباب في مجتمعهم وأكساب الخبرات والمهارات اللازمة.   جمعية "مركز صناع المستقبل" هي جمعية ثقافية تأُسست بتاريخ 10\5\ 2010 تحت الرقم التاسيسي (150\هـ ) وتتبع لاختصاصات وزارة الثقافة ومقرها الرئيسي محافظة معان وتمارس نشاطاتها في نطاق المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية , ويبلغ عدد اعضائها المسجلين رسميا 12 عضو ويشغل منصب نائب الرئيس فتاة , بينما تجاوز عدد المستفدين والمشاركين في نشاطات الجمعية بشكل مستمر ما يقارب 150 شخص .       وجاء تأسيس الجمعية بناءا على مبادرة قادها مجموعة من الشباب في محافظة معان شعروا منهم بضرورة وجود كيان لهم يستطيعون من خلالة التعبير عن انفسهم والمشاركة في الحياة الاجتماعية بشكل مجدي ومؤثر .

Mission and Objectives

ورسالتنا  التواصل الفعّال مع الشباب الاردني والعمل على رفع كفاءاتهم وخبراتهم وجعلهم أكثر انتاجا وتأثيرا في مجتمعاتهم , واعداهم للانخراط بمختلف مجالات الحياه العامه . ومن أهم اهدافنا : 1 – تفعّيل مشاركة المجتمع المحلي في الحراك الثقافي وقضايا التنمية المستدامة وتطوير معرفة الشباب بأهمية السلام وحوار الاديان والحضارات والثقافات المختلفة. 2 – تنمية روح العمل التطوعي والجماعي بين الشباب والتشبيك وبناء شراكة مع المؤسسات الرسمية والاهلية ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني لدعم وتطوير قدرات المجتمع المحلي. 3 – تبني مشاريع ثقافية وشبابية تساعد في تنمية قدرات المجتمع المحلي وبلورتها على أرض الواقع مع توفير الدعم اللازم لها. 4 – تقوية الحس الوطني والانتماء لدى الشباب الاردني وزيادة مشاركتهم في مجالات الحياه العامه. 5 – الاهتمام بحاجات الشباب والمجتمع وتطويرها وابرازها بما يتلائم مع التنمية الديمقراطية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية للاردن. 6 – الاهتمام في قضايا حقوق الانسان ونشر وتعزيز الوعي العام في الواجبات والحقوق وخصوصا ما يتعلق بالمرأة و الطفل والفئات المستضعفة الاخرى. 7 – الاتصال والتعاون مع كافة الجهات والمؤسسات المحلية والاقليمية والدولية التي تشترك مع الجمعية في اهدافها وفق احكام القانون.  

Main Projects / Activities

لتحقيق الاهداف اعلاه، فان الجمعية تقوم بنشاطاتها المختلفة ومنها :- أ – المشاركة والمساهمة في فعاليات وبرامج مؤسسات المجتمع المدني. ب – عقد الندوات والمحاضرات وورش العمل والدورات والمسابقات الثقافية والبرامج الحوارية واقامه المهرجانات. ج – إصدار البروشورات والدوريات والوسائل الاعلامية واستخدام الوسائل الاعلامية والبيانات والتي تساعد للوصول الى اهداف الجمعية بعد أخذ الموافقات اللازمة وأنشاء موقع الكتروني.. د – المشاركة في اللقاءات والمشاركات ذات الطابع الثقافي والتنموي وعلى المستوى المحلي والعربي والدولي. هـ - اي وسيلة أخرى تتوافق مع احكام القانون وتساعد في تحقيق اهداف الجمعية. برامجنا : 1- مبادرة من أجلك انت التعليمية في المناطق النائية وهي مبادرة تستهدف المناطق النائية بالاضافة الى مناطق المدينة بمجموعة من النشاطات التي تساعد على رفع مستوى الثقافة والمعرفة والوعي وتقليل الفجوة بين مجتمع القرية ومجتمع المدينة . 2- المسرح المدرسي : وهو برنامج يستهدف مدارس التربية والتعليم بمجموعة من المحاضرات والتاهيل والتدريب على الفنون المسرحة بحيث يستطيع الطلاب تجسيد قضاياهم للمجتمع من خلال المسرح ويستهدف الفئة الابتدائية والفئة الثانونية . 3- هذا حقي : برنامج عمل خصيصا لرفع المعرفة والوعي في الحقوق والواجبات القانونية وخصوصا حقوق النساء والاطفال ويركز على المجتمعات البدوية والقروية بالاضافة الى المجتمعات المدينة . 4- قصة حياة : برنامج يستهدف الشباب لاطلاعهم على قصص حياة واقعية وقصص نجاح لاشخاص ناجحين ومؤثرين في مجتمعاتهم بهدف اكسابهم الخبرات العملية لغيرهم من الاشخاص الناجحين . 5-بمجموعة من النشاطات التي تساعد على رفع مستوى الثقافة والمعرفة والوعي وتقليل الفجوة بين مجتمع القرية ومجتمع المدينة . 2- المسرح المدرسي : وهو برنامج يستهدف مدارس التربية والتعليم بمجموعة من المحاضرات والتاهيل والتدريب على الفنون المسرحة بحيث يستطيع الطلاب تجسيد قضاياهم للمجتمع من خلال المسرح ويستهدف الفئة الابتدائية والفئة الثانونية . 3- هذا حقي : برنامج عمل خصيصا لرفع المعرفة والوعي في الحقوق والواجبات القانونية وخصوصا حقوق النساء والاطفال ويركز على المجتمعات البدوية والقروية بالاضافة الى المجتمعات المدينة . 4- قصة حياة : برنامج يستهدف الشباب لاطلاعهم على قصص حياة واقعية وقصص نجاح لاشخاص ناجحين ومؤثرين في مجتمعاتهم بهدف اكسابهم الخبرات العملية لغيرهم من الاشخاص الناجحين . 5- منتدى صناع المستقبل : منتدى حواري شهري يستضيف شخصية وطنية للحديث عن احدى القضايا التي تهم المواطن الاردن مما يسمح بتبادل وجهات النظر وخلق نوع من الحوار في المجتمع . 6- برنامج التبادل الشبابي الاردني الامريكي وهو برنامج يقوم على تقريب وجهات النظر بين الشباب للوصول الى نقاط مشتركة نستطيع الانطلاق لبناء توجهات واحده , ولقد عقد المركز برنامجين الى الان . 7- الحاكمية الرشيدة وحقوق الانسان : برنامج يستهدف التوعية في الحقوق والحريات الاساسية وعناصر الحكم الرشيد وحقوق الانسان . بمجموعة من النشاطات التي تساعد على رفع مستوى الثقافة والمعرفة والوعي وتقليل الفجوة بين مجتمع القرية ومجتمع المدينة . 2- المسرح المدرسي : وهو برنامج يستهدف مدارس التربية والتعليم بمجموعة من المحاضرات والتاهيل والتدريب على الفنون المسرحة بحيث يستطيع الطلاب تجسيد قضاياهم للمجتمع من خلال المسرح ويستهدف الفئة الابتدائية والفئة الثانونية . 3- هذا حقي : برنامج عمل خصيصا لرفع المعرفة والوعي في الحقوق والواجبات القانونية وخصوصا حقوق النساء والاطفال ويركز على المجتمعات البدوية والقروية بالاضافة الى المجتمعات المدينة . 4- قصة حياة : برنامج يستهدف الشباب لاطلاعهم على قصص حياة واقعية وقصص نجاح لاشخاص ناجحين ومؤثرين في مجتمعاتهم بهدف اكسابهم الخبرات العملية لغيرهم من الاشخاص الناجحين . 5- منتدى صناع المستقبل : منتدى حواري شهري يستضيف شخصية وطنية للحديث عن احدى القضايا التي تهم المواطن الاردن مما يسمح بتبادل وجهات النظر وخلق نوع من الحوار في المجتمع . 6- برنامج التبادل الشبابي الاردني الامريكي وهو برنامج يقوم على تقريب وجهات النظر بين الشباب للوصول الى نقاط مشتركة نستطيع الانطلاق لبناء توجهات واحده , ولقد عقد المركز برنامجين الى الان . 7- الحاكمية الرشيدة وحقوق الانسان : برنامج يستهدف التوعية في الحقوق والحريات الاساسية وعناصر الحكم الرشيد وحقوق الانسان .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ويهتم مركز صناع المستقبل ببرامج التبادل الثقافي مع الثقافات والشعوب الاخرى للوصول الى عالم متجانس واحد بعيدا عن اي نوع من انواع التمييز بين البشر .       ولدى مركز صناع المستقبل اهتمام كبير في التعليم حيث سيطلق مركز صناع المستقبل قريبا برنامج " التعلم من خلال اللعب " في محاولة من المركز لتعليم الاطفال بطرق جديدة مؤثرة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We plan to cooperate on any mutual projects we can contribute with our community contact and our halls in Maan (Soouth Governorates) and our offices for any future activities.  ملاحظة  : 1 – لدى مركز صناع المستقبل عدد كبير من النشاطات التفاعلية مع المجتمع المحلي . 2 – للتواصل مع المركز يرجى الاتصال مع السيد عبدالرزاق المحتسب " رئيس المركز " على الرقم 0777302344

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelrazzaq Hani Almuhtaseb
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abdelrazzaq Hani Almuhtaseb

Association Atlas Azawan

National Network

BP 13431
80005 Agadir

00212 5 28 84 51 51
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Atlas Azawan is a Moroccan not-for-profit association with a president, an accountant, a treasurer and volunteers. Its budgetary resources available in a year are 45,000 euros. Its main national financial and material support comes from Moroccan Ministry of Culture and Hiba Foundation, and its main private supports from OCP Foundation. It also receives financial support from foreign public organisations such as the French embassy in Morocco or foreign private associations like the Fonds pour la Création Musicale. Atlas Azawan supports Amazigh artists by helping them promote their music particularly through mobility in foreign markets and by negotiating tour dates and contracts with foreign festivals or artistic events. It also supports African and Middle-Eastern artists through the project Visa For Music by giving them a platform to showcase in front of international music professionals. The association Atlas Azawan works closely with public and private foundations like Hiba Foundation and OCP Foundation on workshops, trainings and educational music projects.
Mission and Objectives

The association Atlas Azawan aims at structuring the music sector in Morocco but also in Africa and the Middle East, so that professional and amateur artists can develop and blossom.
Its mail objectives are:
- Working for the development of musical production and promotion in the region;
- Acting for the creation and development of strong collaborations between local (Souss Massa Draâ region), national, regional (Africa-Middle East region) and international artists;
- Taking part in the promotion of Amazigh culture in Morocco and on the international stage;
- Building relationships with institutions and organisations working in the same field or on similar activities, particularly with joint, bilateral or multilateral programmes inside and outside Morocco;
- Finalising conventions with those organisations in order to broadcast Moroccan musical art and opening it up and mixing it with other musical genres and to develop projects dealing cultural management.

Main Projects / Activities

- Helping artists develop their activities particularly through traveling to international markets and festivals in order to meet music professionals;
- Organising festivals, cultural and artistic events and meetings in Morocco with national and international professional and experts;
- Participating in the organisation of the annual international market, Visa For Music (Rabat, Morocco) since its first edition in 2014. The second edition (11th-14th November 2015) gathered more than 2,000 professionals and 250 artists from all over the world.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Atlas Azawan can contribute to the Moroccan network of Anna Lindh Foundation thank to its very dense and diverse network not only in the artistic and musical fields but also with Moroccan and international public and private organisations with whom it has developed educational and social musical programmes. Thanks to its expertise in artistic and cultural management, the association Atlas Azawan can bring new ideas and create innovative projects with other members of the networks in terms of artistic education, promotion of cultural diversity, cultural exchanges and cultural mediation. All of this strongly contributes to the economic and social development of the country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The association Atlas Azawan wishes to join the ALF network first because it completely adheres to the ALF mission, which is to work for understanding, exchanges and coexistence of the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region.
Joining the ALF network certainly will help the development of the association and its activities notably through networking and by getting more information in terms of fundraising. Indeed, the association lacks funds and have difficulties to develop meaningful partnerships in order to makes its activities grow.
Besides, by joining other organisations and structures and by taking part in bigger projects, it will certainly contribute a better visibility of mutual understanding by provoking cultural encounters. In fact, if national policies should be part of the dynamic, civil society through private initiatives and network should also be a leader in terms of intercultural dialogue.
Apart from the interest in fundraising activities, the association Atlas Azawan wishes to reproduce and increase trainings and workshops in cultural projects management by collaborating with other members of the national but also regional networks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Brahim El Mazned
Job Title
Founder Director of Visa For Music
Head of the organisation
Mohamed El Khattaby
Contact (2) Full Name
Raphaële Cohen
Job Title (2)
Project Manager of Visa For Music


National Network

Glentevej 70b
2400 Copenhagen

0045 52613714
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
GivRum is a non profit organisation with currently 8 staff (2 directors, 2 full time staff, 2 part time staff and 2 interns). Initial funding for the company came from RealDania, but now funding is on a project to project basis from a mixture of local authorities and private developers seeking to engage them in a project. The City Link project is funded annual between a mixture of public grants and private investment. GivRum is divided into three focus areas: Think Space, City Link and Use Space, all of which promote different aspects of user-driven urban development.  
Mission and Objectives

GivRum is a not-for-profit organization that works to promote user-driven urban development by engaging citizens in building their own city. Our goal is to empower citizens through knowledge sharing, cultural collaboration and community building. Each of our projects is oriented towards helping emerging creative communities to become catalysts for positive, sustainable and democratic city development.
GivRum is divided into three focus areas: Activating empty buildings and city space; conferences and festivals and research and consultancy- all of which promote different aspects of user-driven urban development because we envision a city where citizens' control how the city develops, all of GivRum's projects are made in co-creation with the users.
What Is User-Driven Urban Development?
User-driven urban development means that citizens both control how the city develops and are active participants in the development process. GivRum helps to facilitate user-driven urban development in a way that bring about tangible results, be it a new community space, an opportunity for cultural exchange, or filling an abandoned building with new users.
The changing nature of cities has left behind many disused buildings, fragmented
neighborhoods and a lack of creative vitality. Givl-Tum sees this as an opportunity to bring
people together in building the type of city they want to live in. We connect people and projects across cities (such as with City Link) and help to fill old buildings with new uses (for example, our Use Space project ‘PB/43’), among many other endeavors. Please read on for examples of specific projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Visit for our complete catalogue of our work
Method 1: Activating Empty Buildings and City Space
Empty buildings are an ideal opportunity to experiment with urban development. Here you can create a breeding ground for good communities through temporary activities. GivRum activates unused city space through a focus on community buidling. We invite the
various stakeholders of a city area to develop and create their own activities, helping to define the development of an urban space or building. Our aproach starts by mapping the resources present in a given area and trying to engage the stakeholders them in a co-creative process, where we jointly examine the needs and aspirations for the area. We act as a professional mediator, initiating these activities and enabling a smooth process. After a period of time we leave the urban space or building we have been working with, enabling the users who have taken responsibility for the site to take over.
Our ambition is to make vacant buildings widely available for alternative projects in urban
spaces. We believe that this may help to buildings and urban spaces being developed into
open and inspiring environments for people with good projects.
Key project examples:
From 2006 -1 2010, a 2,000 m2 former paint factory lay empty on Prags Boulevard 43 on the island of Amager, Copenhagen. The factory had once been home to Sadolin, but lay empty after production moved to Sweden following takeover by Akzo Nobel. The site, consisting of four empty buildings had now become an unnecessary expense for the owner with property taxes, supervision and maintenance costs taking time, money and attention. GivRum wanted to demonstrate that the old premises could create value for the owner of the buildings and at the same time enable culture to flourish in and around the city‘s empty and unused spaces.
The factory resumed its production in the summer of 2010, after GivRum contacted the owner and secured permission to have free access to the buildings for a 2-year period. This time it was not, however, lacquer and paint that was fabricated on the old industrial area. instead, it was producing and creating everything from motorcycles to skis and furniture, hosting circus performances and growning organic vegetables -—- all as a tribute to art, knowledge and ideas, which would benefit the local area and the city as a whole.
GivRum started to invite artists and creatives who were in need of space to use the building.
The buildings were filled up in less than half a year over 30 different leases - studios, galleries, offices, urban gardens, venues and record labels to name a few. There were over 100 daily users. This resulted in a user-driven community, working continuously over a two-year period who were entrusted with responsibility for the operation of the site. By the end of 2012 (GivRum formally handed over the site to users, after negotiating a new three-year contract with the owners. GivRum initiated a self-organised and self-financed working community that could maintain this site, contributed towrds the Copenhagen strategy for a creative and diverse city and help to create cheap and flexible leases centrally in Copenhagen.
After a five year programme of various activities, Frags Boulevard 43 cemented itself as a key player in Copenhagens cultural scene. The building was recently sold to an American
investment firm to be used as storage, however the cultural community that was established here are undeterred and have since moved to a new site in the north of Copenhagen where they remain a resilient community.
Method 2: Conferences and Festivals
Givlium creates a focus for specific issues in urban development by gathering a network of
professionals to share projects and inspirations through conference and festival formats at
various scales. The aim is to promote and elevate knowledge on bottom up and grassroots
driven projects within a professional format, which may help to kick start a development
through meetings and networks. The conferences and festival formats help to break down
boundaries between municipal, private and local actors.
Key project examples:
Think Space
Think Space is the branch of dedicated to fostering and disseminating information and ideas. This is done primarily through our annual Think Space conference, as well as through smaller workshops and seminars that are held throughout the year. These events, like our planning projects, are predominantly user-driven, and the topics reflect the interests and desire of our participants.
Our annual conference explores topics related to user-driven urban development. Each year focuses on one or more themes that are relevant to contemporary planning issues. The conference is also designed to highlight the urban areas where it is held, both by partnering with local organizations and by drawing people and resources to the area.
2011 Conference - Located at PB43 Copenhagen
2012 Conference - Located at Energy Center Voldparken Flusum
2013 Conference - Located in Malmo, Ddense and Aalborg
2014 Conference - Located in Frederiksberg and Nykobing Falster
City Link Festival
Through City Link, GivRum creates avenues for cultural collaboration between cities. Dur
mission is to promote international collaboration and combine the cultural environments of
various cities beyond institutional frameworks. City Link is a growing network of project
makers, artists, activists, officials, creative entrepreneurs and engaged citizens with ideas that can link cities.
Ambitious new urban development means that many cities are experiencing rapid urban
change. This entails the risk that innovative and cultural projects in the city will disappear if the needs of the citizens are not supported. City Link has responded by finding new ways to work with culture across national borders, providing ways for different groups to learn from each other.
City Link Festival Hamburg September 2014
City Link Festival Edinburgh September 2015
City Link ”Reimagining the City” Mini-Festival Copenhagen October 2015
City Link Festival lstanbul planned for later in 2016
Method 3: Research and Consultancy
GivRum is constantly working towards the democratisation of cities. We collaborate with many organisations to provide advice, analysis, research and theoretical knowledge within the field of urban development and social innovation. Our approach always begins with the inclusion of local actors and resources, working from a bottom~up perspective. From this we can begin to define the key issues for an area, and draw up long~term plans to mobilise projects and create new potential for it‘s buildings and urban spaces. See our website for more details.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Though initiated in Denmark, GivRum is moving towards more and more international
collaborations. In particular with the City Link project we are looking to connect with wider
cultural networks. ln 2016 the City Link project will connect Copenhagen and lstanbul, to
provide a platform for collaboration, discussion and networking across cultures. With this
project, and future City Link projects, we aim to create a better dialogue between these
cultures, change perceptions and create stronger relations both between the City Link cities, but also within them - helping local citizens to find sustainable and creative ways of making democratic changes their local urban environment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network will help us to connect with other like-minded individuals both within
Denmark and beyond, to invite them as participants or collaborators within our projects and grow our City Link community. Through City Link we aim to connect people across cultures, across sectors and across disciplines, and the diversity of the ALF network therefore appeals and matches with the project objectives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carol Hayes
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Jesper Koefoed Melson
Contact (2) Full Name
Sara Melson
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Creative Çukurcuma

National Network

Çukurcuma Neighborhood
34450 Istanbul/

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
General Information
Creative Çukurcuma is a non-profit art initiative based in Istanbul, Turkey. It was founded by Naz Cuguoğlu and Mine Kaplangı in March, 2015. Its main methods for funding are self-funding and local and international grant applications. Therefore, its budgetary resources available in a year changes from year to year. Initiative works with partners such art centers, project-based spaces, art galleries and all other kinds of collaborative creative working spaces both in the neighborhood (such as BLOK art space, maumau art residency, REM art space, PRIZMA, etc.) as well as out the neighborhood (such as COOP Gallery, Nashville and bi’bak, Berlin, etc.), thanks to its constantly growing local and international network. Its main modalities of action are periodical seminars, exhibitions, talks and performances and regular announcements about projects taking place in and out the Çukurcuma neighborhood.
Mission and Objectives

Founded in response to a need for building a platform generating progressive dialogues and discussions on contemporary art, it aims to rebuild the nearly-forgotten ‘neighbor’ experience among the new generation through forming collaborations locally and internationally.
It focuses on providing its members and networks with an opportunity to learn about each other’s ongoing projects, exhibitions and activities, also to collaborate and expand their horizons. Initiative is a cumulative announcement board open to everyone as one of its main principles is to ‘connect’ individuals and communities.
Through exhibitions, performances, and community projects, Creative Çukurcuma aims to provide a gathering place for conversations and exchanges of ideas open to everyone. As a local art initiative, it seeks to find a greater understanding of the community in the neighborhood and their surroundings with the use of creative and performing arts.

Main Projects / Activities

First activity of the initiative was to bring all creative partners in the neighborhood together to create a sense of community through dinners, meetings and get-togethers. Later, “Long Thursday” event took place to make all partner spaces open until late at night so that the working audience can enjoy the creative atmosphere in the neighborhood as well. By the ending performance by ÇATI Contemporary Dance Artists’ Association at an abandoned garage in our neighbourhood, it mainly aimed to suggest a new understanding of art spaces and introduce the initiative to the audience.
At the first event of ‘’Window Talks’’ (as the local neighborhood members still enjoy to talk to each other from their windows), initiative invited three different performance artists to talk about the weak situation of performance art in Turkey and what could be done in the future to make this discipline stronger and broader.
Organizing “Neighbor” exhibition in the small markets of the neighborhood (antique shop, the meatball restaurant and small market), initiative aimed to create a sense of belonging and conversation between the locals and the artists. As part of Urban Series Symposium organized by the Hungarian Cultural Centre and founded on the basis of neighbourhood concept, show included works by three Turkish artists (Cansu Çakar, Gözde İlkin and Can Sungu) and not visible from the outside, the installations invited visitors in; allowing for a simultaneous discovery of art, space and neighborhood.
“Reading Group” project initiated by Creative Çukurcuma aimed to bring participants working in the art field together to form a community to read, discuss and collaborate with each other. And “Plugin Walks” organized as part of Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair’s new media section “Plugin”, focused on reaching to a wider audience to discover the art works and build a conversation about them.
Initiative will have a screening by Culture of Resistance Documentaries about Western Sahara by Lara Lee (the founder of the Cultures of Resistance Network) as part of its aim to advance public awareness about issues of social and economic justice and will produce shows and seminars in collaboration with bi’bak (Berlin) and COOP Gallery (Nashville) in near future.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As our main aim is to build a platform for dialogue for creative spaces and civil society, being part of Anna Lindh Foundation will be great for us. As the new-generation member of this community, we do believe that we can make contributions through bringing a new fresh perspective, reminding about the nearly-forgotten neighbor relations and bringing our new-generation local and international partners into the conversations. We find it very efficient that Anna Lindh brings the members of the network together from time to time so that we can talk, learn and grow all in one.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF network will help us to improve our initiative and personal careers as culture managers in many different ways. Along with wide AFL network, we can share our experiences with other initiatives and learn from them at the same time. Through attending seminars and meetings, we can become part of a bigger community with different partnership opportunities and possible future collaborations locally and internationally. We are sure that we will increase our knowledge and skills about methods for cultural managers. Also, as we are a non-profit art initiative, being part of such community will be very helpful in terms of grant applications to support our activities and projects financially.

Contact (1) Full Name
Naz Cuguoğlu
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Naz Cuguoğlu & Mine Kaplangı
Contact (2) Full Name
Mine Kaplangı
Job Title (2)