Istituzione Mu.MA Musei del Mare e delle Migrazioni

National Network

Calata de Mari 1

Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Il Mu.MA - Istituzione Musei del Mare e delle Migrazioni, nasce nel 2005 per volontà del sindaco Beppe Pericu e si caratterizza come polo legato ai temi del mare, del viaggio e del dialogo tra popoli saperi e religioni. In un unica struttura riunisce tre realtà museali diverse, e sono Galata Museo del Mare, Commenda di Pré, Museo Navale di Pegli.
Mission and Objectives

In collaborazione con Marina Militare e Fincantieri il Mu.MA recupera un'area portuale dismessa e restituisce alla cittadinanza tutta un' area importante della città.

Main Projects / Activities

Il museo riporta alla memoria le migrazioni passate e presente, europee e non.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pierangelo Campodonico
Head of the organisation
Pierangelo Campodonico

Foundation For Empowering Geneder Equality

National Network

32, Main Street
Kirkop KKP 1528

00356 79906648
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Foundation for Empowering Gender Equality aims at local and international development linked to closing the gap in gender disparities and improving the socio-economic growth. The Foundation was set up in Malta in 2015 and its aim is to bring together local policy-makers, NGOs and international authorities in order to improve matters related to some of the major principles entrenched in the European Union.
Mission and Objectives

The objects and purpose of the Foundation are to:
a. To empower women towards personal and professional development, through information and support;
b. To promote gender equality;
c. To contribute towards the global campaign to end violence against women;
d. To promote cultural integration of women in Malta regardless of religious belonging, race and sexual orientation;
e. To collaborate with other organizations for the reforms of laws and practices that discriminate against women;
f. To raise awareness about gender disparities in Malta; and
g. To conduct research and collect relevant data for the advancement of women rights.

Main Projects / Activities

The main objectives will be achieved through the organisation of local and international events, networking; participation in EU funded projects, specific tailored training and last but not least setting up various local and international initiatives aimed at improving challenging scenarios

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Gisella Orsini
Head of the organisation
Dr. Gisella Orsini (Secretary General), Ms. Katina Mladenova (Chairperson)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Katina Mladenova

Associazione CeNASS - Center for Near Abroad Strategic Studies

National Network

Corso Trieste 67

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Religion
  3. Research
General Information
L'associazione ha lo scopo di promuovere la conoscenza delle relazioni internazionali politiche, economiche e di sicurezza ed in particolare il concetto geopolitico di Estero Vicino e la promozione di relazioni istituzionali e di ricerca con i paesi che fanno parte di quest'aera.
Mission and Objectives

Le aree di riferimento principali delle attività di ricerca e analisi del Center for Near Abroad Strategic Studies. Il Mediterraneo Orientale; la Mitteleuropa e l'Europa Sud Orientale e Balcanica; l'area del Mar Rosso e del sistema fluviale del Nilo e la Penisola Arabica; il Corno d'Africa. L'insieme di questi quattro quadranti costituisce un'area geopolitica di interesse per la politica estera e di sicurezza dell'Unione Europea e rappresenta la direttrice Sud Orientale del suo Estero Vicino.

Main Projects / Activities

Per il raggiungimento dei propri fini l'associazione si propone di:

Realizzare rapporti di ricerca, di analisi e previsionali

Organizzare convegni e seminari

Organizzare attività di formazione

Attività editoriali

Fornire supporto strategico al processo decisionale del governo italiano e delle istituzioni europee

Fornire assistenza tecnica ai governi centrali o istituzioni locali della regione di oggetto di studio

Relazionarsi con gli organismi internazionali o regionali

Comunicare sui media e al pubblico i risultati delle proprie attività

Partecipare a bandi nazionali europei e internazionali

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo Quercia
Head of the organisation
Paolo Quercia

Fondazione Nuova Italia

National Network

Via In Lucina 17

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
La fondazione ha lo scopo principale di valorizzare e diffondere presso il più vasto pubblico la cultura popolare, comunitaria, tradizionale e nazionale, i valori della civiltà italiana, mediterranea ed europea e le forme espressive di ogni genere di identità comunitaria affermando gli ideali della solidarietà, della partecipazione e della sussidiarietà.
Mission and Objectives

Allo scopo di espletare le mansioni suddette la Fondazione istituirà un Centro Studi, organizzato in settori o gruppi di lavoro divisi per aree tematiche, che costituisca una biblioteca e un archivio e promuova e organizzi convegni, corsi, seminari, borse di studio e ogni altra attività idonea al perseguimento degli scopi istituzionali.

Main Projects / Activities

Per il raggiungimento dei suoi scopi, la Fondazione potrà svolgere attività di commercializzazione anche con riferimento al settore dell'editoria, degli audiovisivi e della comunicazione in genere e potrà inoltre partecipare ad enti, associazioni, istituzioni, pubbliche e private.

Contact (1) Full Name
Serena Tajè Forni
Head of the organisation
Serena Tajè Forni

Associazione Carlo Rendano

National Network

Piazza Enrico De Nicola 46

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Il lanificio 25 vive in uno stratificato complesso architettonico, pertinente all'Insula 400centesca di Santa Caterina a Formiello, chiostro della omonima chiesa, trasformata nel corso del XVIII secolo in fabbrica di lana. Oggi si impone quale storico reperto di archeologia industriale, in uno dei quartieri di Napoli più ricco di monumenti e tradizioni. Adiacente la storica Porta Capuana e sede della Carlo Rendano Association si occupa di promuovere ed organizzare eventi innovativi, d'intrattenimento sia artistico che culturale.
Mission and Objectives

L'associazione si fa portavoce libera delle persone, degli artisti e degli intellettuali che interpretano grazie ai mezzi più inaspettati e diversi, il rapporto di Napoli con il mondo contemporaneo e la sua storia.
Le persone impegnate in questa impresa lavorano ad un progetto singolare alla scoperta dei movimenti culturali emergenti attraverso musica, mostre, eventi, proiezioni, incontri, conferenze, pubblicazioni.

Main Projects / Activities

Nella stagione 2015/2016 l'associazione ospita nei suoi locali concerti di artisti della scena musicale indipendente napoletana, mostre d'arte, conferenze e collabora con l'associazione "I Love Porta Capuana" per il recupero della zona in cui il Lanificio è ubicato

Contact (1) Full Name
Franco Rendano
Head of the organisation
Franco Rendano/Giulia Diana
Contact (2) Full Name
Giulia Diana

association amitie pour la culture et le patrimoine

National Network

BP 439

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
association amitie pour la culture et le patrimoine

"Psicologi per la Responsabilità Sociale"

National Network

Via Luca Giordano 26

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
L'associazione Italiana Scientifico - Professionale denominata "Psicologi per la Responsabilità Sociale" è costituita da psicologi, operatori sociali e dell'educazione. E' impegnata a promuovere giustizia sociale, cultura della pace dell'equità sociale, della cittadinanza e della pacifica convivenza tra tutte le persone. Nonchè il sostegno, il soccorso e l'intervento professionale alle comunità e ai singoli cittadini colpiti da eventi traumatici.
Mission and Objectives

Gli obiettivi specifici sono:
Promuovere tutte le attività culturali, professionali, di ricerca e di divulgazione per la promozione della giustizia sociale, della solidarietà e della cittadinanza, supporto e assistenza ai cittadini e alle Istituzioni nelle emergenze.
Promuovere la crescita della persona e del cittadino, favorendo nelle future generazioni lo sviluppo di una coscienza etica e civile. Realizzare campagne nazionali e internazionali di prevenzione e informazione socio educative, nel campo della psicologia della pace, dell'equità sociale, e de

Main Projects / Activities

L'associazione si adopera nella formazione e didattica di operatori sociali sui temi della pace, della democrazia partecipata, della cittadinanza, della sicurezza, della tolleranza e della solidarietà sociale.
Promuove studi, azioni e ricerche sulla qualità della vita in relazione all' integrazione sociale ed interetnica favorendo la partecipazione e l'impegno civile.
Promuove la formazione professionale e scientifica degli psicologi e dei tirocinanti nelle discipline psicologiche e umanistiche.
Collabora con Istituti di Ricerca, Università e Scuole di Psicologia e Psicoterapia. Nonchè con associazioni ed Enti sia nazionali che comunitari impegnati sugli stessi obiettivi.

Contact (1) Full Name
Manuela Manzoni
Head of the organisation
Raffale Felaco

Forum marocain d'élèves et d'étudiants

National Network

Maison des jeunes brija
Ibn badiss, zhar N3
24000 ElJADIDA

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Le Forum Marocain est la première représentation d’intellectuels et d’étudiants. Il se charge de tous les problèmes auxquels les étudiants font face et, plus généralement, de tout sujet concernant l’éducation. Il a pour objectif de créer une nouvelle dynamique dans le monde de l’éducation et ses quartiers généraux se situent dans la ville d’El Jadida. Le Forum a été créé à la suite d’une multitude d’efforts qui ont permis son implantation, et ce grâce à la force et à la fois de nombreux jeunes volontaires associatifs. Tout ceci a permis de mener de l’avant cette mission, donnant naissance à une nouvelle assemblée nationale indépendante pour la jeunesse : Le Forum Marocain d’Intellectuels et d’Etudiants a couronné de succès les fils de notre pays bien-aimé qui ont su triompher de tant d’épreuves.
Mission and Objectives

-Enseigner aux élèves et étudiants l’éthique et les valeurs de la démocratie et des droits de l’homme à travers le dialogue, la pensée et la pratique.
-Promouvoir un esprit de solidarité et de collaboration et développer le travail associatif et le volontariat.
-Fournir une assistance aux élèves et étudiants sur de nombreuses questions. Leur servir de guide et de conseil dans de nombreux domaines.
-Etablir des partenariats avec de nombreuses institutions et comités nationaux et internationaux qui partagent nos objectifs.
-Contribuer à l’élévation du niveau académique des élèves et des étudiants, et les encourager à se surpasser dans leurs études.
-Propager les valeurs citoyennes et pousser les étudiants à la créativité, l’esprit de compétition, et à la participation active dans les compétitions scientifiques nationales et internationales.
-Combattre les problèmes sociaux et de santé qui concernent les élèves et les étudiants.

Main Projects / Activities

Pour l'année 2015/2016
Notre partenariat avec le British council et la fondation Anna lindh à-propos du projet YOUNG MOROCCAN VOICES ,vous trouvez tous les information et les activités dans notre page facebook

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Par faire des activité au niveau des ville marocain pour les jeunes en partenariat avec vous concernant nos but partagée : éducation , environnement , humain rights, art

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Car c'est parmid les meilleurs organisation qui aide et qui participe au d'enveloppement du monde par le dialogue entre les cultures , droits de l’homme, démocratie et développement social, arts, éducation et jeunesse,genre,environnement et développement durable

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Président du forum marocain d'élèves et d'étudiants
Head of the organisation
Fahd ouennas


National Network

Via L. B. Alberti 7
41012 Carpi

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Arcus is a not-for-profit organisation, based in the town of Carpi - in Emilia Romagna region. Arcus was founded in 2006 by a group of 6 people with years-long experience in community social activities. Today Arcus counts 22 active members, volunteering at the association throughout the implementation of its activities. Its members include youngsters, students, people interested in culture and sensitive to social issues. Arcus works as a network for creative production, reflection and cultural exchange, establishing a cross-subject position.  Arcus develops an attitude for intervention in social issues. The main fields of action for Arcus are: civil society, social inclusion, youth, women’s rights equal opportunity, art and culture as effectiveness tools to promote social cohesion and training through art. Among its main activities and productions: editorial projects, magazines, contemporary art and photo exhibitions; lectures, seminars, symposium and research on social topics, talk and walk tours; urban interventions; international project, courses.
Mission and Objectives

The common thread which connects all of our developed and implemented activities and projects, and which is also our mission, is the support and special concern we have for women and their world, therefore everything that involves them:  rights, work, training, motherhood, children, schools, nurseries, family, business and management, entrepreneurship, art, culture, domestic management, marriage, domestic violence, sexual harassment, equal rights, fashion, cooking, cleaning, gardening and money management.
The experience that Arcus wants to bring in the project is related to the participation at the European project called “4WOMEN”.
This project is carried out by a Liyakat Association - project leader from Turkey - with three Turkish partners Konak Municipality, Dokuz Eylul University Graduate School of Social Science - the Department of European Union Studies and two Italian partners ARCUS Association and WORK IN PROGRESS.  The Municipality of Polpenazze also took part to some activities, without budget.
4WOMEN originates from the need to disclose the problem of violence against women in Turkey and in Italy in terms of its prevalence, incidence, rate and nature. This is an important topic that still needs further investigation. Women rarely disclose what has happened to them and even more rarely report to the police or seek help in the crisis centers or other social services. Both, citizens at individual level and organized Civil Society at political and general level, should ensure that society implements the necessary changes. The role of Civil Society is crucial in this respect, offering the opportunity to better meet the needs of the involved regions by providing support to Civil Society development and dialogue. 4WOMEN focuses on the areas of intervention of capacity building to fight VAW, leading to a transfer of knowledge and the set-up of a new trans-national network, supporting socio-economic CSOs playing the crucial role in the uptake, implementation and monitoring of the socio-economic acquits.
4WOMEN is foreseen as a tool to support social services to contrast VAW and improve their social inclusion. This phenomenon is recognized and considered by international organizations such as the UN and the EU as violence in general and it represents one of the most common violations of human rights; as a matter of fact it threatens the individual freedom and psycho-physical integrity of women and it is a worldwide spread problem, not yet properly acknowledged and reported.  Arcus is now also involved in the project 4WOMEN2 which addresses training needs for social workers dealing with women victims of violence.

Main Projects / Activities

The common thread which connects all of our developed and implemented activities and projects, and which is also our mission, is the support and special concern we have for women and their world, therefore everything that involves them:  rights, work, training, motherhood, children, schools, nurseries, family, business and management, entrepreneurship, art, culture, domestic management, marriage, domestic violence, sexual harassment, equal rights, fashion, cooking, cleaning, gardening and money management.
The experience that Arcus wants to bring in the project is related to the participation at the European project called “4WOMEN”.
This project is carried out by a Liyakat Association - project leader from Turkey - with three Turkish partners Konak Municipality, Dokuz Eylul University Graduate School of Social Science - the Department of European Union Studies and two Italian partners ARCUS Association and WORK IN PROGRESS.  The Municipality of Polpenazze also took part to some activities, without budget.
4WOMEN originates from the need to disclose the problem of violence against women in Turkey and in Italy in terms of its prevalence, incidence, rate and nature. This is an important topic that still needs further investigation. Women rarely disclose what has happened to them and even more rarely report to the police or seek help in the crisis centers or other social services. Both, citizens at individual level and organized Civil Society at political and general level, should ensure that society implements the necessary changes. The role of Civil Society is crucial in this respect, offering the opportunity to better meet the needs of the involved regions by providing support to Civil Society development and dialogue. 4WOMEN focuses on the areas of intervention of capacity building to fight VAW, leading to a transfer of knowledge and the set-up of a new trans-national network, supporting socio-economic CSOs playing the crucial role in the uptake, implementation and monitoring of the socio-economic acquits.
4WOMEN is foreseen as a tool to support social services to contrast VAW and improve their social inclusion. This phenomenon is recognized and considered by international organizations such as the UN and the EU as violence in general and it represents one of the most common violations of human rights; as a matter of fact it threatens the individual freedom and psycho-physical integrity of women and it is a worldwide spread problem, not yet properly acknowledged and reported.  Arcus is now also involved in the project 4WOMEN2 which addresses training needs for social workers dealing with women victims of violence.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a wide expertise in the implementation of trans-national projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join the network in order to meet other organizations to enlarge to possibilities of  trans-national exchange of best practice

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Calzolari
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Carla Braghini
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesca Verna
Job Title (2)
Project manager

Comune di Polpenazze del Garda

National Network

Piazzale Biolchi 1
25080 Polpenazze del Garda

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The city is a popular holiday destination in Southern Europe. It attracts tourists from the immediate area due to its beautiful view of lake Garda and for the lifestyle in its countryside. The general scope of work of the Municipality is to be active at EU level in order to attract international visitors.  To achieve this objective, the municipality is very active in different cross cutting fields such as youth, civil society, environment, biodiversity and sustainability. Within its competences, the Municipality is in charge of the management of schools, childhood services, youth and equal opportunities on its territory, through the following instruments: - Policies to promote and support families and children; - Plan for the removal of architectural barriers in public spaces and open to the public; - Promotion of equal opportunities; - Educational policies and school; - Training and labor market; - Youth and relationships with universities; - Kindergartens; - Programming school building projects; - General Affairs; -Coordination activities for relations with the European Union.
Mission and Objectives

The Municipality of Polpenazze is very experienced in youth work as far as environmental and nutrition activities are concerned as we are are carrying out a KA1 project about the importance of healthy nutrition and diet, Better Food for Better Life.  Therefore AgriLab is the the follow up of Better Food for Better Life, to widen the path and create a bigger community for a larger dissemination and involvement of stakeholders on different levels. The Municipality is also very much involved in the issue of sustainable agriculture. Every year, during the last weekend of July, Polpenazze celebrates the BIOFESTA, an event to celebrate and disseminate bio-agricolture and and bio-food as well as sustainable agriculture.  Also, every year in mid-August Polpenazze celebrates youth with the youth day.
Further on, Polpenazze has been engaged for a long time in actions to promote the protection of women against violence, by raising awareness of citizens, in particularly young people.
On the occasion of November 25th, International Day for the fight of Violence Against Women, every year the city administration of Polpenazze promotes and disseminates initiatives of reflection directed to combat gender violence, in collaboration with the local women's associations and the Province of Brescia.
Last year, in the occasion of the International Day against Violence against women, the municipality of Polpenazze del Garda in collaboration with the Union of Municipalities of Valtennesi and the Office of the Provincial Councilor for Equality invited citizens and schools to the showing of the video documentary "Talk to him," the Director Elizabeth France, which was held on November 25th, 2014 at 20.30 at the Multipurpose Hall (c / or schools).
The initiative received excellent feedback which saw the participation of schools and citizens during those moments of reflection.
The town of Polpenazze joined the National Campaign "Busy place" launched at regional level by the Councilor for Equality and during the evening, a chair was symbolically reserved the image of "Busy place" in memory of the women victims of gender violence.
In the management of this area of intervention the municipality of Polpenazze works through the synergy and integration of most professions, most operators and employees; this integrates with performance and education, health and psychological, as well as activities of the areas for training policies and work. The service works with various public and private institutions and organizations of the third sector in the context of subsidiarity. This network of expertise will be made available for the project AgriLab in order to ensure the best possible results.  The municipality of Polpenazze is also involved as affiliated partner  (no budget) in two previous projects 4WOMEN and 4WOMEN2 which developed a trans-national network for the fight of VAW more on a policy level, business training for women victims of violence to help them re-integrate in the society and training for social workers specifically working with women victims of violence.
To promote greater opportunities for young people in the area (both the young residents in the municipality of Polpenazze and young people throughout the Valtennesi) the City of Polpenazze joined in January 2015 the National Eurodesk network, hosting an internal service of Antenna Territorial Eurodesks (ATE).

Main Projects / Activities

The Municipality of Polpenazze is very experienced in youth work as far as environmental and nutrition activities are concerned as we are are carrying out a KA1 project about the importance of healthy nutrition and diet, Better Food for Better Life.  Therefore AgriLab is the the follow up of Better Food for Better Life, to widen the path and create a bigger community for a larger dissemination and involvement of stakeholders on different levels. The Municipality is also very much involved in the issue of sustainable agriculture. Every year, during the last weekend of July, Polpenazze celebrates the BIOFESTA, an event to celebrate and disseminate bio-agricolture and and bio-food as well as sustainable agriculture.  Also, every year in mid-August Polpenazze celebrates youth with the youth day.
Further on, Polpenazze has been engaged for a long time in actions to promote the protection of women against violence, by raising awareness of citizens, in particularly young people.
On the occasion of November 25th, International Day for the fight of Violence Against Women, every year the city administration of Polpenazze promotes and disseminates initiatives of reflection directed to combat gender violence, in collaboration with the local women's associations and the Province of Brescia.
Last year, in the occasion of the International Day against Violence against women, the municipality of Polpenazze del Garda in collaboration with the Union of Municipalities of Valtennesi and the Office of the Provincial Councilor for Equality invited citizens and schools to the showing of the video documentary "Talk to him," the Director Elizabeth France, which was held on November 25th, 2014 at 20.30 at the Multipurpose Hall (c / or schools).
The initiative received excellent feedback which saw the participation of schools and citizens during those moments of reflection.
The town of Polpenazze joined the National Campaign "Busy place" launched at regional level by the Councilor for Equality and during the evening, a chair was symbolically reserved the image of "Busy place" in memory of the women victims of gender violence.
In the management of this area of intervention the municipality of Polpenazze works through the synergy and integration of most professions, most operators and employees; this integrates with performance and education, health and psychological, as well as activities of the areas for training policies and work. The service works with various public and private institutions and organizations of the third sector in the context of subsidiarity. This network of expertise will be made available for the project AgriLab in order to ensure the best possible results.  The municipality of Polpenazze is also involved as affiliated partner  (no budget) in two previous projects 4WOMEN and 4WOMEN2 which developed a trans-national network for the fight of VAW more on a policy level, business training for women victims of violence to help them re-integrate in the society and training for social workers specifically working with women victims of violence.
To promote greater opportunities for young people in the area (both the young residents in the municipality of Polpenazze and young people throughout the Valtennesi) the City of Polpenazze joined in January 2015 the National Eurodesk network, hosting an internal service of Antenna Territorial Eurodesks (ATE).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute through youth projects aimed to human rights education

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join the ALF network in order to meet other organizations to enlarge our experience and potentiate the implementation of international projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Calzolari
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Andrea Dal Prete
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesca Verna
Job Title (2)
Project manager