National Network

Mustapha Yassini Ben srgaou , Agadir, Morocco
Ali Amhal , Biougra, Chtouka Morocco
87200 Biougra

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Moroccan Resource Centers of English Network (MoRCE-Net) is a network whose main interests revolve around implementing learner-centered activities and creating professional collaboration and development opportunities. It is a platform for joining efforts among teachers, educational professionals and institutions interested in creating resource centers and English clubs.
Mission and Objectives

Contributing to the improvement of teaching and learning English in Morocco.
Supporting the orientations of the Ministry of National Education and implementing its programmes relating to teaching and learning English and contributing to school life activities.
Creating spaces for cooperation, exchanging educational resources and sharing experiences and expertise related to the teaching and learning of English.
Offering opportunities for life-long professional development to teachers of English.
Encouraging educational research and production of pedagogical materials in the field of teaching and learning English.
Setting up favourable environments for students to learn English independently and actively.
Creating opportunities for collaboration with partners sharing the same objectives in Morocco and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities


Students’ magazine
Teachers’ magazine
Resource centers magazine
Online resources
Pedagogical documents.


Creating resource centers and English clubs
Organizing forums and conferences for the teaching and learning of English
Organizing events, competitions and contests for learners of English
Organizing language camps for students
Organizing in-service trainings programmes for teachers
Organizing enhancement programs for interested students.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MoRCE-Net can contribute to the Moroccan Network via different ways
1. we can make the Moroccan network gain more associations and active professionals with respect to civic society.
2. we can make our expertise at the level of education and cultural exchange and at the level of English language teaching in particular at the disposal of the Moroccan network so as to even further its efficiency and prosperity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1. MoRCE-Net has gained enough experience to boost dialogue between the west and the east.
2. we are eager to make the whole country aware of the universal values the ALF is promoting worldwide.
3. we would like to help with our experience, especially at the level of education and culture to make the world more peaceful.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ali Amhal
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mustapha Yassini
Contact (2) Full Name
Zoubair Abdellatif
Job Title (2)

children of female prisoners care association (CFPA)

National Network

building 98 – Mosadk St. – second floor – flat 8, Giza

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
General Information
In 1990, Ms./Nawal Mostafa founded children of female prisoners association after a successful journalistic campaign, after she discovered the tragedy of these children and poor women. CFPA continued to offer the help and aid like food, medicine, legal assistance, till 2007 when Nawal also discovered the “female prisoners of poverty” and began to release them from prison after paying their small debts. Now CFPA is concentrating on empowering the women financially after prison time, because they suffer from stigma and rejection from the society by establishing a workshop of “New life” project inside “Qanater” prison and outside also.CFPA depends mainly on individuals donations who believe in our mission. In addition, we succeeded to sign a contract with Droses foundation to fund our new project “a new life“since July,, the number of employees don't exceed than 10.
Mission and Objectives

mission of the organization:  -Economically empower women prisoners, by providing training and employment opportunities for them.
- The integration of women prisoners and their children in the community by removing the stigma of "former prisoner."
- Take care of women prisoners and their children psychologically and socially.  
our objectives: 
1- Empowering female inmates in Qanater prison to engage in income-generating activities.
2- Providing mechanisms for improving the economic conditions of ex-inmates and their families.
3- Providing mechanisms for improving the social and psychological conditions of ex-inmates and their families.
4- Improving society’s perception of inmates and their families.
5- Raising women’s legal awareness in marginalized areas (i.e. potential prisoners due to poverty-related offenses).
6- Improving the living conditions of female inmates and ex-inmates. 

Main Projects / Activities

From the first day of establishment and registration of the foundation in the ministry of solidary, we did our best to support all the participants and beneficiaries from the foundation. It is enough to say that our Silver Jubilee celebration was in March 2015.The association succeeded through the last two years to release about 35 poverty prisoners after repaying their debts and the legal expenses of reconciliation with creditors. We nowadays implement a project with cooperation with Drosos Foundation for raise the economic life of 100 female prisoners released or still in prison, we started a project for sewing learning divided into two levels, we are now in the second level and train about 20 released female prisoners on sewing and after finishing this period, we will provide them with a sewing machine to start their own project and have a fixed income. Beside this, we have partnership with foundation “ Wahed Men Al-Nas” to share in the required amount of money to some cases of poverty female prisoners to help in releasing them.
We shared in some of international conference discus women rights, and we worked as member in women’s edition project from 1995 until 2000, finally we received a grant from the US Agency for International Development in collaboration with non-governmental organizations Services Center (NGO Service Centre) for advocacy and lobbying in 2004.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1)  Merge the poverty female prisoners again in the society, encourage them to live their normal life before being as prisoners, and delete the stigma of former prisoner.
2) Renewal of self-confidence, self-appreciation and a sense of interaction in the community through psychotherapy individual and group sessions.
3) Sense of comfort that there is no dependence of the effects of debt on them, as well as the taste of a sense of security to not keep track of them by policemen or creditors.
4) Economic empowerment projects and training that women keep pace with the needs of the labor market will contribute to the financial independence of women and the lack of need for debt.
5) Accept others for the idea of poverty female prisoners, will help released female prisoners to feel belong to this society and activate their role of productivity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1) Contribute in achieving the goals of ALF in new associations, and hence reach more beneficiaries.
2) Data and information exchange between the same associations under the umbrella of ALF.
3) knowing another associations in ALF network, will help to implement mutual projects, and delete double benefets for the same person.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nawal Sayed Mustafa
Job Title
founder & chairman of CFPA
Head of the organisation
Nawal Mustafa
Contact (2) Full Name
Tarek Essa
Job Title (2)
vice president

association aliaamar pour developpement durable

National Network

espace associatif, laayoune
bp 3011 alamal laayoune
70000 laayoune

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
nos travail est pour les jeunes sur tous pour renforcement leur capacités pour mieux intégrer au monde social
Mission and Objectives

- autonomisation des jeunes économiquement et politiquement
- integration des jeunes par la culture

Main Projects / Activities

- sensibilisation les jeunes au developement durable
- les formations des jeunes à l'entreprenariat

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Grâce à notre expérience
En ciblant les jeunes à développer leurs compétances dans divers domaines
Et à travers à rejoindre votre réseau Nous serons en mesure d'atteindre le plus grand segment possible avec l'utilisation de nouveaux mécanismes sophistiqués Et plus efficace

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour connaitre les expériences internationales réussies

Contact (1) Full Name
hassan elallal
Job Title
Head of the organisation
3 ans

Associazione Mario Molinari

National Network

Via Saluzzo 56

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
L'associazione Mario Molinari, nasce nel 2001 al fine di conservare memoria del vissuto artistico e personale dello scultore e artista torinese Mario Molinari, deceduto nel 2000.
Mission and Objectives

Ha lo scopo di promuovere l'arte e la cultura nei giovani attraverso opere di sensibilizzazione al colore come strumento di comunicazione.

Main Projects / Activities

Coopera con enti locali e internazionali

Contact (1) Full Name
Jacopo Molinari
Job Title
Storico dell'arte
Head of the organisation
Jacopo Molinari

Accademia del Mediterraneo (68 Academies and Institutes of Culture and Research Represented)

National Network

Via Depretis, 130

Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Sulla base delle conclusioni della riunione costitutiva, tenutasi a Napoli il 9 e 10 ottobre 1998, è istituita l'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO con durata illimitata. Essa sarà sottoposta al riconoscimento delle Nazioni Unite - quale Organizzazione non governativa d'interesse internazionale intesa a realizzare i principi della carta dell'ONU - ed a quello dell'Unione Europea - quale Istituzione intesa a concorrere alla realizzazione dei principi ed obiettivi del partenariato euromediterraneo contenuti nella Dichiarazione di Barcellona del novembre 1995. Le azioni promosse dall'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO nell'ambito del partenariato euromediterraneo saranno svolte con Accademie ed Istituzioni appartenenti ai 27 Paesi che hanno sottoscritto la Dichiarazione di Barcellona del novembre 1995 e ad altri Paesi euromediterranei. La costituzione dell'Accademia intende apportare un concorso per la edificazione di un'area di pace e prosperità condivisa, preconizzata dalla Dichiarazione di Barcellona. L'Accademia vuole essere segno vivente del risveglio della coscienza mediterranea, risposta all'appello di mobilitazione morale della Dichiarazione di Barcellona e punta avanzata per un Manifesto sulla centralità dell'uomo nell'azione del partenariato euromediterraneo. L'Accademia si propone di funzionare quale punto di riferimento di istanze locali portatrici di conoscenza ed esperienze e capacità di azione, desiderose di partecipare alla creazione di un patrimonio comune per un'azione unitaria a vantaggio del progresso morale, culturale e scientifico della società euro-mediterranea.
Mission and Objectives

L'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO è la consociazione di tutte le ACCADEMIE NAZIONALI e di altre ACCADEMIE ED ISTITUZIONI CULTURALI di alto rilievo dei Paesi che gravitano sul Mediterraneo.
Essa ha come PRIMO FINE di creare, attraverso programmi specifici ma coordinati - affidati ciascuno ad una Sede distaccata, un bureau o un'Istituzione specializzata a quel fine e da tempo consolidata e operante - l'inventario critico della cultura del Mediterraneo.
Con cultura del Mediterraneo s'intende il suo:
    patrimonio naturale e ambientale nella loro evoluzione fisica e storica;
    patrimonio immaginario dotto e popolare, studiato nelle sue radici, nei suoi sviluppi e nei possibili archetipi;
    patrimonio culturale, considerato in tutte le manifestazioni scritte e orali. Per patrimonio culturale s'intende la cultura "materiale", la cultura artistica e letteraria, la tradizione riflessiva, speculativa e scientifica, la cultura popolare, le tradizioni tecniche e pratiche.
L'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO stabilirà cosi una gigantesca banca dati risultante dalla somma delle banche dati specifiche programmate, in corso di realizzazione o già realizzate.
Questo inventario informatico in continuo aggiornamento costituisce l'insieme dei dati necessari ma non sufficienti per il SECONDO FINE dell'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO.
Il SECONDO FINE dell'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO consiste nello stabilire la completa ecologia della cultura mediterranea.
Come l'ecologia studia i rapporti tra gli organismi e il loro ambiente, l'ecologia della cultura mediterranea studia i rapporti delle culture mediterranee tra loro e con le società mediterranee, vale a dire anzitutto i rapporti e le interazioni tra le culture mediterranee e poi tra queste culture e le società mediterranee.
Per realizzare questo secondo fine l'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO svolgerà attraverso la SEDE CENTRALE, le SEDI DISTACCATE e i BUREAUX attività di ricerca, rese note mediante le pubblicazioni previste dell'ACCADEMIA.
Le ricerche dovranno consistere in contributi nuovi e originali sui problemi affrontati, di qualsiasi ordine essi siano. È esclusa all'ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO la diffusione di testi a carattere ripetitivo, poiché tutto quanto può essere informazione scientificamente selezionata e ordinata è contenuto nelle sue banche dati.
La sintesi delle sue ricerche costituirà l'ENCICLOPEDIA DEL MEDITERRANEO, che sarà organizzata secondo i criteri innovativi già dettati dalla FONDAZIONE LABORATORIO MEDITERRANEO.
Come la Banca dati generale corona le attività rivolte alla realizzazione del primo fine, cosi l'Enciclopedia del Mediterraneo coronerà le ricerche e gli studi rivolti alla realiz
zazione del SECONDO FINE.

Main Projects / Activities

L'Accademia del Mediterraneo intende inoltre:
    sostenere il potenziamento della creatività letteraria, artistica e scientifica, lo sviluppo degli studi, il progresso delle scienze e delle tecnologie, la difesa dei valori umani, etici e dell'ambiente;
    individuare valori condivisibili che abbiano una chiara valenza culturale, sociale ed economica pur nel rispetto della specificità, al fine di promuovere il dialogo tra le culture;
    istituire un "forum permanente" di incontri, analisi e discussioni alfine di produrre azioni e pubblicazioni tese a promuovere la coesistenza delle varie etnie, nonché a rendere convergenti i diritti umani nella regione euromediterranea;
    essere lo strumento culturale, scientifico e morale del partenariato euromediterraneo al fine di trasformare il discorso che si svolge nell'area mediterranea e coinvolge quella euromediterranea, ora concomitante ma diviso, in un colloquio generale aperto e costruttivo, che promuova l'incontro, lo scambio, l'adeguazione reciproca, la collaborazione e la solidarietà tra Paesi vicini, ma difficilmente concordi e non di rado ostili;
    sostenere le minoranze linguistiche e socio-culturali alfine di individuare un'unità storico-sociale capace di custodire e valorizzare le singole identità.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco D'Episcopo
Head of the organisation
Francesco D'Episcopo

African Media Association Malta

National Network

212, Old Bakery Street
Valletta VLT 1451

00356 99069363
Telephone (other)
00356 79097824
Mobile Phone
00356 99069363
Mobile Phone (other)
00356 79097824
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Media
General Information

AFRICAN MEDIA ASSOCIATION MALTA is a media  NGO registered in 2014 that promotes the positive contribution of African migration in Malta with News, Empowerment and Advocacy. ​

Mission and Objectives

Our mission  is to support African migrants through communication with  broadcast news, stories and information relating to living in Malta and in Europe through our  online community radio, web magazine, video clips and podcasts. We  empower immigrants with capacity building activities through our integration projects ( local and EU funded)  that impart life and soft skills, media and digital literacy. In terms of advocacy, we identify special challenges of the African immigrants in Malta and lobby for positive changes by bringing them to the attention of Governments and other relevant authorities, and to achieve that, we belong to, and work with numerous advocacy groups active in Malta and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects of  AMAM are related to raising awareness of the challenges faced by African Migrants in Malta and working for their integration into society.
- “Empowering Communities” is an ongoing video project giving voice to successful immigrants in Malta. Additionally, the RadioLit project funded by the US Embassy, the PodcastInc project, funded by the Erasmus + are all aimed at imparting medical literacy skills to migrants and create a pool of citizen journalists.  The IDEAL-M project co-funded by the European Commission and the Maltese government is about raising awareness on the danger of irregular migration. Other projects such as UpGrad_Me, UpGrad_Me.20, A Part of EU 2030, INCLUDE-CE, all Erasmus + projects, and many others are aimed at  empowering immigrants with digital skills, literacy skills, the Agenda 2030, Circular economy and other important concepts and useful skills for a good integration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Regine Nguini Dang, Director of African Media Association Malta is a Steering Committee member of the Malta Network. We take part in activities related to the extension and better knowledge of the usefulness and mission of the Anna Lindh network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To meet Partner organisations in different countries. To join a global network of more than 40 countries and be part of the conversation for a better world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Regine Nguini Dang
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Regine Nguini Dang
Contact (2) Full Name
Natalia Padron
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Zdravi grad (Healthy city)

National Network

Vukovarska 65
21000 Split

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Healthy City Association is a non-profit, developmental civil society organization which, according to the Croatian and international best practices, systematically gathers and connects people and organizations who are willing to work together to improve the quality of life. President of organization is doc. PhD Andrea Russo, and director Željka Raguž, BSc. At the moment there are 2 employees in our Association, many volounteers and honorary experts. Main sources of funding are: European Union, National Foundation for Civil Society Development, City of Split, Split-Dalmatia county, Office for NGOs of the Croatian Government, Ministry of science, education and sport, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Policy and Youth and Ministry of culture. We work on projects, but also organize workshops, seminars and lectures, and publish books for children, youths and adults.The Healthy City Association is a non-profit, developmental civil society organization which, according to the Croatian and international best practices, systematically gathers and connects people and organizations who are willing to work together to improve the quality of life. President of organization is doc. PhD Andrea Russo, and director Željka Raguž, BSc. At the moment there are 2 employees in our Association, many volounteers and honorary experts. Main sources of funding are: European Union, National Foundation for Civil Society Development, City of Split, Split-Dalmatia county, Office for NGOs of the Croatian Government, Ministry of science, education and sport, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Policy and Youth and Ministry of culture. We work on projects, but also organize workshops, seminars and lectures, and publish books for children, youths and adults.The Healthy City Association is a non-profit, developmental civil society organization which, according to the Croatian and international best practices, systematically gathers and connects people and organizations who are willing to work together to improve the quality of life. President of organization is doc. PhD Andrea Russo, and director Željka Raguž, BSc. At the moment there are 2 employees in our Association, many volounteers and honorary experts. Main sources of funding are: European Union, National Foundation for Civil Society Development, City of Split, Split-Dalmatia county, Office for NGOs of the Croatian Government, Ministry of science, education and sport, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Policy and Youth and Ministry of culture. We work on projects, but also organize workshops, seminars and lectures, and publish books for children, youths and adults.
Mission and Objectives

Mission of Zdravi grad is: through developmental programs, educating the practical knowledge and skills, and independent scientific research, contribute to a comprehensive health, sustainability and well-being of individuals and society.The objectives are: the promotion, affirmation and realization of the concept and practice of healthy urban living on the national and international level, to gather and connect people interested in working to improve health and quality of life in the city, exchange of information, experiences and models of work, and connect with other local, national and international Institutions that are identical or compatible objectives objectives of the Association.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Project: "Developing and Integrating the Welfare Systems toward a Welfare Mix System Locally Managed in the Adriatic Area" Through the IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Program 2007-2013, we are partners in the € 2,712,220.00-worth project Adriatic Welfare Mix through which the effectiveness of the social welfare system in the pre-accession countries will be brought closer to the EU standard. 2. Project: "Europeanisation of Croatian social policy and Croatian Social Charter" The project leader is Ceraneo-Centre for Development of non-profit organizations and NGO Zdravi grad is one of the partners. The implementation period of the project is January 2015- December 2015, donor National Foundation for Civil Society Development. 3. Project Ekobiz-promotion of youth entrepreneurship in the sector of organic farming It aims to encourage young people's interest to engage in organic farming in Split-Dalmatia County and develop an entrepreneurial culture among children of preschool and school age. Association Zdravi grad is partner on this project financed by ESF. 4. Project "Green and White Skills for new jobs"- Specific objective of the project was the development of minimum of 6 curricula all of which will contain transversal competences of ICT and self-social-entrepreneurship, aimed at matching the demands of the labour market, at responding to the most recent EU recommendations and at promoting the Europa2020 strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy in Croatia. 5.The project "The protection, restoration, presentation and promotion of ancient wells Žuželj," Healthy City is leading partner on the project of restoration of ancient wells Žuželj, in the municipality of Lećevica, Croatia, financed by Croatian Ministry of Culture. Organization Zdravi grad organize workshops and educations with the aim of promoting healthy lifestyle (i.e.healthy cooking workshops, teaching children on healthy lifestyle etc.).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NGO Zdravi grad was established with the aim of improving the quality of life in the community and the majority of projects can be included in one of the following two groups: programs of psycho-social prevention and social innovations. We are involved and experienced in versatile fields: social policy, sustainable development, building of healthy working environment, promoting of healthy lifestyle etc. We are connecting public sector, NGOs and individuals on programmes and projects which promote development of whole society, at the local level in Split and Dalmatia region, but also at international level through project partnerships with foreign organizations. We are experienced and reliable partner in conducting EU projects in partnerships with organizations from Croatia and abroad.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through ALF network we would like to make connections with different organizations in Croatia and  Euro-Mediteran area, with the aim of exchanging knowledge and establishing partnerships on projects which promotes balanced and sustainable development of society and individuals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Željka Raguž
Job Title
executive director
Head of the organisation
Andrea Russo


National Network

181, Melita Street, Valletta
Valletta VLT 1129

+356 7982 7011
Telephone (other)
+356 7772 6889
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
MOVE is a non-governmental organization for the promotion of sports and culture, set in motion by a group of highly-motivated professionals active in education, sports and culture.  Our mission is to inspire a healthier and happier future through sports and culture.  Move seeks to promote and address: -lnnovation in sports and culture as an educational tool for all citizens -Sports and culture as values enshrined in cultural identities -Social problems creatively through innovation in sports and culture Our team is all passionate about sports and culture and together we work hard to share our knowledge and experience. MOVE works mainly with children and young people coming from difficult social backgrounds and our aim is to provide, innovative activities which are mostly designed to foster a love for sports and culture, and bring out innovation and creativity in our younger generation.  At MOVE we believe that innovation is more likely to happen within innovative spaces and hence we’ve engineered our services to promote highly-engaging purposely developed interactive activities to promote positive experiences inspiring our future generations to be more physically activity and leading them from metal blocks to metal breakthroughs. Our organization is keen on creating beautiful things and really supports creative practice. Together with our team, we welcome and support like-minded people who are willing to become part of our story!   MOVE is a member of ISCA (International Sports Culture Association - Denmark), Kunsill Nazzjonali taz-Zaghzagh (KNZ ) (National Youth Council) and Agenzija Zaghzagh (National Youth Agency)  
Mission and Objectives

MOVE’s mission is to create a lasting social change through sports and culture.
Our vision is that each and every child and youth should have access to sports and culture and thus be empowered to live a healthier and happier life.

The objectives are :

To challenge the barriers which prevent young people especially those coming from social difficult backgrounds from participating in cultural activities.

Engage youths in alternative forms of entertainment 

Create innovative spaces where youths coming from different social backgrounds can interact with the  local community.

Main Projects / Activities

European Voluntary Services
Training Courses
Youth Exchange
Sports and Culture Activities
Youth Programmes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organise meetings/ seminars/workshops
Sharing our experiences gained from the network
Contribute in organising different international activities, festivals and culture exchange events, 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Partnerships and Networks help to connect organisations together and with their relevant  communities and assist them to create opportunities for the people they support.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cynthia Debono
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Cynthia Debono
Contact (2) Full Name
Charlo Seychell
Job Title (2)

Punti Cospicui associazione culturale

National Network

via G. Carulli 42
70121 Bari

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information
Punti Cospicui is a non governmental organization. It includes 3 associates and 5 members of the staff. Budget: 15.000 euros. Sources of funding: Municipality of Bari; Puglia Region Modalities of actions: workshops, seminars, theatre and dance reviews, coception and planing of artistic events, social research trough artistic practices, audience developement. Main partners: Festival delle Donne e dei saperi di genere (Women festival); Università degli Studi di Bari; Municipality of Bari
Mission and Objectives

The artistical project is made up from the need of building a culture open to innovation, knowledge exchange, contamination of artistic languages. Through theatre reviews, workshops and actions for audience development, it aims to build a community of citizens involved in development of human relationships, different cultures and rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Promotion of theatrical and cultural events, such as reviews and festivals.
Activity of research, training, theatrical pedagogy through workshops, stages, meetings and exchanges.
Production of theatre and video performances.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Punti Cospicui can contribute to the network in Italy through artistic projects founded on cultural exchange

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in european call for proposal or international theatre festivals

Contact (1) Full Name
Clarissa Veronico
Head of the organisation
Veronico Chiara
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonio De Mattia

Labmed (182 civil society organizations represented)

National Network

Via Crispi 51

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Labmed è una rete orizzontale e partecipata, attivata dalla Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo. Essa intende rendere più efficace la comunicazione tra i partner delle Regioni mediterranee e quindi farsi strumento operativo per la Comunità Europea nell'ambito del programma Euromediterraneo. Labmed vuole essere una grande Banca Dati a disposizione del partenariato intermediterraneo per raccogliere la descrizione e l'aggiornamento continuo di progetti, ricerche e iniziative per lo sviluppo dell'area mediterranea.
Mission and Objectives

1) Dialogo interculturale
Le iniziative in questo ambito sono finalizzate a favorire l'incontro e il confronto tra le diverse culture, religioni, tradizioni e differenti modelli di organizzazione sociale dei Paesi delle due rive del Mediterraneo.
La costruzione di occasioni di incontro, dibattito ed elaborazione nella più ampia e articolata partecipazione costituiscono l'obiettivo di lavoro di quest'area attraverso il progetto Labmed interculture.
2) Valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale (artistico, architettonico, archeologico, ambientale) del Mediterraneo attraverso la catalogazione e il monitoraggio con l'uso di nuove tecnologie e strumentazioni telematiche.
La spiegazione dell'unità culturale mediterranea che sottostà a tante diversità di culture nel corso dei millenni costituisce uno degli obiettivi prioritari.
La ricognizione delle memorie del passato fa superare il valore di repertorio all'attività di catalogazione dei beni culturali.
In tale ambito è stato attivato il progetto Labmed patrimonio culturale che intende catalogare e valorizzare i beni culturali su scala mediterranea per incrementare l'occupazione e lo sviluppo legati all'uso di tale patrimonio.
3) Giovani
I giovani costituiscono il gruppo emergente dell'area mediterranea.
Favorire tra essi dialogo e confronto costruttivo e permanente è scopo prioritario che si esplica attraverso il progetto Labmed giovani.
Obiettivo immediato è lavorare alla costruzione di un Forum permanente dei giovani dei Paesi del Mediterraneo per lo scambio di esperienze e conoscenze su tematiche quali la scuola, il lavoro, la formazione e l'occupazione all'alba del terzo millennio oltreché sui reciproci valori culturali.
4) Donne, democrazia e diritti
I diritti di cittadinanza delle donne rischiano di essere enunciazione di principio formale se l'intera Società Civile non si attiva per la loro attuazione. Si vuole, in collaborazione con le molte associazioni e network di reti di donne esistenti nell'intera area mediterranea, costruire strumenti che ne promuovano lo sviluppo.
Il progetto Labmed donne, democrazia, diritti ne è l'espressione.
5) Interazione individuo-ambiente: sviluppo, educazione e formazione
La costruzione degli assetti sociali avviene nell'interazione tra le storie individuali (affetti, credenze, memorie, sentimenti e i progetti) e processi sociali collettivi; pertanto si ritiene opportuno favorire il benessere individuale e sociale individuando gli aspetti che facilitano la costruzione di sinergie positive tra i diversi Paesi e gruppi etnico religiosi. Azioni di promozione dello sviluppo, educazione e formazione vengono co-attivate in relazione alle tematiche e problematiche individuate.
Specificità del progetto è di agire in una prospettiva di promozione della partecipazione e attivazione delle risorse di cui i gruppi e i Paesi dispongono. Tale ambito di attività si esplica nel progetto Labmed empowerment: educazione, formazione, lavoro.
6) Città
Dinanzi alle trasformazioni economiche, politiche e sociali determinate dall'affermarsi del mercato globale, la rete Labmed e la Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo vogliono riaffermare l'identità delle città mediterranee e agire attraverso progetti, provvedimenti e azioni che riqualifichino il contesto urbano e la sua vivibilità. Ciò si esplica nel progetto Euromedcity.
7) Centro di documentazione
Gli studi e le ricerche nonché la raccolta di materiali scientifici e culturali realizzati dalla Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo costituiscono un centro di documentazione e di supporto tecnico e scientifico ai progetti e alle attività realizzati nell'ambito della rete Labmed.

Main Projects / Activities

Labmed intende riunire quanti lavorano per il Mediterraneo, fornire loro l'accesso ai mezzi necessari, sostenere via via i progetti, è necessario costruire occasioni e luoghi di incontro permanente delle Società Civili.
Infatti il ruolo di associazioni, sindacati, università, collettività locali, fondazioni ed organismi sociali, risulta indispensabile per intraprendere una politica globale e articolata del Mediterraneo.
Dalla loro partecipazione e dal loro impegno dipenderà il diffondersi del progresso e di una pacifica integrazione nelle Regioni delle due rive.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo Treppo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Paolo Treppo