Habiba Community

National Network

Habiba Bay, Nuweiba, South Sinai, Egypt
South Sinai

+20 122 217 6624
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
Habiba Organic Farm, in South Sinai in Egypt, is considered the first social entrepreneurship in Egypt. Habiaba came to stand as a model of organic desert farming that aims to achieve sustainable development through social change. Habiba invests in 25yrs trust that Founder, Maged ElSaid has established with Bedouin tribes in South Sinai, through his career in Tourism. Habiba serves as guide model for Bedouins to manage their natural resources, and improvise healthy means of self-farmed food supplies. In addition to introducing new perspectives of tourism which is based on Bedouins acting as facilitators of their resources. Habiba has attracted educational tourism agro-tourism and voluntourism, which has levelled up the exposure of the community to tourists as learners and researchers, building new values of empathetic learning & sharing. Habiba has founded Sinai Palm Foundation, acts as a commodity stock market, by which dividends payout ratio will contribute to household income of community, level up socio-economic status and sustain social cohesion. Further, it will place Nuweiba on the map of extensive palm species producers in the region Also, Habiba Learning Center, was established to provide children of the community with Montessori and mindful non formal education, introducing them to values of humanity and compassion, and having pride in their authentic cultural heritage
Mission and Objectives

Habiba Aims to Acheive Sustainable Communities by Securing Food Resources
Empowering Bedouins to facilitate non-formal education based on their nomadic lifestyle, cultural heritage, holistic energy, environmental lodging and educational tourism

Main Projects / Activities

Organic Desert Cultivation of Nutrient Crops to count for malnutrient

Social Coehison through collaborative participatory decision making amongst community members on farming schedules and plans

Non-formal education on marine, environment, desert research, cultural heritage and camel riding

Sustaining paradigm shift from consumerism to cultivation & education

Streaming edutoursim - voluntourism - agritourism to other regions in Egypts

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Best Practice Exchange based on intercultural dialogue with neighbouring countries and host community

Provide a mindful space for networks meetings and activities

Research links on socio-economic status of Bedouin communities

Strategies of inclusive education for Bedouins

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking with Experts on non-formal education, esp inclusion of disabled and ethnic minorities

Networking with diversified expertise

Outreach to academic professionals on responsible leadership and sustainable communities

Contact (1) Full Name
Maged ElSaid
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maged ElSaid

European Wilderness Society

National Network

Dechant Franz Fuchs Str, 5 Tamsweg 5580 AUSTRIA
c/o LuminaConsult 6th floor Square de Meeüs 35 1000 Brussels Belgium
5580 Tamsweg

+43 6474 27029
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+43 676 92 71 543
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 38 050 6654943
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The European Wilderness Society is the only Pan-European, wilderness and environmental advocacy organisation whose mission is to identify, designate, manage and promote European wilderness. We are a diverse team of professional nature conservationists  dedicated to wilderness in Europe. The European Wilderness  Society maintains focal points in Spain, France, Belgium, Austria, Slovakia, Latvia, Germany, Ukraine and Hungary.  However, the organisation’s headquarter is in Tamsweg, Austria with an additional office in Brussels. At EWS we believe in reaching such a harmony through introducing wilderness to people in Europe and  increase the public support for preserving the last great places of true nature. Our team has more then 16 years work expirience with different organisations. Budgetary resources: 220.000 euro Sources of funding; Erasmus+, EU commission,  Ministry of agriculture, forestry, environment and water management of Austria, donations. Projects:  Developed and launched the  European Wilderness Quality Standard and Audit System (EWQA), certified 20 national parks which helps support improvement in the management of wilderness.  Increasing cooperation with educational institutions in order to improve knowledge about Europe’s natural habitats and wildlife with a special focus on large carnivores.  Launched various online communication tools.  Organized two  European Wilderness Academy Days in 2014 and 2015.  Implementing a project called Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices.  Working to protect Europe’s last wild rivers and their watersheds.  Distribution of the European Wilderness Journal.   Development of the wild art program . Its idea is bringing artists into wilderness and having them capture wilderness with their tools. Partners:  Hnuty Duha-Friends of the Earth, Czech Republic  Mountain Wilderness, France  National nature park Zacharovanyy kray, Ukraine  Lesoochranárske zoskupenie VLK, Slovakia  CEEWeb, Hungary  University of Leeds  University of Klagenfurt  Carpatica  Others
Mission and Objectives

 Established the European Wilderness Quality Standard and Audit System (EWQA) as Europe´s premiere wilderness standard and thus far have certified 20 wilderness’.
 Identify and protect wilderness in Europe by employing legislative and financial tools.
 Initiate the Pan-European Green corridor network
Hold an annual large carnivore conference in different parts of Europe.
 Hold annually the Wilderness Academy Days in a different location each year.
 Develop a watershed wilderness criteria system to be implemented across Europe, working jointly with Europe’s leading NGOs.
 Lobby at the European parliament level for a stronger focus on wilderness protection  as a conservation management solution.
 Educate school children on the value of wilderness for Europe.
 Bring together the fine arts and wilderness to promote conservation.
 Develop a communication strategy to support the return of large carnivores across Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

We are following such main EU initiatives, policies as
a) of the 2 nature (Birds and Habitat) directives
b)  of the Water Framework and Floods Directives
c)and improving the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy
REFIT of Natura 2000
Our main project activities are:
1. Auditing of wilderness using EWQA from the Mediterranean to the Arctic circle, from the Atlantic coast to the Ural Mountains.
2. Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices:
a) Knowledge sharing and preparation
b) Preparation of publications
c) Dissamination of education materials
d) Research assesment
e) Studying and innovationg curricula
f) Preparation and implementation of cluster
3. Assist in the protection of Europe’s last wilderness.
4. EWS supports two scholarships for  postgraduate MSc in Management of Protected Areas at theUniversity of Klagenfurt.
5. Publish regular research results, management guidelines, and case studies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EWS has a comprehensive experience in research, eduction, marketing and goverment activities.  We are prepared to share and exchange our konwledege in the fields of environment protection, sustainable development and tourism, innovative communication tools and networking, education of children and adults, marketing with members of ALF in Austria as well as in Euro-Mediterranean region.

EWS brings all stakeholders of Europe’s wilderness together. It employs a comprehensive approach to meet the complex ecological and social needs of Europe's protected areas. We have experience in  wilderness management training.  Since, the European Parliament adopted its special report on wilderness on February 3, 2009,  the organisation has focused on 3 main topics:
1. To increase the knowledge and understanding of wilderness and its role in protected areas for delivering social and economic benefits.  In addition, the organization has focused on educating adults in order to increase awareness of the public about what protected areas can bring to them personally.
2. Improve management effectiveness of protected areas through providing expertise and a third party management audit to administration.
3. Improve the legal framework for protected areas with special attention on wildlife and wilderness attributes

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since EWS has the same objectives as ALF  (promoting knowledge, mutual respect and exchange between regions, bridge the gaps in perceptions, as well as promote diversity and coexistence, promote intercultural competences amongst Europeans and Asians, empowering the Euro-Med organisations to work on intercultural dialogue through exchanges and collaborations in the region, applying a policy of environmental and social responsibility) and we work in the same fields, such as environment and sustainable development as well as tourism, education, art which can improve and broaden in particular in the Mediterranean. In order to find appropriate partners and support, the organization has decided to join ALF.
We are ready to exchange knowledge and experience in the above mentioned fields with organizations in the Euro-Mediterranean region, establish new partnerships.
An important activity which can be implemented with the support of ALF is facilitation of cooperation with Mediterranean education and civil society organizations and particularly support of conduction of European Wilderness Academy Days in Turkey in 2016.

Contact (1) Full Name
Max A. E. Rossberg
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Max A. E. Rossberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Iryna Shchoka
Job Title (2)
International Fundraising Manager

Haliganda, Civil association

National Network
Slovak Republic

Jenisejská 2
04012 Košice

+421908 659 735
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Haliganda started up in 2002. Since that time we care children do not grow up and adults do not get old too quickly. We inspire and help parents with upbringing and invest all resources into childrens creativity. Haliganda consists of 2 Maternity centers, Creativity House and Montessori club. We are working on basis of volunteering and main base of the organization is formed by 5 memebers. Haliganda is non-profit organization. We raise funds for operation by ourselves - through grants, 2% from taxes and self-financing activities. We are working on various projects connected with art, theatre, education, international exchange, providing art workshops for children and adults, lectures for parents. Our main partners are Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, Košice town, Roma Education Fund, Sarvam Foundation, Brave Kids festival, Teater Piesen Kozla.

Mission and Objectives

Realization of creative and educational programs, which participants are members of the community - children, women on and the after maternity leave, parents, grandparents. Haliganda activities are focused on leisure activities for the whole family regardless the age and the creative use of public space settlement. Our mission is to create multigenerational center that provides space and services to mothers and parents of grown up children and grandparents. Providing space for large groups of people from the community where we live, in order to improve their quality of life and to ultimately assist in positive solutions to social problems. Spiritual and cultural values are ​​developed by organizing cultural events, concerts, theater performances, nature excursions, weekend family meetings, educational programs. The Association actively cooperates with other civil associations and humanitarian organizations. We are partner in public collections and contribute to the protection of human rights, the protection of health, building of solidarity awareness, assistance and charity especially among children and youth. Our association promotes a healthy lifestyle and an interactive form of learning through lectures with specialists, training, advisory, support groups, seminars, discussions, exercises. Training covers a wide range of formal and informal to the formal traditional teaching methods appropriate to each target audience, from children to adults. One of the most valuable forms can be considered just Prevention - giving advice and experience between the visitors themselves. Each has free access to the library of association, which includes books, periodicals and journals about education of children, health, development, and psychology, the social sphere and the section, and not least, visitors have free access to the Internet. The association provides social assistance and humanitarian care. The association provides social counseling through external cooperation with a social workers of the association which creates space for preventing a first contact in emergency situations. OZ Haliganda works exclusively on their creative projects and brand Haliganda is also officially recognized trademark. Under our civil association was established Haliganda Theatre and Theatre ľuds(z)kosti that are regularly presented at events over Slovakia and abroad. OZ Haliganda organizes its Haliganda Country festival with international participation performers and spectators.

Main Projects / Activities

We have been working on various kinds of project, the most interesting are „Haligandaland“ - international festival for children and their curious parents. It is platform for creative people from various scientific and art fields who can inspire children and parents with their projects created for our festival only to feel creativity, variety of cultural antetypes and aesthetic values. Professional artists meets children and their world face to face. We wish production for children would not be perceived as secondary, naive and easy. Our festival does not present opus only but it gives a space to present projects created right on the place. „Knock and…“ - reading of goodnight fairytales by their authors as Tomáš Janovic, Branislav Jobus, Erik Groch, Stanislav Rakús and many others to the children at their homes, „Reading in the sand“ - large sand-pit is meeting point for children and parents with archaelogists, historians, geologists „Other music“ - music group which create own instruments, play instruments from various exotic counties and use historical instruments also. Projects of Other music take children to different counties or they drag them into various historical periods, art workshops for children and adults, lectures for parents. "Brave Kids" - international festival for children from disadvantaged background, from the street, slums, favelas, postwar countries, orphancies. Brave Kids is a platform of dialog for children from all over the world. The project aims to inspire children to imagine a better future for themselves and provide tools to help fulfill their aspirations, using Art as the main medium of education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Haliganda is organization with wide range of activities as culture, art, theatre, education, social work, charity, humanitarian aid. We have 13 years old knowledge and experience with work on various kinds of international projects. Our target group are children and families. We do support children creativity, their vision of life, their individuality with help of art.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe in better world and we do our best to participate on its creating also. We have many of international cooperating organizations and being a part of such organization as Anna Lindh Foundation will enable us to contribute with our knowledge and experiences on various kinds of projects with valuable aim.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roman Sorger
Head of the organisation
Roman Sorger

GVC - Civil Volunteer Group

National Network

Via dell'Osservanza 35/2
40136 Bologna

0039 051585604
0039 051582225
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0039 3470025814
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
General Information
GVC has a democratic structure that includes a General Assembly, Board of Directors, Internal Audit and Quality Control Service. Staff employed in 2014:Italy 5 interns; 19 consultants;26 employees /abroad 12 interns/ 88 consultants /364 local employees. Budget year 2014: €11,500,498: the EU is our biggest donor (67% of our funds) for development and emergency projects. We also receive funding from the UN (11%), the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation(10%), local authorities and other public and private donors (12%). We work by implementing projects in countries where we adopt multi-sector strategy programmes and apply a community-based and participatory approach. Our partners include: University and Research 14%;Local and international institutions 25%;Local and international civil society organizations 50%;Private sector 11%.(72% of these organizations are local partners). GVC is also part of various networks to promote civil society and citizen partnerships, such as Link, Concord, Voice 2007, Agire.  
Mission and Objectives

We would like to see a better world, fairer and more supportive than the one we witness everyday. We try to contribute to building it through the respect and the promotion of the rights of the communities in which we work, within a vision of dignity, exchange and reciprocity.
We believe in a heightened awareness, in each person’s ability to see the world through different eyes and to learn that, in a deeply connected Global North and South, respect for others and for the environment is nothing other than respect for one’s self.
We work with individuals, civil society organizations, local institutions and governments, so that everyone can take care of their own present and future, building a culture of autonomy and cooperation which fosters the freedom and independence of communities.

Main Projects / Activities

We fight against poverty and injustice to guarantee vulnerable communities the access to water, food, health, education and work. We aim to develop critical thinking and challenge stereotypes to sustain the change towards a fairer and more sustainable world. Specifically, we work with people who are often the most disadvantaged in their communities: women, children and persons with disabilities.
GVC implements  multi-sector programs useful in helping to remove the causes of poverty and allowing each person to enjoy their basic human rights: right to food (13 projects), right to water and sanitation (7 projects), right to health (3 projects),  right to decent work and participation in social and economic life through fairer development models (9 projects). Recognizing environmental protection as an absolutely necessary condition for reaching these goals, 18 projects in 2014 were dedicated to protecting natural resources and 8 to promoting education towards global citizenship and advocacy activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GVC is already a partner of several organisations of the ALF Italian Network and could therefore further contribute to strengthening CSO networks and support their work in the Emilia-Romagna region.
GVC also works in most of the mediterranean countries of the ALF network and has long-standing relations with local organisations and stakeholders. Currently, GVC is implementing several projects in Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Palestine. GVC's position, as an Italian Ngo working internationally, can sustain dialogue and improve mutual understanding between communities.
GVC also works in Italy and Europe carrying out Development Education activities, including Terra di Tutti Film Festival, an annual event to feature documentary films on  issues concerning international development. For example, in an emergency project to support Syrian families in Lebanon, we included the making of a documentary to explain the current situation of refugees and hosting communities in Lebanon and disseminated the documentary-film both in Lebanon and Italy, in order to improve the perception and relate to the current refugee situation.
Finally, GVC participates in several networks and is part of the Board of Directors of Link 2007 (Cooperation  Network – Brings together major Italian NGOs with the aim of boosting the role of NGOs in the promotion of development and cooperation policies at an institutional level) and Concord Italy (Italian division of the CONCORD Europe platform, representative for the European Union for international cooperation and development policies). GVC can ensure a dialogue and participation between these networks and the ALF  Network. For example, in 2014, with both platforms, Link 2007 and Concord, we organized several seminars and public events on the subject of  Mediterranean  relations, peace and migration for the project More and Better Europe during the Italian presidency semester.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

GVC would like to join the ALF Network in order to both contribute and benefit from the dialogue, experience and knowledge of the diverse organizations involved and, finally, to support and strengthen Mediterranean CSOs in the promotion of rights and mutual respect.
GVC has been working in Mediterranean countries since the '90's and is currently implementing programmes in 4 different countries in the region to build a favourable environment for democratic and sustainable growth. Specifically, working on capacity-building, good governance, accountability practices and knowledge sharing to improve governance mechanisms, enhancing capacities and establishing networks and alliances among CSOs and other stakeholders.
GVC can also connect its current partners for collaborations with the ALF network and engage members of the network in its activities, in order to become more effective and efficient.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nada Ziwawi
Job Title
Institutional Fundraiser
Head of the organisation
Dina Taddia
Contact (2) Full Name
Rachele Ponzellini
Job Title (2)
Junior Fundraiser

Asociación PROJUVEN

National Network

Calle Hurtado 13 (piso 1, puerta izq)
29013 Málaga

+34 633884707
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
PROJUVEN based in Malaga includes the three main founders of the NGO and at the moment 6 volunteers. The volunteers are all young people and Masters'University students coming from University of Malaga. Our resources come from the European projects for which we apply each time there is an european call for youth and social projects. In particular, we work in the framework of Erasmus plus project. At the deadline of this coming February 2nd 2016, we are going to present 2 projects KA1, 1 project KA2 and 1 project KA3. Mainly, our financial resources and all the tools that we will need to implement them will come from these european calls. In addition, we work also in our local community in Malaga, implementing various small project through the help of the local municipality and of the University of Malaga Our main partners are University of Malaga (Spain), Futuro Digitale NGO (Italy), GEYC NGO (Romania), IRSE (Poland), Green Cross Society (Ukraine) and International Peace Youth Group (South Korea). 
Mission and Objectives

Asociación PROJUVEN is a Spanish no-profit organisation born in 2015.
PROJUVEN means proyecto juvenil (youth project). It stands for something dynamic. For our staff of professionals it means being social entrepreneurs and keeping the passion for social purposes, in a modern concept of NGO.
Asociación PROJUVEN is an educational training provider at local and European level. We had a consultant role for public and private bodies in order to promote and develop European and trans-continental projects.
We work for our local community in Spain and at European level in Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens, Creative Europe and with foundations. Our main aim is to promote EU “Youth in Action” Programme in Spain in order to encourage European mobility among youngsters.
Asociación PROJUVEN promotes:
• Intercultural Dialogue
• Social inclusion through Sport Values (in particular we are very careful about people with disability)
• Environmental protection and Green Skills as new job opportunities for young European citizens.
We promote the art and all other cultural enrichments and we are active in valorize our area in Spain where we promote a lot of initiatives and cooperate with many other associations and public institutions as municipalities.
Summing up, our main goals are:
• Individual development of each member;
• Acquiring new skills and abilities;
• Promote social inclusion using Sport, Nature and Art;
• Create link with European Youth Associations;
• Develop youth movement all over Europe;
• Increase knowledge using non formal education.
The individual formation of an European civic conscience among youngsters in full respect of cultural identity, race and gender, promoting interaction and cooperation between countries.
• European Union awareness;
• Pro-active attitude towards youth people’s problems in the local community in their new reality as young European citizens;
• Active involvement in social and professional young people’s integration;
• Promotion of young mobility and youth exchanges;
• Promotion of environment protection and volunteer as a life style;
• Pro-active attitude towards youth people’s problems in the local community in their new reality as young European citizens;
• Development of civic attitude to fight against all kind of discrimination;
• Active involvement in social and professional young people’s integration.
General objectives:
• Promote young mobility, intercultural exchange, volunteer and social cooperation among youngsters;
• Stimulate the exchange of ideas and experience, mutual understanding, and equal rights and opportunities among young people in Europe and in the Euromed countries;
• Promote intercultural understanding, equal opportunities, respect, active citizenship and solidarity;
• Fight discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance;
• Promote respect for the nature (ecofriendly attitude) and develop new job opportunities;
• Involve young people with less opportunities.
• In the field of non-formal and in-formal education, informing and communication (youth exchanges, training course, study sessions);
• Activities for youth: voluntariat projects in local communities, sportive activities as an healthy lifestyle, sport as a tool for inclusion, eco projects of free expression for young people.

Main Projects / Activities

We work in the Erasmus Plus framework:
The specific objectives of the programme that we implement are in the youth field and they are the promotion or development of:
• Key competences and skills of young people including young people with fewer opportunities
• Participation in democratic life in Europe and the labour market
• Active citizenship
• Intercultural dialogue
• Social Inclusion and solidarity
• Strengthened links between the youth field and the labour market
• Quality improvements in youth work
• Complement policy reforms at local, regional and national level…and recognition of non-formal and informal learning
• The international dimension of youth activities.
In this year, we wll lunch the Discrimination Platform for Youth with Disabilities and their Families (DPYDF). It will be a platform of structured dialogue for the constitution of a Development Integrated Model (DIM) in which young people with disabilities between 18-30 years old, active in the social and political field, can share ideas and have the support of policy-makers for the definition and proposal of an hate crime legislation that include disability as form recognized discrimination in Europe. In addition, the platform will address not only the disabled young people but also their families (as in cases of mental disability the young people themselves cannot act on their own) and we will develop in it a network where people would find free legal advice as well.
In addition, in Malaga we have already started a very interesting project in our local community in Malaga, called the Modern Teacher. PROJUVEN through the "Modern Teacher" project wants to transform how the education system develops aspiring teachers. We want to provide passionate young people with hands-on teaching experience, sustain their interest in the profession, and help them cultivate the skills they need to be successful educators. The result is a pipeline of accomplished teachers who are positioned to make a lasting difference, not only in the lives of their students, but also in the field of teaching more broadly.In our opinion, every teacher should enter the profession with the necessary skills. The Modern Teacher project is a powerful way to help communities grow the next generation of well-prepared educators.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Helping in identifying, matching and supporting expert advisers to work with NGOs throughout the developing world.  PROJUVEN emphasizes expanding and strengthening the skills of local experts and trainers to reduce dependency on external experts and further contribute to sustainability.
We can count on a network of professionals who can advise on policy issues, assist and coach in program development, fundraising, communications and evaluation and strengthen the networks of partnering NGOs in fields such as education, energy, youth and development, workforce development, humanitarian assistance, health and environmental sustainability, among others.
Partnerships with local and international NGOs to use digital media to strengthen their organizations and to offer standardized training new media and blogging to their local communities.
Expertise in designing and implement european projects. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that we can support the network giving our contribution and especially share with all the members of it our knowledge and expertise. In particular we would like to share and introduce the mission and vision of ALF Network in our local community in Malaga and Andalusia. Through ALF network we want to allow all the young people in Andalusia with fewer opportunities to access to more innovative projects that will allow them to enlarge their opportunities to have a better future and build in them a strong european identity. All this will be possible just  if we would be part of an important and international network such as ALF. 
We are sure that just with an International support we could really improve the life, the future and provide better services in terms of skills and knowledge to all the young people with which we work everyday.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Ruberto
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Francesco Ruberto
Contact (2) Full Name
Mari Isabel Postigo
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Art Aia - Creatives/In/Residence

National Network

via Banduzzo 31
33079 Sesto al Reghena

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Art Aia- Creatives/ In/ Residence is a cultural center, a creative residency, located inside a farm in the Friulian countryside of Northern Italy, near the town of Sesto al Reghena in the province of Pordenone. Its aims are the cultural research and the artistic experimentation in the area, the circulation of information, the promotion of art and culture at a local and international level. Art Aia pursues exclusively cultural and artistic activities, guided by the idea that art can help to overcome the limitations and barriers place to communication still today, which in a way reduce imagination and creativity. For this reason, Art Aia is strongly committed to the promotion of exchange and collaboration between individual artists and groups of various nationalities and backgrounds. The Centre organizes and hosts different types of activities : the artists may reside at Art Aia during periods of study and work, develop new projects, create performances or audiovisual work, attend courses, seminars and workshops on different techniques, present their work within Festivals and exhibitions and carry out activities aimed to the development of their artistic skills and creative process . Art Aia is also an ecology center immersed in the nature of the Friulan territory where it is possible to get familiar with sustainable agriculture and well-being through ecotherapy. Over the past five years, one of the main activity of Art Aia has been the higher education, with courses taught by teachers and international artists. Several groups have also been hosted in the structure to carry out creative residencies, aimed at the preparation of new art projects. The Spirit of Art Aia is to develop creativity, understood as a cultural resource and potential for growth, within a natural setting where it is possible to establish a new relationship between Humanity, Art, and Nature.
Mission and Objectives

Art Aia- Creatives/ In/ Residence is a cultural center, a creative residency, located inside a farm in the Friulian countryside of Northern Italy, near the town of Sesto al Reghena in the province of Pordenone. Its aims are the cultural research and the artistic experimentation in the area, the circulation of information, the promotion of art and culture at a local and international level. Art Aia pursues exclusively cultural and artistic activities, guided by the idea that art can help to overcome the limitations and barriers place to communication still today, which in a way reduce imagination and creativity. For this reason, Art Aia is strongly committed to the promotion of exchange and collaboration between individual artists and groups of various nationalities and backgrounds. The Centre organizes and hosts different types of activities : the artists may reside at Art Aia during periods of study and work, develop new projects, create performances or audiovisual work, attend courses, seminars and workshops on different techniques, present their work within Festivals and exhibitions and carry out activities aimed to the development of their artistic skills and creative process . Art Aia is also an ecology center immersed in the nature of the Friulan territory where it is possible to get familiar with sustainable agriculture and well-being brought eco-therapy. Over the past five years, one of the main activity of Art Aia has been the higher education, with courses taught by teachers and international artists. Several groups have also been hosted in the structure to carry out creative residencies, aimed at the preparation of new art projects. The Spirit of Art Aia is to develop creativity, understood as a cultural resource and potential for growth, within a natural setting where it is possible to establish a new relationship between Humanity, Art, and Nature.

Main Projects / Activities

Art Aia- Creatives/ In/ Residence is a cultural center, a creative residency, located inside a farm in the Friulian countryside of Northern Italy, near the town of Sesto al Reghena in the province of Pordenone. Its aims are the cultural research and the artistic experimentation in the area, the circulation of information, the promotion of art and culture at a local and international level. Art Aia pursues exclusively cultural and artistic activities, guided by the idea that art can help to overcome the limitations and barriers place to communication still today, which in a way reduce imagination and creativity. For this reason, Art Aia is strongly committed to the promotion of exchange and collaboration between individual artists and groups of various nationalities and backgrounds. The Centre organizes and hosts different types of activities : the artists may reside at Art Aia during periods of study and work, develop new projects, create performances or audiovisual work, attend courses, seminars and workshops on different techniques, present their work within Festivals and exhibitions and carry out activities aimed to the development of their artistic skills and creative process . Art Aia is also an ecology center immersed in the nature of the Friulan territory where it is possible to get familiar with sustainable agriculture and well being through eco-therapy. Over the past five years, one of the main activity of Art Aia has been the higher education, with courses taught by teachers and international artists. Several groups have also been hosted in the structure to carry out creative residencies, aimed at the preparation of new art projects. The Spirit of Art Aia is to develop creativity, understood as a cultural resource and potential for growth, within a natural setting where it is possible to establish a new relationship between Humanity, Art and Nature.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can develop international projects in Italy and promote the circulation of information related to the network. I can become a reference to the network for Italy and for central - southern Europe by organizing conference panels and other gathering activities open to international members of the network .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I 'm looking for collaboration and partnerships .I believe that becoming part of ALF will open up more opportunities to find mutual collaboration with other institutions around the world . 

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Morassutti
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Giovanni Morassutti

Jerusalem Season of Culture

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Jerusalem Season of Culture (JSOC) is headed by Naomi Bloch-Fortis, Executive Director; Itay Mautner, Artistic Director and Karen Brunwasser, Deputy Director, managing a professional staff of 20. The organization is supervised by a 6 member board of directors chaired by Mr. David Gappell.   JSOC's 2015 budget was $4,790,000. Main sources of funding: The Schusterman Foundation, The Russell Berrie Foundation, The Nadav Fund, The Charles and Andrea Bronfman Philanthropies, The Maimonides Fund, The Leichtag Foundation, The Morningstar Foundation, The Solelim Fund, The Paul E. Singer Foundation and a host of Israeli and international private donors. JSOC operates concerts, workshops, performance art, seminars and multiple-disciplinary site specific cultural events, cultural tours and work closely with Jerusalem civil society organizations. Main partners: The Jerusalem Municipality, The Jerusalem Development Authority, The Israel Museum, The Tower of David Museum, The Hansen House, The Jerusalem Music Center (Mishkanot), Israel Democracy Institute, The Van Leer Institute
Mission and Objectives

The Jerusalem Season of Culture is an independent, non-profit arts organization created to share the city’s extraordinary but often overlooked cultural life with the world. Each summer, we create a schedule of original, city-specific productions that traverse artistic disciplines, unfold in breathtaking locations, draw inspiration from the city’s landscapes, stories and people, and create moments that could happen only in Jerusalem. Our mission is to use art and culture as a neutral and inviting platform and facilitator for dialogue, inter-religious and cross-cultural dialogue and shared society. Through this JSOC aims to breakdown stereotypes and prejudice, transcend pervasive paradigms that limit the city's development and create an environment in which audiences and artists can meet, share experiences and familiarize themselves with alternative cultures. 

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities include:
Jerusalem Sacred Music Festival - for one week, the festival turns Jerusalem into a place where, through music, utopia is offered the chance to burst through into the city’s daily reality and inviting nations and faiths from all over the world to come to Jerusalem and celebrate themselves.Contact Point - a frenzied night of art and people at the Israel Museum which has developed into a cultural highlight and is eagerly awaited by thousands of people every year. The event, which begins as night falls just after the museum closes, invites artists from a wide spectrum of artistic genres to present new, original works that interact with museum spaces, the concept behind the museum and the works exhibited within it.Frontline - a festival that defies all definition proudly showcases Jerusalem’s independent music scene. Frontline ramps up Jerusalem’s alternative sound which plays under the radar, here and now and despite and maybe because of the city’s inherent craziness. In-House Festival – stretching the boundaries of  private homes to a more general and expansive concept of what constitutes a “home.”, questioning what home means to the general populace, the city and in some cases, to peoples that are fighting over the same house.Under the Mountain – a public art festival focusing on the biggest and most important public stage in history—the Temple Mount. In a series of commissioned works we neutralize and re-charge a site that has already seen a thing or two (from the Binding of Isaac the ascension of the Prophet Muhammad from the earth to heaven to the murder of Jordan's King Abdullah), converting  this political and national volatility into an artistic explosion which ranges from a meeting with Israel border police, inter galactic sculpture to a Canaanite rave.
For more information go to: www.jerusalemseason.com\en

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

JSOC has proven to be an effective connector and coordinator of the city's many different organizations, voices and forces. JSOC was conceived as an organization that worked primarily in the field of arts and culture and quickly became an important voice in the city and a close collaborator with the cities many and growing number of civil society organizations. As such, we have become the go-to organization for many of the city's political, social and cultural leaders who feel we can represent the city in an innovative way and convey its depth and complexity. We believe that we as an organization are in a unique position to maximize the network's impact and outreach both on the national as well as international/Mediteranean level. As Jerusalem represents a microcosm of Israel's social fabric and national challenges JSOC can serve as a well-placed conduit for the Network's activity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

While JSOC started out as a local initiative, our central goal has always been to serve a wider national as well as international audience. We believe that the ALF Network can be crucial in creating and nurturing international partnerships and cultural programming.  We have already partnered with artists and organizations from Morocco, Turkey, Greece, Spain, Serbia , Croatia and many more. We believe that being part of the ALF Network we would be able to reach out to many more cultural entities (especially from the Mediteranean basin region), who might be hesistant to work with us, but will be more willing if we have this connection. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Motti Wolf
Head of the organisation
Naomi Bloch Fortis

Deutsche Assoziationdes Souveränen Malteser Ritterordens

National Network

Burgstraße 10
53505 Kreuzberg

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The German Association is the national organization of the Souvereign Order of Malta and today has 550 members. It  was established in 1991. The organization controls (92.5%) a charitable entity (Malteser Deutschland gGmbH) which operates hospitals and senior people homes. The GAOM has 5 permanent employees (all part time) and more than 900 volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

The German Association of the Order of Malta is the initiator of various religious works in Germany, i.e. Malteser Hilfsdienst (MHD’s) and its subsidiaries, mainly known for its service in the field of civil protection (first aid and other medical training, emergence aid, catastrophe relief). The Catholic aid organization is represented nationwide at more than 700 locations in its two forms of organization as a registered association (eV) and non-profit GmbH ( gGmbH ). In the governing bodies of both institutions members are working as volunteers and in full-time.

Main Projects / Activities

+ Malteser Deutschland gGmbH: Hospitals and senior homes, Refugee Works, First Aid etc.
+ Youth of the Order: a community of young people who are actively involved in social project (more than 20 projects)
+ Pilgrimages to Lourdes and others
+ Middle Eastern Projects: CARAVAN - An intercultural and -religious social gap year for young people in Lebanon; Project Lebanon – Summercamps for disabled people in Lebanon
The Maltese are involving volunteers in charity campaigns and need of care projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The German Association of the Order of Malta is part of the Order of Malta working worldwide. We therefor can provide a wide Network and experience in the humanitarian and social sector.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expand our network and get new input, especially for the projects concerning the Middle East, ie. CARAVAN (and intercultural and –religious year for young people in Lebanon).

Contact (1) Full Name
Theresa Premauer
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Erich Prinz Lobkowicz

Cercle Eugene Delacroix

National Network

45 avenue Friedland
75008 Paris

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Le Cercle Eugene Delacroix: "Le Cercle Eugène Delacroix a été créé à l'initiative d'élus de la république française. Plusieurs initiatives sont prises à partir de  la France pour renforcer les liens avec le Maroc, mais qui mieux que des  hommes et des femmes politiques pour porter cette exigence ? La France, occupe aujourd’hui une place prépondérante dans l’espace Méditerranéen.  Quant au Maroc, il se positionne au carrefour des grandes routes des échanges internationaux qui relient l’Europe, l’Afrique et le Moyen-Orient. Il est le premier pays de la rive sud méditerranéenne à bénéficier du statut avancé dans ses relations avec  l’Union Européenne. Le pays, devenu au fil  des années un véritable chantier ouvert où les opportunités  sont innombrables, entend jouer pleinement son rôle de pont entre l’Europe et l’Afrique. Nous pensons que l’axe Paris-Rabat doit être le moteur du développement euro-méditerranéen.  L’idée de réunir des élus pour développer ce lien particulier entre la France le Maroc est née  il y a deux ans.  Elle s’est concrétisée au lendemain des élections municipales, sous l’impulsion des 10 membres Fondateurs , élus ou réélus en mars dernier. Depuis, le cercle s’est élargie et regroupe aujourd’hui plus de 50  élus répartis sur la France Métropolitaine. En tant qu’élus locaux, nous considérons que la promotion de  l'amitié franco-marocaine ne passe pas uniquement par les canaux diplomatiques traditionnels. Elle se fait également à l’échelle des territoires. Aussi, nous souhaitons augmenter le nombre de villes françaises jumelées avec des villes marocaines.  Ces jumelages qui se veulent « multidimensionnels » associeront les Lycées, grandes écoles, les universités, mais aussi les acteurs culturels et sportifs. Ainsi,  Un club de football français de première division nous a sollicités récemment  pour organiser un jumelage entre son centre de formation et un centre de formation d'un club marocain. Le volet économique n'est pas absent de notre réflexion. La France est toujours le premier partenaire économique du Maroc, mais certaines projections,  laissent penser que la France pourrait perdre cette position. Aussi, les  missions du Cercle Eugène Delacroix consisteront également  à soutenir toutes les entreprises françaises qui désirent s’implanter au Maroc. Comme nos statuts l'indiquent clairement l'association CED est une association d'élus de la république. L'association sera un lieu d'échanges entre ses membres et il s'agira également d'apporter un soutien en formation aux élus de la république adhérents à notre structure. Des colloques, des débats seront organisés autour d'intellectuels et de professionnels  (d’ici et de là-bas) pour le partage des connaissances et des expériences. Notre volonté est grande de promouvoir l'amitié Franco-Marocaine pour en faire une réelle Fraternité entre ces deux peuples à la langue et aux cultures différentes.
Mission and Objectives

10 membres fondateurs
Plus de 50 élus adhérents
Débats, rencontres, projets intergenerationnels ( politique et economique)
L'ambassade du Maroc en France, Renault, L'ambassade de France au Maroc, Attijari wafa Bank et tous les elus qui le souhatent.

Main Projects / Activities

Déplacement de marocians immigrés agés de France dans les nouvelles usines Renault au Maroc en 2016

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Salah Bourdi
Job Title (2)

Paulina test

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
General Information
Dear Mari- Liis,   This is a test to check if everything is working correctly. Please decline this application and let Paulina know when you have done so succeffully :)   Best, Paulina
Mission and Objectives

test test

Main Projects / Activities

test test

Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina test
Head of the organisation
Paulina test