Association AFRAK

National Network

ifrane Anti Atlas 81102 GUELMIM

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
AFRAK est une association sans but lucratif qui a pour vocation de faire valoir les principes de citoyenneté, de tolérance, d’égalité et de solidarité. Au sein de la société, elle vise l’organisation d’activités destinées aux jeunes pour lutter contre les différentes formes de précarité, et aussi pour développer chez eux un comportement citoyen en leur proposant des activités culturelles, intellectuelles, artistiques et sportives. L’association s’intéresse aussi à la préservation de l’environnement pour la mise en place d’une variété de projets destinés à valoriser les ressources naturelles et les protéger de la pollution et de l’exploitation sauvage. En plus, l’association incite les jeunes et les femmes à s’insérer activement dans la société par la mise en place de différentes activités à caractère sociale visant à développer leurs conditions de vie et stimuler leur participation à la gestion de la chose publique.
Mission and Objectives

Notre association a comme objectifs: 1. Les travaux sur le déploiement et la consolidation des valeurs: la citoyenneté, la tolérance, l'égalité et la solidarité entre la population, et le travail bénévole. 2. Préparation et mise en œuvre des programmes d'alphabétisation et l'éducation non formelle et l'enseignement primaire, et de fournir des services sociaux et éducatifs. 3. Les travaux sur l'achèvement de la sensibilisation et de la sensibilisation et de la formation dans le domaine de la santé et les droits des projets de femmes. 4. contribuer à l'enseignement de la langue et la culture amazighes et de les protéger et de les faire connaître et d'encourager toutes les formes de créativité en tamazight. 5. Le travail d'éduquer les jeunes et les femmes et de les aider à intégrer dans la vie publique et à renforcer leurs capacités dans les domaines du développement et de la participation dans la gestion des affaires locales; 6. la défense des droits des femmes, des jeunes et des enfants et d'encourager leur insertion dans la vie publique 7. contribuer au développement social et économique et la création de clubs et les coopératives et les activités génératrices de revenus pour les jeunes et les femmes. 8. organiser des séminaires et des festivals culturels et intellectuels, artistiques et sportives dans divers domaines. 9. La coopération et la coordination avec les associations et les organisations locales et les questions nationales et internationales d'intérêt commun. 10. attention aux enfants en offrant des activités et des sports éducatifs et culturels et l'utilité technique. 11. Fournir un soutien éducatif aux élèves des leçons et des étudiants de tous les niveaux. 12. contribuer à améliorer la situation des personnes ayant des besoins spéciaux et de défendre leurs droits. 13. Sensibilisation à l'importance de la conservation et de protection de l'environnement contre toutes les formes de pollution et de campagnes d'hygiène et de reboisement.

Main Projects / Activities

L’association fourni aux citoyens de diverses activités comme : • La mise en place des campagnes de sensibilisation aux profits des femmes dans le milieu rural sur la santé (préservation contre les maladies graves), et sur leurs droits civils. • La mise en place d’un programme permanent de lutte contre l’analphabétisme sous la supervision de la délégation de l’éducation nationale • Des formations aux profits des jeunes sur : la gestion administrative et financière des associations, l’entreprenariat, les techniques de communication, la planification stratégique… • Des cours de soutien en faveur des élèves et étudiants en situation difficile • La mise en place d’un projet de préservation et de valorisation des Oasis à la région d’ifrane anti atlas en partenariat avec l’union international pour la conservation de la nature • Des exposés magistraux et des chantiers pratiques sur plusieurs thèmes et sujets qui concernent la jeunesse.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Y Artist Residency Athens

National Network

Valtinon 62
11474 Athens

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Research
General Information
Y is an artist residency based in Athens using mobility as a tool for artistic experimentation and social engagement. We provide accommodation and working spaces for international and local applicants along with a shared space which may be used on a project basis by our residency program participants, as well as by local or visiting individuals, groups or initiatives for production, research, exhibitions, lectures, workshops, performance and presentations. Responding to the needs of our times, artists are challenged to operate in a global scale. The globalization of local knowledge and the wide propagation of ideas through the Internet or other international networks, has significantly affected modern thought and artistic practice, while simultaneously provides artists with the opportunity to diffuse their work to a global audience. Under these circumstances, each artist becomes less dependent to national attributes and more receptive to global concerns and contributes to the formulation of a new language, which is to play a promising role. Within this global mobility scheme – as it is expressed either through art foundations hosting artists from abroad who act at a local level and exhibit their work, or through the artists themselves who are expanding their global presence – we invite applicants to critically consider and reflect on the event of mobility in relation to modern issues of survival, in whichever form they might be expressed, as immigration, gentrification, discrimination, civil rights, etc.
Mission and Objectives

We prompt cross-disciplinary work and we seek to collaborate with artists, critical thinkers, historians, anthropologists, urban planners, architects, linguists and translators, and creative people in order to research the future of the city and co-produce and shape the vision of Y residency. Topics such as utopia-dystopia, public space and the everyday life, art and effectiveness, social and geopolitical borders are at the epicenter of our interests.
People who are interested to get involved are strongly encouraged to apply to our residency program or contact us individually. Applicants are selected on merit, creativeness and experimentation, and in relation to the Y’s thematic focuses.

Main Projects / Activities

Y offers a platform open to public activities, lectures, workshops, discussions, screenings, performances and presentations. Each year, Y will focus on specific topics of interest and will invite people from diverse backgrounds and origins to give talks, presentations and lectures.  We encourage our artists-in-residence to engage and shape our activity agenda.
Moreover, Y fosters the interconnection of theory and practice. We believe that theory and practice are necessary to each other and work complimentary. Y will invite theorists and practitioners to collaborate in LABς that are based on experimentation and to co-create towards the idea of social transformation. Through this effort, Y seeks to create an ongoing conversation of art with a broad spectrum of disciplines, such as anthropology, architecture and philosophy.
Get involved -> suggest a talk, presentation, lecture, workshop, lab, action. We support initiatives that promote interdisciplinarity and we encourage people with diverse interests and backgrounds to propose their own formats and ideas. Send us your activity proposal, a timeframe and a bio.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

At Y, we see Greece as the intersection between Eastern and Western cultures due to its geopolitical location, and we focus on the metropolis of Athens as the setting of a unique mobility phenomenon. This phenomenon is being triggered by severe political and social transformations, which occur both as aftershocks of the economic and social crisis and as processes of global change.
Y functions as a lab that channels global concerns to a local level and vice-versa, and by promoting critical thought and artistic production it considers the future of the city and wishes to fabricate its civic web. We see Y as a “new third space” that facilitates the encounter of artists with diverse backgrounds and origins, broadens mentality and identity, and fosters the reexamination of the role of the arts towards the concern of social transformation with a beneficial impact.
In that sense, Y’s aim is to diffuse its mental and tangible elaborations to the urban landscape by researching and interviewing, connecting and engaging, working with neighborhoods and public space, reactivating abandoned spaces, interacting with the everyday life, and challenging the Imaginary of each individual separately and society as a whole.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We envision to broaden our program and to expand our partnership with local and international people, initiatives and organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonis Theodoridis
Head of the organisation
Antonis Theodoridis

Support Youth Leaders

National Network

Amman, Tala Center
Amman 11180

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Support Youth Leaders (SYL) is a Jordanian Institute intercultural leadership organization that aims to lay a foundation for dialogue, mutual understanding and knowledge sharing among young leaders from the Middle East, and Europe. SYL is designed to provide the participants with new skills, networks and innovative tools to strengthen their work to drive social change in their respective contexts.
Mission and Objectives

Our commitment is to gain knowledge and understanding of different cultures, their people, and to promote Jordan and Jordanian issues globally.

Main Projects / Activities

Trainings, Seminars, Youth Exchanges Programs, Youth Voluntary Services, Conferences, Youth Meetings, Networking and Cultural Experience abroad.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Building Institutional and individual capacity through development and change by way of peaceful and creative tools.

Enhancement of human morality and religious values.

Building local and international networks in support of women, youth and world peace issues.

Empower youth gender to improve their social, economic, health and political status.

Enhance dialogue within society and with other societies.

Organize and coordinate firm voluntary works, which serve human society

Create a network with leaders and decision-makers of the future

Prepare students, recent graduates and young professionals to maximize their capabilities in their personal and professional lives.

To offer Arab youth ways to freely express and have constructive conversations with each other and their communities about contentious topics.

Increase the quality of youth active participation in the society through local action and international exchange; and to focus on youth initiatives as a base for development; and to promote our visions of coexistence, diversity and pluralism

Builds the capacity of young people and promotes social cohesion among youth.  In addressing social development issues in the Middle Eastern and Europe Leaders,

Empowers youth to become well-rounded, socially responsible citizens.

Support Youth Leaders Working Direction
Our work is on different pillars:

Democracy / Active citizenship

European Citizenship

Human Rights

Women Rights

Intercultural Dialogue Peace and Conflict

Unemployment / Employability


Youth Policy

Integration of Minorities



Gender Equity

Involving youth in Society, Culture, Knowledge, – that carry the weight of our work on youth empowerment and social development in the world.

What We Do

Community Service Projects

Humanitarian Service Projects

International Understanding Projects

Educational Service Projects

Fundraising Projects (which are essential to cover the costs of community & humanitarian projects)

Services and Activities
The main product offerings in Support Youth Leaders for both sending and receiving are as following:


Exchanging Programs

Leadership Programs

international Programs



Youth Meetings

Volunteer (local and international EVS)

Networking and Cultural Experience abroad

Awareness Campaign

Work Shops

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Empower youth through scientific, culture, sports, and entrepreneurial activities and projects for purposes of developing their skills to improve their standard of living.

Provide support to youth across Jordanian governorates.

Contribute to development and charity work as well as to the enhancement of social, philanthropy, and volunteer work.

Establishing associations and non-profit companies, assisting, or participating in, in according with the applicable legislation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayat Qteshat
Job Title
Co Founder
Head of the organisation
Ayat Qteshat
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayah Tarwaneh
Job Title (2)
Co Founder

Fig Leaf Studios

National Network

Building No.17 - Hassan Zaghmour Street - Miami - Alexandria - Egypt

+2 01221172554
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
FIG LEAF STUDIOS was founded in 2005, and acclaimed as one of Egypt’s leading houses for audio-visual productions. FIG LEAF STUDIOS focuses on innovative concepts and creative approaches. Experience of the in-house team is a blend of award-winning feature films, documentaries, commercials, music videos, and integrated media content. Services of FIG LEAF STUDIOS range from outsourcing facilities & equipment’s to consultancy (script – production..etc.), aside from diversified technical on-the-spot services, such as editing, sound design, shooting, probing, scoping and post-production services. FIG LEAF strives to support independent filmmaking, and believes that it is the sole driver of advancing, promoting and regenerating creative industry in Egypt and MENA region. Thus, it dedicates all its resources as to maintain and secure various means of production, whether it be monetary, technical expertise, and/or training, working on revitalizing cultural and arts movement in Egypt, and MENA. Since foundation, FIG LEAF STUDIOS produced over 200 audio-visual projects in partnership with AFAC, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Swedish Institute, UN, Google, COSPE and others. Projects ranged from feature, experimental, documentaries, and short films, which were officially screened in international film festivals to documentation of sustainable developmental projects funded by USAID, GIZ, SIDA and others, in different sectors and cities of Egypt. FIG LEAF STUDIOS managed to maintain a sound network of collaborators, local, regional and global to fulfill its mission. FIG LEAF STUDIOS, believe that arts empower both the curators and audiences.
Mission and Objectives

Fig Leaf's mission is nourish senses of audience with visual arts through all communication channels.
Our objectives cover a wide spectrum of scopes:

Serve as an incubator and experimental lab for novice adventurers

Provide mentoring and capacity building for independent film-makers

Excel ranking of Egyptian independent film-making globally

Provide integrated marketing communications for International and Local non-profits to convey messages, raise awareness and promote causes using visual arts

Main Projects / Activities

Production House
FIG LEAF as a pool of highly creative professionals working towards creating unique and out of the box content for our clients. We have strong industry alliances, in house production and post-production facilities, and a spectrum of talents. FIG LEAF STUDIOS’ team of Creative Directors, Line Producers, Production coordinators, Video editors, and sound engineering, pull out all the stops to bring in a unique perspective and sensitivity to all projects. FIG LEAF STUDIOS has recently established distribution and sales channels to cover MENA and Europe. Hence empowering and engaging local creative minds with regional and global markets.
FIG LEAF STUDIOS, has proudly produced the Swedish Fiction Film Under the Pyramid, for 2014, of a total budget exceeding a million EGP. FIG LEAF STUDIOS have a risk management and operation monitoring team which feeds into benchmarking of market quality.
FIG LEAF STUDIOS was the production company for Microphone Film, which introduced the underground bands of Alexandria to main stream public and star-system commercial films. Where sales and distribution of independent films were profoundly established, and allying with different segments of film-making industries facilitated large scale productions and regional distributions.
Creative Team
We provide our clients with strategies of establishing  a market profile using film production techniques. Our branding and marketing strategies are altogether mixed in our creative labs, to produce all media and formats – TV/CINEMA, corporate, and interactive web/digital campaigns including social media platforms.   
Film School
FIG LEAF STUDIOS partnered with Jesuit Cultural Center in Alexandria to run Film School for three years in a row. Where FIG LEAF STUDIOS provide technical content management of taught curriculum, mentorship and it’s studios for graduates to edit and design sound of their graduation projects. So far around 27 students were graduated, with a 30% of them being international award winners and officially selected in renowned film festivals.
International Causes, Non-Profit
FIG LEAF STUDIOS have been bridging the gap in the outreach of non-profit organizations both to their target beneficiaries and main stream public by introducing film products tackling causes such as HIV, cultural heritage, ecology, climate change….etc. Films produced for socio-economic and cultural causes were awarded local and international recognition awards for artistic content and supporting active role of creative industries in leveraging the awareness of community.
Ramady, film funded by CARITAS on HIV, featuring Abdel Aziz Makhyoun
FIG LEAF STUDIOS empowers the independent film-makers by extending it’s sound expertise and established networks to emerging boomers. Aside from line production, casting, scouting and executive production, FIG LEAF STUDIOS support post production, distribution and sales of documentaries and indies, to regional MENA channels and Europeans, such as MAROC 2M for francophone Maghreb, Rotana, AlArabiya and others.
Going in parallel is submitting the films to international festivals such Venice, Toronto, Dubai and others. Where quality made difference and positioned Egyptian independent film-making on the global map.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mark Lotfy
Job Title
Founder & Chairman
Head of the organisation
Mark Lotfy

Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development

National Network

Rr. Bylis 12, Autostrada Tirane - Durres, Km.5,
Kashar, KP 2995

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 696089130
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Research
General Information
Co-PLAN is a non-profit organization that has contributed to sustainable development by enabling good urban and regional governance, tackling key environmental issues, developing civil society, impacting policies, and promoting community participation knowledge-making since 1995. The organizational structure of Co-PLAN is expertise-oriented, whereby each expertise is developed and supported by individual teams. The activity of Co-PLAN is built upon four expertise areas: namely Spatial Planning and Land Development, Urban and Regional Governance, Urban Environmental Management, with Research constituting a cross-cutting, shared feature by all three teams.
Mission and Objectives

At the core of Co-PLAN’s activity is the work with people and institutions, to foster tangible social transformation and positive change on the ground by inducing change-driving knowledge in our society for smart management of our habitat. Co-PLAN fulfils this mission through means of pilot activities and advisory services financed by national and international institutions and direct involvement with communities, local government units and other non-governmental organizations in the field of urban and regional management, environmental management, and municipal finance.

Main Projects / Activities

Co-PLAN has a long-standing experience and an extensive research portfolio in matters pertaining to our thematic areas, particularly in the realm of environmental assessments, territorial management, preparation of strategic plans, and development strategies; preparation of urban regulatory plans; local government service provision; informal settlements integration, etc. The projects, in which Co-PLAN has engaged over the years and continues to date, have been its own designed projects, or projects in which Co-PLAN has acted as a key local counterpart for major donor funded projects on development work. Over the years, Co-PLAN has acquired significant experience with numerous Funding Agencies and institutions, e.g. the European Commission, UNDP, USAID, the World Bank, the Dutch Government, the Austrian Development Agency, Open Society Foundation, and has successfully collaborated with them on a number of projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Trusted Partner; know-how exchange;

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have successfully implemented an ALF funded project in the past, and through that managed to nurture valuable partnerships. We would be pleased to be able to exchange in a wider network of organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aida Ciro
Job Title
Strategic Communication Expert
Head of the organisation
Dritan Shutina
Contact (2) Full Name
Ledia Lika
Job Title (2)
Office Administrator

Savanoriu centras (Volunteer center)

National Network

Algirdo 31
11203 Vilnius

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Volunteer Center is a non-profit public institution. Our main fields of expertise are promotion of volunteering; civic engagement and good governance; sustainable and social development, non-formal education. We have man partnerships with most of NGOs in Vilnius and we work as a bridge between volunteers and organizations in Vilnius, helping people to find organizations where to volunteer and also helping NGO's to find volunteer.  Also one of our activities is to conduct seminars and workshops about volunteering in schools and other educational institutions.  

Mission and Objectives

Mission of the center – organization and coordination of the volunteering ideas & activities in the city of Vilnius; Goals of the center: 1. To create a civil society and to stimulate civic engagement in Vilnius; 2. To develop and stimulate volunteering activities in Vilnius; 3. To help individual volunteers and organizations to find each other. The center is like a bridge between volunteers and organizations in Vilnius; 4. To engage people in the discussions about volunteering and keep volunteering in the front of the strategic decisions; 5. To provide educational and training opportunities for both youth and elder persons;  

Main Projects / Activities

Activities of the center: 1. Consultation, non-formal education, trainings; 2. Organization of civic campaigns, conferences and forums, volunteering activities; 3. Raising awareness on the importance of voluntary activities and promotion of them; 4. Development and growth of the volunteering traditions and formation of the positive image of volunteering; 5. Organization of different volunteering projects for both youth and elder people; 6. Non-formal education of the youth via volunteering.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a lot of experience in project writing, volunteer management and coordination. Also made partnerships with many local NGOs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

At the moment we are working in the local and national dimension, but we would like to start organizing international projects as well.

Contact (1) Full Name
Brigita Baskeviciute
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Brigita Baskeviciute
Contact (2) Full Name
Ieva Simonaviciute-Kasetiene
Job Title (2)

Fundación Iberoamericana de Industrias Culturales y Creativas

National Network

Apartado de Correos 290 (C/ Hidalgo, 47)
13700 Tomelloso

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
FIBICC is a non- profit institution that promotes training, cooperation and specific research in the fields of culture, art and creativity, in Europe, Latin America, Africa and MENA countries. FIBICC’s team consists of  6 interdisciplinary staff members and of 10 volunteers who regulary contribute in the activities of FIBICC.Our budgetary ressources consists of 300.000 € per year. Our 60% of  sources of funding are obtained from own funds (activities of La Harinera Museum, trainings…). Our 40% of sources of funding are obtained from public and european funds ( Spanish Ministry of Culture and Education, Spanish Youth Institute, Erasmus + programme. Our modalities of action are mainly cooperation projects , exchanges of good practices and contributions to peers seminars, training and non-formal education. We work closely with international and european partners, particularly through international networks as for example ENCATC, Res Artis, Plataform for Intercultural Europe, Transibérica, TEH, EENC…
Mission and Objectives

Fibicc's mission is to contribute to the development of the social and economic development through the promotion of cultural entrepreneurship, creative community support schemes, the establishment of collaborative networks and through research of cultural policies and management models in field of creative industries.
- Supporting those who want to innovate in the field of culture and creativity worldwide, from entrepreneurs to managers, designers, programmers and researchers.
- Contributing to the development of top professionals in the industry through our educational programmes in collaboration with several universities and academic institutions.
- Encouraging the development of culture in Spain, Latin America, Africa, and MENA countries.
- Making regular research and divulgation work in order to help consolidate and improve practices within an industry with a long road ahead.

Main Projects / Activities

-Promotion of Spanish and Latin American culture, with a special focus on the use of new technologies.
-Promotion and encouragement of cultural and creative industries throughout the Spanish territory, with a special interest in supporting young cultural actors, and therefore entrepreneurship.
-Promotion of research and development of technological and digital media tools for cultural and creative entrepreneurs.
-Strengthening of vocational education and specialized training in the sector.
-Promotion and contribution to scientific research and dissemination in the field of cultural economy.
-Promotion of international development cooperation in the field of arts and culture.
-Transmission of the social economy's values.
-Cultural programation in our own Museum in La Harinera,
(exhibition, music hall, etc. ) and creation of a virtual Museum " La Fábrica de la Memoria" (recuperation of women history).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share new skills, new perspectives in art, culture and creativity areas... by participating with the partners involved in the ALF national Network and exchanging of good practices. We can also participate to the activities proposed by the ALF national Network as for example seminars, papers... 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network in order to develop and strengthen new partnerships and consequently new projects with the MENA Countries, which are a priority in our strategic actions plan.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sophia Lamsiyah
Job Title
Head of Department - International Relations and Cooperation.
Head of the organisation
Santiago Arroyo Serrano

IASEM - Istituto Alti Studi Euro Mediterranei

National Network

via CAINI, 6

0039 366 4895468
Telephone (other)
0039 366 1019902
0039 080 2140892
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
IASEM, Institute of High Euro Mediterranean Studies, is an independent institute born in 2011 with the aim to contribute in supporting policies in cooperation, economic interactions and cultural exchanges in Mediterranean areas, as geopolitical and geo-economic zones are meant to become one of the most important points of convergence for decision-making and global renewal in the next decades.
Mission and Objectives

IASEM intends to contribute to the creation of a shared euro-Mediterranean space, through specific actions which include:

Promotion of research and studies in the following areas: International Relations, Cultures and Religions, Economics and trade, Migration flows.

Higher Education by organizing seminars, summer and winter schools, developing a forte in strategic basis for cooperation in the Mediterranean.

Cultural exchanges, by substantiating partnerships and agreements between institutions, companies, universities, research centres and associations.

Consulting on international exchange projects, involving mainly Europe, Maghreb, Near East, Middle East and the Gulf countries.
IASEM uptakes the scientific and cultural collaboration by international researchers and Mediterranean experts, raising and maintaining every event at a high scientific level with a strong, realistic and practical character

Main Projects / Activities

MCH - Mediterranean Common House Network: 
MCH – Mediterranean Common House is a Network of Institutes, Universities, Research Centres, Foundations, Associations, which work on Mediterranean issues and cooperate in a new process of Mediterranean integration.  
The project aims to promote concrete spaces for dialogue and reflection throughout the Mediterranean, with the goal of stimulating a common sensibility to establish a climate of peace, respect and mutual understanding, fruitful exchanges, stability in relations and mutual cooperation.
A community of women and men who share the same values.
It aims to involve in the process of “building” a common house both civil society and the authorities of the countries involved, in order to create a space for discussion at multiple levels, for giving continuously life to new ideas and for sharing  intellectual and human experiences.
Up against the many conflicts and crises that the Mediterranean countries live, it is necessary to work with a constant and organized effort, in the direction of raising a new global vision, where the conflict resolution pass through diplomacy and civil comparison and where the old reasons of the opposition are replaced by those of development of new ideas and visions.
Since its inception, IASEM organizes every year Summer School in Euro-Mediterranean Strategy, with the aim of educating new generations on geo-political and strategic issues involving Mediterranean.
Previous editions:
Edition 2015 
23-26 September - Maratea, Italy, Partner: FEEM - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Edition 2013 “Turkey”
26-31 August 2013 - Izmir, Turkey Partner: Yasar University
Edition 2013 “Italy”
11-14 September 2013 – Maratea, Italy Partner: Basilicata region
Edition 2012
16-21 July 2012 – Ostuni, Italy
Partner: Konrad Adenauer Foundation/Puglia Region
Edition 2011
21-23 July 2011 Maratea, Italy
Partner: Konrad Adenauer Foundation/RFI – Italian railway network
Edition 2010
18-24 July 2010 – Maratea, Italy
Partner: Meseuro Foundation/Basilicata Region

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IASEM aims to create activities in Italy in cooperation with local Institutions and Authorities, Foundations, Centre of Research, Associations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

IASEM wants to join the ALF Network to cooperate with other Associations all around Mediterranean Area, in order to contribute to the Fondation's objectives.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Danish Mission Council

National Network

Peter Bangsvej 1
2000 Frederiksberg

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Religion
  5. Research
General Information
Danish Mission Council is an umbrella organization for 32 Danish Christian Missions. The council's secretariat is placed in Copenhagen, and member organizations spread through out Denmark. Staff at the council consists of general secretary, communications secretary, administrative secretary, and book keeper. Annual budget is 1,3 million DKK, funded by member organizations.  
Mission and Objectives

The council is engaged in network activities, capacity building, and acts as a center of knowledge for faith based organizations. Part of our focus is on intercultural relations and interrelgious understanding, especially in relation to freedom of religion and belief.

Main Projects / Activities

Network activities, capacity building among member organizations, and advocacy. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Knowledge and expertice in working with faith based organizations and their partners globally. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To strengthen our contacts with secular ngo's, working with dialogue and relation building. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonas Adelin Jørgensen
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Jonas Adelin Jørgensen


National Network

Strandvejen 104 st. tv.
3070 Snekkersten

+45 5051 4951
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Master of Positive Psychology. Have family in Greece.
Mission and Objectives

Make the world a better place to live fo all

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Vagn Hansen
Job Title
Head of the organisation